Corrected visual acuity is below 0.5. New list of diseases prohibiting driving. What is myopia and farsightedness

4.4. Industrial noise (significant stress on the auditory analyzer)
1. Persistent hearing loss, at least in one ear, of any etiology.
2. Otosclerosis and other chronic ear diseases with a poor prognosis.
3. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus of any etiology, including Meniere's disease.
4. Hypertension.

4.9. Increased visual strain (visually intense work of III - IV degree (0.5-1 mm) accuracy according to SNiP and associated with tracking the screen and other means of displaying information)
1. Corrected visual acuity of at least 0.5 in one eye and 0.2 in the other eye.
2. Refractive errors: myopia over 6.0 D, hyperopia over 4.0 D, astigmatism over 2.0 D.
3. Lack of binocular vision.
4. Reduced accommodation below age norms.
5. Lagophthalmos.
6. Chronic diseases of the anterior segment of the eyes.
7. Diseases of the optic nerve, retina.
8. Glaucoma.

5. Physical overload
1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system with a violation of fictions.
2. Chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
3. Obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, peripheral vasospasm.
4. Severe varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids.
5. Severe enteroptos, hernias, rectal prolapse.
6. Anomalies in the position of the female genital organs. Prolapse (loss) of the female genital organs.
7. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages with frequent exacerbations.

Appendix No. 4 to the Instructions for conducting
preliminary (upon applying for a job)
and periodic medical examinations of workers

additional medical contraindications for permission to work
in order to prevent diseases, accidents
and ensuring labor safety

(When conducting periodic medical examinations, the issue of admitting workers to work is decided individually, taking into account the characteristics of the functional state of the body, the nature and severity of the pathological process, the worker’s age, professional training, length of service, working conditions, etc.).

12.1. Motorcycles, scooters, scooters of all types and brands - Category A
1. Chronic disease of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by significant impairment of visual function, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, interfering with vision or limiting the movements of the eyeball (after surgical treatment with a good result, permission to drive is permitted).
2. Chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac that cannot be treated conservatively, fistula of the lacrimal sac, as well as persistent lacrimation that cannot be treated (after surgical treatment with a good result, permission to drive is permitted).
3. Persistent diplonia due to strabismus of any etiology.
4. Limitation of the field of view by more than 20 degrees. in any of the meridianosis. Central scotoma is absolute or relative (if there is a scotoma and there are changes in visual function not lower than the values ​​​​indicated in p.b., tolerance is without restrictions).
5. Decreased visual acuity depending on persistent clouding of the refractive media or changes in the fundus of the eye, refractive errors, as well as other organic causes:
a) visual acuity with correction below 0.6 in the best eye, below 0.2 in the worst.
Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism 3.0 D; the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D. The difference in the power of the two lenses should not exceed 3.0 D;
b) lack of vision in one eye;
c) condition after refractive operations on the cornea (keratomy, keratomileusis, keratocoagulation, refractive keratoplasty). Persons are allowed to drive 3 months after the operation with visual acuity with correction not lower than that specified in paragraph 5a, the absence of complications and the initial (before surgery) refraction from +8.0 to -8.0 D. If it is impossible to establish the preoperative refraction, they are suitable for eye axis length from 21.5 to 27.0 mm;
d) artificial lens in at least one eye. Experienced drivers are allowed if corrected visual acuity is not lower than that specified in paragraph 5a, a normal field of vision and the absence of complications within six months after the operation.
6. Color vision disorders are allowed.
7. Diseases of the retina and optic nerve (retinitis pigmentosa, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, etc.).
8. Glaucoma (with initial compensated glaucoma, normal fundus, with changes in visual acuity and visual field less than the values ​​​​specified in clause 4.5., are allowed with re-examination after a year).
9. Complete deafness in one ear when perceiving spoken speech in the other at a distance of less than 3 m, whispered speech at a distance of less than 1 m, or perceiving spoken speech in each ear less than 2 m (in case of complete deafness, deaf-muteness, admission is carried out individually with re-examination at least than in 2 years).
10. Chronic unilateral or bilateral purulent inflammation of the middle ear, complicated by cholesteatoma, granulations or polyp (epitimpanitis). The presence of a fistula symptom (after surgical treatment with a good result, the issue is resolved individually).
11. Chronic purulent mastoiditis, complications due to mastoidectomy (cyst, fistula).

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In 2020, in order to obtain or replace a driver's license, you must undergo a medical examination and obtain a driver's license.

The medical commission includes several doctors, the list of which depends on the category of driver's license. However, for any category you will have to see an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). This is a doctor who checks the driver's vision.

And it is a check with an ophthalmologist that causes fear in many drivers, because... Over time, people's vision does not get better.

This article will discuss the requirements for drivers’ vision:

I would like to note right away that all the requirements for driver health are given in the following regulatory document:

If you wish, you can study this document yourself. Below we will talk exclusively about limitations related to vision.

Vision for license category B (BE, B1)

The simplest restrictions apply for drivers of passenger cars:

12. Visual acuity is lower 0.6 at the best eye and below 0.2 at worst

Let's figure out how to use this point in practice:

  1. Have your visual acuity measured by an ophthalmologist. You will receive 2 numbers (one for each eye).
  2. Choose the larger one of the two numbers. If it is equal to or greater than 0.6, then everything is in order, a certificate will be issued. You don't have to watch the next steps.
  3. If the visual acuity of the “better” eye is 0.5 or less, then move on to the second number. If the second digit is 0.2 or more, then a certificate will be issued.
  4. If the visual acuity of the “worst” eye is 0.1 or less, then a certificate will not be issued.

Let's look at a few examples to better understand in what cases a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 1.0; right eye 1.0. The visual acuity of the better eye is 1.0, it is more than 0.6, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.8; right eye 0.5. The visual acuity of the better eye is 0.8, it is more than 0.6, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.6; the right eye is missing. The visual acuity of the better eye is 0.6, it is equal to 0.6, that is, a certificate will be issued. For category B, the absence of one eye is not a reason for not issuing a certificate.

Left eye 0.2; right eye 0.5. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.2, it is equal to 0.2, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.2; right eye 0.2. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.2, it is equal to 0.2, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.1; right eye 0.5. Visual acuity of the better eye is 0.5, it is less than 0.6. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.1, it is less than 0.2, that is, a certificate will not be issued.

Thus, a driver whose vision is (0.5; 0.1) or worse will not be able to obtain a medical certificate.

If at least one eye has a visual acuity of 0.6 or better, or two eyes have a visual acuity of 0.2 or better, then the certificate will be issued without any problems.

Is it possible to get a license with poor eyesight?

If during the next inspection it turns out that the driver does not meet the vision requirements, then you should use a vision correction device (glasses or lenses). In this case, the driver undergoes a vision test wearing glasses or lenses.

However, it should be borne in mind that if you undergo a medical examination wearing glasses or lenses, then you will subsequently have to drive a car only with glasses or lenses. In this case, a special GCL mark will appear in the rights.

Note. If the license has a GCL mark, and the driver drives the car without glasses or lenses, then he may be fined - 5,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Thus, the GCL mark makes life a little more difficult for the driver. Therefore, if your vision is approximately on the border of acceptable values, then first try to pass the test without glasses. If this does not work, then take out the glasses and go through the test again.

Vision for driving license categories A, M (A1, B1)

The requirements for two-wheelers are similar to those for cars, but there are important differences:

1. Visual acuity is lower 0.6 at the best eye and below 0.2 at worst eye with tolerable correction with 2 eyes open, regardless of the type of correction (spectacle, contact, surgical), degree and type of ametropia or eye length.

2. Blindness of one eye with lower visual acuity 0,8 with tolerable correction on the sighted eye, regardless of the type of correction (spectacles, contact, surgical), the degree and type of ametropia or eye length.

The main difference is that special requirements apply to a driver who is missing one eye. Such a driver must have a visual acuity of 0.8 or more in his only eye.

  1. 0.6 or more - in the better eye, if both eyes see.
  2. 0.2 or more - in each of the two eyes.
  3. 0.8 or more if there is only one eye.

Vision for categories C, D (Tm, Tb, CE, DE, C1, D1, C1E, D1E)

For drivers of freight and passenger transport, the vision requirements are the most severe:

21. Visual acuity is lower 0.8 at the best eye and below 0.4 at worst an eye with a tolerable correction with 2 eyes open, no more than 8 diopters of superequivalent in the better-seeing eye, regardless of the type of ametropia or type of correction (spectacles, contact).

22. Blindness of one eye, regardless of the visual acuity of the sighted eye.

Paragraph 22 states that in the absence of one eye, rights of categories C and D cannot be obtained. That is, the first condition for obtaining a certificate is both eyes.

It turns out that licenses for freight and passenger transport can be obtained with visual acuity:

  1. 0.8 or more in the better eye (if there are two eyes);
  2. 0.4 or more in each of the two eyes.

Let's look at a few examples:

Left eye 1.0; right eye 1.0. The visual acuity of the better eye is 1.0, it is more than 0.8, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.8; right eye 0.5. The visual acuity of the better eye is 0.8, it is equal to 0.8, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 1; the right eye is missing. If an eye is missing, a certificate will not be issued.

Left eye 0.4; right eye 0.5. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.4, it is equal to 0.4, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.4; right eye 0.4. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.4, it is equal to 0.4, that is, a certificate will be issued.

Left eye 0.3; right eye 0.7. Visual acuity of the better eye is 0.7, it is less than 0.8. The visual acuity of the worse eye is 0.3, it is less than 0.4, that is, a certificate will not be issued.

Attention! When checking vision for driving freight and passenger transport, glasses or lenses can also be used, but the correction must be no more than 8 diopters on the better seeing eye.

Vision table for different categories

To better understand with what vision you can drive certain vehicles, I suggest using the following table:

1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
1.0 AllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAll
0.9 AllAllAllAllAllAllAllAllAll
0.8 AllAllAllAllAllAllAllAll
0.7 AllAllAllAllA.B.M.A.B.M.A.B.M.
0.6 AllAllAllA.B.M.A.B.M.A.B.M.
0.5 AllAllA.B.M.A.B.M.-
0.4 AllA.B.M.A.B.M.-
0.3 A.B.M.A.B.M.-
0.2 A.B.M.-
0.1 -

If you know your own visual acuity, then based on the table you can determine for which vehicles a medical certificate can be obtained. The first column shows vision in the better eye, and the first row shows vision in the worse eye.

A similar table for drivers with one eye:

1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
A.B.M.A.B.M.A.B.M.BB- - - - -

How to prepare for a medical vision examination?

The human body is designed in such a way that visual acuity depends, among other things, on eye fatigue. Therefore, if you plan to receive a certificate to replace your license, it makes sense to prepare for this and give your eyes a break. You can use the following tips:

  • See your eye doctor early in the day. Your eyes rest while you sleep, so you need to get a good night's sleep.
  • Don't overstrain your eyes in the previous days, stop watching TV and reduce the time spent on a computer or mobile device.
  • Ideally, go for a medical examination immediately after vacation, when your eyes have had enough time to rest and relax in a few days.

A driver receives a medical certificate only once every 10 years, so it makes sense to prepare a little for the commission and give your eyes a rest.

In conclusion, I would like to note that refusal to issue a certificate for a passenger car due to poor eyesight is a rather rare situation. And even if this happens, don't be upset. Just go through the medical examination again with glasses.

Good luck on the roads!


I support the previous comment. The conjunction “and” in the article indicates that the requirements are presented simultaneously and cannot replace each other. The best eye must be no worse than 0.6, and at the same time the worst eye must be no worse than 0.2. If the worst eye is worse than 0.2, then the requirements for the better eye are made as if the second one is absent.

Dmitriy, and I have a question for you as an ophthalmologist. What is the current situation with issuing certificates to people with color vision impairment? Previously, there was order 302n, which prohibited any violations, including minimal color anomalies. In the current document, the anomalies seem to have been resolved (?), but there are persistent rumors that the medical commission in this matter is still guided by order 302n. And also there is some kind of “mouse fuss” when a driver with a color anomaly, who was previously issued a driving license, continues to be issued certificates, but a new candidate with the same anomaly is no longer issued. Is it so?

Dmitriy, Keeper_Riff, the list of medical restrictions on driving a vehicle says this:

12. Visual acuity is below 0.6 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst eye with tolerable correction with 2 eyes open, regardless of the type of correction (spectacles, contact, surgical), the degree and type of ametropia or eye length.

You can ask questions about the topic of this article by leaving your comment at the bottom of the page.

The deputy general director of the Mustang driving school for academic work will answer you

Higher school teacher, candidate of technical sciences

Kuznetsov Yuri Alexandrovich

New list of diseases prohibiting driving

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) ) workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" from January 1, 2012, subparagraphs 11, 12 (with the exception of 12.2, 12.11, 12.12), 13 of Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health are recognized as invalid USSR dated September 29, 1989 No. 555 “On improving the system of medical examinations of workers and drivers of individual vehicles.” (http://www.xn--80aaaaaq6azamaccckfprc6hzfvc.xn--p1ai/blog/faktory_provociruyuschie_dtp/perechen_zabolevaniy_zapreschayuschih_vozhdenie/11-176 ).

According to paragraph 28 of Appendix No. 2 to this order (the full text of the Order can be found on our website in the “Legislation” section), the following requirements are established for drivers of land vehicles.

28. Control of ground vehicles:


1 time every 2 years

Laboratory and functional studies

Height, weight, determination of blood group and Rh factor (during a preliminary medical examination) Audiometry Investigation of the vestibular analyzer Visual acuity Color perception Determination of visual fields Biomicroscopy of the eye media Fundus ophthalmoscopy

Corrected visual acuity is below 0.6 in the best eye, below 0.2 in the worst. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness 8.0 D D D D .

Central scotoma is absolute or relative (in case of scotoma and the presence of changes in visual function not lower than the values ​​​​specified in clause 1 of this column of the subclause - admission without restrictions).

Condition after refractive operations on the cornea (keratotomy, keratomileusis, keratocoagulation, refractive keratoplasty). Persons are allowed to drive 3 months after surgery with corrected visual acuity of no less than 0.6 in the best eye, and no less than 0.2 in the worst.

Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in lens power between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D , in the absence of complications of the initial (preoperative) refraction - from +8.0 to -8.0 D . If it is impossible to establish preoperative refraction, issues of professional suitability are resolved positively when the eye axis length is from 21.5 to 27.0 mm.

Artificial lens, at least in one eye. Experienced drivers are allowed with corrected visual acuity of at least 0.6 on the best eye, not less than 0.2 on the worst. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism -
D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in lens power between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D , normal field of vision and no complications for six months after surgery.

Chronic diseases of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by significant impairment of visual function, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, interfering with vision or limiting the movement of the eyeball (after surgical treatment with a positive result, admission is carried out individually).

Chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac that cannot be treated conservatively, as well as persistent lacrimation that cannot be treated.

Paralytic strabismus and other disorders of concomitant eye movement.

Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology.

Spontaneous nystagmus when the pupils deviate 70° from the average position.

Limitation of the field of view by more than 20 0 in any of the meridians.

Color vision impairment.

Diseases of the retina and optic nerve (retinitis pigmentosa, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, etc.).

Compensated glaucoma (normal fundus; change in visual acuity not lower than 0.6 in the best eye, not lower than 0.2 in the worse eye) (allowed with re-examination after one year).

The absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as deformation of the hand or foot, significantly complicating their movement. As an exception, persons with one leg amputation may be admitted if the amputation stump is at least 1/3 of the leg and mobility in the knee joint of the amputated limb is fully preserved.

Absence of fingers or phalanges, as well as immobility in the interphalangeal joints:

absence of two phalanges of the thumb on the right or left hand;

absence or immobility of two or more fingers on the right hand or complete abduction of at least one finger;

the absence or immobility of three or more fingers on the left hand or the complete abduction of at least one finger (while maintaining the grasping function and strength of the hand, the issue of admission to control is decided individually).

Shortening of the lower limb by more than 6 cm - the examinees can be considered fit if the limb has no defects in bones, soft tissues and joints, the range of motion is preserved, the length of the limb is more than 75 cm (from the heel bone to the middle of the greater trochanter of the femur).

Absence of the upper limb or hand, absence of the lower limb at any level of the thigh or lower leg with impaired mobility in the knee joint.

Traumatic deformations and defects of the skull bones with the presence of severe neurological symptoms that interfere with driving. In the presence of minor neurological symptoms, admission is carried out individually with re-examination after one year.

Complete deafness in one ear when perceiving spoken speech in the other at a distance of less than 3 m, whispered speech - at a distance of 1 m, or perceiving spoken speech in each ear less than 2 m (in case of complete deafness, deaf-muteness, admission is carried out individually with re-examination at least after 2 of the year).

Chronic unilateral or bilateral purulent inflammation of the middle ear, complicated by cholesteatoma, granulations or polyp (epitimpanitis). The presence of a fistula symptom (after surgical treatment with a good result, the issue is resolved individually).

Chronic purulent mastoiditis, complications due to mastoidectomy (cyst, fistula).

Diseases of the endocrine system of a progressive course with persistent severe dysfunction of other organs and systems (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by an endocrinologist).

III Art., high grade heart rhythm disturbances, or a combination of these conditions (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by a cardiologist).

Hypertension II I stage, 3 degrees, risk 1 V (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination based on the results of treatment and recommendations of a cardiologist)

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with symptoms of respiratory failure or pulmonary heart failure, grade 2-3. (admission to driving is decided individually after examination and treatment by a pulmonologist).

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

Visual acuity is below 0.5 in the better eye and below 0.2 in the worse eye (with correction); lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (uncorrected) in the other.

Complete deafness (in case of deafness, deaf-muteness, admission is carried out individually with re-examination after one year).

Absence of the upper limb or hand, absence of the lower limb at any level of the thigh or lower leg with impaired mobility in the knee joint.

Diseases of any etiology that cause dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer, dizziness syndromes, nystagmus (Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular crises of any etiology, etc.).

Prolapse of the uterus and vagina, retrovaginal and vesicovaginal fistulas, perineal ruptures with disruption of the integrity of the rectal sphincters, hydrocele of the testicle or spermatic cord, hernias and other diseases that cause restrictions and pain in movements that interfere with driving.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in clause 3-25 of this column of subclause 28.1.

Decreased visual acuity below 0.5 in the better eye and below 0.2 in the worse eye (with correction).

Lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (uncorrected) in the other.

For taxi drivers and drivers of emergency services vehicles (ambulance, fire service, police, emergency rescue service, military automobile inspection), corrected visual acuity is below 0.8 in one eye, below 0.4 in the other. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism is 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in lens power between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subclause 28.1 of this column.

Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea) - a person is allowed to drive 3 months after surgery with corrected visual acuity of at least 0.6 in the best eye, and not below 0.2 in the worst.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subclause 28.4.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in clauses 3-25 of this column of subclause 28.1.

Corrected visual acuity is below 0.8 in one eye, below 0.4 in the other. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness 8.0 D , including contact lenses, astigmatism -3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D ). The difference in lens power between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

Lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (uncorrected) in the other. Artificial lens, at least in one eye.

Perception of spoken speech in one or both ears at a distance of less than 3 m, whispered speech - at a distance of 1 m (with complete deafness in one ear and perception of spoken speech at a distance of less than 3 m in the other ear or perception of spoken speech at least 2 m in each ear, the issue of admission of experienced drivers is decided individually during annual re-examination).

The absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as deformation of the hand or foot, which significantly impedes their movement, is not allowed in all cases.

The absence of fingers or phalanges, as well as immobility in the interphalangeal joints of the hands, are not allowed even with intact grasping function.

Traumatic deformations and defects of the skull bones with the presence of severe neurological symptoms.

Coronary heart disease: unstable angina, exertional angina, FC III , high-grade heart rhythm disturbances, or a combination of these conditions.

Hypertonic disease II - III Art. Hypertensive disease 1 st. admission is carried out individually, subject to annual examination.

Diabetes (all types and forms).

Height below 150 cm (the issue is decided individually), a sharp lag in physical development.

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in clauses 3-25 of this column of subclause 28.6.

Additional medical contraindications

Additional medical contraindications

In case of speech defects and logoneurosis (stuttering) in severe forms, admission for drivers of passenger transport is carried out individually.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subclause 28.6 of this column.

28.12.Tram, trolleybus

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subclause 28.6 of this column.

Tram and trolleybus drivers with implanted artificial pacemakers are not allowed to work.

28.13. Tractors and self-propelled machines

Additional medical contraindications

28.14. Mini tractors, walk-behind tractors, forklifts, electric cars, traffic controllers, etc.

Additional medical contraindications

Medical contraindications set out in subclause 28.4 of this column.

The subcategories of vehicles specified in the Order have not yet entered into force.

In the modern world, more and more people wear glasses. Why did this situation arise, what are the reasons for the deviations from the norm, since nature has programmed the eyes for heavy loads? This situation is due to several reasons.

Main causes of visual impairment

Critical loads on the organs of vision are the main reason. The structure of the eyes ensures their long-term functionality only when the muscles of the eye lens are relaxed. In this position, a person clearly sees objects at a distance of about 0.5–5 meters. This is the kind of vision that was required for hunting and daily life. To clearly see objects closer or further from this zone, you need to change the thickness of the lens, and to do this, strain your muscles excessively. If you work in this mode for a long time, the muscles become exhausted, atrophy and cannot change the thickness of the lens, the image becomes unclear, and visual acuity decreases. We spend a lot of time at the computer or reading books, without maintaining physiological distance.

Table. Other causes of visual impairment.

Causes of loss of visual acuityShort description

The organs of vision are very complex in structure and require constant and adequate nutrition. Modern diets rarely contain a full range of vitamins, macro- and microelements. All this has an extremely negative effect on the eyeball, lens, cornea, etc. They lose their elasticity and cannot properly respond to changes in the distance to the object in question.

Like the entire human body, the eyes lose their original capabilities over time. But this phenomenon is very individual. There are many elderly people who have excellent vision into old age, and many young people with obvious signs of impairment.

Both eye diseases and complications from other diseases can lead to vision loss.

Previously, only the strongest and healthiest people survived due to natural selection. Today medicine saves very heavy babies with various deviations of physiological development. Eye pathologies are inherited, therefore, children of parents with poor vision will have the same problem.

How is visual acuity 0.5 determined?

In Russia, the rules for determining visual acuity have not changed since the times of the USSR and are determined by fractions of a unit. Indicator 1.0 – normal vision, 1.2–0.1 – visual acuity is reduced. The check is done according to the Sivtsev or Golovin table; there is no difference in the technology itself, only the signs differ. One contains the letters of the alphabet, and the other contains circles with slots.

There are 12 rows in the tables, each with its own size. At the top are the largest letters or circles; a person with normal vision should see them from a distance of 50 meters. A person with normal vision should be able to distinguish the bottom row from a distance of 2.5 meters. On the right of the rows, visual acuity is indicated when tested from a distance of 5 meters. The first mandatory check is done for children upon entering kindergarten and school. But parents should not expect a mandatory check; the sooner the doctor detects abnormalities, the better. In most cases, vision can be completely restored; if for some reason this is not possible, then the child is prescribed. Wearing glasses prevents further deterioration of vision.

Both eyes are checked in turn. If a patient from a distance of 5 meters sees all the signs or letters of the tenth line from the top, then his vision is 1.0, if he clearly distinguishes only up to the fifth line from the top, then his visual acuity is, accordingly, 0.5.

What causes vision loss to 0.5?

There may be several reasons, some can be corrected and some cannot.

  1. Anatomical reasons. The cornea, vitreous body of the eyeball, or lens changes.
  2. . The distance between the lens and the posterior wall with the visual nerve endings does not correspond to the refractive index of the system.

Refractive errors cannot be treated; visual acuity can be improved by choosing the right glasses or contact lenses. Anatomical causes in some cases can be eliminated with medications; if the effect is negative, then they resort to surgical interventions, including replacing the lens.

Refractive error has several types:

  • distant objects are poorly distinguished (myopia);
  • difficulty distinguishing close objects (hyperopia);
  • objects are curved (astigmatism);
  • difficulty perceiving objects at arm's length (presbyopia).

What is myopia and farsightedness

Some patients confuse visual acuity with myopia and farsightedness. If you have empirical visual acuity, then this indicator does not affect myopia and farsightedness, objects are clear in all cases and at any distance. The clarity of the image depends on the intensity of the image on the retina. The lens works normally, the distance to the fundus is within the physiological norm. Why then does the distinctiveness of objects change depending on the distance?

Primary diagnosis is done using the above mentioned. If a person sees well the lines below the tenth, then he has farsightedness, if above the tenth, then he has myopia.

Causes of myopia

If a person sees objects well at close range, but at a distance they are blurry, then he has symptoms of myopia (myopathy), the image is focused in front of the retina. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: in adolescence, the development of the eyeball was disrupted and it lengthened. Deviations in the shape of the cornea, traumatic significant displacement of the lens. In older people, myopia appears due to sclerotic changes in the lens.

Medicine distinguishes the following types of myopia.

  1. Optical. Non-physiological dimensions of the eyeball or lens. They can be congenital or acquired.
  2. Transistor. Occurs as a consequence of diabetes mellitus or after the use of potent medications.

The flow can be progressive and stable, high and weak.

Why does farsightedness occur?

In this case, the image is focused not in front of the bottom of the apple, but behind it. Nearby objects are blurry, but distant objects are clearly visible. The problem arises due to changes in the size of the eyeball and deterioration in the accommodation of the lens. Farsightedness can be congenital or age-related. In the first case, the eyeball does not grow to the required size during growth, and the lens develops within physiological norms. In the second case, the muscles of the lens, weakened by old age, cannot change its curvature within large limits.

Should I wear glasses if I have 0.5 vision?

Let us remind you once again that if during the initial examination according to the tables the vision is 0.5, this means myopia, you see only the fifth row from the top of the table with large letters or icons. If the eleventh or twelfth with small letters or icons is clearly visible, then the vision is 1.5 and 2.0, respectively, these are the mildest stages of farsightedness. That is, there cannot be farsightedness of 0.5; such a definition can only be found in non-professional articles on the Internet. Always pay attention to this fact; if you come across “recommendations” for vision of +0.5 and -0.5, then you should not waste time familiarizing yourself with the contents of such articles. They were written by amateurs, and following their advice is harmful to your health.

Let's answer the most common misconceptions about glasses with vision 0.5.

Video: “Minus” vision. What does it mean?

Features of vision treatment 0.5 in children

Features of treatment are related to the development of children's vision. In the first six months, most of them have farsightedness; in one and a half years the situation changes, visual acuity is 0.6–0.8, but this is considered a normal process. Indicators are normalized at the age of 5–7 years. If this does not happen, then the pediatrician should prescribe special procedures for correction. Treatment tactics and glasses are selected only after a complete examination; special attention is paid to children whose parents have vision problems.

If improvements are not observed with age, then glasses are most often prescribed. Only an ophthalmologist should select them; you should not skimp on the quality of glasses and lenses.

In most cases, doctors do not prescribe drug treatment until the age of twelve; before this time, the eyes are still developing. Farsightedness of +2.0 does not disappear until the age of two; this is the norm for this age. Accurate refractive indexes can only be determined by completely relaxing the eye muscles with drops. But if this indicator is higher than normal, then spectacle correction is required. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing amblyopia, which is formed as a result of a long-term optical defect. Another problem is that strabismus may appear. Courses of hardware treatment are prescribed from the age of two, but only under the constant supervision of a doctor. As visual acuity increases, lens diopters are adjusted. At this age, glasses should be worn constantly; they have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

As for childhood astigmatism, it is, unfortunately, a congenital defect. With it, the cornea changes the direction of light rays along one axis more than along the other. Glasses are not required if correction requires lenses of no more than 1D and there are no signs of amblyopia. In all other cases, the earlier spectacle therapy is started, the better the final results will be. At the same time, vitamin support and various eye exercises are provided. Only a complete ophthalmological examination can provide a picture of the disease, on the basis of which the doctor makes decisions.

Video: Childhood myopia: myths and reality

Modern methods of vision correction for children

In our country, these methods are becoming increasingly popular, but world medicine treats them very carefully. What do clinics offer to children?

  1. Infrared laser therapy. The device affects the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for normal accommodation. Radiation improves tissue nutrition and relieves muscle spasms.
  2. Vacuum massage. The procedure has a positive effect on hydrodynamic processes in the eyeball and improves blood supply to the organ.
  3. Laser therapy. It has a positive effect on spatial vision, increases muscle tone, and stimulates the functioning of the nerve endings of the retina.
  4. Electrical stimulation. Low intensity currents increase impulse conductivity of the optic nerves.

An individual treatment program should be drawn up for each child and only after a complete examination. But the most important thing for children is not to treat visual impairments, but not to allow them to appear. Make sure they sit correctly at the desk, provide the required lighting, get them used to physical education and outdoor games, and do not allow them to spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. And then children will have an increased chance of having 1.0 vision rather than 0.5.

1) Corrected visual acuity is below 0.6 in the best eye, below 0.2 in the worst. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism is 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in lens power between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

2) Lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other.

3) Central scotoma, absolute or relative (in case of scotoma and the presence of changes in visual function not lower than the values ​​​​specified in paragraph 1 of this subparagraph column - admission without restrictions).

4) Condition after refractive operations on the cornea (keratotomy, keratomileusis, keratocoagulation, refractive keratoplasty). Persons are allowed to drive 3 months after surgery with corrected visual acuity of no less than 0.6 in the best eye, and no less than 0.2 in the worst.

5) Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism is 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in the power of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D, in the absence of complications and the initial (preoperative) refraction - from +8.0 to -8.0 D. If it is impossible to establish the preoperative refraction, issues of professional suitability are resolved positively with the axis length eyes from 21.5 to 27.0 mm.

6) Artificial lens, at least in one eye. Experienced drivers are allowed if their visual acuity with correction is not lower than 0.6 in the best eye, and not lower than 0.2 in the worst. Acceptable correction for myopia and farsightedness is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism is 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in lens power of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D, normal field of vision and no complications for six months after surgery.

7) Chronic diseases of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by significant impairment of visual function, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the muscles of the eyelids, interfering with vision or limiting the movement of the eyeball (after surgical treatment with a positive result, admission is carried out individually).

8) Chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac that cannot be treated conservatively, as well as persistent lacrimation that cannot be treated.

9) Paralytic strabismus and other disorders of concomitant eye movement.

10) Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology.

11) Spontaneous nystagmus when the pupils deviate 70° from the average position.

12) Limitation of the field of view by more than 20° in any of the meridians.

13) Color vision impairment.

14) Diseases of the retina and optic nerve (retinitis pigmentosa, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, etc.).

15) Glaucoma.

16) The absence of one upper or lower limb, hand or foot, as well as deformation of the hand or foot, which significantly impedes their movement. As an exception, persons with one leg amputation may be admitted if the amputation stump is at least 1/3 of the leg and mobility in the knee joint of the amputated limb is fully preserved.

17) Absence of fingers or phalanges, as well as immobility in the interphalangeal joints:

absence of two phalanges of the thumb on the right or left hand;

absence or immobility of two or more fingers on the right hand or complete abduction of at least one finger;

the absence or immobility of three or more fingers on the left hand or the complete abduction of at least one finger (while maintaining the grasping function and strength of the hand, the issue of admission to control is decided individually).

18) Shortening of the lower limb by more than 6 cm - the examinees can be considered fit if the limb has no defects in bones, soft tissues and joints, the range of motion is preserved, the length of the limb is more than 75 cm (from the calcaneus to the middle of the greater trochanter of the femur) .

19) Absence of the upper limb or hand, absence of the lower limb at any level of the thigh or lower leg with impaired mobility in the knee joint.

20) Traumatic deformations and defects of the skull bones with the presence of severe neurological symptoms that interfere with driving. In the presence of minor neurological symptoms, admission is carried out individually with re-examination after one year.

21) Complete deafness in one ear (hearing acuity: spoken speech in the other ear less than 3 m, whispered speech less than 1 m, or spoken speech in each ear less than 2 m (in case of complete deafness, deaf-muteness, admission is carried out with re-examination at least 1 time per year), with the exception of lack of hearing, severe and severe hearing impairment (deafness and III, IV degree of hearing loss))

22) Chronic unilateral or bilateral purulent inflammation of the middle ear, complicated by cholesteatoma, granulations or polyp (epitympanitis). The presence of a fistula symptom (after surgical treatment with a good result, the issue is resolved individually).

23) Chronic purulent mastoiditis, complications due to mastoidectomy (cyst, fistula).

24) Diseases of any etiology that cause dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer, dizziness syndromes, nystagmus (Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular crises of any etiology, etc.).

25) Progressive diseases of the endocrine system with persistent severe dysfunction of other organs and systems (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by an endocrinologist).

26) Coronary heart disease: unstable angina, exertional angina, class III FC, high grade cardiac arrhythmias, or a combination of these conditions (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination after examination and treatment by a cardiologist).

27) Hypertension stage III, degree 3, risk IV (admission to driving is decided individually, subject to annual re-examination based on the results of treatment and recommendations of a cardiologist).

28) Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with symptoms of respiratory failure or pulmonary-heart failure, grade 2 - 3. (admission to driving is decided individually after examination and treatment by a pulmonologist).

29) Prolapse of the uterus and vagina, retrovaginal and vesicovaginal fistulas, perineal ruptures with disruption of the integrity of the rectal sphincters, hydrocele of the testicle or spermatic cord, hernias and other diseases that cause restrictions and pain in movements that interfere with driving.

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