To open a center for children, I took out a loan to renovate an apartment. How to open a rehabilitation center for drug addicts and alcoholics How to start creating a rehabilitation center

Department staff social psychology SSU them. Chernyshevsky are studying the problems of addiction.

It was they who developed a unique program for the rehabilitation of drug addicts and people who use alcohol.

The course has been tested and is being successfully implemented. The Otkritie Rehabilitation Center (Moscow) conducts individual work with each client who has come to a private institution for salvation, getting rid of the disease and psychological problems caused by.


A branch has been opened in Moscow, where the reception of patients is organized. You can contact us at the address: Zvenigorodskoe shosse, 18/20 building 1.

An employee of the center receives in office No. 217. Hospital treatment is held in Saratov, where the RC itself is located.


In the Otkritie drug treatment clinic, treatment with subsequent rehabilitation of people suffering from various addictions is possible:

  1. addiction;

Patients who have diseases at different stages are accepted anonymously.

Recovery is carried out according to an approved plan with the involvement of rehabilitators in the life of the therapeutic community.


To relieve physiological symptoms, patients are prescribed. Cleansing the body allows you to overcome, get out of binge, remove the hangover.

The detox program is carried out on the basis of narcological clinics, where the addict is under the supervision of experienced doctors around the clock.


In the Otkritie rehabilitation center, psychologists use proven methods to restore the health and consciousness of patients.

An examination is carried out immediately after admission. The doctor assesses the condition, prescribes drugs, sends for detoxification.

The main work is aimed at the formation of personal qualities. The course of therapy includes individual and group sessions.

Psychologists teach addicts to anticipate breakdowns, avoid critical situations, and find a way out of them. In parallel, trainings, thematic seminars for relatives are held.

Video: Presentation of the program "Opening"

Many years of experience in similar drug rehabilitation centers shows that many patients come from the most remote corners of the country. Their purpose- receive comprehensive and effective treatment.

The task of the rehabilitation center– treatment of drug addiction and ensuring a comfortable stay for patients. The provision of professional medical services related to narcology should be carried out in non-residential buildings. Main conditions:

  • suitable area of ​​at least 55 sq. m;
  • a special room for employees and technical staff;
  • bathroom;
  • waiting corridors;
  • the presence of two rooms that meet the requirements of the SES (area - 14 sq. m, washable walls and floor, the presence of a sink).

Approximate costs of a similar establishment:

  • rent of a special room, the area of ​​​​which is 90 square meters. m will be 65 thousand rubles;
  • salary of an experienced narcologist - 55-60 thousand;
  • wages for nurses - 40-45 thousand;
  • the nurse receives about 23-25 ​​thousand rubles;
  • the salary of a medical registrar is about 20-22 thousand.

The total costs will be at least 210-215 thousand rubles per month. The cost of medical services, treatment and prevention of alcoholics and drug addicts is 4.5-5 thousand rubles. The average duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition and the complexity of the case:

  • dependence on alcohol - about 4-5 days;
  • heroin addiction - at least 5-6 days;
  • methadone addiction - 12-14 days.

After treatment, a long rehabilitation is necessary.

Drug addiction and alcoholism is an ominous plague of the 21st century, which must be actively and thoroughly fought. The problem cannot be solved with one treatment. For a successful result, productive rehabilitation and recovery will be required. It can be passed in a special center, the opening of which is a fairly profitable business.

The activity of the center is to provide professional assistance to patients. To get started, you will need start-up capital, as well as additional expenses for advertising, cooperation with clinics and medical centers, utility bills, and more. Given the urgency of the problem, the flow of customers will be high. The main thing- Choose a good location. During the first year, you will be able to recoup your own costs and receive a stable income. When organizing a rehabilitation center, remember the following:

  1. Treatment of drug addicted patients is a procedure for removing the main signs of physical dependence.
  2. At the rehabilitation stage, psychological dependence, which is a decisive factor in the disease, is removed. It has a basic and significant meaning.

Unfortunately, the problem of alcohol and drug addiction is still very relevant for our country. Not in all regions the fight against this social "illness" is carried out at the proper level. Therefore, the business of organizing a private clinic for the rehabilitation of drug addicts will not only be very profitable, but also beneficial to society. We will talk about how to open a drug treatment center yourself, avoiding many difficulties and problems, in this article.

Features of the implementation of this business idea

To open a drug treatment center, you need to collect a great many permits. The medical activities of the center are subject to mandatory licensing, so the requirements for personnel are the highest. Only qualified specialists with specialized higher medical education can work in a drug treatment clinic. In addition to the diploma, the staff of the center must have valid certificates for the implementation medical activities. It is better to choose an individual entrepreneur as the form of organization of this business - this will save you from some legal delays and future problems with the tax service.

As for the location of the narcological center, the building must necessarily be non-residential and located closer to the sleeping areas of the city. The total area of ​​the institution should be at least 100 square meters, with a "reserve" for future business expansion. The main requirements for the planning of a drug treatment clinic are as follows:

  • A short corridor ending in a hall with comfortable benches for waiting.
  • Two equipped bathrooms (male and female).
  • Walk-in closet.
  • Small business premises.
  • Ordinatorskaya for staff.
  • Fenced-off reception desk equipped with filing cabinets.
  • Three single rooms for patients that meet all SES requirements.

The narcological center should have soft “cold” lighting, pastel-colored walls, as well as permanent cleanliness and sterility.

It is best to promote your drug treatment clinic on the Internet: your website with a price list for services and reviews of grateful customers is a must. You should also arrange with other medical institutions in the city to place booklets and business cards of your clinic in them. If your employees work from the heart and treat each patient individually, then the good reputation of your center will quickly spread throughout the region, providing you with a constant influx of clients.

financial question

A private drug treatment center does not belong to the category of business projects, the implementation of which requires huge financial investments. The one-time cost of opening such a center will not exceed 500 thousand rubles. Monthly expense items will look like this (data are focused on the capital region):

  • Rent - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a narcologist is 60,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a nurse is 35,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a receptionist is 25,000 rubles.
  • The salary of a nurse is 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of medicines - 50,000 rubles.

As a result, every month you will have to "fork out" about 250,000 rubles. Let's now consider the main sources of income for the drug treatment center. For example, the average check for treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is 5,000 rubles per day. The duration of the course of treatment for alcohol dependence is 4 days, heroin - 5 days, and the most serious - methadone - up to 14 days.

A small narcological clinic includes no more than three equipped wards. Accordingly, its maximum occupancy is three patients. The clinic will work without weekends and holidays - the specifics of the activity oblige to adhere to such a schedule. If the occupancy of the wards every day is one hundred percent, then monthly income from the work of the narcological center will amount to 450 thousand rubles. Minus mandatory expenses, the net profit is very pleasant - 200 thousand rubles a month.

Naturally, if there are queues to your center, the number of wards can be increased. No matter how regrettable it may sound, the likelihood of queues is very high, regardless of the region where the drug treatment center is located. He definitely won't be without a job.


Quite rarely, drug addicts voluntarily agree to treatment in a drug treatment clinic. In most cases, they fall at the cost of the incredible efforts of their relatives and friends. Accordingly, in the work of the drug treatment center there is a clear division into clients and patients. Patients don't pay money, clients do. Sometimes you can't even expect gratitude from patients. Nevertheless, picking up other people's broken lives piece by piece is an occupation worthy of respect. Well, a good financial profit can be considered compensation for harmful working conditions. Good luck in business!

Entrepreneur, director of the Tyumen developmental center "Steps" for children with speech problems Marina Bakulina told MN about the work of her center, about the meeting with Medvedev, and also explained why children are increasingly making mistakes in dictations.

The children's developing center "Stupenki" has been operating since 2004. It helps children from four months to ten years old with various speech therapy problems, and also deals with the prevention of speech disorders in children. Children with disabilities are engaged together with children with developmental norms in groups: reading, math, drawing, physical education and sand therapy. The head of the center, Marina Bakulina, won the annual Impulse of Kindness award, taking third place in the nomination For Personal Contribution to the Development of Social Entrepreneurship.

You, albeit a social, but an entrepreneur. Always wanted to make money instead of working for someone for hire?

I have a philological education - I am a teacher of Russian language and literature. I worked at school for a year, then I wanted to go into business. When I was at the university, I worked as a counselor in the Tyumen camp "Children's Republic", where there were shifts for children with disabilities. There I learned what cerebral palsy is in practice. Then she also worked with deaf-mute children. In general, I was very hooked on this topic. My sister is a speech therapist, she worked with the hearing impaired. Both of us became so close to this topic that, having joined forces and wrote several projects, we began to deal with it. In 2004, our private center was created (it must be said that there were no private centers in Tyumen at that time). Now we are engaged in the prevention of speech therapy disorders - this is our feature. We have reading and mathematics go through singing.

- Are there many children with speech therapy disorders now?

- Unfortunately, quite a lot. According to statistics, in my opinion, today every second child is a speech pathologist (logopathy is a state of speech insufficiency with normal hearing - note, “MN”). hearing, did not correct all violations. Hence the illiterate speech, and errors in dictations. Accordingly, all this must be prevented. There are also a lot of children born by caesarean section who are most likely to be speech pathologists. Most likely, they will be diagnosed with speech therapy at the age of three.

- Who helped you with your work? You were a simple teacher, and suddenly - your own business ..

In addition to my sister, my mother and father. From the very beginning, they began to work with me in the center. Such a family business turned out. True, dad has now changed his field of activity.

- Where did you find the money?

I took the regular consumer credit to repair the apartment (laughs), because they didn’t give it any other way. But that was a long time ago, in 2004, when banks did not work with entrepreneurs, there was even nowhere to consult. At the time, I had no idea about taxes or anything else. With this, too, there were difficulties - it is always difficult to find good man who will do the bookkeeping for you, prepare all the reports correctly. There were big personnel problems, because the teachers working in the municipal series are not client-oriented, so it is very difficult to select people. This is now a service, everyone is talking about it. A few years ago this was not the case. Do people from the public sector have us as usual? - they bark, but don’t talk (laughs), so it was hard to find staff. Now we have a fund to support entrepreneurs, which is good: there is always someone to turn to. And young entrepreneurs are more fortunate, because there are already programs where you can come, ask for something, up to filing reports with the tax authorities.

What is the ratio of teachers' salaries in your center and in other preschool institutions in the Tyumen region?

Our salaries have always been much higher than in state kindergartens, so people came to us with pleasure, despite our tough selection of people - thirty people come, you choose only one person. What will happen next, we cannot predict. If there is an increase in salaries, then we will also increase, because we have a slightly different approach, other clients and we need to match our level.

- Tell me, is socially responsible business successful?

Yes, we fully pay for ourselves, our center makes a profit. We have the opportunity to buy additional equipment, computers. I will not say, of course, that it is as profitable as trading or something else. But, nevertheless, it turns out to live and develop. You can open branches, but for this, of course, you will need to attract additional resources: either take out loans or look for an investor. From time to time we participate in various competitions, we receive grants (albeit small amounts).

- You seem to have even achieved a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev?

It's been a long time (laughs). It all started in 2008, when I came up with a proposal to legalize private kindergartens and centers, first with the head of the city, then with the governor. Then they were already invited to the president. Our business was not regulated: there was no legal framework, no laws, no SanPiNs for us. In the end, we achieved that we were included in the law on education. This was very important, because parents were no longer afraid to come to us and bring their children. We introduced all this at a meeting with D.A. Medvedev. And the practical result was that six months later SanPiNs were prepared and approved for us.

- Would you like to go into politics yourself?

The question is very difficult. I don’t know, I’m not ready to answer it yet, because it’s a very big responsibility. Now I am already doing social work. Maybe in a little while I'll think about it. My goal is simply to be helpful. If for this it will be necessary to go into politics, then, apparently, there will be no other option. I do not want to purposefully engage in politics - only if it is necessary for business.

Opening a private rehabilitation center is associated with considerable expenses, which will help to correctly calculate a well-written rehabilitation center business plan.

In him. Besides financial matters, it is necessary to highlight many organizational, legal, technical and production aspects, having analyzed in detail the paid medicine market. Market analysis is based on personal research and statistical data. It allows you to determine the level of demand for paid medical services and their cost.

Business plan of the rehabilitation center, its organizational, technical parts

To open a rehabilitation center, you must obtain all permits. Medical services subject to compulsory licensing must be provided by qualified specialists with all relevant diplomas, certificates and permits. Highly qualified employees are the backbone of a successful service-oriented business. An important point is the choice of the location of the rehabilitation center. Here it is necessary to take into account the presence of competing enterprises, territorial accessibility, as well as the level of income of the local population, which is determined by the quality of the housing conditions of the area (elite housing, Khrushchev, etc.).

Next, a technical issue is resolved related to the purchase, lease or construction of a suitable building, its repair, equipment. Depending on the chosen profile (multi-profile or highly specialized rehabilitation center), the structure and the number of used premises necessary for accommodation are planned:

  • administrative, medical, treatment rooms;
  • hospital;
  • registries;
  • business premises;
  • wardrobe;
  • rest rooms.

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Business plan for a drug rehabilitation center

Many years of experience shows that patients for treatment with a complex method can come from the most remote places and even from neighboring regions. Therefore, the location of the premises on the outskirts of the city does not lead to a decrease in the flow of patients or the loss of customers. The premises for the provision of medical services in the field of narcology should be located in a non-residential building. Primary requirements:

Rent of a suitable room with an area of ​​90 sq.m in the district of Art. m. "Altufievo" will cost 64,300 rubles per month. The salary of a narcologist is 55 thousand rubles / month; nurses - 40 thousand rubles / month; medical registrar - 22 thousand rubles / month; nurses - 25 thousand rubles / month What is in total: 64.3 + 55 + 40 + 22 + 25 \u003d 206.3 thousand rubles. - Monthly expenses for rent of premises and salaries of employees.

Prices for treatment in the drug rehabilitation center are as follows. Drug addiction and alcoholism - 5000 rubles per day. On average, the patient spends in the clinic: treatment of heroin addiction - 5 days; methadone - 12 days, alcohol - 4 days.

If there are 3 wards that meet the requirements of SES, 3 patients can be treated at the center at the same time, the income from which will be: 3 * 5000 = 15,000 rubles per day; 15000*30=450,000 rubles/month; We subtract the monthly expenses for rent and salaries, we get: 450,000-206,300 \u003d 243,700 rubles / month. - this is income, part of which (100,000 rubles) will be spent on the purchase of medicines and consumables, as well as on household needs: 243,700-100,000 \u003d 143,700 rubles / month. - net income.

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