Reduces the calves of the legs when sipping. Cramps in the calf muscles at night Cramps when pulling up

Cramps - reflex muscle contractions that occur unexpectedly, causing discomfort or pain, make foot actions impossible. More and more people are turning to doctors with a complaint that reduces the calves of the legs. There are many reasons for the disease. To establish the exact cause and prescribe treatment, you will need to trace all sorts of factors that can provoke the reduction of the calf muscles. It is permissible to treat spasms in the calf muscles with the help of modern medicine, folk remedies.

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The main causes of calf muscle cramps

Depending on the cause of calf flattening, you need to find the correct fix for the problem. It is considered useful to engage in a set of exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and tendons. If the reduction of the calf muscles has become a frequent occurrence, it is shown to consult a doctor and undergo an examination of the body. The solution will help to find dangerous diseases, treatment started in time will prevent their development.

Statistics have shown that every second inhabitant of the planet faces the phenomenon. Most people do not notice such a nuisance. Often the reason for reducing the legs is a lack of potassium, magnesium, calcium. Initially, you will need to make up for the deficiency of these trace elements. With a high frequency of manifestation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Convulsive muscle contraction

Common causes of muscle spasms are:

  • Physical activity without warming up and stretching the muscles;
  • Prolonged load on the legs as a result of standing or sedentary work;
  • Stress, accompanied by malnutrition;
  • Failure in metabolic processes, as a result of which the muscles do not receive enough oxygen;
  • A sharp drop in temperature causes constriction of blood vessels;
  • Uncomfortable, improperly selected shoes;
  • flat feet;
  • Hormonal failures;
  • SARS;
  • Injuries;
  • Heat;
  • Drug poisoning.

In adulthood, the causes are: excess glucose in the body, slow metabolism, Parkinson's disease. It is extremely rare that caviar reduces due to serious diseases: brain cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, thrombophlebitis.

An additional cause is impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, when the blood moves weakly through the veins. This happens in connection with a passive lifestyle, little physical activity. Neurology and diseases of the spine can be attributed to the causes of spasms of the calf muscles. There is a direct connection, since a pinched nerve due to difficulties with the spine gives off an unpleasant sensation in the lower limb.

Cramping in the leg

Why does the calf of the legs when sipping

If it reduces the calves during sipping, the reason is probably an ordinary muscle spasm that occurs during sudden physical exertion. Such cases are especially often seen in women who have spent a large amount of time on a high platform, the muscles are in a state of tension also during sleep.

There are several ways to avoid cramps: raise your leg up and pull your toe down. Or it is enough just to massage the place of the spasm, and then smear the leg with a special healing ointment.

Reduces calves when walking

If the calves of the legs are reduced while walking, running, swimming, you should pay attention and identify the factor that causes muscle contraction. The reason, perhaps, is not a deficiency of trace elements, but a violation of blood circulation. In addition to the usual flat feet, the cause is supposed to be the beginning of varicose veins.

You can get rid of a cramp in several ways: pinch or prick with a sharp object the place where it has cramped. However, you need to be extremely careful, there is a high probability of damage to blood vessels or infection. After the injection, it is shown to actively massage the leg, then spread it with a special ointment.

What causes calf cramps in men

More often, convulsions among men are observed in athletes, after strong physical exertion. The reason is a decrease in trace elements and dehydration of the body due to increased sweating. Due to the excessive consumption of sugar, nicotine and caffeine, there is a lack of components necessary for the muscles, causing a contraction of the calf muscle.

Muscle contraction in a man

Causes of calf muscle cramps in women

Certain factors are known to cause leg cramps in women. The main common reason is wearing shoes with heels. To avoid cramps, it is recommended to wear low-heeled shoes or alternate a high platform with a low one. It often reduces calves in pregnant women, mainly shortly before the birth of the baby, since in the body of the expectant mother there is a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins that are spent on the development of the fetus.

Treatment with elastic stockings will definitely help with varicose veins that cause leg cramps. Stockings help keep the vessels in a static position. It is not recommended to wear shoes on a high platform, use tight belts, sit with one leg crossed over.

Why does it reduce the calves of the legs at night

The question often arises of why it reduces calves at night - in the dark, the muscles are not tense. At night, there is a violation of blood flow, the result is an incorrect sleeping position or vascular problems. Any movement during sleep can cause spasm. Often patients turn to doctors with complaints: sharp spasms in the muscles, acute pain that lasts for several minutes. Doctors are not exactly clear why spasms occur at night. Such seizures are called idiopathic. It means that the patient has no apparent reason for the occurrence of such a condition.

If the cramp occurs suddenly, it is shown to change the position of the legs, to allow the muscles to relax. Then the leg needs to be massaged and a cold compress applied.

Proper, balanced nutrition becomes a sure salvation in the fight against cramps. It is recommended to eat more natural products, to refuse fatty, to avoid deficiency of substances necessary for the body. In case of lack of magnesium, potassium and calcium in the body, it is recommended to include apples, dried apricots, bananas, cottage cheese in the diet. In addition to proper nutrition, the use of vitamins will help. For example, vitamin D deficiency is quite capable of becoming a reason for muscle reduction.

How to avoid calf cramps

Most people feel in advance that a cramp will occur. It is worth trying to relax as much as possible. With cramps in the calves of the legs, you will need to change the position. Try to lift the limb, then pull the sole towards the knee. After doing the exercise, sit down and pinch the location of the spasms. Try to shift your body weight onto the cramped leg. After a certain time, blood circulation, leg sensitivity will improve.

With sharp and prolonged leg cramps, immediate medical attention is required, the risk of depression of vital functions, for example, breathing, develops. Do not neglect treatment and examinations, complications are likely in the future.

Seizure treatment

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

If convulsions are not frequent, and it is not possible to identify the cause, it is possible to do without the help of a doctor, resort to treatment with folk remedies:

  1. When it reduces the calves of the legs, an effective method in folk medicine often helps - rubbing the place where the spasm occurred, using mustard oil.
  2. Folk remedy: 3/4 cup of dope seeds to insist in 0.5 liters of 75% alcohol in a place where direct sunlight does not fall, 30 days. When convulsions appear, rub the disturbing place with cotton wool, after dipping it into the tincture. Yeast will help prevent spasms. To compensate for potassium deficiency, make a remedy from them.
  3. Simple magnets will help with cramps, just put objects in the place where the spasm occurred. For treatment, it is recommended to prepare baths from special medicinal herbs: nettle, peppermint, couch grass, yarrow, shepherd's purse. Divide the listed herbs into equal parts. 100 g of herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath, boil for 20 minutes. Pour the resulting product into a container with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38-40 degrees. Put the legs in the decoction so that the calves of the legs are completely immersed, hold for 20 minutes. Doing the procedure is worth 10 days in a row.

Treatment with folk remedies is much more profitable and more priority than expensive medicines.

It is permissible to perform exercises to prevent calf spasms in advance, aimed at improving blood circulation, stretching and relaxing muscles. If you carefully monitor the condition of the body and treat it in time, there is a high probability of avoiding spasms of the calf muscles.

Sometimes during training, your calves can cramp. What to do in such a situation and how to prevent it? You will find the answer in our article!

Often during training, the calf muscle cramps. Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that you have to stop training to rest and perform recovery exercises. What to do if it reduces the calf muscle and how to prevent it?

A cramp is an attack of involuntary muscle contraction, which is accompanied by their strong tension. According to statistics, about 75% of people suffer from leg cramps, some have isolated cases, some suffer from calf muscle cramps all the time. If spasms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the causes and treat this condition.

Why do seizures occur?

There are cramps due to physical exertion, especially if they were sudden and too much, thermal exposure (cold water), some people experience cramps even with a sudden change in weather.

Also, seizures can occur when a person undergoes any physiological changes (pregnancy, puberty, menopause). Biological restructuring causes a change in the level of many substances in the blood, such as sodium, potassium, calcium. Seizures sometimes accompany damage to the nervous system and stress.

A change in diet can also trigger this condition, and cramps are often experienced by those who abuse alcohol.

Seizures can be a manifestation of diseases such as spasmophilia, eclampsia, epilepsy, trauma and brain tumors, inflammation.

Since the causes of convulsions can be very serious diseases, if this ailment occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Cramps of the calf muscles

It is not uncommon for cramps in the calves to come on in the morning when stretching in bed. There may be several reasons for this: lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium, varicose veins, flat feet. In athletes, cramps can occur due to heavy physical exertion and muscle fatigue. Stress, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle also cause cramps in the calf muscles.

During exercise, cramps can occur for the following reasons:

  • along with sweat, water leaves the body, which washes out potassium and calcium;
  • insufficient warm-up;
  • large volume of training;

What to do if it reduces the calf muscle?

If in the gym you feel that your leg is cramping, your actions should be aimed at improving blood circulation to the reduced muscle. Squeeze the muscle strongly, and for 15-20 seconds, press into its central part with your index finger. Breathe deeply during this.

Spasm of the lower body can be relieved by strongly squeezing (without sharp pain) the middle of the lower lip for 30 seconds.

Also, during a cramp, you can do a massage that will relax the spasmodic muscle, improve blood circulation and relieve spasm.

To quickly relieve pain during a spasm, you should stretch the reduced muscle. To do this, you can use the following exercise: stand facing the wall at a distance of one step, feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Place your hands above your head and rest against the wall. Take small steps back, keeping your feet off the floor. Pull back until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles. Stretching should not feel uncomfortable, so stop as soon as you start to feel pain, stay in this position for 30 seconds. To make the cramp pass faster, rub and pinch the reduced muscle.

Prevention of calf cramps

The most important point in preventing cramps and spasms is taking special supplements and reviewing the diet. As noted above, the lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body provokes the occurrence of seizures. All this happens because a person often does not receive a daily dose of these substances with food. For those suffering from cramps, magnesium supplements or medications are recommended. Since this element is better absorbed in the presence of calcium, calcium supplements should also be taken in combination with vitamin D, which improves its absorption.

The diet should be rich in fresh fruits and herbs. Eat natural sources of calcium, magnesium and potassium every day. Drinking mineral water will also be beneficial.

  • Calcium - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds
  • Magnesium - buckwheat porridge, walnuts, legumes
  • Potassium - dried apricots, raisins, beets, sunflower seeds, garlic.

Exercises to treat calf cramps

Certain physical exercises help fight as well as prevent calf cramps. Two types of exercises are used for this:

  • exercises that are performed when a cramp occurs to relieve spasm and relieve pain;
  • exercises that are performed to prevent seizures and reduce the frequency of their occurrence.

If the leg is cramped, massage and muscle stretching will help relieve pain and discomfort. To relieve spasm, the following exercises are suitable.

  • Straighten your leg, place your foot so that the toe is turned towards the knee (for additional stretching of the flattened muscle, clasp the foot with your hands, pull the toe of the foot towards you).
  • Walk on your heels for a few minutes.
  • If cramps often reduce the leg, you should perform exercises three times a day aimed at preventing spasms of the calf muscle.
  • Stand against the wall at a distance of about half a meter. Lean forward, stretch your arms and touch the wall, while the feet remain on the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, relax. Do the exercise for five minutes.

To prevent cramps, a bodybuilder needs to eat right and take supplements with vitamins and minerals. If you take all the necessary measures for prevention, but convulsions still occur, be sure to contact a specialist.

Cramps are very unpleasant and painful muscle numbness that occurs involuntarily. These contractions have different duration, intensity and prevalence. In medicine, seizures are classified depending on the duration, degree of muscle involvement, and location.

There are many reasons for seizures. Sometimes they are episodic and do not require special treatment.

But if convulsions bother you quite often, then this may be a signal of some serious illness.

Seizure options

Leg cramps at night

Particularly unpleasant and painful are leg cramps at night. A sharp pain leads to awakening, the reduced muscle stops hurting immediately. Night cramps occur in both children and adults, at the same time it should be noted that the age factor has an important role in this vein.

Causes of night cramps can be:

  1. muscle fatigue;
  2. Problems in the work of the nervous system;
  3. Pregnancy period;
  4. Certain diseases that reduce normal blood flow to the extremities;
  5. Taking certain medications;
  6. flat feet;

There is an opinion that cramps at night are associated with a person’s posture in a dream: the knees are slightly bent, and the feet are lowered down. This provokes shortening of the muscles, resulting in painful spasms.

Toe cramps

Let's try to figure out why it cramps the feet.

Toe cramps always occur abruptly and unexpectedly. Can pull one or several fingers at once. Possible reasons:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes;
  2. Hypothermia of the legs;
  3. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  4. Violation of normal blood circulation in the feet;

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Cramps of the calf muscle

A calf cramp is the most painful of all types of spasms. A few moments before the spasm, you can feel a slight pulling of the muscle.

The calf muscle more often than all other muscle groups, cramps.

Symptoms of a calf cramp:

  1. Sharp pain;
  2. The leg is very tense at the site of spasm;
  3. It is impossible to stand on the whole foot;
  4. Muscles become very elastic and dense;

Causes of calf cramps:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  2. Chronic fatigue as a result of prolonged stay on the legs, exhausting sports;
  3. Venous insufficiency;
  4. Atherosclerosis;
  5. swelling of the legs;
  6. The use of diuretics;
  7. Diseases of the lumbar spine.

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All about the consequences of increased intracranial pressure in adults can be found here.

Causes of seizures

Primary causes of seizures

Primary (idiopathic) seizures occur for no apparent reason. Presumably, the appearance of primary muscle spasms can be influenced by:

  1. Overexertion of muscles as a result of physical exertion. If a person spent the whole day on his feet without rest, was very tired during sports, carried heavy loads or walked a long distance in uncomfortable shoes, muscle failure occurs. In such cases, the likelihood of muscle spasms increases;
  2. Sudden violation of blood circulation in the limbs;
  3. Natural shortening of the tendons that occurs in old age;
  4. Uncomfortable posture during sleep;

Secondary causes of seizures

Secondary the causes of seizures are symptoms of certain diseases, as well as disorders in the functioning of the human body:

magnesium deficiency

This trace element is necessary for the normal process of muscle contractions. Magnesium deficiency can be associated with malnutrition.

Sometimes the cause of a deficiency of this microelement can be diseases that prevent the normal absorption of magnesium entering the body.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • depression;
  • back pain;
  • frequent fractures and dislocations;
  • headaches;
  • high blood pressure;
  • arthritis;
  • heart disease;
  • frequent convulsions and nervous tics of the eyes;

calcium deficiency

Calcium is the physiological "partner" of magnesium.

Lack of calcium can also cause seizures.

The main signs of calcium deficiency in the body include:

  • fragile and painful bones;
  • split ends, unhealthy hair, brittle nails;
  • unhealthy teeth;
  • loss of strength, irritability;
  • convulsions;

Deficiency of calcium and magnesium after a while can lead to significant changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.

Lack of iron in the body (anemia)

Since iron is involved in the saturation of cells with oxygen, its lack can provoke muscle spasm.

Deficiency of glucose in the body

It can occur during diets, as well as as a result of the use of hypoglycemic drugs.

Sudden changes in human body temperature

Usually cause short-term convulsions. They can occur during the course of the disease, as well as as a result of sunstroke.

Irritation of the motor area of ​​the brain

The area of ​​the brain that is responsible for muscle contraction can be affected by nerve impulses:

  • with flu;
  • during a stroke, as well as during the rehabilitation period after it;
  • with SARS;
  • with alcohol poisoning;

Diseases of the vessels of the legs

During vascular diseases, normal blood flow is disturbed, as a result of which the tissues do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen. Local hypoxia develops.

Diseases of the lower spine

During these diseases, the nerve endings are pinched, which leads to a violation of the sensitivity of certain muscle groups.

High temperature outside

The body during the heat with sweat loses a lot of fluid and salts, which can lead to seizures.

Taking contraceptive hormonal drugs

Causes of frequent seizures

If convulsions bother you not occasionally, but often enough, the reasons for this may be:

  1. muscle fatigue;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Frequent stress and emotional stress;
  4. Violations of the endocrine and nervous systems;

In no case should you ignore frequent muscle spasms.

You should definitely consult a doctor, as regular cramps can be a signal of many serious diseases.

Seizures in pregnant women

During pregnancy, almost all women complain of muscle spasms in the legs. This is a completely normal phenomenon that disappears without a trace after the birth of the baby. Causes of frequent seizures in expectant mothers:

  1. Excess weight;
  2. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the vessels and nerve endings of the legs, as a result of which blood circulation is disturbed;
  3. The volume of blood increases, causing swelling of blood vessels and tissues;
  4. Predisposition to varicose veins;
  5. High need for vitamins and trace elements;
  6. Change in hormonal status.

Seizures in children

In children, the occurrence of seizures is most often associated with the active growth and development of the whole organism. The main causes of spasms in children are:

  1. Hypothermia of the legs;
  2. flat feet;
  3. Lack of vitamins;
  4. Finding legs in an uncomfortable position for a long time;


With regular convulsions, it is imperative to see a doctor. First you need to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests.

Perhaps the doctor will refer you for a consultation with another specialist: a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, a cardiologist.

If any disease turns out to be the cause of spasms, then after a course of treatment, convulsions should disappear. If no diseases that could cause convulsions are found, you just need to follow simple preventive recommendations.

Ways to deal with leg cramps

It is possible and necessary to deal with this problem.

You just need to eliminate the cause that causes convulsions.

Over time, only memories will remain from painful spasms.

Tips for those who want to get rid of cramps once and for all:

  1. It is necessary to revise and diversify your diet;
  2. Exercise moderately, avoid overexertion;
  3. Do not abuse diuretics;
  4. Perform simple stretching exercises;

How to give first aid

  1. There is no need to panic if you cramp your legs at night. You need to relax and breathe deeply to improve the blood supply to the tissues;
  2. Next, you need to carefully stand on the floor, put your feet together and straighten your back;
  3. You can pull your foot towards you. It will hurt, but a little patience is needed. When the muscle stretches a little, the spasm will pass;
  4. If the cramp does not go away, you can pinch your leg, rub it;
  5. Massage with a warming ointment helps;
  6. After the attack, it is necessary to lie down so that the legs are above the level of the head;

It often happens that a cramp reduces the leg in the water: at sea, in the pool. This is quite dangerous, so you need to know how to act in such cases. If a cramp has cramped your leg in the pool, you need to stop swimming. If the spasm grabbed the muscle at a depth in the sea, the actions should be as follows:

  1. Roll over from stomach to back
  2. Try to pull the foot towards you;
  3. If the cramp does not go away, a prick with a pin will help, which must be pinned to a swimsuit or swimming trunks just in case;

Cramps most often occur in cold water. Do not swim in water that is below 18 degrees.

Prevention measures

This problem can be avoided by following these guidelines:

  1. Wear comfortable quality shoes;
  2. Avoid excessive stress on the legs;
  3. Do exercises in the morning;
  4. Reduce the amount of coffee consumed;
  5. Regular foot massage
  6. A contrast shower helps a lot;
  7. A varied diet will saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements;

Let's sum it up:

  • Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that can occur in both children and adults.
  • The causes of seizures can be both a lack of vitamins in the body, and some diseases, as well as physical activity.
  • Most often, seizures occur at night.
  • During pregnancy, muscle spasms disturb almost all women, and do not require special treatment.
  • Convulsions in children are associated with the growth and development of the whole organism.
  • Diagnosis of seizures is very important, as it helps to identify certain diseases.
  • It is important to know how to provide first aid at the time of convulsions. Muscle spasms are especially dangerous while swimming in the pool or at the sea.
  • If you carry out simple preventive measures, you can avoid this extremely unpleasant phenomenon.

The whole truth about the causes of headaches in cervical osteochondrosis. Causes and nature of headaches.

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Video on which you can familiarize yourself with the causes of leg cramps and consider treatment methods:

Pain in the calves of the legs, discomfort in the muscles and cramps are quite common. Many do not even pay attention when something like this happens, and doctors are in no hurry to be alert when patients with such symptoms turn to them. If your calves cramp, the cause most often lies in hypocalcemia or hypokalemia. A lack of calcium and potassium is observed in 75% of people who cramp the calves of their legs. As a rule, it is enough to make up for the deficiency of these substances, and everything will fall into place. But there are some nuances.

Reduces the calves of the legs - treatment and prevention

Potassium and calcium are trace elements that interfere with the absorption of each other. That is, if a person has too many foods containing calcium in his diet (hard cheeses, cottage cheese, milk and fish), then potassium will be absorbed worse and there will be a deficiency. If there are a lot of legumes, cabbage, greens, bananas and other foods rich in potassium, there will be a lack of calcium. Therefore, if you often cramp your calves, you most likely need to reconsider your diet. First of all, try to eat foods high in calcium and potassium at different times of the day. Since magnesium helps to absorb potassium well, you can add foods high in this trace element to your diet.

If it reduces the calves of the legs when sipping

If your calves cramp when you sip, it is likely that the cause lies in a short-term muscle spasm, which indicates high physical exertion. If you spent the whole day on your feet, and even in high heels, the strained calf muscles remain in a tense state even during sleep. When you are already rested and full of strength, the muscles are just beginning to relax and straighten, a spasm occurs. In the morning, it reduces the muscles of the legs of sellers, stewardesses, ballerinas and representatives of other professions with high loads.

A simple exercise will help to cope with a cramp: you need to raise your leg up, and pull the toe of the foot towards you. If your calves are very cramped, it is problematic to stand up, or even sit down, try stretching the muscle with your hands, pinching, pricking. As soon as the spasm passes, smear the calves with a warming ointment.

If it reduces the calves of the legs when walking

In the case when convulsions appear directly when walking, swimming, or other physical activity, the reasons can be not only in calcium or potassium deficiency, but also in circulatory disorders. Sometimes it reduces calves when walking in women prone to varicose veins, which helps to detect the disease in time and take all necessary measures so that it does not progress. Also, the cause may be banal flat feet.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of cramps:

  1. Prick the reduced place with a pin, or pinch hard.
  2. Stand on a sore leg, rise on the toe, then lower on the heel and tighten the toes.
  3. Make an intense massage with a warming agent.

If you are interested in prevention, follow these rules:

  1. Keep your legs and calves warm.
  2. Eat right, take extra vitamins and minerals if necessary.
  3. Avoid high loads on your legs, walk less in high heels.
  4. Go for a scheduled check-up with a doctor every six months.

If often reduces the calves of the legs

If you read this article, and the question of why cramping the calves of the legs remains unanswered, it's time to see a doctor. This is quite rare, but sometimes seizures are symptoms of neurological diseases, such as epilepsy. Or they indicate a brain tumor and other serious diseases. If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, do not take risks, consult a professional.

Also, such cramps are a common occurrence in pregnant women. Due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as increased mass, in women in position, the calves of the legs also reduce. If the reason lies precisely in this - accept our congratulations, everything is in order with you!

Leg cramps can occur for a variety of reasons. Influenced by general health, age, pregnancy and other factors. We apply an individual approach and treatment to each case.

Leg cramps - what is it

Convulsive manifestations can be characterized by unexpected spasms, sharp, sharp pains, numbness in the limbs caused by improper muscle contractions.

The feet or calf muscle mass are primarily affected. Relief comes only after they are relaxed. Such painful conditions are classified according to their duration and frequency.

Varieties of seizures

The two most common types of spasms are tonic and clonic.

The 1st option lasts longer, the 2nd is characterized by short-term attacks: no more than 5 minutes.

tonic convulsions

Such convulsions can seize various parts of the body. Manifestations related to the calf muscles, foot and toes are called crumples. The sensations caused by them are very painful.

Clonic convulsions

Rapidly changing states of tension and rest of muscle structures accompany the excitation of the cerebral cortex.

Types of muscle spasms

According to the area covered, convulsive pains are also classified.

Localized spasms

This option affects a specific area, increasing its muscle tone. The first emergency aid provided to the patient with a tonic variety of localized spasm: elimination of all light, noise and sound stimuli, providing the patient with complete rest.

Generalized spasms

When the pain affects the entire body or most of it, doctors call this type of generalized. In this case, there is a simultaneous reduction of all covered areas. There can be many reasons: epilepsy, vascular diseases, brain tumors and others.

Leg cramps: which doctor to contact

An appeal to a specialist is especially necessary if a person often feels cramps in his legs. The reasons why they occur should not be tried to find out on your own.

The therapist will prescribe an examination for the patient, and based on its results, the appropriate medical profile will be selected, within which the treatment will continue.

What causes cramps in the muscles of the legs at night - the reasons for which it reduces the legs, grabs the legs

There are several causes of night cramps.


Violation of the water balance is fraught with the fact that, along with the liquid, the body leaves the necessary ions, trace elements and other substances. Often this condition can occur with increased sweating, but with a small amount of water consumed. It is also detrimental to improper dieting.


The same situation can provoke an abnormal intake of diuretics. This phenomenon is especially common in the elderly.

Lack of trace elements and vitamins

Another common cause: nutrient deficiencies:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium (poorly absorbed with a lack of magic);
  • vitamins of group "B" (often they are not enough for those who do not eat meat);
  • sodium.

High body temperature

Leg cramps at elevated temperatures usually occur in young children. Their nature is still little studied, but there is an assumption that they are associated with the unstable work of the nervous system.

muscle fatigue

Muscle overload often leads to nocturnal cramps. The risk of this type of convulsive damage increases with active sports, and if a person's work is associated with heavy loads during the day.


The phenomenon is explained by the fact that in stressful situations, people have a lack of calcium.

The last one in turnresponsible for the relaxation of muscle tissue.


Leg diseases are associated with disorders in the lumbar spine. Leg cramps are no exception. This consequence is a complication of osteochondrosis.

Pathological changes in blood vessels

When the structure of the vessels changes, as happens with varicose veins, convulsions may occur at night. They are characterized by pulling sensations, sharp pain and "petrification".


Violation of blood circulation in the brain does not pass without a trace: many cells die, cystic cavities form.

Dying tissues cause convulsive pain.

Other diseases

The above ailments are only a small part of the possible explanations for seizures. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician.

Cramps in the calves and toes during pregnancy - causes

The period of bearing a baby is a joyful event, but at the same time overshadowed by various unpleasant symptoms. Reduces the legs with cramps in the expectant mother for common reasons, since during pregnancy many hidden diseases different areas appear.

There is an increase in varicose veins, vascular diseases make themselves felt. In addition to this, the load on the lower body increases, because the growing belly puts more and more pressure every day.

But it is not at all necessary that spasms appear in a pregnant woman due to any disease. If they become noticeable in the second and third trimesters, then the reason is a lack of calcium. This substance begins to be actively drawn in at night. Mothers often do not have enough of it, as the child takes most of it for himself - hence the cause of night pains.

Gynecologists, starting from the 2nd trimester, prescribe calcium and magnesium B6 to support the body. The last drug is used in courses several times to improve the absorption of the 1st component, taken at bedtime.

Leg cramps in a child - causes

For a growing organism, such painful muscle contractions are of great danger. The risk of injury to the limb at the time of the attack increases.

Convulsive mobility also occurs in infants: outwardly, it is similar to a nervous tic. For a child, an attack is painless, but it serves as a reason for contacting a pediatrician, because it is not the norm.

In children under the age of 1, such symptoms may indicate mental retardation and other serious disorders. Adolescents suffering from seizures often have problems related to the nervous system.

Causes of cramps in the calf muscle when stretching the legs

One of the most likely causes of calf spasm during a facelift is considered to be a violation of blood circulation in this area.

Why cramps legs in water

Swimming in a lake or river, you can feel a sharp pain and numbness in your leg. This effect is dangerous because, without feeling the limbs, it is difficult to stay on the surface for a long time, and if the trouble is caught at a great depth, then the person risks drowning. This is due to hypothermia of muscle tissue.

The temperature in the reservoir should not be below 18 degrees, otherwise a sharp drop will cause the muscle to contract. The correct behavior in this situation is to pull the foot forward, which causes the calf to relax. This process is painful, but necessary. Feeling relieved, you should immediately move towards the shore.

Leg cramps in athletes (after exercise)

Similar consequences most often occur with enhanced training aimed at a specific part of the body. Muscles become “heavy”, hard to the touch, and impossible to relax.

Inexperienced athletes who neglect important principles during exercise, such as warming up and gradually increasing the load, as a result, get cramps in the lower extremities.

Leg cramps after drinking alcohol

Moderate consumption of alcoholic products does not provoke any consequences, but when it becomes chronic, alcohol cramps may occur. This happens with a sharp deprivation of an addicted person of a strong drink. Statistics show that 10% of all alcoholics suffer from this symptom. The pain in the legs is drawing and squeezing.

What to do if your leg cramps and does not let go - how to quickly relieve a cramp in your leg

The first thing to do when the syndrome has begun is to establish the correct even breathing, enter a state of rest. There is a common misconception that you need to prick your leg with a needle, but this technique is questionable and unsafe.

The injection carries the risk of infection under the skin. In addition, the short pain that it causes should provoke a reflex contraction, and not relaxation of the muscle.

Effective methods are called warm-up, compresses, massage. The latter method has some limitations: it should not be used for varicose veins.

Calf and toe massage

The advantage of this method is the possibility of independent influence. He is good preventive measure, but during the period of exacerbation, care should be taken not to harm the soft tissues.

  1. Regardless of the cause, with cramps in the legs, you need to perform light strokes with your palms, starting from the bottom.
  2. Improve the state of patting.
  3. Having found a point in the center of the foot, you should apply circular movements with your thumb.
  4. You need to shake the muscle from side to side.

Light leg exercises: flexion-extension

  • In a sitting position, you should smoothly bend and unbend your toes.
  • Then they make circular movements with their feet.
  • Alternately raise your legs and pull your socks to the floor.
  • In the same position, they “walk” from heel to toe and back.
  • Standing up, leaning their hands on a chair, they stand on the toe of the left leg and bend the right one at the knee. Then repeat the same for the other side.

Hot compress or heating pad

Applying a hot surface is one of the most effective remedies for relieving cramping pain. It promotes vasodilation and relaxation of the overstressed area.

It should be remembered that the duration of exposure should be moderate in order to avoid skin burns. It is also important to take into account the general condition: do not use a heater or compresses at elevated temperatures if there are suppurations.

Why does my leg hurt after a cramp?

Residual pain can last more than one week. It is associated with a lack of oxygen, circulatory disorders, overexertion and other situations. Often this phenomenon occurs in the elderly, but young people can also be affected, especially pregnant women and professional athletes.

Treating leg cramps in the elderly

According to statistics, 50% of older people complain of leg cramps. The reasons why this happens are associated with diseases, lack of trace elements. The ambulance doctor diagnoses this phenomenon, provides first aid and explains to the patient further actions.

Depending on the identified disease, the specialist prescribes appropriate medications and vitamins.

Treatment of leg cramps with drugs

It is important to understand that drugs do not work on the convulsive pains themselves, but on what causes them. Since these situations can be different and located in different areas, medications are prescribed individually.

Tablets for leg cramps: potassium and magnesium preparations (asparkam, panangin, magnerot)

There are quite a lot of medicines containing potassium and magnesium in various forms: from ordinary vitamin complexes to potent chemicals.

  • Asparkam Sold as tablets or liquid injections. Its reception is indicated for muscle overload and other disorders. Contraindications relate to diseases of the kidneys and bladder. During pregnancy, the drug is approved for use, but with caution.
  • Panangin- This is an analogue that, among other deviations, specializes in restoring the correct functioning of the heart. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications and side effects, consult a doctor.
  • Magnerot- another tool that supplies magnesium to the body. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the way it is presented is convenient for assimilation and penetration directly into muscle tissues.

Calcium for leg cramps

Calcium deficiency causes nighttime leg cramps. The reasons for its lack and poor digestibility lie in insufficient consumption or imbalance in the human body. The daily norm of a microelement for a woman or a man ranges from 450 to 800 mg. During pregnancy, this figure rises to 1500 mg. For a person involved in sports, the minimum value is one thousand mg.

For babies up to 6 months, it is enough to consume 400 mg of the substance, and for older children - 600. Starting from the 1st year, the required amount corresponds to 800 mg.

What vitamins to take for leg cramps

Vitamin complex required for use:

  • B1 eliminates oxygen starvation of the muscle;
  • B2 responsible for conducting nerve impulses;
  • B6- an element involved in the construction of cells, especially useful for infants;
  • B12 regulates biochemical processes, saturates with oxygen;
  • E dilates blood vessels, reduces the viscosity of the blood flow;
  • D restores the balance between potassium and magnesium.

What ointments help with leg cramps: heparin ointment, troxevasin gel, horse chestnut ointments

Various gels are used for relief and treatment.

Heparin ointment improves venous blood flow, therefore it is prescribed to people with varicose veins. It is rubbed into the skin twice or thrice a day for 10 days.

Troxevasin is a broad-spectrum gel that has virtually no contraindications and is effective for leg cramps. The reasons for this action are the active substance, which is of natural origin. Experts call the 1st trimester of childbearing and individual intolerance to the component a ban on the use.

Ointments based on horse chestnut are well-deservedly popular. This plant has properties that have a beneficial effect on the areas affected by spasms. In addition to it, chestnut ointment relieves swelling, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Glycerin for leg cramps

Pharmaceutical glycerin is suitable as an auxiliary agent. They rub their calves and fingers at night, like a regular cream.

Drinking water for leg cramps

In addition to nutrition, drinking regimen should also be regulated. The amount of fluid you drink per day should be 2 or 3 liters. This includes juices, compotes, fruit drinks, water, green tea. The consumption of black tea and coffee should be limited. Also, you do not need to abuse drinks that have a diuretic effect in order to avoid the loss of the necessary trace elements.

Treatment of night cramps in the legs with folk remedies

In addition to medications, folk remedies are widely used.

Apple vinegar

This product is prepared in combination with honey and water and drunk by a person to prevent a night attack. For 1 st. liquid requires 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Lemon juice

A folk method using lemon is useful in the presence of leg diseases. The sole of the foot is lubricated with squeezed juice, and after self-drying, a sock is put on. This procedure should be carried out twice a day for 2 weeks.

Bay leaf infused in vegetable oil

For the treatment of leg cramps in folk medicine, bay leaf tincture in oil is practiced. The reason for use may also be fatigue of the lower extremities. Greens are taken in proportions of 1 to 5 parts of the oil component.

You can use various vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, linseed and others. It is recommended to insist the remedy in a dark place for at least 2 weeks. Smear on diseased areas should be until improvement.

Alcohol tincture of lilac

Lilac flowers, infused with vodka, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

But it is worth remembering that during the breakdown of syringin glycoside (a substance contained in lilacs), hydrocyanic acid is formed, and it is toxic.

Balanced diet for leg cramps

The daily menu should include products such as cottage cheese and cheese. Beans are also a good source of calcium. Nutrition experts recommend drinking a glass of milk at night.

Muscles need silicon to relax. They are rich in garlic, so this vegetable should be eaten at dinner.

To replenish magnesium in the diet, it is necessary to include parsley, dill, green onions, seaweed, dried apricots, dates, figs.

The causes of leg cramps are very diverse. Sometimes it is difficult to identify them without special examinations, therefore it is necessary to seek help from a qualified specialist.

Videos of leg cramps

Cramps in the legs. Causes and Treatments:

Cramps in the legs. Reasons and simple ways treatment:

Cramping is a very common phenomenon for professional athletes. Many have encountered this problem while exercising in the gym or on the treadmill. But what if one day a cramp reminds you of itself while swimming in open water or in the middle of a marathon race? Together with the TV doctor, expert Alexei Bezymyanny, we managed to understand the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

Why does he cramp his legs?

“There could be several reasons for this. Poor stretching or, conversely, overtraining. If a person overtrains, muscle fatigue forms and muscle spasm occurs, which is accompanied by a pain symptom. Usually reduces the lower leg. Another reason is the lack of potassium and magnesium. Also, cramps during running can occur due to improperly selected shoes. You need to choose shoes according to your running style and your own feeling of comfort.

If during a workout you feel that the muscles of your legs seem to have hardened and there is a sharp pain in the same place, then you have a cramp.

Emergency help for seizures

As soon as you feel pain, immediately stop the load. Classes through force in this case will not bring relief.
- Pull the big toe towards you, the muscles will stretch in this way, and the spasm will stop.
- If cramps during training have affected the press, lie down on a flat surface and stretch back behind straightened arms.
- If the cramp occurs in the thigh muscles, stretch while bending the leg at the knee and pulling the leg back towards the buttocks.

What to do after the pain syndrome has passed?

Do not continue training immediately after the spasm has passed. The relaxed muscle must be allowed to rest for 15-20 minutes, otherwise the cramp may recur.
- Drink plenty of water (sometimes dehydration can be the cause of a cramp).
- If the pain syndrome has passed, and the muscle remains tense (“stone”), it is better to stop training and do a light muscle massage.

How to avoid seizures?

Before each workout, do a warm-up (5-10 minutes), complete the workout with a stretch (10-15 minutes).
- Include foods high in calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium in your diet. You can drink a course of vinamines: "Regidron", "Hydrofit", "Asparkam", "Diakarb" - they all replenish the level of potassium.

“See if your shoes wear out while running. On the side from which it is erased, there is a twisting of the pelvis or an incorrect connection hip joint. In this case, you should contact a manual therapist. If you continue to run with a defect and in the wrong style, you will not avoid cramping and cramping of the legs. ”

Chemistry Nobel laureate Rod McKinnon suggests drinking a special spicy drink before training to get rid of cramps. He justified this by the fact that convulsions often occur due to nervous strain.

To regulate the excessive movements of neurons in the body, he suggests drinking a mixture before or during training. cayenne pepper(1/2 teaspoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and a glass of cold water. You can also prepare various drinks containing other spicy foods: ginger, cinnamon, a mixture of peppers.

There are several versions causes of cramps in the calf muscle or in the thigh muscle. Western scientists, neurologists put forward their theory, according to which it is a protective mechanism of the body. A person may think that he is able to run at a distance of, for example, 10 kilometers. And the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain that is responsible for motor activity “asserts” that this person cannot run more than 5 kilometers. As a result, after the 5 kilometers set by the brain, even if a person believes that he has enough strength to run further, the brain sends a signal through the nervous system, ordering the muscle to contract. And as a result - calf muscle cramp.

Another version partially complements the first. It is based on the fact that the nerve impulse entering the calf muscles does not always go smoothly, sometimes they seem to “stumble”. This may be due to a lack of microelement salts (potassium, sodium) in the body. Since these substances are responsible for the passage of impulses, and if there is not the right amount of them, the impulse does not have enough “current”.

The disappearance of trace elements from the body is a rhetorical question. Modern world offers so many obscure foods that it's hard to find anything useful there. Salts are washed out of the body along with the outgoing fluid, for example, sweat. Pregnant women are more prone to convulsions due to a lack of trace elements, since all the useful goes to the life support of the fetus.

Another version is based on the fact that cause of calf muscle cramps banal circulatory disorder. That is, the blood goes down the legs through the arteries, and must rise up through the veins. But mainly due to seated image this does not happen in the life and work of a modern person, there is not enough push to the “pump” that would drive the blood through the veins. This can also lead to varicose veins. If you do not stretch your stiff legs in time, then the result is the same - convulsions.

If the legs do not bring down often, literally once every couple of months, then this is not a reason for concern and upholstering the thresholds of clinics. This can be banal fatigue and here you just need to give your legs a rest, for example, raise them above your head. But if this begins to happen more often, then it is worth considering and running to the doctor. Because it could be a sign of a disease. By the way, do not pay attention to cramps that occur in cold water. They carry only the danger of drowning (which should not be forgotten), but are not a sign of a disease. This is due to vasospasm with a sharp change in temperature, there is a violation of blood flow and convulsions.

Treating calf cramps

Deal with what's coming calf muscle cramp can different ways. A pin will also help if you stick it into the contracted muscle. It is only worth remembering that the needle may be non-sterile, and there is a risk of piercing some large vessel. Throwing your feet on the wall and just relaxing will help. But this technique will not work with a severe cramp, because it is difficult to relax with severe pain. And it’s not so easy to do this during the day, in an office environment, for example. A simple massage can be a more effective method, because the most important thing when a cramp occurs is to warm up the “problem” muscle. It is also helpful to do stretching exercises.

On the onset calf muscle cramps the most important thing is to restore normal blood circulation in the problem area as soon as possible And not to panic. And try to do something to "let go of the leg."

Night cramps of the calf muscles - the causes of this phenomenon are often hidden in the irritation of the nerve roots as a result of the natural aging of the vertebral bodies. By themselves, such convulsions are not dangerous, however, if they are repeated regularly and for no reason, then you need to think about it, since this may indicate certain diseases. Thanks to a visit to the doctor, you can understand the reasons for calf cramps at night.

calf cramp at night- this is an infrequent phenomenon, but it can bring significant discomfort to a person. This often happens to older people and pregnant women. The fact that a cramp is approaching can be recognized by severe pain in the calf and muscle. Subsequent muscle contractions are also painful and unpleasant, and they can appear in the calf itself, and also spread to the foot. During a cramp, it is problematic to touch the leg, because piercing pain occurs anywhere. In healthy people, this phenomenon is often provoked by a long stay of the leg in the same position, after some time spasms begin. Such cramps are not dangerous, as a rule, they are not frequent, they pass quickly if you rub your leg. And if they occur often, for no particular reason, then the body may be exposed to some serious disease. The most dangerous are convulsions in the water.

What causes cramps in the calf muscles?

The main causes of calf muscle cramps are as follows:
    this phenomenon may occur due to excess lactic acid that has not had time to transform; disturbances in blood circulation to the leg muscles;

    The response of the human nervous system to a long uncomfortable posture.

In addition, convulsions may indicate more serious diseases, such as pathologies of brain development, hypoxia, inflammation of the meninges, brain tumors, fever, epilepsy, late toxicosis during pregnancy, drug poisoning, metabolic disorders, calcium and magnesium deficiency (for example , during heavy physical exertion, calcium is removed from the body along with sweat), rapid temperature jumps (immersion in cold water). Human heredity also plays a significant role, that is, if parents often have convulsions, then children can also be subject to similar spasms.

How can I eliminate cramps in the calf muscles at night? Treatment of muscle spasms.

Treatment for calf cramps will depend on their cause.. Infrequent, mild spasms can be left untreated at all, you just need to rub your leg and everything will pass. Sometimes you can use acupuncture - this helps with severe cramps, but it is preferable that this procedure be performed by a specialist who knows the correct points on the body to insert a needle. If spasms occur frequently, and they are very painful, they should be examined. Initially, attention is paid to the circulatory system, since in the case of narrowed or clogged vessels that create a deficiency of muscle oxygen, the problem must be eliminated.

If cramps occur due to a lack of calcium, then initially you need to drink a vitamin complex, and also more often eat foods that contain this trace element (milk, vegetables, oatmeal, liver and fruits). If spasms persist, an in-depth neuropathological examination is recommended. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs: Quinine, Baclofen or Diazepam. Massage is also used to treat cramps, which promotes blood circulation in the calf muscle and improves oxygen supply.

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sharp, painful symptoms, the inability to stand up or move the fingers of the lower limb - all this means that your calf muscle cramped at night. Such spasms most often occur during sleep, because at this time the muscle corset is completely relaxed, and when the body lacks such fundamental minerals as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Pregnant women and adolescents during their puberty suffer from this in seventy percent of cases. However, when this often happens in other people, then most likely this means the occurrence of a disease - the so-called

Possible reasons

Cramping is a fairly serious disease, it is always preceded by something that reduces the calf muscle at night. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite extensive: violations of any metabolic processes, as a result of which useful minerals are not absorbed, gradually developing epilepsy, hypoxia, meningitis, or any complications during pregnancy.

All kinds of stress and too much excitement can lead to the fact that the electrolyte metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and this, in turn, causes the convulsive syndrome itself. If you feel that your calf muscle has cramped at night, and at the same time there are no diseases listed above, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, most likely your body has chosen this method to warn you of an internal “malfunction”.

Wrong posture for sleeping

Also, another reason for this may be an uncomfortable posture in which sensitivity is lost and nerve endings are pinched. If this happens constantly, then the body may not have enough calcium, which leads to varicose veins in the lower extremities.

Poor circulation of blood

The condition, when the calf muscle cramped at night, occurs if the blood vessels narrow very sharply and, thus, do not allow blood to circulate. In this case, the muscles are usually overstressed. It can also reduce the leg during excessive physical exertion. Every athlete knows that you always need to warm up and prepare the muscles first before you start exercising. With increasing loads, the calves reduce quite often. Therefore, before you start exercising, ask your trainer to show you some warm-up exercises.

We are always interested to know why we had a cramped calf muscle at night. There are quite a few reasons for this. However, only a doctor can tell you exactly which of them is your option, and even then only after a complex of studies and analyzes.

Another reason

During pregnancy, the risk of a nocturnal "surprise" doubles. This mainly happens in the third trimester, the weight of a woman grows, as a result of which the load on the legs becomes greater. In addition, due to the growth of the uterus, blood does not get well into the lower extremities, because. partially occluded vena cava. Therefore, pregnant women often complain that they reduce the calf muscle at night.

Eat potassium and magnesium, if necessary, contact a specialist and do not get sick!

Sometimes a person may feel sudden muscle spasms that cause severe pain. Some people experience convulsions on a daily basis. Home remedies can help deal with this phenomenon. But in order to prevent recurrence of seizures, it is important to completely change your lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at what calf cramps are, why they appear and what to do when they make themselves felt.

Symptoms and types of seizures

Cramps in the calves have the following symptoms:

  1. With tonic-clonic spasms, consciousness is suddenly lost, and the pupils become dilated. The convulsions last 10 seconds, the skeleton is tense, the eyes roll up. Then for another 40 seconds, the muscles of the body contract and relax sharply. At the end of the attack, the person falls asleep or feels a short-term stun. There may also be bloody foam flowing from the mouth, excessive salivation and biting of the tongue;
  2. Myoclonic spasms affect the entire skeleton, facial muscles, or fingers. Most often they affect children and adolescents. During an attack, a person may be injured when falling;
  3. With partial convulsive seizures, a person does not lose consciousness. During such convulsions, it reduces the calves of the legs, hands and face. The person feels pain and strong tension in the muscles.

Factors that cause seizures

If you have had calf cramps at least once, it is important to visit a neurologist, as they can indicate various serious and not very diseases.

The main causes of seizures:

  1. Lack of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium;
  2. Hypothermia of the legs or the whole body;
  3. stressful situations;
  4. Getting injured;
  5. Inflammation in the body;
  6. Varicose veins;
  7. neurological problems;
  8. Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  9. Diabetes.

In addition to these factors, there are also such reasons for the development of seizures as too much excitement, stressful situations, electrolyte imbalance.

Having experienced the symptoms of seizures, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact causes of this defect in the body.

An experienced specialist will find out why convulsions appear and prescribe the correct and effective treatment in a timely manner.

Muscle spasms in children

To identify why calf cramps occur in children, it is important to visit a pediatrician. The appearance of seizures are symptoms of a lack of calcium and vitamin D, the development of serious diseases or epilepsy.

Often cramps calves during sleep. In case of a cramp, it is necessary to rub the child's leg with a warming ointment. The kid should stand on his toes. Be sure the diet of children should consist of cottage cheese, hard cheeses, dried apricots, raisins. What to do in the future with repetition of seizures should tell the doctor. He may also prescribe medication.

How to take action to help yourself

When it reduces the calves of the legs, the question arises, what to do? First of all, it is important to do the following:

  1. Ignoring the pain, you need to slowly pull the toes of the clamped leg towards you;
  2. Feel or scratch the stiff muscles and rub the leg with strong movements;
  3. You can also apply a warm mustard plaster to the convulsive place or send a hot shower to your leg, which your skin can endure.

Having provided first aid to yourself during an attack of spasm of the calf muscle, it is important to call a doctor. The specialist must determine why the convulsion occurred by carefully examining and questioning the patient.

Night cramps

If at night the legs are cramped, the person becomes scared, and he begins to think in panic what to do in such a situation. You need to calm down first! Then try to get up and walk barefoot on the floor. If the spasm has not gone away, you can dip your feet in a basin of hot water or treat them with a warming ointment and put on warm socks. The heat will quickly relieve the cramp. Additionally, you can drink hot tea or milk. When you go to bed, be sure to place your legs below the level of your head.

Traditional medicine and nocturnal leg cramps

To get rid of night cramps of the calf muscles, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

Identification of the causes of seizures

To diagnose serious diseases that reduce the calves of the legs, it is enough to check the pressure and take a blood test. In serious cases, the doctor may order a complete examination of all organs, which will tell you exactly why seizures occur.

We treat seizures

Having determined why calf cramps occur, it is important to begin treatment. It is necessary not only to train the calf muscles, but also to eliminate the causes that cause convulsions.

Treating calf muscle cramps:

  1. If the cause of seizures is a disturbed mineral metabolism, the treatment will be to change the diet. That is, the patient should consume more foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In serious situations, the doctor is forced to resort to the introduction of special drugs into the body;
  2. If the cause of convulsions is varicose veins, it is important to treat the vessels of the venous bed;
  3. If the cause of seizures is epilepsy, anticonvulsant drugs are taken. For example, a doctor may prescribe a course of phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproic acid, or lamotrigine;
  4. If the body does not receive enough oxygen to relieve the spasm, it is necessary to saturate the blood with oxygen by inhaling it through a special mask;
  5. If spasms are provoked by malformations of the brain, anticonvulsants are used;
  6. If the patient has suffered from meningitis, antibiotic therapy is performed to prevent the development of seizures;
  7. To cope with febrile vascular spasms, it is necessary to take an antipyretic agent that will lower the high body temperature and normalize breathing;
  8. With dehydration, convulsions are removed due to the infusion of fluid through the veins. It is important to normalize the volume of circulating blood;
  9. In some situations, an experienced specialist to relieve spasms in the leg resorts to acupuncture. During this procedure, all needles must be carefully processed, and the doctor must know how and where to inject the needle.

Treatment and prevention of calf muscle cramps also include special massages that warm up the muscles and increase blood flow in them. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, it is useful to do gymnastics.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additionally, take medications that include calcium and vitamin D.

Preventive measures

To prevent the recurrence of calf muscle cramps, it is important to carry out prophylaxis, which consists in the following:

  1. Change your menu. Eat fresh fruits and greens. To enrich the body with calcium, it is useful to feast on cottage cheese, cheese, other dairy products, and almonds. To make up for the loss of magnesium, walnuts, legumes and buckwheat are recommended for use. Potassium can be found in dried fruits, dried apricots, seeds, beets and garlic;
  2. In addition to a proper and balanced diet, you can drink a vitamin-mineral complex;
  3. In order to prevent leg cramps, on the recommendation of a doctor, special exercises are recommended;
  4. To relieve pain and discomfort in the legs, you can resort to massage, which you can do yourself or visit a massage therapist;
  5. Every day it is useful to walk on your heels for a couple of minutes.

Leg cramps are not dangerous. But, if spasms are repeated systematically, they can signal some kind of serious illness. In this case, why there are convulsive seizures, the doctor should figure it out.

What to do if cramped calf muscle?Article rating: 3.82 /5 (Votes: 11 )

Quite often, when performing heavy physical work or during intense training, cramps of the calf muscles occur. They are manifested by unbearable pain, which makes you stop any load for rest and complete recovery of the body.

A spasm is a paroxysmal involuntary contraction of the muscles, which is characterized by their strong tension.

Leg cramps occur in 75% of people: in some it happens occasionally, in others it is a single case, in others, cramps in the calf muscles are a constant phenomenon. If spasms appear in the muscles of the legs, you should immediately seek medical help from a specialist who will find out the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment.

Etiology of the disease

To permanently get rid of this pathology, it is necessary to understand why there are cramps in the calf muscles, that is, one should find out their cause.

Among the main etiological factors of this disease are the following:

  • sudden and too intense physical activity,
  • thermal effects, such as cold water,
  • physiological changes in the body, such as pregnancy or puberty,
  • lack of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium in the blood,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • stress,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • spasmophilia,
  • epilepsy,
  • brain injuries and tumors
  • inflammatory processes in the body,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • flat feet,
  • overweight,
  • passive lifestyle
  • taking certain medications - diuretics, statins,
  • nicotinic acid.

Thus, the cause of cramps in the calf muscles can be a serious disease of the whole body, so this symptom should not be missed and, if it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main types of seizures

The spasms range in intensity from a tic or twitch to a violent, excruciatingly painful contraction.

According to the duration of convulsions are:

  • short - last only a few seconds,
  • long - can last 15 minutes or even longer.

According to the nature of muscle contractions, convulsions are divided into clonic and tonic.

  1. Clonic convulsions are short-term contractions and relaxation of individual muscle groups that quickly replace each other.
  2. Tonic convulsions - longer muscle contractions, as a result of which the limbs freeze in a forced position.
  3. There are mixed convulsions with a predominance of the tonic component in muscle contraction - tonic-clonic convulsions, and with a predominance of the clonic component - clonic-tonic.

Seizures are divided into idiopathic, which occur for no apparent reason, and secondary, which are symptoms or complications of certain diseases or disorders in the human body.

  1. Idiopathic are night cramps that occur in old age or appear after exercise.

    The causes of idiopathic seizures have not been determined. Presumably, they are associated with abnormal activity of nerve endings during sleep, which causes muscle spasm.

    • In athletes, cramps in the calves of the legs are associated with excessive stress on the muscles during intense physical exercise.
    • In the elderly, idiopathic seizures can occur for a completely natural reason - the gradual shortening of the tendons during the aging process. Tendons connect muscle tissue and attach it to the bones of the skeleton. If they become short, then muscle spasm may occur.
  2. Secondary reasons:
    • Pregnancy - cramps occur in the second and third trimesters and are explained by increased body weight, which creates an additional load on the muscles of the legs.
    • intense exercise,
    • neurological diseases,
    • Liver disease, in which toxins enter the bloodstream, accumulate and provoke muscle spasm.
    • Some bacterial infections, such as tetanus,
    • Poisoning and dehydration.

Clinical manifestations

Leg cramps usually occur in the morning while stretching in bed.

Muscles in which spasms most often appear:

  • on the back of the leg - the calf muscle,
  • on the back of the thigh - semitendinosus, biceps and semimembranosus muscles,
  • on the front of the thigh - the quadriceps femoris muscle,
  • on the foot
  • on hands,
  • on the stomach
  • on the chest.

The reduced muscles are firm, dense to the touch, their shape is noticeably changed. Minor tics are manifested by twitches under the skin.

The calf muscle, compared to all other skeletal muscles, most often cramps

Cramps in the calves always cause acute pain, which is so severe that the muscles remain sensitive for several hours. Prolonged and severe cramps lead to soreness and inflammation, which can persist for several days. In addition to pain, leg stiffness and inability to stand on a full foot are also symptoms of cramps.

The cramps that occur when falling asleep are very painful. Sometimes they are the cause of insomnia, because upon waking up, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time because the leg hurts after a cramp. Night cramps mainly affect the elderly and pregnant women. Their causes are muscle fatigue during the day or problems with the nervous system.

In patients with diabetes, blood vessels are always affected and the work of peripheral arteries is disrupted. This leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the legs and, consequently, to muscle spasm.

First aid for convulsive contractions

If it cramps the calves of the legs, then it is necessary to squeeze the calf muscle and press on its central part with the index finger for about twenty seconds in order to improve blood circulation in it. At this time, you should breathe deeply.

To relieve spasm, you can strongly squeeze the central part of the lower lip for thirty seconds.

A gentle massage relaxes tight muscles, improves blood circulation and relieves spasms.

There is an exercise that allows you to stretch a reduced muscle, quickly relieve pain and spasm. To do this, you need to stand facing the wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands should rest against the wall at head level. Slowly move back in small steps, keeping your feet on the floor. It is necessary to retreat until there is a feeling of stretching of the calf muscles. You should stop when there is pain in the legs.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing cramps and spasms in the muscles of the legs and include the following points:

  1. Change in diet.

    The diet should include a large amount of fresh fruits and herbs. Sources of essential minerals are:

    • calcium - cottage cheese, cheese, other dairy products, almonds;
    • magnesium - walnuts, beans, buckwheat;
    • potassium - dried fruits, especially dried apricots, seeds, beets, garlic.
  2. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. Special exercises for the prevention of calf muscle cramps.
  4. Massage to relieve pain and discomfort.
  5. Walking on heels daily for a few minutes.

Overstrain of muscle tissue with a painful and unpleasant feeling after a workout is familiar to absolutely every person involved in both amateur and professional sports. The causes of seizures, when the muscles begin to reduce, can be very different. An agonizing sensation most often appears during active training. It can be in two forms - light and heavy.

The following muscles are most susceptible to overexertion:

  • Semimembranosus, biceps, semitendinosus. They form the back of the thigh.
  • Calf. Located on the back of the leg.
  • Four-headed. It is not located on the front side of the thigh.
  • Breast. Located along the entire chest.

In addition, cramps quite often reduce the muscles in the arms and even on the feet.

Who is at risk?

Athletes and all people who are physically active are most often subject to muscle overstrain. Spasms can begin not only during direct training, but much later. Sometimes convulsions occur after 4-6 hours after direct employment.

The elderly are also at risk. The main reason for this is the age-related decrease muscle mass, coming after 40 years, as well as a sharp decrease in physical activity.

In children younger age control over muscle tissue is poorly developed, so cramps can occur at any time. In pregnant women, in 30% of cases, muscle tissue is also reduced. This condition occurs due to a sharp fluctuation in weight in the direction of increasing mass.

Causes of muscle contraction

Seizures can occur due to:

  • strong overvoltage, which increases against the background of high temperatures, when a large amount of microelements is excreted from the body along with sweat;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • overweight;
  • nervous diseases.

Often, the cause of cramps can be sprains of the tendons, as well as an excessively high load on the muscles.

Muscle fatigue and neuromuscular control

Most people associate post-workout muscle pain with tissue growth, which is a misnomer. Unpleasant painful sensations are a reaction of the body that signals a person about excessively high loads or microscopic damage.

To avoid this, muscle tissues need to adapt, that is, to establish a neuromuscular connection when information about active physical activity is stored in memory. It is much easier for a person to return to good shape and not suffer from overexertion when he used to play sports. Prepared muscles become more resilient, stronger, grow faster in volume.

Neuromuscular control is an essential tool in the prevention of seizures for those who have taken breaks from training for any reason. This will allow you to recover three to four times faster when you return to the gym after suffering an injury and so on.

Dehydration or electrolyte deficiency

Training provokes increased sweating, which leads to the loss of salts and moisture. Sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium ions are excreted from the body. This condition often causes dehydration and spasmodic attacks.

Against the background of water imbalance disrupts the exchange of electrolytes. It should be understood that this can happen not only because of training, but also because of the lack of clean drinking water drunk during the day. To avoid problems, it is necessary to maintain a normal water-salt balance.

Other reasons

Convulsions are most often mild, but sometimes they indicate hidden diseases. If spasms occur frequently, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Muscle strain may be associated with:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including osteochondrosis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • problems of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • beriberi.

Some medications can also lead to muscle tension.

Seizure symptoms

Cramps cannot be ignored, but the degree of contraction can vary from a slight tingling to excruciating severe pain. A spasmodic attack makes the muscles unnaturally hard and tight. In some cases, there is twitching under the skin. The duration of seizures varies. They can last a few seconds and even a quarter of an hour, be regular, and pain persist for several days.

Usually, spasmodic attacks do not require any special therapy, but require a certain sequence of actions to help eliminate the spasm:

  1. Cessation of the movement that provoked the spasm.
  2. Slow massaging and stretching the muscle.
  3. Relaxation and rest in a few minutes.
  4. Cooling with ice or applying an elastic bandage.

When these manipulations do not relieve painful contractions, you should contact a specialist who will accurately diagnose and give instructions for further action.

Prevention of muscle spasms

The best remedy for cramps is a good stretch, so warm-up and cool-down is a must. This reduces the likelihood of muscle convergence by 80%. In addition, massage helps a lot.

Muscle rubbing should be carried out with the use of oils, which not only make the process more enjoyable, but also contribute to the replenishment of microelements in the muscles. It is recommended to apply something warm to the problem area after the massage.

Rubbing the hands and feet is aimed at massaging the points that connect the body. Along with massage, warm baths are useful, as water also gives a slight massage effect. It is good to take water procedures with herbs, because aromatherapy allows you to relax well.

Diet food

If you suffer from abdominal cramps, you should drink a glass of warm milk at night. The menu should include more foods containing calcium and magnesium. They strengthen connective tissues. Phyto-tea gives a good effect. Herbal decoctions are useful not only for the muscles, but also have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Various salty snacks, convenience foods, sweet, fried and too fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It contains a minimum of valuable and nutrients and negatively affects the metabolism in the body, that is, it is not useful.

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