Where are the new banknotes of 200 rubles

On October 12, new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles were put into circulation in Russia. The cities depicted on them - Sevastopol and Vladivostok - were chosen by popular vote last year. First of all, banknotes will appear in the respective regions - in the Crimea and the Far East, as well as in Moscow.

“We expect that the mass introduction of banknotes will begin in December, when both banks and enterprises complete preparations,” said Elvira Nabiullina, head of the Central Bank.

The 200 ruble banknote is predominantly colored green. On its front side one of the symbols of Sevastopol is depicted - the Monument to the Scuttled Ships, and on the reverse side - a view of Tauric Chersonese.

The main color of the 2000 ruble banknote is blue. On the front side there is an image of the bridge to Russky Island, on the back - the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

On the front side of the bills there is a QR code containing a link to the page of the Bank of Russia with detailed information about the design and security features.

The denomination numbers are larger than on other denominations, and have a noticeable relief. It is made for people with low vision.

Both banknotes are printed on high-density cotton paper with polymer impregnation. It is assumed that this will provide their high wear resistance and extend the life in circulation.

Banknote 2000 rubles 2020 sample 2017 new in Russia

The description of the bill (banknote) "2000 rubles" (sample of 2017) in Russia is presented. There is also a photo of both sides of the bill: regular,image in the infrared (IR) range of the spectrum and in the ultraviolet (UV)spectrum range. A link is also given to the brochure (poster) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the signs of the authenticity of the banknote. isto reference: 1 - Wikipedia and 2 - CBRF.

According to data 1: The Bank of Russia initiated a competition in 2016on the choice of symbols for new banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles.The competition ran from June to October.Participants "Far East" and "Sevastopol" were declared the winners andwere published on the website your-russia.rf. Which of the two winners will be depicted on a banknote of 200 rubles, and which - on a banknote of 2000 rubles, was to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia. The Vostochny cosmodrome and the bridge to Russky Island were chosen as symbols of the Far East. Chersonese Tauride and the Monument to the Scuttled Ships were chosen as symbols of Sevastopol. The results of the competition were announced on October 7, 2016 on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel.On February 1, 2017, a message appeared on the website of the Bank of Russia stating that the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia had decided to issue banknotes of the Bank of Russia in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles. The symbols of Sevastopol will be placed on the banknote of 200 rubles, and the famous places of the Far East will appear on the banknote of 2000 rubles. The banknote of 2000 rubles became the only banknote with the image of the symbols of two cities at once (the cosmodrome is located near the city of Tsiolkovsky, the bridge is in Vladivostok).The presentation of banknotes took place on October 12, 2017, on the same day they were put into circulation.


Date of putting into circulation: 10/12/2017
Banknote size: 157 x 69 mm
The predominant color of the banknote: blue.

Description of the banknote

Front side
The main image of the front side of the banknote:Russian Bridge - a cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok, connecting Russky Island with the mainland of Vladivostok.

At the top left is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

In the lower right part there is a QR code containing a link to the page of the Bank of Russia website with a description of the security features of the banknote.
Back side

The main image of the reverse side of the banknote:Cosmodrome Vostochny.
In the upper right part of the banknote there is an inscription "2017" - the year of the banknote sample.
The banknote has two serial numbers located on the reverse side of the banknote and having a two-letter series designation and nine digits of the number. The left number has readability on the short side of the banknote, the right one - on the long side.

The banknote is made on white cotton paper.

Security fibers of two types are embedded in the paper - colored fibers with alternating sections of red and blue colors and gray fibers.

A diving holographic security thread 5 mm wide emerges on the surface of the front side of the banknote in figured windows.

photo banknote

Front side:

Reverse side:

Additional description of banknote security

Only the text is presented, images (together with the text) see the link above - the poster of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: On the signs of authenticity of the banknote of the Bank of Russia with a face value of 2000 rubles.


1. When the banknote is swayed, a moving bright shiny ring is observed on the stylized image of the sun.

2. When the banknote is turned away from itself / towards itself, the movement of individual denomination digits to the right and left relative to each other is observed on the security thread. At an acute viewing angle, repeated color images of the ruble symbol are visualized on a rainbow background. The 3D image of the ruble symbol is constantly observed between the images of the face value.

200 and 2000 rubles - a new decoration for the consumer's purse.

Before sighing with joy, squeezing Goznak's masterpiece of design thought in a fist, it is necessary to carefully study the design of banknotes, solidify visual and tactile identification features, remember the number of sheets for change from a five thousandth banknote.

The evolution of cash

Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina brought to the consciousness of Russian citizens that not only movable and immovable property is subject to planned modernization, but also means of payment for goods and services. To protect against counterfeiting, international practice recommends changing the design of money every 5-7 years, and after 15-20 years, changing the appearance of money altogether. The last modification was carried out in 2011. And the series now in circulation has been operating for 22 years. Therefore, new banknotes are introduced into circulation.

Travelers' club

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the young Republic began to issue money of its own design. Since history in the country is unpredictable, and it is impossible to predict who this or that historical figure will be announced in the morning, the decision on the external attributes of money has matured immediately and for a long time. The banknotes were decorated with views and landscapes of Russian cities.

A politically literate move solved two problems at once:

  1. He prevented debates and rallies about the interpretation of the role and importance of citizens, which served as a model for decorating the front side of money.
  2. He allowed the weakly protected sections of the federation's citizens to travel around the country "without leaving their wallets": you look at landscapes and landscapes on a banknote, you are filled with impressions, and you don't have to go anywhere, and spend money on a trip.

A competition was held among creative people. The jury examined six thousand proposals. For the final stage, 76 works depicting the sights of 49 regions were selected. We settled on such cities as Vladivostok and Sevastopol.

Design as the fruit of the work of the subconscious

Many copies have been broken in the controversy about the reasons that prompted the development of the Far East region and the disputed peninsula.

The jury assessed the competitive works of adults, and the composition was attended by connoisseurs and fans of the Mumiy Troll group. Ilya Lagutenko's masterpiece "Vladivostok 2000" inspired artists and was supported by bankers.

The peninsula is placed on a small 200-ruble cash as a notice: Crimea is Russian territory.

The artist of Goznak, now retired, Yuri Koverdyaev, shared his impressions of the developments. The ex-employee, relying on many years of experience, believes that money has “lost face” and has become similar to the currency means of payment of foreign states.

Maybe men don't need a unique look. But women will understand the author. It doesn’t inspire when you come to work, to the cinema or to the beach, and there four more “mymrs” came in exactly the same dress or swimsuit. Day down the drain.

Rationale for the release

But if the Chairman of the Central Bank, rated, by the way, as the Best Chairman of the Central Bank at the end of 2016, opted for the now approved design, then let's put up with someone else's taste and consider fresh money in more detail.

The release of new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles is planned in three stages:

  1. Product presentation.
  2. Initial placement in three regions.
  3. Mass emission.

The presentation of Russian cash took place on October 12, 2017. At the event, the reason was announced not for the simultaneous placement in circulation in Russia, but only in the capital, in the Crimea and the Far East: "to resist counterfeiters." Moreover, the mass transfer to people's wallets and ATMs will take place as early as December 2017.

It is not known how the masters “draw a ten in half an hour” will have time to turn around. But in social networks there were announcements “I will sell a new 200 ruble for 300”.

It was impossible to take a photo of the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles at the presentation. Spectators were invited to watch and take pictures of colorful visual aids.

Dense and empty

One of the reasons for issuing new banknotes of 200 and 2000 Russian rubles was the convenience of exchange for consumers' wallets. An example is given with When buying a product worth 100 rubles, change 4900 is required. In current banknotes, the options are assumed:

  • 4 for 1 thousand rubles and 9 for 100, total 13 bills;
  • 8 by 500 and again 9 by 100, for a total of 17 sheets;
  • 49 times 100; i.e. 49 sheets.

No wallet can withstand such volumes of paper.

But 2 times for two thousand, 4 times for 200 rubles and once for 100 - a total of 7 papers. A great relief to the wallet, cashiers and bank movers, shifting cash from the bag to the ATM.

You can, of course, talk:

  • on the number of residents of the country earning one and a half minimum wages;
  • on the amount of pensions and the subsistence minimum in the country;
  • about the menu of socially protected citizens and the cost of the budget menu.

It is unlikely that with a pension of 12 thousand rubles there are questions about the overcrowding of the purse with banknotes.

What do the heroes of the article look like?

Let's return to the appearance of the new Russian banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles. The developers of the project took care of people with visual impairments.

  1. The colors are chosen bright, like on a candy wrapper. The dollar does not compete in richness of color. But the euro is reminded, the resemblance is irrefutable.
  2. The numbers denoting the denomination are made large and in relief. Even if the buyer does not make out the color and number of digits, a visually impaired person will determine by touch how many zeros are on the money and what is the first digit.

Finally, justice prevailed - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation appeared on the money instead of the emblem of the Bank of Russia.

Readers are used to the fact that the number is located on the front side of the money. On the presented Russian money, the numbers are located on the back side, and twice: on the long side and on the short side.

The number of digits in the number increased to nine. On previously issued money in denominations of five to five thousand rubles, the number consisted of seven digits. . The number of digits has changed to two characters.

Samples of 2017 are made of cotton fiber with the addition of plastic. According to the authors of the project, the composition of the material increases the service life.

Hidden images and watermarks

The photo shows new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles with explanations of where and which are hidden and located.

On the front side of the banknote of 200 rubles, a monument to sunken ships is imprinted. The composition is located in the hero city of Sevastopol. The same sculptural composition is used as a watermark. There is a QR code at the bottom right. Smartphone owners can enter the bank's website by code and read information about security signs. The rest should recognize the original by touch.

On the back side of the money in denominations of 200 rubles there is a view. Under the picture there is a repeating text "Tauric Chersonesos". The background of the horizontally applied banknote number is decorated with micro-images of the flora and fauna of the peninsula.

The front side of the paper in 2000 rubles is crossed by the bridge to Russky Island in Vladivostok. On the reverse side there is an image of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

In addition to security features similar to those mentioned in the description of the 200-ruble note, the 2000-ruble note contains a special stripe on the left side margin of the front side. When the sheet is swayed, the inscription of the denomination and the symbol of the ruble is revealed, and all this is against a rainbow background. In the center of the banknote there is an optical security element, which acquires the form of a ring when the sheet is rocked.

QR code

This has not yet been applied to Russian rubles - the banknotes introduced in 2017 have a QR code. The quick response code, trademark, optical label are now also applied to the ruble. With the help of gadgets, a consumer can quickly scan a banknote and understand whether it is real or fake.

Buyers of super- and megamarkets will make life easier with cash registers equipped with code readers. People who are not armed with smartphones and other technology for remote access to information will have to rely on their own visual and tactile abilities.

Prospects for the Russian currency

The Central Bank assures that the appearance of banknotes put into circulation will not disperse inflation. Let's share the bankers' optimism. Positive prospects are pleasant.

But in 2018, for the World Cup, new cash will circulate in the country. Foreign fans occupy ATMs not only to buy the usual Big Mac and cola, as well as pay for hotel services, but also to take away a couple of banknotes in addition to matryoshka, vodka and balalaika as a keepsake. Russia will be flooded with dollars and euros. What will happen to the course?

On October 12, 2017, new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles entered circulation in Russia. The issuance of new banknotes always attracts increased attention from citizens, and this time the replenishment of the banknote range of the Russian ruble received wide publicity in the press. The main interest was caused by the novelty and innovativeness of the product (these are beautiful, modern and high-tech banknotes), the choice of regions represented on the images of banknotes by popular vote, as well as an interesting (non-standard) approach to verifying the authenticity of banknotes. Next, you will see how banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation look like, get acquainted with the history of their creation, and learn how to check them for authenticity.

What do banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles look like?

Appearance (photo) banknote 200 rubles

The banknote of 200 rubles has the symbols of the city of Sevastopol.

The front side depicts the architectural symbol of the city, the Monument to Scuttled Ships, erected in 1905 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the First Defense of Sevastopol.

On the reverse side - a view of the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Tauric Chersonese.

Green color prevails on the banknote. It is made on high-density white cotton paper with polymer impregnation, which will provide it with additional reliability and durability.

Appearance (photo) banknote 2000 rubles

The 200 ruble banknote features symbols of the city of Vladivostok and the Far East region.

The main image of the front side of the banknote - Russian Bridge (Golden Bridge) - is a cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok across the East Bosphorus Strait, connecting Russky Island with the mainland of Vladivostok.

The reverse side of the banknote depicts the launch complex of the Vostochny cosmodrome, the Russian cosmodrome in the Far East in the Amur Region.

The predominant color on this banknote is blue. It is made on white cotton paper.

History of creation

The people voted!

The history of the creation of the above banknotes is so curious that a whole book can be devoted to it, the genre of which, however, is difficult to determine. Moreover, despite the fact that the history of the appearance of each of these banknotes is completely different, they have much in common.

In 2016, the Bank of Russia announced a competition for the choice of symbols for new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles. From June to October, on the site Your-Russia.rf, an all-Russian popular vote was held to choose the region whose symbol will be presented on each of these banknotes. And as a result, on October 7, 2016, the regions of the Far East and Sevastopol reached the final, and until the last moment it was not known which of the two winning regions would be depicted on a banknote of 200 rubles, and which - on a banknote of 2000 rubles. This was to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

Recall that such cities as Vladimir, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Sergiev Posad and Sochi breathed in the back of the winners. Thus, we could see on the new banknotes Mamaev Kurgan with the sculpture “The Motherland Calls!”, the Kazan Kremlin or other equally famous symbols.

How it all began?

Let's look back a while and see how it all began in chronological order.

Step 1. Idea and filing a petition

And it all started, oddly enough, with the famous song of the Mumiy Troll group from the album Morskaya, released in 1997, which was called Vladivostok 2000. Remember, perhaps:

We're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving

Cleaner times will come

Beats native, blazing in ecstasy,

Vladivostok two thousand.

These very TWO THOUSANDS played a key role in our history with the light hand of the PROVODA advertising agency. In 2014, the agency staff came up with an interesting idea: “... why, over the almost 20 years of the existence of the song “Vladivostok 2000”, such an obvious combination of city and number in the context of money has not manifested itself in the information space” (for more details on how it was, read the article on agency website http://www.raprovoda.ru/vladivostok-2000-resonance - we warn you, there are a lot of letters!).

And away we go. In the same year, an official petition was filed on the website www.change.org addressed to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a proposal to issue a banknote with a face value of two thousand rubles with images of Vladivostok. A preliminary sketch of the banknote (concept) in the agency had already been developed by that time, and looked like this:

On the front side, it was supposed to depict the Golden Bridge across the Golden Horn Bay, which was built as part of the city's preparation program for the APEC summit, and opened in 2012 - it became the hallmark of the city and a symbol of the return of Russia's interests to the Far East.

On the reverse side there was an image of the Vladivostok funicular. It was opened in 1962 on the initiative of Khrushchev, who planned to turn Vladivostok into a "Soviet San Francisco".

Step 2. Promotion of the idea to the masses

The idea of ​​issuing the 2000th banknote appeared on Vladivostok communities in social networks, from where it later migrated to the main Primorsky media. Naturally, she received support from the fans of the Mumiy Troll group, who influenced the rest of the musical community. And, finally, the federal media picked up the idea, in particular, an exclusive interview was given to one of the business magazines, which played a significant role in its further promotion. After that, the whole country started talking about the possible appearance of a new banknote: various media wrote articles, videos were released on television, and people savored the idea on the forums, in general, a popular outcry arose.

Step 3. Refusal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

A few days later, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced that it did not plan to issue a banknote with such a denomination, since the existing nominal range of banknotes fully meets the needs of cash circulation. This became known in February 2015. Is all your efforts in vain?

Step 4. Incident with the Chinese news agency

In August 2015, the Chinese news service Xinhua (one of the world's largest news agencies) showed the Vladivostok 2000 banknote in a news story about the circulation of Russian and Chinese currencies in the border area. This news again raised a stir in the domestic media, which gave additional fuel to the already launched "project".

The topic rose again and was "replicated" among musicians and other figures of Russian culture.

Step 5. Bills to be!

On April 12, the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina, announced the issue of ruble bills in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles. The design of banknotes was supposed to be chosen at a popular vote, which was put into practice.

Thus, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation went to meet the wishes of the people and placed the symbol of Vladivostok on the 2000th banknote - the Golden Bridge, but he could show off on a banknote with a face value of 200 rubles. An idea launched by an advertising agency into the masses spread like a virus and eventually materialized.

As for the prehistory of the appearance of a two-hundred-ruble banknote, this is already the fourth banknote with such a denomination. It was first introduced in Russia in 1991 and reissued in 1992 and 1993. Details at this link.

Features of banknotes 200 and 2000 rubles

Key features

According to the General Director of Goznak JSC Arkady Trachuk, the specialists of the Central Bank and Goznak JSC set themselves the task of creating not only beautiful and modern, but also high-tech banknotes, resulting in an innovative product. The style of the developed design will be used in the modernization of old and the creation of new Russian banknotes. So we expect restyling of the entire banknote range in the future.

New technologies have provided the most popular banknote of 200 rubles with such an important advantage as durability. The banknote is more resistant to dirt and mechanical damage, which, according to calculations, should increase its service life by 1.5 times compared to other denominations.

Another important advantage is that the security features placed on the new banknotes make it much easier to determine their authenticity without the use of special technical means - you will have more chances to detect a fake without resorting to sophisticated manipulations, just look at the right angle, into the light, and run your fingers over the banknote .

Visually impaired people were not spared. New tactile security features, special marks along the edges of the banknote and large contrast images of the denomination with tactile properties were applied.

On the new banknotes, a number of machine-readable security features were redesigned, which made it possible to increase the reliability of processing banknotes by ATMs and other banking equipment.

Much attention was paid to ways to protect new banknotes from counterfeiting. For example, unique, unparalleled security threads were placed on them, in which three security features are combined: they appear when the banknote is swaying, when viewed at a certain angle, and also through the light. This greatly simplifies authentication by the public.

And, finally, one more novelty - on the front side of each banknote there is a coded link to the page of the Bank of Russia with detailed information about decoration and security features. The QR code can be read by any free application on your smartphone.

Video about banknotes from the State Sign below:

What do banknotes two hundred and two thousand rubles have in common?

Both in that and in the other banknote, the following features can be distinguished.

The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located on the front side of the banknotes at the top left. Security fibers of two types are embedded in the paper - gray fibers and colored fibers with alternating sections of red and blue colors.

The banknotes have two serial numbers located on the reverse side of the banknote and having a series designation of two letters and nine digits of the number. The left number is read on the short side of the banknote, the right number on the long side.

The image of the ruble symbol ₽ on these banknotes appears in several places: on a security thread, in microimages. The denomination figures are larger than on other denominations of the banknote series, and have a noticeable relief.

Distinctive features

A two hundred-ruble note has dimensions of 150 x 65 mm (this is the standard size for all banknotes from 10 to 500 rubles). Four fragments of a diving holographic security thread 3 mm wide emerge on the surface of its front side.

A denomination of two thousand rubles has dimensions of 157 x 69 mm (such an enlarged size is also in 1000 and 5000-ruble banknotes). A diving holographic security thread 5 mm wide emerges on the surface of its front side in the windows of a figured shape. Additional security elements, such as an optically variable element (the so-called movable ring, which moves when the banknote sways), significantly increase the level of security of this banknote.

How to check the authenticity of banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles?

Smartphone to help you!

If you are the owner of a smartphone, then the easiest way to check the authenticity of banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles is to download the official application of JSC Goznak "Banknotes 2017". It will allow using the camera of a mobile device to check your banknote for the presence of security elements, and issue a final conclusion on the detection of signs of authenticity. It is enough to point the camera at the banknote - the application will perform all the necessary checks.

In the section of this application called "Explore the banknote", you can find general information about the new banknotes. In the same place, you will be clearly demonstrated the protective signs controlled by the light, under a magnifying glass, by touch or by changing the angle of view. Very comfortable and beautiful.

And in the existing interactive mode, you will have the opportunity to "simulate" the manifestation of protective features, for example, when shaking the phone.

Check out what the Banknotes 2017 application can do in the official video from Goznak JSC:

Instructions for working with the mobile application.

Judging by the reviews, checking banknotes is not so convenient, especially if they are wrinkled or dirty, and the application is still damp at the time of this review, so all the authentication methods listed on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation come to our aid. They are made with both "armed" and "naked" eyes.

Verification of the authenticity of a banknote of 200 (two hundred) rubles

It is recommended to use information from the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to verify the authenticity of banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles, and of the entire banknote series. At this link you will find all the signs of the authenticity of two hundred rubles. Unfortunately, it is not very convenient to view them from a smartphone; they are designed, rather, for users of personal computers. But the Central Bank offers us to download all the protective signs in the form of a booklet (pdf-file), which you can see below.

Verification of the authenticity of the banknote 2000 (two thousand) rubles

You can get acquainted with all the signs of authenticity of a denomination of two thousand rubles on this page of the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

See below for a booklet with all the security features of authenticity.

Information taken from the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In addition, I would like to draw attention to the reminder of the Bank of Russia that in order to reliably determine the authenticity of a banknote, it is necessary to check at least three security features.

Image copyright Artyom Korotayev/TASS Image caption The new banknotes will have symbols of the Crimea and the Far East

New banknotes of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles have been put into circulation in Russia. They will go into mass circulation in December, the Bank of Russia said on Thursday.

How do they look?

Banknotes with a denomination of 200 rubles will be green. They contain the symbols of Sevastopol - a monument to the scuttled ships on the front side and a view of Tauric Chersonesos - on the back. The banknote is printed on cotton paper with polymer impregnation. As stated in a press release on the website of the Central Bank, this will ensure its high wear resistance and extend its life.

Banknotes of 2 thousand rubles will be blue. On the front side there is a bridge to Russky Island in the Far East, on the reverse side - the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

The symbols for the new banknotes were chosen during a competition in 2016. More than 5,000 applications were received, including 76 proposals with sights from 49 regions, according to a statement on the Central Bank's website.

The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, did not rule out that the design of banknotes could change over time, but "in the course of the planned modernization of banknotes." At a press conference in Moscow, she explained that such modernization is usually carried out once every five to seven years.

What to do with the Crimean symbols?

Sevastopol is located on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia in 2014. At a press conference at TASS, the head of the Central Bank was forced to answer a question from a Japanese television journalist whether the presence of Crimean symbols would undermine confidence in the Russian currency.

"The ruble and the value of the ruble, respect for the ruble is determined by the state of the Russian economy, its growth, the power of the state, the presence of gold and foreign exchange reserves. The symbols were selected by the population of Russia ... This reflects the desire of people to see these symbols on official banknotes," Nabiullina said.

What is unusual about them?

On the front side of each banknote there is a QR code, reading which you can read on the website of the Bank of Russia about the decoration of banknotes and their protection.

True, this is not the first time that QR codes have been placed on Russian banknotes. For the first time, a QR code was placed on a commemorative banknote of 100 rubles. But they were released in a limited edition of 20 million copies.

Image copyright Artyom Korotayev/TASS Image caption New banknotes will go into mass circulation in December

It is interesting that one of the symbols of Vladivostok really got on the banknote of 2000 rubles. Last year, on the Internet at Change.org, it was even proposed to sign a petition for the release of this banknote with views of this city.

"The collective unconscious offers us a combination that has long been on the surface -" Vladivostok 2000 ", once introduced by the Vladivostok group Mumiy Troll," the petition addressed to the Central Bank said. It was signed by 7.4 thousand people.

Why do we need new money?

The head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, spoke about the fact that new banknotes in denominations of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles will appear in Russia back in the spring of 2016. Now in Russia the smallest denomination is 50 rubles, the largest is 5 thousand rubles.

The head of the Central Bank previously explained the need for issuing new banknotes by saying that this "will make it easier for citizens to pay for various goods and services." Now, as Nabiullina said today, the nominal series of banknotes in Russia can be considered complete.

The issuance of additional banknotes in denominations of 200 rubles and 2,000 rubles is considered economically justified with inflation of 4-6 percent, she added.

“In principle, such banknotes simplify money circulation: in Russia, almost 70% of transactions are still carried out in cash, so a smaller breakdown should have been introduced,” Oleg Shibanov, professor of finance at the Russian Economic School, told the BBC Russian Service.

"Plus, these banknotes are more durable - they are partly made of plastic, so they will be cheaper to use. In my opinion, banknotes fill the void between denominations. This is even mathematically justified, since the need for exchange and the number of banknotes in operations will decrease," he added.

Earlier, the Republic wrote that the introduction of new denominations should reduce the wear and tear of small denominations and, consequently, the cost of printing them. The new banknotes will take over part of the load that now lies on hundreds and thousands - the most common banknotes in the total circulation.

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