Characteristics for a student for passing in the military registration and enlistment office. Characteristics for a student in the military registration and enlistment office from the class teacher. Who is the main person involved in the characteristics

The future serviceman of the army directly affects the quality of training of fighters, the military strength of the country as a whole. Therefore, such an important document as a characterization of a conscript must adequately represent a potential employee, be well-written and complete.

Drawing up a characteristic

The military registration and enlistment office, in addition to the standard set of documents (passport, medical card), also requests from educational institutions a reference for a student who has reached a certain age. At school, they are often compiled by the class teacher, at enterprises - by the personnel department or another authorized person, at universities - by the curator or dean's office.

Before the place of study (sample in the article) is compiled, it is necessary to collect the most complete information about the student's personality. It is better to issue a document on the letterhead of the institution. If not, please include all contact information and the full name of the school or university.

In addition to the signature of the compiler, the characteristic must be certified by the signature of a higher person (director, dean), the seal of the institution. For a more structured presentation of data, you need to know how it is compiled from the place of study. Sample is next.

The structure of the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office

  1. Name of educational institution, contact details.
  2. General information about the student: full name, date of birth, place of residence, class (academic group), specialty, faculty, year of study, in which class (at which course) he is currently studying.
  3. Health status and physical activity.
  4. Generalized information about the achievements, academic performance, attitude to the educational and socially useful activities of the student.
  5. Character traits, way of interacting with others.
  6. Psychological information (type of thinking, mental stability and activity level, other specific features).
  7. Interests and hobbies.
  8. Composition and (with data on parents).
  9. Date, signatures of responsible persons).

Social data about the recruit

The socio-psychological characteristics of the conscript gives an idea of ​​what kind of person this characterized person is, what kind of upbringing he received, what character traits he shows, how he relates to life in general.

Social data includes:

  • the conscript's attitude to socially significant activities;
  • degree of involvement in collective action;
  • moral and ethical qualities (education);
  • Interests and hobbies;
  • family characteristics (family status, data on parents, family climate).

Psychological characteristics of the conscript

Before joining a conscript, you can talk to a staff psychologist who can provide additional information about the person being characterized. This applies to the following traits:

  • type of temperament (nervous-psychic stability, activity and switchability);
  • type of thinking;
  • development of memory, attention;
  • in a group;
  • the presence of leadership abilities;
  • character traits (sociability, purposefulness, way of acting in conflict situations, etc.)

Depending on the individual characteristics of the student, the characterization for a conscript (an example in the article) can be supplemented with other data (presence of offenses, bad habits, state registered in medical institutions, etc.).

What is the difference between the characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office from its other types?

Army service has its own specifics and, accordingly, a number of requirements for the individual. Characteristics for a conscript should include data that describe a person in terms of his suitability to serve, show what type of troops the person is most predisposed to.

That is why the description of the physical condition of the pupil or student plays an important role. It is important to indicate what diseases and other contraindications the young man had (or has) (even if they are no longer relevant at the time of the preparation of the document). Participation in the sports life of an educational institution, lifestyle (active or passive) - all this will give an idea to the military commissar about the readiness of a potential soldier to endure all "hardships and hardships."

An equally important component, which includes a characterization for a recruit to the military registration and enlistment office from a school or university, is a description of the moral character of a person. These data will help to understand how responsibly the young man takes his duties as a citizen of the country, whether he can be psychologically stable in the conditions of army service.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study: a sample for the school

... (full name) is a student of ... (name of school), grade 11-A from the first grade (since 1998). During this time, he showed himself as a responsible, purposeful young man. The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity.

... (last name) - a disciplined, balanced person. During the training, he showed himself on the positive side - as a diligent student and a good friend. He has an average grade of "good", shows interest in subjects of the physics and mathematics cycle. ... (name) is well physically developed, an athlete. He has the title of candidate master of sports in boxing, is fond of football.

By temperament ... (name) is a sanguine person: cheerful, calm, not prone to conflicts. Maintains friendly relations with classmates, treats elders with respect. He does not miss classes without good reason, and there were no cases of deviant behavior. Has no bad habits, takes part in socially useful activities.

... (surname, name) was brought up in a complete family. Father: ... (full name) - ... (year of birth, position and place of work). Mother: ... (full name) - ... (year of birth, position and place of work). Parents are actively interested in the educational and social activities of their son, regularly get in touch with the class teacher.

The characteristic was issued for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

A characteristic for a draftee to the military registration and enlistment office from school should show how socially acceptable the student's behavior is, how he relates to authorities and interacts in a group of people.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the university

... (full name), ... year of birth, has been a student of ... (name of educational institution) since 2012. At the moment, he continues his studies at the 4th year in the specialty ... (specialty name).

During his studies, he proved himself to be an active, responsible, result-oriented student. Mastering a specialty is a priority for him. Actively engaged in self-education, takes part in student conferences and exhibitions scientific works. Classes are rarely missed and for good reasons. In academic disciplines, he has grades "good", the average score is 4.1.

Physically well developed. He swims and is on the varsity basketball team.

By nature - modest, tactful, restrained. In communication with teachers, he shows respect, enjoys authority among classmates.

He is not conflicted, in controversial situations he always tries to find a compromise, is able to make concessions. Responsible for socially significant activities, shows initiative in helping others.

The characteristic is issued at the place of requirement.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study (sample above) can be supplemented with information on achievements, the presence of contraindications to different types activities (and justification for this), as well as data on illegal actions or bad habits.

Characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office (negative)

... (full name) has been studying at ... (name of educational institution) since 2002. He was transferred from ... (name of educational institution) due to poor academic performance and indiscipline. There were no cardinal changes during the training here - ... (last name, first name) has established himself as an irresponsible and lazy student.

... (last name, first name) could hardly cope with the curriculum, in most subjects he has "satisfactory" grades. He was uninterested in his studies, demanded constant control on the part of teachers, because the tasks were not carried out systematically.

Relations in the peer group did not work out: ... (name) did not show interest in other students, did not try to maintain friendly communication with them. He tried to avoid mass events, treated social activities with indifference. In relation to the elders, he behaved insufficiently respectfully, he could argue and be rude in response to comments.

By nature ... (name) is rather secretive, an introvert. Uncommunicative, often impulsive, has difficulty adapting.

... (name) grew up in an incomplete family. Father: ... (full name), ... year of birth, is in places of deprivation of will. Mother: ... (full name), ... year of birth, unemployed, suffers from alcohol addiction. From the age of 7, the boy was raised by his grandmother, ... (full name), a pensioner.

The characteristic was compiled for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study, the sample is negative, shows for what reasons (social, psychological, regulatory) a particular student (student) will not be a suitable candidate for military service.

Dana Razezdyukov Zhan Valerievich, student of the 7th "F" class of school No. 812 named after. P.O.Fila. Born on March 17, 1998 in the village of Nadzhigo, Lazarevsky district. Kindergarten and attended the first two classes in the aforementioned aul Najigo. In connection with the family's relocation to the village of Gadyukino, from 2007 to the present, he has been studying in the 7th "F" class of school No. 812.

Family Composition:
Father - Razezdyukov Valery Sysoevich, teacher of the Gadyukinsky gymnasium No. Vileni N.A., born in 1968
Mother - Razezdyukova Mila Mavrikovna, housewife, born in 1973
Brother - Razezdyukov Menelai Valerievich, student of the 9th "P" class, school No. 812 named after. P.O.Fila, born in 1997
Family relations are friendly. Parents are keenly interested in the educational process and the progress of their son.

Generally normal except for myopia, shortness of breath, lameness in both legs, and missing 12 teeth.

By the nature of Razezdyukov Zh.V. rather choleric, prone to quick, thoughtless decision-making. Decisive, purposeful and active. Has a high level of self-criticism, expressed in noisy self-flagellation and promises to improve.
Lisp and burr.
Achievement is average. Has four triples in geography, chemistry, biology, literature. In physical education, the score is 5. The rest are fours. Favorite subject is physical education. Stays after class and jumps, jumps, jumps. He doesn't like chemistry and geography very much. Often expresses disagreement with a scientific point of view, comes into conflict with teachers, spoiling inventory and driving teachers out of the classroom.

With pleasure takes part in socially useful activities related to the manufacture of fences,
birdhouses, houses for rodents, etc.

He enjoys respect in the team due to local victories over teachers of chemistry and geography, as well as due to his outstanding physical strength. Often gets into conflicts with students from other classes. Relations with peers are good. AT recent times likes to communicate with girls, from whom complaints of free behavior began to arrive.

Attends the circle "Scout on guard of the Motherland".
Engaged in jiu-jitsu wrestling in the club. Kano Jigoro. Has 2nd dan.

In general, an independent, active student who should pay attention to discipline and self-control.

The characteristic was issued for submission to the district military registration and enlistment office.

Deputy Director
School No. 812 im. P.O.Fila
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About, how to write a characterization to the military registration and enlistment office (sample) we'll talk about in this article. Indeed, in most cases, young people are very concerned about the upcoming service, and the collection of documents and the preparation of a characterization only causes additional worries and questions. And in principle, not everyone knows how to write a characterization to the military registration and enlistment office, and what, in principle, such a document is. So, let's try to answer the most common questions.

Why is a feature needed?

First, let's figure out what kind of document it is. Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office is a specialized paper, which is compiled with the aim of forming a general idea of ​​​​a person liable for military service, assessing his behavioral characteristics, and the degree of his compliance with one or another direction of military activity. That is, this document should contain information about what social, psychological, personal characteristics characterize young man. The main purpose of this document is to help the commission understand the personality of a person in order to select the most appropriate option for military service for him.

Who needs a characterization?

First of all, the document is necessary for the conscripts themselves, because their future service largely depends on this paper. That is why almost all those liable for military service think about how best and more profitable for themselves. But on the other hand, the draft commission is also interested in the characterization, which will largely rely on it, disbanding the recruits.

Who is the main person involved in the characteristics?

The document may refer to students who study in high school, students of higher educational institutions, colleges, professional technical institutions, as well as employees of organizations whose age has reached the draft. When a young man undergoes a medical examination in order to obtain a result regarding his suitability for military service, a psychiatrist will certainly evaluate his characteristics. In addition to psychological analysis, characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office will be considered for the purpose of determining the place of service of conscripts.

Where else do you need a document?

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office is needed only for the draft board and medical examination of young people, henceforth it will not have to be used anywhere. It will be kept in the archive, like a paper with information about a citizen. And from the moment the guys are assigned to duty stations, the characteristics fill up the folders with their personal affairs.

Who issues a testimonial from the school?

No one can characterize students in a document better than their class teachers, but sometimes head teachers and other teachers also add information to the characteristics. The most common period for compiling a school profile is the eleventh grade, if a student leaves the ninth grade, then the profile can be compiled during this period. The characteristic mentions how well the child did at school, whether he was active, how he behaved towards classmates, teachers, in general situations, and so on.

Who issues a testimonial from the university?

There is a slightly different system for obtaining a document. In a higher educational institution, this paper can be issued by an employee of the dean's office in accordance with the faculty at which the conscript studied. In many universities, there are even initially prepared forms that are designed to draw up a characterization for the military registration and enlistment office. As to whether how to write a testimonial for the military enlistment office, there are several ways to use it:
  • A young person can independently draw up a document in which he describes his positive and negative traits character, skills, psychological characteristics and other nuances;
  • A special form is filled in by a responsible person;
  • The characteristic is written by the responsible person at the university for this issue, but without the use of forms or forms, since there are none available.
Whatever method of compiling the paper is chosen, it is imperative to indicate the higher educational institution that is responsible for issuing the document.

Who issues the characteristic at the enterprise?

The organization or company where the young person works, characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office issued using a special letterhead, which indicates all the details of the company. Either the head of the organization or another responsible employee who works in the company must draw up and issue the paper. Such a characteristic should contain information identical to school and university papers, but data on the position and work process in which the recruit takes part should be added.

How to write a testimonial to the military registration and enlistment office from parents?

The parental characteristic is compiled more simply and more arbitrarily. There are no forms, details, forms, and other nuances here - a simple sheet of paper is enough. It remains necessary to indicate the name of the document, its structure, as well as the date of birth, last name, patronymic and first name, and other important information. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office must be signed.

Who makes a household profile?

Most often, the compilers of such a document are housemates, yards, and other people who have known the young man for a long time and can characterize him. Basically, we are talking about behavioral assessment, personality traits, but most often such a document is requested at the workplace or in educational institutions, but draft board doesn't pay much attention to him.

How does a sample of characteristics look like in the military enlistment office?

So, as we can judge from what was said earlier, all types of characteristics are compiled on the basis of general principles and the underlying structure of the document. Let's bring detailed plan to get a complete picture of what the sample paper looks like.

The rules of the draft board, which it imposes on the characteristics:

  • The characteristic must be compiled by a third party;
  • Date of compilation, which is written in the document - either current or recent;
  • It is allowed to use arbitrary forms for compiling characteristics, but if there are special forms at enterprises, in higher educational institutions, then they should be used. For household and parental characteristics - only a free form, no forms are provided.
All the information that the characteristic should contain in the military registration and enlistment office can be laid down in the following nine paragraphs, which must be indicated in the document sequentially.
  1. As with all documents of official type, the sheet must begin with the name of the document;
  2. After that, data on the youngest person is written, such as first name, patronymic, last name, as well as his date of birth and a list of institutions where he studied;
  3. Some information about native conscripts is required: full name father and mother, place and date of birth of each of them, place of work;
  4. The characteristic will be of interest not only draft board, but also doctors, so general information about the guy’s health should be indicated;
  5. After that, it is time to provide information on behavioral, psychological features citizen, the degree of his socialization, activity and sociability. Often, it is indicated here how quickly and easily the conscript finds a common language with the people around him, colleagues, classmates. It is also important to characterize the character traits that manifested themselves outside the walls of a school or university. In other words, it is necessary to make a psychological portrait of a person. Some shortcomings can not be covered if they are not critical, but it is desirable to highlight the positive features;
  6. Then we talk about how receptive a person is to study, his average scores, the areas in which he showed himself from the best sides, and, conversely, subjects that were not easy. As for the scoring of academic performance, it is important in the characteristics that the last, completed recruits, educational institution will give out;
  7. Information about the purpose of issuing characteristics. In our case, for the military registration and enlistment office, in other cases, these may be characteristics for the employer, for the university, and others;
  8. Everyone who is responsible for the document must put their signatures, thus certifying the paper, and enterprises and educational institutions put stamps in the same way.
  9. The date the feature was written.
Here we answered the question what information to write in the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office, the structure remains the same as presented in the list, organizations are characterized by a more formal filling style, parental and household characteristics are filled in more arbitrarily.

Who is the responsible person?

The very concept of a responsible person defines a person who occupies a certain position, and is obliged to perform certain functions, to be responsible for their quality performance. When we talk about what write a characterization to the military registration and enlistment office must be a responsible person, we are talking about the fact that the person who has assumed this responsibility is personally responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and is endowed with certain powers for this. In most cases, the responsible person is:
  • Class teachers, head teachers, teachers can be responsible for the school characteristics;
  • Curators, rectors, deans, heads of departments can be responsible for university characteristics;
  • Employers, managers, directors of companies in which the guy works can be held responsible for the performance;
  • Household characteristic - neighbors;
  • For parental characteristics, the mother and father are responsible.

How to choose the right personal data?

Considering the fact that characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is a document on the basis of which the future fate of a young man will be decided, the emphasis should still be on the best sides. Of course, the shortcomings also need to be indicated, but you should not paint them too strongly. The information about the conscript itself must necessarily include the full name, birthday and educational characteristics. Do not write a lot about relatives - this section should be brief. As for personality traits, it is not necessary to describe your childhood character traits - you need to inform about what a person was like during the last three years of his life. The indication of social activity is carried out on the same principles, what was a long time ago no longer matters to the members of the commission.

What should not be mentioned in a description?

If a citizen has a significant drawback, for example, he is aggressive, quick-tempered or has some kind of phobias, then this must certainly be highlighted in the characterization, since on the basis of such information the most suitable military direction will be selected for him. But minor points are not even worth mentioning in the document. For example:
  • Conflicts often arose due to the limitation of personal space in the family;
  • Often argued with colleagues;
  • Lazy, unsociable, taciturn.
All these nuances do not affect his service in the army in any way, so they should not be indicated.


Basically, characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office it is filled out no more complicated than any application, the same official document that has its own structure, formatting requirements and filling sequence. Its main purpose is to evaluate the behavior of the future employee. By the way, upon completion of filling out the paper, you should indicate where it will be submitted. The characteristic is compiled by responsible persons who take responsibility for the reliability of the information provided. after the young man passes a medical examination, a commission, and is assigned to the service, his characteristic will replenish the personal file folder.

Karolina Emelyanova

Student, 29.10.1995 year of birth, studied at the Vakhtan high school from fifth grade after graduation elementary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes. Currently studying at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev.

While studying at school, he showed himself to be a conscientious student, did not miss classes without a good reason, and did not violate discipline. Student has good learning ability. Coped with academic subjects on "good".

This student can be described like a disciplined person. character student calm, he tries to avoid conflict situations, tactful. He enjoyed well-deserved prestige among his classmates. Friendly: friends were not only among classmates, but also, both at school and outside it.

In dealing with adults and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, seeks to find a compromise. Thinks creatively.


The young man is physically well developed. While studying at school, he attended sports sections, actively participated in sports competitions and competitions not only at the class level, but also at the school.

Student brought up in a complete family. Family relations are good. Parents take an active part in the educational process of children.

Sample 2

Student, born on September 7, 1995, studied at the Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from elementary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes. Currently he is a student of the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy.

While studying at school, he showed average abilities. He coped with the curriculum on "good" and "satisfactory". He did not allow absences from classes and violations of discipline.

AT creative life school did not participate actively, but took an active part in the life of the class. Always followed the rules of conduct.

While studying at school student showed himself as a modest, cheerful, comrade.

Student tries to avoid conflict situations, if this fails, he shows tact, calmness. Among other students of his class, he enjoys well-deserved authority. There are friends in other classes of our school.

In communication with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone.


The young man is physically well developed. While studying at school, he attended sports sections, actively participated in sports competitions and competitions.

Availability bad habits not found during schooling. He was not registered with the KDN.

Student was brought up in an incomplete family. Treat your mother and younger brother with love and respect. An indispensable assistant at home. Family relations are good. The general atmosphere of relationships in the family is friendly, the atmosphere of consent and understanding. Mom takes an active part in Roman's life.

Sample 3

Student, born on 04.09.1995, studied at the Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from elementary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes.

Student has good learning abilities, but did not study to the full extent of his abilities, mainly at "3". Has a good visual and auditory memory, detects logical thinking. He did not allow absences from classes and violations of discipline.

The young man is physically well developed. He attended sports sections, took part in class sports events.

Student humble, cheerful. He is not a leader in the class, he is easily influenced by others. He has many friends, maintains friendly relations with many students of the school. He was respected in the class.

He did not actively participate in the creative life of the school, but he always worked with pleasure in the labor team.

Student calm, tactful in dealing with teachers and children.

He was not registered with the KDN.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed. Sergei was brought up in a complete, prosperous family. Parents took an active part in raising their son.

See the full text of the material Three samples of the characteristics of a graduate in the military registration and enlistment office in the downloaded file.
The page contains a snippet.



……. the year of birth.

…… has enough high level success, systematically acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, takes care of the constant improvement of their educational level. Has a well-developed spatial imagination. Highly developed learning motivation.Plans to get a higher education. Moral-volitional qualities are developed, does not miss classes for disrespectful reasons. Teachers are characterized as a hardworking student, disciplined, responsible.All assignments are completed on time and in good faith.

There are no negative features of character and behavior. Non-conflict, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. Be polite with teachers. He is respected by his classmates. Reliable friend, always ready to help.

Brought up in a complete family.Family relations are friendly, based on mutual trust and support.Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their son, the best moral qualities are instilled - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.

Oct 17, 2017

Head teacher ____________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school No. ... .. of the city ... ... ..

…… the year of birth.

…… During the years of study at this school, he showed average abilities. He does not treat his studies conscientiously enough, he does not always do his homework. There are missed classes for no good reason. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about mastering the missed material. To successes and failures in educational work is self-critical. Needs stimulation of knowledge. The skills of planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. Tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity.Pays attention to sports training, leads healthy lifestyle life, visits the sports section.The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

In the group of students he enjoys respect and authority, tries to avoid conflicts, has many friends, both among the students of the class and in other classes. Sociable. Be courteous when dealing with teachers.

The student is brought up in a complete family, respects his parents, values ​​their opinion.

Oct 17, 2017

Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school No. ... of the city ... ..

.. the year of birth.

During the training, he proved himself to be a conscientious student who does not allow violations of discipline and skipping classes.Has good learning abilities. Copes with academic subjects on "good" and "excellent".Motivation for learning is present, plans to get a higher education. Moral-volitional qualities are developed. Teachers are characterized as a hardworking and conscientious student, disciplined, responsible.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle, is engaged in sports sections.The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

By nature - calm, tactful, tries to avoid conflict situations. In communication with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly.Sociable, easily finds a common language with peers and teachers.Has many friends. He enjoys well-deserved prestige among his comrades.

Oct 17, 2017

Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school No. ... .. of the city .......


08/28/2001 year of birth.

He is not interested in classes, requires constant monitoring by teachers, does not systematically perform homework. Classes are missed for no good reason.

The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

He treats social activities with indifference, tries to avoid mass events.

Relationships in the peer group did not work out: does not show interest in other students, does not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team is indifferent.

In relation to elders, he does not behave respectfully enough, he can argue and be rude in response to the comments of teachers.Relations with individual teachers are of a conflicting nature: he shows negativism towards the teacher, does not fulfill his requirements, answers boldly, rudely.

Quite secretive by nature. Uncommunicative, often impulsive, has difficulty adapting.

He is brought up in an incomplete family, lives with his mother.

October 23, 2017

Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school No. ... of the city ... ..

08/23/2001 year of birth.

.. over the years of study at this school, he showed average abilities. He does not treat his studies conscientiously enough, he does not always do his homework. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about mastering the missed material. To successes and failures in educational work is self-critical. Needs stimulation of knowledge. The skills of planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. Tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When performing assignments of a labor nature, he works in good faith. He proved to be a good performer.

By nature, calm, modest, non-conflict, attentive. Educated, friendly, always friendly, not aggressive. Relations with friends are equal. Respectful relations with elders, responds adequately to teachers' remarks.

Brought up in a complete family. Relations with parents are trusting, they provide him with independence, but they try not to weaken control over the upbringing and behavior of his son. There are no conflicts between teachers and parents.

Oct 17, 2017

Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school No. ... of the city ... ..


…… the year of birth.

During the years of study, he showed average abilities in the assimilation of school disciplines.He is disciplined in the classroom, takes learning activities seriously. He does not miss classes without a good reason, he comes to school without delay, he tries to do his homework. Has a penchant for the humanities. Given his academic performance, he expressed interest in such subjects as literature, biology.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When performing assignments of a labor nature, he works in good faith. He proved to be a good performer.

By nature - calm, secretive, shy, balanced. He shows stability of mood, the ability to make decisions not to go on about his emotions. Thanks to the ability not to get annoyed over trifles, he feels emotionally comfortable, does not conflict, and knows how to find compromise solutions.

The team feels comfortable. He enjoys authority in the class, values ​​the opinion of the team, treats classmates kindly, and respects teachers.

20. 10. 2017

Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________



.. the year of birth


MAOU Secondary school No. ... of the city of ... ...

During the years of study, he showed weak abilities in the assimilation of school disciplines.He had no interest in his studies, demanded constant supervision by teachers, and did not systematically complete his homework. Due to the fact that the teenager had absolutely no desire to study, he did not attend classes in the 9th grade. Was left for retraining. Currently studying at night school.

The state of health is satisfactory, there are no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle. The presence of bad habits during schooling was not revealed.

He treated social activities with indifference, tried to avoid mass events.

Relations in the peer group did not work out: he did not show interest in other students, did not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team is indifferent.

A teenager is brought up in a complete family. There were no conflicts between teachers and parents.

Head teacher: ________________________

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I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...