What does "blue-blooded man" mean? Why they say "Blue blood Expression blue blood history

An expression like "blue blood". Sometimes it determines a very skeptical attitude or selection from the general mass of certain individuals who have a set of characteristics that explicitly or implicitly, objectively or subjectively, make them stand separately among many, or about persons of a noble family and related to an old aristocratic family.

The expression does not at all mean the excellent color of the blood cells flowing in the veins of these objects, however, this winged one is connected precisely with the structure of the blood. It has long been known that persons of noble blood, as a rule, stood out with a boiling white skin color, even a light tan was the lot of laborers and peasants. It is implied that such subjects bleed with an unnatural bluish hue, which gives them a similar, different color from the usual.

The expression blue blood has Spanish and French roots.


According to another version, medieval knights of especially noble origin did not spill a single drop of noble substance at knightly tournaments, precisely because of its special properties and blueness. Even the Inquisition treated people with such an anomaly with deep respect and fear, saying that such colors symbolize some heavenly powers.

blue blood in nature

Blue blood is also found in nature, because the color of blood is determined by nothing more than its composition. Blue blood is often found in representatives of marine fauna, spiders, crustaceans, this feature is due to a special substance hemocyanin, which, unlike human, has a copper-containing blue pigment.

Kyanetics - this is how scientists call people with a similar natural anomaly.
The blood cells, which have a reddish tint, in the veins of these people acquire a blue color due to the increased content of copper, which in no way affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. According to statistics, there are no more than seven thousand such individuals, their blood has a grayish or purple hue, and this fact is more an exception than a rule, which is why the expression blue blood is a phrase with a figurative meaning rather than a direct meaning.

We often come across the expression "blue blood". Does this mean that such people are actually carriers of unusual blood, or is it a kind of indicator of a person's social status?

So, who is he, a man of blue blood?

This expression has long been considered a household word. It is used to characterize persons who are clearly distinguished by their behavior or origin. As a rule, this is the name of people belonging to the upper classes of society. Often such a phrase sounds in a comic or sarcastic form. Thus, people try to ridicule a person who appropriates the qualities of a noble person of high birth.

The history of the "blue bloods"

If today almost every girl seeks to sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium, then this was deliberately avoided before. Noble ladies covered their faces and naked parts of the body with hats and umbrellas. If you have a golden skin color, then most likely you belong to the working class, which is forced to spend most of its life under the scorching sun. Several centuries ago, women deliberately added lead to their powder, which made their face snow-white. In pursuit of such aristocratic beauty, they caused irreversible harm to the body.

It turns out that in order to be called a “blue-blooded” person, you first need to be born with pale skin, which will need to be maintained in this state all your life.

The roots of this phraseological unit go back several centuries. Many historians believe that the birthplace of the "blue bloods" is Spain of the 18th century. Representatives of the aristocracy argued this name based on the characteristic pale skin, through which veins and blue veins were visible. Such innate qualities were considered a sign of pure aristocratic blood that was not mixed with the lower classes. After all, the darker the skin, the less it shines through.

However, this period is not considered categorical. There is evidence that suggests that blue blood became known long before the 18th century. Perhaps there would be much more information if the printing industry developed faster.

The subject of today's article is also mentioned in the historical documents of the Middle Ages. As it turned out, the owners of blue blood were held in high esteem by the church. This is due to the fact that such a color is symbolized with the sky, and, consequently, with God. The incident happened with one executioner who committed an almost mortal sin - he executed the owner of blue blood. As soon as this became known, the executioner was immediately sent to the court of the Holy Inquisition. Paradoxically, the Inquisition judged almost everyone who even slightly outwardly differed from the average person. Performing direct duties, the executioner himself committed a crime - he killed an innocent person. Innocence was considered categorical, because carriers of heavenly blood could not be criminals.

There is not only a figurative, but also a direct meaning

It turns out that the truth can be a person with blue blood. Today, about 7 thousand people live on earth who do not belong to the aristocracy, but, nevertheless, are carriers of heavenly blood. Who are these people, and what is the blue blood really? Such people are called kyanetics.

The fact is that usually human blood contains iron, which gives it a red color. As for the Kyanetics, the predominant element in their blood is copper, and it is this that gives a bluish or lilac hue. So why is blood blue? This designation can be attributed to a more literary expression, which adds magic and beauty to the sound. Also often a distinctive feature is the color of the skin. Some representatives are distinguished by a marbled pallor, others by a bluish tint of the skin, reminiscent of a severely frozen person.

Can kyanetics be considered mutants?

No, this blood color is not defective. "Blue" babies have appeared at all times, in the most ordinary mothers, whose blood color is red. If we turn to antiquity, then the reasons lie on the surface. Medieval women, especially representatives of the nobility, preferred copper jewelry, which was an indicator of wealth. Also, many healers used copper in medicines, because of its healing properties. Any interaction of this element with the mother's body could lead to the fact that the child from birth had predominant blue cells in the blood.

On the contrary, it is worth noting that blue blood coagulates much better and faster than red blood. This has a positive effect on pain and wound healing, because even with a severe cut, a person loses much less blood.

Versions of the appearance of kinetics

At all times there will be a higher providence in that which has no explanation. If now science can rationally explain such a phenomenon, then in ancient times one could only guess.

In the historical chronicles of medieval England there are references to warriors in whose veins blue blood flowed. They treated them with horror and fear, because during the fierce battles, no matter how they were wounded, they did not lose a single drop of blood.

There is also a version that people with such blood were created on purpose, in case everyone else died as a result of wars or natural disasters. Due to their good coagulation and resistance to wounds, they will be able to withstand more than an ordinary person.

It was also believed that such a child could be born only if both parents were kyanetics. That is why they closely followed the process of marriage of noble families.

Not an aristocrat and not a kyanetic

If we do not talk about hereditary aristocrats and people who actually have unusual blood, there are other creatures. Only they can boast of a deep blue or blue color of blood. These include some mollusks and arthropods. This color of the circulatory system is due to the presence in the body of a special element - hemocyanin. It performs the same functions as hemoglobin - it carries oxygen, but, unlike the latter, contains a large amount of copper.

When we say "Blue Bloods" we mean people of royal lineage. Documentally, this term originated in 1834 in Spain. There is a myth that this phrase describes a condition caused by a rare genetic defect that is common among the royal families of Europe, due to their habit of marrying and marrying only members of other European noble families. This interbreeding led to the development of a disease called "hemophilia", which in turn gave rise to the phrase "blue blood".

Queen Victoria was indeed genetically prone to hemophilia. She earned the nickname "Grandmother of Europe" due to the large number of children and grandchildren in royal houses throughout Europe. All this contributed to the spread of this gene.

A significant shortcoming of this theory is that hemophilia does not make the blood blue. It simply means that the body lacks certain substances in the blood that help blood clot. Depending on the type of hemophilia, the blood may clot so slowly that it is effectively the equivalent of not clotting at all. Queen Victoria's son Leopold died in 1884 after a fall, a normal person would have gotten off with just a bump on his head; but due to his hemophilia, he passed away within a few hours due to a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

The second theory of the origin of the term "blue blood" originates from the Spanish expression "Sangre Azul" (literally "blue blood"), the Spanish nobility had white, untanned skin, through which blue veins were clearly visible, in contrast to the dark skin of the Moors. Sunburn was a sign of laborers who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Why do veins appear blue? Blood has a limited color range from bright red to maroon, depending on the level of oxygen carried by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Arteries are located deep inside the body and carry oxygen to the organs, veins run close to the surface, making the veins more visible. Since the skin is low in melanin, the veins appear blue to us.

The third theory has to do with silver, one of nature's most powerful antibacterial agents. Silver was very common among the nobility: forks, spoons, knives, goblets, plates, etc. The very high use of silver in food and drink means that a large amount of ionic and colloidal silver enters the body. High consumption of silver causes high resistance to bacterial infection. However, it can also cause Argyria. Symptoms of which are blue skin and blue color of veins and arteries.

We cannot say for sure which theory is correct: the gene hypothesis, the skin color theory, or silver is to blame. Perhaps they are all correct to some extent and, in sum, gave the name to such a term as “blue blood”.

It is customary to apply an expression to people with an aristocratic appearance and refined manners that is incomprehensible even to modern native speakers - “blue blood”. What this idiom means, young people understand only associatively, but the mature generation is unlikely to be able to clearly explain.


Everyone at least once in their life heard or used such an expression as "blue blood". Sometimes it determines a very skeptical attitude or selection from the general mass of certain individuals who have a set of characteristics that explicitly or implicitly, objectively or subjectively, make them stand separately in a number of many, or about persons of a noble family and origin related to an old aristocratic family. . The expression does not at all mean the excellent color of the blood cells flowing in the veins of these objects, however, the history of the origin of this catch phrase is connected precisely with the structure of the blood. It has long been known that persons of noble blood, as a rule, stood out with a boiling white skin color, even a light tan was the lot of laborers and peasants. It is implied that blood of an unnatural bluish hue flows in the veins of such subjects, which gives them a similar, different color from the usual.
The expression blue blood has Spanish and French roots.


According to another version, medieval knights of especially noble origin did not spill a single drop of noble substance at knightly tournaments, precisely because of its special properties and blueness. Even the Inquisition treated people with such an anomaly with deep respect and fear, saying that such colors symbolize some heavenly powers.

blue blood in nature

Blue blood is also found in nature, because the color of blood is determined by nothing more than its composition. Blue blood is often found in representatives of marine fauna, spiders, crustaceans, this feature is due to a special substance hemocyanin, which, unlike human, has a copper-containing blue pigment.
Kyanetics - this is how scientists call people with a similar natural anomaly.
The blood cells, which have a reddish tint, in the veins of these people acquire a blue color due to the increased content of copper, which in no way affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. According to statistics, there are no more than seven thousand such individuals, their blood has a grayish or purple hue, and this fact is more an exception than a rule, which is why the expression blue blood is a phrase with a figurative meaning rather than a direct meaning.

This is a metaphorical definition of a person whose origin is aristocratic, a person who considers himself superior to everyone else, mainly based on his belonging to the high society. He must, in his opinion, surpass all the others, which means that not ordinary, but "blue blood" flows in his veins, which gives him special privileges.


Nazi Germany attached particular importance to the purity of its entire race.- a whole nation with Aryan blood was considered to be the highest degree superior to others, the "blue blood" race.

And for this, a representative of this race had to have special features - from the color of the eyes, hair and skin, and ending with innate talents and genetics.

A bit of biology.

Generally, in nature, blood of various shades is found. For example, in arachnids, mollusks, octopuses, the blood, once again, is blue, and even blue. All this is due to the high content of copper in the blood, which is part of hemocyanin, a blood pigment.

Where did the expression come from?

  • In the society of aristocrats, thin white skin was especially valued, through which the veins of veins shone through. And since the veins on the body have a bluish tint, it was believed that blue blood flows through them.
  • This was a sign of the upper class, in contrast to the common people, who spent whole days working under the scorching sun.
  • The noble grandees of Spain (from the Castilian province) once paid special attention to their origin - they especially zealously watched the difference between their skin, and therefore blood, from the "dirty" Mauritanian, because white skin is so rare for a sunny country and those who could boast its whiteness (and these are representatives of an aristocratic society), considered themselves higher beings.


There is information on the Internet that blue blooded people really exist, and this is still known from the Middle Ages. This phenomenon is called KIANETICS - this is a partial replacement of iron, which is part of hemoglobin, with copper. The color of the blood really has a bluish tint.

Unusual properties are attributed to this composition of blood:

  • High coagulability, which enables the fastest healing of wounds, even the deepest and most dangerous.
  • People with such blood cannot get sick with blood diseases, since microbes cannot cope with the copper content in the blood.
  • Copper is an excellent antiseptic.
It is assumed that this phenomenon arose in the Middle Ages only because they used mainly copper utensils, wore copper jewelry and copper penetrated through the pores into the blood vessels. Kyanetics could be born to simple red-blooded parents and not pass on the characteristics of their blood composition by inheritance.

But for me, this information is slightly doubtful and is not scientifically proven.

  1. Copper is a poison to the human body.
  2. In a more or less reliable source - Wikipedia, nothing is said about this phenomenon.
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