Why do you need an ultrasound for a full bladder? Ultrasound examination or ultrasound of the bladder in men: preparation, conduct and interpretation of the results. Ultrasound signs of organ inflammation

An ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys is performed if a disease of these organs is suspected. Preparation for the procedure is the stage that determines whether the readings will be correct or not. For women, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed.

What is the procedure

The analysis is carried out using a special apparatus, the principle of its operation is based on echolocation. The device, upon contact with the body, emits sound waves, which, reflected from the internal organs, demonstrate a complete picture of a particular part of the human body. The result of the study is displayed on the monitor and stored in a storage device so that it is possible to study the readings in more detail.

When is echography used?

Catheter insertion and palpation, which until recently were widely used to analyze the condition of the bladder and kidneys, are considered an anachronism with the advent of ultrasound. After all ECHO gives more accurate results, and during its implementation there are no manipulations that could cause discomfort to the patient. Ultrasound is prescribed for the following indications:

Meals before the study

What foods should you eat?

Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys in women begins with adjusting the diet. The diet should start 3 days before the appointment.

During this period, you should exclude any foods that will lead to the formation of intestinal gases - this is the main point in preparing for the analysis.

It is enough to follow the diet for three days. But this is for those people who have normal digestion. Those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems should increase the diet to seven days. Women who have an excess amount of gas in the stomach - flatulence - 3 days before the ECHO should start taking sorbents.

What foods to exclude from the diet

Three days before the analysis, it is worth limiting the diet by removing from it several foods that, due to the effects they have on the body, may contribute to inaccurate analysis results.


An ultrasound scan involves cleansing the intestines. The simplest, time-tested method is an enema.. But you can use other methods - use a glycerin suppository or drink a laxative.

People who do not suffer from flatulence also need to use sorbents before the study. You can take activated carbon or Smecta. The first drug costs a penny. The second one is a little more expensive. But for the sake of the “purity” of the analysis, you can refuse savings. If it was not possible to comply with the regimen of taking sorbents, then you should take 4-6 Espumizam tablets three hours before the scheduled appointment.

Additional tests before echography.

Sometimes doctors do tests before performing the procedure. Typically, this is a referral for blood and urine testing. The patient comes to the ultrasound scan with ready-made results. Such careful preparation is needed for a differentiated diagnosis - after the ECHO, the doctor studies the indications of ultrasound and blood/urine tests, making final conclusions whether the bladder and kidneys are normal or not.


Preparing for the study regarding the time of day

When a woman has received a referral for the morning hours, she should go on an empty stomach. Last meal no later than 18:00 the day before. Following this routine will help ensure quality analysis, which will affect the speed with which the problem can be detected.

The test should be performed with a full bladder.

It is recommended to drink at least a liter of water before visiting (one hour before). Then the size of the bladder increases, which gives more accurate readings. Insufficient straightening of the folds of this organ is fraught with false results. Often, when the bladder is incomplete, doctors diagnose a tumor.

If a trip to the doctor is scheduled for the afternoon, then a light early breakfast is allowed. After which the patient should take some sorbent drug. The conditions for drinking liquid remain the same.

Preparations for the procedure for pregnant women

Pregnant women's kidneys experience three times the strain. This is especially felt with late toxicosis. It is this that has such a detrimental effect on the organs that if medical intervention is not done in a timely manner, preeclampsia may occur. Violations can be detected through echography. Unlike palpation and catheter, this is the only safe method of examination for pregnant women.

Preparation for the study is different for girls in this position. Here you cannot give an enema, take laxatives or absorbent drugs, as it may harm the unborn baby. Pregnant women should follow a diet of foods that do not cause the formation of intestinal gases before the procedure. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe medications for flatulence and constipation (if any), which are not contraindicated in this group of patients.

But sometimes you just need to fill your bladder as quickly as possible. For example, for performing an ultrasound of the bladder.

When to do a bladder ultrasound

The doctor performs an ultrasound examination through the anterior abdominal wall. Using this procedure, it becomes possible to recognize diseases occurring in the organ, as well as monitor how effective the prescribed treatment is.

The bladder is examined in the following cases:

  • suspicion of pathology in any part of the urinary system, or if diseases of the urinary organs have already been diagnosed;
  • it is necessary to find the source of erythrocyturia if, when submitting urine for testing, a large number of erythrocytes were found in it;
  • patient complaints indicate the possible presence of the following diseases: cystitis, prostatic hyperplasia, kidney or bladder stones;
  • it is necessary to determine why urinary retention occurs and dysuric symptoms appear;
  • there is a suspicion that neoplasms have appeared in the organ: malignant or benign, as well as cysts or tumors in the urinary duct;
  • there is an assumption that there is diverticulosis - another cavity located next to the bladder in which fluid accumulates;
  • if there was any injury to the bladder, then according to ultrasound data it is possible to determine whether there are leaks in the paravesical space;
  • it is necessary to monitor and determine what results the treatment provided;
  • During clinical and laboratory tests, the patient experienced changes in indicators indicating the presence of a disease in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Why do you need to fill an organ for an ultrasound, and how to do it?

A filled organ of the excretory system allows you to examine all its walls much better, since they straighten and stretch, there are no additional folds. When this organ is full, it brings the intestinal loops closer to the anterior abdominal wall.

Usually it should be filled naturally, but sometimes it happens that the patient did not know about all the intricacies of the procedure and did not prepare properly. Or the ultrasound diagnostics were urgent and unscheduled. In such cases, rapid filling of the organ is necessary.

This can be done by drinking a liter of liquid about an hour before the test. It could be water, tea, fruit drink or juice. Do not consume milk or carbonated drinks.

If after an hour it is still not full, then you should drink another 500 ml of liquid. When the bladder is full earlier than an hour later, this indicates good kidney function. In this case, you can relieve the overcrowding, but then drink a little more liquid.

If a person is well aware of the work of his excretory system, then he may not drink additional fluid, but simply not empty his bladder for several hours before the procedure.

How to prepare for research

Preparing to conduct research is not too difficult. To do this, you only need a full bladder. There is no need to do any diet or bowel cleansing before the ultrasound.

You can fill your bladder before the test in the following ways:

  • drinking a liter of liquid an hour before the procedure;
  • stopping going to the toilet 4-6 hours before the study;
  • if a person suffers from incontinence, then before the procedure, catheterization should be performed, with the help of which the organ is filled with saline solution;
  • using diuretics, but this method should not be used by people with kidney or heart disease, as it can cause harm and cause fluid retention or bladder blockage, which will lead to renal colic;
  • when conducting research in the morning, do not urinate after sleep;
  • when examining the bladder in children under one year of age, they must be fed 10 minutes before the ultrasound.

Patients of different age groups have their own norm of fluid that must be drunk to fill the organ being examined:

  • children from one year to 2 - as long as they can;
  • children from 3 to 7 years old;
  • from 8 doml;
  • teenagers from 12 to 18 years old;
  • For all people over 18 years of age, it is better to wait for the bladder to fill naturally, and if there is an urgent need, drink up to a liter of liquid.

In order for the study to obtain the most objective data possible, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists when preparing for diagnostics. Only then will the doctor be able to obtain the most correct information and prescribe timely and correct treatment that will help cope with the disease.

ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Ultrasound of the bladder

Ultrasound examination (US) of the bladder is widely used in the diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. This examination method is quite informative, has no contraindications and is completely safe, therefore it is allowed for use even in children.

Types of ultrasound diagnostics of the bladder

There are several ways to perform an ultrasound examination of the bladder. The choice of method is determined by the attending physician depending on the preliminary diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder

this is the most popular way. It is suitable for both men, women (including pregnant women), and children.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder is performed through the anterior abdominal wall using an external probe.

A mandatory requirement for conducting an examination using this method is a full bladder. Diagnostics allows you to assess the condition of the bladder as a whole: determine its shape, size, location, structure and the presence of pathologies.

Transrectal ultrasound of the bladder (TRUS)

performed through the rectum for women with an intact hymen, patients who have contraindications for transabdominal ultrasound and men (to identify the connection between prostate disease and the condition of the bladder). A special rectal sensor is used for the study;

Transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder (TVUS)

It is considered by many experts to be the most informative diagnostic method due to the absence of a layer of fatty tissue between the vagina and bladder.

In addition, TVUS is used as an alternative method (if there are contraindications to transabdominal ultrasound) and is performed on an empty bladder using a vaginal probe;

Transurethral ultrasound of the bladder (TUUS)

a type of diagnosis in which a sensor is inserted into the urethra to identify the connection between the pathology of the bladder and urethra.

Using TUUS, specialists determine the degree of damage to the urethra and surrounding tissues. This method is highly informative, but rarely used, as it requires special drug preparation of the patient (use of anesthesia). In addition, during transurethral ultrasound there is a risk of damaging the urethra.

Indications for ultrasound of the bladder

Which doctor prescribes the test and why?

A urologist usually prescribes an ultrasound of the bladder as part of a comprehensive examination of the pelvic organs. Indications for diagnosis are:

  • frequent and/or painful urination;
  • various impurities in the urine (sediment, blood);
  • acute urinary retention;
  • suspicion of urolithiasis;
  • sharp nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Real-time ultrasound imaging is used in the following surgical procedures:

  • removal of bladder tumors;
  • cystolithotomy (crushing and removal of stones);
  • transurethral resection of the prostate (endoscopic removal of adenoma through the bladder);
  • surgical intervention on the ureters and urethra.

For bladder tumors, ultrasound is performed dynamically before and after treatment. Also, regular ultrasound examination is necessary to detect metastases in the bladder due to cancerous lesions of neighboring organs (uterus, prostate, kidneys).

Ultrasound of the bladder plays an important role in the differential diagnosis of other diseases that are clinically similar to pathology of the urinary tract, for example:

  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • salpingitis, salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes);
  • inflammation and developmental abnormalities of the ureters;
  • renal pathology (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), etc.


Contraindications to ultrasound of the bladder depend on the method of diagnosis.

Transabdominal method (through the abdominal wall):

  • urinary incontinence (ultrasound is performed only on a full bladder);
  • excess weight (a thick subcutaneous fat layer makes scanning difficult and reduces the diagnostic information);
  • skin lesions in the lower abdomen (pyoderma, herpes, wounds, burns, infectious lesions due to syphilis and HIV);
  • bladder defects (sutures and scars on the bladder wall).

Transrectal method (through the rectum):

  • inflammatory bowel diseases in the acute stage (fissures, hemorrhoids, dysentery, Crohn's disease, etc.);
  • absence of the rectum (as a result of surgery and replacement of this organ with an artificial anostomy to remove feces);
  • narrowing (stricture) and obstruction of the rectum;
  • intolerance to latex (medical rubber).

Transvaginal method (through the vagina):

  • allergy to latex;
  • the presence of a hymen;
  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • genital infections.

Transurethral method (through the urethra)

  • intolerance to medicinal painkillers;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urethra.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Preparation for a bladder ultrasound also varies depending on the method of examination.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder is performed with a full bladder and empty bowel.

Bladder preparation:

  • 2-3 hours before the procedure you need to drink about 1 liter of liquid and not urinate. Immediately before the test, the patient is given a diuretic tablet to speed up the formation of urine by the kidneys.
  • for 1-2 days before the examination, people suffering from flatulence and constipation must follow a diet that limits foods that stimulate gas formation in the intestines (raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, dairy products, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, sweet baked goods and black bread);
  • on the eve of the procedure, the intestines need to be cleansed by administering microenemas or glycerin suppositories;
  • To reduce the amount of gases, you can take activated carbon.

Preparation for transrectal ultrasound of the bladder involves emptying the rectum, which is carried out on the eve of the procedure by taking laxatives, administering a glycerin suppository or a cleansing enema.

Transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder does not require filling it and can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle. The only recommendation for this type of study is that the intestines be cleared of feces and gases (in order to increase information content).

Transurethral ultrasound of the bladder is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, in order to avoid negative reactions of the body to the drug, you should:

  • during the day before the procedure, completely eliminate alcohol intake, since its interaction with medications is unpredictable;
  • on the day of the examination, in the morning, limit yourself to a light breakfast and do not smoke 1-2 hours before the ultrasound, because food and nicotine against the background of the action of the anesthetic can cause nausea;
  • inform the doctor about the presence of cardiovascular and renal pathologies, diseases of the respiratory system, allergies to medications, alcohol abuse, and constant use of vital medications.

Note: filling the bladder is not required only in one case - when performing a transvaginal ultrasound in women. For all other research methods, the bubble must be full.


The most common of all types of bladder ultrasound is the transabdominal (external) method. The doctor treats the head of the sensor with a special gel (to improve the transmission of ultrasonic waves) and scans the abdominal area above the pubis and below the navel. Other methods are used to clarify the results of an external examination.

In any case, the diagnostic method is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the gender and individual characteristics of the patient, age, diagnosis, concomitant diseases and other factors.

Ultrasound of the bladder in women

In women, an ultrasound of the bladder can also be performed transvaginally or transrectally (for virgins) in which the condition of the uterus and its appendages is additionally examined.

These types of studies allow us to obtain the most complete picture of the condition of the female genitourinary organs.

Ultrasound of the bladder in men

In addition to standard external ultrasound in men, pathologies of the bladder and prostate can be diagnosed using the transrectal method. If there is a suspicion of problems with the prostate, then during an ultrasound of the bladder in men, residual urine is calculated. For this procedure, the patient is asked to urinate and then undergoes an examination that measures the remaining amount of fluid in the bladder.

Transurethral ultrasound is performed equally for both men and women.

Ultrasound of the bladder in a child

For children, ultrasound diagnostics are performed only transabdominally. The procedure is no different from an adult ultrasound.

Ultrasound of the bladder during pregnancy

Pregnant women up to 12 weeks can be examined using ultrasound using the vaginal and rectal method. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed only transabdominally.

Ultrasound results

The bladder is a hollow muscular organ that can be easily diagnosed by ultrasound if it is full.

The main parameters of the bladder, which carry important information for specialists, are:

  • form;
  • size (volume);
  • structure;
  • wall thickness and smoothness;
  • degree of filling and emptying;
  • the nature of the contents of the bubble;
  • amount of residual urine.

Decoding these indicators allows the doctor to assess the condition of the bladder and, with a careful analysis of the clinical picture, make the correct diagnosis.

Norms for ultrasound of the bladder

  • depends on the level of its fullness and the condition of the surrounding organs. On transverse photographs it is a round organ, on longitudinal photographs it is ovoid. The contours of the bubble are clear and even. In women, the shape of the bladder is influenced by the presence of pregnancy and the number of births. Unlike the male bladder, the female one is more compressed at the top and expanded at the sides. These factors must be taken into account when interpreting the ultrasound.
  • Normally echo negative. The older the patient, the higher the echogenicity (due to chronic inflammatory diseases).
  • average bladder capacity in women ml,
  • for men - ml.

Bladder walls

  • they should be the same thickness over the entire surface: from 2 to 4 mm (depending on the degree of fullness). If local thickening/thinning of the wall is observed in one or more areas, then this phenomenon is considered a pathology.
  • It is mandatory to measure it during ultrasound of the bladder. Normally, the amount of residual urine should not be more than 50 ml.

Interpretation of an ultrasound of the bladder can reveal serious pathologies, the treatment of which should be immediate:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • neoplasms, including cancerous tumors;
  • stones in the bladder (urolithiasis);
  • presence of foreign bodies;
  • various vascular pathologies;
  • vesicoureteral reflux (backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • congenital anomalies of bladder development in children and acquired ones in adults;
  • hyperactivity (increased functionality) of the bladder;
  • enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • diverticula of the bladder (protrusion of the wall with the formation of a sac-like reservoir for urine).

Where is an ultrasound of the bladder performed?

You can undergo a bladder diagnosis using ultrasound examination in any medical institution, but it is best to go to a specialized one that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases.

Diagnosis by symptoms

Find out your probable illnesses and which doctor you should go to.

I signed up for an ultrasound, why is my bladder full?

What kind of ultrasound will they do for me? She said that it will be 5-6 weeks. Why a full bladder?

Yes, I completely agree, I also signed up for an ultrasound and they said my bladder should be full, everything is simple - so that it can be seen)))

When they looked at the location of the placenta, they also asked me to fill my bladder, because it was not visible. I had to drink water and walk for about forty minutes under the office.

So they don’t have a transvaginal ultrasound! When they told me that I needed a full bladder, they looked at my tummy!

or maybe right away on the tummy and then I’ll go and pee and they’ll look at me like that in another chapel, they did the same thing.

Did you say the reason for the ultrasound? It’s just that because of this, they may not go there with a vaginal ultrasound, so that God forbid something happens! In short, they are afraid!

I've already been climbed on the first one

Well, they didn’t know that everything was complicated for you there! Is it true? And now they know that it’s safer to look at the tummy!

I don’t know, I’m going to another hospital. I went to the city hospital for an ultrasound, now I’m going to the private hospital to compare. Yes, I’ll take the tests with me and let them look at it. Let them do it that way. I just want to check, you know? what is that and what will they say

That’s right, as soon as you give her the answer from the old ultrasound, she’ll tell you exactly the same thing! In any case, don’t give her an ultrasound and don’t tell her what’s wrong with you, this is their job, after the ultrasound, she can be given the answer of the old ultrasound, but not right away.

ahhh, I mean, don’t let her, like, it’s my first time.

ok let's see what they say))))

that's how it's supposed to be at this time

yes, you need a full bladder to see it better, abdominal ultrasound

Well, they also told me that it would be full of urine)

where are you going?

We have a new paid ultrasound room at the hospital, but they will look at my tummy instead of a vaginal one, but a normal one))

but I probably do anyway) but where are you registered?

He'll try to look outside. Then they will send you to the toilet and place an intravaginal sensor inside. They did this to me at the Lugovskaya center for 6 weeks.

ahhh well, here I am going to the center of Lugovskaya))) is it good there? If I’m already 6 weeks along on Thursday, will they show and hear a heart?

Yes. They will show it on a big screen (on a big TV). Ask to print the photo.

It’s cool, but if the heart is already beating, they’ll show it?

Yes, it will be visible. I burst into tears there because... I've been waiting for this heart for 8 years...

what would be nice to see

It also needed to be full))

They didn’t do it vaginally for me and they saw everything and gave me 4 weeks

Mom won't miss

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Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an extremely important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Is a gynecological ultrasound performed on a full bladder or not?

Yes, if you have been prescribed an examination of the pelvic organs using an ultrasound, then during the examination it is advisable to fill the bladder, having first drunk 1.5 liters of liquid before the examination, it is known that with a full bladder, you can detect any changes in the pelvic organs, which allows make the correct diagnosis.

But. If the examination was scheduled to be done using a vaginal sensor, then there is no need to fill the bladder.

Gynecological ultrasound is a procedure for ultrasound examination of the pelvis in women.

Convenient and painless examination that does not require special preparation.

For your appointment, you need to bring a diaper, a cotton or waffle towel that absorbs the gel well, sometimes you need to have a special condom for a gynecological ultrasound, although now condoms are available almost everywhere, the time has passed when you bought them in advance at the pharmacy.

Usually there is the following tactic: First, the pelvis is examined using an abdominal probe (uterus and appendages - ovaries) to exclude neoplasms of the uterus (fibroids, tumor, etc.) and ovary (cysts, etc.). In this case, a full bladder is desirable, and a well-filled one at that! The sizes of organs and the thickness of the endometrium in the uterine cavity are determined.

Second stage: a vaginal sensor, for which a condom is needed; the uterus and ovaries are examined through the vagina; nabothian cysts, if any, are visible in the cervix.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed through the abdomen (abdominal) or vaginal method.

  • if through the stomach, then bladder preparation is necessary. Drink one to one and a half liters of water, only non-carbonated, an hour before the procedure and do not urinate until the examination. Only non-pregnant women undergo this procedure.
  • if through the vagina, then no such preparation is required; the test is carried out on an empty bladder

For an ultrasound to be successful and of high quality, it is necessary to have an empty intestine and the absence of gases in it. Two or three days before the ultrasound, follow a diet, exclude from the diet foods that cause gas and constipation (black bread, fruits, vegetables, milk, confectionery). You can do an enema.

Depends on the type of ultrasound performed: if the examination is transvaginal, then it is performed on an empty bladder; if the examination is abdominal, then with a full bladder.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys

Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder in women: basic rules

An ultrasound examination of the urinary system is performed if the patient has certain complaints and helps the doctor accurately establish a diagnosis. To date, this method is considered the most informative. Who is prescribed the procedure and how should one prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys in women? We will reveal the answers to these questions in our article.

Ultrasound capabilities

Before moving on to directly studying how to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, first let’s find out why it is even necessary. Many people believe that the procedure requires clear and compelling reasons. In fact, a doctor can prescribe a diagnosis if there are patient complaints such as:

  • Nagging or sharp pain in the lumbar region, occurring on a regular basis.
  • High blood pressure that does not decrease even after taking special medications.
  • The presence of impurities and blood clots in the urine, changes in color and odor.
  • Complete absence of urine or painful urination.
  • Increased body temperature, fever and chills, weakness.
  • Swelling of the limbs and abdominal area.
  • Pain on palpation of the abdomen, kidneys and ureters.
  • Feeling of dry mouth, complete or partial refusal to eat, constant thirst.

All these signs directly or indirectly indicate disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, which ultrasound allows us to identify. In addition, newborn children up to one year old and people with certain chronic pathologies of the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands undergo ultrasound examinations on a regular basis.

Let's go for examination

Usually, when prescribing an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, the doctor tells you how to prepare for the procedure. But, unfortunately, not all clinics have made this practice a habit. Due to busyness or a large influx of patients, the physician may simply forget to clarify this detail.

In order not to waste the days before the study in vain, it is recommended to adhere to a number of generally accepted rules:

  • Three days before the appointed day, you need to completely review your diet and give preference to alkaline foods.
  • Eating before the procedure is not recommended, but if the study is scheduled for the afternoon or evening, you can snack on low-fat fish or a piece of rye bread.
  • A few hours before the procedure, it is recommended to drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.
  • If there are no disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract, then it will be enough to empty the intestines in the evening or immediately in the morning on the day of the procedure.
  • As for clothing, wear whatever is comfortable for you. But think in advance about what will be easier to tuck and don’t mind getting dirty if something happens.
  • If the ultrasound examination is performed in a regular rather than private clinic, it is recommended that you bring your own towel and take a pack of wet wipes to remove any remaining gel after the ultrasound.
  • Check with your doctor how the study will be carried out, and if using the transrectal method, then 2-3 days before the procedure you will need to do an enema.

Very often, together with an ultrasound of the kidneys, the same procedure is prescribed for the bladder. How to prepare in this case? The rules remain exactly the same, but the bladder itself must be full. To do this, you should refrain from going to the toilet or drink several glasses of water immediately 2-3 hours before the test.

Principles of nutrition before diagnosis

As you have already understood, in order to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, you need to adhere to a certain diet for some time. There is nothing complicated about this, and you don’t have to run to the store for delicacies, but it will only be enough to reduce the consumption of protein foods and poorly digestible fiber.

  • buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal porridge in water;
  • steamed or boiled dietary meat;
  • light and soft cheese, such as Feta;
  • minced meat dishes cooked exclusively by steaming;
  • boiled hard-boiled chicken eggs in the amount of 1 pc. in a day;
  • rye bread or bread rolls;
  • fish with white meat.

While preparing for an ultrasound, you will have to avoid consuming the following foods:

  • fried foods;
  • dairy products;
  • smoked meats and home canning;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables in raw form;
  • legumes;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • sweet and flour;
  • carbonated drinks.

This diet will need to be followed for at least 2-3 days.

Medication preparation

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, besides following a diet? If the body is functioning normally, there is basically no need to do anything else, but if there is a large accumulation of gases in the intestines, you will need to take some additional medications:

  • If there is obstruction or frequent constipation, it is advisable to do an enema in the evening before examining the intestines. Use a simple and inexpensive microenema Microlax or its analogues, for example, Norgalax.
  • You can also use glycerin suppositories or laxatives to cleanse the intestines.
  • After each meal you can drink special sorbents. Such drugs include Espumisan, activated carbon, Smecta.

In addition to the listed drugs, for better digestion you can take Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin tablets.

If further examination is required

The kidney ultrasound procedure is rarely performed without examining other adjacent organs. The doctor tries to immediately look and identify the overall picture of the functioning of the entire urinary system. Therefore, an examination of the adrenal glands is often prescribed along with an ultrasound of the kidneys. How to prepare in this case?

Preparation for this type of diagnosis should include all the same points as for a regular ultrasound. Following a diet, avoiding certain types of foods and having a full bladder are fundamental factors. However, in some cases, a specialist may say that no preparation is required, then it is better to follow his recommendations.

In any case, proper preparation for the procedure is mandatory, regardless of the preliminary diagnosis. Timely detection of the disease is the first and important step on the path to recovery. I wish you success!

Read other interesting sections

How is an ultrasound of the bladder performed and how to properly prepare for the procedure?

Ultrasound scanning plays an important role in the diagnosis of diseases of the bladder and other pelvic organs. Before the examination, the doctor gives the patient some instructions, because during an ultrasound of the bladder, preparation has a great influence on the diagnostic results.

This method is characterized by its simplicity, absence of complications and contraindications, and quick results.

Indications for ultrasound examination

This diagnostic method is prescribed to patients who have symptoms of any genitourinary diseases:

  • pain in the suprapubic region,
  • increased urge to urinate,
  • suspicion of kidney stones in the bladder,
  • discharge of blood in the urine,
  • difficulty urinating,
  • suspicion of vesicoureteral reflux, etc.

Additional indications

Ultrasound scanning is also necessary to assess kidney function, to diagnose chronic or acute cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis. In men, a simultaneous prostate examination is often performed if prostate adenoma or inflammation is suspected.

Ultrasound of the bladder in women, if necessary, is supplemented with examination of the genital organs located in the pelvis. This may be required for the differential diagnosis of bladder diseases. appendages and uterus.

Preparation for ultrasound examination

1.5 or 2 hours before the test, you must gradually drink about 2 liters of non-carbonated liquid: plain water, tea, juice, compote, etc. This is necessary to ensure that the bladder is full during the procedure.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to more clearly determine the shape of the organ, contours, wall thickness and other parameters.

When simultaneously examining the prostate or female genital organs, filling the bladder is necessary for better visualization of the anatomical structures located behind it.

There is also a physiological method of preparing for research. which consists of abstaining from urination for 5-6 hours.

Advice: if during preparation you are tormented by strong urges and find it difficult to restrain yourself, then you can partially empty your bowels. Then you need to drink an additional amount of fluid so that by the time of the study the bladder is full again.

Sometimes ultrasound of the prostate and bladder is performed transrectally. In this case, in addition to the described preparation, you should do a cleansing enema the day before and several hours before the procedure.

How is the procedure performed?

For ultrasound scanning, transabdominal access is more often used, that is, through the abdominal wall. If there is a significant degree of obesity, as well as if a prostate tumor is suspected, an ultrasound scan is performed through the rectum. In women, if transabdominal examination is difficult, transvaginal access is used.

The duration of the procedure is usually no more than minutes. In this case, the patient lies on his back. The specialist applies a contact gel to the suprapubic area, and then scans the bladder using a special device.

For transrectal and transvaginal diagnostics, a special probe is inserted into the rectum or vagina, respectively. If prostate disease is suspected, after a routine scan, the subject is asked to urinate, then the residual volume of urine in the bladder is determined.

Recommendation: if you still have questions about the bladder ultrasound procedure - how the results are assessed, whether you need additional preparation - ask your doctor about the points that interest you. The specialist must explain to you in detail what kind of access will be used in your case and how the procedure will be carried out.

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure is safe and painless

What can be determined by ultrasound examination?

On the inner wall of the organ, you can see diverticula (protrusions), polyps, tumors, cysts, and determine the nature of their connection with the wall (on a thin stalk or a wide base). When scanning, changes in the orifices of the ureters are detected due to their inflammation or tumors.

When assessing the final sections of the ureters, the following pathologies can be identified:

  • dilatation of the ureter (megaureter),
  • ureterocele (entry of the terminal ureter into the cavity of the bladder),
  • abnormal number of ureters, etc.

After an ultrasound of the bladder, interpretation of the examination data and diagnosis are made by a qualified specialist - a urologist or nephrologist, taking into account complaints, symptoms, medical history and the results of additional studies.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder?

Proper preparation for a kidney ultrasound is necessary to eliminate the possibility of interference from the intestines and other abdominal organs. In this case, the ultrasound doctor will be able to examine them well and make an accurate diagnosis.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder can also be carried out as part of a routine annual examination, even if the person has no complaints and there is no chronic pathology.

However, it is highly advisable to conduct a similar study if there is pain or unhealthy and anxious sensations in the lumbar region. In this case, a general urine test is usually performed.

In addition, an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder can be prescribed for increased blood pressure, diseases of the endocrine system, changes in the amount, color, character of urine, after a lumbar injury, kidney transplantation, as well as when symptoms such as fever, weakness, chills, pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin, thigh, large amounts of any salts in the urine, pain when urinating.

In children, this study is carried out as a routine examination to detect congenital anomalies of organ development.

Ultrasound of the kidneys is postponed if there are open wounds in the abdominal area and sterile dressings are applied.

It is preferable that the specific doctor who will carry out the study talk about the rules for preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys, since he probably knows what contributes to difficulties in visualizing organs and explains how to avoid these troubles.

What to eat and drink before an ultrasound?

Before the procedure, you should refrain from eating for at least eight hours. That is, if an ultrasound of the kidneys is performed in the afternoon, you can eat before it no later than eleven in the morning. This food should correspond to the diet maintained for three days.

Before ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, you can eat eight to twelve hours before, but the menu should consist of porridge, dried white bread and a small amount of boiled fish or meat.

Additionally, Activated carbon, taken an hour and a half after eating at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight, can help in preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys. Tablets can be crushed. You can take it (Kuplaton, Espumisan, Infacol in an age-appropriate dosage. Helping the intestines in this case is getting rid of excess gases, which will allow the doctor to better examine the kidneys.

The diet itself, which should be followed three days before the appointed time, to reduce the amount of gas in the intestines, consists of oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat porridge, hard low-fat cheese, boiled or steamed chicken, beef, rabbit or quail meat, one boiled egg per day, boiled hake or pollock. Following a diet will help prevent the formation of excessive gases in the intestines, which prevent the kidneys from being properly examined on an ultrasound.

What to exclude from your diet?

In your speech, it is extremely undesirable to consume cabbage, black bread, raw fruits and vegetables, legumes, fatty meat broths, milk and dairy products, alcoholic drinks and carbonated drinks, fried, fatty, smoked meat and fish.

In addition, preparation for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder includes drinking water an hour before the procedure (about half a liter of plain water or unsweetened tea, after which you should not urinate).

It is good to do this by arriving about forty minutes before the appointed time. While waiting for the examination, you should drink the brought drink little by little. If you feel a little urge to go to the toilet, then it’s time to do some research.

Colon cleansing before ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

For maximum cleansing of the intestines from gases, you do not need to do an enema, but if you are plagued by constipation, the evening before the study, do a Microlax microenema similar to it. You can also use a glycerin suppository, or take the laxative Guttalax or Picolax.

A couple of days before the ultrasound, between meals it is recommended to use sorbents: activated or white carbon, Sorbex, Smecta, and products like Espumisan. If for some reason this was not possible, take six Espumisan tablets three hours before the ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

Ultrasound of the bladder is an examination based on the properties of the ultrasonic wave reflected from the organ, forming its image on the device’s monitor. This diagnosis is used for people of all ages – newborns, pregnant women, and the elderly. It has a wide range of indications, has no contraindications, and requires preparation.

  • change in urine color
  • discomfort or pain during urination
  • frequent urge to urinate, even if it is painless
  • small amounts of urine
  • pain in the suprapubic region
  • air in urine
  • sediment in the urine or flakes visible to the eye
  • presence of blood in the urine.

What this ultrasound shows:

  1. Bladder tumors.
  2. Rocks or sand.
  3. Acute or chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.
  4. Diverticula of the bladder walls.
  5. Foreign bodies in the bladder.
  6. Anomalies in the development of the bladder or ureters.
  7. Backflow (reflux) of urine from the bladder into the ureters.
  8. Blockage of the urine outlet by a stone.

Ultrasound with Dopplerography helps to evaluate the passage of urine through the ureters: in which direction its flow is directed, what form of this flow, how symmetrical the process is on both sides.

Based on this analysis, a conclusion is drawn as to how much the ureter is blocked (by stone, edema, tumor). This study is also indispensable for making a diagnosis of “vesicoureteral reflux”, when a certain amount of urine is thrown against its current - from the bladder into the ureter.

Doppler ultrasound also allows us to draw conclusions about the number of ureters and where they open.

It is this type of study that will more accurately help detect tumor formations based on an assessment of blood flow, since the tumor vessels look and behave somewhat differently.

What you need to know to conduct research

An ultrasound is performed on a full bladder. Therefore, preparing for research consists of filling it out. This can be done in two ways:

  1. An hour or a little more before the procedure, you need to drink about a liter of still water, tea or compote (but not milk), then do not urinate. If you cannot tolerate the urge to urinate, you can empty your bladder, then drink 2-3 glasses of water again.
  2. You can not drink water, but simply wait until this hollow organ fills itself. To do this, you need to not urinate for three to four hours. And if the procedure is scheduled for the morning, you can prepare for the ultrasound if you don’t urinate in the morning. If this is too difficult, set yourself an alarm for 3 am, go to the toilet, but after you finally wake up, you don’t need to do this anymore.

In addition, a gas-filled intestine can prevent a correct diagnosis of the bladder. So, if you suffer from flatulence or constipation, try a day or two before the appointed time to follow a diet excluding fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

A full bladder is a kind of “window” that allows ultrasound to “see” the following organs:

  • non-pregnant uterus or when examining it in the first trimester (in later stages it is not necessary to fill the bladder for examination)
  • ovaries: their location, size, presence of cystic changes
  • in men - the prostate gland.

Read also:

Features of ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women

How is the procedure performed?

How an ultrasound is done. Diagnosis can be carried out using the following methods:

  1. Through the abdominal wall (external examination).
  2. Through the vagina, rectum or urethra (internal examination).

If an ultrasound is done through the abdomen, then the procedure looks like this.

  • The patient undresses to the waist or lifts his clothes so that the stomach is free from them.
  • So he lies down on the couch facing the sonologist, who applies a special gel to his stomach (it is cold, so unpleasant sensations may occur that quickly pass).
  • Moving along the gel, the sensor scans an image of the bladder and nearby organs and sends their images to the screen.

The examination is painless and lasts about 20 minutes. If the doctor suspects an organ pathology, he may ask you to empty the bladder, after which he will take repeated measurements of it - an ultrasound to determine residual urine.

Under these conditions:

  • when it is necessary to confirm a serious pathology,
  • or if external examination is difficult due to obesity, adhesions, tumor processes or free fluid in the abdominal cavity,

the sonologist can immediately conduct an internal examination, which differs between men and women.

Watch a video on how to prepare for the procedure.
How to do a bladder examination in women. Most often - externally. But sometimes you have to resort to transvaginal examination. In this case, a special sensor is used, which is inserted into the vagina in a special disposable condom. At the same time, you also need to fill your bladder. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system in men Most often it is also carried out through the abdominal wall. But if obesity is severe, there is ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity due to cirrhosis of the liver), or if there is a tumor that originates from the prostate, an internal examination must be performed.

In this situation, an ultrasound is performed in men in this way: a special thin ultrasound transducer is inserted into the rectum, which helps to obtain an image of the bladder and other structures. In this position, it turns out that between the sensor and the filled bladder there is only the wall of the rectum.

The examination causes slight discomfort. In addition, before the procedure, you must ensure that the rectum is emptied. This is achieved with the help of a microenema, a glycerin suppository or a herbal laxative (“Senade”, “Picolax”).

In some cases, both men and women need intracavitary ultrasound, when a thin sensor is inserted into the bladder through the urethra.

How to understand the research results

The interpretation of an ultrasound of the bladder should be carried out by the treating urologist based not only on a comparison of the numbers obtained as a result of your study with the norms. The symptoms that forced the person to seek medical help are also assessed.

Normal bladder according to ultrasound data

This is an organ that has an echo-negative structure. It has a round shape on transverse scans, ovoid on longitudinal scans. The organ is symmetrical, its contours are smooth and clear. There should be nothing inside the bubble. The thickness of the organ wall along its entire length should be about 0.3-0.5 cm. The maximum speed of urine flow is about 14.5 cm/s.

Read also:

How does the M-echo rate affect the fertility of your children?

In order to evaluate the neck of the bladder in more detail, look at the urethra, and more accurately monitor the flow of urine, an intravesical ultrasound can be performed.

To identify obstacles to the flow of urine, ultrasound is used to determine residual urine. To do this, after testing for a full bladder, the patient is asked to urinate.

After this, the procedure is repeated, assessing how much urine remains inside the organ. Normally it should be 50 ml or less. A larger number indicates an inflammatory process or compression of the bladder outlet by a tumor or stone.

Ultrasound signs of organ inflammation

Ultrasound for cystitis

Acute cystitis in its early stage has the following echo picture: small echogenic particles are detected in it in varying quantities. This is an accumulation of various cells (epithelium, leukocytes, erythrocytes) or salt crystals. This is described as “bladder sediment.” On an ultrasound scan in a lying position, it will be localized near the back wall of the bladder, but if a person is asked to stand up, then closer to the front wall.

Until the disease reaches an advanced stage, the thickening of the wall will not be noticeable, its contour will be smooth. As the pathology progresses, the wall becomes thicker and its contour becomes uneven.

Chronic cystitis looks like a thickening of the wall of the organ, while sediment will also be detected in the lumen (they also write “flakes in the bladder”). If blood clots have formed during inflammation, they will initially look like hyper- or hypoechoic formations, which can even be glued to the mucous membrane. When after three days the clot begins to liquefy, it is defined as a formation in which anechoic areas with uneven contours have appeared.

Other pathology on ultrasound

1. Thickening of the entire wall of this organ and its trabecularity in children may mean obstruction of the urethra by its valve.

2. A rather thick bladder wall in combination with ureterohydronephrosis may indicate a neurogenic bladder.

3. Echogenic formations in the bladder associated with its wall can be:

  • stones soldered to the mucosa
  • polyps
  • ureterocele
  • prostate hypertrophy.

4. Echogenic formations that have mobility in the bladder:

  • stones
  • foreign body
  • air: it enters the bladder or from a fistula, or during inflammation, or when placing a urinary catheter
  • blood clot.

5. An increase in the size of an organ may be due to:

  • prostate hyperplasia
  • stones or swelling in the urethra in men
  • neurogenic bladder
  • urethral injuries in women
  • valves or urethral diaphragm in newborns.

The price of this ultrasound ranges from 300 to 1200 rubles on average in our country.

Thus, ultrasound of the bladder is a very useful study that allows us to identify a wide range of pathologies of this organ and nearby structures. It requires preparation, but is generally simple, painless and safe.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Ultrasound examination of the bladder is a type of instrumental diagnostics of this organ, based on obtaining images of various tissues from ultrasonic waves.

Ultrasound of the bladder - the essence and principles of the diagnostic method

Ultrasonography Bladder, as the name of the method implies, is based on the possibility of obtaining an image of an organ on a monitor by passing ultrasonic waves through it. That is, a special sensor emits ultrasonic waves with a high vibration frequency that are not detected by the human ear. These waves pass through various tissues, are partially absorbed by them, partially reflected and refracted. The reflected ultrasonic waves return back and are picked up by the same sensor that emits them. Next, the captured reflected ultrasound waves are amplified by the device, automatically processed, and an image of the internal organs and tissues appears on the monitor of the ultrasound machine.

Depending on the properties of the biological structure, it absorbs more or less ultrasonic waves, causing different numbers of waves to be reflected back to the sensor. It is the unevenness of the absorbing and reflecting ability of tissues that allows you to create images of various objects on the monitor.

Transabdominal access for ultrasound of the bladder is the simplest, most convenient and safest, as a result of which the lion's share of organ studies is currently carried out in this way. Transvaginal and transrectal approaches provide more information about the bladder, but are used less frequently, only when it is necessary to obtain comprehensive and as detailed data as possible. Transrectal access is also often used in men when it is necessary to evaluate the condition of not only the bladder, but also the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and other genital organs. Transvaginal access for ultrasound of the bladder is used only for women, and transrectal is used mainly for men and young girls (virgins). Transrectal ultrasound of the bladder in adult women is rarely performed, preferring transvaginal access when necessary to obtain detailed data on the condition of the organ. Transurethral access for ultrasound examination of the bladder is rarely used, since it requires special expensive equipment and the need for pain relief. Let's look at how an ultrasound of the bladder is performed using transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal methods.

To perform an ultrasound using transabdominal access, the patient needs to lie on his back on a couch and expose the lower abdomen (the area from the pubis to the navel). The doctor will apply a special gel to the abdomen, which is necessary to improve the quality of the image obtained on the monitor. The gel is usually cold, so you may feel some discomfort in the first few seconds after applying it, but it will go away quickly. After this, the doctor will press the ultrasound machine probe firmly against the abdomen and move it over the surface of the skin with light pressure, obtaining images of the bladder on the screen from different angles. The procedure is completely painless and usually lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. After the ultrasound is completed, the doctor will remove the transducer from the abdomen, and the patient will need to clean the skin and get dressed.

In some cases, when an ultrasound of the bladder through transabdominal access is prescribed to determine the volume of residual urine, after the main study, the doctor asks the patient to urinate, after which he again places the sensor on the stomach, measures the necessary parameters and determines how many milliliters of urine remain in the organ after urination.

To perform an ultrasound of the bladder through transvaginal access, the woman is positioned on a couch lying on her back with her knees bent and her legs spread apart. It will be necessary to remove clothing from the lower half of the body, including underwear. Next, the doctor lubricates the sensor with a special gel, puts a condom or sterilized rubber cap on it and inserts the device into the vagina. By turning the sensor into the vagina at different angles, the doctor sees on the monitor an image of the bladder from different angles, which makes it possible to diagnose various pathologies. After the test is completed, the doctor removes the sensor from the vagina, and the woman can get dressed and leave.

To perform an ultrasound of the bladder via transrectal access, the patient should lie on the couch on his side, pull his legs bent at the knees towards his stomach, after removing clothes from the lower abdomen. The doctor lubricates the sensor with gel, puts a special sterile cap or condom on it and inserts the instrument into the rectum 5–6 cm. Then, by changing the position of the sensor, the doctor receives images of the bladder on the monitor from different angles. After completing the examination, the doctor removes the instrument from the rectum, after which the patient can get dressed and leave.

Ultrasound of the bladder in women and men

There are no fundamental differences in performing ultrasound of the bladder in men and women, but there are a number of features that should be mentioned. Thus, men are usually prescribed an ultrasound of the bladder to determine the volume of residual urine, which is due, firstly, to the need to diagnose the pathology of not only the bladder, but also the genital organs located next to it (prostate, seminal vesicles). And secondly, in men a simple ultrasound of the bladder is less informative than in women, therefore, for high-quality diagnosis it is necessary to determine a larger number of parameters, one of the most important of which is the volume of residual urine. If a man is suspected of having pathology only of the urinary system, then a transabdominal ultrasound is usually prescribed. But if a man is suspected of having a pathology not only of the urinary system, but also of the reproductive system, or if it is necessary to distinguish between diseases of the bladder and prostate/seminal vesicles, then a transrectal ultrasound is prescribed. Since men often have situations when the doctor needs to accurately determine whether the existing symptoms are due to pathology of the urinary or reproductive system, in practice, representatives of the stronger sex are usually prescribed transrectal ultrasound of the bladder.

Women are usually prescribed a transabdominal ultrasound of the bladder without determining the volume of residual urine, since this study is quite sufficient for diagnosis. If the doctor needs the most accurate data, then women are usually prescribed a transvaginal ultrasound of the bladder, which allows not only to increase the information content of the diagnosis of bladder diseases, but also to distinguish them from possible pathologies of the genital organs (adnexitis, salpingitis, etc.).

There are no other fundamental differences in ultrasound of the bladder in women and men.

What parameters are assessed by ultrasound of the bladder?

When performing an ultrasound, the following parameters must be assessed:
  • The location of the bladder relative to neighboring organs and tissues;
  • Condition of Lieto's triangle and bladder neck;
  • Bladder size (three dimensions are measured - width, length and depth);
  • Bladder shape (normally round, oval or slightly triangular, always symmetrical);
  • Contours of the bladder (smooth, uneven, scalloped, etc.);
  • Condition and thickness of the bladder wall;
  • Bladder capacity;
  • Release from the ureters and the rate of bladder filling with urine;
  • The presence of neoplasms in the bladder (if they are detected, their shape, size, and growth pattern are determined);
  • The presence of suspension (pus, blood, sand, etc.) and stones in the contents of the bladder;
  • Condition of the ureters.
The doctor must take two photographs of the bladder - a transverse one with the ureter and a longitudinal one. A comprehensive assessment of the above parameters, reflecting the condition of the bladder, allows the doctor to diagnose various pathologies of the organ.

Interpretation of ultrasound of the bladder

Normally, the bladder should have a round, oval or slightly triangular shape, with clear, even contours. The thickness of the bladder wall is normally 2–5 mm, and the inside of the organ should be hollow (echo-negative) without suspension, pinpoint inclusions (stones, blood clots), etc. The doctor also evaluates the release from the ureters into the bladder, which is normally visible on the monitor, and its speed is up to 14.5 cm/s. The rate of filling of the bladder with urine is normally 50 ml per hour, and the volume of the organ in women ranges from 250 to 550 ml, and in men from 350 to 750 ml.

A sign of pathology is a thickening of the bladder wall of more than 5 mm, which may indicate an inflammatory process, closure of the organ lumen with a stone or tumor.

If the contour of the bladder is scalloped, cysts or a bifurcated wall are visualized around it, then this indicates diverticula, ureterocele, etc.

If the volume of the bladder is larger than normal, then this may be a sign of narrowing, stone or injury to the urethra, enlarged prostate in men, cystocele, or neurogenic bladder. If the volume of the bladder is less than normal, this may indicate cystitis, schistosomiasis or a tumor.

Small multiple hyperechoic/hypoechoic formations in the bladder cavity may indicate cystitis or sand. If the hyperechoic/hypoechoic formations are larger, then this may be a sign of stones, cysts, polyps or bladder tumors. Polyps, cysts and tumors usually look like immobile hyperechoic inclusions in the cavity of the bladder, and stones and sand look like mobile ones.

If the doctor detects the backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters, this may indicate neoplasms, stones, sand, or abnormalities in the structure of the urinary organs.

The volume of residual urine is normally less than 50 ml, and if it is more, then this may be a sign of an inflammatory process, stones, tumors (and in men, also pathology of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles).

We have indicated the main ultrasound signs of normal and pathological bladder, on the basis of which we can only roughly orient ourselves regarding the general condition of the organ. But a full interpretation of ultrasound data can only be carried out by a doctor, taking into account the person’s clinical symptoms and data from other examinations (tests, palpation, etc.).

Bladder ultrasound price

Currently, the cost of ultrasound of the bladder via transabdominal access ranges from approximately 500 to 3500 rubles. The cost of the study is somewhat cheaper in public health institutions and more expensive in private centers. In addition, the cost of the study depends on whether it includes determination of residual urine volume. If such a parameter is included in the study, then it is approximately twice as expensive as a simple ultrasound of the bladder without determining the volume of residual urine.

Ultrasound of the bladder - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Ultrasound of the bladder is one of the main methods for the initial diagnosis of pathologies of the urinary system; the accuracy of further diagnosis depends on how this procedure is done.

Bladder ultrasound

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder has become so widespread due to its safety and lack of contraindications.

After all, many X-ray examinations are indicative only when contrast is introduced into the body. And this is often contraindicated in case of serious functional disorders of the kidneys.

Ultrasound of the bladder and other organs of the urinary system is done without the use of a radiocontrast agent.

Benefits of Ultrasound

In addition, for example, with cystitis in the acute stage, it is impossible to carry out any other manipulations, in particular cystoscopy.

Therefore, in this condition, ultrasound of the bladder is practically the only diagnostic tool.

In addition, an ultrasound examination can be performed regardless of the patient’s condition, in case of severe shock or injury.

An ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is done for the following symptoms:

  • complaints of lower back pain;
  • pain due to cystitis, which is localized in the suprapubic area;
  • change in urine color, cloudiness, presence of blood streaks, sediment;
  • increased or, conversely, less frequent urination;
  • predominance of nighttime diuresis over daytime, urinary incontinence;
  • a sharp increase in temperature without other symptoms;
  • swelling;
  • changes in clinical urine test parameters;
  • prostate diseases in men.

In women during pregnancy, the risk of infectious damage to the urinary system increases. Therefore, ultrasound of these parts is usually performed during each routine examination.

In addition to diagnostics, ultrasound is done to monitor the effectiveness of drug treatment and evaluate the results of the operation.

What is the ultrasound examination method based on?

To better prepare for an ultrasound of the bladder, it is worth understanding what the principle of this method is based on.

The study uses special equipment that generates ultrasonic waves. They penetrate the organs and tissues of the human body.

Ultrasound examination

The reflected wave is captured by the sensor and converted into a grayscale image, which is visible on a video monitor. The color of the internal parts of the body on it depends on the consistency of the medium through which the ultrasound passes.

Due to this, ultrasound shows cysts, tumors, and internal parts of the kidneys.

Preparing for the study

To avoid errors, you should prepare appropriately for the examination.

The inner wall of the bladder forms pronounced folds that can make diagnosis difficult. Therefore, an ultrasound examination is always done on a full bladder, which is when its inner lining expands.

Preparation for a bladder ultrasound consists of drinking 5 to 6 glasses of water, usually about an hour and a half before the procedure.

Drinking water

Sometimes the doctor does an ultrasound of the bladder in two stages. The first is done for a full bladder, then the patient is asked to urinate, and the examination continues to assess the condition of the organ after urination.

The state of the digestive system also plays a very important role. Accumulations of air in the intestines create noise in the image. Therefore, preparation for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder should begin 2–3 days before the procedure.

It is recommended to limit foods that lead to increased gas formation, such as legumes, fermented milk products, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fresh fruit, and baked goods. It is generally better not to do an ultrasound of the bladder on a full stomach.

If you have a tendency to bloating and flatulence, then you need to prepare for the study by taking certain medications that reduce these symptoms.

Some medications can affect the organs of the urinary system. Therefore, before doing an ultrasound, you must inform the doctor about taking any medications.

Carrying out the procedure

How a bladder ultrasound is performed depends on the suspected disease and symptoms.

Most often, ultrasound of the bladder is done transabdominally, that is, through the surface of the abdominal cavity.


To better glide the sensor over the surface of the body and to eliminate the air layer, a special gel is applied to the skin immediately before the examination.

In men, the main cause of various bladder problems is an enlarged prostate gland.

Therefore, for any disease, for example, cystitis, an ultrasound of the prostate gland is also done, which shows its condition. For this, a transrectal sensor is used.

Sometimes ultrasound of the bladder in women is also difficult. One example of such situations is extreme excess weight. In this case, an ultrasound examination is performed vaginally.

This method of examination, in addition to changes in the bladder due to cystitis, diverticula and other diseases, also determines the condition of the genital organs.

Decoding the results

One of the advantages of ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is that the results of the examination are interpreted immediately.

Interpretation of an ultrasound image includes measuring the size and volume of filling of the bladder, the thickness of its walls. The shape of the organ itself and the presence of various stones in its cavity are also assessed.

Changes in wall thickness may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the bladder - cystitis. Violation of the correct oval shape indicates a diverticulum or tumors; the presence of various inclusions indicates urolithiasis.

In some cases, the amount of residual urine after urination is assessed. Normally, its volume should not exceed 50 ml. Otherwise, a violation of the evacuation ability of the bladder can be assumed.

Thus, today ultrasound is the main safest diagnostic method, which allows us to identify various diseases in the early stages and begin timely treatment.

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