Rules of behavior in public places. Rules of conduct for students Questionnaire on rules of conduct at school

Questionnaire No. 1.

Do you consider yourself a cultured person? If yes, then mark in this list those actions that you consider decent with a “+” sign; those actions that you consider indecent are marked with a “-”.

Shout loudly; - whistle;

Interrupt another person's conversation; - swear;

Copying from someone else's notebook during a test; - to be greedy;

Asking inappropriate questions; - to gossip;

To make friends; - to gossip;

Show meanness; - lie;

Engage in extortion; - fight;

Don't pay attention if someone is being bullied;

To remain silent if someone has committed meanness or a crime;

Pester people with questions, show inappropriate curiosity;

To envy someone;

Complain about anyone;

Be indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

Questionnaire No. 2

Continue the sentences:

A good person is one who………………………………………………………………...

An evil person is one who…………………………………………………………………

An honest person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A truthful person is one who………………………………………………………..

A cruel person is one who………………………………………………………………

A rude person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A vile person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A criminal is one who…………………………………………………………........

A polite person is one who………………………………………………………..

An egoist is one who…………………………………………………………………………………..

Questionnaire No. 3

From the adjectives given below, write down in a separate column those words that, in your opinion, do not apply to you in any way.

Smart, stupid, evil, kind, beautiful, friendly, cunning, greedy, arrogant, truthful, liar, sympathetic, rude, affectionate, sneak, scoffer, complainer, fidget, selfish, suck-up, sycophant, extortionist, impudent, pretense, cruel, indifferent to everything that happens, vengeful, irresponsible, demanding, inquisitive, loud, kind-hearted.

Questionnaire for parents

From the words below, choose the words that best describe your child.

Kind, beautiful, smart, pretty, open, kind-hearted, soft, pliable, rude, angry, cruel, balanced, restless, quiet, loud, restless, greedy, secretive, affectionate, inquisitive, curious, frank, truthful, demanding, aggressive, selfish, irresponsible.

Memo for parents on instilling a culture of behavior in children.

    Do not show your child ostentatious politeness and sensitivity. Very soon he will begin to imitate you and do this primarily towards you.

    Don't be rude or use foul language yourself. Your habit will become your child's habit.

    Don't speak badly or disrespectfully about strangers. If you set an example for your child in this, expect that very soon he will say the same about you.

    Be considerate towards other people. This is a good lesson in kindness and humanity for your child.

    Don't be afraid to apologize to someone in front of your child. At this moment you have nothing to lose, you will only gain his respect.

    Show nobility even when you really don’t want to show it, teach your child nobility.

Remember that behavior is a mirror that reflects the true appearance of everyone!

Rules of conduct for students in public places

Children are persons under 18 years of age.

Public places - enterprises and organizations, streets, transport, places of public recreation, surrounding nature.

  1. In public places you must:

1.1. Behave with dignity, be polite to elders, dress neatly, be an example of cultural behavior for younger people, do not remain indifferent to immoral and antisocial actions;

1.2. Know and strictly follow the rules of the road, fire safety, behavior on water, and use of public transport;

1.3. Unquestioningly comply with requirements service personnel government institutions, public organizations, police officers, provide all possible assistance to their work;

1.4. Take care of the safety of school furniture, textbooks, prevent damage (including inscriptions) to equipment, fences, sports facilities, cultural and educational institutions, administrative buildings, residential buildings, do not litter, maintain cleanliness and order in public places;

1.5. Wear one school uniform in the classroom, established by the school administration.

  1. The presence of children on the streets and in other public places is limited in winter time from 22 o'clock, and in summer from 23 o'clock.
  2. Children and teenagers are prohibited from:

3.2. Participate in gambling;

3.3. Break the silence by singing loudly, playing the musical instruments, use tape recorders, radios set at high volume in public transport, in enterprises and organizations;

3.4. Violate traffic rules in accordance with the regulatory rules of the traffic police;

3.5. Unaccompanied by adults, without parental permission to hunt or fish;

3.6. Located on roofs, attics, fire escapes, heating mains and other places not intended for games and entertainment;

3.7. Allow games with flammable, explosive, poisonous, odorous substances, chemical reagents, firearms, pneumatic and cold weapons, including homemade piercing, cutting objects, slingshots, make fires, etc.;

3.8. Use objects or devices that create a noise effect and disturb the audience;

3.9. Use foul language, make remarks that degrade the dignity of organizers, spectators and participants in sporting and other events;

3.10.Desecrate monuments of history and culture of the Fatherland.

  1. Responsibility of children and adolescents:

4.1. If children violate these Rules, parents and class teachers bear administrative responsibility. Material about violations is sent for consideration and action to the commission on juvenile affairs under the administrations of the village and ulus.

  1. Responsibility of parents and heads of institutions:

5.1. Parents and heads of institutions are responsible for the life and health of children during events;

5.2. Parents and class teachers are obliged to familiarize their child, student with the Rules, demand strict compliance by the child with the Rules, create safe conditions for life and health in the family and at home;

5.3. Activities held for children must end no later than 10 o'clock. Children are admitted to evening events ending later than the specified time only with the permission of the village and school administration, and the family committee.

5.4. Heads of institutions holding events in the evening are obliged to provide safe conditions for the life and health of children;

5.5. Control over compliance with the established procedure for children attending sports and entertainment events is assigned to the administration of all entertainment, cultural, educational, sports institutions, places of public recreation, youth operational detachments, voluntary squads, etc.;

5.6. Conduct school-wide public certification of compliance with the Student Rules;

5.7. For the actions or inaction of parents, managers that result in violations of the Rules by children, an act or protocol is drawn up, on the basis of which a disciplinary or administrative penalty is imposed.


Students at school

  1. behavior rules

1.1 The student comes to school 15–20 minutes before the start of classes, is clean, tidy, takes off his outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes his workplace and prepares all the necessary educational supplies for the upcoming lesson.

1.2 Weapons, explosives or flammable substances must not be brought into the school or on the premises for any purpose or used in any way; alcoholic drinks, drugs, as well as toxic substances and poisons.

1.3 You cannot leave the school or its territory during class hours without the permission of teachers. In case of missing classes, the student must present to the class teacher(to the teacher) a certificate from a doctor or a note from parents about the reason for absence from classes. Missing classes without a good reason is not permitted.

1.4 A school student shows concern for elders and care for younger ones.

1.5 Outside of school, students behave everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to tarnish the cheerful name of the school.

1.6 Students take care of school property and are careful with their own and other people’s property.

  1. Behavior in class

2.1 when the teacher enters the classroom, students stand up as a sign of greeting and sit down after the teacher responds to the greeting and allows them to sit down. Students will similarly greet any adult who enters the classroom during class.

2.2 Each teacher determines for his classes the rules of conduct for students in the classroom in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation and the School Rules.

2.3 During the lesson, you must not make noise, be distracted yourself or distract your comrades from classes with extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson. Class time should be used by students only for educational purposes.

2.4 If during class a student needs to leave the classroom, he must stand up and ask the teacher for permission.

2.5 If a student wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer a question from the teacher, he raises his hand.

2.6 The bell (signal) about the end of the lesson is given to the teacher. Only then will the teacher announce the end of classes and the student has the right to leave the class. When the teacher or other adult leaves the classroom, students stand.

3.1. Behavior before, during breaks and after classes.

3.1 during breaks between classes (changes) and after their completion:

The student is obliged:

  • bring cleanliness and order to your workplace;
  • leave the class;
  • obey the requirements of the teacher and school staff;
  • help prepare the class at the request of the teacher for the next lesson;

Students are prohibited from:

  • run up stairs, near window openings and in other places not suitable for games;
  • push each other, throw objects and use physical strength;
  • use obscene expressions and gestures, make noise, interfere with others’ rest;

class duty officer:

  • is in class during recess;
  • ensures order in the classroom;
  • helps the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson;
  • after finishing classes, cleans the classroom as much as possible;
  • obey the requirements of the teacher and canteen workers;
  • respect the queue when receiving food;
  • show attention and caution when receiving and consuming hot and liquid dishes;
  • clear the table after eating.

4. Final provisions

4.1 Students do not have the right while on school premises and during school events commit actions that are dangerous to the life and health of oneself and others.

4.2 These rules apply on school grounds and to all events conducted by the school.

4.3 For violation of these Rules and the School Charter, students are held accountable according to the Penalty Rules.

Each of us has repeatedly witnessed inappropriate behavior of a child on the street, in a store or at a transport stop. Young children most often throw tantrums regarding their desires, teenagers make noise, damage property, litter, or even smoke and use foul language. All these are costs of both home and school education.

The child must know how to behave in a store and other public places

These children simply do not know that there are rules of behavior in public places - and they must adhere to them.

Even if children know about them - and in kindergarten And at school they always talk about this; often they don’t understand simple things:

Teaching the basics of correct behavior in society should begin in the first year of life - and this is one of the key tasks of parents, similar in importance to intellectual, spiritual and physical development. The skills of how to behave around strangers, in public places such as a store, theater, museum, transport and even a playground, should be taught to the child in the same way as brushing teeth or tying shoelaces.

List of rules for children's behavior outside the home

There are official rules for the behavior of children - a list of them can be found in children's and educational institutions. Requirements for the behavior of teenagers, of course, are much more complex than for kids, but the main ones, common to everyone, are given in the list:

Rules of conduct developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • On the street and in public places, talk without shouting, do not make noise, and do not disturb other people.
  • Show politeness to older people, patronize little ones. Be attentive to people with disabilities.
  • Maintain cleanliness in public places - do not litter, do not spit, take care of green spaces.
  • Protect public and other people's property.
  • Do not commit unworthy acts and protect your friends from them. This means: do not offend or insult others, do not take other people’s things, do not abuse animals, etc.
  • Unaccompanied by an adult, children under 16 years of age cannot be on the street after 21:00 in the evening (during the holidays, children over 12 years of age can walk until 22:00).
  • Teenagers are allowed to attend entertainment events no later than 21:30.

These teenagers are maliciously violating the rules of conduct

These basic requirements include a number of prohibitions for schoolchildren and teenagers:

  • Take part in any actions that disrupt order in public places.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking, swearing, playing cards in public places.
  • Engage in trading and resale.
  • You cannot climb into basements, onto roofs, or onto railway cars.
  • Ride on the running boards of public transport.
  • Swim independently without adult supervision.
  • Hooliganism, throwing stones at passing vehicles, placing various objects on the rails.

Children under 16 years of age are prohibited from riding a scooter on the road.

For teenagers, there is also a ban on riding a bicycle on the roads until the age of 14, and on a moped or scooter until the age of 16.

What parents should teach their child

There is also a number of informal requirements that parents should familiarize their child with literally on their first trip to any public place.

For example, when visiting a zoo, you need to explain to your child that you cannot climb into the animal cages, throw anything into them, tease them or make noise, so as not to scare or disturb other people.

Before visiting the theater, you need to explain to children how they are supposed to behave.

Also, the child must be taught how to behave in the theater and cinema and explained why the rules of behavior in these public places are different. Children must understand why a well-mannered person should not talk loudly in these establishments, rustle candy wrappers, or stand up during a performance or movie. Children are interested in why you can’t eat or drink during a performance in the theater, but in the cinema you can buy popcorn and take a drink. In museums and exhibitions you cannot touch exhibits; you must listen to the guide and not disturb other visitors.

Children should give way to older people

Includes several aspects. Firstly, this is basic politeness. The child must be taught that it is customary to let women and elderly people go ahead when entering, to give them a seat, and that passengers should not be pushed aside with your elbows. Secondly, a well-mannered person must pay for travel. The third requirement is not to litter the interior or pollute it with inscriptions. In transport, there is no need to laugh loudly, talk, play music, or distract the driver from the road in any way.

Teach your baby to use a nosepiece and napkins

Other requirements for behavior in society include the following:

  • It is customary to cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.
  • Use a handkerchief when you have a runny nose.
  • Do not go out casually dressed and unkempt.
  • Eat carefully and quietly in catering establishments, use napkins.
  • You cannot publicly speak rudely or poorly about other people or current events.

Politeness training

This is one of the important stages in the development of a culture of behavior and training must begin with the baby’s first words. The best way to do this is not by teaching that if you want to ask for something, you need to say the word “please,” but by showing it daily by example.

When parents ask a child and at the same time say words of politeness, the child will perceive this as the norm and there will be no need to specially teach him.

The basic words that well-mannered children should know are the following:

  • Thank you;
  • Thank you;
  • Please;
  • I beg;
  • Sorry;
  • hello and goodbye;
  • Good night;
  • Good morning;
  • allow;
  • please;
  • be healthy;
  • Bon appetit;
  • Nice to meet you;
  • can I help you;
  • I'm really sorry;
  • help yourself and others.

Other rules of conduct

Teaching politeness to kids can be turned into interesting game. Forgot to say “please” - pay the fine. Not with money, of course, but with some action (10 squats, put away toys, help with something) or restriction (turn off cartoons). This also applies to adult family members. The fines for them are more serious - buy ice cream, do something at the request of a child. Make a list polite words and hang it in a visible place. Over time, the habit of using them will become automatic.

The laws of politeness include telephone and gift etiquette: the child must introduce himself first when calling someone, and thank him for the gift received.

You can't shout on the street or in public places

Also, the rules of behavior in society require compliance with the following norms:

  • knock before opening doors;
  • do not whisper in front of other people, do not speak in a language they do not understand;
  • do not interrupt when someone is speaking;
  • Don't turn your back when someone turns to you.

Table manners

This is one of the most difficult sections of social rules to learn. Many adults do not know how to behave at the table. And their children imitate them in everything, since they do not see another example every day. From childhood, teach your child the basic rules and prohibitions.

Training can be carried out in a playful way
  • wash your hands before eating;
  • be able to use cutlery;
  • use napkins (rather than wiping your mouth with your hands, and your hands on the tablecloth or pants);
  • take an adequate portion;
  • give thanks for the meal.
  • slurp, eat with your mouth open;
  • speak with your mouth full;
  • indulge at the table;
  • pick your mouth;
  • criticize dishes;
  • spit at the table.

Personal example

Educational conversations and explanations alone will not be enough to teach children and adolescents the rules of behavior among people. Seeing the father spitting at his feet on the street, or the mother swearing loudly and ugly in the store, the child himself will behave in the same way, copying the behavior of adults.

Personal example - The best way training

Therefore, you need to start raising a child with yourself.

Children, especially teenagers, are greatly influenced by their peers and the company in which they spend their free time. If you think that the child has found himself in the wrong company, scolding is indispensable. The most effective way to turn teenagers away from unwanted friends is to show them sideways how ugly and unpresentable they look in society, explain why they find condemnation from other people, and what impact this will have on their entire subsequent lives.

From childhood, a child must be explained what is good and what is bad. To do this, play with him role-playing games, work through various scenes, showing with examples how unpleasant it is to be next to an ill-mannered person. Also, explain this by watching cartoons and films. And remember - it is always easier to teach than to relearn.

Help with results

survey of 2nd grade students

  1. Target:

2. Methods: - questionnaire

  1. Research procedure:
  1. Analysis of the received data:

Class 2 A – 22 people took part in the survey.

No running – 19 hours

Don't fight – 6 hours

Don’t jump, don’t scream, don’t bite – 3 hours

Don’t push, don’t play around – 2 hours

Do not sit on the windowsill, do not give hints in class, do not be rude to the teacher, do not touch the flowers - 1 hour each.

Thus, 2a grade students know quite a lot of the rules of school life.

Playing on the phone – 10h

We play (Lego, Minecraft online) – 5 hours

Playing tic-tac-toe – 3 hours

I draw, watch them play on the phone - 2 hours each

I go drink, sit in class or in the toilet, talk, sing songs - 1 hour each

Thus, it can be noted that the main pastime of children during recess is playing on the phone.

Stop and talk to them – 5 hours

On duty, scolding - 3 hours each

Close the door and do not let out children who violate discipline, punish - 2 hours

Write comments in the diary, have a serious conversation, remind the rules, give a “2”, fine, put guards on duty, post the school rules - 1 hour each.

Thus, we can note that the guys offer quite constructive ways to solve this problem.

No – 17 hours

Sometimes – 4 hours

Yes – 1 hour

Play phone – 6 hours

Play, sleep - 3 hours each

Play Minecraft, play tic-tac-toe – 2 hours each

Play with toys in class, be on duty, play quiet games, draw, sleep with music, talk - 1 hour each

Thus, we can again note that most children choose playing games on the phone as a pastime during recess.

Grade 2 B – 23 people took part in the survey.

The following answers were given to the first question about knowledge of student behavior rules at school:

No running – 20 hours

Don't fight – 12 hours

No shouting – 10 hours

Listen to the teacher, don’t chat in class – 3 hours

No pushing, no calling names – 2 hours

Do not swing on a chair, do not play around, raise your hand - 1 hour

Thus, students in grade 2b know quite a few rules of school life.

Answers to the second question about employment during breaks:

Getting ready for class - 10 o'clock

I run (including on floors) – 8 hours

I draw – 4 hours

I sit on the phone, drink water - 3 hours

I can fight, I go to the library, I go to the toilet - 2 hours each

I play – 1 hour

Thus, it can be noted that the main pastime of children during recess is preparing for the lesson and running around on the floor.

Answers to the third question about what needs to be done to ensure that schoolchildren do not break the rules during breaks:

Tell the duty officer or teacher, assign duty officers - 8 hours each

Follow the rules - 2 hours

Stop, don’t run, nothing, lock the door – 1 hour

To the question “Do you break rules at school” the following answers were given:

No – 14 hours

Yes – 9 hours

Thus, the majority of students in the class comply with the rules of behavior at school.

The answer to the fifth question, about what you would like to do during recess, so as not to break the rules:

Play on your phone (tablet), draw – 5 hours each

Play with toys at the table – 3 hours

Play Board games, play with friends – 2 hours

Sit nicely, run, watch cartoons - 1 hour each

Thus, we can again note that most children choose reading and watching books as a pastime during recess.

2 In class – 22 people took part in the survey.

The following answers were given to the first question about knowledge of student behavior rules at school:

No running – 11 hours

Don't fight – 9 hours

Sit quietly in class, say hello to the teacher - 4 hours

No pushing – 2 hours

Don’t chew gum, don’t bite, don’t shout in class, don’t play around, respect your classmates, don’t trip up, study well, don’t swear, don’t play in class – 1 hour each

Thus, 2nd grade students know quite a lot of the rules of school life.

Answers to the second question about employment during breaks:

I run (including on floors) – 12 hours

Sitting on the phone - 5 hours

I draw – 3 hours

I get ready for the lesson, rest for 2 hours

I play cards, sculpt – 1 hour each

Thus, it can be noted that the main pastime of children during recess is running, including on the floors.

Answers to the third question about what needs to be done to ensure that schoolchildren do not break the rules during breaks:

Put guards on duty - 5 hours

Tell the teacher, teach the children the rules, stop them and send them to class - 2 hours each

Thus, the children see the solution to this problem as calling and telling the duty officers about violations.

To the question “Do you break rules at school” the following answers were given:

No – 9 hours

Yes –4 hours

Sometimes - 9 hours

Thus, the majority of students in the class comply with the rules of behavior at school.

The answer to the fifth question, about what you would like to do during recess, so as not to break the rules:

Sitting in class, playing on the phone - 5 hours

Play board games – 3 hours

Play calm games, spin, draw, stand near the battery, weave beads - 1 hour each

Thus, we can again note that most children choose to sit quietly in class and play on the phone as a pastime during recess.

Grade 2 – 22 people took part in the survey.

The following answers were given to the first question about knowledge of student behavior rules at school:

No running – 10 hours

Don't indulge - 5 hours

No shouting – 4 hours

Do not interrupt the teacher, do not shout down the teacher, do not talk in class, respect others, do not fight - 3 hours

Do not disturb your desk neighbor – 2 hours

Do not chew gum, do not yell, do not walk naked on the street - 1 hour each

Thus, 2nd grade students know quite a few rules of school life.

Answers to the second question about employment during breaks:

I play on my phone, I just play, we play hide and seek – 4 hours each

Playing catch-up – 3 hours

I play with a tablet, go to the library, play ninja, play outdoor games, read, play with dolls, draw - 1 hour each

Thus, it can be noted that the main pastime of children during recess is playing on the phone and hide and seek.

Answers to the third question about what needs to be done to ensure that schoolchildren do not break the rules during breaks:

Scold – 9 hours

Talk to violators – 3 hours

Stop – 2 hours

Call the teacher, leave him in the classroom, put him in a corner, re-teach - 1 hour each

Thus, children see the solution to this problem as scolding students who violate discipline during recess.

To the question “Do you break rules at school” the following answers were given:

No – 10 hours

Sometimes – 10 hours

Yes – 3 hours

Thus, most of the students in the class sometimes violate the rules of conduct at school.

The answer to the fifth question, about what you would like to do during recess, so as not to break the rules:

Play with the class – 5 hours

Play with toys – 4 hours

Draw – 3 hours

Play on the phone, play hide and seek – 2 hours each

Thus, we can note that in this class, most children choose quiet games to spend time during recess.

11/18/2015 Prepared by: educational psychologist _____________ Nurtdinova O.A.

Help with results

student surveys

1. Purpose:

To study how students comply with the rules of behavior at school, namely during breaks;

Identify children’s requests for organizing free time during recess.

2. Methods: - questionnaire

3. Addressee: 2nd grade students, 89 people

4. Research procedure:

Students were asked to answer the following questions:

  1. What rules of behavior for students at school do you know?
  2. What do you usually do during recess?
  3. What needs to be done to ensure that schoolchildren do not violate the rules of conduct during breaks?
  4. Are you violating student behavior rules at school?
  5. What would you like to do during recess so as not to break the rules?

5. Analysis of the obtained data:

In the first question about knowledge of the rules of conduct for students at school, the most popular answers can be identified:

No running – 60 hours

Don't fight – 30 hours

No shouting – 18 hours

No pushing – 6 hours

No biting – 4 hours

Listen to the teacher – 3 hours

The least popular answers: don't be rude to the teacher, raise your hand, respect your classmates, don't trip, don't disturb your desk neighbor, don't go naked on the street, respect others.

Thus, we can note that students are quite familiar with the rules of school life.

In the second question, the most popular answers about being busy during breaks are:

I play on a phone (tablet) – 23 hours

I run (including on floors) – 23 hours

Getting ready for class – 12 noon

I draw – 10 hours

I go to the library – 3 hours

Least popular answers: I go to the toilet, I might get into a fight, I watch others play on the phone, I play tag, I play cards.

Thus, it can be noted that the main pastime of children during recess is playing on the phone and running around (including on the floors).

The most popular answers to the third question about what needs to be done to prevent schoolchildren from breaking the rules during breaks:

Put guards on duty - 16 hours

Teach the rules (remind them of them, hang the rules in the hallway) – 7 hours

Talk to the teacher or duty officer – 4 hours

Less popular answers: lock them up in class, give them a “2”, write comments in a diary, scold, set a good example, put them in a corner, talk to the offenders.

Thus, children see the most popular solution to this problem as placing guards on the floor.

To the question “Do you break rules at school” the following answers were given:

No – 50 hours

Sometimes – 23 hours

Yes – 17 hours

Thus, the majority of parallel 2nd grade students note that they do not violate the rules of conduct at school.

The most popular answers to the fifth question, about what you would like to do during recess so as not to break the rules:

Play on your phone (tablet) – 18 hours

Play in class (with toys) – 9 hours

Play board games – 6 hours

Draw – 5 hours

Play with the class – 5 hours

Sleep – 4 hours

Less popular answers: organize a shadow play, run, play Legos, weave beads, watch cartoons, be on duty.

Thus, we can note that in this parallel, most children choose playing on the phone (tablet) and reading as a pastime during recess.


  1. Organize a “Game Corner” in each classroom, which should include:

Board games


Albums for coloring

2. Compile and actively use a media library during breaks, which includes:

Educational cartoons and presentations

Mobile physical education sessions with display on an interactive board

3. Hang it in the foyer primary school thematic stand “Rules of behavior at school” with illustrations.

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