Grass fleabane application. Oregano: medicinal properties and contraindications for women. Contraindications for women

The common flea has an unusual number of names. The people call her a kupalka, a flea, a dream book, a fat woman, a dresen, a mind. It grows in Ukraine, Belarus and in the central region, and in the south of the European part of Russia on sandy lands along the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

By appearance the plant is not beautiful. Height 70-90 cm. Thick crooked fleshy stems, sharp hairy leaves. The flowers are like chamomile with a large core, only the whole dirty yellow. Blooms from mid-July to early September. A low plant with a very unpleasant smell, it is often used to get rid of insects: fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and flies.

It is worth mentioning that this plant has not been fully studied by scientists. It does not work miracles, but it brings some benefits. Traditional healers use the whole plant with benefit. Leaves, stems, roots and flowers go into healing liquids and powders.

The top of the flea beetle, collected by herbalists, contains organic acids, components of essential oils, flavonoids, vitamin C, anticoagulants, and nitrogen-containing compounds.

The rhizome contains polyacetylene compounds: tridecaene - pentaine, dicetoxy - tridecantriin, tridecadiene - tetraine.

1. Decoctions of flea herbs are recommended by herbalists for chronic constipation and dysentery.
2. Enemas and warm sitz baths for hemorrhoidal bumps.
3. Rinses and compresses for stomatitis or toothache.
4. If parts of the root are added to the herb, then the decoction will be diuretic. It can be taken as a remedy for edema.
5. Infusions are prescribed for albulemia.
6. It is recommended to bathe babies in herbal baths to increase vitality. But you need to discuss this with your pediatrician.

How to prepare medicine

Leaves, stems and flowers, that is, the tops of the plant, its aerial part are harvested during the flowering period. All parts are neatly separated from each other. Loosely spread on clean paper or cloth. Dry the plant in a well-ventilated area. Without mixing, the parts of the plant are stirred regularly so as not to become damp.

It is necessary to observe a moderate thermal regime, avoiding direct sunlight. The drying period for flowers and stems is different. After all the parts are dry, the parts of the plant can be mixed. Store collection in fabric bags. It is important that the dry grass is not stored for more than two years. Then beneficial features are greatly reduced.

Harvesting flea roots, they are dug up early at the end of summer or early autumn. And so that there is no earth left on the roots, they cannot be soaked in water. After that, the roots are dried with a napkin, cut into small pieces. Raw materials are laid out in a ventilated place. Dry without access to direct sunlight, at a constant temperature and humidity.

Methods of preparation and use

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a two-hour infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of dried herbal mixture per 200 ml of hot boiled water. Strained liquid is used in enemas or added to warm medicinal baths.

In case of chronic constipation or indigestion, insist a teaspoon on a glass of boiling water for a couple of hours and take orally half the volume three times a day, until the patient's condition improves. Also, taking this decoction will help with tuberculosis.

Botanical characteristic

The common flea, translated - Pulicaria vulgaris, is an annual herbaceous plant, it is woolly-pubescent, and belongs to the Compositae family.

Its popular names are fat woman, womanizer, bathing suit, dream book. Its stem is straight or ascending, it is rather strongly branched, its height is from fifteen to forty-five centimeters.

The leaves are entire, lower longitudinal in shape, slightly tapering into a short petiole. Middle and upper - round at the base, sessile, longitudinally ovate. The flowers are yellow in color, located in multi-flowered single baskets.

The extreme flowers are short-lingual female, and the middle ones are male tubular bisexual. It should be noted that the plant has a rather unpleasant aroma. The fruit is represented by a light achene with a tuft. It blooms from June to September.


In our country, the common fleabane mainly grows in the European part, namely in its middle and southern strip, as well as in Altai. It occurs throughout the territory of Ukraine. Grows in wet meadows, pastures, along river banks and other wet, mostly sandy areas.

Used part

The part used includes the aerial part of the plant, which contains organic acids, carbohydrates, essential oil, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, coumarins, tannins, alkaloids, monoterpenoids, polyacetylene compounds.

The root system contains rubber and polyacetylene compounds, for example, tridecaene-pentaine, dicetoxy-tridecanetriin, tridecadiene-tetraine.

Collection and preparation

Usually, the aerial part is harvested during the flowering of the plant. It is carefully cut and spread loosely on a sheet of paper or a pallet, which is placed in a ventilated place, it can be an attic or a canopy.

In special dryers, the required temperature is maintained, so that the raw materials will be cooked quickly and efficiently. Store it in cloth bags in a ventilated area, no more than twenty-four months.

After the expiration of the shelf life, it is worth getting rid of the raw materials, since, all of it medicinal properties will just disappear.

When harvesting the roots of this plant, they must be thoroughly washed under running cool water to wash out all particles of unnecessary soil. After that, excess liquid should be removed by simply blotting the raw material with a paper towel.

Then it is carefully cut into small pieces, and the raw materials are laid out quite loosely on a pallet. It is not recommended to dry the plant under direct sunlight, as it may lose its medicinal properties.

For this purpose, it is placed in a ventilated place, for example, you can use the attic, or place the raw material under a canopy, remembering to turn it over often and carefully, this procedure must be done to avoid dampness.


The common flea grass, as well as its root system, have pronounced diuretic properties, therefore, the prepared drug can be used for edema.

AT traditional medicine an infusion of herbs is used, it is taken orally for constipation, dysentery, and also as an anti-tuberculosis agent. An interesting fact is that the name "flea" was given to the plant due to its insecticidal properties.

An infusion of the herb is also used in the form of enemas for hemorrhoids, and is used for therapeutic baths. But before you begin to carry out this procedure, I strongly recommend getting a consultation with a proctologist, you should not solve this problem on your own.

This drug is added to the water while bathing immunocompromised children, of course, if you decide to add this drug to the bath, you should consult a pediatrician, he may recommend some alternative method.

Infusion recipe

To prepare the infusion, you will need thirty grams of chopped grass, which is recommended to be immersed in boiling water, 200 milliliters of liquid is enough.

After that, it is necessary to close the container with a tight lid and insist for some time. Then the drug is recommended to be filtered through a strainer, and it can be used, for example, for sitz baths for hemorrhoids.


Before using the bathing infusion, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as he will help prescribe adequate treatment, maybe he will send you for an examination. If any symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, and not to self-medicate.

If you want to expel hated insects from your own home, then the common flea will help you with this, thanks to its insecticidal properties. , fleas, biting flies will no longer disturb you.

plant description

She is also a bathing suit, fat woman, dream book, womanizer, common flea is a herbaceous, annual plant. Feature flea beetles - its specific unpleasant smell, which repels insects. The branched stem reaches a height of 30 cm. The shape of the leaves differs depending on the location on the stem. The lower leaf plates are oblong, slightly narrowed towards the end, stem - without petioles, lanceolate, wavy with small teeth.

Common flea blooms in mid-summer. Small, yellowish flowers are collected in basket-shaped inflorescences. The receptacle is flat, slightly convex, the stamens are long, their number is usually five. All flowers are female, after flowering they form the fruits of an achene with a double crest. The flea beetle can be found in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus along the sandy shores of reservoirs, wastelands.

Useful properties, use of flea

For medical purposes at home, the ground part of the plant is used: young shoots, leaves, inflorescences and fruits. The plant contains: organic acids, alkaloids, coumarins, monoterpinoids, rubber, ascorbic acid, polyacetylene chemical compounds, saponins.

Due to its unique composition, the flea beetle is rightfully recognized as an effective healing drug against many diseases.

  • The rhizome of the plant has diuretic properties, and the prepared decoction or infusion will perfectly cope with edema.
  • Flea herb infusion is used for chronic constipation, dysentery, tuberculosis.
  • If you are tormented by hemorrhoids, try therapeutic baths using flea grass. Enemas from the prepared decoction will also help to cure ailments. But in any case, it is better to consult a proctologist, since you can not help the body, but harm it.
  • Stomatitis, toothache will also be stopped and cured by a healing drug from a flea. But it is not recommended to constantly use the grass of the plant, it is better to consult a dentist.
  • Baths with the addition of a womanizer will help increase the immunity of a small child, but all independent actions must be coordinated with your pediatrician.

The use of common flea in folk health recipes

For internal hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids

Take one tablespoon of dry chopped herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water. The contents must be insisted for at least two hours, then strain. Use a warm composition for enemas, sedentary medicinal baths.

For constipation, dysentery and dental problems

To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of dry chopped raw material of the common flea beetle and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Infuse for at least 2 hours, strain. Take a healing drug inside 1/2 cup three times a day until the condition improves.

If you are self-medicating or want to heal loved ones at home folk methods, do not overdo it, because each organism perceives the properties of a particular medicinal plant differently, so trust the professionals, and also use our health recipes.

Useful properties and contraindications of oregano are well studied. The Latin name "origanum" comes from the Greek and translates as "the joy of the mountains." AT Ancient Greece grass treated dental and headache, used as an antidote for bites of poisonous animals and for poisoning, for wound healing. In Russia, it was affectionately called “mother”, “swan”, and also called “grass of love” and often used as a love potion, kvass was made from it. And in Europe, aromatic beer was brewed from grass.

Plant features

Growth area

Origanum vulgaris, or oregano natural conditions found everywhere, throughout Europe, especially in South and Central. Its homeland is the Mediterranean basin. In Russia, grass does not take root only on Far East and Far North. Oregano loves dry and floodplain meadows, valleys, slopes of gullies, also grows on the edges and glades of forests, in bushes, along field roadsides.

Botanical description

Oregano ordinary. Botanical illustration from the book Bilder ur Nordens Flora by K. A. M. Lindman, 1917-1926.

Oregano does not like clayey, acidic soils. On these soils, it almost does not grow or develops poorly.

  • Root. Creeping, with many branches.
  • stem. Height up to 90 cm. Upright, with four faces, branched on top, green or purple.
  • Leaves . Oblong, pubescent, at the top of the stem, the tips of the leaves are pointed, 2 to 4 cm long, darker above, lighter below.
  • Flowers . Grow in the form of inflorescences, spreading panicles. The flowers are small, pink-purple.
  • Fruits. In the form of a cup with four nuts, brownish color.

If you rub the flowers and leaves of the mother, a pleasant, expressive smell appears. The herb has an astringent, bitter-spicy taste.

Growing and harvesting

  • Cultivation. The mother plant belongs to unpretentious plants. It can even be grown in boxes on the balcony. It takes root well in household plots, a garden, is not afraid of drought and frost, can grow on any soil, with the exception of damp places, acidic soils. You need to plant grass in a sunny place, you can sow both in spring and early autumn. You can prepare seedlings by sowing seeds in March, then there is a high probability that the mother plant will bloom in the first year. If the seeds are sown directly into the ground, flowering will be only the next year. During growth, oregano should not be heavily flooded with water or, conversely, overdry the soil, otherwise the content of essential oils will decrease. In one place, the grass can grow for a long time - up to 25 years.
  • collection. The tops of the stems, together with inflorescences and leaves (height up to 20 cm), are cut with a knife. The grass blooms from June to August, but experienced herbalists recommend harvesting the mother plant at the beginning of mass flowering.
  • Making essential oil of oregano. To obtain essential oil, fresh raw materials are used, which are processed using hydrodistillation.
  • Drying. Rough stems are best broken off, because they have the least valuable substances. Dry oregano on fresh air but in the shade. It is important that the plant does not fall under the open rays of the sun and does not overheat. It is necessary to dry at a temperature not higher than 35 ° C, otherwise useful substances will evaporate.
  • Storage . Dry raw materials are put into dense canvas bags, wooden boxes. They are stored in a dry and cool place. The motherboard also needs to be stored separately from others. medicinal herbs because they can absorb its fragrance. You can thresh a dry motherboard by pulling out all the rough branches. The threshed grass is placed in glass jars, tightly closed. In this form, it can be stored for 3 years.

In Russia, oregano is little cultivated for industrial purposes. But, for example, in France and the USA, it is a popular agricultural crop that is used in the food industry and pharmacology.

Oregano refers to plants that can be used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. There are very few risks associated with taking it. Oregano contraindications: pregnancy in any trimester. At hyperacidity stomach, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hepatic and renal colic, stomach ulcers, hypertension and any chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor before taking the herb.

Healing action and application

AT medicinal purposes the flowers and upper leaves of the plant are used. They are used to treat a number of chronic and acute diseases as a tonic, tonic, sedative, anticonvulsant.

  • What is the use of oregano? The most valuable in the herb is thymol, geranyl acetate, carvacrol. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in the upper leaves, it is much less in flowers and very little in stems. It also contains tannins, free alcohols, flavonoids.
  • Oregano for coughs, inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The herb is effective in ARVI, influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia, acts as an expectorant. You can also gargle with its decoctions, do inhalations for pharyngitis, laryngitis, and a hoarse voice. With stomatitis and gingivitis, the motherboard acts as a natural antiseptic, promotes rapid healing of wounds on the mucous membrane, and eliminates bad breath.
  • For diseases gastrointestinal tract . The use of oregano herb is effective for atonic constipation, when peristalsis is impaired, the susceptibility of the nerve endings of the intestinal mucosa. Decoctions and infusions of herbs increase intestinal muscle tone, gastric secretion (increase acidity), normalize appetite, relieve intestinal spasms, promote the removal of gases, and help with inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Oregano well disinfects the digestive tract, acts as an anthelmintic, stimulates the pancreas.
  • For skin diseases. Chronic dermatosis, eczema, diaper rash, inflammation of a purulent nature, boils are well treated with lotions from decoctions of the mother. You can also take baths with the addition of decoctions.
  • For nervous disorders. Essential oils motherboards act as a sedative, have a slight sedative effect. With neurosis, stress, convulsions, epileptic seizures, insomnia, depression, increased sexual excitability, it is useful to drink tea with the mother.

In addition to traditional medicine, oregano is used in the food and perfume industries, in cosmetology. It is also an ornamental plant and decorates home gardens and front gardens with its color and smell.

Use in gynecology

Oregano is a female herb. It is used to treat gynecological diseases. What is important to know?

  • Oregano during pregnancy. Decoctions for oral administration and douching are strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the herb tones the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can lead to its contraction and miscarriage.
  • Oregano with delayed menstruation. Decoctions and infusions of herbs provoke menstruation when they are delayed. Self-medication is not recommended for menstrual cycle failures. It is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the reason for regular delays.
  • With painful periods and menopause. Oregano acts as a sedative, relieves spasms and pain, evens out emotional condition with climax. Oregano is often used in gynecology as a component of fees, which usually includes: nettle, knotweed, elecampane, radiola, yarrow, dog rose.

The people believed that women's grass should not be drunk by men. There was an opinion that men lose potency with prolonged use of oregano. This opinion remains at the level of a myth. The effect of herbs on sexual potency has not been proven.

Dosage forms of oregano

On the basis of oregano, decoctions, infusions, teas, and essential oils are prepared.

The mother is often included in the composition of pectoral, diuretic, diaphoretic, lactation, carminative fees.

What are the main medicinal properties of oregano? First of all, it is recommended for diseases of the digestive system - the stomach, pancreas, liver, large and small intestines. Due to its antiseptic properties, oregano is effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Flea beetle (flea plantain).

Latin name: Plantago plüllim L.

Russian name: flea beetle

Ukrainian name: flea beetle, plantain flea, flea market.

Folk names: flea grass, flea grass.

Family: plantain.

Medicinal parts of the plant: seeds.

Appearance: Plantain flea, flea, ( flea grass) is an annual plant up to 30 cm high with a branched stem. Leaves linear, opposite, linear, with glandular pubescence in the upper part. Flowers small, inconspicuous, in oblong inflorescences-spikelets in the leaf axils. Fruit- boxes with 2 shiny seeds. seeds black, shiny, oval-pointed with inwardly curved edges, resembling fleas in appearance (hence the popular name - flea beetle).

Plantain flea (flea is a popular name, it must be distinguished from another herb - flea, which is in botanical literature, but has a Latin name Pulcaria duseptegisa (L.) Gaertn.

Where does it grow: sandy places, river banks, roadsides.

When growing: Blooms in May - June.

Chemical composition: seeds contain a lot of mucus (up to 300%), fatty oils, proteins.

Medicinal (pharmacological) properties: has enveloping, soothing, softening, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostatic properties.

What heals: used to treat inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (diarrhea), and has also found wide application in folk and scientific medicine as an excellent laxative (for constipation and atony of the intestines).

fresh grass plantain combined with plantain leaves big used as a medicinal raw material for the manufacture of the drug "Plantain Juice" who drink for treatment anacid gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum without hyperacidity, externally - in the treatment wounds, cuts etc.

Juice from fresh flea beetle grass good remedy for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, chronic colitis, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the presence of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane.

Seeds, plantain flea can be replaced with seeds of plantain large or psyllium lanceolate (Plantago lanceolata L.) because they have similar properties. The usual dosage for treatment is 1-3 teaspoons per 1 dose.

Externally used for lotions for inflammation of the eyes and as an ointment for treatment inflammation of the breasts.

Contraindications: no.

Collection time: at the beginning of autumn.

Folk prescriptions for treatment.

Recipe: 1 tsp flea seeds, pour a glass of hot boiled water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes. and strain. Prepare before use. Application: drink to treat colitis 1 st. l. 3-4 times a day.

Slime recipe: prepare mucus before use: 2 tbsp. l. Rinse the flea beetle seeds, pour in a glass of hot boiled water, cool for 15 minutes. Application: take for treatment on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. as a protective agent inflamed mucosa.

Recipe: Psyllium Juice: A mixture of equal volumes of juice fresh leaves plantain large and juice from the grass of the flea beetle. Application: for treatment drink juice 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 20 min. before meals, diluted in 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Recipe: Flea seeds ("flea seed") are used as a mild laxative in the treatment of atonic and spastic constipation. The laxative properties of the seeds appear 8-10 hours after ingestion, so they are drunk in the morning on an empty stomach: 1 tbsp. l. whole or grated seeds, drink water or sweet tea.

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