Miroedov thief. Area of ​​increased activity. "You can't get out of here like a thief"

Shark refused the crown

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A well-known criminal authority in St. Petersburg, who was going to be crowned a thief in law, cooperates with the administration of the colony as an exemplary convict The trial of a well-known crime boss named Shark can be called one of the most high-profile in the last decade. Perhaps there was no such media that at the end of the 90s did not talk about the detention of Shark and 15 of his brothers. The grouping of "Akulovites" for several years kept the southern districts of the city in its fist, almost all businessmen. Shark is an extraordinary person and respected in gangster circles. He had long been going to be crowned as a thief in law. And from the Murmansk colony, where he is serving his sentence, there is information that Akula has become the most exemplary convict. He voluntarily joined the Section of Discipline and Law Enforcement and cooperates with the administration in every possible way. His act surprised everyone - both the lads and the police. After all, there has never been a case when an authority of such magnitude suddenly decided to embark on the path of correction. Who is Shark Alexander Anisimov was born into a simple family. He is 43 years old. Grew up in Krasnoye Selo. In the early 80s, he received his first prison term for hooliganism and a fight. While in prison, he received a second term - 5 years for disobedience to the administration. In the colony, Sasha gained his wits and, having been released, he met the well-known authority Alexander Malyshev. By that time, Anisimov had already received his nickname - they began to call him Shark because of his excellent teeth. About Malyshev, however, it is necessary to say especially. It is believed that this man created the most powerful criminal group in St. Petersburg in the late 80s, at that time Malyshev controlled absolutely all areas - vodka, gasoline, banks ... However, in the mid-90s Malyshev retired. He emigrated to Spain. The shark managed to get so close to him that he remained in charge and disposed of all affairs. Gradually, the Malyshev group fell apart. Part of the lads stayed with Anisimov. They began to call themselves "Akulov", and Sasha became the chef and owner. He had a share in the Yunona and Zvezdny markets, in the car market in Avtovo. He collected tribute from the owners of markets, cafes and shops. It wasn't difficult at all. Anyone who did not know the Shark personally, certainly heard about his high patron and, of course, resignedly paid. And, of course, no one complained to the police. However, racketeering was far from the only occupation of the Akulovskys. They say they didn't mind anything. And according to rumors, there is also a lot of blood on them. However, such facts did not appear in court, so there is nothing to talk about here. The case fell apart in court From impunity, the Akulovites lost all caution. One day, a very rich businessman who had problems approached Shark and asked him to solve his issue for 15 thousand dollars. The Akulovites took the money, but did not think of doing anything - on the contrary, they took the businessman into circulation. They began to demand more money, they kidnapped one of the trusted persons ... The businessman, don't be a fool, turned to law enforcement agencies. And RUBOP became interested in Shark. They took Anisimov in 1998 at the next "business" meeting. They immediately conducted searches, and in one of the apartments he rented, a Beret pistol and an Agran assault rifle were found. After some time, 15 Akulovsky brothers were detained (although some were later released on bail). Together they ended up in the dock. More than 50 crimes appeared in the Rubopov report, in which the Akulovites were suspected. The process promised to be the loudest. After all, for the first time in the dock, except for the brothers, that is, the direct executors, there was a real authority. In addition, Shark was charged at that time new article Criminal Code - 210th (“Organization of a criminal community”). This is a very rare article in the courts, it is more difficult to prove the corpus delicti on it than the same banditry. The investigation hoped that the precedent would finally happen and Shark would be the first to be imprisoned along the 210th. But in the end nothing could be proven. And from the high-profile case there was zilch. In fact, the only significant episode that the prosecution defended in court was the kidnapping of businessman Ch., the owner of several shops. The Akulovskys got into his car, blindfolded him, and drove him to their office. The entrepreneur was so intimidated that he jumped out of the window. One fact of extortion of money was also proven. Shark then received the longest sentence of the entire company - eight and a half years, two more sat down for eight years each, and the rest of the sentences turned out to be much shorter and even conditional. Family As soon as the Shark was imprisoned, rumors spread around the city that they were going to crown him. Who, if not him, is most worthy of becoming a thief in law - a “combat” biography (that is, several convictions), authority in criminal circles, he is respected, obeyed, feared, he has a big name. In this sense, the interests of the Shark were lobbied by the thief in law Mirych (Miroedov). True, according to unwritten laws, a thief in law should not have a family. And Shark has a family - his wife Valentina and his adopted daughter Alice. When Anisimov was detained, Valentina had to sell a luxurious apartment with European-style renovation and expensive furniture and look for simpler housing. We needed money for lawyers. However, judging by the interview that Valentina gave to Komsomolskaya Pravda several years ago, she was determined to wait for her husband, even wrote poetry to him. Shark's wife admitted that although she and Sasha lived for only five years, these were the happiest years in her life. A friend introduced Anisimov to his future wife. Valentina then was the mistress of several stalls. I worked in one myself. Shark began to visit her often. This love story is very romantic. They got married after... Valya saved Alexander. It happened when a police raid unexpectedly raided the stalls. Anisimov was found with a pistol and taken into custody. And then the woman came to the police and said that in fact it was her gun. Valentina knew that Sasha was on trial. However, she said that during family life I didn’t particularly delve into his affairs, I understood that my husband was engaged in business, sometimes not quite legal ... Remorse or trick? Perhaps it was thanks to the family that Akula decided to embark on the path of correction in prison. Operatives say that sometimes this happens when bandits tie up with the past and completely move away from crime precisely because of the wives and children who supported them during their time in prison. It is possible that Anisimov, like the hero from the famous "Kalina Krasnaya", decides not to return to the life of a thieves, but sits down on a tractor or, at worst, organizes some kind of company. Anything happens. One way or another, but Anisimov really voluntarily expressed a desire to join the Section of Discipline and Order (SDiP). There are such voluntary squads in all zones - after all, there is a catastrophic lack of security, so some cases are entrusted to the prisoners themselves. For example, to monitor fire safety, etc. The administration, of course, makes concessions to members of such sections - for example, you can get additional meetings with relatives, etc. But no one can remember that a serious authority, a person who is going to be crowned , decided of his own free will to support his jailers. Or maybe it's just a trick to get out early? In February of this year, Akula wanted to go on parole (parole). He mainly motivated this by his work in the SDiP, as well as family circumstances. He presented a certificate stating that his wife had an oncological disease, and her daughter feels very unwell and cannot go to school. But the court decided not to let Anisimov go. The shark has just over two years to sit. And, probably, we will not know beforehand how sincere his intentions were to become a respectable citizen. Tatyana Mikhailova. [email protected] Photo from the KP archive.

In the coming days, the verdict will be announced to the still acting thief in law No. 1 Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro young). An online conference of the most influential "criminal generals" has already been scheduled for this day, during which the new "boss of all bosses" will be officially "drawn up". Rosbalt managed to find out how this event will take place.

Preliminary consultations on the topic of who will ascend to the "thieves' throne" were held in advance, therefore, no surprises are expected from the communication of the crime bosses, most likely everything will turn into a formality. For the first time in last years Slavic mafiosi will "rule the show" during the discussions. So, the most prominent Slavic thieves in law Alexei Petrov (Petrik) and Sergei Aksenov (Aksen) will take part in communication through instant messengers and other means of communication. The first one lives either in Sochi or in Europe, the second is firmly settled in Moscow. Both of these "lawyers" themselves categorically do not want to become the "boss of all bosses".

Also, an opinion about the new "thief in law No. 1" will be requested from Mikhail Voevodin (Misha Luzhnetsky), "roaming" between Switzerland and Russia. Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) will also take part in the discussion. He himself was at one time the favorite among the contenders for the "throne". But after the scandal with declaring him wanted by Ukraine for the murder of ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov and the hype around this event in the media, the chances of this mafioso to take the vacant seat became extremely low.

Also, Vasily Khristoforov (Vasya Voskres) and Merab Gogia (Melia) are scheduled to participate in a kind of online conference. It is the Resurrection that is now and. about. head of the headquarters Shakro young. Both of these thieves are close to mafia Yuri Pichugin, and in recent months they have been raising funds for the obshchak. It is assumed that the question of the new "thief in law No. 1" will be asked to Andrei Miroedov (Mirych), as well as Shalva and David Ozmanov. However, the latter, if asked, then out of delicacy, paying tribute to Zakhary Kalashov, whose relatives are the Ozmanovs. They do not have significant influence in criminal circles now.

A Rosbalt source familiar with the situation does not rule out that a conversation will also be held with Lasha Shushanashvili (Lasha Rustavsky), who lives in Greece.

Also, the question about the new thief in law No. 1 will be asked to Eduard Asatryan (Edik Osetrina), who spends most of his time in the Donbass, and occasionally in Moscow.

No surprises should be expected from these crime bosses, the majority have already held preliminary consultations and opted for thief in law Oleg Shishkanov (Oleg Shishkan). It is believed that he will follow the same line as Shakro. So the alignment of forces in the "thieves" world will continue. In addition, Shishkanov has not been in serious conflicts with other mafiosi in recent years, so he has no pronounced enemies. Unless, of course, we count the “bloody” war of the 1990s of the “Ramenskaya” organized crime group (its leader is Shishkan) with the “Lyubertsy” group, accompanied by murders and assassination attempts, including on Shishkan himself. However, Vyacheslav Shestakov (Plum), who has long settled in Europe, representing the interests of the Lyubertsy thief in law, does not participate in the active life of thieves.

Who could object to Shishkanov's candidacy is the "criminal general" Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky), now living in Turkey. He did not like the line drawn by Shakro, and Merab does not want to continue it in the person of Shishkan. However, according to Rosbalt, Dzhangveladze is not included in the list of persons whose participation is planned in the discussion of the candidacy of the new thief in law No. 1.

After all the above-mentioned "thieves in law" officially approve Shishkanov's candidacy, he will be made an appropriate proposal. According to Rosbalt, Shishkan will not refuse him. Thus, the appointment of a new "boss of all bosses" will take place. (Rosbalt, 03/28/2018, Yuri Vershov)

The news of the arrest of 42-year-old businessman and thieves' "authority" Artur Kzhizhevich was at first perceived as a signal: "A big purge has begun!" The figure of this man, who is in the first line of criminal bosses in Russia, excluded other interpretations. However, things are different - the legendary Dingo, without five minutes "looking" around St. Petersburg ("the second Kostya Grave"), went to jail for a drunken everyday life. Indeed, it is extremely scary.

The leader of the “Kazans” is accused of murdering a high-ranking official

The news of the arrest of 42-year-old businessman and thieves' "authority" Artur Kzhizhevich was at first perceived as a signal: "A big purge has begun!" The figure of this man, who is in the first line of criminal bosses in Russia, excluded other interpretations. However, things are different - the legendary Dingo, without five minutes "looking" around St. Petersburg ("the second Kostya Grave"), went to jail for a drunken everyday life. Indeed, it is extremely scary.

death on the lake

It happened on September 5th. It so happened that two VIP-companies at the same time got out to Lake Ladoga. The Finnish-built boat was used by Alexei Kournikov, head of the hotel management department of the St. Petersburg administration, Pavel Kirillov, a businessman, and Konstantin Nagorny, a junior FSB officer. For reasons unknown to the end, they had a conflict with a group that was on another ship. According to one version, Artur Kzhizhevich's company considered their boat to be cooler and failed to convince Kournikov and his friends of this. According to another, Arthur and his people sailed on a fish protection boat and considered it necessary to stop other people's fishing as poaching.

Artur and his bodyguards allegedly boarded the Kournikovsky boat. A fight ensued, during which the “red crust” of Nagorny was lit up. After that, the attackers had nowhere to retreat. Two of them were “put on feathers” (mortal stab wounds of the neck were found on Kournikov’s corpse), the third tried to escape by swimming, but drowned. According to some reports, Mr. Kzhizhevich personally allegedly fired several shots at him. After that, the ill-fated boat was burned.

The search for the killers was carried out by employees of the Operational Investigation Bureau of the North-Western Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They were actively joined by FSB officers who had lost their comrade. On September 19, Artur Kzhizhevich was detained at the Petrovsky stadium after a football match. Four more were taken with him. All of them are suspected of triple murder. As far as is known, Artur Vitoldovich categorically denies his guilt and claims that on September 5 he was absent from the scene of the crime.

The way of "scumbag"

Artur Kzhizhevich - aka Dingo, aka Artur Petrozavodsky - was born in Karelia, but is considered a man of Caucasian thieves in law (there are false rumors that he comes from Grozny). He managed to visit the Komsomol functionary, is known as a talented musician. For twenty years now, as he has been gaining authority in the criminal world of the USSR and the Russian Federation, he is close to Ded Khasan and Kolya Yakutenok. He has chronic health problems - a leg was amputated, while still in his youth, his kidneys were beaten off in the police. This circumstance, by the way, raises considerable doubts among the informed sources of "Change": "It is not clear how he fought there."

In 1996, Kzhizhevich was sentenced to six years for a crime committed two years earlier in the Karelian outback - his boys shook out of the local businessman "a ton of greenery", and Dingo personally put pressure on the psyche of the subject, shooting over his head. By that time, Artur was one of the leaders of the sinister "Kazan organized crime group" operating in St. Petersburg. "Kazans" were considered the latest "thugs" in all of St. Petersburg. They specialized in hard racketeering, "protection" outlets and city "funeral". Arthur has established himself as a tough and determined person; in 1993, he survived an assassination attempt.

"Kazans" initially focused on the Moscow thieves in law. Therefore, after the defeat of the organized criminal group, Arthur retained his position. And he even expanded his influence in St. Petersburg business, penetrating into the areas of motor transport, fuel, construction and the seaport. He developed a good “working relationship” with Lieutenant Colonel Gusev, head of the 7th department of the Organized Crime Control Department. As the media reported, with the help of the Organized Crime Control Department, Artur thoroughly "cleaned the clearing." He got rid of the rivalry of Andrei Malyny and Misha Kutaissky, put Yura Vsevolozhsky out of action for a long time and even dealt a warning blow to the most dangerous rival - thief in law Mirych.

When Kostya Mogila, a long-time "watcher", was killed four months ago, they started talking about Arthur as a potential heir. However, Mirych crossed his path again - it is difficult to say to whom Grandfather Hassan is more favorable. But now these problems, presumably, will not particularly concern Mr. Kzhizhevich. You need to be calmer when fishing.


The loudest sensations sometimes occur in silence. This happens especially often in the "invisible war" with crime. It has been a month since the St. Petersburg Criminal Investigation Department, with the direct participation of Vladislav Piotrovsky, head of the Criminal Police of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, neutralized a dangerous bandit formation that specialized in contract killings.

Five killers (surnames in the interests of the investigation have not yet been announced) acted in 1999-2003. If the version of the investigation is confirmed, it will be possible to say that the group fully corresponded to the stamp of Stalin's times - "an idealess gang of murderers." She carried out the liquidation orders of various criminal structures, often at war with each other, not belonging to any of them and not recognizing any, even criminal, authorities and concepts. Purely commercial considerations. On account of the killer brigade dozens of episodes. The most significant ones refer to 2000 and 2003. These are the murders of the former "watcher" in St. Petersburg from thieves in law Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Mogila), "authoritative businessmen" Viktor Sloka (Vitya Murmansky), Rustam Ravilov (Roma Marshal), Georgy Pozdnyakov, Yan Gurevsky, failed assassination attempts on the former vice president Petersburg Fuel Company Vladimir Kumarin-Barsukov, head of the security company "Baltik-Escort" Roman Tsepov, thief in law Mirych (in the world - Andrey Miroedov) ...

The list is not that impressive, but looks like a mixture of black humor with outright absurdity. The citizens listed in the previous paragraph were often considered implacable enemies or at least tough competitors (especially Barsukov and Yakovlev). Pozdnyakov and Gurevsky belonged to Barsukov's inner circle and were considered active members of the "Tambov business community", while Roma Marshal was Kostya Mogila's closest associate and even swore revenge after his murder. The criminal Miroedov can be called the social antipode of the respectable businessman Tsepov. But they were all in the crosshairs of the same sight ...

The criminal world of St. Petersburg lurked on the eve of the ninth wave of arrests. The testimonies of the killer brigade, heard during interrogations in the city prosecutor's office, threaten unprecedented devastation in the ranks of the St. Petersburg mafiosi. Moreover, in this case justice applies effective method"legal incentives": cooperation with the investigation will mean a significant reduction in the terms of imprisonment by a court verdict.

P.S. The St. Petersburg police authorities immediately and completely denied the information published in Evening Petersburg about the arrest of a gang of killers involved in a number of high-profile contract killings. We turned to Mikhail Ivanov, editor-in-chief of Evening Petersburg, for comments:

In such cases, it is very difficult to judge 100 percent whether the information is true to the smallest detail. The only thing I can say for sure is that the correspondent who worked on this material is a serious person, she has fairly reliable, informed sources, and so far she has not let us down.

As for the possible reaction of the police officials, if they ask me questions about this material, I will have to remain silent or refer to journalistic secrecy, since the author has every right not to disclose his sources of information. We have published what we have published and are ready to follow the development of this topic.

Dossier "Antikiller"

Brief information about the persons indicated in the material on the arrest of a group of killers:

Jan Gurevsky

St. Petersburg businessman, was the owner of several commercial structures. In addition, according to law enforcement agencies, he was one of the most influential people in the circle of Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), who was considered one of the leaders of the so-called "Tambov" OPS. On June 14, 2000, near house 96 along the Griboyedov Canal, Gurevsky was killed. Some analysts associated this murder with the violent confrontation between the Tambovskaya gang and the Kostya Mogila organized criminal group, which took place in 1999-2000. Another victim of this confrontation was Georgy Pozdnyakov, who was the personal bodyguard of Vladimir Barsukov. The corpse of Pozdnyakov was discovered in the swimming pool of the LIIZhT sports complex on April 26, 2000.

Viktor Sloka

The criminal authority, in criminal circles, was known under the nickname Vitya Murmansky. He received his first term at the age of 15 for hooliganism, and later had several more convictions. In the last years of his life, he tried to seriously engage in business, became the founder of several companies. In December 1998, an assassination attempt was made on Victor Sloka, and two years later he was shot dead in the courtyard of house 3 on Tipanova Street.

Andrey Miroedov

One of the youngest "thieves in law", known in criminal circles under the nickname "Mirych". He began his criminal activity as part of the so-called "Komarovskaya" organized criminal group, and at present he is ranked among the "Kazan". In 2002, Miroedov was arrested on suspicion of extortion, but the criminal case was subsequently dropped. Last year, "Mirych" became the object of a failed assassination attempt. Rumor has it that it is Miroedov who is today one of the main contenders for the position of "looking" for St. Petersburg, which became vacant after the murder of Kostya Grave.

Rustam Ravilov

In the criminal environment, he was known under the nicknames "Marshal", "Executioner", "Romka-Tatarin". According to some reports, in recent years, from St. Petersburg, he led the actions of the "French" group in Almetyevsk, whose members were engaged in the theft of oil and gasoline from JSC Tatneft and controlled local commercial structures. Ravilov officially held the position CEO firm "Tings" (oil business). July 9, 2003 was shot dead.

Vladimir Barsukov (Coumarin)

Considered one of the most influential "shadow" businessmen in St. Petersburg. For a decade, Barsukov's name has been invariably associated with the "Tambov" OPS, but Barsukov himself in every possible way denies the position of "chief Tambov" imposed on him. Currently, he is one of the owners of the St. Petersburg Fuel Company.

Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya-Grave)

Until recently, one of the most influential businessmen in St. Petersburg. He appeared in police operational materials as the leader of one of the largest criminal communities in the city. In the unspoken criminal hierarchy, for a long time he held the post of the so-called "watcher" for St. Petersburg. AT recent times tried to do big business in Moscow. In May 2003 he was shot dead in the very center of the Russian capital.

Roman Tsepov

A major St. Petersburg businessman, he has a serious position in the city's security business. Enjoys an ambiguous reputation. In terms of information, he is an absolutely closed, non-public figure.

Information about this could come from supporters of Lotu Guli.

The information that Azerbaijani thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev, known in the criminal world as Rovshan Lenkoransky, was stripped of his title at yesterday's gathering of thieves in Yerevan is not true.

As transmits Oxu.Az, Vesti.Az was informed about this by a Moscow source close to the thieves' circles.

Recall that on January 5, a gathering of thieves started in the vicinity of Yerevan, which promised to be grandiose. According to the Russian edition of Prime Crime, the first meeting was to take place in Moscow. But the capital's law enforcement officers immediately warned the authorities that they did not intend to tolerate amateur performance and took all possible precautions. As a result, it was decided to meet in Yerevan.

Thieves' "forum" in fact highest level was preparing to receive up to a hundred criminal delegates. The initiator of the meeting was 61-year-old thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy returned from a Spanish prison to Russia in October last year), who, together with Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan), flew to Yerevan on January 4. Later, thieves in law Vadim Sabrekova (Cheburashka) and Andrey Miroedov (Mirych) joined them. There was also a Chechen Hussein Akhmadov (Blind).

However, as it turned out today, the main "grandfather's" successors - Syktyvkar authority Yuri Pichugin (Pichuga), Vasily Khristoforov (Voskres), Robinson Arabuli (Robinson) and others did not come to the gathering. The leaders of the Greek, Turkish and Moscow groups could not fly to the meeting.

The reason for the absence of Pichugin and Khristoforov at the meeting is already known. On January 5, Pichugin's younger brother, Oleg Pichugin, shot himself with a sawn-off shotgun in the Ust-Vymsky district of the Komi Republic. In this regard, thieves in law went to the funeral in Komi, and not to the gathering.

Therefore, on the part of Zakhary Kalashov, it was decided to postpone the gathering until better times. The meeting will take place, but where and when is not yet known.

“No decisions were made at the meeting in Yerevan. Moreover, Rovshan Lenkoransky was not deprived of the thieves' title. By the way, Rovshan's friends - "thieves in law" Georgiy Uglava (Takhi) Kakhaber Parpaliya (Kakhi) also flew to Yerevan, but, seeing that there would be no gathering, they returned back. No absentee decisions were taken,” the source said.

Recall that in 2012, the “grandfathers” have already made an attempt to deprive the title of Rovshan Lenkoransky. The decision was made in absentia, but it had no force. Because without the participation of the thief in law himself, it is wrong to consider the issue of his title. According to the source, the information about Rovshan Lenkoransky's "decoronation" could have come from supporters of Dzhaniev's opponent - Nadir Salifov (Lotu Guli), who is currently serving his sentence in colony No. 8.

The only order that was given by Zakhary Kalashov was to convene all the young thieves in law who had received their title since 2008 for the next meeting. Shakro decided to revise the titles of the young, since many of them are being questioned by various groups.

Meanwhile, the lawyer Abdul Baghirov, who previously, as is known, defended the interests of Dzhaniev, does not believe the rumors about the deprivation of Rovshan Lankaran's title of "thief in law". According to him, in absentia, the title is not deprived. In addition, he believes that incorrect information could also be disseminated with the aim of provoking Rovshan Lenkoransky into some rash acts.

Currently, Baghirov is not Dzhaniev's lawyer, since the latter has no problems with the law in Azerbaijan. But from time to time Dzhaniev consults with him on any legal issues.

We also note that the information that at the end of last year Dzhaniev came to Azerbaijan in the month of Muharram does not correspond to reality.

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