Plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum: how to care after. Plastic surgery of the short frenulum of the penis. Indications for surgery

Indications for surgery to correct the frenulum of the penis are:

This is a cosmetic operation whose goal is to normalize the sensitivity of the frenulum, increase the duration of sexual intercourse by eliminating external factors that irritate the nerve endings, and increase the length. Removal is carried out only in case of irreversible changes (necrosis, gangrene), as well as if phimosis or paraphimosis cannot be cured otherwise. With balanoposthitis, the chance of saving the frenulum is quite high.

Correction methods

According to the method of influencing soft tissues, there are 2 methods.

According to the method of implementation and intended purpose.

  1. Suturing– carried out with a minor rupture, if there are no irreversible changes in the soft tissues. The wound is cleaned and sutured. If the patient does not seek medical help in time - micro-excision, cleansing, suturing or suturing, depending on the degree of damage. V-Y technique. The method is used to lengthen the frenulum. The incision is made in the shape of the letter V - the wound is sutured in the shape of a Y. This technique allows you to lengthen the frenulum by 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Removal scars and other growths. Unlike the first method, the incision is longitudinal.
  3. Removal frenulum - performed simultaneously with circumcision. First, removal, then treatment of phimosis, paraphimosis, or elimination of necrotic or gangrenous manifestations.

The duration of the operation when using one method or another does not differ significantly - 10-15 minutes with laser or 15-30 minutes with traditional correction. Regardless of the method of execution, the procedure is performed under local or spinal anesthesia. General anesthesia applies:

  • At hypersensitivity or low pain threshold;
  • If there diseases or spinal cord injury;
  • When mental illness when the conscious presence and spying on the doctor’s manipulations can lead to an increase in the disease;
  • Optional patient, unless there are contraindications.

Main contraindications

The main contraindication is infectious diseases. Other contraindications.

  1. Diabetes, provided that normalization of sugar levels has not been carried out for more than a week. Then its normalization can lead to a sharp increase or decrease to values ​​far from normal. In the first case, there is a high risk of suppuration and the development of pathogenic microflora. In the second - a rapid drop in blood pressure.
  2. Inflammation in the genitourinary system, except for inflammatory diseases that are indications for the procedure, for example, balanoposthitis.
  3. Chronic diseases at the acute stage, especially rheumatoid manifestations. Exacerbations of these pathologies are accompanied by reactive inflammation and a decline in immunity. If you operate, it is possible that the progression of these diseases will accelerate, for example, premature ankylosis of a particular joint.
  4. Low coagulability blood.
  5. Immune and autoimmune diseases.
  6. Oncological diseases, except for the formation of a tumor on the frenulum.

Postoperative period

Average duration rehabilitation is: after traditional surgery about a month; laser – 2-3 weeks.

Smoking does not apply to contraindications during rehabilitation. But you should abstain from cigarettes for 24-38 hours or longer if there is pain when urinating or if the patient has high blood pressure or sudden surges - 48 hours or longer.

Sex don't exercise for a month. If there is discomfort or pain, stop and consult a doctor.

Preferably no contact with harmful chemicals for 5-6 months. Aromatherapy may cause swelling of the head, and cracks may appear on the frenulum.

From physical activity refuse for 3-6 months. During this period, do not lift more than 5 kg.

After a month after the operation, do not use condoms when having sex. For bathing during the recovery period, use condoms without lubricants that irritate the frenulum. It is better to buy them at the clinic where the operation was performed, preferably with a written referral from the attending physician.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of correction or removal is affected by;

The average cost of an operation in the Russian Federation alone is – traditional 10000 , laser 15000 rubles The premium includes the high qualifications of the doctor.

Anomaly in the development of the frenulum of the foreskin is a common cause of problems in the intimate life of men. And this is a threat to mental health. Everything can be easily corrected with a small operation. This is a plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum, which can be done in three ways. All of them eliminate the deficiency 100%.

Read in this article

Reasons for visiting a surgeon

A tiny fold of skin called the frenulum plays an important role. The protection of the head of the penis when it is at rest depends on its size and functions. The frenulum ensures its normal position during sexual arousal. It also gives freedom of movement to the foreskin without causing discomfort to its owner. If the bridle does not provide the listed functions, you should consult a doctor. The organ area may be short by nature or injured.

What exactly should prompt a man to undergo examination:

  • damage (cracks) to this area during sexual intercourse;
  • physical discomfort with erectile tension of the penis;
  • rupture of the frenulum, manifested by pain and bleeding;
  • distorted (inclined) position of the reproductive organ in an excited state.

Plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum is the only way to solve the problem. Abnormal development of the area can lead not only to psychological trauma, dislike of one’s own body, and avoidance of intimate relationships. It can interfere with normal sexual life and reproductive function. This includes pain during intercourse and difficulty in achieving orgasm.

Due to chronic trauma to the organ, inflammatory diseases often occur. Another danger that awaits a man with this feature is damage to the frenulum of the penis. And in this case, you shouldn’t expect it to heal on its own. Because a rough scar may form at the site of the rupture, further hindering the movement of the foreskin.

Options to fix the problem

Plastic surgery of the short frenulum of the foreskin can be performed in several ways:

  • Traditional. This is a proven method that uses a scalpel. The frenulum is dissected in the transverse direction. The skin is then sutured longitudinally. If a scar has formed as a result of the injury, it is excised. But this rarely happens. A more common operation is to simply correct the fold. And it lasts 15 - 30 minutes.
  • Radio waves. The operation is performed using special equipment. The radio knife cuts off the tissue that prevents stretching of the frenulum in several steps. No stitches are required here either. The aesthetic and functional effect remains high. But there is also a danger of tissue divergence, just like after a laser.
  • Using laser. This is a newer method that immediately caused admiration. After all, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin with a laser allows you to make the external effect more aesthetic in a short time. And most importantly, it is less likely to cause bleeding and does not require stitches, since the edges are sealed with radiation. Damage to living tissue is very small, discomfort is minimal, and rehabilitation is faster.

But laser surgery should only be performed by a very experienced surgeon. If the doctor makes a mistake, a new problem may arise - separation of the wound edges during erection. You will have to put stitches, possibly more than once. And this leads to an unaesthetic appearance of the penis and disruption of its functions due to the scar.

In each case, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin of the penis is done under local anesthesia (anesthetic injection into the area of ​​the head of the penis). Hair from the intimate area is removed before the intervention, and the skin is wiped with an antiseptic. The patient does not feel pain. And after some time, having received the doctor’s recommendations, he can go home.

To learn how laser frenuloplasty is performed, watch this video:

Recovery after

After plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum, there is a rehabilitation period, during which clear rules should be followed:

  • if it was a traditional operation, take care of the sutures and avoid getting water on them;
  • after laser or radio wave intervention, treat the wound with antibacterial agents;
  • the next day, go to the doctor for an examination, and a week later - to remove the sutures (if they are non-absorbable);
  • touch the penis only to urinate, do not touch it at other times;
  • until complete healing, exclude all possibilities that could lead to an erection, otherwise pain will occur;
  • do not have sex until complete healing (from 2 weeks to a month);
  • In the first days, if there is pain in the operated area, you can take pills that relieve the sensation.

If these conditions are not met, plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum will cause complications.

Swelling of the foreskin

may cause the following:

  • bleeding requiring additional measures to coagulate blood vessels;
  • swelling of the penis;
  • development of an infectious process in the wound;
  • formation of adhesions in the suture area;
  • unaestheticness of the operated area of ​​the reproductive organ.

So that the operation is successful, and the result that arises after it does not lead to
the need for a new intervention, the patient needs:

  • choose a good clinic, having learned in advance about the results of treating the problem in other patients;
  • make sure of your own health by taking tests before plastic surgery (especially important for blood clotting);
  • stop smoking 2 weeks before surgery, as well as drink alcohol and take blood thinning medications;
  • ensure yourself peace, no need to go to work for the next few days after the intervention;
  • get home from the clinic not alone, but with an accompanying person, do not drive that day;
  • During the rehabilitation period, do not go to the pool or sauna, do not take a bath, but wash in the shower with warm water.

Methods such as laser frenuloplasty or radio wave surgery will eliminate the problem almost instantly. Therefore, if it is present, you should not wait for complications. The operation will return to normal not only the anatomical features of the organ, but also sex life and increase self-esteem.

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The quality of intimate relationships and a man’s reproductive function directly depends on the frenulum of the foreskin.

The anatomical protective part of the penis, which forms the protection of the organ, is a fold of skin that passes from the head of the penis to the foreskin.

However, during intimacy, the short frenulum is often ruptured, which causes bleeding and pain.


The bridle is a rather vulnerable place that successfully copes with the functions of a regulator, responsible for exposing the head during arousal. It establishes the correct ratio of its bends and prevents the foreskin from moving below normal.

A short preputial frenulum is a congenital anatomical defect that entails discomfort and complications.

This extremely delicate part may suddenly stop functioning. A large number of nerve endings, lymphatic and circulatory structures endow the mechanism with increased sensitivity.

There are many times more terminal nerve formations in the frenulum than in the head itself. During sexual intercourse, she is constantly in a tense position, which speeds up the erection and climax of sex.

A small fold of skin is responsible for the healthy functioning of the penis. Abnormalities often lead to premature ejaculation, and subsequently to sexual impotence.

Afraid of experiencing a second breakup, a man holds back during sex, making the process of achieving orgasm longer physically and emotionally.

As a result, a man fails to achieve an increase in the volume of the penis, its hardening and straightening - impotence occurs.

Most men mistakenly believe that circumcision can eliminate the problem. But why resort to such radical measures? Today, gentle plastic surgery can eliminate a frenulum defect.


Experts in the field of urology recommend plastic surgery of the short frenulum if the pathology is congenital or acquired.

In this case, the man experiences the following sensations:

  • difficulties and pain during intimate relations;
  • violation of the anatomical continuity of the frenulum (tear, rupture) with subsequent bleeding;
  • painful sensations when exposing the head;
  • a feeling of tension in the skin fold area;
  • significant lowering of the head during excitement.

In rare situations, after the tissues of the frenulum are torn, their natural regeneration occurs with restoration of sufficient length.

Typically, the tissue in the area of ​​the tear becomes scarred, which further shortens the preputial frenulum and increases the risk of re-injury during subsequent sexual intercourse.


Contraindications for plastic surgery on a short frenulum include:

  • development of an acute pathological process in the organs of the genitourinary apparatus;
  • the presence of benign or malignant formations in various organs and systems of the body;
  • dysfunction of the immune system, including HIV infection and AIDS;
  • diseases caused by infections of various etiologies;
  • acute hepatitis and other acute liver diseases;
  • venereological pathologies.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the patient must come for a consultation with the surgeon and jointly discuss the method of surgical intervention.

The doctor plans the date for the plastic surgery and writes the patient a referral to prepare for the intervention. The patient must undergo a set of necessary examinations.

These measures are necessary to identify possible contraindications to plastic surgery, assess general health, which will minimize the risk of postoperative complications and the harmful effects of anesthesia.

In the hospital, doctors prescribe the following tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • hemostasiogram;
  • blood type, Rh factor;
  • tests for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV;
  • determination of the concentration of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in the blood in men over 55 years of age.

Functional diagnostics:

  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • examination of blood vessels using duplex ultrasound scanning;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, scrotum and abdominal cavity (if necessary).

In addition to standard studies, the patient must follow some medical recommendations:

  1. Hair in the work area must be shaved. This is done in the evening on the eve of plastic surgery. You need to try to do this carefully so as not to damage the skin and avoid irritation.

    If there are any difficulties in following this recommendation, the clinic’s medical staff will provide assistance.

  2. If the preparatory examination reveals an inflammatory process in the body or an exacerbation of an old illness, the patient is prescribed treatment that will eliminate the signs of the disease in a short time.
  3. Two days before plastic surgery, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, which will reduce the risk of postoperative wound inflammation.
  4. When planning a surgical intervention under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, the patient is prohibited from eating 12 hours before the operation. On the morning of the plastic surgery, you should not smoke or drink. The evening before, the patient is given a cleansing enema, which is repeated in the morning.
  5. If the patient is taking antithrombotic drugs, they should be stopped 5 days before surgery. During the preparatory period, they can be replaced with low molecular weight heparins.
  6. Plastic surgery of a short frenulum requires mandatory treatment of the penis with an antiseptic.

Remember, frenuloplasty is a simple and low-traumatic operation that is performed in a matter of minutes. In many clinics, it is performed using radio waves, which makes the intervention completely bloodless.

A short frenulum causes a lot of trouble and causes a number of complexes in intimate life, therefore It’s better to decide on surgery right away and not put off solving the problem for the future.

Think about it: in just 20 minutes you will have the opportunity to get rid of the problem, pain, strong negative emotions that have tormented you for many years.

Carrying out

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In science, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis is called frenulotomy. The essence of the operation is to cut the frenulum.

It is allowed to be carried out only if the elastic longitudinal skin fold has not been injured. If there is a scar, the andrologist performs frenuloplasty.

The intervention is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. The man has the opportunity to control the progress of the operation without discomfort.

The specialist makes a transverse incision on the bridle, which is immediately stitched along the longitudinal line. 3-4 stitches are applied.

If pronounced scars have formed on the penis, formed as a result of a tear or rupture, the specialist dissects the scar tissue and stitches it in the longitudinal direction, using the thinnest suture material.

Within 7 days after plastic surgery, the patient experiences discomfort. But in the future, the foreskin will not stretch, causing pain, and after the complete healing stage, a small thin mark will remain, which will visually continue the anatomical suture between the sac-like formation and the lower surface of the penis.

After the intervention, the foreskin can be easily pulled back and expose the head of the penis, while pain and discomfort are completely absent. The tension of the skin fold ceases to bother the man, for this reason the penis does not fall down.

The frenulum correction procedure does not require cutting the prepuce. However, if a man wishes, circumcision (circumcision) is performed in combination with surgery.

In some cases, circumcision is necessary if the formation of a short skin fold is accompanied by the inability to expose the head of the male genital organ (narrowing of the foreskin).

The video provides additional information about the operation.

Possible complications

Surgery on the frenulum of the penis is not complicated, so complications rarely occur.

Improper postoperative care can lead to bleeding in the working area, as well as pain and discomfort. If microbes enter the wound area, local infection may occur.

These manifestations can be avoided by strictly following the doctor’s instructions and personal hygiene rules. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to reduce physical activity.

According to statistics, the following complications are possible after penile plastic surgery:

  • tissue infection and inflammatory processes;
  • severe pain requiring painkillers;
  • repeated clinical manifestations of adhesions;
  • significant swelling of the penis;
  • poor aesthetic result;
  • bleeding, after which repeated surgery is required.

Treatment of complications is carried out on an outpatient basis. If the patient is dissatisfied with the result of plastic surgery, which did not eliminate functional and cosmetic defects, Doctors recommend circumcision.


The day after the operation, the man must visit the doctor for a follow-up examination.

  • exclude physical activity for 14 days;
  • abstain from sexual relations for 2 weeks;
  • after 7 days, visit the clinic to remove stitches;
  • refrain from masturbation until the penis is completely restored;
  • regularly treat the wound area with products prescribed by a specialist;
  • do not remove the protective bandage from the penis for 12 hours after the intervention;
  • care for the organ using baby soap and boiled water at room temperature.

It is advisable to stay in bed for the first days after surgery. This will reduce discomfort in the groin and increased sensitivity and soreness.

On the first day, a state of inattention, forgetfulness and lack of coordination is possible, but these manifestations are considered the norm.

Any surgical intervention is accompanied by tissue injuries, so the skin in the operated area may turn blue. Bruises go away on their own within 8-9 days of the recovery period.

After 7 days, the wound area ceases to bother the patient, and the specialist allows minor physical activity. After 14 days, a man can return to his usual work routine, and after 20 days - to active sexual intercourse.

Alternative - laser technique

Previously, frenulum defects were eliminated using the classical surgical method. Today, the medical field actively uses lasers for genital plastic surgery.

Laser technologies make it possible to minimize bleeding during surgery and eliminate the use of suture material. The essence of the method is to solder the edge lines together.

Many people believe that laser and radio wave instruments reduce the risk of unwanted consequences. However, this is not the case.

In practice, the use of lasers has revealed serious shortcomings. The natural physiological characteristics of the male sexual organ do not allow it to have a constant size. This is why the seamless technique is not always effective..

A minimal erection of a large penis can lead to divergence of the laser-fused edges of the wound area, which necessitates additional stitching.

To completely restore the frenulum, several stages of fixation will be required. As a result, a pronounced scar forms on the penis, which makes intimate relations problematic and becomes the culprit of premature ejaculation.

Remember, eliminating frenulum defects using a laser or radio waves greatly increases the risk of injury to the urethra and other genital organs.

Learn about the benefits of laser plastic surgery from the video.


The cost of the operation includes consultation with a specialist, necessary studies, anesthesia, removal of suture material and dressing procedures.

Let's consider the average cost of plastic surgery of a short frenulum of the genital organ in popular clinics in the capital:

  • B-clinic - 6,000 rubles;
  • Part - up to 8,000 rubles;
  • Golden ratio - 7,200 rubles;
  • Maka-Med - 8,800 rubles;
  • Doctor Plastic - 7,500 rubles.

Laser dissection of the frenulum varies between 8,000-12,000 rubles.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis- surgical treatment of congenital malformation of this organ. In medicine, the frenulum of the penis is the fold of skin that attaches the foreskin to the head of the penis. This structure, despite its small size, has a good blood supply and innervation. The fact that something is wrong with her is discovered only under certain circumstances.

Sometimes this happens in childhood, for example, during a religious circumcision ceremony, or when it becomes necessary to remove the foreskin due to phimosis (narrowing of this skin fold). Underdevelopment of the frenulum makes it difficult to carry out circumcision (excision of the foreskin), but its preliminary dissection completely eliminates the problem of phimosis, after which the procedure is not required. However, most often the anomaly appears only during puberty, when the first erection occurs and the frenulum is too short and does not allow the penis to fully straighten.

Main indications

A short frenulum complicates a man’s sex life:

  • prevents full straightening of the penis at the time of erection and disrupts the configuration of the erect penis (dropping of the head is observed), which makes it difficult to insert it into the vagina and perform sexual intercourse;
  • causes pain during sexual intercourse;
  • may rupture and cause severe bleeding (sometimes emergency assistance is required);
  • healing of its rupture without medical attention often leads to the formation of a rough scar and nerve damage, as well as the occurrence of premature ejaculation, which reduces the quality of intimate life and causes psychological problems and depression.

How to prepare for the procedure

If you have this problem, you should contact a urologist.

The doctor makes a diagnosis at the appointment after examining the patient. The doctor can also determine what kind of intervention is required by taking a photograph of the erect penis. He prescribes a standard test before surgery (blood and urine tests, coagulogram) and the date of surgery. No preliminary preparation other than hygiene procedures is required.

Features of the procedure

This is a one-day surgery and is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The urologist-surgeon performs a simple operation - frenulotomy - transverse dissection of the frenulum followed by longitudinal suturing, which lasts 20-30 minutes. If necessary, the old scar is excised.

If the urologist also discovers secondary phimosis, which is often caused by an abnormal frenulum (because of this, the flesh does not stretch during erections during puberty), then he removes this structure as well. This is done in order not to worsen phimosis, which often happens even after frenulotomy.

Sometimes the urologist performs a more complex, Z-shaped frenuloplasty. Cosmetic stitches are removed on the 8-10th day after surgery. Until this point, it is recommended to completely avoid sexual contact.

As a result of simple surgical procedures, the problem of deformation, incomplete erection and pain during sexual intercourse is eliminated.

After complete healing, the operated frenulum is a barely noticeable suture and looks like a continuation of the natural suture running along the lower surface of the penis and scrotum. Already 2 weeks after the operation, the patient resumes sexual activity, which now becomes full.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is a corrective operation to trim the frenulum, which is performed on a patient who has appropriate indications for surgical intervention with a referral from an orthodontist, periodontist or speech therapist.

A little anatomy

The frenulum of the upper lip is an elastic cord of the oral mucosa that connects the upper lip to the bones of the jaw and allows a person to move his lips freely and open and close his mouth without difficulty.

Normally, the frenulum is attached at a distance of 5-8 mm from the necks of the frontal incisors. If it is attached below or even extends beyond the frontal incisors and the attachment point is not visible, then they speak of a short frenulum of the upper lip.

In such patients, it begins in the middle of the upper lip, and is attached somewhere 4-6 mm above the gums, in the area of ​​​​the gap () between the frontal incisors. Pathology of the frenulum can be detected during external examination.

Why do they trim the frenulum of the upper lip? The thing is that its abnormal location can cause a number of complications.

Why is plastic surgery performed?

Trimming the frenulum is necessary to avoid the following consequences:

Indications for surgery

Indications for correction are:

When is the best time to have plastic surgery?

Despite the fact that this procedure is considered easy and usually does not cause any complications for newborns, it is rarely done only when there are problems with natural feeding.

It is better to carry out the correction when the child turns 5 years old and the front teeth have erupted by 1/3. If plastic surgery is performed at this time, a diastema will not form, and the front incisors will grow correctly.

Some doctors recommend surgery at 7-8 years old, when the 4 upper incisors have already come out. According to indications, correction is carried out for adolescents and adults.

Existing restrictions

Contraindications to plastic surgery are:

Preparing for the intervention

Before the operation, you need to sanitize the oral cavity, since infectious foci can cause a number of complications.

Some doctors require tests and X-ray fluorography, but there is no particular need for this, since the operation is low-traumatic.

Before plastic surgery, the child needs to be fed, since the intervention is more difficult to tolerate on an empty stomach and can worsen blood clotting in an hungry person.

Types of operation

There are several methods of performing plastic surgery; the choice of a particular method depends on the anatomy and fixation of the frenulum of the upper lip:

  1. If it is very narrow in the form of a transparent film and is not attached to the edge of the alveolar process, frenotomy, or dissection of the frenulum. They cut it across and apply a suture along it.
  2. With a wide frenulum, they resort to frenectomy, or its excision. It is cut along the tense ridge, and at the same time the interdental papillae and tissues localized in the bone space between the roots of the spread frontal incisors are excised.

During frenuloplasty, the attachment point of the frenulum is moved.

The procedure is carried out in two ways:

For anesthesia, Ultracain D-S forte is used, the wounds are sutured with absorbable suture materials. The entire procedure lasts a maximum of 15 minutes.

Laser plastic surgery

Laser removal of the upper lip frenulum is becoming increasingly popular. The operation site is treated with an anesthetic gel, then a laser light guide is directed to the frenulum, forming a beam of light that “dissolves” the frenulum. At the same time, the laser disinfects and seals the edges of the wound.

Advantages of laser plastic surgery:

  • absence of vibrations and various sounds that can frighten a child;
  • bloodlessness;
  • no need for stitches;
  • there is no risk of infection;
  • absence of pain and postoperative scars;
  • reducing the duration of plastic surgery;
  • fast rehabilitation.

The cost of the procedure varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Familiar firsthand

My son had problems with diction. The speech therapist said that this was due to a short frenulum of the upper lip and advised it to be corrected.

After the operation, the child began to pronounce sounds more clearly. During the procedure itself I did not feel any pain, and after the operation there was no stitch left.

Valentina Semyonovna, 36

Possible complications

In most cases, there are no complications after surgery. However, if correction is carried out too early in the stage of milk teeth, permanent teeth will begin to grow crookedly, the upper jaw may form small and narrow, which will cause progeny.

When the lower jaw is pushed forward, and the upper is poorly developed, and when the jaws are closed, the lower dentition overlaps the upper, which will lead to problems with diction.

However, in each case, the doctor must decide individually at what age to perform surgery.

Rehabilitation period

Usually the recovery period passes without complications.

Sometimes, after the anesthesia wears off, mild pain may appear.

To make rehabilitation go faster, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Every day practice good oral hygiene. Do not eat anything solid or hot for two days.
  2. Visit a doctor on day 2-3 for postoperative examination.
  3. A week later It is advisable to start doing myogymnastics, which will strengthen the facial and chewing muscles. It will take some time to get used to the fact that your lips will move more freely. Your diction will improve almost immediately. If a gap has already formed between the teeth, then longer treatment will be needed.

The rehabilitation period lasts a maximum of 5 days, during which all discomfort passes and the wounds heal.

Timely plastic surgery will help prevent the development of a number of dental problems. The procedure itself is painless and usually does not cause complications, so you should not be afraid of it.

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