What happens to your body when you drink a lot of tea? Should you drink tea bags? What happens if you drink tea

Harm of bagged tea

Revealed facts about tea bags

1. Production

Many tea manufacturers are negligent about the contents of bagged tea. Putting and selling pollen along with ground herbs and leaves of various plants, instead of quality goods. This phenomenon is observed quite often when, upon arriving home, an autopsy reveals a violation:

— Additives are often found in the composition: sawdust, dust and waste from tea production.

— If the expiration dates have passed, then “new batches” of suitable goods are packaged by grinding the tea leaves. Often, manufacturers do not even hide this fact and continue to deceive consumers for the purpose of profit or in order to cover production losses.

- Resellers buy “low grade” teas for pennies, then add dyes, substitutes for real fruits and berries and sell them as “high grade” tea. Such a product sells out quickly due to deception. The lethal concentrate is harmful to the health of tea lovers.

2. What are tea bags made from?

The bags consist of filter paper that has been treated with synthetic resins dissolved in acetone or alcohol. This is done to avoid climatic, thermal and mechanical exposure conditions. The paper should dissolve in water, but in this case this is not observed.

To protect yourself from negative tea bags, make an effort to check before allowing harmful identified substances to pass through your body. Pay attention to the composition, date of manufacture, storage standards and color when brewing. If something does not suit you, then you should not use the products of this company.

It is in the bags that a large accumulation of heavy metals is found. It is no secret that many tea plantations are located among factories and coal-fired power plants. Therefore, when testing for analysis, heavy metals appear: lead, cadmium, aluminum and arsenic. The concentrate level increases due to long brewing of tea.

Effect on the liver

Herbal teas release toxins from flowering plants. With the accumulation of alkaloids, with improper use of tea, the liver suffers. This is especially true for pregnant, nursing mothers and children. Infants also suffer; harmful substances are transmitted to them through mother's milk.

IMPORTANT: You cannot constantly drink tea after meals. This leads to a lack of iron, causing serious consequences in the body. Skin, hair and nails suffer.


The composition contains flavored substances and caffeine, which increase adrenaline in the blood. It is not recommended to drink tea bags at night. In any case, you will get a night without sleep. Overexcitation of the body will interrupt sweet sleep. If you really want to, you can drink herbal tea before bed, but only if it is brewed correctly.

For pregnant

For pregnant women, caution is required in food and drink. This is especially true for lovers of tea bags. Let's look at some undesirable consequences:

Flavored bagged teas are harmful to the woman herself, as well as to the womb. An overwhelming amount of aromatization can play a cruel joke. The content of these substances will affect the child. And every pregnant woman should understand this. You can write anything on the box, packaging, whatever you want. A visual glance during brewing can prove the opposite. If there is a coating on the ceramic cup, and sediment appears at the bottom, then you cannot drink such tea. Even if the product has passed the standard safety scale, it means that storage standards have been violated. It is better to refrain from this drink and protect yourself and your unborn baby.

Tea left standing for several hours can cause gastritis and various types of slow illness. Therefore, consult your doctor about the choice of tea, because many are prohibited from drinking it at all.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of tea? Tea drinkers claim that this drink is good for the body and cannot lead to unpleasant and dangerous consequences if you drink it according to the rules. Many raw foodists and other advocates of healthy eating are opposed to this common drink and prefer to drink plain clean water instead of tea. Before we take a closer look at the question of whether drinking a lot of tea is harmful, let’s remember some points from its long history. Let's find out where the drink came from and how it was customary to take it at the dawn of its appearance.

A little tea history

Four thousand years ago, China began to be considered the birthplace of this drink. At first, the ancient Chinese treated tea as a magical elixir. They noted its ability to give strength and vigor. We noticed that the tea infusion perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and is no less effective at warming you up in the cold. We did not take this miraculous drink very often. The Chinese tea ceremony makes it clear with what reverence the ancient Chinese sat down to drink an infusion of tea leaves.

Some time later, tea was able to conquer many countries. And then it completely became the most common drink for those who are not too interested its benefit or harm. However, the miraculous powers of tea are still known to many today. Someone tries to “recharge” with tea and is able to drink a lot of it in the hope that the healing drink will only be beneficial. And some, wondering whether drinking a lot of tea is harmful, found facts that shed light on the question posed.

Why do you drink tea?

It is worth clarifying: black varieties of tea, green, white - they are all grown from the same plant. However, the time of harvest, the degree of fermentation and many additional factors contribute to the different teas that appear in our teacup. People use tea for many purposes.

Some people prefer only elite varieties of the drink. Tea drinking for such tea lovers takes place in a calm atmosphere, with attributes suitable for the occasion: beautiful cups and a teapot of excellent quality. It is customary to drink elite tea without additives and all kinds of sandwiches with sweets. It is savored like a good wine, exploring the taste and enjoying the aroma.

Some people are not at all interested in knowing whether drinking a lot of tea is harmful. On a day, such people drink several dozen cups of tea of ​​varying strengths of infusion. This is done to quench thirst, to fill a break at work and for many other purposes. People simply quench their thirst in this way and fill their time. Moreover, tea bags are often used for brewing; without thinking, they pour one bag of used tea more than once.

It is often customary to drink tea with pies, cakes and other baked goods and confectionery. People drink tea to spend time having intimate conversations.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of tea? To correctly answer the question posed, you just need to remember that everything should have its own measure. Tea, unfortunately for many tea lovers, is no exception. Therefore, you should think about whether it is harmful to drink a lot of black tea or green tea a day.

Benefits of black tea

Yes, it's useful. It will gently stimulate the psyche, invigorate and give strength. It is able to increase reaction speed and facilitate the thought process. Thanks to this healthy drink, concentration increases. Tea is even a mild antidepressant.

Green tea promotes much better absorption of food. He is able to cope with diarrhea. Green tea is also an excellent diuretic. Fights against aging of the body due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition. These properties of green tea are complemented by what is said about black tea. The Chinese believed and still believe that it is preferable to drink green tea.

Harm from green tea

Can drinking this tea in large doses cause harm to the body? Is it harmful to drink a lot of green tea, because it is considered very healthy? The answer will be yes. An irrepressible love for this drink can cause some problems in the normal functions of the body and metabolism. If you drink ten cups of the drink a day, you may notice increased hair loss, brittleness and splitting of nails. Destruction of tooth enamel and dehydration of the body (strong diuretic effect) may occur. Insomnia and excessive excitability are also possible.

Black and harmful

From green we will return to the more familiar one - black. Let's answer the question of whether drinking a lot of black tea is harmful. Here, as expected, the answer will also be positive. Black tea, drunk in large quantities, stains the enamel of teeth in a shade that is not very desirable - this is only one, the most harmless reason why you should not indulge in tea drinking so often.

Harm from excessive consumption, regardless of the type of tea

  • A hot drink can cause a lot of harm. It burns the oral cavity, damaging the mucous membranes. This effect extends to the esophagus and stomach. Over time, such burns can lead to tragically painful conditions.
  • Tea drunk on an empty stomach (usually in the morning) will not be beneficial. It only dilutes gastric juice and reduces the amount of bile. Such metamorphoses in the body ensure that food eaten after drinking a drink will take longer to digest.
  • When drinking very strong tea that has been steeped for a long time, you need to know that this is no longer a healthy drink. Prolonged brewing contributes to the death of all useful substances in the drink and the revival of substances that are not very useful, and sometimes even dangerous.
  • Tea contains caffeine, almost everyone knows this, so you shouldn’t get carried away with drinking tea before bed. There is a high chance of developing insomnia and tachycardia.
  • Never allow yesterday's tea to be involved in your today's tea party. Tea leaves left in the teapot for about a day automatically turn into real poison for the body. Only oolong and pu-erh are allowed to be brewed multiple times. Other types of tea should always be drunk only fresh and no more than five cups per day.

Why do they drink tea? There are connoisseurs who prefer to drink only elite varieties of tea, enjoying the drink and holding tea ceremonies. Some people drink tea to quench their thirst. Many people choose tea for a pleasant tea party in good company. This drink relaxes, tones, and saturates the body with beneficial properties. But is it harmful to drink a lot of tea? Can it cause harm?

Large amounts of tea: harm or benefit

Excessive consumption of tea can affect the functioning of internal organs and the general condition of the body. Why shouldn't you drink large amounts of tea?

  • milder in action than coffee, but it increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, and affects the nervous system. If you drink tea frequently, you may experience nervousness, irritability, and decreased concentration.
  • Tannin, which is found in tea tree leaves, is a toxic element. It affects the secreted gastric juice and disrupts the digestion process.
  • Green tea has a high concentration of fluoride. It negatively affects the condition of bones and teeth. Drinking in excessive quantities can lead to a condition resembling poisoning.
  • Those who are worried about stomach ulcers or frequent attacks of heartburn need to be careful and not drink too much green tea. Although you shouldn’t overuse black tea, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, it also negatively affects the gastric mucosa.
  • Too much tea is harmful, because it is a diuretic. Uric acid is deposited in the joints, leading to arthritis and gout.
  • Women suffering from PMS may feel an increase in unpleasant symptoms after drinking a lot of tea.
  • Drinking tea in large doses is dangerous; it can cause headaches, dizziness, insomnia, lethargy, and sore throat.

As you can see, everything is good only in moderation, tea is no exception. It should not be abused. Especially, you should not drink a low-quality product, bagged tea, consisting of tea dust. It is necessary to follow the rules for consuming tea so that it does not cause harm.

Why can't you drink yesterday's tea?

Tea leaves contain more than 200 different chemical compounds that are harmless to human health. It is recommended to drink only freshly brewed tea so that all substances and compounds are not destroyed. Once the tea infusion sits for several hours, vitamins C and B completely evaporate. When brewing for a long time in a thermos or cooking on the stove, chemical processes occur in tea leaves that completely change not only the taste of the drink, its color and aroma, but also its composition.

Which has been infused for a long time, people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system should not drink. It contains what is harmful to people with central nervous system diseases. The increased amount of guanine in yesterday's tea is harmful to people with gout.

Is it harmful to drink tea at night?

Is it possible to drink tea in the evening? It is not harmful to drink only clean water at night. And then in small quantities so that you can sleep soundly until the morning. But coffee and tea at night will lead to insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. At night, our body should rest, relax, and not digest the absorbed liquid all night, including the heart and kidneys. Therefore, you should avoid evening tea parties.

Should I drink tea after meals?

Rules for drinking tea

  • You should not drink strong tea, it will cause headaches and insomnia.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink 40-60 minutes after a meal. Those who drink it on an empty stomach experience nausea and epigastric pain.
  • If you take medications, you should not take them with tea.
  • The tea temperature should be no more than 65 degrees. A drink that is too cold and scalding is harmful to the body.

How much tea can you drink per day

Everyone determines for themselves what amount of tea is optimal. For some, it is enough to drink two cups of tea, while others drink five cups without any problems.

Experts believe that up to 5 cups of weak, freshly brewed tea can be drunk without fear that the drink will negatively affect the body. In small quantities, tea will only provide benefits and share all the beneficial substances that it contains.

Lovers of strong drinks should not exceed a dose of 2-3 mugs. Place no more than 3 grams of tea leaves on one mug. Then only 5-10 grams of pure tea will be consumed per day. It is better to brew tea in small portions so that the entire amount can be drunk at once.

Interestingly, both black and green tea are made from the same plant. The difference lies in the processing method. However, the effects of green and black tea on the body differ in many aspects, although they are similar in many ways. Black tea goes through a longer processing chain. Ultimately, many useful substances are lost. This is why experts consider green tea a healthier drink.

It is worth noting that green and black teas contain large quantities of bioactive substances that can have both negative and positive effects on the human body. Of course, first of all we are talking about caffeine and theophylline. In addition, many types of tea contain essential oils, which do not behave well during the brewing process.

The benefits and harms of tea

Among the beneficial properties of both green and black tea, one can note its abilities. It effectively relieves fatigue, normalizes the nervous and digestive systems, heals blood vessels, activates metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.

Tea has a beneficial effect on cells, effectively slowing down their aging, thereby prolonging life. It is worth noting that it is tea leaves that have the ability to provide the much-needed rejuvenation effect.

It is known that tea contains tannin, which destroys a large number of bacteria, thereby preventing diseases such as enteritis, sore throat, stomatitis and intestinal infections.

Despite the numerous advantages of both black and green tea, we should not forget about the dangers of this drink.

Too hot tea can burn the internal organs of the body. Due to the powerful stimulation of the stomach and esophagus, painful changes in these organs may begin.

Tea should be drunk fresh. Otherwise, it is worth remembering that already 20-30 minutes after brewing it, the process of oxidation of aromatic components, essential oils, lipids, and phenol begins.

If you drink black tea for a long time and often, your teeth enamel may turn yellow. And green tea often destroys the enamel on your teeth.

Strongly brewed tea contains large amounts of caffeine and theine, so it can cause insomnia or severe headaches. In addition, strong tea negatively affects cardiac activity.

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