Fish oil indications for use in children. How to take fish oil capsules: indications and dosage for children and adults. Which fish oil is best? How to choose it

Fish oil has been used as a dietary supplement for over 100 years.

This product is considered useful, because it provides the human body with fatty acids that are not synthesized in it.

Mothers especially often think about fish oil, wanting to give their babies everything that is most useful and necessary for normal growth. But from how many months is it permissible to start giving it, how is it useful for the child’s body, and which one to choose from those on the market? Let's figure it out.


Thanks to this composition, fish oil:

  • Helps absorb calcium.
  • Prevents the development of rickets.
  • Participates in the mineralization of bones and dental tissues.
  • Supports the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Has a positive effect on brain functions.
  • Stimulates the mental development of children.
  • Promotes the development of fine motor skills.
  • Improves the ability to learn new knowledge.
  • Increases perseverance and concentration.
  • Reduces fatigue from intellectual stress.
  • Protects against the negative effects of stress.
  • Stimulates the formation of serotonin, thereby preventing the onset of depression.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents the development of obesity.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses.
  • By stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins, it prevents inflammatory reactions, infectious diseases and allergies.
  • Improves the condition of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the respiratory system, as well as the digestive tract.
  • Promotes faster healing of skin damage.
  • Improves vision, affecting both night vision and color perception.
  • Reduces the risk of malignant tumors.


Despite the many positive effects of taking fish oil supplements, these drugs also have some disadvantages:

  • Some children who take fish oil supplements may experience allergic reaction.
  • Fish oil extracted from shark meat may contain harmful substances.
  • Children's fish oil supplements may include artificial flavors and sweeteners.
  • Exceeding dosages or too Long-term use of fish oil can worsen the child’s health.


Any of these situations may be a reason to prescribe fish oil, but in each specific case you should first consult with your pediatrician, because a large list of beneficial effects does not exclude the presence of contraindications to such a supplement.


In the diet of an infant

The prescription of such a supplement for babies in the first 12 months of life must be agreed with a pediatrician. The doctor will take into account the rate of development of the baby, the overgrowth of the fontanelles and other nuances, on the basis of which he will conclude that the baby needs fish oil. You cannot independently give any drug containing fish oil to an infant who is not yet 1 year old.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

It should be noted that children who are fed mother's milk have less need for additional sources of vitamins and healthy fats in the first six months of life. The same cannot be said about artificial babies. If a formula-fed baby does not get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fats, this can lead to problems with intellectual development.

In such a situation, the pediatrician will certainly recommend the inclusion of fish oil in the baby’s diet, selecting the drug individually, and then determining the required dosage, as well as the duration of use. Doctors call the minimum age at which fish oil is prescribed 4 weeks.

Watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about the use of vitamins contained in fish oil to prevent rickets in young children:

Types and how to choose the best

If we talk about natural fat, then we are talking about an oily, transparent, yellow liquid that has a characteristic odor and taste. Such fat can be obtained from the liver of fish (mainly cod) and from fish carcasses, for example, from tuna or salmon meat.

The second option is more preferable for children, because it is cold-pressed, it is of higher quality and contains the optimal amount of nutrients. Fish liver oil is virtually devoid of omega-3 fats and will provide the baby with too many fat-soluble vitamins, which is why its duration is limited to 3 months.

Let us note that Norwegian fat is considered to be of the highest quality, because the seas of Norway are classified as environmentally friendly places, and fish from them do not accumulate petroleum products, heavy metals and other toxins.

Manufacturers of fish oil supplements these days offer quality products for children with a pleasant taste that kids enjoy drinking or chewing. Fish oil for children comes in liquid form, packaged in capsules, and also hidden in gummies.

Capsulated fish oil is said to be the most effective in its healing effect, since such a preparation does not come into contact with air and its beneficial properties last longer. Capsules for such supplements can be made from fish gelatin, which only increases their benefits. However, many small children cannot chew or swallow capsules, so liquid preparations for early ages (up to three years) are very relevant.

When buying fish oil for a child, carefully read the supplement label and description from the manufacturer. It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • What source did it come from?
  • Are there quality certificates for the selected additive?
  • Is it indicated that the drug has a medical and not a nutritional purpose?
  • How much omega-3 fat is in the supplement? It is desirable that their concentration is at least 15%.
  • What raw materials is the shell made of?
  • What are the expiration dates?

If you purchase liquid fish oil, make sure its consistency is uniform and there is no unpleasant odor. When buying a drug in capsules for your child, it is better to stick to small packages, since long-term storage worsens its properties.

Most popular drugs

Among the supplements containing fish oil, the following drugs are most in demand for children:

Moller Kalanmaksaoljy. This is a liquid fish oil with a fruity taste, packaged in 250 ml bottles. This supplement from Finland can be given from 6 months of age. The daily dosage of the drug is 5 ml.

Minisun Omega-3 fats and vitamin D. This Finnish preparation is a source of both fish oil (600 mg in each fruit jelly) and vitamin D3 (400 IU in each jelly). It is recommended to give it to children over two years old, 1 gummy candy per day.

Triomega Kids. This is another Finnish supplement whose capsules contain fish oil. These fruit capsules are prescribed 2-3 pieces per day for children over 5 years old. They can be swallowed or chewed.

Solgar Goldfish. This fish-shaped chewable fish oil is cold-pressed from tuna. The preparation does not contain sugar, salt, starch or any artificial additives. The product is given to children over 4 years old, 2 chewable tablets per day.

Kusalochka. Such capsules from a domestic manufacturer contain Icelandic fish oil and natural flavors. The supplement is prescribed from the age of 3 when there are indications for taking fish oil. Children under 7 years of age are given one capsule twice a day with meals, and at older ages the number of doses is increased to 3 per day.

Biafishenol for children. This domestic fish oil comes in capsules recommended for children over 3 years of age. The product is obtained from Icelandic fish (from carcasses). Its daily dosage for ages 3-6 years is 4 capsules, and for children over six years of age - 8 capsules.

BioContour. This fish oil for children from the Russian manufacturer PolarPharm is presented with additives in different flavors - strawberry, apple, lemon, orange, raspberry, grapefruit and multifruit. Also in the assortment of this company from Murmansk there is a drug without flavoring additives. All of these drugs are soft chewable capsules approved for use in children three years of age and older. They are made from the carcasses of sardines, Atlantic herring and mackerel. Any of the supplements is prescribed 4-8 capsules per day.

Poly Kids. This chewable fish oil with raspberry or orange flavor is produced in Murmansk. The drug is recommended for children three years old and older. Its daily dosage is 8 capsules.

Omega-3 from Gummi King. This supplement, represented by lemon, strawberry and orange candies without gelatin, contains fish oil from tuna, and the flavors and colors in this preparation are only natural. These gummy fish are recommended for children over 2 years old, 2 pieces per day.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to give fish oil to children during feeding. It is usually offered to be drunk, chewed or swallowed during breakfast. If it is a liquid preparation without a sweet taste, it can be used to season salads and other dishes for children.

The dosage for each child should be selected together with the pediatrician, because such a supplement can be prescribed both for preventive purposes and for treatment.

In addition, the dose for a child at 2 years old or at 7 years old will be different. Liquid fish oil supplements are recommended for children under three years of age, while capsules or jellies can be given to older children.

Fish oil supplements are usually given in a course that lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The drug should be taken daily, and after a break of 2-3 months, the dose can be repeated. The number of courses per year can be from 1 to 3. It is best to choose the period from September to May to take such supplements so that the product does not deteriorate.

Side effects and overdose

  • If you take fish oil on an empty stomach, it may cause your stool to become loose. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to use such supplements only during meals.
  • As for an overdose, it is possible if you give your child a drug made from liver fat. This type contains too many vitamins and can cause nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. When the drug is discontinued, these side effects disappear.
  • Excessive consumption of fat extracted from fish in case of chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis can provoke an exacerbation of such pathologies.
  • Some children may have bad breath (resembling fish).


To preserve the beneficial substances, liquid preparations with fish oil are packaged in dark glass bottles. Having selected the desired dosage of the drug, it is important to close the bottle tightly. If you leave such a supplement in the sun, its valuable fatty acids will be destroyed.

Also, storage at high temperatures will lead to deterioration of the drug, so it is recommended to keep fish oil at temperatures below +10°C. For this reason, the drugs are not recommended to be taken in the summer.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular doctor classifies fish oil as a useful supplement, but advises giving it to children and nursing mothers only if it is impossible to get vitamin D from other sources. If a child and his mother regularly walk in sunny weather, take complex vitamins or synthetic vitamin D, Komarovsky does not see a need for it in the diet.

However, a well-known pediatrician does not consider such a supplement to be harmful, and if the mother wants to give it as a supplement to the child’s diet, this, according to Komarovsky, will not harm. Provided that parents discuss the single dose, frequency of administration and duration of use with their pediatrician.

What can be replaced?

A child can also get omega fats, vitamin D and other beneficial compounds from fish oil from food. To do this, fish should be present in his diet twice or thrice a week. The most valuable species are trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna, haddock, herring and sea bass.

You can also get omega fats from plant foods, for example, walnuts, vegetable oils, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. There is a lot of vitamin D in foods such as butter, eggs, liver, sour cream. If they appear regularly on the child’s menu, he will not need additional fish oil.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Fish oil is extremely beneficial for everyone: both adults and children. Especially for children! This food supplement contains special fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, D, E, which are so essential for the full growth and development of a child.

Children's fish oil in capsules has amazing properties, including:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effects on brain and vision development;
  • improved concentration and memory;
  • help in combating anxiety, impulsivity, hyperactivity, sleep disorders and outbursts of aggression in children, etc.

Fish oil capsules for children are a rich source of vitamins such as:

  • vitamin A, which is actively involved in the processes of vision formation, growth of bones and tooth enamel in children, ensures the proper functioning of the digestive and urinary systems, and normalizes metabolism;
  • vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are involved in the formation of bones;
  • vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the body.

In addition, Australian scientists noticed that children who regularly consume fish oil have a 4 times lower risk of developing asthma. Therefore, it is recommended that children suffering from this disease consume at least 3 grams of fish oil daily to ease breathing and other symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acid, which is found in fish oil, deserves special attention. It is she who plays the most important role in all physiological processes. When the child is in the womb, doctors recommend that pregnant women consume Omega-3 for brain formation and the full development of the fetus. After birth, this acid ensures healthy skin, hair, nails, cartilage, vessel walls, nervous system, and also acts as an excellent preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.

Undoubtedly, fish oil is an important and beneficial substance. Unfortunately, some children flatly refuse to consume it in liquid form due to the unpleasant fishy taste and smell. But there is a way out - children's fish oil in capsules.

Daily dosage of fish oil for children:

  • children from 1 year to 6 years - from 1 to 3 g;
  • children from 7 to 14 years old - from 3 to 6.5 g.

Remember that the dosage is determined individually for each child, depending on the purpose of administration and weight.

Typically, the daily dose of fish oil is divided into 2-3 doses per day. For maximum absorption, it is recommended to take capsules with or after meals. The duration of the course is 1 month, after which it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 months.

I would also like to draw attention to the presence of vitamin D in the preparations. Often, children's fish oil capsules contain this vitamin. But remember that too much vitamin D is much worse than too little. An excess of this vitamin can lead to problems with the skeleton, heart and blood vessels, and cause seizures. Therefore, I recommend choosing dietary supplements with Omega-3 without vitamin D in the summer (for example, or ), but in the winter - vice versa (for example, ).

Important! Before taking any drug, make sure it is approved for use in children. In addition, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug.

Fish oil capsules for children: which one is better?

When choosing fish oil capsules for children, you need to pay attention to the total content of Omega-3 acids. For children, this norm is 1-3 grams per day. The dosage of EPA and DHA is also important. The optimal daily dose is EPA 500-1200 mg and DHA 250-600 mg. Taking into account this dosage, I offer you the best fish oil capsules for children on the iHerb website:

If your child has completely refused fish oil in capsules, then you can try fish oil in the form of candies or pills.

All this is available on the iHerb website! High quality, wide range of products for both adults and children, at incredibly competitive prices (even including delivery). I recommend visiting this store. You definitely won't leave empty-handed!

An effective, popular, inexpensive means of maintaining the health of babies is fish oil. Omega 3 supplies the body with substances, polyunsaturated acids, which are not produced, but are important for the normal, full functioning of the child.

Useful qualities

Sometimes, along with nutrition, the child does not receive enough necessary substances for proper development. Then the question arises of which drugs to use as a dietary supplement. Among the natural and safe dietary supplements, fish oil meets all requirements for the quantity and quality of useful ingredients.

This unique combination of essential substances is not found anywhere else.

You can replace the intake of fish oil if you give your child 300 g of sea fish twice a week, feed him walnuts, and high-quality vegetable oil. This is possible for older children; this method is not suitable for newborns.

The table clearly shows all the beneficial components contained in fish oil, their effect on the development of infants, as well as what the deficiency will lead to.

NameBody reaction
upon assimilationin case of shortage
Vitamin AStrengthens cell membranes, which is especially important for babies with allergic reactions.Visual acuity decreases, dry mucous membranes appear. Nails peel, hair breaks.
Vitamin DHelps absorb calcium and phosphorus, strengthens bones, and promotes normal skeletal formation.Rickets develops.
Vitamin ENeeded for normal muscle function. Reduces the risk of oncological degeneration of tissues, reduces the manifestation of allergies.Blood clotting is impaired.
IodineTakes part in all metabolic processes.Young children may have mental retardation. At school age, iodine deficiency leads to decreased intelligence, severe drowsiness, and lethargy.
PhosphorusStimulates the growth of bone tissue and teeth. Needed for normal functioning of the kidneys and nervous system.Anxiety, weakness, decreased cognitive activity.
Omega 3 fatty polyunsaturated acidsThey take part in the formation of brain cells, the development and functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and internal systems. Helps strengthen the immune system.There is growth retardation, decreased mental and physical development, decreased performance, and fatigue.
Docosahexaenoic acidTakes part in strengthening the central nervous system, retina, and normalizes blood supply to the brain.Provokes neurotic disorders, absent-mindedness.
Eicosapentaenoic acidMaintains a normal level of digestive juice in the stomach, stabilizes the secretion of bile, strengthens the immune system.Attention is impaired, absent-mindedness, nervousness, and anxiety develop.

Application area

Breasts are allowed to consume fish oil from a certain time. A doctor can determine the need and time.

The indications are:

  • prevention of rickets;
  • poor memory;
  • attention deficit syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • lack of growth;
  • hemophilia;
  • eye diseases;
  • poor muscle mass gain;
  • frequent colds;
  • decreased vision;
  • poor immunity;
  • aggression and irritability of the child;
  • poor condition of the scalp;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • obesity;
  • treatment of skin damage;
  • dry skin;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Fish oil is essential for a newborn who is bottle-fed. After all, he does not receive useful substances, for example, fatty acids in milk formulas.

However, mothers should carefully study the labels on the jar with the mixture; the fact is that the manufacturer may include Omega 3 fatty acids in the composition, then additional intake of fish oil will not be required. Be careful to avoid overdose!


Famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky speaks positively about the use of fish oil. However, it reminds us of the importance of following the dosage. Follow exactly the amount of the drug, dosage regimen, and duration of preventive treatment prescribed by your pediatrician.

According to the doctor, taking fish oil was relevant in the middle of the last century. For rickets, this was an ideal remedy, because there was not much variety in baby food. Currently, you have a fairly varied diet, spend a lot of time in the sun and fresh air, and there will be no need to supplement with fish oil.

However, it is not useful for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • stomach diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • excess vitamins A, D;
  • liver diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies to fish and seafood;
  • low blood pressure;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • poor blood clotting.

In infants, fish oil can cause allergies, because the digestive system has not yet begun to produce the necessary enzymes for digestion. Up to a year, the product is prescribed in the form of drops, but even such a minimal amount can cause digestive upset, for example. To avoid this, the supplement must be added to your usual food, which is already well absorbed.

You should start with a very small amount and carefully observe the baby’s body reaction. If everything is in order, I gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to the daily norm prescribed by the doctor.


A very important condition for children is compliance with the correct dosage. An excess of fish oil is unlikely, since a very small amount is consumed. The danger may be an overdose of vitamins contained in the supplement. With hypervitaminosis, abdominal pain and liver dysfunction are observed.

An overabundance of fish oil poses a great danger for infants under six months. Increased intake of vitamin D stimulates increased bone growth. This provokes the overgrowth of the fontanel on the head ahead of schedule, which can cause many painful conditions, for example, increased blood pressure.

For the little ones

Every mother wonders whether it is possible to give fish oil to her baby. This is decided by the pediatrician on an individual basis. It is necessary to take into account the development of the baby, the rate of overgrowth of the fontanel, the type of feeding, even the number of sunny days. Usually, a baby is prescribed the drug no earlier than one month from birth.

The standard dose is 5 drops in the morning and evening. At 6 months, the baby drinks a teaspoon a day. The dosage remains the same per year, only the number of doses increases. The drug is given during meals and can be mixed into salads and other dishes. No need to heat, should be added to already cooked products. From the age of seven you can switch to capsules that must be swallowed. The duration of treatment should not be more than three months.

Before you buy fish oil for infants, you need to understand what it is like. It is produced in liquid form, in the form of gummies and capsules. It is convenient to use liquid forms of Omega 3 for infants.

What is she like? This is a rather thick liquid of light yellow color with a specific fishy odor. Previously it was made from the liver of cod fish. But a large amount of toxins accumulate in this organ, so now children get a better quality product from the carcass using a cold press.

  1. Before you buy, you need to read the instructions about the method of manufacturing the product. The quality is indicated by fat prepared from ocean fish carcasses. But shark fish is considered a less safe supplier of oil.
  2. Norwegian fat is an environmentally friendly product. No pollutants were found in the seas of this state where fishing is carried out. Among Russian manufacturers, Murmansk companies have good products.
  3. The production of oil from fish is not strictly regulated because it is not a drug. That is why you need to buy a drug labeled “medical”. Otherwise, you can purchase a product for veterinary or household use.
  4. Fish and fish oils are commercially available. They differ in composition. Fish contains more vitamins, fish contains mainly Omega-3 fatty acids. The pediatrician should tell you which one is needed for an infant.
  5. When buying a drug, you need to look for one without flavorings. Often liquid fat is additionally deodorized to remove unpleasant taste and smell. But synthetic fragrances can cause allergies in young children. Or opt for all-natural aromatic ingredients, such as essential oils.
  6. Also, the bottle should be made of thick dark glass, since fatty acids can oxidize under the influence of the sun. A responsible manufacturer pours fat to the brim, under the cork. After all, under the influence of oxygen, Omega-3 also oxidizes. For the same reason, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator, so the drug will retain its beneficial qualities longer.
  7. Do not take large bottles, most likely by the end of use the product will no longer be fresh and will lose its nutritional value. It is better to buy Omega 3 in a small container, no more than 100 ml.
  8. Please note that Omega 3 is in the form of triglycerides, not esters, so that the supplement is better absorbed by the child’s body and brings more benefits.

Popular drugs

There are many drugs on the market. Series in liquid form are offered especially for young children. For example, Moller Kalanmaksaoljy is children's fish oil. Made in Finland, approved for use from six months because it contains flavoring.

According to reviews from parents, the drugs from Carlson Labs and Norsk BarneTran (manufactured in Norway) are considered the best. This is fish oil in liquid form. The first contains lemon or orange natural flavoring, the second contains herbal extracts.

Allergies are possible in infants; you should consult your doctor about the need to use these particular medications.

In Russia it is produced in liquid form “BIOKontur”. It is suitable for babies from one month old, as it does not contain synthetic additives. “Magic Fish” is also produced in our country and has no flavorings. There is a convenient dropper on the lid.

It is advisable to find words on the label that the drug is recommended for babies up to one year old. Most manufacturers produce the drug in the form of capsules and gelatin candies, which are designed for older children.


A small child needs a balanced diet. Breastfeeding provides the baby with everything necessary, and with artificial feeding, taking additional medications for growth and development will be very useful.

The third generation of fish oil is being produced. It is adapted for feeding babies and has a pleasant taste and aroma. Children enjoy using this nutritional supplement, which helps them grow healthy and smart.

Fish oil for children in capsules has no negative properties when compared with its natural counterpart. By adding flavorings, the bitter taste disappears and the unpleasant odor is neutralized, so the child uses the product with great pleasure.

Prescribing fish oil to children helps strengthen bone tissue, prevent rickets (softening of bone tissue due to lack of calcium), and increases resistance to infections.

The valuable properties of the substance are due to the content of vitamin D, unsaturated omega-3 acids, and prostaglandins. Due to weak immunity in childhood, colds often occur. Scientific studies have shown that consuming cod liver reduces the likelihood of complications. It is from these fish that pharmaceutical fish oil capsules are made.

Scientists have proven that a lack of omega-3 acids in boys leads to anxiety, aggressiveness, sleep disturbances, problems with learning, and impulsivity. Fat improves the concentration of serotonin, a mediator of joy in adolescents.

Using the product helps fight depression in teenagers. Puberty is characterized by hormonal imbalance, the appearance of juvenile acne, and mental imbalance.

Effective fight against obesity in children is impossible without this remedy. The content of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) activates lipogenesis (destruction of fat cells).

Children with anemic syndrome and hemophilia are prescribed the drug for a long time. A similar dosage is recommended for pregnant women to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

When choosing a therapeutic concentration, the vitamin D content in special supplements should be taken into account. An overdose of the drug is dangerous to health, as it increases the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.

What is the benefit:

  • Used to prevent rickets;
  • Helps reduce obesity in schoolchildren;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Restores vision;
  • Helps fight stress and increased aggressiveness.

Literary sources describe many other positive properties of the product, but they have not been proven by scientific research.

How to choose

There are 3 types of fish oil:

  1. White;
  2. Yellow;
  3. Brown.

Brown fat has technical applications. It is used in the space industry to fuel rockets. Medicinal types – medical, veterinary. They are transparent with a slight yellowish tint.

The benefits of oleic, palmitic, unsaturated omega-6, omega-3 acids have been proven by repeated studies.

The use of cod liver for medicinal purposes has an ancient history. An 18th century Norwegian apothecary studied the positive effects of fish products on human health. Initially, he began to consume cod oil as a medicinal food supplement. The pharmacist did not find any negative aspects when using the product. Gradually, the trend towards adding cod oil to food has spread massively. Centuries have passed - the pharmaceutical industry produces fish oil in capsules.

It is better to choose drugs made in Norway. The country is famous for the “purity” of its fishing industry. The sea waters washing the shores of Norway do not contain toxins, heavy metals, or oil inclusions.

The drug in capsules is produced by many manufacturers. To assess the properties of the product, you should evaluate the quality certificate, especially the forms for use in children.

Types of raw materials for the manufacture of the drug:

  • Salmon carcass;
  • Seal lard;
  • Whale meat;
  • Ocean fish.

All preparations based on the above raw materials belong to the category of “fish oil”, since the composition is not based on cod liver.

Quality depends not so much on the raw materials, but on the concentration of individual ingredients and the degree of their purification. Norwegian manufacturers are the standard for product quality. Domestic analogues are somewhat behind the brand, but offer affordable product prices. When purchasing a product for medicinal purposes, you need to choose only the medical type.

Processing by molecular differentiation allows preserving unsaturated fatty acids, so this purification option is preferable to others.

Light containers lead to the gradual destruction of beneficial acids. You should purchase the product in a dark bottle. Monitor the condition of the flask, which must be constantly closed. The opened composition quickly deteriorates and should not be given to children.

Gelatin capsules based on animal fat are more expensive than fish options, due to the beneficial properties of the composition. It is better to buy such drugs for children.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the release date. The shelf life of capsules is no more than two years. An open bottle should be placed in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees. The optimal period is 2 weeks.

Fish oil dosage form

The historical version of the drug did not differ in taste characteristics. Its taste was not the best. Modern analogues for children do not have a bitter aftertaste.

Reception forms:

  • For preventive purposes, the drug should be taken for 1-1.5 months;
  • For rickets, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor. The terms are extended to 3 months;
  • In summer, the medicine quickly deteriorates, so you should not stock up on it for future use;
  • For children, the drug can be added to purees or vegetable salad.

Fish oil should be consumed starting from 4 years of age. The dosage is increased over time. At first the child about the classic scheme, 1 teaspoon per day is given. Children over 3 years of age are recommended to take a dessert spoon three times a day. From the age of seven, the daily dosage is 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

For overweight children, it is better to choose “fish” oil. The increased content of unsaturated fatty acids helps to effectively get rid of extra pounds. To combat obesity, the drug is used in a daily dose of no more than 350 grams.

Oil forms of the product are used to treat damaged areas of the body with burns and extensive wounds.

For intra-articular arthritis, the drug is prescribed to restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue and improve the fluid properties of intra-articular fluid. Fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are found in fish, so people living by the sea do not have joint problems. For children with congenital anomalies of the structure of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, the remedy is irreplaceable.

When to give to children

You should contact a specialist if you notice the following symptoms in your child:

  • Hyperactivity;
  • Attention deficit syndrome;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Leg muscle cramps;
  • Frequent respiratory diseases;
  • Retarded physical development;
  • Brittle or weak tooth growth;
  • Congenital heart diseases;
  • Deterioration of vision.

The daily dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

When not to give:

  • Low pressure;
  • Allergy to the components of the drug;
  • Intolerance to seafood;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Congenital diabetes mellitus;
  • Increased content of calcium, vitamin D3;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum;

You should not take the medicine if there is an exacerbation of inflammation of the liver and duodenum.

How to give to newborns

The rationality of using fish oil in newborns is low. The fish analogue seems more preferable for this category only when there is a sharp decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood.

For newborns, the medicine is prescribed for use when they are bottle-fed. Infants do not receive fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) if they have mental retardation, since the disorder cannot be detected after birth.

Another issue is the premature baby. To accelerate tissue formation, it is recommended to consume vitamin D3 and unsaturated fatty acids. An alternative is fish oil.

It is recommended to give the drug to newborns from 3 months. During this period, the doctor will be able to assess the physical development of the baby and determine the dose of the drug. The daily norm is individual for each child. In general, doctors adhere to the requirement of prescribing seafood products to children over 3 years old, as they can provoke allergies.

Therapeutic effect of cod liver

Let us highlight the main beneficial properties of fish oil for a child:

  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Weight loss;
  • Strengthens the vascular wall;
  • The functioning of the musculoskeletal system increases;
  • Prevents the development of caries;
  • Mineralization processes are improved;
  • Restores the visual apparatus;
  • Normalizes rhodopsin synthesis;
  • Prevents the development of cataracts;
  • Has a beneficial effect on brain tissue;
  • Has an antidepressant effect;
  • It is a building material for cells;
  • Reduces the synthesis of cortisol (stress hormone);
  • Promotes the production of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin);
  • Increases the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Activates tissue regeneration;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Improves the appearance of hair and nails.

The use of the drug in children is useful for the prevention of the following diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Hypovitaminosis D due to lack of ultraviolet radiation;
  • People living in conditions of increased air pollution;
  • For the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Age-related vitamin D deficiency;
  • Lack of omega-3 and vitamin A in the diet;
  • Strong mental stress;
  • Painful menstruation in girls;
  • Excess body weight;
  • After colds;
  • Frequent fractures;
  • Intensive fitness classes;
  • Depressive disorders.

Attention! Fish oil is not classified as a medicinal product by the Ministry of Health. The dosage and purity of the product depends on the quality of manufacture. Choose trusted manufacturers!

Take the product with caution if you have kidney stones, gallstones, high blood calcium levels, inflammatory changes in the pancreas, or tuberculosis. Children under 3 years of age are an absolute contraindication for taking the drug.

The use of fish oil for duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers, gastritis, kidney and liver diseases is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

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The value of fish oil lies in its unique composition. The natural product is rich in Omega fatty acids, essential for the body, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A and D, and antioxidants. These beneficial substances regulate important metabolic processes within the body, promote better absorption of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, have a preventive effect, and strengthen the immune system.

When light, heat and oxygen enter, the process of oxidation of the natural product occurs - fatty acids quickly turn into free radicals, and when they enter the body, they cause significant harm to humans. The benefits of fish oil in capsules are due to the fact that the gelatin shell protects Omega-3 from oxidation when interacting with air, preserving the value of the product. This is the main advantage of capsules over an oil solution.

Beneficial features

A large amount of fatty acids in the product normalizes high cholesterol in the body. In addition, the drug lowers blood sugar levels, so its use is allowed for type 2 diabetes. Indications for the use of fish oil are determined exclusively by the doctor. The useful actions of the product include:

  • normalization of the circulatory system in the body;
  • development and strengthening of bone tissue and muscle apparatus;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes and colds;
  • strengthening the nervous system and immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolic reactions;
  • improved vision;
  • correction of skin condition;
  • strengthening the nail plate and hair;
  • replenishing the body with vitamins A and D.

Scientists from Pennsylvania State have found components in fish oil that can destroy cancer cells and prevent the occurrence of cancer.

For women

Regular use of capsules has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female body:

  • promotes cell restoration and renewal;
  • normalizes hormone balance;
  • prevents gynecological diseases;
  • has a general rejuvenating effect.

How much fish oil capsules should be consumed and what is the norm? The product is recommended for women during the period of planning a child. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug must be agreed with a doctor.

The fatty acid components included in the food supplement normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, can solve the problems of acne and pimples, and smooth out shallow wrinkles. Taking fish oil improves the condition of brittle and brittle nails, helps with hair loss, fights the appearance of pigmentation, preventing the occurrence of early gray hair.

To achieve greater effect, you can supplement oral administration of the drug with external use and prepare simple masks for skin and hair care. The following table provides effective recipes.

Table - Recipes for masks for skin and hair based on fish oil

PurposeIngredientsApplicationDuration of procedure, minutes
Revitalizing for the face- 5 ml fish oil;
- 5 ml of liquid honey;
- 5 ml mineral water
- Mix thoroughly;
- apply to face
For the face, rejuvenating- 5 ml fish oil;
- 5 ml fresh cream;
- 5 ml lemon juice
- Mix thoroughly;
- apply to face
For dry hair- 15 ml flax oil;
- 15 ml castor oil;
- 15 ml burdock oil;
- 3 capsules of fish oil
- Mix thoroughly;
- rub into the roots;
- wrap with film, towel
Strengthening for eyelashes- 2 ml fish oil;
- 2 ml olive oil
- Mix thoroughly;
- apply with a brush (like mascara)

For men

Fish oil has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, namely:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevents the occurrence of prostatitis;
  • protects against the formation of cancer;
  • stimulates the production of the male hormone - testosterone;
  • increases production and improves sperm quality;
  • prevents the risk of prostate disease.

Fish oil actively saturates the body with energy. The product prevents the formation of fat deposits and accelerates the growth of muscle mass, so it is ideal for use by athletes involved in weightlifting or bodybuilding.

For children

How many fish oil tablets should I take per day? In the presence of certain diseases, the dosage of fish oil capsules for children is better determined by the pediatrician. For preventive purposes, the drug should be given to a healthy child correctly and according to the instructions.

For children, the drug is usually prescribed to prevent infectious and viral diseases, normal physical development, mental activity, and strengthen the immune system. The product helps:

  • formation of bone tissue and muscles;
  • mineralization and growth of teeth;
  • strengthening nerve cells;
  • preventing the development of asthma, allergies;
  • improving fine motor skills;
  • formation of sexual functions in adolescents.

For infants, fish oil is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the metabolic processes in the baby’s body and the closure of the fontanelles on the head. Unauthorized use of the product can accelerate the process of ossification of the skull, which will negatively affect the development of the baby’s brain.

For the elderly

Fish oil brings significant benefits to people in old age, reducing inflammation in the joints and improving tissue repair. The product is able to protect against cardiac arrhythmia, thrombosis of blood vessels, and helps reduce the number of atherosclerotic plaques.

How long should adults take fish oil? Scientists have proven that regular use of the drug prevents the onset of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease, activates brain function and reduces depression.

Instructions for use of fish oil capsules

Each capsule consists entirely of concentrated sea fish oil. Auxiliary components are small amounts of gelatin, glycerin, sorbitol and an aqueous base. Doctors recommend that adults and children drink fish oil in capsules during the off-season and winter. There are four general rules to remember when taking a dietary supplement.

  1. Time of receipt. The drug should be taken during or after meals with purified water. Taking it on an empty stomach can cause stomach and intestinal upset.
  2. Dosage. The average daily dosage is two to four capsules, depending on the amount of product in the capsule.
  3. Duration of the course. The minimum period of admission is one month. The course can be repeated up to four times a year. Depending on medical indications, the duration of the course can be increased as prescribed by a doctor.
  4. For children. Children under seven years of age are recommended to take the product in liquid form. Special children's fish oil in chewable capsules with various fruit flavors has earned positive reviews.

The capsules must be swallowed immediately with water. You should not keep them in your mouth for a long time, as the gelatinous shell in the oral cavity quickly becomes sticky, which makes it difficult for it to pass through the esophagus.

Reception scheme

The following table indicates the daily dose of dietary supplement use for different age categories.

Table - Fish oil intake regimen and dosage for prevention

Before taking fish oil capsules, you should consult your doctor. The dosage of the drug directly depends on age, health status, gender, body weight and other aspects. The dosage regimen and dose may also differ significantly from one manufacturer to another.


In rare cases, due to individual intolerance, the drug may cause allergic reactions. An overdose will only lead to such unpleasant consequences as digestive system upset. The following chronic diseases are contraindications for the use of biological supplements:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases, hepatitis C;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute form of tuberculosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • excess calcium, vitamins A and D in the body.

Taking fish oil for a long time reduces blood clotting and interferes with the absorption of tocopherol - vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant for the body. When taking the product, it is recommended to take dietary supplements containing vitamin E.

Positive reviews of fish oil capsules have led to the high popularity of the drug. In addition, the product can be used externally to treat damage to the skin - burns and wounds, mucous membranes of the body. You need to understand that fish oil is not an independent medicine and a panacea for all diseases. But, thanks to its unique properties, it acts as a powerful preventive agent for many diseases. To avoid side effects, be sure to consult a doctor before use and carefully study the instructions in the instructions for the drug.

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