Discharge during pregnancy: colorless, white, yellow, bloody. Discharge during early pregnancy Discharge during early pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, almost any woman notices discharge, as it is a consequence of hormonal and physiological changes in the body. The body of the expectant mother adapts to the new position and begins to work differently to provide the fetus with everything it needs, because of this the immune system becomes more vulnerable. What discharge in the early stages should not cause concern and when should you see a doctor?

Vaginal secretions protect the mucous membrane and pelvic organs from infections and damage. It consists of mucus produced by the cervix, secretion of the gonads, and desquamated epithelial cells. The “formula” of vaginal secretion also includes microorganisms, in particular lactic acid bacteria. They perform a protective function and, in the absence of health problems, are characterized by low activity. Thanks to the secretion, the genital tract is able to cleanse itself and remove opportunistic microorganisms, and the environment in them is maintained in a favorable condition.

During the menstrual cycle, 3 phases change, each of which is characterized by a certain physiology and hormonal background. The latter also affects the state of vaginal secretions. So, at the beginning of the cycle, while the dominant follicle with the egg is maturing in the ovaries, the functional layer - the endometrium - is torn away from the walls of the uterus, causing menstrual flow. Immediately after this process is completed, the endometrium begins to grow again, preparing to “receive” the fertilized egg. This process occurs under the influence of estrogen. It also makes the vaginal secretion more liquid - in such an environment it will be easier for sperm to pass through the cervical canal. By the way, on the eve of ovulation, women who closely monitor changes in their body may notice thin and even watery discharge.

What happens at the very beginning of pregnancy?

After ovulation, progesterone comes into play. Its level will increase during pregnancy, and one of the consequences will be an increase in the density of vaginal secretions - thick mucus will better protect the uterus from infections. It is this pattern that determines which discharges during early pregnancy will be “safe.”

What discharge in pregnant women in the early stages is considered normal?

On the eve of ovulation, which precedes conception, the vaginal secretion liquefies; on the days of ovulation, due to the activation of progesterone, the discharge becomes gel-like, and if the egg and sperm do not meet, the secretion liquefies again due to estrogen. If conception has taken place, then under the influence of an increasing concentration of progesterone, the vaginal secretion will retain a dense consistency.


Normal discharge in early pregnancy is clear and moderately thick. They may become more abundant compared to previous cycles without conception, and such a change is not considered pathological. The main thing is to make sure that the discharge does not have an unpleasant pungent odor and that there are no inclusions in it. There should also be no “side” symptoms such as dryness, burning or discomfort in the intimate area - such signs indicate the addition of an infection or the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

Colorless discharge and leucorrhoea without clots are the norm


White discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is considered normal if it has a uniform consistency without clots and a texture similar to egg white. A color change from transparent to whitish or milky white may be due to the beginning of the formation of a mucus plug, which will protect the fetus from infections and bacteria over the next months. It should also be taken into account that due to hormonal changes and increased activity of the functional layer of the uterus, vaginal secretion may also become more cloudy. Determining and accurately describing the exact color of vaginal secretions can be difficult, and whitish discharge during pregnancy appears light gray to many. If there are no signs of irritation of the mucous membrane, there is no need to be afraid of such discharge.

Implantation bleeding

Blood on underwear or a panty liner after conception is an alarming symptom, but small discharge in the early stages of pregnancy with streaks in the first two weeks may well be a manifestation of so-called implantation bleeding. Its cause is the introduction of the fertilized egg into the endometrium. This usually happens in the second half of the cycle, 3-7 days after ovulation, when the fertilized egg, having traveled through the fallopian tube, reaches the uterine cavity and is fixed in it. In the process, the chorionic villi covering the outer shell of the egg penetrate the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity. It, in turn, is corroded by special enzymes that are produced by the membrane of the embryo.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

All this can lead to minor and harmless damage to the capillaries of the uterine wall. This results in yellow-brown or pale pink discharge in early pregnancy. They are very scanty, smearing, and last for several hours or a maximum of 2 days. An expectant mother who does not know about her interesting situation may mistake them for the onset of menstruation earlier than expected, especially since implantation may be accompanied by slight tension in the uterus and tingling in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms, characteristic of implantation bleeding, are noted by about 30% of women, and they occur on the 24th day during a standard menstrual cycle lasting 28-30 days.

No discharge during early pregnancy

Discharge in the early stages of pregnancy may be absent until the delay. The fact is that each organism is unique and reacts in its own way to the changes occurring in it. Implantation and the first days of intrauterine development of the embryo will not always be accompanied by abundant and thick vaginal secretions; such a symptom may well be reminiscent of itself in other weeks of the first trimester.

For a woman whose pregnancy is her first, it can be extremely difficult to understand what is happening to her body and what variables are considered normal. If any discharge at the beginning of pregnancy causes doubt or concern, you should consult a doctor. This measure, firstly, will eliminate any risks, and secondly, communication with a specialist will reassure the expectant mother.

In the first weeks of pregnancy there may not be any discharge

Discharge during early pregnancy: when to see a doctor

In the first trimester, a woman's body experiences real stress. An implanted embryo, in which half of the genes are foreign, is perceived by the body as a threat. It begins to attack it with antibodies, but the activity of aggressive immunity from the moment of conception is suppressed by progesterone. This hormone “works” to maintain pregnancy. The result is a decrease in the body's defenses and greater susceptibility to inflammation, infections and pathogenic bacteria. Such diseases have characteristic symptoms and in the vast majority of cases their development is accompanied by changes in vaginal secretion. So, what kind of discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be considered an alarming sign?


Curd discharge during early pregnancy is a sign of thrush. This disease, which is also called urogenital candidiasis, develops due to excessive activity of fungi of the genus candida. Most often, its cause is immunosuppression and weakening of the body. The following factors increase the likelihood of the initial appearance or recurrence of such a disease:

  • drug treatment, such as antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones, and immunosuppressants;
  • failure to comply with basic personal hygiene standards;
  • unbalanced diet with excess sugar and fast carbohydrates;
  • chronic diseases such as diabetes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, hemorrhoids, microflora disorders;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Thrush in the first trimester should be treated as early as possible

In addition, under the influence of progesterone, vaginal secretions become more acidic, the mucous membranes of the pelvic organs soften, and their blood supply increases. All this makes the conditions for the development of thrush almost ideal.

Curdled discharge during early pregnancy should not be ignored. The sooner treatment for thrush begins, the faster its unpleasant symptoms - itching, burning and severe discomfort - will go away. With timely treatment, such a disease is not dangerous, but if it is “neglected,” the risks of delayed complications during pregnancy, natural childbirth, and cesarean section increase. In addition, the mucous membrane affected by the fungus becomes more vulnerable to infections, which in turn can become a direct threat to the child.

Yellow discharge

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy most often accompanies reproductive system problems such as inflammation and infections. They are a typical symptom of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and other bacterial lesions. All these diseases are especially dangerous when they worsen or initially occur in the first trimester, when all the organs and systems of the child are developing, but there is no placenta to protect it yet.

Yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection

Yellowish discharge can be noticed with the development of “pre-pregnancy” diseases that are activated due to suppressed immunity, as well as with bacterial vaginosis, allergies to panty liners, synthetic underwear or personal hygiene products. Such changes in the color of hormonal secretions, especially if they are accompanied by the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor, itching or painful sensations, are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will minimize the risks for the baby and mother.

Green and foamy discharge

Greenish discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, which may be accompanied by foamy or purulent inclusions, indicates the addition of trichomoniasis. Pathological leucorrhoea in this case is accompanied by severe itching and even painful sensations, the vaginal secretion has a pungent and strong odor. Under normal conditions, this disease can be quickly treated with pharmaceuticals, but the main problem is that many medications are toxic to the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. You need to seek help if such a symptom appears as quickly as possible: trichomoniasis in the first trimester can provoke termination of pregnancy.

When you urgently need medical help

In the first trimester, pregnancy is very “fragile” and sensitive to a huge number of external factors. Wrong lifestyle and bad habits, excessive physical activity, severe stress, infections and high temperature - these and dozens of other factors provoke threats to the development and life of the fetus. The most dangerous discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is bloody.

Scanty brown discharge in early pregnancy

A brown spot a week before the expected start date of your period could be implantation bleeding. If brown discharge appears after the 5-6th week of pregnancy, you need to urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital: this is exactly the symptom that accompanies the detachment of the ovum. A similar condition can develop due to problems with the endometrium, adhesions and scars inside the uterus, inflammation or neoplasms. Detachment can lead to miscarriage; in some circumstances, in the very early stages, it can be stopped. But this requires hospital treatment and continuous medical supervision. “Harmless” brown discharge may appear due to irritation of the sensitive cervix or after sexual intercourse. In any case, such a symptom cannot be ignored.

Bloody discharge is a dangerous symptom

Blood on the underwear or panty liner of a pregnant woman is always an alarming sign and a reason for emergency hospitalization. Scarlet, dark red and even black discharge during early pregnancy can accompany:

  • detachment of the ovum;
  • freezing of embryo development due to hormonal, chromosomal and mechanical factors;
  • ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo implants in the fallopian tubes, rudimentary uterine horn or ovary.

If red discharge appears at any stage of pregnancy, if there is pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and in the absence of any accompanying symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

The appearance of discharge often worries the expectant mother. However, these worries are not always justified. Most often, discharge is a consequence of natural processes that occur during pregnancy. But, there are cases when you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

All expectant mothers must know what discharge should be like in the early stages of pregnancy. This will allow you to both avoid unnecessary worries and, in the event of pathology, do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy.

The first variant of the norm is discharge, which is the result of hormonal changes in the body. The hormone progesterone increases the volume of natural secretions that moisturize the vaginal mucosa. This discharge is usually whitish or clear. Itching, burning and odor are not typical for such discharge.

The second variant of the norm is discharge produced due to the formation of a mucous plug, which tightly clogs the cervix and protects the child from possible infections. It appears towards the end of the fourth week of pregnancy. This discharge is clear, mucous and odorless.

The third variant of the norm is implantation bleeding. These are minor and short-term discharges that occur after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. They appear 11-14 days after conception and only in 30% of women. They have a pinkish or brown color. The woman should not feel any pain or smell.

The fourth variant of the norm is a reaction to the use of panty liners or cleanser. Such discharge is clear, odorless, but accompanied by itching or irritation. In this case, it is worth changing the pads (exclude scented products) and choosing a less allergenic intimate care product.

The expectant mother should not only know what discharge is normal in the early stages of pregnancy, but also follow basic rules of personal hygiene. Wash your external genitalia twice a day, take a shower, and give preference to cotton underwear.

Since the listed variants of discharge are the norm, prescribing treatment by a doctor, and even more so self-medication, is not required.

Pathological discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy

Knowing which discharge in the early stages is a deviation from the norm will help the expectant mother, if necessary, navigate in time and consult a doctor, which can save both the pregnancy and her own life.

What should attract the attention of a pregnant woman when discharge appears?

  • the presence of pain and deterioration in general health;
  • duration of discharge;
  • consistency of discharge;
  • volume of discharge;
  • color.

In order to be able to determine what color the discharge appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth using white panty liners.

Red bloody discharge

Red bloody discharge is one of the dangerous symptoms of pathology. Most often, the causes of such discharge are the following dangerous conditions.

  • Threat of miscarriage. Symptoms: scarlet bloody discharge, nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back or sacrum. The successful outcome of this situation largely depends on the timely seeking of medical help by the expectant mother. It is best to call an ambulance and wait for it in a horizontal position. If you miss the moment, then the miscarriage that has begun will be impossible to stop. Moreover, profuse bleeding may begin, which is life-threatening.
  • Erosion, polyps, cervical cancer. Bleeding may occur after intimacy or examination by a gynecologist.
  • Hydatidiform mole is a pathology of the development of the fertilized egg. The danger of this diagnosis lies in heavy bleeding and the possibility of the formation of a malignant tumor.

The true cause of bleeding can only be determined by a doctor using an ultrasound examination, gynecological examination, and a blood test to determine whether the hCG level corresponds to the obstetric stage of pregnancy.

Spotting brown discharge

Spotting brown discharge is also a symptom of dangerous pathologies.

  • Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the fertilized egg attaches and develops in the wrong place (in the fallopian tube - 97%, in the ovary - 1%, in the abdominal cavity - 1%). Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy: brown (sometimes bloody) spotting, pain in a certain area of ​​the abdomen (attachment site), hCG level uncharacteristic for pregnancy (pale second line on the test). The longer a woman does not seek medical help, the greater the danger of ectopic pregnancy. In particularly advanced cases, such a pregnancy ends in death. Therefore, timely medical assistance is very important. Through surgery, the fertilized egg is removed and the bleeding stops.
  • Chorionic detachment. This condition is a direct threat of miscarriage. Symptoms of chorionic detachment: brown spotting, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, weakness. Timely access to a medical facility increases the likelihood of maintaining pregnancy and reduces the risks of complications.
  • Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy. A condition in which the death of the embryo has occurred, but the fertilized egg is still in the uterus. Peeling off from its walls causes spotting and spotting. In addition to them, the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy include the disappearance of signs of pregnancy (swelling and pain of the mammary glands, nausea, the level of hCG in the blood characteristic of the period). This condition is treated by removing the fertilized egg.

Yellow discharge

The causes of yellow discharge are:

  • Inflammatory process of the genital organs of a pregnant woman. It can cause miscarriage or infection of the fetus. To prevent adverse consequences, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.
  • Sexual infections (most often chlamydia, ureaplasma). These infections can cause miscarriage. Therefore, it is very important to prescribe effective and timely treatment. But self-medication is strictly prohibited, because... medications should be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the onset of pregnancy. Such discharge is always accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Greenish discharge

The cause of greenish and, most often, foamy discharge is Trichomonas. The disease it causes is called trichomoniasis. In addition to discharge, symptoms of this condition include itching, burning, pain in the vagina, and an unpleasant odor. Trichomoniasis is very dangerous during pregnancy, because... may cause miscarriage. And only a doctor can prescribe treatment, because... with self-treatment, there is a high probability of using drugs that are toxic to the fetus.

White discharge

Often at the beginning of pregnancy, women encounter thrush (candidiasis). Its manifestation: abundant white cheesy discharge, itching, burning, sour odor. Often the cause of candidiasis is physiological immunodeficiency. You should not self-medicate, because... Basic drugs for thrush cannot be used during pregnancy due to their negative effects on the fetus.

If any of the listed pathological types of discharge occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Don't expect everything to go away on its own. If the discharge is irregular, before going to the doctor, take a photo of the panty liner so that the doctor can determine the type of discharge in the early stages in the photo in front of him. Remember that ignoring the body's signals about the presence of abnormalities can lead to the most disastrous results.

If a woman knows what discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, which of them are dangerous, and which are normal, then she will be able to take care of the successful development of pregnancy and her own health. The main thing is to contact a medical facility in a timely manner and strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, when a woman is just starting to bear a child, she needs to be especially careful. This is explained by the fact that the embryo is not yet firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, and any problems with the mother’s health can lead to complications. Some women experience the appearance of clear discharge during early pregnancy. However, do not panic ahead of time. Such discharge is most often considered normal, but there are some types of fluids that are pathological. Therefore, you need to pay special attention.

general information

The discharge that a woman notices at the very beginning of bearing a baby can be normal or pathological. It is worth considering that during this period of life, global changes occur in a woman’s body. Progesterone is produced first. This so-called pregnancy hormone. He is responsible for ensuring that the fetus is well established in the uterine cavity. Progesterone is also important for the growth and development of the unborn baby. In addition, this component takes part in the formation of the placenta.

Around the tenth day after sexual intercourse and fertilization of a woman, she may experience pinkish, liquid, transparent discharge. During pregnancy, this phenomenon is considered normal. This is in no way a sign of miscarriage. In fact, distributing liquid is a signal that the egg is fertilized and the zygote is well attached to the uterine walls.

As a rule, in this process of fixation of the future embryo, minor damage to the vessels of the uterus occurs. This leads to minor bleeding, which is often called intonational bleeding.

If we talk about the norms of liquid transparent discharge during pregnancy, then there is no need to worry if this happens for about two days. If the pinkish liquid appears for a longer period, then in this case it is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will conduct an examination.

Those ladies who have bright yellow, brown or green discharge need to be very careful with their health. If discharge appears with a sharp, unpleasant “aroma,” this also indicates health problems for the expectant mother. However, clear, odorless discharge during pregnancy, even if it takes on a pinkish tint, is quite common and normal.

Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

By five weeks of an interesting situation, a woman, as a rule, does not even realize that quite soon she will become a mother. This complicates the diagnosis of not only fertilization itself, but also possible pathologies occurring in the female body. During this period of time, it is the discharge, its color and consistency, that shows the general condition of the young mother. Therefore, do not hesitate to describe in detail to the doctor the fluid flowing from the vagina.

If a woman complains of not very abundant clear discharge during pregnancy, which does not have any odor, then this indicates that the woman is in normal condition.

It is also worth noting that in the early stages of pregnancy, many people note the appearance of itching and irritation in areas of the skin. This is not actually a symptom of any disease. On the contrary, in this way the body lets you know that the egg has been fertilized.

Similar phenomena are also explained by the active production of progesterone. It is considered an absolute norm if a woman experiences white or transparent white discharge during pregnancy in the first month of bearing a baby. But the norm is only that liquid that does not emit an unpleasant odor.

Most women at the very beginning of bearing a baby note a more intense appearance of leucorrhoea. However, in this case, ladies do not experience any discomfort. White or clear white discharge during pregnancy is completely normal. Moreover, such liquid is a kind of protection for the fetus.

During this period of gestation, changes occur in the production of the hormone estrogen and prolactin. They are necessary to ensure that the first weeks of the fetus’ life are reliably protected from the influence of bacteria and other microorganisms.

It is worth noting that white curdled discharge or even thrush appears in eighty percent of women even before conceiving a baby. However, until this moment they do not cause discomfort, and some do not pay attention to them. In the first trimester of bearing a baby, more abundant discharge of a transparent color appears. During pregnancy at this stage, this phenomenon should not cause concern. In this case, changes occur in the flora of the woman’s vagina. Also, such discharge is explained by increased hormonal activity.

However, in some situations, the body's immune system is weakened. This leads to the development of fungus. If clear discharge during early pregnancy has an unpleasant odor, this is an alarming signal. The fungus spreads very quickly throughout the mucous membrane. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Discharge in the second month of pregnancy

If, while carrying a baby, a woman does not experience any complications or pathologies, she is well aware of her situation, then, as a rule, no serious changes occur during this period of time. However, it is worth noting that in the second month of pregnancy, the formation of the most important organs of the unborn baby occurs. At this time, you can already listen to his heart.

Starting from the seventh week, women begin to experience drowsiness, their taste preferences change, very often they begin to eat food that seems completely different. During this period of time, even more pronounced hormonal changes occur in the body.

Although the lady's belly has not yet visually increased, she may suffer from vomiting, nausea and heartburn. In addition, many women experience a very frequent urge to urinate. In this case, women note a clear discharge. During pregnancy, this fluid may be just a few drops of urine. It is difficult for pregnant women to control their bladder, so this happens to many. There's nothing to worry about.

Also during this period of time, it is considered normal for thrush to intensify. It develops against the background of the fact that the body's immune system is weakened. Also, clear mucus discharge should not be a cause for concern during pregnancy. Usually it's just leucorrhoea.

If a woman notices the appearance of a brownish tint in the liquid, then you should pay attention to the day of the month. If this happens during the period when a woman should begin menstruation, then this is the norm. However, it is worth paying attention to the volume of discharge. If too much thick, dark brown liquid leaks out, you should consult a doctor. There is a possibility that the woman is suffering from internal bleeding.

Features of the third month of bearing a baby

The last period of the first trimester is a turning point. Experts warn women that they should monitor their health, since it is during this period of time that the fetus is most susceptible to various problems. This is explained by the fact that until this moment the unborn baby was in the fetal membrane. Now all the main support functions will be carried out by the placenta.

If the fetus has formed normally, and there is no suspicion of genetic abnormalities, extra chromosomes, etc., then in this case, abundant clear discharge during pregnancy should completely stop.

At the same time, the woman experiences major changes in her hormonal levels. Her belly begins to appear, her breasts become swollen and full, toxicosis goes away (however, sometimes this condition can drag on for up to fourteen weeks) and her taste preferences change. She also notes changes in skin color.

If at the twelfth week the woman’s discharge, clear as snot, stopped, there were no complications during pregnancy and doctors did not note any development of pathology and there was no miscarriage, then in the future the risk of losing a child is significantly reduced.

How to determine normal or suspicious discharge

To be able to independently distinguish pathology from the norm, you can use several recommendations from specialists. It is worth measuring your basal temperature. If it is from 37 to 37.4°, then this is absolutely normal for this stage of pregnancy. Thick clear discharge should not be a cause for concern.

If they are too bright, dark or contain a large amount of blood, then this indicates a rather dangerous condition that can even provoke termination of pregnancy. If a woman experiences mild pain, then, most likely, the pregnancy of the baby is proceeding normally. However, if a lady suffers from spasms and cramping or increasing pain in the lumbar or lower back, then in this case it is necessary to see a specialist. Regardless of the abundance of mucous transparent discharge during pregnancy, severe pain is an alarming sign.

As a rule, in the initial stages of bearing a baby, women do not refuse sexual contact with their husband. In addition, they are constantly examined by a gynecologist, undergo vaginal smears and perform other procedures. This can lead to minor damage to the mucous membrane. In this case, slight transparent pink discharge during pregnancy is also considered normal.

If, after the cessation of toxicosis, a woman still suffers from weakness and vomiting, then she needs to be careful. All these symptoms usually end sooner. If such an ailment is accompanied by very copious transparent, stretchy discharge during pregnancy, and at the same time it smells very unpleasant, then this indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage. Therefore, you need to immediately contact a specialist.


It is worth considering that minor transparent discharge during early pregnancy is almost always present in the female body. This is explained by the fact that the cervix independently produces several types of mucus.

Although pregnant women stop having periods, the uterus still continues to secrete mucous fluid. Therefore, on those days when a woman should have menstruation, she notices abundant clear discharge. In the early stages of pregnancy, this phenomenon is considered normal. It should also be taken into account that the onset and end of menstruation are usually regulated by hormones. This means that progesterone is also activated during this period of time and begins to have an even greater effect on the female body. Clear mucus is normal not only during pregnancy, but also in girls who are not pregnant. Based on individual characteristics, fluids in the body of some women are released in large volumes. If there is no unpleasant odor or severe pain, then there is no reason to worry.

Implantation bleeding

If, after conception, a transparent pink discharge appears on the expectant mother’s underwear, this may also indicate this syndrome. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the fetus goes through the stage of implantation into the endometrium. After fertilization, the egg is sent to the uterus and attached to its wall with the help of special villi - chorion. As a result, special enzymes are produced that begin to corrode the mucous membrane. In this case, slight damage occurs to the capillaries located on the walls of the uterus. This phenomenon is not considered dangerous.

In this case, a woman may experience pale pink, yellowish or brownish discharge early in pregnancy. In this case, the liquid flows out quite sparingly. As a rule, this phenomenon lasts from several hours to two days. If a woman is not yet aware of her pregnancy, then she may mistake such discharge for the beginning of menstruation, since it is very similar in consistency and shade.

In addition, with implantation bleeding, there is often a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen and a feeling as if the uterus is constantly in a tense state. Similar symptoms are observed in more than thirty percent of pregnant women. However, in order not to suffer from guesswork, it is better to visit a doctor once again.

Yellow discharge

If a woman notices not clear discharge during pregnancy, but a bright yellow liquid, then in this case increased caution should be exercised. The fact is that if the discharge is quite transparent, and there is only a barely noticeable yellowish tint in it, then this is considered normal.

However, if the color is quite bright and if the woman experiences pain, it is worth considering such a symptom as a rather alarming signal. This could indicate some pretty serious problems. For example, a woman may suffer from inflammatory processes in the body that worsen during the onset of pregnancy. In the initial stages of bearing a baby, the expectant mother's immunity is greatly weakened. This leads to excessive proliferation of microorganisms, which can cause the development of unpleasant pathologies. It is also worth considering that bright yellow discharge may indicate the likelihood of a miscarriage.

In some situations, this color indicates an allergy. This happens if a woman uses inappropriate cosmetics for intimate hygiene. Also, unpleasant symptoms can be caused by underwear made of synthetic materials. In this case, it is recommended to choose higher quality shower gels and clothes made from natural materials.

Sometimes, if a woman has bright yellow discharge, this indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Also, similar symptoms are characteristic of bacterial vaginal infections. All this can negatively affect the development of the unborn fetus, so it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

Greenish discharge

If during pregnancy the discharge is like snot, transparent and greenish in color, and at the same time the woman suffers from itching, burning and pain, then most often this indicates that the woman is suffering from a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you need to urgently contact a specialist and develop a course of treatment. At this stage, such a diagnosis is very dangerous. A woman cannot take strong antibiotics to get rid of the disease. This can harm the unborn baby.

Bloody issues

If we are talking about bloody discharge, then in this case everything also depends on how bright the shade of the liquid is. Pinkish color is normal. However, with a brighter shade, it must be taken into account that perhaps the woman suffers from increased sensitivity of some internal organs that make up the reproductive system. Sometimes relatively bright discharge indicates fairly strong blood circulation.

This can also happen if a lady decides to have sex, but the partners were too passionate. This could lead to irritation of the cervix or mucous surface. Such minor injuries provoke the appearance of bleeding. However, in this case they will be more transparent, rather than deep red.

If the color is quite bright, this may indicate a rupture of the formed placenta. This means that a sufficient amount of blood has collected around it, which began to be discharged out along with mucus.

Also, a similar phenomenon can occur when a hematoma appears. If the liquid is very dark, this may indicate that the fetus has already died. If this happens, then after about a week the woman will have to face spontaneous abortion. Also, such discharge occurs in a condition that is characterized by the fact that the placenta begins to grow too much around the embryo. Because of this, he develops deviations. As a rule, most often the baby dies against this background.

Also, a dark bloody tint and too much discharge may indicate fibroids, erosion, polyps and other formations in the pelvic organs. If the discharge is not pinkish, but rather red, you need to immediately contact a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of losing the child.

Brown shade

Brown discharge is considered one of the most dangerous discharges. If this happens in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it is likely that the woman has an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the egg has implanted not inside the uterus, but outside it. Against this background, the body’s protective functions were activated. He begins to perceive the zygote as a harmful organism that must be urgently expelled. Because of this, a woman first develops a brown discharge, and then may begin to bleed heavily. An ectopic pregnancy can even be fatal. Therefore, if such liquid appears, you need to urgently undergo examination by a specialist. If he confirms the diagnosis, then the embryo will have to be disposed of.

Also, in a situation where brownish discharge gradually becomes darker and gradually develops into heavy bleeding, there is a threat of miscarriage. If the volume of fluid secreted increases daily, then you need to visit a gynecologist. Thanks to modern medicine, even if the fetus is not firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, there are procedures that will help try to save the baby. However, action must be taken immediately.

There is also such a thing as an incomplete miscarriage. In this case, women note the appearance of brownish-bloody clots. If the symptoms are accompanied by severe pain, then doctors will have to clean out the uterus to save the woman's life.

If there is no discharge

You need to understand that every woman’s body is individual, so bearing a child cannot proceed in exactly the same way for all girls. If there is no white transparent discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, then this also cannot be a cause for concern. Sometimes implantation occurs a little differently, and the implantation of the egg is not accompanied by secretion from the vagina of the expectant mother. In such situations, discharge begins a little later. Do not assume that this means that the baby is not developing correctly. This phenomenon is also normal.

The most difficult thing is for women during their first pregnancy, as they do not know the characteristics of their body. In this situation, the best decision would be to regularly visit a gynecologist. You also need to take into account that the appearance or absence of discharge may be due to the fact that the woman is under stress. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous over trifles. This negatively affects the unborn child.

If you have any questions, do not immediately seek advice on the forums. Recommendations from “experienced” people cannot suit everyone. Each woman has her own characteristics. Therefore, if in one lady the discharge indicated a miscarriage, then in another it may be a sign that the fetus is well established and is developing without any disturbances. The main thing is to visit your gynecologist and follow his recommendations.

During pregnancy, women pay close attention to the discharge from the genitals. Both for the expectant mother and for the obstetrician-gynecologist observing her pregnancy, discharge is an important diagnostic sign that can tell a lot about the condition of the woman and her baby. We will tell you in this material which discharges during pregnancy are considered normal and which are not.


Discharge during pregnancy is the simplest and most accessible way of self-diagnosis. Vaginal secretion is not the same throughout the nine calendar months of bearing a baby; it changes depending on the processes that take place in the body of the expectant mother at one time or another.

Discharge, which is essentially vaginal secretion, is produced by the cervix; it is necessary to maintain certain microflora in the genital tract, which is necessary for the normal course of the process of bearing a child. By increasing or decreasing secretion, a woman’s body can respond to hormonal changes, and the color of the discharge and impurities in it will help to understand what is happening to the uterus, cervix and baby.

You need to monitor your discharge throughout your pregnancy; any change or deviation from the norm should be a reason to talk to your doctor, because most pregnancy pathologies are manifested by characteristic discharge. In order to promptly pay attention to changes in vaginal secretions, a woman should use daily thin sanitary pads from the very beginning of pregnancy.

The benefit from them will be double: on the one hand, the woman will prevent the occurrence of hygienic problems, on the other hand, she will always be aware of the type, color, consistency and nature of her own vaginal secretion, which will help both her and her doctor if he needs such information.

During pregnancy, you should not use vaginal tampons, no matter how good and comfortable they are. Vaginal secretions must be able to exit freely, unhindered, otherwise stagnation may occur, which, if bacteria or fungi enter, will inevitably lead to a severe inflammatory process.

A woman should understand that there is nothing unusual or shameful in observing the nature of the discharge; this is a completely civilized approach to planning pregnancy and bearing a child. Don’t be shy to discuss your observations and ask your attending physician any questions you may have, because only he will be able to understand when everything is normal and when an additional examination is required to find the root of the problem.

Let's look at what discharge can normally occur at different stages of pregnancy.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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In the early stages, before delay

Conception is possible only during the period of ovulation. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body creates conditions under which sexual intercourse will be most productive. A woman's sexual desire increases, the perineum becomes more hydrated. The discharge during this period, favorable for conception, is quite abundant, stretchy, and has a consistency reminiscent of raw egg white. This secretion is produced under the influence of estrogen.

The acidity of the vagina is thus somewhat reduced so that sperm have a better chance of survival and a successful “journey” to the egg waiting for them, ready for fertilization. Thick, abundant and viscous discharge is a natural “lubricant” that facilitates sexual intercourse.

If conception has occurred, within a few days the first global changes will begin in the body - the hormone progesterone will begin large-scale preparations for implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. During this period, scanty discharge is considered normal, this is how progesterone acts on the cervix.

On days 8-9 after ovulation, there may be several bloody spots or small bloody discharge. This is the so-called implantation bleeding associated with the destruction of small blood vessels in the endometrium of the uterus at the time of attachment to the wall of the fertilized egg. Such discharge often goes unnoticed by women. For many, implantation is completely bloodless.

Implantation bloody, bloody or brownish discharge can also be regarded by a woman as a hormonal imbalance that led to an early onset of menstruation. However, periods usually become more abundant every day, and implantation discharge will disappear within a few hours or within 1-2 days. They are considered normal, do not require treatment, and can be treated as the very first visual signs of pregnancy even before the delay.

After another week, a woman can confirm or refute her suspicions by taking a pregnancy test. Already 8-10 days after implantation (which corresponds to the first days of the delay), even on the most inexpensive pharmacy test, two stripes should be quite clearly distinguishable.

Discharge before the delay and in the first days after it continues to remain scanty; progesterone does not contribute to the production of abundant mucus or large amounts of vaginal secretion.


In the first trimester

Two lines on the test are a reason to begin to be more attentive to the changes occurring in the body. With each period of pregnancy, the discharge will change due to various reasons.

This period is characterized by light, moderate, insignificant discharge, without any inclusions, impurities, and odorless. Acceptable color options are whitish, light yellow, transparent. Progesterone can give a slight yellowish tint to vaginal secretions in the early stages. He doesn’t allow too much discharge.

Normal discharge does not leave any smear marks on your panty liner. They are not accompanied by itching, pain, or unpleasant sensations in the perineum. If such symptoms are not observed, we can safely say that everything is in order with the pregnant woman’s health.

At 7-8 weeks, the discharge normally becomes a little thinner than before. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

By the 10th week of pregnancy, the discharge may acquire a slight sour smell. It resembles the smell of fresh kefir or sour milk. The smell should not be sharp or strong. Moreover, the discharge should not cause any discomfort to the expectant mother.

In the second trimester

This period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the amount of discharge. As soon as the placenta forms in a woman’s body, and this happens by the 12-14th week of pregnancy, she has another, additional circle of blood circulation – the uteroplacental one.

The amount of blood circulating in a woman’s body increases significantly, now it increases by about 40%. Therefore, a woman sweats more, her kidneys and heart work more intensely. There is also significantly more discharge from the genital tract.

Sometimes a woman is literally haunted by the feeling of constant moisture in the perineum. Along with the rush of blood to the genitals, the expectant mother begins to experience stronger sexual desire, her intimate life acquires new, previously unknown shades and nuances (unless sex, of course, is prohibited by the doctor for medical reasons!).

Normally, in the second half of pregnancy, the discharge remains light; light yellowish tints are acceptable. They are practically no longer transparent; usually normal discharge in the middle of gestation has the character of leucorrhoea. However, the discharge should remain homogeneous, without lumps, mucus, clots, or streaks. They may be slightly more liquid than in the first trimester, but this is quite normal, as the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth by clearing the genital tract.

By the end of the second trimester, a woman should be extremely careful. Any changes in the nature of vaginal secretions during these periods may indicate that the woman is at risk of premature birth. Only vigilance will help you react in time, go to a medical facility and do everything to save the child and prolong the pregnancy.

In the third trimester

During this period, discharge is an important diagnostic indicator. They reflect most of the preparatory prenatal processes. So, due to stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus that has become large, a woman often has a stomach ache, and most pregnant women are already experiencing training contractions, which are also called false contractions. With them, the lower abdomen sometimes stiffens, and then, after a few minutes, relaxes again.

A woman may begin to feel a tingling sensation somewhere deep in the vagina. This means that the process of preparing the cervix for labor begins. Cervical ripening may be accompanied by an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions. There is much more discharge and now you definitely can’t do without a daily sanitary pad.

In the third trimester, progesterone begins to give way to other hormones, thanks to which labor should soon begin. First of all, the content of estrogen increases and the concentration of oxytocin increases. Because of this, the softening and shortening of the cervix begins to produce more secretions.

The normal color of discharge in later stages is light. Acceptable options are white, whitish, yellow. Discharge without lumps or impurities, with an odor similar to the smell of fermented milk products, is still considered healthy. As the cervix ripens, the cervical canal, which has been tightly clogged with a mucus plug throughout pregnancy, will expand. Its expansion will lead to the removal or partial removal of the mucus plug.

Closer to childbirth, watery, colorless discharge may appear, more abundant than usual. The woman may feel as if she was unable to hold in a small amount of urine. This may be the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid, which, like the mucus plug, does not always leave simultaneously in full; sometimes it leaks little by little over several days.

Such discharge is also considered normal at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy. The baby at this stage is fully viable, he can be born at any time. Watery discharge at this stage is a sign of the onset of labor.

The absence of the discharge described above at 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy does not mean that the woman will have to carry her baby. Vaginal secretion is a thin, delicate and highly individual thing. Standards exist mainly only in the medical literature. In practice, things may vary. Secretion may not be abundant, and the plug and water will break simultaneously with the onset of contractions or at the height of the first or second stage of labor.

If a woman is not bothered by anything, she does not have acute pain, itching, bleeding, discharge with a pungent and unpleasant odor, we can assume that everything is fine with her. A timely visit to the doctor and tests, including vaginal smears and scrapings from the cervix, will help you avoid missing deviations. A simple laboratory analysis will provide comprehensive information about whether everything is in order with the secretion of the genital tract.

Pathological discharge

Normal discharge rarely raises many questions among expectant mothers. But deviations from the norm may well make an impressionable and suspicious pregnant woman begin to get nervous and worry. Let's look at what pathological discharges most often occur during pregnancy.


This is the most dangerous discharge. There should normally be no blood admixtures in vaginal secretions. The exception is small bloody discharge immediately after intercourse in late pregnancy. The mucous membranes of the expectant mother are looser; it is possible that they may be easily injured when performing frictional movements.

Such discharge ends quickly, and after just a couple of hours the panty liner becomes clean. In all other cases, blood in the secretions of the genital tract is an alarming and sometimes urgent sign.

Let us immediately note that bloody discharge comes in a wide range of colors. These are pink and brown discharge, as well as orange, scarlet, burgundy and others. All of them are considered bloody, since their color is given by red blood cells trapped in the secretion.

In the early stages, bloody smear may be a sign of retrochorial hematoma - partial detachment of the chorion from the uterine wall. The exact shade and intensity of the discharge directly depend on the degree of detachment. However, the stronger the smear, the more favorable the prognosis - the blood accumulated between the chorion and the uterine wall must find a way out, otherwise the detachment can continue until the complete death of the embryo and miscarriage.

Bloody, pink, brown discharge in the early stages and in the second trimester is a sign of a threatened miscarriage, and in the third - a sign of a risk of premature birth. The most dangerous discharges are scarlet, profuse, as well as blood mixed with clots. Such discharge at almost any stage of pregnancy can indicate placental abruption.

Women with low placentation, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and constantly or frequently increased tone of the uterine muscles are most at risk.

Until the 20th week of pregnancy, brown discharge with blood clots may indicate an incipient miscarriage, or a pregnancy that froze several weeks ago, which has only now begun to be rejected. Up to 9-10 weeks, red blood in large quantities in combination with sharp unbearable pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy and the resulting injury (rupture) of the tube.

If bloody discharge of any intensity or shade appears, you should take a horizontal position in a comfortable position - on your side or back and call an ambulance.

In 95% of cases, with timely treatment, pregnancy can be saved, the threat can be stopped, and the baby can be given every chance to be born on time as a healthy and strong toddler.


The presence of pus can be indicated not only by a characteristic sweetish odor, but also by color - usually greenish or yellow-green discharge. This group also includes green, gray, and gray-brown discharge. Most often they are associated with additional symptoms - pain, pain when urinating, burning and an unpleasant odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Such discharge can appear at any stage of pregnancy. They most often indicate the presence of a serious infection - from a sexually transmitted disease to bacterial infection. Regardless of the period, it is necessary to undergo examination as soon as possible, identify the causative agent of the infection and urgently begin treatment.

In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of green discharge often indicates the presence of colpitis or cervicitis. Sometimes the cause lies in bacterial vaginosis. In the third trimester of pregnancy, green, dirty-colored discharge may indicate the development of chorioamnionitis, an inflammatory process that involves the membranes of the fetus. This is very dangerous for the child, who may be infected in the womb. The baby may die from an intrauterine infection.

Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system represent several risk factors. The baby can be infected in utero, and it can also become infected during passage through the genital tract during childbirth. For an immature, weak immune system of a child, bacterial infection can even be lethal, since the innate passive immunity inherited by the baby from the mother does not protect him from bacteria.

It is necessary to undergo treatment, most likely even with the use of antibiotics. There is no need to worry about the effect of medications on your baby. Doctors will select drugs that are acceptable in the treatment of pregnant women. Untreated sexually transmitted and bacterial infections can harm the baby much more.


As we have already found out, white and whitish discharge during pregnancy is normal. But there are also deviations, and the woman will suffer from abundant or scanty leucorrhoea and the unpleasant sensations associated with it. Most often, white chalky discharge, in which a small coating appears on the external genitalia, is associated with a fungal infection. Women experience dryness in the perineum, sometimes slight itching and burning.

White discharge that coagulates like coarse cottage cheese and has a distinct yeasty smell is a familiar thrush to most women. Fungi of the Candida type most often affect the genital tract of pregnant women. Thrush occurs against the background of unbearable and constant itching and burning. It starts easily against the background of reduced immunity, which is typical for all expectant mothers.

Any light or other itchy discharge is a reason to consult a doctor. The cause may be a banal violation of personal hygiene rules and the occurrence of vulvitis, which can be easily and quickly treated with the beginning of proper hygiene procedures. However, it may also be hidden in a more dangerous fungal infection of the genital tract, which will require specialized treatment.


Yellow discharge may well be a variant of the norm, because progesterone gives such an unusual color to vaginal secretions. However, normal yellow discharge should be clearly distinguished from pathological ones. Painful yellow discharge is always accompanied by additional discomfort - pain, pulling and aching sensations in the lower back in the early stages, as well as itching in the external genital area.

The causes of yellow discharge may lie in a banal allergic reaction to intimate hygiene cosmetics or soap. This often happens in women who abuse soap and water. The alkaline environment of soap destroys the protective film of the mucous membranes and dries it out. Gradually an allergic reaction begins.

It is important to prevent bacterial infection from attaching to it, because dried out membranes are a fertile environment for the same intestinal bacteria to penetrate into microcracks.

Yellow discharge sometimes accompanies cervical pathologies, as well as the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In later stages, yellowish, watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. That is why it is important to be examined and find out the true cause.


Above, watery discharge in late pregnancy, indicating the onset of labor, was considered normal. However, watery, rather copious discharge may appear at an earlier date. Then they will not fit into the norm. Almost always, watery discharge is associated with the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge and a violation of the integrity of the membranes.

Typically, the appearance of such discharge is combined with other pathologies: intrauterine infections that make the fetal membranes vulnerable, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage.

Such discharge can also appear after invasive diagnostics, in which the integrity of the membranes is disrupted by puncture with a long needle to collect material for genetic analysis.

If watery discharge appears, a woman must inform her doctor as soon as possible. She will undergo an ultrasound with a mandatory measurement of the amniotic fluid index to determine whether the amount of water is sufficient for the further development of the baby. Vaginal secretions will be taken for analysis to determine if there is amniotic fluid in it. Only after this is an informed decision made about the possibility of continuing the pregnancy.


Mucus in the discharge may be present normally only as a manifestation of the passage of the mucus plug. All other variants of the appearance of mucous clots are an unambiguous and indisputable pathology.

Mucus with a slight pink tint can be accompanied by various inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages, as well as pathologies of the cervix and cervical canal. All these diseases pose a serious threat to bearing a baby, and therefore should be examined and treated as soon as possible.

Transparent mucus that appears after sexual intercourse and a few hours after it does not indicate pathology. Such discharge should be considered normal - dead sperm and seminal fluid leave the woman’s genital tract, there is nothing alarming about this.

After examination by a doctor

Small pinkish or brownish discharge after examination by a gynecologist is quite common and normal during pregnancy. You should not think that the doctor did any harm and doubt his qualifications. The fact is that the inner surface of the vagina already in the early stages becomes looser under the influence of progesterone, and blood vessels are easily injured. A vaginal examination, especially if it was carried out using obstetric instruments, may well cause subsequent bloody or bloody discharge (spotting).

Such discharge does not last long; within a day there is no trace left of it. In later stages of pregnancy, when the doctor may need to examine the cervix for its maturity, the examination may provoke the passage of the mucus plug, and then clots of mucus streaked with blood will appear in the discharge.

If the discharge after the examination lasts more than a day, you should inform the doctor about this; perhaps they have nothing to do with the examination, and the abnormal nature of the vaginal secretion is associated with the development of a threat of miscarriage.

  • Do not change sexual partner during your pregnancy. With prolonged intimate life, the partners’ bodies become attuned to each other. A conflict may arise with a new partner at the level of the microflora of the genital tract, which will make itself felt by the manifestation of an inflammatory disease. In addition, the new partner can infect the pregnant woman with sexually transmitted or sexually transmitted infections.
  • During sex, do not use intimate gels and lubricants, they have a detrimental effect on the balance of microflora, which can lead to the development of vaginosis. Masturbate with great caution: make sure your hands are clean; it’s easy to injure a pregnant woman’s genital tract and introduce pathogenic bacteria there.

  • Maintain intimate hygiene. It should be daily and mandatory, especially during periods when an increase in vaginal secretion is the norm. Avoid contamination of the genitals. But when performing water procedures, try to avoid using any soap, even the most “harmless” one - for children.
  • Do not experiment with intimate cosmetics to exclude any manifestations of allergies. If you feel dry, use sunflower or peach oil slightly warmed to your body temperature. Such care will not harm.

  • Swimming during pregnancy in open natural reservoirs (which is very useful for all expectant mothers), use a swimsuit with special antiseptic liners in the area of ​​the external genitalia, in order to further protect yourself from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the genital tract.
  • If you experience abnormal discharge, do not have sex, do not lift heavy objects, do not take any medications on your own, even if they previously helped you well in case of alarming discharge. Pathological vaginal secretion may have a completely different reason, and self-medication can only do harm. Be sure to consult a doctor.

If discharge that is atypical for your period appears, be sure to try to remember everything that preceded its appearance - exercise, sexual intercourse, a hot bath or a trip to the sauna, a long shopping trip, a cold, etc. This will help the doctor quickly find the true cause of pathological changes .

To learn how to treat thrush during pregnancy, watch the following video.

Expectant mothers during pregnancy should be more attentive to their health. It is necessary to pay attention to various signs and characteristics in the body. It is important to understand which discharge in the early stages is normal, and which require seeking qualified help to preserve the fetus.

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is a significant increase in secretion volume. The branches become thicker and more abundant. Their color is predominantly transparent or light milky. Should not have an unpleasant odor. The girl should not experience any discomfort with such discharge, much less itching.

The secretion of secretions accompanies a woman throughout the entire period of gestation. The nature of the fluid depends on the trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the volume of secretions increases moderately and becomes thicker. From the second trimester, the hormone estrogen comes into play, which prepares the body for childbirth itself. The secretion becomes more fluid.

Towards the end of pregnancy, mucus begins to come out of the cervical canal - this leads to an even greater increase in discharge, which is also within normal limits. If you suspect a deviation in the color, smell and nature of the mucus, you should contact a gynecologist, because some infections occur secretly in the body, and the only sign of the disease is discharge from the genital tract.

What discharge in early pregnancy is considered normal?

After conception, a woman’s hormonal background gradually changes, and as a result, the nature of her usual leucorrhoea changes. The characteristics of secretion by trimester are presented in Table 1. But sometimes the nature of the secretions changes due to certain processes in the body.

It’s worth figuring out which discharges should not disturb a woman in the early stages:

  • Rose red, last no more than 2 days. During the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, the secretions are bloody and a woman may mistake them for the beginning of the menstrual cycle. However, this mucous secretion contains only a small part of the blood and lasts only a couple of days. May be pink or yellow-brown in color. This happens in the first week after conception.
  • Creamy leucorrhoea. They may be mucous in nature, colorless and odorless. They are usually released moderately, not abundantly. Caused by the hormone progesterone.
  • Transparent, watery, odorless. Such secretion is considered normal if there are no signs such as abdominal pain, pain and burning. After the discharge dries on the pad, it usually turns yellow. The reason for this secretion is the action of the hormone estrogen, it begins to prepare the body for childbirth and becomes more active closer to the second trimester.
  • Mucus with a purplish tint. Doesn't talk about pathology. Appears due to poor hygiene. When the vaginal mucosa is irritated, this color appears on the mucus discharge. This problem can be eliminated with the help of antiseptics and it is imperative to restore daily hygiene.

Table 1, comparative characteristics of the rate of secretion during pregnancy:

Options Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3
Volumemoderatelymore than usualmore than usual
Smellwithout smellwithout smellodorless, neutral
Colorlacticmilky, transparentmilky, transparent

Pathological white discharge

Discharge during early pregnancy is sometimes pathological. White secretion is often normal, but if a sour odor appears, and if the secretion turns into a curdled mass, it may come out in flakes, itching and pain appear.

This indicates the presence of pathology:

Red discharge

Red discharge in early pregnancy is not necessarily dangerous. However, with any red spotting, especially if it is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, a woman should contact a specialist to find out the cause.

Possible reasons:

  • Sensitivity of the internal genital organs. A small amount of blood can be noticed after the intervention of a gynecologist, after an ultrasound with a vaginal probe and due to inaccurate sex.
  • Hormonal disbalance. A few drops of blood discharge may occur on days when your period would normally occur. Perhaps the body has not yet had time to rebuild, but soon the secretion should return to normal.
  • Vanishing Twin. A similar situation can arise during artificial insemination, at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. The development of the twin stops, and the body gets rid of it, which occurs without consequences for the mother and the remaining fetus. A doctor can determine this condition using an ultrasound.


Discharge during early pregnancy may be brown. They relate to pathology, with the exception of implantation of the embryo in the first two weeks from the moment of conception, as well as the passage of a mucus plug shortly before labor.

The following pathological reasons are possible:


If gray mucus discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, there is no pain in the abdomen, then such secretion is considered normal. If you are concerned about any additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

The following reasons are possible:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. Gray discharge is accompanied by itching and a pungent odor. The vaginal microflora changes, and amniotic fluid may leak. Immediate hospitalization and therapy are needed. If you do not delay the course of the disease and seek qualified help in time, the outcome is favorable.
  • Trichomoniasis. This infection of the body is dangerous for the fetus and mother. Requires hospitalization, treatment and monitoring of the course of pregnancy by specialists.

Beige and pink discharge

Pink and beige discharge appears quite often during pregnancy. The expectant mother does not need to worry about this, but she needs to tell her doctor about it.

Possible reasons:


Discharge during pregnancy in the early stages of yellow tints is normal. They appear due to changes in the body; such secretion is possible due to stress. But there are exceptions. If additional symptoms appear (burning, itching, pungent odor, heaviness of the lower abdomen), you should contact a gynecologist.

Causes of yellow secretion:


Green discharge of different shades is abnormal during a good pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Indicate the manifestation of an infection that can penetrate to the fetus. Therefore, an urgent visit to a specialist and prescription of therapy is required.

Such mucus secretions appear in pathologies:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis. A clear sign of this pathology is the smell of fish. As well as the formation of crusts on underwear when the discharge dries.
  • Sexually acquired infections. The volume of discharge during such infections increases and may have a foamy consistency.
  • Bacterial infection. The consistency of leucorrhoea in this pathology becomes green and thick.
  • Inflammation of the vagina, fallopian tubes and ovarian areas. Itching, fever, and heaviness in the lower abdomen appear.
  • Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and gonorrhea at a sluggish stage they can cause green secretion.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. The discharge becomes thin and has a gray or light green tint. Vaginal redness may be present.

Bloody in nature

Red marks on the pad with the presence of blood clots are the most dangerous during pregnancy and are the result of serious pathologies.

Possible reasons:

With any of these diagnoses, a woman should be more attentive to her body and seek help at the slightest deviation.

The probability of a successful outcome and a successful birth is quite high if you follow the recommendations and are under the supervision of a doctor.


Spotting discharge is normal in most cases. You should be alarmed if the volume of secretion increases sharply, signs of purulent impurities, drops of blood and odor, itching and pain in the lower abdomen or vagina appear. Then it is recommended to stop sexual intercourse, stop taking a bath, not lift much weight and consult a gynecologist.

Disturbing spotting secretion may appear for the following pathological reasons:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • damage to the mucous walls inside the genital organs due to rough sexual intercourse or improper use of vaginal suppositories;
  • cervical erosion. Treatment is not carried out during pregnancy. This is possible after childbirth;
  • polyps of the cervical canal.


During the period of waiting for a child, the volume of secretions released from the vagina increases significantly. In the first trimester, the secretion becomes thicker and may change color; from the second trimester it becomes more liquid. It is recommended to carefully monitor hygiene, use panty liners and change underwear at least 2 times a day.

Causes of heavy discharge:

Watery discharge

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone at the beginning of pregnancy, the secretion from the genital tract comes out thick and mucous in nature. By the second half of pregnancy, this hormone is replaced by estrogen, which prepares the woman for the upcoming process of childbirth.

Acting on the body, this hormone promotes a change in mucus in the cervix, watery discharge resembling urine appears. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, this is the norm, with no itching or odor.

If a woman notices vaginal redness, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, the cause of such discharge may be:


Discharge during early pregnancy acquires a thick mucous structure that resembles raw egg white. Thus, the action of progesterone creates a protective barrier for the body and the fetus.

A mucus plug is formed, preventing infections from reaching the fetus. Normally, such secretion should be transparent (white spots may be present) and odorless.

If itching and burning begin to bother you, the mucus takes on a different shade, this indicates the appearance of infectious and inflammatory processes:

When should you contact a gynecologist?

Anxiety for the unborn child and for any change in one’s own body is a normal reaction of a pregnant woman. You need to be more attentive to your own body, but you shouldn’t worry about trifles. If the discharge does not cause additional symptoms of discomfort, then the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

Changes in secretion at different stages of pregnancy are a natural process against the background of hormonal changes in the body.

At a routine examination with a gynecologist, a woman can ask any disturbing questions about the discharge. In some situations, when there is itching, a strong odor and the color of the secretion changes, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. He will order tests to detect infections and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Emergency medical care for a pregnant woman is required in cases where the condition sharply worsens, the lower abdomen hurts, the temperature rises, drops of blood appear on the underwear, or blood clots. If one or more of these signs appears, the most careful transportation of the woman to the hospital and hospitalization is required.

Specialists will do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy. It happens that women are reckless with their own body and go to a medical facility late, which threatens with serious consequences for her or the fetus.

Therefore, the slightest suspicion of a deviation from normal discharge during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, should puzzle the expectant mother and become a reason to go to the antenatal clinic.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during early pregnancy:

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