Gastrointestinal tract diet. Medical nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Steamed meatballs

Diet for gastrointestinal diseases is an important addition to treatment. Compliance with certain dietary restrictions can significantly improve your well-being, speed up recovery and prevent new relapses of the disease.

The famous nutritionist and therapist M.I. Pevzner developed therapeutic diets intended for people with diseases of the digestive tract 1. A specific nutritional regimen should be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the diagnostic results, the stage of the disease, the acidity of gastric juice and the presence of concomitant disorders. Strict dietary restrictions are typical for the acute form of the disease. During the period of remission, nutritional requirements are not so stringent.

"Healthy and harmful foods" for gastrointestinal diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane, dysfunction of the digestive organs; patients are strictly contraindicated from foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, increase intestinal motility and cause excessive production of gastric juice. Fried foods stimulate bile formation, release carcinogens, and support the inflammatory reaction on the walls of the digestive tract.

  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • sauces, marinades;
  • fatty meats, especially pork, lamb;
  • legumes;
  • sour fruits;
  • fresh onions and garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • fatty cheeses.

The correct diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of your body.

The basis of a therapeutic diet for gastrointestinal disorders is:

  • porridges prepared with filtered water or skim milk;
  • first courses with vegetable or light meat broth;
  • main courses of poultry, veal, sea and river fish;
  • vegetable salads, stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes without butter on the side 2;

What drinks can and cannot be consumed if you have gastrointestinal diseases?

People with chronic disorders of the digestive system are prohibited from consuming:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sweet sparkling water;
  • sour juices.

Dairy products are healthy, rich in bifidobacteria, in particular:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • homemade yogurt 3.

Remember that a diet for gastrointestinal problems is selected by a qualified specialist. Each disease has its own dietary restrictions. Diet is only an addition to treatment. For most patients with diseases of the digestive tract, specialists prescribe a course or continuous use of medications. To improve digestion, it is recommended to take enzyme preparations - medications that help improve the digestion process. Digestion in humans begins with the process of eating. Poorly chewed food is not sufficiently moistened by saliva, and large pieces that enter the stomach complicate the digestion process, contributing to the appearance of heaviness and discomfort. Do not restrict fluids unless your doctor recommends it. You can drink weak tea, compotes and jelly. Lack of fluid reduces the amount of saliva produced, which is involved in digestion.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by a significant decrease in the production of digestive enzymes. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to use enzyme agents separately. This will significantly improve your well-being and prevent relapses of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract 4.

The material was developed with the support of Abbott to increase patient awareness of health conditions. The information in the material does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Contact your doctor

RUCRE172288 from 06/06/2017

1. Pevzner M.I. “Diagnostics and therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic diseases (1924, 1945)

2. Dotsenko V.I., Bondarev G.I., Martinchik A.N. "Organization of therapeutic and preventive nutrition." S-P.: Medicine. - 1987

3. Menshikov F.K. "Diet therapy". M.: Medicine. - 1972.

4. Petrovsky K.S. "Balanced diet". M.: Medicine. - 1976.

A diet for the stomach is a system of nutritional rules recommended for pathology of this digestive organ.

When is a stomach diet necessary?

Most often, people start thinking about proper nutrition and a diet for the stomach when problems arise. The first signs of trouble are usually: heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, pain or sour belching. The pain is more severe after sour, spicy, too salty and fatty foods. In this case, we are talking about gastritis with high acidity - chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which the digestive glands produce hydrochloric acid in excess.

Such symptoms should not be left unattended, since the advanced disease passes into a more severe phase or even into a gastric ulcer. The doctor may prescribe additional examinations and medications to treat gastritis, but the diet for the stomach plays perhaps the most important role in recovery. Without following a diet for the stomach, gastritis will constantly worsen, which sooner or later will lead to complications.

General principles of diet for high acidity

If the acidity of the gastric juice is high, you should very carefully and thoughtfully select dishes for your diet. They should not cause excessive stimulation of the digestive glands. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to regularly prepare puree soups, as well as mucous-based soups.

A diet for the stomach excludes dishes such as:

  • Strong rich meat broths;
  • Mushroom broth;
  • Fried meat, vegetables;
  • Pickles;
  • Marinades;
  • Hot and spicy seasonings.

You should not add too much salt to your food; at the same time, sugar is not particularly harmful to the stomach.

A diet for the stomach should primarily include vegetables with a low fiber content, since they require less digestive juices to digest them. In case of exacerbation, the following vegetables are allowed:

  • Potato;
  • Swede;
  • Carrot;
  • Cauliflower.

It is better to eat vegetables boiled or steamed, finely pureed. Sorrel, cabbage, radish, and beets are not recommended.

From fruits on a diet with acidity, it is better to choose non-acidic types, as well as those that are easily and quickly digested. They will be easier to digest if served baked or boiled (mashed potatoes, mousse).

A diet for acidity may include various porridges cooked in water or milk. During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to make them mashed. The mucous consistency of the porridge has a softening and enveloping effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa. It is useful to include cottage cheese, eggs, and milk in your diet for the stomach.

When choosing meat or fish for a diet with high acidity, you should choose low-fat varieties. Although fat does not directly affect hydrochloric acid production, foods high in fat sit in the stomach longer, slowing down digestion and causing the digestive glands to become overactive. It is better to completely exclude animal fats on a diet for the stomach, but you can add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to your food per day.

The most suitable drinks on a diet with acidity would be compotes from dried or non-acidic fresh fruits, weak tea, and plain water. Kissel is especially worth noting among drinks - it coats the gastric mucosa well and reduces abdominal pain. Alkaline mineral waters without gas can also have a healing effect. It is prohibited to drink coffee or any carbonated drinks if you have high acidity. It is better not to drink immediately after a meal and especially during it, but do it 1-1.5 hours after eating.

A diet for the stomach also regulates the frequency of food intake. It is better to eat small and often - 5-6 times a day, and reduce portion sizes proportionally. You should never skip breakfast; it is very important for stomach health. It is better not to eat protein foods at the same time as carbohydrate-rich foods.

An example of a diet for high acidity for a week

From this example it is clearly seen that a diet for the stomach can be tasty, varied, and healthy at the same time.

First day:

  • Breakfast – milk buckwheat porridge (mashed), cottage cheese soufflé, weak tea with sugar;
  • Second breakfast – hard-boiled egg;
  • Lunch – oatmeal soup, steamed meat dumplings, cauliflower puree, dried fruit compote;
  • Dinner – pasta, steamed fish cutlets;
  • Second dinner - a glass of milk or cream.

Second day:

  • Breakfast - milk oatmeal, steamed meatballs, carrot and potato puree, a glass of tea with milk;
  • Second breakfast – pancakes from cottage cheese and beets;
  • Lunch – pureed zucchini soup with croutons, a piece of boiled meat, vermicelli, apricots;
  • Dinner – cottage cheese dumplings, sweet tea;
  • Second dinner - a glass of milk, a cracker.

Third day of the stomach diet:

  • Breakfast – a soft-boiled egg, a piece of toasted bread;
  • Second breakfast – carrot and apple soufflé, a glass of dried fruit compote;
  • Lunch – rice and milk soup, steamed chicken cutlets, omelette, sweet tea;
  • Dinner – meat puree, potato puree, a glass of still alkaline mineral water;
  • Second dinner - cottage cheese casserole.

Fourth day:

  • Breakfast – pureed milk rice porridge, compote;
  • Second breakfast – sandwich with butter and cheese, tea with milk;
  • Lunch – pureed vegetable soup, rice and vegetable mixture with a piece of boiled meat, apple mousse;
  • Dinner – fish baked in foil, boiled potatoes, rosehip infusion;
  • Second dinner - cream, cookies.

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk;
  • Second breakfast – berry and fruit jelly with crackers;
  • Lunch – pureed chicken soup, boiled rice with baked chicken, carrot and apple salad;
  • Dinner - meatballs with vermicelli, compote;
  • Second dinner - milk, cracker.

Sixth day of the stomach diet:

  • Breakfast – egg soufflé, weak tea;
  • Second breakfast – milk jelly;
  • Lunch – carrot soup, mashed potatoes, steamed fish meatballs, rosehip broth;
  • Dinner – veal schnitzel, boiled potatoes, tea with milk;
  • Second dinner - cream with crackers.

Seventh day:

  • Breakfast – milk semolina porridge with meat soufflé;
  • Second breakfast – fruit soufflé, sweet tea;
  • Lunch – vegetable puree soup, baked apple with jam;
  • Dinner – minced meat with boiled vegetables, curd pudding, compote;
  • The second dinner is milk.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic nutrition comes to the fore. Thus, for other ailments, advice on organizing a proper diet is mostly advisory in nature. But in the case of stomach diseases, diet is of paramount importance. In case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, food should be more meager, always pureed; when anxiety symptoms are relieved, some relaxation is allowed, but still with a fair amount of restrictions.

Diet for stomach diseases: what can you eat if you have a gastrointestinal tract disease?

In the treatment of functional dyspepsia (FD), diet therapy is of auxiliary importance, helping to reduce the manifestations of individual symptoms. Therefore, in the diet of each patient it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the symptoms and course of FD.

The basic principles of nutrition for stomach diseases can be formulated as follows:

  • in terms of the content of nutrients and energy, as well as the range of products, the diet should correspond to the diet of a healthy person;
  • avoid overeating due to the increased sensitivity of the gastric mucosa to stretching;
  • If you have a stomach illness, avoid eating dry food due to the fact that solid food stays in the stomach longer;
  • frequent, small meals with restriction or exclusion of fatty and difficult to digest foods;
  • individualization of nutrition nutrition for diseases of the intestines and stomach, taking into account the influence of individual foods and dishes on the symptoms of FD in a particular person.

A direct connection of FD with the consumption of alcoholic beverages or coffee has not been identified, but avoiding them can smooth out some manifestations of the disease.

For acute gastritis, it is useful to spend 1-1.5 days on water or weak infusions of herbs, and you need to drink a lot and drink about 1 glass in small sips every hour, slowly, to remove toxins and replenish the fluid lost during vomiting. In case of repeated vomiting, a special powder containing potassium and sodium salts is recommended to replenish the loss of minerals.

If you don’t have it, you can replace it with table salt (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and liquid from compote made from potassium-rich dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes); as a last resort, use a decoction of grated potatoes or carrots.

Proper nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases: products for a gentle diet

After a maximum of 1.5 days, you need to start eating little by little, even if there is no appetite, liquid rice or oatmeal with water and with dry crackers, dry bread or just wheat bread dried in the oven.

Then, to the diet for stomach diseases, you need to add unsweetened fermented milk products, boiled vegetables in the form of puree, boiled and lean meat and fish, and from the 3rd day - adherence to a gentle diet used for exacerbation of chronic gastritis, which must be followed for 3 days. 7 days depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

What can you eat if you have gastrointestinal diseases during the acute phase of the disease? During exacerbation of chronic gastritis (CG), therapeutic nutrition, which depends on the type of gastritis and the stage of the disease, can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up recovery.

In case of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis with normal or increased gastric secretion, a diet with mechanical and chemical (carbon dioxide, organic acids) sparing is used. Dietary nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases excludes fried, stewed and baked dishes, meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces, strong decoctions of vegetables, spicy and salty snacks, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits, smoked meats, foods rich in dietary fiber and connective tissue, spices and spicy vegetables, sour fruits, carbonated drinks, coffee, ice cream.

What else can you eat if you have a stomach problem so as not to harm your health? It is recommended to use foods and dishes that weakly stimulate secretion and leave the stomach relatively quickly - dairy, pureed vegetable and meat dishes, steamed omelettes, semi-viscous porridges, yesterday's wheat or dried bread. Dishes are served in puree and porridge form 5-6 times a day. All food is boiled in water or steamed. After acute manifestations subside, mechanical and chemical restrictions are gradually reduced, and after recovery they switch to a healthy diet.

The sooner the transition to regular chunky food occurs, the better.

This is explained by the fact that with chronic hepatitis with increased secretion of gastric juice, constipation often occurs, which is precisely facilitated by a mechanically gentle diet. In addition, when using excessively crushed food, the first phase of digestion, associated with chewing and processing of food by salivary enzymes, is partially eliminated, which impairs its further digestion.

Therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the stomach and intestines: dietary table

Proper nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases includes pureed and non-mashed options.

Sample diet menu for stomach disease (mashed version):

1. First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, viscous milky rice porridge, tea with milk.

2. Lunch: baked apple with sugar.

3. Dinner: oat milk soup, steamed meatballs with carrot puree, fruit mousse.

4. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, crackers.

5.Dinner: boiled fish, baked with milk sauce, mashed potatoes, tea with milk.

6. For the night: milk, cream or non-acidic yoghurt, acidophilus.

A similar table for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but without mechanical sparing, is recommended at the last stage of treatment of an exacerbation of the disease or from the first days of an exacerbation with an unexpressed, sluggish course. Food is boiled, but not pureed: meat and fish in pieces, crumbly porridge, whole vegetables and fruits.

After recovery, normal nutrition is used without mechanical or chemical sparing of the stomach. Only fatty meats and poultry, meat and cooking fats, overcooked foods, smoked meats, mushrooms, sources of coarse fiber and other foods and dishes that are difficult to digest and linger in the stomach for a long time are limited.

In the dietary table for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a strict 4-5 meals a day diet with the exception of large meals is required.

Sample diet menu for gastrointestinal diseases (unprocessed version):

1. First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea with milk.

2. Lunch: fresh non-acidic cottage cheese, rosehip decoction.

3. Dinner: vegetarian potato soup, boiled meat, baked with bechamel sauce, boiled carrots, boiled dried fruit compote.

4. Afternoon snack: decoction of wheat bran with sugar and crackers.

5. Dinner: boiled fish, baked with milk sauce, carrot-apple roll, tea with milk.

6. For the night: milk, cream or non-acidic kefir, acidophilus, yogurt.

Nutrition during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases: gentle diet

For nutrition during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases with reduced gastric secretion, a diet with mechanical sparing of the stomach is used, but with moderate chemical stimulation of the gastric glands with food irritants. The conditions for eating are extremely important: a calm atmosphere, a beautifully set table, pleasant smells - all this contributes to the release of the so-called inflammatory gastric juice and improves the digestion of food.

During the diet for gastrointestinal diseases, dishes of varying degrees of grinding and heat treatment are allowed: boiled, stewed, baked, fried without forming a rough crust, mashed dishes made from foods rich in connective tissue and fiber.

Also, the diet for gastrointestinal diseases includes soups made from weak, low-fat meat and fish broths, decoctions of vegetables and mushrooms, and, if tolerated, borscht, cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, beet soup with finely chopped vegetables, and appetizers made from soaked herring. The diet for diseases of the stomach and intestines may include mincemeat, fresh tomato salad, jellies, mild cheese, fat-free ham, sturgeon and chum salmon caviar, finely chopped, spicy vegetables and, in moderation,.

During a gentle diet for gastrointestinal diseases, the following are excluded from the diet: fresh and flour products from butter and puff pastry, dairy, okroshka, fatty meat, duck, goose, fatty, salted, smoked fish and canned fish, hard-boiled eggs, radishes, mushrooms, gooseberries and other coarse vegetables and fruits, fatty and spicy sauces and seasonings, grape juice, carbonated drinks.

Also prohibited products for gastrointestinal diseases are lard, beef, lamb and cooking fats.

Sample menu for gastrointestinal diseases, calculated for the day:

1. Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, cheese, oatmeal porridge, tea.

2. Dinner: meat broth with noodles, fried meat cutlets without breading with carrot puree, jelly.

3. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction with cookies.

4. Dinner: jellied fish, rice pudding with fruit sauce, tea.

5. For the night: kefir or other fermented milk drinks.

Proper nutrition for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Nutritional therapy, which has long been the main means of treating patients with peptic ulcer disease, is currently receding into the background. It is more important to prevent complications of drug treatment through nutrition.

It is now recognized that when eating for gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is enough to exclude from the diet only those foods that cause discomfort in a particular person.

During a diet for diseases of the stomach and duodenum, late dinner or meals at night, including milk, are not recommended, since they stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid at night, when the patient is sleeping and cannot take neutralizing medications. However, taking new medications that inhibit gastric secretion for a long time can mitigate this limitation.

The consumption of alcohol, which can also stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid, should be sharply limited.

Therapeutic diet for diseases of the stomach and duodenum

The use of mechanically and chemically gentle diets is recommended only in cases of severe manifestations of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, as they disappear, a transition to normal nutrition is necessary.

To improve appetite, prevent constipation, dysbacteriosis and other side effects from the use of modern medications, it is advisable to switch as quickly as possible from a gentle to a normal healthy diet with an increased content of laxative foods and dishes (fruits rich in fiber) and limiting foods and dishes that slow down motor function. function and bowel movements (strong tea, blueberry decoctions and other dishes containing astringents and tannins, pureed porridges, slimy soups, jelly).

During therapeutic diets for gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to supplement the diet with multivitamin preparations in the daily dosage of each component.

Indian doctors decided to refute the hypothesis that spicy food is contraindicated for patients with duodenal ulcers. They added 3 grams of powdered chili pepper to the food of 25 patients daily. The other 25 patients received dietary bland food. An analysis of the patients’ condition a month later showed that the mucous membrane of chili lovers was not damaged in any way, and their recovery was no less successful than that of those on a diet.

For peptic ulcers complicated by bleeding, the patient is not given food for 1-3 days. At this time, parenteral (intravenous) nutrition is used. After the bleeding has stopped or significantly decreased, they begin to give liquid and semi-liquid chilled food, a tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours, in a volume not exceeding 1.5-2 glasses per day (milk, cream, slimy soup, thin jelly, rosehip decoction ). Then the amount of food is gradually increased by adding soft-boiled eggs, meat and fish soufflé, butter, liquid semolina, thoroughly pureed fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition for stomach disease involves the use of specialized dietary concentrates. They are intended for regular consumption as drinks and for tube feeding. In their absence, you can use baby food concentrates enriched with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids (dry milk mixtures with buckwheat, rice flour, oatmeal, acidophilus and fermented milk mixtures, soy mixtures).

Following concentrates and together with them, canned baby food can also be used, which is made from high-quality products in the form of a well-mashed mass: puree from natural vegetables, sometimes with the addition of cream, cereals, meat, liver, fish, their combinations with vegetables or cereals . In the future, they gradually switch to normal nutrition.

Therapeutic diet for gastrointestinal diseases: pyloric stenosis

Although the main method of treating pyloric stenosis is surgery, before surgery, while food still passes relatively freely from the stomach into the duodenum, the patient’s condition can be alleviated with the help of some dietary recommendations.

In the therapeutic diet for this stomach disease, the amount of carbohydrates should be limited to 200-250 g due to starch-containing foods (bread, cereal, potatoes) and the content of proteins and fats should be increased to provide the necessary.

At the same time, reduce the amount of liquid to 0.6-1 liters, reducing the volume of drinks and first courses to % of the serving and replacing jelly and compotes with mousses and jellies. Proper nutrition for this stomach disease involves limiting the amount of food per meal and reducing their number to 3-4 times a day. Dinner for pyloric stenosis should be no later than 19:00.

We all know very well that a balanced, rational diet is the key to good health, but, unfortunately, not all of us adhere to this rule.

The number of people suffering from diseases (gastrointestinal tract) is increasing every year, and the age of patients is getting younger.

All gastrointestinal diseases require a special diet that spares the digestive organs. But this does not mean at all that people with gastrointestinal problems need to give up all foods and eat only liquid gruel, which will not harm the body. You just need to know what and how to cook, what can be included in the diet, and what should be discarded. This is what we will try to figure out today.

A gentle diet for gastrointestinal diseases using a wide range of products is designed for a long period. Taking into account the characteristics of your body, you yourself will be able to create your own diet in the future, focusing on certain rules. There are not so many of them, and remembering them will not be difficult.

1. It is best to boil, stew or bake food, but not fry.

2. To prepare dishes, use the meat of young animals, lean beef, and occasionally leaner pork, chicken, turkey, and rabbit; fresh and frozen fish - pike perch, lean carp, silver carp, frozen fish fillets.

3. For gastrointestinal diseases, fatty meats, ducks, geese, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, and most sausages are contraindicated.

4. Prepare dishes in a frying pan with a Teflon coating and without fat, because it “burns” at high temperatures during frying - the harmful substances that arise in this case irritate the gastric mucosa.

5. Solid foods, large pieces, fresh fruits with peels, cabbage, cartilage, tendons, and tough meat have a harmful mechanical effect on the digestive organs.

6. Add fats in the form of fresh butter to already prepared dishes (only fresh butter and vegetable oils are allowed from fats).

7. Food and drinks should not be too hot, but not too cold.

8. Eliminate strong and natural coffee, strong cocoa, sweet fruit water, alcoholic and chilled drinks from your diet.

9. All products must be sufficiently boiled, stewed, baked, and the dishes must be soft and tasty, but not seasoned with hot spices and salt.

10. Eat wheat bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour, day-old bakery products, dry biscuits, and long-lasting cookies.

11. Avoid eating soft fresh and black bread, fresh pastries, puff pastry and pastry.

12. Of the spices, only those that do not irritate the mucous membrane are allowed: parsley, dill, bay leaf, cumin. You can use marjoram, vanillin, cinnamon, lemon zest. Spices that irritate the gastric mucosa (hot pepper, mustard, horseradish, etc.), as well as vegetables rich in essential oils (onions, garlic), sour fruits, spicy and salty gastronomic products, meat and fish products containing significant amounts of extractives substances, meat sauces, strong broths, should be completely excluded from the diet.

13. When exacerbating chronic diseases, be sure to follow a strict diet.

14. During the calm period of the illness, you can switch to more solid foods.

15. You should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.

So what can you eat if you have gastrointestinal diseases?

Oddly enough, even for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it offers a large selection of different dishes - tasty, healthy and at the same time gentle on the digestive organs.

We prepare as first courses soups:

Slimy cereal soups (from rice, oatmeal and semolina).
Puree vegetable soups (from potatoes, carrots, spinach, celery).
Milk-cereal soups made from well-cooked cereals.
Milk puree soups made from vegetables, pre-cooked chicken or meat.
Semolina soups with vegetables or sweet berries.
Vegetable soups (carrot, kohlrabi, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, potato).
Meat soups with strong low-fat meat broth.
Low-fat chicken soup or chicken giblet soup.

As you can see, the range of first courses is quite wide. It remains to add that soups should contain pureed or very chopped products, and vegetables (carrots, onions, white roots) should not be sautéed, but poached. If flour is used to season soups, then it should be dried at a temperature of 100-110 degrees without changing color, and if possible, it is best to do without it.

Eliminate from your diet soups with dressing fried in oil, beans, peas, onions, millet, cabbage (including savoy cabbage). Do not include green cabbage soup, okroshka, as well as meat, fish, mushroom broths, and broths made from brains and kidneys into your diet.

For gastrointestinal diseases you can cook cereal dishes, which are used not only for cooking soups, as mentioned above, but also for preparing second courses, such as porridge (for a side dish), casseroles or puddings, as well as for morning or evening porridges.

With cereals you can make charlottes, pilaf with dried fruits, carrots, krupeniki, buckwheat and oatmeal.

With an exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the stomach or intestines, especially with diarrhea, decoctions of rice and oatmeal in water, without milk or added fat, salted to taste, rubbed through a sieve are recommended.

Raw, boiled or stewed vegetables are used as independent dishes, as well as as a side dish for gastrointestinal diseases. You can eat tomatoes raw (if they do not cause heartburn), seasoning them with lemon juice.

Use beets, pumpkin, young kohlrabi, cauliflower (inflorescences only), green peas (spring, early), parsley, dill in your diet.

Eliminate from your diet vegetables that contain coarse fibrous substances that contribute to bloating (radish, radish, spinach, sorrel, garlic, mushrooms, green onions), as well as pickled vegetables.

Vegetables should only be stewed in their own juice, adding butter when serving.

You can also prepare delicious dishes from boiled vegetables by seasoning them with sour cream or tomato sauce or bechamel sauce without flour sautéing.

Avoid meat, fish, mushroom, onion, garlic and mayonnaise sauces.

For cooking and garnishing, you can also use boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, boiled or stewed rice, boiled pasta (thin noodles, vermicelli, finely chopped pasta).

Eliminate all types of fried potatoes, wheat, pearl barley, corn porridge, as well as bean dishes.

Many tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from meat, poultry and fish. The main condition is that any meat or fish should not be fatty.

Veal boil or stew with vegetables, prepare minced meat, natural schnitzel or stew. Good casseroles, puddings and veal stuffed with rice and vegetables. The tongue can be boiled.

Beef used boiled, steamed, baked after cooking. From pureed and chopped beef we prepare cutlets, quenelles, mashed potatoes, soufflés, and beef stroganoff.

Pork- young and lean, unsalted boiled ham without fat.

Mutton– only lamb meat.

Bird- stewed, boiled, baked chicken, baked turkey.

Can be used stewed or baked meat of rabbit, hare, nutria.

Fish- low-fat, boiled and steamed, in pieces and in the form of cutlet mass, low-fat carp, carp - stewed, baked in aluminum foil, pike perch, sea fish fillets.

Eliminate from your diet beef from old animals, which is stringy and fatty; pork in all other forms, except those indicated above, especially fried, smoked, lard, cracklings; fried poultry with pepper, goose, duck; lamb with pepper; salted, smoked, fried, fatty fish, sardines, sprats, canned food.

Milk and dairy products Usually well tolerated by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, and for gastric ulcers, especially with high acidity, milk and cream are simply necessary. Milk can be added to dishes and tea. Use low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese in your diet, prepare dishes from it: casseroles, puddings, lazy dumplings, low-fat and mild cheese, butter. Sour cream and low-fat cream are allowed in limited quantities. When adding cumin to curd dishes, first pour boiling water over it to make it softer. Some patients prefer kefir and acidophilus instead of milk.

Eliminate fatty, sour cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, salty, fatty cheese from your diet.

Fruits and non-acidic berries It is best used for preparing compotes, jelly, decoctions, mousses and sambucas. You can make jelly, jam or sweet fruit sauces.

Exclude from your diet pears, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, grapes, figs, almonds, nuts, compotes - strawberry, currant, hard fruits.

For dessert, you can prepare low-fat and not very sweet mousses, sambucas (apple, lemon, oranges, apricots, plums) or creams (vanilla, coffee, sour cream, fruit). Not too sweet puddings (semolina with apples, cottage cheese with prunes), porridges (rice, semolina, oatmeal) or (rice, semolina, buckwheat) with cottage cheese, fruit or vanilla, as well as buns with apples or cottage cheese are also good.

Eliminate ice cream, overly sweet and fatty puddings, nut casseroles, and raisin casseroles from your diet; buns with nuts, almonds, fried pancakes, pancakes, donuts, chocolate.

To be continued…

If the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, it is important not only to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment, but also to follow a certain diet. If we talk about stomach diseases, the solution to the problem for each specific ailment will be different. But there are certain principles of physiologically complete nutrition, which has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, a person receives the full amount of all useful substances and at the same time observes certain restrictions. Let us consider in more detail what kind of diet is necessary for stomach disease, and for what pathologies it is useful.

Almost any deviation in the functioning of digestion requires a correct approach to nutrition, which is included in the mandatory list of therapeutic measures. The diet is usually followed for the following diseases:

  • chronic or acute inflammation of the stomach;
  • stomach upset;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis.

It is also important to follow a diet for intestinal pain caused by infections, food poisoning or inflammation.

In order to determine which foods should be excluded from the menu and which ones should be added, it is necessary to know not only the underlying disease, but also the presence of other chronic pathologies in the human body. Therefore, you first need to consult your doctor and undergo a full examination. Only after this can you get competent recommendations. When contacting a nutritionist, the patient can count on individual advice on proper nutrition.

Basic principles

In order to treat and prevent diseases associated with the stomach, it is necessary to follow certain dietary rules:

How to eat for certain stomach diseases

Depending on what ailment affects the stomach and other digestive organs, different food restrictions are recommended. Let us examine in more detail the features of the menu for common pathologies.

Acute gastritis

On the first day, the patient is advised to strictly restrict food intake. Usually this is not difficult, since the disease contributes to a lack of appetite and even causes an aversion to food.
The initial period requires a complete refusal to eat; the patient can receive weak and unsweetened tea or clean boiled water in small amounts. After the most acute phenomena have subsided, it is recommended to expand the diet by adding weak broth. A decoction of rice or barley, which should be ground first, is very useful at this moment. Instead of bread, you can use freshly prepared crackers.

After severe pain has been relieved, you should add a yolk, pureed porridge with a small amount of butter, a boiled egg (not hard-boiled) or some non-acidic fruit to the broth. Food should be served every four hours, the portions should be very small, since the stomach should not be overloaded.

Over the course of several days, subject to the transition to the recovery stage, the menu expands and gradually approaches the usual. It is allowed to use lean fish and meat, which should be boiled; before doing this, they must be turned through a meat grinder. They are served with potato or vegetable puree. You can wash down your meal with fresh or dried fruit compote. Gradually the portions will increase.
As all signs subside, the menu expands. However, it is advisable to avoid consuming foods that are heavy on the stomach for some time. This applies to fatty meats and fish, fried and spicy foods, preserves and marinades, as well as foods that cause flatulence in the intestines.

Hypoacid gastritis

There are certain dietary features during inflammation, when the pH level of gastric juice is reduced, and indigestion is often observed. Products taken by such a patient must meet two requirements: not to irritate the mucous membrane too much and stimulate acid production.

Gastric juice is produced by: beef broth, concentrated vegetable broth, fish soup, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, and steamed cutlets. You can consume whole milk, vegetables, fruits and berries in puree form. It is recommended to wash down your food with tea or weak coffee.
It must be remembered that consumption of smoked meat, caviar and mineral water contributes to increased juice production. It is recommended to drink it warm in the morning before meals.

Sparing the mucous membrane means that food should only be at a moderate temperature and in a pureed form, so that it does not linger in the stomach for too long. You should eat small portions 4-5 times a day. If a hypoacid state accompanies diarrhea, it is necessary to consume a lot of fluid.

Low acidity in the stomach promotes the introduction of pathogenic microflora into it. Therefore, if you are sick, you should especially strictly adhere to the hygienic rules of food preparation.

Features of eating with increased acid production

Increased secretion of juice from the gastric glands, excess hydrochloric acid and enzymatic substances leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane. In this case, an important role is played not only by taking tablets that reduce the secretion of juice, but also by selecting the correct maximum gentle nutrition. It is imperative to include in the diet of such a patient products that, when consumed, will help reduce acidity.

For this purpose you can eat:

  • soups with milk from cereals;
  • some vegetables (except cabbage);
  • chopped pasta or homemade noodles;
  • milk and cream (with normal tolerance);
  • use fresh sour cream and cottage cheese, only the dairy product should not be sour;
  • soft-boiled eggs or steamed diet omelette;
  • lean meat without tendons can be prepared in the form of meatballs, meat puree, rolls or cutlets;
  • Low-fat fish varieties are boiled or steamed.

You can put boiled vegetables on the table, preferably carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes or beets. You can make puddings and purees from them for a variety of nutrition. For this disease, it is recommended to eat cereals: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, pasta is also suitable. Fruits and berries are also healthy, but only sweet varieties should be used. You can eat them fresh, extract juice from them, cook jelly or compote.
In the acute period of hyperacid gastritis, it is better to eat meat in a ground form, cook porridge in milk, and then also puree it. Drinking milk is very beneficial. If your body has a lack of lactose and is intolerant to milk, you can simply add it to tea. Butter and vegetable oil are also beneficial.

Recipes for preparing dishes for this pathology should exclude the use of acidic products, since they will provoke pain. Fried foods, spicy snacks, canned food and baked goods, and ice cream are prohibited. You will have to give up strong tea, alcoholic drinks, coffee and carbonated water.

As the condition improves, the diet is gradually expanded, but fatty meats, fried foods, as well as dill and parsley should still be avoided. Nutritionists recommend drinking Borjomi and Essentuki one and a half hours before meals. They help lower the pH of the gastric juice and improve the evacuation of the food bolus from this organ.

Dry bread, crackers, biscuits Pancakes, rye bread, pies, cookies
Puree porridge with water (rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) Barley, corn porridge, beans
Casseroles, puddings, souffles Sour foods
Chopped veal, rabbit or chicken Lamb, pork, offal, sausage
Pike perch, cod, pike, perch (other species minced or cutlet) Fatty, fried and smoked fish
Puree, slimy soups, with vegetable broth Soups with meat or mushroom broth, okroshka, borscht, beetroot soup
Steamed white omelette, one yolk per day Fried egg
Low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese Cream, sour cream, mayonnaise

What to eat if you have intestinal disorders

When it comes to a diet to improve digestion in pathologies of the lower parts of the digestive system, you should exclude foods that cause fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
The diet is necessary for people who have intestinal problems during exacerbation of chronic ailments or colitis accompanied by fermentation. It is also important to exclude certain foods in acute forms of the disease. The principles of diet for dyspepsia and constipation will be different.

Depending on what disease worries the patient, the nutritionist gives appropriate recommendations according to which dishes should be prepared. The objectives of such a diet usually include:

  • normalization of digestion and intestinal secretory function;
  • elimination or reduction in the activity of symptoms of the disease;
  • restoration of normal motor skills;
  • avoiding irritation of the inner walls of the intestines.

If the digestive functions are severely impaired, there is a problem with chewing and swallowing food, a diet corresponding to table number 2 is usually used. Its principle is that all products are crushed to the consistency of puree.

Table number 3 is suitable for patients who suffer from constipation. In this case, food is recommended that mechanically, thermally or chemically enhances peristalsis to evacuate processed food that causes wall rot. Therefore, the principles of cooking in this case consist in minimal grinding of products.

Table number 4 is used mainly when inflammation and diarrhea prevail. One of the principles of the diet for indigestion is based on the fact that all mechanical and other irritants are excluded from the diet. Since dyspepsia occurs with loss of fluid, its daily intake should be at least 2 liters.

A person with chronic or acute problems with the digestive system should contact a gastroenterologist and nutritionist to select the most healthy and appropriate diet.

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