Plant cutter or rannik. What plant is popularly called cutter rannik. Plantain, cutworm, rannik, triputnik, seven-veiner, boil grass, roadway. Harvesting and storage of the wound cutter

By Notes of the Wild Mistress

There are many colors
Beautiful, careful.
But I like all
Common plantain.
To him, perhaps
And it's harder to grow
And yet he is with the people
Is on the way!
S. Baruzdin

The big plantain is also called differently by the people: seven-veiner, cutter, companion, rannik, chireva grass.

generic name plantain It is derived from the Latin words planta - foot and agere - to move, as the leaves pressed to the ground resemble a footprint. In ancient Greece, it was called "arnoglossa" due to the fact that its leaves look like sheep's tongue.

The Russian names "plantain", "fellow traveler" are associated with its habitat near the roads. Another group of names - "cut", "frame", "boil grass" - are given to the plant for its pronounced wound healing properties. According to the stories, these properties were discovered like this.

One day, two snakes, located on the road, basked in the sun. Suddenly a wagon came round the corner. One snake managed to crawl away from the road, the other lingered and the wheel ran over it. The people sitting in the cart saw how the first snake, which remained unharmed, crawled away, but soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident seemed to give people the idea to use the plant to heal wounds.

So it was or not, but the use of plantain in medicine it is known for at least 2 thousand years. Hippocrates and Galen used it. Dioscorides called it multi-ribbed or seven-ribbed (according to the number of veins). Avicenna believed that "... it is extremely good for ulcers ... Its leaves are knitted ... They prevent bleeding, and when dried, they contribute to the healing of old and fresh ulcers, and there is nothing better for ulcers." And another interesting recommendation: “When lentil stew is boiled and put there plantain instead of beets, such a stew is useful for dropsy.

"In the Middle Ages, it was used for diseases of the lungs, stomach, various kinds of bleeding, tumors, diseases of the ear and eyes, as an anti-febrile agent. "
Three of its roots, take, grind, and mix with them
Three kiaths of wine and water in equal measure
All this should be drunk with a fever to the patient to tremble,
So you will drive out the fever that is called the three-day fever, -
written in the poem "On the properties of herbs."

The use of plantain in folk medicine

In folk medicine, it is used as a freshly ground mass for long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers. The same mass is used for stings of bees, wasps and even snakes. It has not only an analgesic effect, but also prevents the appearance of edema. It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Plantain seeds are used as a harmless laxative.

In scientific medicine plantain grass and leaves are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and peptic ulcer with low acidity of gastric juice. Apply an infusion prepared at a concentration of 1:20 or 1:10. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day for a month. Fresh leaf juice has a bacteriostatic effect and can be used as a wound healing agent.

Plantain large- herbaceous perennial with a fibrous root system and a rosette of large dark green leaves. The leaves are oblong-ovate, with an entire or rarely and coarsely serrated edge, have several arcuate very strong veins - vessels. Thanks to these veins, plantain leaves do not break and successfully resist trampling. When the sheet is torn off, they remain on the cliff in the form of thin spirals.

By the beginning of summer, several flower arrows 20-30 cm high rise from the middle of the leaf rosette. They end with an inflorescence of spikes, consisting of inconspicuous brownish four-membered flowers. The fruits are capsules with a large number (5-34) of small brown seeds. One plant can produce up to 60 thousand seeds. The outer layer of their shell is mucous, when water gets in, they become very mucilaginous, become sticky. Sticking to human shoes, hooves, paws of animals, they are transported over long distances.

It is believed that in this way the plantain came to America. Sticking to the shoes of the first settlers, the hooves of horses, its seeds crossed the ocean and moved deep into the mainland. Wherever white people settled, the plantain soon followed them. It was called "the footprint of the white man" by the Indians.

Now it is found everywhere, with the exception of the Far North. It even appeared on the islands of Antarctica, where penguins spread it. The method of distribution explains its adherence to roads: it settles along the paths of intensive movement of people, vehicles, and animals.

Adapted to trampling. Even a riddle for this case was invented: “He lay down in a layer near the road, scattered his arms and legs. They beat him with a boot, they beat him with a wheel, he doesn’t care, even hit him with a brick. Interestingly, its leaves accumulate less toxic substances than other plants living along busy highways.

Not once, not twice hurting his legs
You helped with your healing power.
Plantain! You always grow along the way.
Did you grow up when there were no roads in the world?
M. Vladimirov

plantain leaves have a rich chemical composition. They contain aukubin glycoside, choline, vitamin K, carotene, tannins, polysaccharides.

"Young leaves in spring are used in salads as vitamin greens. Soups are made from them in the Far East and the Caucasus."

The poet I. Tikhonov speaks about the popularity of plantain among the people:

Panacea, panacea -
life grass,
About you will not be scarce
In the villages of the northern rumor ...
...Black forest, meadow
Yes, reap
Along the field path
Plantain leaves spread,
My old companion.

Cutweed is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green thick stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has a special aroma due to small purple flowers. They are collected in elegant umbrellas. A strong straight stem grows up to 50 cm in height. The cutter blooms from mid-June to the end of August. It is distributed in the Far East and in typical forest-steppe zones of Siberia. Poreznik prefers meadows, the outskirts of forests and old fallows. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, grass is harvested during flowering, and seeds and roots - in September.

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of the cutworm contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop the bleeding, you should attach the grass to the wound and bandage it. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutweed seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and in pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, hernia and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancerous tumors, it can be taken orally or miraculous poultices can be made. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for severe toothache. For wound healing, it is necessary to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. Such a gruel has a proven wound healing effect.

Cutweed is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has an excellent aroma, as it is emitted by small purple flowers. Nature has gathered them into elegant umbrellas. The stem can grow up to 50 centimeters in height. Poreznik is common in the Far East, the forest-steppes of Siberia. Poreznik loves to grow in meadows, the outskirts of forests and old fallows.

The plant has not only an attractive appearance, but also a great smell. For this reason, it is often used in decorative compositions.

Harvesting and storage of the wound cutter

Poreznik blooms from mid-July to the end of August, during this period of time it is worth collecting raw materials. For medicinal use, the herb is harvested during flowering and the seeds and roots are harvested in September.

Application in everyday life

Cutworm is often used as a spice. It is very suitable for dishes containing meat and fish. The piquant shades of this plant give the food a great taste. In practice, there is experience in the use of cutter as an ornamental plant for compositions.

The composition and medicinal properties of the cuticle rannik

  1. The cutter contains a large amount of essential oil.
  2. There is also a huge amount of protein, fiber, extracts and various trace elements. For these reasons, this plant is used for cuts.
  3. The diuretic effects that cuticle produces are also widely known. For this reason, it is often used for any inflammation.
  4. The fresh roots are used as a poultice for severe toothache.
  5. In order for wounds to heal faster, the grass needs to be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water.

The use of the wound cutter in folk medicine

Remedy for cuts

If any cut is accidentally made, it is useful to apply some cutter to the wound. Next, you need to bandage the wound, and it will heal very quickly.

Infusion for hemorrhoids

In order to get rid of hemorrhoids, you should insist the leaves of the cutter in boiling water for several hours. After this procedure, you need to strain the resulting liquid and use it four times a day before meals.

Decoction for hernia

Take one hundred grams of raw materials and add to boiling water, keep it for 30 minutes and put it on the windowsill. After two days, the infusion is used orally three times a day before meals.

Decoction for suffocation

It is useful for a long time to keep a decoction of suffocation nearby just in case. For this, the raw materials are put on fire and poured with water. It is better to add lemon balm or sage to a boiling liquid. After forty minutes, the broth should be filtered and put in a dark place.

Cuticle as a diuretic

For a diuretic, you should not resort to sophisticated recipes. You just need to make tea from the cutter and drink it several times a day. With any inflammation, the diuretic effect greatly reduces pain and promotes rapid recovery.

Infusion against epilepsy

Take two teaspoons of cutworm seeds and slowly pour them with 250 milliliters of boiling water. After that, the composition is poured into a tightly closed container and infused for one hour. It is recommended to use this infusion two tablespoons four times a day.

Contraindications for use

This plant does not have any harmful effects on the human body. For this reason, everyone can use it without fear of getting complications for their diseases. Exceptions may be allergic reactions, but for the entire practice of using this plant, such cases have not been identified.

Botanical characteristics of the cutworm rannik

Useful properties of the wound cutter

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of cutweed contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop the bleeding, you should attach the grass to the wound and bandage it. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutworm seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and when pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, hernia and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancerous tumors, it can be taken orally or make miraculous poultices. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for severe toothache. To heal wounds, you need to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. This slurry has a proven wound healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of the wound cutter

Certain contraindications to the use of the cutter have not been identified.

Poreznik is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green thick stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has a special aroma due to small purple flowers. They are collected in elegant umbrellas. A strong straight stem grows up to 50 cm in height. It blooms from mid-June to the end of August. It is distributed in the Far East and in typical forest-steppe zones of Siberia. Poreznik prefers meadows, forest edges and old fallows. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the grass is harvested during flowering, and the seeds and roots are harvested in September.

Useful properties of the wound cutter

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of cutweed contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop the bleeding, you should attach the grass to the wound and bandage it. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutworm seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and when pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, hernia and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancerous tumors, it can be taken orally or make miraculous poultices. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for severe toothache. To heal wounds, you need to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. This slurry has a proven wound healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of the wound cutter

Certain contraindications to the use of the cutter have not been identified.

among the people, the plant is a cutter or rannik and got the best answer

Answer from?Elena m?[guru]
Large plantain (seven-head cutter, companion, rannik, boil grass) - Plantago major L. Sem. Plantains - Plantaginaceae

The Russian names "plantain", "fellow traveler" are connected with its habitat near the roads. Another group of names - "cut", "rannik", "boil grass" - are given to the plant for its pronounced wound healing properties. According to the stories, these properties were discovered like this. One day, two snakes, located on the road, basked in the sun. Suddenly a wagon came round the corner. One snake managed to crawl away from the road, the other lingered and the wheel ran over it. The people sitting in the cart saw how the first snake, which remained unharmed, crawled away, but soon returned with a plantain leaf, with which it healed the victim. This incident seemed to give people the idea to use the plant to heal wounds. So it was or not, but the use of plantain in medicine has been known for at least 2 thousand years. Hippocrates and Galen used it. Dioscorides called it multi-ribbed or seven-ribbed (according to the number of veins). Avicenna believed that "it is extremely good for ulcers ... Its leaves are knitted ... They prevent bleeding, and when dried, promote the healing of old and fresh ulcers, and there is nothing better for ulcers." And another interesting recommendation: "When lentil stew is boiled and plantain is put there instead of beets, such a stew is useful for dropsy."
In the Middle Ages, it was used for diseases of the lungs, stomach, various kinds of bleeding, tumors, diseases of the ear and eyes, as an anti-febrile agent.

Dense-flowered cutweed (Libanotis condensata L).
Gill-shaped cutworm (Libanotis seseloides Turcz).
Intermediate cutter (middle) (Libanotis intermedia Rupr).
Family Umbelliferae.

Dense-flowered cutweed

Perennial herbaceous plant. Stems - pubescent only at the nodes, finely furrowed, with a cavity. Basal leaves are twice pinnate, oblong, on long petioles, 2–6 cm wide and 5–15 cm long. The upper leaves are smaller.

Umbrellas - consist of 12-15 lanceolate leaflets, 3-7 cm across, with short-pubescent rays; calyx teeth subulate, downy, 2-3 times shorter than pink or white or petals.

Plant height 30–80 cm.

Flowering time: June - July.

The dense-flowered cutweed grows in mountain meadows and floodplains of mountain rivers in Eastern and Western Siberia, in Northern Sakhalin, in the Amur Region of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Perennial herbaceous plant. The leaves are thrice pinnate, green above, paler below, 1–2 mm wide and 5–10 mm long, terminal leaflets linear-lanceolate, contiguous. Plant height up to 1.2 m tall.

Gill-shaped cutweed is found in the South Kuril Islands, South Sakhalin, in the Amur Region, Primorye.

In Transbaikalia, grass powder is sprinkled on wounds. Japanese folk medicine uses a decoction of the roots as an analgesic, antipyretic and diaphoretic for joint and headaches.

Close species of Poreznik are used in folk medicine as a sedative, analgesic and antispasmodic. A decoction of fruits and an infusion of herbs are used for menstrual disorders, epilepsy, and urolithiasis.

Mode of application.

♦ Pour a teaspoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take three times a day for a tablespoon for menstrual disorders, epilepsy, urolithiasis.

Intermediate cutter (medium)

Perennial herbaceous plant. Stem - strongly ribbed, knotty, grayish-green, straight, up to 120 cm high. Leaves - twice or thrice pinnate with oblong incised-serrated leaves, alternate, vaginal. Flowers - 5-petaled in umbrellas with 25-30 rays, with many-leaved wrappers, white, small. The fruits are two-seeded.

Flowering time: June - July.

Poreznik intermediate is distributed in Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, in the southeastern part of Eastern Siberia, in Western Siberia, in the European part of Russia. Grows in forest clearings, shrubs, steppe slopes, river banks, meadows.

In folk medicine, seeds (fruits), grass (flowers, leaves, stems) and plant roots are used for therapeutic purposes. Grass is harvested in June - July, seeds and roots - in the fall.

The plant has a carminative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and diuretic effect. The infusion of "seeds" is used orally for menstrual irregularities, hemorrhoids, and also for flatulence, as a carminative and for edema, as a diuretic.

Crushed fresh grass is applied to wounds as a good wound healing agent.

Mode of application.

♦ Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of cutworm seeds, leave for 30 minutes in a closed container and strain. Take 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: In therapeutic doses, the use of cuticle does not cause side effects.

Source: Lavrenova G. V., Lavrenov V. K. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

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Botanical characteristics of the cutworm rannik

Poreznik is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green thick stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has a special aroma due to small purple flowers. They are collected in elegant umbrellas. A strong straight stem grows up to 50 cm in height. It blooms from mid-June to the end of August. It is distributed in the Far East and in typical forest-steppe zones of Siberia. Poreznik prefers meadows, forest edges and old fallows. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the grass is harvested during flowering, and the seeds and roots are harvested in September.

Useful properties of the wound cutter

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of cutweed contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop, you should attach the grass to and bandage. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutworm seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and when pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for menstrual problems and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancer, it can be taken orally or make miraculous poultices. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for strong. To heal wounds, you need to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. This slurry has a proven wound healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of the wound cutter

Certain contraindications to the use of the cutter have not been identified.

Poreznik is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green thick stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has a special aroma due to small purple flowers. They are collected in elegant umbrellas. A strong straight stem grows up to 50 cm in height. It blooms from mid-June to the end of August. It is distributed in the Far East and in typical forest-steppe zones of Siberia. Poreznik prefers meadows, forest edges and old fallows. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the grass is harvested during flowering, and the seeds and roots are harvested in September.

Useful properties of the wound cutter

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of cutweed contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop the bleeding, you should attach the grass to the wound and bandage it. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutworm seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and when pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, hernia and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancerous tumors, it can be taken orally or make miraculous poultices. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for severe toothache. To heal wounds, you need to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. This slurry has a proven wound healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of the wound cutter

Certain contraindications to the use of the cutter have not been identified.

Herbal treatment is a very ancient art, information about which has survived to this day in a documented form. It is known that during archaeological excavations evidence was found that even in Mesopotamia, the sick were treated with herbs, this was six thousand years ago. The very first official data on herbal medicine comes from China - from about 2700 BC. Although there are other references to miraculous plants, also coming from China, they date from earlier years. Plants were also used in ancient Egypt, but not only in medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetics.

The fact that herbs were used to treat diseases is also mentioned in the Old Testament. You must have heard about "Ayurveda" - East Indian healing philosophy, which means "Science of Life"? It is this philosophy that has largely influenced the spread of herbal medicine around the world, as this philosophy has been using herbs for medicinal purposes for several millennia. To this day, some medical books of Ayurveda have been preserved, which were officially recognized by modern science as medical textbooks, despite the fact that they were written 3500 years ago.

In Europe, the first research on the use of herbs for medicinal purposes was carried out in the first century AD by a Greek physician named Dioscorides. But the Indians in America knew about the healing power of herbs long before the Europeans understood it, they transferred some of their knowledge to the pioneers. Until the beginning of our century, while the development and formation of the science of pharmacology took place, all medicines in the world were prepared exclusively using plants. The most respected people in cities and villages were those who were well versed in plants and knew how to treat people with their help.

In the past, people were treated not only with teas made from herbs, but also with oils, ointments, tinctures, extracts, poultices, all this could be prepared by herb collectors, translated into modern language - doctors. It was their ability to prepare medicines from plants that became the so-called progenitor of modern medicines, which now cost a lot of money. For example, digitalis, which is used to treat cardiac arrhythmia, was based on foxglove. Substances synthesized from the bark of the white willow are contained in all known and widely used aspirin. Theofedrine and ephedrine are found in a huge number of patent medicines, they are extracted from ephedra, which was used to treat colds and flu in China five thousand years ago. Currently, there are a large number of synthesized drugs.

Of course, we are all very grateful to our modern pharmacists, as they have invented a large number of medicines, thanks to which we can quickly recover from serious diseases that were fatal in the past. These medicines contain exact doses of the necessary substances that help with a particular disease. However, each drug has side effects, for this reason, our good old plants still do not lose their appeal. This is especially true of the moment when the disease is just beginning to develop and in order to get rid of it, we need a mild but effective remedy without side effects.

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