A speck of dirt has gotten under the upper eyelid, what should I do? How to safely remove speck from your eye. Contraindications for surgery

Eyes are a very sensitive organ. When midges, specks, eyelashes, shavings, grains of sand and other small foreign bodies get into them, a person experiences discomfort. Tears immediately appear and an unbearable desire to rub and scratch the injured eye.

Sometimes you can pull out a speck on your own if it doesn’t get in too deep and your hands are clean.. But a problem can arise during repair work, when the eyes are not protected from dust and chips. Such elements can cause severe and even penetrating injury to the eye.

How to get a speck out of your eye at home? How to protect your eyes? How to treat after removing a foreign body?

Getting a large speck with sharp edges or another foreign body into the eye is one of the main causes of serious damage to the structure of the organ (cornea, sclera, conjunctiva).

The foreign body may remain on the surface of the eye and even penetrate into the apple. Even minimal eye injury can be dangerous.

The person will feel the presence of a grain of sand in the eye. Severe lacrimation, blepharospasm, itching, decreased quality of vision may occur, and in severe cases severe pain and bleeding may occur.

Before removing a foreign object from the eye, you must make sure that it is really it. A feeling as if there is a speck in the eye is sometimes a symptom of an eye disease.

If debris remains after numerous washes, you should consult a doctor.. Otherwise, the disease can progress and cause serious complications.

There are also items that you cannot remove yourself. While sand, dust, eyelashes, and makeup remnants can be easily dealt with, an aggressive foreign body that has penetrated the cornea requires medical attention.

Without qualified help, you can lose your vision. To get rid of the speck, sometimes it is enough just to blink frequently or cause profuse lacrimation.

Medical attention may be needed if:

  • the object cannot be removed from the eyes;
  • stuck inside the eye;
  • vision deteriorated sharply;
  • After removing the object, pain, redness, and discomfort remained.

What else should you do at home if a speck gets into your eye?

First aid. How to remove a foreign body from the eye


This method often turns out to be quite effective. How to wash out specks from your eye? Use ordinary running water at room temperature. But it’s better to choose boiled or distilled:

After removing the speck, the eyes must be rinsed again with clean water or chamomile decoction. The solution is soothing and healing.

Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a liter of boiling water. Leave until it cools down. Make a compress for the eyes.

A tea compress will also help. Relieves redness and irritation of the eyes. Place two bags of black tea without additives into a mug of hot boiled water, take them out, and squeeze out the excess liquid. Soak a cotton pad in tea and lightly wipe your eyes.

Making lotions from honey. Boil a teaspoon in a glass of water. The solution is cooled and used for lotions. Relieves redness.

You should not scratch or rub your eye if a piece of metal shavings, a speck with sharp edges, or a piece of glass gets into it. The foreign body may penetrate deeper.

You need to call an ambulance. Do not try to pull out metal using a magnet. Until the doctor arrives, you need to be patient, do not touch your eyes and try to blink less often.

The penetration of such objects provokes dangerous consequences:

  • erosion of tissues located around the cornea;
  • trauma and damage to the corneal epithelium;
  • inflammatory process, development of infection;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • pain because the nerve endings are damaged.

In case of a penetrating wound, you should never:

  • rubbing the eye and generally touching it;
  • wash the eye (except for contact with chemical solutions);
  • use cotton wool for bandaging (exception: eyelid wounds with heavy bleeding).

Before any manipulation, wash your hands thoroughly, calm the victim, call a doctor or take the patient to the emergency room.

If eyelid injury occurs:

  • the damaged area is cleaned with water or antiseptic solutions;
  • apply cold without putting pressure on the eye, cover the wound with a sterile bandage;
  • make a bandage of cotton wool and gauze if there is a lot of bleeding.

How to get a speck out of your eye if nothing helps? You need to consult a doctor and tell him that you cannot remove the speck on your own.

If a foreign body is on the surface of the eye, the doctor will remove it with a damp swab, which will be soaked in an antiseptic, or using a stream of a special solution.

You can remove a speck that has stuck into the conjunctival cavity using the anesthetic solution Dicaine. This is a local anesthetic drug for superficial anesthesia.

The drug blocks sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of impulses at nerve endings. The effect occurs a minute after application to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components. Two drops are instilled into the eye before the procedure for removing the foreign body. After use, a short-term burning sensation or mild allergy is possible.

After instilling the solution, the doctor removes the foreign body with a needle or tweezers. Then the eye is washed, sodium sulfacyl is placed behind the eyelids.

This is an antimicrobial drug used to treat infectious diseases of the eyes and adnexa. Has an antiseptic effect. A 30% solution is used to treat adults. 20% - for the treatment of children.

Place two drops in the eye three times a day for about four days. The duration of the course and dosage are prescribed by the doctor.

Usually, after removing a dangerous speck, the inflammation of the eye goes away quickly. But sometimes patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of the presence of a foreign body. This is possible if there are microtraumas on the conjunctiva caused by a speck.

Foreign bodies also get on the cornea, which is usually typical for wooden fragments, metal shavings, and glass. In a few hours, an infiltrate will appear.

If measures are not taken, a bag and suppuration will form.. To remove the object, an anesthetic is instilled into the eye, and the foreign body itself is removed with special instruments. A bandage is applied and a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Foreign bodies inside the eye lead to opacification of the vitreous body, iridocyclitis, dystrophy, and retinal detachment.

After removing a large sharp speck or other foreign body from the eye, the following eye drops are used to prevent the development of infection:

Recipes for rinses that have an anti-inflammatory effect:

Before use, you must obtain a doctor's permission.


The feeling of a speck or foreign body in the eye can be a symptom of some ophthalmological diseases:

There are many similar diseases. If you have a persistent and prolonged sensation of speck in your eye, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps it’s not a speck that’s troubling your eye, but a dangerous disease.


You can get rid of specks in the eye quite easily: blink quickly, remove it with a cotton pad dipped in water or tea, and rinse your eyes.

But if a large and sharp speck gets into your eye, removing it yourself is a dangerous and even painful task.

It is necessary to consult a doctor who will perform the procedure for removing a speck or foreign body under sterile conditions, with the least likelihood of complications.

When an eyelash bends and gets under the eyelid, this is a very nasty situation. Especially if the nerve endings of the eyeball are very sensitive, in this case the person experiences severe and sharp pain.

By the way, the eye tries to get rid of the task itself, which is expressed in the release of tears and frequent blinking. Naturally, this helps from time to time, but in most cases you have to use certain measures.

Eyelash under the upper eyelid causes discomfort and pain

The article provides a detailed summary of how to remove an eyelash from under the upper eyelid. We have selected more effective and proven ways for you to get rid of the problem yourself.

Effective methods

If you have a bubble on the upper eyelid under the eyelashes, then in this situation you most likely need professional help, so consult an ophthalmologist. And if you are convinced that all the unpleasant feelings are associated with an eyelash that has fallen under the eyelid, carefully read the methods presented below.

If a foreign body is present for a long time, irritation and redness of the eye occurs.

Method 1: without scrap materials

If you don’t have a mirror or cotton swabs at hand, then proceed as follows:

  • wash your hands;
  • Focusing on unpleasant feelings, determine the location of the eyelash;
  • make a sliding motion with your finger, trying to move the hair towards the inside of the eye;
  • repeat these movements until the hair is in the inner corner;
  • carefully remove the hair.

The photo shows the process of removing eyelashes from the eye shell with your own hands.

You can also try moving a hair using a cardboard napkin. This must be done carefully so as not to rub the eyelid.

By the way, you can buy such napkins in any hypermarket, and even in a subway passage - their cost is symbolic. Always carry them with you in your purse, but make sure they remain unstained.

Cosmetic wipes should be dry and fragrance-free.

Method 2: use the tools at hand

Now let's talk about how to solve the problem, having certain means at hand. A step-by-step summary is presented in the table.

Just try to pull your eyelid to the side - maybe this will free the eyelash

Step Description
1st Rinse your hands thoroughly.
2nd Take a mirror and go to a well-lit place.
3rd See if the eyelash has gotten onto the mucous membrane - if not, then you can get rid of it simply by carefully prying it with your finger or the corner of a clean handkerchief or cardboard napkin.
4th If the eyelash is not visible, then most likely it has already gotten under the eyelid - in such a situation, you should carefully unscrew the eyelid. And again use the corner of an unstained scarf. A wet hair will certainly stick to the scarf and you will simply be able to remove it.
5th After pulling out the eyelash, adjust the eyelid and blink a couple of times - there may be a release of tears. This is normal - it will allow you to wash your eye and cleanse the mucous membrane of micro-dust.

A short summary on removing a foreign body from the eye.

Method 3: if you have contact lenses

But if you use contact lenses, you should do the following:

  • carefully remove the lens;
  • look at her closely;
  • if you find a hair, remove it;
  • wash the lens in a specially designed solution;
  • stick it back into the eye.

From time to time a foreign object sticks to the lens - it needs to be pulled out and washed

In this case, if there is no hair on the lens, you need to:

  • place the product in a special container with the substance;
  • look around the eye;
  • maybe the eyelash ended up on the mucous membrane or eyelid;
  • use one of the methods outlined above.

Method 4: removal from the upper eyelid

Now let's look at how to remove an eyelash from under the upper eyelid - this is a rather difficult process that requires caution and skill.

Naturally, you can simply try to blink actively - it is entirely possible that during the blinking process the eyelash will return to its place. But this method of getting rid of problems does not always work.

Direct your attention. You can also use a typical light massage.
With a gentle sliding movement of the fingertip, move along the eyelid towards the bridge of the nose.
This may help the eyelash return to its place.

Try to “drive out” the hair with massage movements.

A more effective way is to wash the eyes:

  • take a small cup;
  • pour boiled water at room temperature into it;
  • carefully turn the cup over so that it fits snugly to the eye;
  • the eye must be in the water;
  • later blink intensely;
  • this will help get rid of eyelashes;
  • This method is also effective in removing debris.

Water can cope with any speck.

What if it’s not a speck or an eyelash?

Other problems with eyelids and eyelashes also appear. For example, a relatively common question is what to do if the upper eyelid hangs over the eyelashes.

Direct your attention. From time to time, a pimple may appear on the upper eyelid under the eyelashes.
In most cases, the prerequisite for its occurrence may be eye fatigue.
But another common cause is the formation of barley.
How to fight it - read in articles aimed at a specific topic.

A special make-up will help hide drooping eyelids

Overhang manifests itself in the following situations:

  • with age changes;
  • with very large excess weight or with sudden weight loss;
  • when various kidney ailments appear;
  • for violations of water-salt balance;
  • when sleeping on a bad pillow or in an awkward position during sleep;
  • if you are allergic to facial skin and eyelash care products.

Only after identifying the real reason for the appearance of the problem should one select ways to combat it.

At the end

An even more difficult situation is when the eyelash has grown into the upper eyelid: in this case, it will no longer be possible to do without the professional help of an ophthalmologist. Well, there’s no need to delay your visit to him. But the additional video in this article will help you better understand and assimilate all the information provided.

    Have the patient sit in a well-lit room.

    Explain to him that he should see numbers or shapes in the tables shown and name them.

    Record the test subject's answers on a piece of paper.

    Start the demonstration of test tables from the first number.

    The patient must name the image visible to him within 10 seconds.

    Then the next table is shown, and so on.

    At the end of the study, the doctor conducting the study compares the test subject’s answers with the standards available in the book and identifies the existing color vision anomaly.

  1. External examination of the eye and surrounding tissues

TARGET: diagnostic.




PREREQUISITE: a dark room.


    First of all, the parts of the face surrounding the orbit are examined, then the condition and position of the eyelids, the area of ​​the lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac, the position of the eyeball in the orbit, the degree of its displacement, the width of the palpebral fissure and the condition of the membranes of the eye visible within the palpebral fissure are determined.

    Palpation is used if necessary.

    Always examine the healthy eye first and then the diseased eye.

    When examining the eyelids, pay attention to the color of the skin, the position and thickness of the edge of the eyelids, the direction of eyelash growth, the width of the intermarginal space, the condition of the anterior and posterior ribs of the upper and lower eyelids, the condition and position of the lacrimal openings.

  1. Eversion of the lower eyelid

TARGET: diagnostic.

INDICATIONS: is carried out to all patients who seek ophthalmological care.


EQUIPMENT: table, chair, table lamp.

PREREQUISITE: a dark room.


    The table lamp is placed on the table to the left and in front of the patient sitting in the chair.

    The light is directed onto the patient's face.

    The patient is asked to look up.

    Using the thumb of the right or left hand, positioned so that the top of the finger is located at the edge of the eyelid, pull the skin down.

    Pulling back either the inner or outer corner, the conjunctiva of the eyelid and the lower transitional fold are examined.

  1. Eversion of the upper eyelid

TARGET: diagnostic.

INDICATIONS: performed on patients who have pathology in the conjunctival sac.


EQUIPMENT: table, chair, table lamp.

PREREQUISITE: a dark room.


    The table lamp is placed on the table to the left and in front of the patient sitting in the chair.

    The light is directed onto the patient's face.

    The patient is asked to look down.

    With the thumb of the left hand, the eyelid is lifted upward and slightly pulled anteriorly.

    The thumb and index fingers of the right hand grasp the ciliary edge of the eyelid.

    The left hand is released, and with the right hand at this moment the eyelid is pulled downwards and anteriorly.

    Following this, a fold of skin is created with the thumb of the left hand, which is pressed on the upper edge of the cartilage of the eyelid, and with the right hand at this moment the lower edge of the eyelid is pulled up.

    The thumb of the left hand fixes the eyelid, the right hand remains free for manipulation. Instead of the left thumb, a glass rod can be used as a lever.

    In order to better examine the upper transitional fold, it is necessary to lightly press upward on the eyeball through the lower eyelid.

    It is even better to use an eyelid lifter for these purposes.

    The edge of the eyelid lifter is placed on the skin of the eyelid, which is slightly retracted downwards, at the upper edge of the cartilage. In this case, the eyelid lifter handle is lowered down.

    Supporting and pulling back the ciliary edge of the eyelid with the other hand, the examiner begins to turn the handle of the eyelid lifter upward, while everting the conjunctival side of the eyelid.

One of the pathologies that negatively affects eye health is ectropion or eversion of the eyelid. Such a pathology not only harms health, but also becomes noticeable to others. Unlike figure defects, imperfections on the face cannot be hidden by clothing. This article will help you learn more about ectropion of the eyelids, the reasons for its occurrence and methods of effective treatment.

What is an eversion of the century?

Eversion of the eyelid (or ectropion) is a disease in which the position of the eyelid is disturbed when its skin edge is turned away and does not come into contact with the eyeball. This defect can affect both the upper and lower eyelids. It can appear for completely different reasons.

It is extremely important to identify the cause of such deformation, since the choice of an effective treatment method depends on this.

Typically, the causes of eyelid inversion are associated with the following factors:

  1. With mechanical eversion, the deformity is associated with the appearance of a tumor in the eyelid area. The greater the growth of the tumor, the more noticeable the inversion.
  2. With congenital eversion, the defect is slightly expressed and is associated with congenital shortening of the outer musculocutaneous plate of the lower eyelid. This form of ectropion is uncommon.
  3. With senile eversion, the process is associated with age-related muscle weakening and sagging skin. It is most often observed in both eyes at the same time. The result is sagging of the eyelid, which gets worse over time. The longer the disease drags on, the more noticeable it becomes externally. The pathology is accompanied by lacrimation, thickening and keratinization of the conjunctiva. With this type of ectropion, the only effective treatment is surgical treatment, which consists of horizontal truncation of the lower eyelid.
  4. With spastic eversion (usually due to various inflammations) it is accompanied by spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
  5. For cicatricial deformation after various injuries, operations (including) or burns, accompanied by the formation of scars. This type of pathology progresses very slowly and is associated with the formation and enlargement of a scar.
  6. With paralytic eversion due to neuritis of the facial nerve, due to complete (or partial loss) and decreased tone of the facial muscles. This form of ectropion usually affects one eye. This type of pathology resolves after the functions of the facial nerve are restored by a neurologist.
  7. With symptomatic inversion, this manifestation is one of the symptoms of any systemic disease of the body (ichthyosis, lupus erythematosus, etc.)


Eversion of the eyelid is difficult to confuse with another eye disease. Usually the patient himself notices in the mirror that his eyelid lags behind the eyeball. In addition to the fact that inversion is noticeable externally, the disease also has manifestations:

  • Formation of a pocket between the eyeball and the skin edge. In this case, the inner surface of the eyelid mucosa becomes visible from the outside (looks like a bright red edging).
  • Incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure. The patient notices discomfort during blinking.
  • Watery eyes that don't stop. This is due to a violation of lacrimal outflow. The loss of good contact between the eyelid and the eyeball prevents the tear stream from reaching the lacrimal punctum. As a result, tears accumulate in the space between the eyelid and the eye, overflowing.
  • Irritation of the skin of the diseased eyelid associated with non-stop lacrimation and mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane. These complications are associated with constant wiping of tears, redness of the eyelid and its swelling.
  • Feeling of sand or foreign body in the eye. This is due to the fact that the lower eyelid does not cover the cornea when blinking, which leads to its drying out.
  • Redness of the eyes due to inflammation of their mucous membrane (conjunctiva). When the eyelid is everted, the conjunctival mucosa becomes open, and the natural self-cleaning mechanism of the eyes is disrupted. Because of this, drying and gradual thickening of the conjunctiva occurs. Dry and constantly mechanically injured mucous membranes become an excellent breeding ground for the development of inflammation.

Features of the eversion of the upper eyelid

The upper eyelid is generally less prone to eversion, which is due to its anatomy, since the cartilage on the upper eyelid is twice as thick as the lower eyelid.

Dense and powerful cartilage serves as excellent protection against deformation of the upper eyelid.

When the upper eyelid turns outward, deformation of the ciliary edge occurs. This type of pathology of the upper eyelid is more common in older people due to the weakening of the eye muscles. In this case, patients feel discomfort, as well as a constant feeling of sand or a foreign body in the eye. At the same time, the eye becomes red and irritated, the eyelid swells, and constant tearing occurs.

Vision with pathology of the upper eyelid becomes blurred. As the diagnosis worsens, keratitis develops, which can cause clouding of the corneal layer.

Features of lower eyelid inversion

The term "ectropion" is used only for the concept of inversion of the lower eyelid. Due to its anatomy, in most cases, it is the lower eyelid that inverts.

There are two degrees of lower eyelid inversion:

  1. Mild: the eversion is very slight, with a slight lag and deformation of the eyelid (about a third of the entire eyelid is affected).
  2. Severe: the inversion is already clearly visible above the eyelash edge. The conjunctiva of the eye is turned outward, sometimes even over the entire lower eyelid.

When the ectropion is severe, a diagnosis of spastic ectropion is often made. This pathology leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane and complications with visual impairment.


The patient himself may suspect an eversion of the eyelid. To do this, it is enough to periodically examine yourself in front of the mirror. The ophthalmologist subsequently usually confirms the diagnosis, determines the cause of the disease and prescribes treatment.


The type of treatment for ectropion is chosen by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease and its severity. Typically, all types of treatment for ectropion come down to the following methods:

  • eliminating the cause of the pathology;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • surgical treatment.

When surgery is not needed

Ectropion is not always treated promptly. In some cases, conservative treatment is sufficient. Indications for such therapy are cases when:

  • symptoms are mild;
  • there are contraindications for surgical treatment (age, drug intolerance, disease);
  • It is enough to eliminate the cause of the disease (tumors, paresis of the facial nerve, etc.), and ectropion will go away on its own.

The usual practice of ectropion therapy is the prescription of procedures and medications that help alleviate the patient’s condition and avoid complications of the disease (conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, etc.). With this method of treatment, the following methods are often used:

  • using a special patch at night to facilitate closing the eyes (if not closed);
  • inclusion of drugs to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyeball (usually such as artificial tears) for instillation several times a day;
  • stitching the edges of the eyelids to protect them from drying out (in severe cases of the disease).

Surgical treatment of eyelid inversion

Surgical treatment is indicated mainly for the following types of ectropion:

  • senile;
  • cicatricial;
  • mechanical (after getting rid of the tumor that caused the eyelid change).

The surgical technique is selected taking into account the patient’s age, the condition of the body and eye tissues.

The main points are:

  • the reason for this inversion;
  • the presence of scars;
  • the degree of elasticity of the ligaments supporting the corners of the eyes.
  • condition of soft tissues, their excess or deficiency (after blepharoplasty for the purpose of rejuvenation).

Surgery for ectropion is always performed by an ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon.

The essence of the operation for ectropion is to return the deformed eyelid to the correct position and fix it.

Before the operation, the patient needs to consult a surgeon and conduct a number of studies:

  • blood (general, coagulation and biochemical analysis);
  • urine (general analysis);
  • chest x-ray.

Typically, surgery for ectropion is performed under general anesthesia, so before the intervention you need to consult an anesthesiologist.

Sometimes consultations with doctors of other specialties and additional tests may also be necessary.

Surgery for ectropion

The operation for eversion of the eyelid lasts from one to three hours, depending on the complexity and technique used. In addition to correcting the external defect, this operation normalizes the process of tear drainage and removes the cosmetic consequences of ectropion (excess skin from the eyelids is also removed, the outer corners of the eyes are raised). Such additional points are clarified in advance if the operation is performed by a plastic surgeon.

Incisions in such operations are placed in natural folds of the skin using a cosmetic suture. Subsequently, postoperative scars are completely invisible.

For several weeks after the intervention, hematomas and swelling of the eyelids and parts of the face will persist. Already in the first hours after surgery, cooling compresses are used to reduce swelling.

Inpatient observation is required on the first day of the postoperative period.

After discharge, patients are scheduled to visit the attending physician to monitor the tissue healing process.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (usually in combination with proteolytic enzymes) are often used to speed up postoperative recovery and resolve scars.

Contraindications for surgery

Surgical treatment of ectropion has its contraindications. It is often impossible to use surgery for ectropion in older people. Also, such contraindications may be serious pathologies associated with:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hypertension with frequent crises;
  • complicated by diabetes mellitus;
  • severe thyroid diseases;
  • retinal detachment;
  • dry eye syndrome.

Negative consequences of the operation

Sometimes it is not possible to completely eliminate the defect with ectropion. And after the operation itself, a narrow gap remains between the eyeball and the edge of the eyelid. As a result, the risk of re-development of the eyelid gate remains high.

Common postoperative complications with this disease may also include manifestations associated with:

  • wound infection;
  • divergence of seams;
  • bleeding from a postoperative wound;
  • the appearance of cysts in the epidermis;
  • dysfunction of the lacrimal glands;
  • blepharoptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid);
  • (inability to close an eye).

An unpleasant surprise for patients is that to eliminate all of the above complications, they often have to undergo a second operation.

Memo for the patient after ectropion surgery

To minimize the risk of complications after ectropion surgery, the patient during the recovery period is usually advised to:

  • refusal of any visits to baths, saunas and generally thermal procedures on the face for 2 weeks (to reduce swelling and bruises);
  • limiting any physical activity and avoiding bending for 1 month (for successful resorption of swelling and tissue restoration);
  • protection from direct sunlight to the eyes (including avoiding visiting a solarium) for 6 months (to prevent the appearance of unnecessary pigmentation on the eye).

Any eye disease should alert you. The visual organ is not only extremely important for a full life, but also requires special attention: “Take care of your eye like a diamond!” Eversion of the eyelid is not only a cosmetic defect, but also provokes many visual disturbances. For effective treatment of this disease, it is especially important to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. Often, to eliminate this eye pathology, surgical treatment is required, after which it is important to comply with certain restrictions. A professionally performed operation helps eliminate all symptoms of eyelid inversion and avoid its various complications. Take care of your eyes!

Various small particles often enter the eye, causing inflammation of the eye. A foreign body can be understood as any particle that enters the conjunctiva and cornea from the external environment. When contacting a foreign body, the eye reflexively tries to get rid of it. For this reason, profuse lacrimation, frequent blinking, and squinting of the eyes appear. These reflex actions do not always lead to independent removal of the foreign body. Help yourself if the above natural mechanisms did not help. This article will help you do it correctly and not harm yourself.

Why should a foreign body be removed as soon as possible?

Blinking can be harmful.
The reaction to mechanical irritation of the eye is increased blinking or squinting of the eye. In the event that a foreign body adheres to the mucous membrane of the eyelid, blinking will lead to the formation of scratches in the epithelium of the cornea or conjunctiva of the eye. Therefore, this reflex removal mechanism can cause serious eye injury (corneal erosion, traumatic conjunctivitis).

Closing your eyes can be harmful.
If the eye reflexively closes its eyes, this action can lead to deeper penetration of the foreign body into the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyelid and its fixation.

Formation of rust around a metal foreign body.
Metal foreign bodies under the influence of salty tears quickly oxidize, the resulting rust penetrates into the deep layers of the mucous membrane of the eye, causing inflammation and pain.

So, early removal of a foreign body reduces eye injury. However, removal of a foreign body should also not cause additional injury.

How to remove a chip or eyelash from an eye?

The shavings do not have the property of being fixed to the mucous membrane of the eyelid, so they are quite easily removed. However, when it is removed, it often becomes difficult to determine its location.
  1. Determining the location of the chips. In order to determine where the shavings are located, blink your eyes several times - by the sensations you will be able to determine whether it is located under the upper or lower eyelid.
  2. Examination of the lower eyelid. If blinking does not allow you to determine where the chips are located, then they must be identified visually. To do this, you need to pull the lower eyelid down in front of the mirror and carefully examine the mucous membrane of the eyelid.
  3. Examination of the upper eyelid. If you have not identified a foreign body in the lower eyelid, then it is necessary to evert the upper eyelid. To do this, the following sequence of actions is required:
  1. Help your neighbor. It is better that the eversion of the eyelid and examination of the mucous membrane be carried out by another person - it is difficult to do this yourself without the skill.
  2. Foreign body removal. After examining the eyelid and visually identifying the foreign body, you can remove it with a hygienic cotton swab (or a piece of a napkin folded into a triangle).
  3. If you can't delete it yourself– in this case, you need to go to the nearest clinic or hospital where there is an ophthalmologist. If eye soreness does not allow you to get to an ophthalmologist on your own, you should call an ambulance.
  4. The foreign body has been removed, but the sensation of its presence in the eye remains. The probable cause may be microscratches that appear as a result of friction of a foreign body on the cornea during blinking or inaccurate removal of the foreign body. Start dripping any antibiotic into your eyes in the form of eye drops (Tobrex, Gentagut, moxicin, etc.) 1 drop 4 times a day for 4-7 days. In this case, it is advisable to seek personal advice from an ophthalmologist.

What to do if scale gets into your eye?

By scale as a foreign body in the eye, we mean a spark from an angle grinder, a sharpening machine, a spark from welding and any other hot metal body.

Scale causes a burn at the point of contact with the epithelium of the conjunctiva or cornea - therefore it is well fixed on the surface of the eye and its independent removal is impossible.

If you have removed the scale itself, the remaining burn must be removed. Only an ophthalmologist can remove a burn with minimal trauma, using drops for local “freezing” of the eyes, a sterile syringe needle and a microscope.

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Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection; about a quarter of a billion clinical cases are registered annually. Despite modern treatment methods,...
Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. And now the incidence rate of this disease is very high, so...
In old books, sometimes I came across such an expression, it was incomprehensible, it was perceived as irony. But this is not irony, but real harsh...
Last time we talked about, and today we have a very serious topic - the treatment of chlamydia. The danger of the disease is that its manifestations...