When is the first day of the new moon. new moon rituals. The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. Effective rituals for the new moon What sorcerers do on the new moon

There are many beliefs, signs and rituals associated with the new moon. And from ancient times, observing the phases of the moon, people noticed what an unusual effect it has on people and their lives. Over the millennia, a stable picture has developed of what is worth doing during this period, and what to refuse, what will benefit and what will only harm.

The day itself is still a transitional period, therefore, everything you plan to start should be done the next day, when there will be a noticeable increase in the crescent moon.

The new moon is this lunar phase, which symbolizes the beginning of a new life, renewal and rebirth. What you need to do on the new moon in order to live in the flow of the universe and naturally get what you want.

During this period, you can:

Feel free to start new business, they will be fruitful and give excellent results.

The planned move to the new moon will give excellent chances that you can take root and gain a foothold in a new place.

Cosmetic procedures will have a healing and rejuvenating effect, so it makes sense to do them in this lunar phase.

Medical procedures will also have a beneficial effect on health. During this period, it is good to carry out cleansing activities and nourish the body with microelements.

Tidy up your home and workplace. The created aura of purity will favorably influence you, your relatives and friends.

If you decide to give up any addiction forever, then by all means use this time to give up what you really do not need.

Marriages entered into on the new moon have every chance of a happy family life.

If you want to improve your financial situation, you can read conspiracies to increase material resources. From time immemorial, people showed coins to the young month with the words “as you grow, so let my income grow” or with similar meanings.

If you have not yet met a person with whom you would like to live the rest of your life, then you can perform a love ceremony.

The young moon is a great wish-fulfiller, so ask her to fulfill your dreams and she will surely grant your wish.

This is a great time for yoga. Meditative exercises will positively affect your emotional background, and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

This is a great time to change your image, consider what you want to change in your look and make an appointment with a stylist.

What not to do on a new moon:

You can’t lend money, as in the future this will lead to a decrease in the financial flow, and it will be difficult to get the material back.

You should not do surgery, as the body's strength is weakened, and the recovery process will be long and painful.

Overwork is dangerous, so it makes sense to take care of yourself.

Eliminate spicy, fatty foods from the diet and. Because it can harm your body.

Refuse to make important decisions, do not take on obligations and transfer responsible matters to another period.

Do not interfere in conflict situations, avoid quarrels, aggression and violence. During this period, many nerves are on edge, so treat this as a temporary phenomenon that you should not pay special attention to and waste precious time.

The remaining new moons in 2016 by month and day of the week

Universal Time (UTC)

The New Moon is the time when the Sun symbolically connects with the Moon. The night luminary is hidden, and it cannot be seen in the sky. These are mysterious, dark and moonless nights. We feel energy weakness and emotional instability. On the new moon, you can perform special rituals related to making a wish, as well as for money and wealth.

In terms of astronomy, the new moon is the phase of the moon, in which the moon is practically between the sun and the earth. It is on the new moon that the lunar month begins, which lasts approximately 29.5 days.

The next new moon will occur on April 23, 2020 at 05:25 Moscow time.

There are only 4 phases of the moon:

If the Earth, Moon and Sun line up, a solar eclipse occurs. There are 2 to 5 solar eclipses per year. They are:

  1. full (when the moon completely covers the sun);
  2. ring-shaped (the moon covers the central part of the sun);
  3. private (the moon obscures part of the sun from the side).

How long does a new moon last and how often does it happen?

Astronomers calculate the exact date and time of new moons for all months of the year. Information for 2020 can be seen in the table below.

How often does this phenomenon happen? The lunar month, which includes 4 phases of the moon, lasts an average of 29.5 days. After such an interval, a new moon occurs. That is about once a month.

Table of new moons by months

To perform rituals, you need to know what time the new moon will happen. Therefore, in this section you will find the dates and exact times of all new moons for 2020.

Here it is, the new moon calendar for 2020. Be sure to look into it when you start making serious decisions. Why is it so important to know when the new moon begins? Answer below.

How does the new moon affect a person?

According to astrologers, on the days of the new moon, our energy resources are reduced to the lowest level in a month. We experience a lack of strength, weakness and a desire to rest. On a psychological level, there are:

  • apathy;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • inexplicable fears;
  • behavior change.

Changes in the new moon concern not only the human psyche, but also his health. Here's what to note:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • water leaves the body faster;
  • the pressure decreases.

For these reasons, hypotensive patients (people with low blood pressure) should monitor their well-being. It is also recommended that everyone drink more clean water.

The New Moon does not affect women as much as it does men. It is believed that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who are most affected by this period.

What should be done on such days?

Do not think that the new moon is a dangerous time in which there is nothing good. It's a delusion. Let's talk about what you can and even need to do on the new moon.

  1. Solitude and meditation.

You still experience apathy and fatigue. This is no accident. The universe is pushing you to seclude yourself and get distracted from the worldly bustle. During this period, it is good to do yoga, practice with and other spiritual practices.

It will be favorable to go out into nature and spend the day in the forest or near the river. Enjoy the beauty of the world, feel its harmony. And then you will return strength for new achievements. And there will also be ideas that would never come up on other days.

  1. New beginning.

Have you ever wanted to go on a diet or exercise? It's time to start. Develop an action plan, download workout videos, or join a fitness center.

However, you should not start classes on the day of the new moon. Wait a bit. And tomorrow you will start implementing your plans with renewed vigor.

  1. Rest and reflection.

Take your favorite book. Or put on your favorite music. Listen to your inner voice. What do you want from life? What steps need to be taken to make this happen?

Reflections on the new moon give excellent results. The strength of the moon on this day is minimal, which means you are not as influenced by emotions as on other days.

  1. Carry out the ceremony.

There are many rituals that need to be performed on the new moon. I will write about them below.

What can't be done?

  1. You can not start concrete actions to implement the plan. The first day of the new moon is suitable for making plans and contemplating your desires. But not for active steps.
  2. Overloading is also prohibited.

    The body is now weakened, it has little strength. Therefore, it is worth taking care. If you exercise every day, reduce your physical activity a little.

  3. Be careful driving. Do not plan long trips for this day, it will be difficult for you to maintain concentration for a long time.
  4. It is undesirable to take on complex and responsible cases. There is a high probability that you will not notice something important, lose sight of some detail. As a result, the job will not be done well enough. Try to take on this day only simple, routine things.
  5. Remember that on the new moon the mood of all people is unstable. Avoid quarrels and scandals. Know that on this day the energy foundation is laid for the whole month. You do not want to experience the consequences of an unnecessary quarrel for so long, do you?

Rituals, rituals for money, success, wealth

The new moon is a time when you can perform various rituals that can improve your life. The energy of this day is special. First, the new moon gives rise to the entire lunar month. Secondly, on this day, the power of the Sun is maximum, and the power of the Moon is minimal.

It should be remembered that sometimes the new moon coincides with solar eclipse. In this case, you cannot perform any rituals, because eclipses have their own characteristics. And the result may not be what you expected. In 2020, solar eclipses will occur on June 21 and December 14.

Abundance Check

I offer an effective technique that will attract money and improve well-being. You should write a wish check. I'll tell you more about how to do it right.

The idea is that you write yourself a check, which clearly states:

  • how much do you want to receive;
  • How will you spend these funds?

You should prepare a red envelope in which you will keep your wish check. You can glue it by yourself. In addition, download and print the form in advance:

How to fill out an abundance check?

  1. It is necessary to perform the ritual in the first hours after the onset of the new moon.
  2. Write down your last name, first name and patronymic in the "Recipient's name" field.
  3. In the "Amount" field, enter how much money you want to receive. Write in words and numbers.

It is important to keep in mind that the amount must be realistic. If you decide to prescribe the amount, but an inner voice tells you: “this is impossible” or “never be like this”, then you have exceeded your financial capacity. Choose a smaller amount for now so as not to experience internal resistance. Otherwise, the ritual will not bring results.

  1. In the “Purpose” field, write down what you are asking the Universe for this money for. For example, vacation for the whole family. Or a new car.
  2. Put the date of completion of the check and your signature.
  3. Put the abundance check in a red envelope and store it somewhere no one will find it.
  4. After that, try not to think about getting this money, let go of all thoughts about it.

During the next lunar month, the wish must come true. Or you will receive money. Or as compensation for an expensive item, prize, etc.

Ritual with a purse

Another simple but very effective ritual during which you need to charge your wallet. As a result of execution, you can receive finance from the most unexpected sources.

  • In the evening after the new moon, fill your wallet with money.
  • Put it on the window sill in the bedroom, on the right side.
  • Let it lie there all night. In the morning, the wallet must be picked up.
  • Repeat the next night.
  • Keep spreading your wallet every night until .

It is important to ensure that there is always money in the wallet - both banknotes and coins.

How to make a wish on the new moon?

The New Moon is a great time to make wishes. But here there are several rules, without which the desire may not come true.

Here is a list of things to do in advance of the new moon.

  1. Get rid of unnecessary and broken things. Don't throw away what's still good. Give clothes to those in need. Sell ​​furniture or give away for free. There are groups in social networks "I will give away for free", where you can offer everything that you do not need. By getting rid of the excess, you make room for the new.
  2. Clean up the house. And then ventilate the room.
  3. Fumigate the room with scented candles. Or light an aroma lamp with essential oils.
  4. You need to make a wish strictly on the 1st lunar day. It lasts from several minutes to one day. Look here to find out the exact hours of the 1st lunar day for your region.
  5. Take a shower, wash with cold water immediately before the ceremony.

When the first lunar day comes, we proceed to the implementation of the ceremony. If this lunar day lasts a long time, it is advisable to perform the ceremony in the first few hours after the new moon.

It is at this time that the Universe opens to hear your desires and help make them come true.

  1. Light a candle - any that you like and evokes pleasant associations.
  2. Make a wish. Only one thing is important!
  3. Imagine that it has already been fulfilled. Try to feel all those positive emotions that you are now experiencing.
  4. Visualize. For example, if you think about buying a new bicycle, imagine in your mind how you ride it along a forest path, how the wind blows your hair and caresses you, how happy you are from this and how freedom inspires you.

This ritual can be performed every month. Except for those months when the new moon coincides with a solar eclipse.

Useful video

I suggest watching an interesting video in which a psychologist will tell you how to make a wish on the new moon:

Can hair be cut?

Astrologers agree that since the human body is weakened on the new moon, it is undesirable to cut hair. It is better to postpone the haircut for a few days until the moon begins to rise.

On the new moon, it is only allowed to cut the split ends of the hair. It is believed that after that they will grow faster.

But what will be beneficial for your hair is nourishing care masks that will give your hair strength and shine.

People born on the new moon

There are two options here:

  • If a child was born shortly before the new moon, then his birth falls at the end of the monthly lunar cycle.

These days, souls with great experience, many previous incarnations behind them, incarnate on Earth.

These kids seem to know more than their age is supposed to. They are wise from an early age. But they often have a serious karmic task, and the character can be difficult.

These children may have inexplicable fears that actually relate more to past lives and have nothing to do with real events.

These people can achieve a lot in life thanks to endurance, strength of character and wisdom. But they do not always choose the path of achievements. Some of them prefer to lead a modest life.

  • If a child was born immediately after the new moon, then his birth falls on the beginning of the monthly lunar cycle.

On such days, young souls are born who have little experience and must accumulate it. Such people remain in the soul of children all their lives. And their behavior is also often to match: mischievous and open-minded.

Their advantage is that they are not weighed down by the burden of an unknown past.

They are not born with wisdom. They themselves will accumulate it, making their own mistakes and drawing their own conclusions.

Among the important character traits of these children are:

  • the desire to know the world;
  • attachment to the family;
  • integrity of the individual;
  • susceptibility to temptations, inexperience.


There are many signs for the new moon. Here are the most common ones:

  1. If you find a coin on the street - to a big profit. The coin must be picked up and carried in a wallet.
  2. Borrow or lend to others - to poverty.
  3. Moving to the new moon - to a happy future in a new place.
  4. If a bird flew into the house of an unmarried girl, wait for the wedding.
  5. Swimming in water brings good luck.

As we found out, the new moon is the time when the energy foundation of the upcoming lunar month is laid. At this time, you can not overexert yourself, do hard work. You need to rest, dream, reflect on life and make plans for the future. And, of course, you can perform rituals.

The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. Usually the new moon lasts only a few hours, although rituals can be done on the first, second and even third lunar day.

Below we offer you some effective rites and rituals that must be performed on the new moon or on the first days of the growing moon.

Ritual for money on the new moon

Take banknotes of different denominations and spread them throughout the apartment in different places (on top of cabinets, mezzanines, etc.) so that they do not catch anyone's eyes. After 3 days, collect all the banknotes and buy something for the house (you can buy food, things, household goods, interior items).

It is believed that you put into circulation money that was saturated with the Power of the Moon and in the next month they will return to you in double size.

Receipt for receiving money on the new moon

In many forums dedicated to this topic, users claim that this technique really works in an amazing way. With this practice, you can attract the desired amount of money.

So, in the first minutes of the new moon, make a list of everything you need to buy, write down all your desires, then calculate how much it will all cost. When you have figured out the exact amount, write yourself money receipt.

Take an ordinary sheet of paper and make a "magic receipt" out of it. Write today's date at the top, then to whom it was issued (your full name and surname), the amount for which the receipt was issued, sign below and write "Paid". Hide the receipt somewhere far away (you can in a book or in a locker). Rest assured that soon (usually within a month).

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon

In the first days of the growing moon, take a sheet of thick paper and write your desire on it, for example: “I want to receive a bonus this month” or “I want to be promoted ...”. You will need two church candles (one more, the other less), place them in candlesticks and light them in turn (a large candle with a match, and a small one with a large one).

Think about your desire all the time. Then take the wish paper and very carefully burn the last letter of your wish. In this case, the letter "U" with the words “Today I’m burning the letter Yu. From curses, corruption, the evil eye, the Holy Spirit will immediately deliver.

Next, extinguish the candles and hide all used items. The next day, in the same way, burn the penultimate letter from your written desire, for example, "I". Do this ritual every evening, burning one letter at a time. When you burn the last one, leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Ritual for harmony and beauty on the new moon

This ritual is performed on three new moons in a row (that is, 3 months on the new moon - the first three lunar days in each new month). To carry it out, you need: a pectoral cross, a glass of milk, holy water, rose aromatic oil.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour a glass of milk, a glass of holy water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water.

Immerse yourself in a bath of water and enjoy water treatments. When you lie in the bathroom, relax, close your eyes and say the plot:

“You, water, listen to me! Don't get upset, don't boil, but take care of me!
You, water after the cross, make me slim!
Nurture me with milk, caress me with a rose,
so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!

When the water has cooled down a bit, you can get out of the bath, draining the water, say a conspiracy for weight loss: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

New moon spell to conceive a child

It is necessary in the first minutes of the new moon to take a container of clean water and pronounce the following conspiracy over it: “As the new moon is born in the sky, so with us (your names) a child would be born. Amen". This water should be washed before sexual intercourse by a man and a woman.

Ritual for love on the new moon

If a girl wants to attract love, she needs to perform such a ceremony on the new moon. You need to completely undress, put a cup of water and a pink or red candle in front of the mirror. Add a few drops of rose aromatic oil to a cup of water, add petals there, light a candle and say this conspiracy:

“A rose bloomed under the moon, fragrant, so I would have blossomed with beauty, but I would have found my love. Lunar path, bring the bridegroom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, wipe yourself with this water, looking in the mirror, wipe the door handle from the side of the street with water, sprinkle water on the threshold. Put the rest of the water, along with rose petals, under the bed. It is believed that after that within a month you will meet your soul mate.

The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. Usually the new moon lasts only a few hours, although rituals can be done on the first, second and even third lunar day. On the new moon, it is recommended to perform magical practices to attract something into life - love, money, good luck. It is believed that along with the growing Moon, an increase in what you lack will begin in your life.

Ritual for money on the new moon.

Take banknotes of different denominations and spread them throughout the apartment in different places (on top of cabinets, mezzanines, etc.) so that they do not catch anyone's eyes. After 3 days, collect all the banknotes and buy something for the house (you can buy food, things, household goods, interior items).

It is believed that you put into circulation money that was saturated with the Power of the Moon and in the next month they will return to you in double size.

Cosmic abundance formula by Robert Stone.

The essence of this technique is to write by hand such a phrase every evening and every morning for 7 days "Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life" 54 times. This technique helps in an amazing way to program the consciousness to receive the riches of the Universe.

The author of the book "Heavenly 911. How to seek help from the right hemisphere of the brain" claims that in this way you can attract more money into your life in just a few days. In addition, participants in various forums on the Internet and people who have tried this technique on themselves claim that it really works and the very next day your income will begin to increase! So be patient and write! Good luck!

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon.

In the first days of the growing moon, take a sheet of thick paper and write your desire on it, for example: “I want to receive a bonus this month” or “I want to be promoted ...”. You will need two church candles (one - more, the other - less), place them in candlesticks and light them in turn (a large candle with a match, and a small one - from a large one). Think about your desire all the time. Then take the wish paper and very carefully burn the last letter of your wish. In this case, the letter "U" with the words "Today I burn the letter "U". From curses, damage, the evil eye, the Holy Spirit will immediately deliver." Next, extinguish the candles and hide all used items. The next day, in the same way, burn the penultimate letter from your written desire, for example, "I". Do this ritual every evening, burning one letter at a time. When you burn the last - leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Ritual for harmony and beauty on the new moon.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour a glass of milk, a glass of holy water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water.

Immerse yourself in a bath of water and enjoy water treatments. When you lie in the bathroom, relax, close your eyes and say the plot:

“You, water, listen to me! Don't get upset, don't boil, but take care of me!
You, water after the cross, make me slim!
Nurture me with milk, caress me with a rose,
so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!

When the water has cooled down a bit, you can get out of the bath, draining the water, say a conspiracy for weight loss: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

Ritual on the new moon "Receipt for receiving money"

On the new moon, exactly at the time, in those hours and minutes when the new moon appears, write yourself a receipt (check) for receiving money.
1. Fill in the date.
2. Write your full name.
3. You can insert a certain amount, but first you need to know the size of your internal wallet, i.e. you can only get the amount of money you allow yourself to have.
4. At the bottom, put the receipt number, date and signature.
5. Hide the receipt where no one will find it. Ideally, this should be a red envelope.

You will receive what you want within 7 days. Or get compensation in the form of a good thing, a good purchase or good news. So quickly only a real desire will be fulfilled, and not beyond.

So that a lot of money comes in all the time.
Wait until a new moon appears in the sky. As soon as this happens (on the third day after the new moon), go outside when the month becomes visible, putting a few coins of any denomination in your pocket, bow towards the month, then jingle the coins in your pocket and at the same time say the words of the conspiracy (out loud or to yourself , for memory).

I will bow to the month, I will pray for prosperity. A month, a young month, you are the master of all the stars, be the master of my money: how many stars are in the sky, send me so much money.
Put these coins in a secluded place and do not spend. After a month, distribute them as alms, and say the same conspiracy for other coins during the young month.

Silver conspiracy to lure money
Wait until a new moon appears in the sky. Take a silver coin or any silver item in your right hand (but not a cross). Go out into the open sky, open your palm to show silver to the month, and say the words of the conspiracy, having previously learned them by heart, aloud or in a whisper.

A young month, the crown on you is silver! You walk in the sky, you shine with silver, you shed silver light on the earth. Give me your silver to my silver, so that my (name) money sparkles, silver arrives.
If you talked about a coin - do not spend it, wear it in your wallet as a talisman. If it's a piece of jewelry, wear it too. If there is another household item (dishes, a spoon, etc.) - use them so that you do not lie idle. Then the money will start coming.

A conspiracy for women on jewelry to attract wealth
This conspiracy is read only for gold and precious stones, then it will attract great wealth to you. This is done when a new moon appears in the sky. You need to go outside and show him some kind of jewel, at the same time slandering it out loud, by heart.

A month is young, you sparkle with gold, play with diamonds, walk in the sky, count the stars. There is no end to the stars in the sky, so there is no end to my wealth. As the month arrives, so my wealth grows. My word is strong, stucco and tenacious. Amen.
Then this hexed jewel must be worn so as not to lie idle.

For money to flow, wait until a young month appears in the sky after the new moon, go outside at night and show the money to the month by taking it out of your wallet or pocket.

If you give someone a wallet, be sure to put a coin or a bill in it - only then your gift will bring good to the person you give it to, and money will be found in his wallet. And after that, your well-being will grow. In the same way, they do not give empty bags, suitcases, vases and other containers, as well as dishes. If you took a bag, a pot, a frying pan from someone for a while, do not return it empty, put something in gratitude for letting these things be used. Then you will arrive.

This month, the new moon will occur on November 7, 2018 (Wednesday) at 19:02 Moscow time. The moon will be in the constellation Scorpio. At this time, you can make a wish, perform some magical rituals. Unfortunately, unlike the full moon, the new moon will not be visible on this day. Today we will tell you how to prepare for the new moon, as well as what rituals and rituals can be performed on this day.

New moon in november 2018 - strengthening health

From November 4 to November 6, 2018, a strong magnetic storm is expected, which will affect the physical and energy health of both women and men. Women need to save their strength, do not plan a general cleaning for this period. Be extremely attentive to yourself on November 7th. Any disease can be delayed for a long time. The energy background, although stable, is somewhat weakened. Men should also pay attention to their own health and be prepared for a decrease in sexual activity and a breakdown in general. In addition, if there are chronic diseases, it is advisable to insure yourself in advance and take the necessary measures to strengthen the body.

Financial New Moon Signs

There is such an old folk sign - you can not spend large sums of money during the new moon. This can lead the family to impoverishment. But you need to understand that the size of this “large amount” is different for everyone, so without fanaticism. It means that during this period it is better to refuse to purchase household appliances, real estate and other materially costly items. Also, you should not take loans and lend money yourself. It is not advisable to invest in financial projects, even if it seems that everything is stable and reliable. Be patient, you will have a more favorable period for this.

The impact of the new moon on work and career

As well as with finances, this period is unfavorable in the field of work and career growth. At work, it is better not to jump above your head, to perform the usual duties. It is better to transfer all ideas for improving the quality of work, rationalization proposals, and communication with management to another period. Otherwise, you, not wanting this, can provoke a serious quarrel with colleagues, spoil relations with superiors, and prevent a really good idea from being implemented.

The influence of the new moon on beauty

If you have planned a haircut or coloring for this period, then it is better to reschedule them. Hair after the procedure will not only grow worse and split, but you can also catch a skin disease. The same is true with nails. It is not advisable to cut them, grind, process, etc. The only thing that can be done is to clean and paint them with ordinary varnish.

Basics of a healthy New Moon diet

The best thing you can do for your body during this period is not to clog it with heavy foods. Instead of alcohol, sweets, starchy foods, fast food products, coffee, etc., it is better to give preference to fruits, salads, boiled meat and fish. In general, everything for which your body will thank you, and the extra calories will run away in fear. On November 7, in general, you can make a fasting day and let the body cleanse itself.

Fulfillment of desires on the new moon - rite

Although the energy background during this period is not strong, you should not miss the opportunity to make a wish. To do this, you first need to retire. Prepare in advance paper, a pen, a white candle and how to set it on fire, a candlestick (an ordinary glass is also suitable). Turn off the sound on your phone, go to another room, do not talk to anyone and ask for a couple of minutes to not disturb you. Internal concentration on desire is extremely important, any extraneous background can break it. Write your wish on a blank piece of paper. The resulting "letter to the genie" is folded in half and placed on the windowsill, preferably facing north. We put an impromptu candlestick on top of a leaf, then light a candle and set it so as not to burn the window sill. Within 15 minutes we imagine that the desire has already been fulfilled. We extinguish the candle, put the leaf with desire in any secluded place where no one will find it. Until the wish is fulfilled, the letter cannot be touched.

New moon conspiracy to improve appearance and beauty

An excellent time to get rid of small wrinkles, pimples and other minor flaws. Any conspiracy will do, for example, this one: “Mother Moon, as you are clean and young, so I should be forever clean and young! Every day you will grow, round and become more beautiful. Give me your strength so that my beauty does not fade. Let it be so!"

New moon ritual to increase hair density

For this ritual, you will need: a red apple, a rose of any color, ordinary cool water. We cut the apple into cubes, we disassemble the rose into petals. Put everything in a bowl and fill with water. We put the mixture on the windowsill on the new moon. The infusion must be kept until the morning. Then, dipping the comb into the water, we pass through the hair, moisturizing it. We read to ourselves, looking in the mirror: “Moon water, healing water! Fill my hair with beauty and strength! Keep my hair strong, healthy and thick. From space I take energy, from the earth I take strength, from moonlight I take magic. Let it be so!"

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For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...