Types of psychological influence. Psychological Influence - Essay The True Purposes of Influence



Perm Institute (branch) RGTEU

Department of "Management and Law"


In the discipline "Psychology of Management"

Option number 19, record book number

Work completed:

student gr. KZ - 23

Faculty of Commerce

Potapova T.S.

Work checked:

cand. tech.sci., associate professor

Maskov Sergey Viktorovich

Grade…………… ……

The date…………………….



    The concept of psychological influence…………………………………………5

    Psychological means of influence ……………………………………...6

    Types of psychological influence…………………………………………....7




The problem of individual psychological influence is especially relevant now, when people's relations, even in a business setting, are no longer so formally regulated. Each person becomes the target of the influence of many other people who previously did not have the opportunity to influence anyone due to their lack of appropriate status and authority. On the other hand, the possibilities have expanded not only of influence, but also of opposition to other people's influence, so the success of influence has become much more dependent on the individual psychological capabilities of those who influence and those who are influenced.

At the same time, the psychological "literacy" of building influence and its effectiveness are by no means always on the same pole. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that the very criteria for the effectiveness of influence are controversial. For example, very often the concept of momentary effectiveness of influence does not coincide with the concept of its psychological constructiveness, that is, its effectiveness in the long term. Secondly, psychological literacy only means that psychological rules are followed. However, a well-written text is not yet a work of art, in order for the influence to produce the desired effect, it must be simply literate, but skillful, virtuoso, artistic.

Influence can also occur when it is not specifically exerted, and it acts as an unconscious and subjectively uncontrollable phenomenon. The very presence of a certain person often leads to the fact that other people begin to act on his charm, his ability to unconsciously infect others with his condition or encourage them to imitate.

2. The concept of psychological influence

Psychological influence is the impact on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people with the help of exclusively psychological means: verbal, paralinguistic or non-verbal. References to the possibility of applying social sanctions or physical means of influence should also be considered psychological means, at least until these threats are activated. The threat of dismissal or beatings are psychological means, the fact of dismissal or beatings is no longer there, these are already social and physical influences. They undoubtedly have a psychological effect, but they are not psychological means themselves.

A characteristic of psychological influence is that the partner who is influenced has the opportunity to respond to it with psychological means. In other words, he is given the right to answer and the time for this answer.

In real life, it is difficult to estimate how likely it is that a threat can be activated, and how quickly this can happen. Therefore, many types of people's influence on each other are mixed, combining psychological, social, and sometimes physical means. However, such methods of influence and opposition to them should be considered already in the context of social confrontation, social struggle or physical self-defense.

Psychological influence is the prerogative of more civilized human relations. Here the interaction takes on the character of psychological contact between two spiritual worlds. All external means are too coarse for his thin fabric.

So, psychological influence is an impact on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means, with the provision of the right and time to respond to this impact.

Opposition to other people's influence is resistance to the influence of another person with the help of psychological means.

The initiator of influence is the one of the partners who first attempts to influence in any of the known (or unknown) ways.

The addressee of influence is the one of the partners to whom the first attempt to influence is addressed. In further interaction, the initiative can pass from one partner to another in an attempt to influence each other, but every time the one who first started a series of interactions will be called the initiator, and the one who first experienced his influence will be called the addressee.

Open psychological interaction is a mutual influence, the goals of which are announced in advance or are not hidden.

Hidden psychological interaction is mutual influence, the goals of which are not announced or disguised as the goals of open interaction.

3. Psychological means of influence

Psychological aids = verbal cues + paralinguistic cues + non-verbal cues.

Verbal signals are words, and above all their meaning, but also the nature of the words used, the choice of expressions, the correctness of speech, or different types her wrongness.

Paralinguistic signals are features of pronunciation of speech, individual words and sounds.

Non-verbal signals - the relative position of the interlocutors in space, postures, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance, touch, smells.

References to the possibility of applying social sanctions or physical means of influence should be considered psychological means, but only as long as these threats are not activated. For example, the threat of dismissal or beatings is a psychological means, dismissal or beatings are social and physical means of influence. They undoubtedly produce a psychological effect, but they are not psychological means themselves.

Psychological influence and opposition to influence must be carried out with the help of exclusively psychological means, otherwise they cease to be psychological.

4. Types of psychological influence

1. Persuasion Consciously reasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the aim of changing their judgment, attitude, intention or decision

2. Self-promotion Announcing your goals and presenting evidence of your competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, when appointed to a position, etc.

3. Suggestion A conscious, unreasoned impact on a person or a group of people, with the goal of changing their state, attitude to something and predisposition to certain actions.

4. Contagion The transfer of one's state or attitude to another person or group of people who somehow (until explained) adopt this state or attitude. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and arbitrarily, assimilated - also involuntarily or arbitrarily

5. Awakening the impulse to imitate The ability to cause the desire to be like oneself. This ability can be both involuntary manifested and arbitrarily used. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can also be both arbitrary and involuntary

6. Formation of favor Attracting the involuntary attention of the addressee to oneself by the initiator showing his own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or rendering him a service

7. Request Appeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the impact

8. Coercion The threat that the initiator will use its control capabilities in order to get the desired behavior from the addressee. Controlling capabilities are the powers to deprive the addressee of any benefits or to change the conditions of his life and work. In the most brutal forms of coercion, threats of physical violence may be used. Subjectively, coercion is experienced as pressure: by the initiator - as their own pressure, by the addressee - as pressure on him from the initiator or "circumstances"

9. Destructive criticism Expressing disparaging or offensive judgments about a person's personality and / or rude aggressive condemnation, defamation or ridicule of his deeds and actions. The destructiveness of such criticism lies in the fact that it does not allow a person to "save face", diverts his strength to fight the negative emotions that have arisen, and takes away his faith in himself.

10. Manipulation Hidden motivation of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and / or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals.

The above classification meets not so much the requirements of logical correspondence as the phenomenology of the experience of influence by both parties. The experience of destructive criticism is qualitatively different from the experience that arises in the process of persuasion. Any person can easily remember this difference in quality. The subject of destructive criticism is the recipient of the impact, the subject of persuasion is something more abstract, detached from him, and therefore not so painfully perceived. Even if a person is convinced that he made a mistake, the subject of discussion is this mistake, and not the person who made it. The distinction between persuasion and destructive criticism is thus at the point of discussion.

On the other hand, in form, destructive criticism is often indistinguishable from formulas of suggestion: "You are an irresponsible person. Everything you touch turns into nothing." However, the initiator of the impact has as his conscious goal the "improvement" of the behavior of the addressee of the impact (and the unconscious one - liberation from annoyance and anger, a manifestation of strength or revenge). He by no means has in mind the consolidation and strengthening of those models of behavior that describe the formulas he uses. Characteristically, the reinforcement of negative patterns of behavior is one of the most destructive and paradoxical effects of destructive criticism.


By convincing another person of something or inspiring him with an idea, what are we really trying to achieve? For example, what do we achieve by convincing the director of a firm that candidate A should be hired, not candidate B? What are we really striving for when we inspire a child that he should be independent? What purpose do we pursue when we encourage students or subordinates to take an example from us or copy our behavior? The traditional answer to these questions is expressed by two well-known everyday formulas: "this is done for the benefit of the cause" and "this is done for the benefit of these people." But is it? Is the purpose of our influence really for the good of the cause or for other people?

The explanation seems to be that the craving for absolute truth in real life much less inherent in us than the inescapable desire to establish ourselves in the fact of our own existence and in the significance of this existence. The ability to act on others is a sure sign that you exist and that this existence matters. By persuading, suggesting, causing the desire to imitate ourselves, we help ourselves to be convinced that we exist and this existence matters. Obviously, from this point of view, any such influence is selfish, and - for this reason alone - unrighteous. It is dictated by considerations of one's own benefit, and not, "good for the cause", "benefit for others" or, in general, "the highest good".

So, the true purpose of "disinterested" influence is to confirm the significance of one's own existence. However, there are unintended influences that, at first glance, refute this assertion. It is typical for some people, for example, to influence others by the mere fact of their presence. Their word is weighty, no matter what they say, their look humbles or inspires, their laughter, enthusiasm is contagious, their behavior involuntarily wants to be imitated, and their goals to call their own. Such is the action of a charismatic or charming personality. The Oxford Dictionary defines charisma as a psychological attraction, the ability to make people committed to their goals and enthusiastic in achieving them. In the Explanatory Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, charm is defined as charm, an attractive force. The "mechanism" of this ability to attract people to itself is still unknown and is waiting for its researchers.

psychological influence - influence on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people, bypassing consciousness, logic and reason: through suggestion and infection, through appeal to feelings and experiences, to the unconscious and habits, to live impressions and muddy fears.

Types of psychological influence

Argumentation - Statement and discussion of arguments in favor of a certain decision or position in order to form or change the interlocutor's attitude to this decision or position. Self-promotion - Announcement of one's goals and presentation of evidence of one's competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in elections, when appointed to a position, etc.

Manipulation - The hidden motivation of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and / or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals. Suggestion - Conscious unreasoned impact on a person/group, which aims to change their state, attitude to something and create a predisposition to certain actions. Infection - The transfer of one's state or attitude to another person or group of people is somehow. The state can be transmitted both involuntarily and arbitrarily, assimilated - also involuntarily or arbitrarily. Awakening the impulse to imitate - The ability to arouse the desire to be like oneself. It can manifest itself both involuntarily and arbitrarily used. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can also be arbitrary and involuntary. Favor Formation- Attracting the involuntary attention of the addressee to oneself by the initiator showing his own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or rendering him a service. Request - Appeal to the addressee with an appeal to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the impact. Ignoring - Deliberate inattention, absent-mindedness in relation to the partner, his statements and actions. It is perceived as a sign of neglect and disrespect, but in some cases it acts as a tactful form of forgiveness for tactlessness or awkwardness made by a partner. Coercion - a person to perform certain actions with the help of threats and deprivation. Attack- Sudden attack on someone else's psyche, committed with or without conscious intent, and is a form of discharge of emotional stress.

(2nd source:)Psych. influence can be operational and strategic, domestic and professional, analytical and constructive, at different levels - the communicative level, the level of relations, the level of activity and life. See →

12. Methods and techniques psycho. Impacts: (methods)

The term "method" (from the Greek methodos - research) means the path of research or knowledge, the way of practical implementation of something.

1.1 Persuasion- influence on the consciousness, will of people by means of communication, explanation and proof of the importance of a particular position, view, act or their inadmissibility in order to force the listener to change existing views, attitudes, positions, attitudes and assessments. Based on the activation of human mental activity, appeal to the rational side of consciousness. 1.2 Suggestion: purposeful verbal influence is carried out, causing uncritical perception or assimilation of any information. 1. direct suggestion . Suggestion is achieved by direct verbal influence in an emotionally rich, imperative tone. Phrases are sharp, easy to remember. The most important phrases are repeated several times. Speech is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, intonation and rhythm. 2. indirect suggestion . With indirect suggestion, they always resort to the help of an additional stimulus. It is possible without words: appearance, authority, environment and objects, behavior. Compulsion has two modifications: physical and moral-psychological coercion. The first is related to the use of physical or military force and will not be considered by us. The second modification is manifested, for example, in managerial or educational practice. The method of coercion essentially coincides with the method of persuasion. In both persuasion and coercion, the subject substantiates his point of view with the help of evidence. The main feature of the method of coercion, in comparison with persuasion, is that the basic assumptions with which this thesis is substantiated potentially contain negative sanctions for the object. promotion- outwardly active stimulation, stimulating a person to positive, initiative, creative activity. Punishment is a way of conflict inhibition, suspension of deliberately committed by people harmful, immoral, contrary to the interests of the team and the individual activity

Methods of psychological influence:

Hint. Based on the use of the mechanism of indirect suggestion. It consists in the fact that, wanting to slow down the development of an undesirable quality, he does not directly indicate the required behavior, does not criticize, but goes in a roundabout way.

Imaginary ban. Wanting to draw the attention of employees to something ordinary, the manager can deliberately dramatize the situation, emphasize the difficulty and riskiness of achieving the goal, limited opportunities to satisfy requests, etc.

Retreat. It is used most often in conflict situations to defuse the situation and prevent the conflict from reaching its climax.

Resource amplification demonstration. The essence of the reception is that the subject informs the object that he has the opportunity to increase his own resources to such an extent that they will greatly exceed the resources of the object.

Disguise of responsibility. The essence is in the transfer of responsibility for the results of work to another, This stimulates activity, educates

independence, relieves excessive anxiety. More (Information, Argumentation, Proof by facts., Illustration, Dispute, Discussion, Analogy, Activation of attention)

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge.
F. Bacon
Definition of the concept of "psychological influence"
By influence we mean psychological influence. Let's start with the most successful, in our opinion, definitions of this concept.
“Influence (in psychology) is the process and result of an individual changing the behavior of another person, his attitudes, intentions, ideas, assessments, etc. while interacting with him.
Influence in the process1 of psychological influence is the result of the activity of the subject of influence, leading to a change in any features of the personality of the object, its consciousness, subconsciousness and behavior.
It is interesting to compare the concepts of "influence" and "power". Power is based on the existing system of needs, attitudes, attitudes, stereotypes, statuses, etc. The influence is manifested through their change.
Psychological influence is the process and result of effective (successful) psychological influence, so it is natural to turn to the definition of the latter.
“The impact is psychological, when it has an external origin in relation to the addressee (recipient) and, being reflected by him, leads to a change in the psychological regulators of a specific human activity. In this case, we can talk about both externally oriented and internally oriented activity. The result of this may be a change in the degree of severity, direction, significance for the subject of various manifestations of activity. Psychological influence can be considered both as a process leading to a change in the psychological basis of a particular activity, and as a result (of the change itself) ” .
G.A. Kovalev combines the concepts of " psychological impact' and 'influence'. Under the psychological impact (influence), he understands "the process carried out
which regulates (self-regulates) the activity of interacting equally ordered systems of a certain psychological content, the result of which is the maintenance of the functional state of these systems or a change in the state of at least one of them.
The concept of psychological "space-time" or the concept of "chronotope" acts as an operational unit of psychological analysis of the category of impact (influence).
From general definition of the psyche and its spatio-temporal organization, it can be concluded that, in its essence, the psychological impact is the “penetration” of one person or group of persons into the psyche of another person (or group of persons). The goal and result of such "penetration" is the change, restructuring of individual or group mental phenomena (views, relationships, motives, attitudes, states, etc.).
Psychological influence is the impact on the state, thoughts, feelings and actions of another person with the help of exclusively psychological means, with the provision of the right and time to respond to this impact.
Cause, however, doubt the words "granting the right and time to respond to the impact." With some types of influence (for example, when manipulating and attacking), they try not to provide this right.
Therefore, we tend to accept further work only the part we highlighted in bold italics this definition influence.
All the above definitions, mutually complementing each other, reveal different aspects of the concept of "psychological influence".
In the following, for brevity, we will use the term "influence", meaning "psychological influence".

Psychological influence is a complex concept, therefore we will formulate it gradually, step by step, with explanations, through comparison with concepts close to it.

Psychological impact - the impact on the mental state, feelings and thoughts of other people, and not the impact directly on the human body or the objective situation surrounding it.

If a person was pushed out, the impact was physical. Lured out - psychological. See →

However, not any impact on the mental state, feelings and thoughts of other people is a psychological impact. Psychological influence is only one of the channels of influence on the inner in a person, along with a spiritual and rational channel.

The sign on the road tells the driver how to drive: this is a rational effect, addressed to the driver's mind, and not to his feelings, not to his psychology.

In addition, the mental state can be influenced and, by influencing the state of his body, the situation surrounding him, significant people Around him.

When there is no money, nothing to eat, when it is difficult and dangerous to go further, the desire to go further usually disappears due to social and physiological circumstances, and not psychological reasons.

In total, psychological influence is an influence on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people, bypassing consciousness, logic and reason: through suggestion and infection, through appeal to feelings and experiences, to the unconscious and habits, to live impressions and muddy fears .

To give a person to speak out - he already felt better. There was no rational impact, but thanks to the organized situation (indirect influence), we helped him. The man was distracted from his heavy thoughts - he felt better without any rational procedures.

Psychological and suggestive

Psychological influence is often, for simplicity, called suggestive influence, since the element of suggestion is almost always present in psychological influence, at least in an indirect form, and indeed it is used quite often in practice. However, psychological influence can also go without suggestion: admiring eyes evoke a spiritual response in addition to suggestion, a cheerful voice cheers up through the mechanism of infection, and we respond to a request to suggest the right street rather due to social habits.

Types of psychological influence

Psychological influence can be operational and strategic, everyday and professional, analytical and constructive, at different levels - the communicative level, the level of relations, the level of activity and life. See →

The impact can be (see Forms of impact):

  • in the format , and ,
  • Open and hidden.

Open targeted communicative influence - appeal. Forms of appeal: offer, request, demand, insistence, prayer, involvement, seduction. Order, order, question. Look .

  • Addressed to different components of the inner world: to, to, to inner feelings.
  • Direct and indirect.

Direct influence or impact - impact when we influence directly, ourselves. On the contrary, indirect, indirect - the impact is indirect, through someone or through something, something, but not directly.

  • Destructive and creative

Directions of influence

You can influence yourself: see Bad habits: how to get rid of, Good habits: how to acquire, How to work on yourself,

For the impact on loved ones, see Bad habits: how to wean, Good habits: how to teach them. Separately - psychotherapeutic help.

Psychological influence in order to correct the behavior of loved ones

Relationships and interactions of close people are a special situation that has its limitations, but provides great opportunities for psychological influence. What means and how are used in this situation, what can be recommended, what should be avoided? See →

Protection from psychological influence

They influence others, the world and themselves - everything and always. However, the topic of influence is only of interest to active people who want to influence people and the world. People in a passive or defensive position are less interested in the topic of influence, they are more often concerned with topics of protection or simply to find an explanation for why everything works out this way ... See.

Nadezhda Suvorova

Every day we are psychologically affected. Sometimes it's annoying, and sometimes we don't even know we're being manipulated. Psychological influence is a powerful tool in capable hands. To master the techniques, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics of the individual and possible ways influence on people's minds.

What types of influence are there and how to protect yourself from the influence of others, we will talk in this article.

The concept of psychological impact

It is a complex and multifaceted term. In short, the psychological impact is the manipulation of the human subconscious, which occurs contrary to common sense. allow you to control human behavior.

At the dawn of civilization, shamans and tribal leaders possessed the skills of psychological influence. They used primitive methods: body language, intonations of the voice, rituals and potions that cloud the mind.

With the development of science and technology, there are so many ways to manipulate the subconscious that each of us uses them daily and does not suspect it.

The purpose of the psychological impact

Regardless of the object (one person or group), there is a specific goal of psychological impact behind the process:

Using other people to meet personal needs.
Gaining prestige in the group.
Creation of the framework and standards of society.
Finding a sense of significance.
proof of its existence.

Most attempts at manipulation have selfish goals. We see a person who is emotionally weaker than us, and we strive to subdue him. One needs to be listened to, the other needs to carry out instructions for him. These are the goals that we achieve through psychological influence.

Some use this skill for good purposes, others are driven by selfishness. But in the first and second cases, the true goal is to prove one's own importance to society and to establish the fact of one's existence. Psychology does not divide motives into good and bad; it studies methods and methods of influence, discovering new facts.

A skillful master is difficult to figure out, especially if he acts on you and your environment. It is easier to convince several people in practice than one. This is due to the herd mentality and the development of the media. We blindly believe what we are told on TV.

Methods of psychological influence

Diverse. Politicians and dictators are fluent in each of them:

Belief. Impact with arguments.
Self-promotion. Demonstration of one's advantages over other people in order to gain the trust of others.
Suggestion. Impact without arguments.
Infection. Transferring your feelings and emotions to other people.
Arousing the desire to imitate. Through words and actions, awaken people to imitate you.
Call for favor. Belief in your good intentions and goals.
Request. Expressing your desires and asking for their satisfaction.
Compulsion. Pressure and intimidation with threats.
destructive criticism. Suppression of a person's personality, ridicule and insult of a person.
Manipulation. Indirect awakening to action or judgment.

The types of psychological impact have similar and various traits, some are suitable for achieving quick results, others to influence the personality over time.

Tools of psychological influence

It's one thing when a person is nearby and you can convince him with words, looks, movements, intonation. But what if the goal is the consciousness of an audience of people located in different cities and even countries.

To do this, psychological tools are used:

Military funds.
Trade and financial sanctions.
political means.
Fine and.

Managing the masses with these tools leads to stunning results. We are used to believing what we read on the Internet and see on TV, and it would never occur to us that this is another way of psychological influence. Let's take as an example the canons of beauty that were 50 years ago and that exist now. Both were dictated by fashion with the help of the media in order to sell their products.


This method has three components: thesis, arguments and demonstration. First, you formulate a specific position - this is a thesis, then you form arguments, and at the end, with the help of a demonstration, you convince the target audience.

The method is very effective if you know the secrets of persuasion:

terms and arguments should be extremely simple and understandable;
use only those facts in the veracity of which you are sure;
take into account the personality of the interlocutor;
conduct a conversation without discussing other people;
your speech should be simple, without complex epithets and winged expressions.

Much of the success depends on the arguments you present. Those arguments that are supported by well-known facts, relate specifically to the topic of the conversation, are interesting to the interlocutor and have not lost their relevance, have the effect.


This method has no arguments and facts. It affects the individual in a different way. With it, you can impose your opinion on a person and force him to act in your interests.

Suggestion is direct and indirect. In the first case, you directly express your point of view and expect obedience. This method is used by parents, educators, teachers. In the second case, techniques are chosen that unobtrusively push for action. This method is used by the advertisers.

The following factors influence the effectiveness of suggestion:

the age of the person or target audience;
state (fatigue, fatigue);
your authority;
the type of personality of the person who is psychologically affected.


This is the third main method of influencing the personality. It is aimed at a mass of people, and not at one individual. A prime example psychological impact through infection are religious sects and fan clubs.

The fact that there is a method of infection, people knew at the dawn of a civilized society, when mass ceremonies were held around an idol or altar with ritual dances and entering a trance.

Today, this method is widely studied. It is better known as mass psychology or crowd phenomenon. A rare person will be able to resist the general impulse and go against the crowd.

Infection can be identified by the following signs:

turning off consciousness;
transition to a state of unconsciousness;
direction of thoughts and feelings in one direction;
the desire to implement ideas into reality right here and now;
loss of personality;
disable logic;
unwillingness to be responsible for their actions.

Persuasion, suggestion and infection are the "three pillars" on which the psychological impact is based. But other methods are also popular among those who wish to control the behavior and mind of people.

Methods of protection against psychological influence

Today, each of us has access to information about the methods of psychological influence and how to master them, so people who are inspired often have to be a puppet in someone's hands and fulfill his requests and wishes. To avoid being in similar situation, one should be able to resist manipulators and maintain a sober mind.

Methods of protection against psychological influence:

In any situation, you should analyze whether you need to obey the words of another person or not, what will be the benefit from this. In most cases, you will not be able to specifically answer the question why you do something. And this is the first sign that they want to influence you;
rational approach. If you are offered to perform specific actions, then offer your option, which will be more convenient for you. This will lead the manipulator into a stupor, and he will lose power over you;
faith in one's own righteousness. If someone else's opinion is trying to impose on you, do not blindly believe other people's words. It is better to analyze the arguments provided, compare with your own;
Change your behavior. Manipulators read information about your personality from the manner of communication and behavior. Enter such people into a dead end, trying on different roles;

distrust should become your habit. This is not about close people who wish you well. But if a stranger or work colleague suddenly begins to take an interest in you and impose his communication, beware and try to notice signs of a manipulator in his words and behavior;
review past mistakes. Focus on situations where you have been controlled. Think about how you allowed this and what to do so as not to repeat the sad experience;
ask for an explanation. If you are tempted to do something, ask lots of questions. The manipulator will give himself away if he tries to deceive you, to evade the answer;
do not do what is expected of you. Often, at the first meeting, we show ourselves better than we really are. Others take advantage of this situation, and you have to comply with their requests so as not to lose confidence. But you have the right to change and there is no need to act to the detriment of yourself and to please others;
do not test . This is a powerful incentive to get you to obey. Accept your mistakes and don't let others pressure you with memories of the past.

Psychological impact can work wonders: help loved ones, change them for the better. But greedy individuals use it for selfish purposes, so you should protect yourself and your family from negative influences.

February 17, 2014, 11:06 am
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