18 weeks pulls lower back. Why can the stomach hurt in the second trimester? th week of pregnancy - changes in the body of a woman

18 weeks pregnant is 4.5 lunar months. The fetus grows up to 12.5-14 cm, weighs about 150 g, it has the rudiments of molars. If the baby is not pushing yet, then he is about to start. An important question - will a boy or a girl be born? – may also clear up in the coming days. It's time for the expectant mother to learn and master Kegel exercises.

medical standards

It is believed that with repeated births, it is at the end of this week that the baby can begin to noticeably move for the first time. Of course, these are all averages. Thin women feel the movements of their crumbs earlier, full - later.

If for some reason it is impossible to accurately determine the obstetric gestational age, then doctors consider the first fetal movement to be one of the guidelines. .

What happens to the baby

The fetus is growing fast. Open the palm of your hand. Now your baby would just fit on it. How is your child developing?

Mothers often ask doctors - how many times a day should a child move? Right now, there is no talk of counting shocks. Many movements of the baby are still invisible to you, you feel only the strongest "kicks". You can and will need to count the movements and draw conclusions later.

Mom's Feelings

If you are healthy and your weight is normal, you probably feel amazing. The belly has not yet grown enough to completely slow down the gait. True, there may be unpleasant moments:

  • heartburn - due to weakening of the muscle between the stomach and esophagus;
  • age spots on the face (these are hormones that are “naughty”);
  • constipation and frequent urination(the growing uterus presses on the intestines and bladder);
  • difficulty falling asleep (almost any position seems uncomfortable);
  • frequent increases in blood pressure;
  • slight visual impairment
  • feeling as if the navel aches from the inside.

Some discomfort can be reduced or eliminated read the recommendations below), something you just need to endure.


Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Photo of tummies

Photo ultrasound

Discharge, pain, complications

  • Your breasts are preparing to feed your baby in a few months and therefore produce colostrum. Do not express it, it can provoke uterine contractions.
  • Now you may noticeably increase the discharge from the vagina. This is a variant of the norm, if only the mucus is white and without bad smell. brown, bloody, yellow discharge talking about various problems.
  • When your stomach pulls just a little or your lower back hurts, know that everything is fine. This is how the stretching of the ligaments and muscles that support your uterus responds. But if something really hurts, visit or call a doctor.
  • Frozen pregnancy and miscarriage are possible at any time. In this case, various complications, disorders of the woman's well-being and health often occur. Be attentive to your feelings.
  • Another complication, sometimes quite severe, is late toxicosis. .

See your doctor on time

If you have not yet passed the next scheduled examination, the doctor will prescribe several blood tests:

  • to the level of hCG;
  • on the content of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood;
  • to free estriol.

These specific tests will indicate the absence/presence of many fetal malformations and are therefore very important.

If the results of the tests are not normal, do not be alarmed. One "bad" analysis still says nothing. You could prepare incorrectly, mistakes are possible in the laboratory. Even an incorrectly set gestational age can give results that do not meet the standard indicators. In any case, a study that is unsatisfactory in terms of its indicators should be repeated in order to eliminate all possible errors.

Let's practice!

The 18th week is the best time for special gymnastics. It is also called Kegel exercises. To understand the point, go to the toilet and while urinating, tighten your muscles so that it stops. This is the main exercise. Do them right:

  • empty your bladder beforehand;
  • do not hold your breath;
  • take a comfortable position.

The last recommendation is relative - during the exercises you can stand, sit or lie down, choose whichever is more convenient. This specific gymnastics strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, vagina and urethra.

Watch the video:

We train the muscles of the perineum. A recommendation from Kundalini Yoga is to use Kegel exercises every time you urinate 8 times. The recommendation from the Bradley Natural Birth Class is 100 to 200 Kegel exercises per day. How to make it a habit? At any point in time when you are waiting for something (line at the ticket office, in the subway, red light on the road, call on the phone) practice Kegel exercises

  1. Stick to your old diet.
  2. With heartburn, be sure to cook cereals and jelly.
  3. A few pieces of prunes a day will relieve you of constipation.
  4. Don't overeat.
  5. If your head hurts, try to lie down in darkness and silence. Usually such advice is given for migraines, but headache pregnant women in such an environment passes faster.
  6. Do not be sad and do not be upset - all unfavorable hormones through your blood will get to the baby and disturb him. If an unpleasant incident occurs in life, urgently think of something. Chat with family and friends, watch your favorite positive films, chat on forums for expectant mothers.
  7. If colostrum leaks, use special bra pads.
  8. Wear a prenatal bandage to support your growing tummy and reduce lower back pain.
  9. Want to go to the toilet? Don't be patient if possible.
  10. Sexual life can be truly amazing and bring a lot of pleasure. Possible prohibitions: oligohydramnios, threatened miscarriage, pregnancy with twins or even triplets, leakage of amniotic fluid and low placenta.
  11. Walk as much as possible, but do not make tedious, long transitions.
  12. In addition to special gymnastics, do yoga for pregnant women and / or swim. A visit to the pool over time will help your baby get into the correct position in the uterus.
  13. Talk to your child and teach this to the future dad.
  14. Attend courses for pregnant women, communicate and gain useful experience.
  15. Beware of colds and any hypothermia. If there is an infectious epidemic in your city, feel free to wear in public places medical mask.

Think positive, take care of yourself, and then the eighteenth week will be great.

Video guide: 18 weeks of pregnancy what happens in the stomach, movements, screening, appetite, sports

18 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy according to the normal calendar, 4.5 months of the lunar calendar, 16 weeks of your baby's life. 18 obstetric week is counted from 1 day of delayed menstruation, while fertilization occurs two weeks later.


At 18 weeks of pregnancy, sensations are associated with a rapidly growing tummy, which begins to cause more and more inconvenience. It becomes difficult to find a position for sleeping, and the further, the more difficult it will be. Get used to sleeping on your left side, in this position the blood circulation is as physiological as possible, and it is easier for the child to take the correct position in the uterus before childbirth.

Weight gain at 18 weeks is already significant, and can be up to 6 kg, depending on the woman's build. As a rule, if you were underweight before pregnancy, you gain more; if you were overweight, you will gain less. With the correct calculation of body weight gain, the body mass index before pregnancy is necessarily taken into account.

Your breasts at 18 weeks pregnant can also bother you. Some women may already have discharge from the nipples at this time. They are yellowish white and can stain laundry. You don't need to squeeze them out. Any manipulations with the nipples lead to a reflex increase in the tone of the uterus, if the doctor recommends preparing the nipples for future breastfeeding, this should be done carefully. This is prohibited in the event of an interrupt threat.

The 18th week of pregnancy is generally a very happy time. Your tummy speaks unequivocally about your interesting position, you feel quite well and are still very active. Enjoy this time.

Your condition

You now have an excellent appetite, you should restrain yourself, try to eat right. Nutrition at the 18th week of pregnancy should be varied, and very healthy. Pasta from dark wheat varieties no more than 2 times a week, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat - be sure to exclude or at least limit as much as possible fried, fatty, salty and spicy. Do not eat a lot of bakery products, avoid sausages, coffee, strong tea, soda and sugary juices.

Sometimes pains in the abdomen can disturb, more precisely, these are not pains, but simply pulling sensations, especially when you take an uncomfortable position. This rapidly growing uterus is stretching the ligaments. It's time to buy a prenatal bandage.

Sex becomes monotonous. There are only four basic poses available to you, and this brings a bit of boredom. Side stance, kneeling stance, oblique stance and cowgirl stance. On your back, you are uncomfortable, you may even feel faint due to the fact that the uterus is squeezing the inferior vena cava.

your child

The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy has a weight of up to 200 grams and a length of about 20 cm. If you have a second pregnancy, you can already feel its movements. The size of the fetus is now already such that its tremors and movements begin to be felt quite distinctly, but even if there are no movements yet, this is not scary, some expectant mothers will recognize them only by the 22nd week.

A child at week 18 becomes very active, he already hears perfectly and may be frightened by sharp sounds. This is the time to communicate with the unborn child, talk to him more often. Development of the central nervous system and the fetal hearing organ allows him to already remember your voice.

The baby's bones are now actively accumulating calcium, it takes it from you, this can cause problems with the mother's teeth, do not forget that a pregnant woman should visit the dentist more than once. Be sure to include enough dairy products and cheeses in your diet, this will give you enough calcium for two, and fresh fruits and vegetables will provide enough vitamin C for absorption.

Now the child periodically sleeps and is awake, sleep intervals are up to 4 hours. His organ of vision is formed, he can see the light.

The baby's regimen may not coincide with yours, often women feel the first movement at night.

your tummy

The belly at the 18th week of pregnancy has risen almost almost to the level of the navel, and now it is increasing very quickly. Maternity clothes have become a necessity.

You may experience back pain and discomfort while sleeping. These are solvable problems. Bandage and gymnastics will relieve back pain, do not forget also about comfortable shoes. Pillows make it possible to find comfortable sleeping positions, special pillows for pregnant women are especially good.

If your lower back hurts, let it rest more often, it is very good to periodically take a knee-elbow position. It is also very beneficial for the kidneys, as it improves the outflow of urine.

Sometimes it seems to some women that the stomach is small, but this only indicates that you have strong abdominal muscles. The uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy has already risen by 18 cm, and yet the tummy of most expectant mothers cannot be hidden by any clothes.

Analyzes and examinations

The pregnancy calendar at 18 weeks prescribes a planned visit to the gynecologist, a control urine test, if an ultrasound scan has not been done, it can be scheduled this week. Ultrasound at 18 weeks pregnant is one of the most exciting examinations.

On subsequent ultrasounds, you will no longer be able to see your baby completely, he will be too big, but now you can see how he moves, sucks his thumb, rolls over. Take a flash drive or disk with you, the doctor can record the examination for you, and it will forever remain a wonderful reminder of this time of your pregnancy.

A visit to the gynecologist will now always be accompanied by a measurement blood pressure, the height of the fundus of the uterus, listening to the fetal heartbeat. Urine tests will have to be taken often, as there is a risk of developing late preeclampsia.

Possible complaints and problems

The feeling that the stomach is pulling, many women experience at week 18, this is not pain, but simply discomfort. They are associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, while the uterus itself does not come into tone. Painful sensations are localized on the sides of it. The problem is solved by wearing a bandage. This also causes complaints that the lower back hurts.

If you are worried about nausea, the reason may be that the enlarged uterus disrupts the functioning of the digestive organs, or that serious problems have begun (with increased blood pressure, headaches and nausea are common), be sure to complain to the doctor.


If you are 18 weeks pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, your uterus becomes toned, you feel painful contractions, you need to see a doctor. It is especially dangerous if discharge appears, brown, scarlet, they indicate that an abortion may occur. Bleeding is an obvious symptom that needs no explanation, call an ambulance immediately.

Even at such a late date, a frozen pregnancy is possible. If the death of the fetus is not noticed in time, the manifestations are the absence of movements, discharge from the genital tract, often also brown, and body temperature may rise. Any unusual symptoms require a consultation with a gynecologist.


Pregnancy 18 weeks, twins require a lot of space. If the children are not lying correctly, the belly may not seem too big, but still you can already quite clearly feel the difference, especially if this is the second pregnancy and was previously singleton.

In general, with twins at 18 weeks, the condition is no different from what other pregnant women feel, only because the uterus grows too quickly, the risk of abortion increases. Your doctor at the antenatal clinic probably invites you every 2 weeks

Coming almost to the middle, the woman manages to find a new sleeping position, the right diet, and loose clothes. After the adaptation period, there is a time of respite before the onset of the next stage - preparation for childbirth. What happens in the body at this time? What should be paid attention to and what is not important? What changes occur in the body? What is the baby now and what can he do? We will try to answer the most important questions.

18 weeks is how many months

The gestation period lasts about 40 obstetric weeks. The duration of each of them is exactly 4 weeks. This period is calculated from the start of the last menstrual bleeding. 18 weeks correspond to 4.5 obstetric months.

Baby gender at 18 weeks

Most women don't know what gender the baby is in her belly. Exceptions are cases of the use of artificial methods of insemination. What about those whose pregnancy was the result of a natural process? There are several options:

  1. Leave the question of sex determination unanswered until the moment of delivery. The huge temptation to start buying things in the right color is understandable. However, a surprise after childbirth can be a pleasant and memorable highlight.
  2. There are modern laboratory methods. Based on the polymerase chain reaction, the Y-chromosome of the fetus is determined in the venous blood of the future mother. The female chromosome set consists of only X components. Therefore, the detection of the Y fragment indicates the presence of a male fetus in the uterus. This method of laboratory diagnostics can be applied at any stage of pregnancy and is quite accurate.
  3. Determine the sex of the unborn child using ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound). Modern capabilities of diagnostic equipment and high qualification of doctors allow us to examine the genitals of the fetus in detail. However, determining gender can be difficult. This is due to an insufficiently open posture of the baby or swelling of the genitals. In these cases, the clitoris can be mistaken for the penis, and the labia can be confused with the scrotum. The most effective determination of the sex of the child with the help of ultrasound reaches the period of 23 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. Sex determination by analysis of chorionic villi. Despite the moderate trauma (material for research is removed with a needle), the method is not used on the basis of wishes. It can only be prescribed by a doctor, and only for medical reasons.

Is it possible to feel movements at 18 weeks and what are they?

Often women present the first acquaintance with a baby as something unusual. The first stir is often described as the splash of a fish, the flutter of a butterfly, the flutter of a bird. Feelings depend only on the characteristics of the perception of the woman herself. The first movement can be perceived as a push, the movement of gases, a slight, short-term painless pressure in the abdomen.

Being at rest (sitting or lying down) it is easier to feel the movement of the baby. This can happen at work, at home, while driving.

At 18 weeks, the movement is felt by women who have already carried a child before. Fragile sensitive women also feel the first stirring early.

The date of the first movement must be remembered or written down and reported to your doctor. This day is recorded in the medical records and has a diagnostic value.

What to do if there is no movement at 18 weeks?

It must be remembered that sensations are subjective. With active movements of the fetus, one woman feels them, while the other does not feel anything. This is especially true in the presence of excess weight, as well as in the presence of previous surgical interventions. This clarifies the question of why during the second pregnancy you can not feel the movements for a period of 18 weeks.

It must be remembered that the increased activity of the fetus, perceived by a woman as frequent stirring, may be a sign of an insufficient supply of oxygen to it. To enhance blood supply, the baby strenuously bends and unbends the limbs.

Due to the fact that it is not possible to independently establish the successful development of the fetus, in the absence of movements in the event of a repeated pregnancy or increased activity baby, you need to discuss your doubts with your doctor.

What happens to the baby at 18 weeks of gestation (fetal size, fetal weight, baby development)

The baby is growing fast. Its size reaches 14-15 cm. It can be compared with a mango fruit. Its weight is about 150 grams.

Despite the increase in height and weight, significant transformations do not occur with the baby. It does not so much change as it strengthens the structures of the body. The ratio of body parts becomes more similar to newborns. Other changes in organs and systems occur as follows:

  • By 18 weeks heart has a four-chamber structure. Features of its functioning can be identified using additional research methods (ultrasound). This may be important for early diagnosis of health in the presence of a predisposition to congenital diseases.
  • baby hearing so developed that he hears the noises that arise during the promotion of blood, the work of the internal organs of a woman, the mother's voice and external noises. The features of the hearing aid allow you to hear low tones better. This allows you to hear the male voice better. Therefore, the future dad will be pleased to know that you can talk with the baby.
  • baby vision allows you to see the surroundings in the form of changing shades and light spots. Its background looks like pinkish and light purple strokes. The baby's eyes are closed, but the reaction to light is distinct.
  • Bones become stronger. The formation of the finger phalanges is completed. They increase in size.
  • Strengthens immunity. By this time, the baby's body produces its own interferons and immunoglobulins. This occurs in response to the introduction of an infectious pathogen. This is very different from the situation in the first trimester, when it could lead to fetal death.
  • facial expressions baby is varied. He makes faces, frowns.
  • Nervous system baby allows you to perceive feelings future mother. It captures anxiety, sadness, sadness, joy, anger and calmness. Therefore, the happiness of the mother is of particular importance for the baby.

What happens to mom at 18 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother feels an increase in the load on the body. At the same time, the woman continues to move actively. Every day, the awareness of the approaching birth grows stronger. This will happen in just 4.5 months.

Uterine size

The uterus has a round shape throughout the 2nd trimester. As the size of the fetus increases, its receptacle also grows. The vascular network becomes more extensive. The uterus has long since left the pelvic cavity. Its size can be determined by external obstetric examination. The fundal height indicator shows the distance from the pubic articulation to the fundus of the uterus. The uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy reaches 17-20 cm above the pubis.

Feelings at 18 weeks

In the normal course of pregnancy, there are no special complaints at week 18. It is possible to single out the most common individual characteristics that women cope with on their own:

  • Sensitivity of the mammary glands. Discomfort helps to avoid properly selected underwear made from natural fabrics. A specialist should be consulted in case of pain, redness of the breast or an asymmetric change in the shape of the nipple.
  • Bad dream. Most often, it is not the lack of desire to sleep that worries, but the difficulty in choosing the optimal position, in which both the woman and the fetus feel good and do not experience oxygen starvation. Postures on the back and on the stomach for a period of 18 weeks are not recommended. The best sleeping position is on your side. It is necessary to have enough space for placing pillows under the lower back and collar area. If you learn how to choose a position for sleeping now, at a later date it will help you relax, having much more weight.
  • Fatigue in the legs. The uterus increases in size. An increase in fetal weight significantly impairs the functioning of the veins. The lower extremities suffer the most from venous insufficiency also because the pregnant uterus compresses the return of blood from the legs. Simple Recommendations can significantly improve well-being. These include: getting rid of shoes with heels, lifting lower extremities on the footrest in the sitting position and regular lifting of the legs with support in the lying position.
  • Depressed mood. By week 18, there is a normalization of the emotional background. A woman has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, to walk. Behind the danger of development ectopic pregnancy and many other complications of the first trimester. Therefore, if anxiety appears, which significantly complicates life, does not pass for a long period, and does not disappear after taking valerian, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about this.

Why do you feel sick at 18 weeks?

The first trimester is long over. Together with him, the manifestations of early toxicosis ended. Why can nausea appear at 18 weeks of gestation? There are several reasons:

  • At a small amount women, nausea may continue during this period (in 5% of women). If there are no deviations from laboratory parameters, then it may be due to advanced level hormones during pregnancy. This may be a variant of the normal course of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant uterus displaces internal organs from their usual location. The intestine moves up and towards the spine. The stomach also shifts. It moves to a horizontal position. This physically interferes with the normal passage of food through gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to nausea and even vomiting.
  • Nausea can be the result of an error in the diet. Abuse of fatty, fried, exotic dishes must be excluded. This not only leads to nausea, but also is not a source of substances necessary for the child.

Pregnancy is a normal, natural state of the female body. However, we must not forget that during the bearing of a child, you can get sick. This requires additional attention from doctors and treatment. There are situations when you need to see a doctor for nausea. These include cases:

  • the appearance of nausea in combination with abdominal pain or fever;
  • the presence of nausea with repeated vomiting or loose stools. Fluid loss can be a dangerous condition and needs to be treated. It is indicated by dry mouth, thirst, a decrease in the amount of urination;
  • the appearance of nausea with a single vomiting or diarrhea, if there is blood or pus in them;
  • the presence of nausea against the background of significant general weakness, weight loss, changes in eating habits.

Mom's weight at 18 weeks, allowable increase

The baby gains weight, the uterus grows, the amount of blood in the body increases. All this leads to an increase in body weight of a woman. Weight control is not only easy, but very important during pregnancy. Weight gain should be gradual. Gain rates are designed taking into account the initial weight of the woman until the onset of pregnancy. The greater the initial weight, the less a woman can increase it in 40 obstetric weeks.

The main control criterion is the Body Mass Index (BMI). To calculate it, you need to use the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat were recorded at the time of pregnancy. BMI is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by height² (in meters). For example, if a 161 cm woman becomes pregnant with a body weight of 59 kg, her body mass index will be 59/1.61². What will be 22.8

Permissible gain at 18 weeks gestation:

  • with an initial BMI of less than 19.8, it is 4.5 kg;
  • with a BMI from 19.8 to 26, a maximum of 3.6 kg can be added;
  • if the initial BMI was above 26, an increase of less than 2.3 kg will be normal.

Gaining and losing weight at 18 weeks

With an increase in appetite, it is difficult to control calories. This can lead to excess weight gain. This is best avoided, as in the future, extra pounds can cause complications. But not only increased appetite leads to weight gain.

There are several additional factors to consider that affect the rate of weight gain:

  1. constitutional features;
  2. errors in the diet (increase in calories or amount of food);
  3. decrease in physical activity against the background of maintaining the usual diet;
  4. age. It is well known that young pregnant women gain weight less actively than older women;
  5. the presence of concomitant diseases leading to additional weight gain. Among them are diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, etc.

Since the delivery nutrients ensures the growth and development of the fetus, then with a decrease in the weight of the pregnant woman or the absence of weight gain, this should be discussed with the attending physician.

Belly at 18 weeks pregnant

The abdomen increases in accordance with the growth of the gestational age. Closer to childbirth, the girth of the abdomen will become an important indicator. At week 18, the most reliable diagnostic criterion is the height of the uterine fundus.

If the stomach is growing rapidly, the reason for this may be:

  1. the presence in the uterus of not one, but several babies. Each of them increases the volume of the abdomen. Each fetus also needs an additional volume of amniotic fluid. If you have not undergone an ultrasound before, the doctor will prescribe this diagnostic method, with which it will be possible to establish the fact of a multiple pregnancy;
  2. polyhydramnios. It is more characteristic of later periods;
  3. diseases in which the size of the uterus increases. For example, chorionepithelioma. This rare pathology arises from placental tissue. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment;
  4. pathological processes localized outside the uterus. The cause of an increase in the abdomen can be ordinary flatulence. Slowing bowel movements leads to stagnation of the food bolus and increased gas production. Overdistension of the intestine increases the volume of the abdomen.

The shape of the abdomen can be varied and has no diagnostic value.

Discharge at 18 weeks pregnant

The nature of discharge during pregnancy remains the same. They mucous, transparent, with a slight sourish, unsharp odor. The secretions can become profuse. Often there is a change in their viscosity. Under the influence of hormonal influences, glycogen accumulates in the cells of the genital tract. This allows lactic acid bacteria to actively multiply. This leads to an increase in fluid secretion. Abundant secretions resist the development of pathogens in the genital tract. To do this, they become thicker or liquid, but without inclusions and fetid odor.

When a pathological process occurs in the genital tract, the nature of the discharge changes. They become heterogeneous, include mucus or blood. The cause of such changes may be the flora that was in the genital tract during the onset of pregnancy (conditionally pathogenic). Sexually transmitted infections can lead to the disease. Therefore, if there were white, pink, green, yellow discharge with a fetid odor, you need to see a doctor for medical help.

It is especially dangerous to find brown, bloody selection. They are a sign of bleeding of varying intensity. If they are found, you should immediately consult a doctor for medical help. Most common causes bleeding are:

  • . Such discharge may be painless and result from minor trauma during a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse;
  • abortion. Such discharge is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, dizziness, weakness;
  • low placenta. The closer the placenta is to the cervix, the more trauma it undergoes. Its edge may even overlap the cervical canal. The lower segment of the uterus stretches as it grows, and the placenta attached to this area does not have the ability to stretch.

Pain at 18 weeks pregnant

Pain may occur during pregnancy. Some of them are the result of natural causes:

  • The stomach hurts and pulls (pain is localized in the right and left side) with natural softening and stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. They can disturb periodically and decrease after rest. Their occurrence and intensification occurs against the background of physical overload. As the weight increases, the center of gravity shifts.
  • Wherein back and back pain. Pulling sensations get stronger in the evening in the sacrum and coccyx. Back pain, pain in the sacrum and coccyx increase as the load increases. They decrease with rest and acupressure. Therefore, the opportunity to lie down during the day can significantly improve well-being.
  • Breast can not only have increased sensitivity, but also become a source of pain.
  • Head can also hurt against the background of changes in blood pressure. Usually, such pains are disturbing when the weather changes and are the result of increased hormonal levels during pregnancy.

Pregnancy changes the hormonal background of a woman and causes a restructuring in the work of all organs and systems. In this regard, there are characteristic complaints of nausea, dizziness, increased urination. Sore throat, stomach pain, ovarian pain, intestinal pain, are not included. If they have arisen, then there is some reason that needs to be eliminated. To do this, you need to seek medical help.

What to do if the chest stopped hurting at 18 weeks?

The sensitivity of the mammary glands, their soreness, the degree of increase during pregnancy are the individual characteristics of a particular pregnancy. But even if the breast has increased sensitivity from the first day of pregnancy, this will not necessarily continue all the time. Soreness may decrease or stop at any time.

If at the same time the movements and development of the fetus continue, then there is no reason for concern. If the chest stops hurting suddenly, against the background of abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, or spotting, you should consult a doctor.

Temperature at 18 weeks pregnant

The body temperature of a woman for a period of 18 weeks continues to remain normal. If the individuality of the current pregnancy is an increase in temperature to 37 °, then its level remains the same.

Analyzes and studies at the 18th week of pregnancy

From 18 weeks, the period of ultrasound begins. This method is used to diagnose the correct development of the internal organs of the baby. This applies to the structure of the heart, brain, etc. At this stage, congenital malformations can be detected. And in some cases, it is possible to determine the sex of the child.

Recommendations for the 18th week of pregnancy (nutrition, physical activity, sex, vitamins)

Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle remains relevant for a period of 18 weeks. Proper nutrition, sufficient consumption of vegetables, fruits, has a positive effect on the health of both women and children. In the absence of contraindications physical activity and sex are also recommended.

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