Types of adaptation. Adaptation to the child's school is psychological and social. Features of adaptation. Difficulties and problems in the process of adaptation Adaptation to a new place of work

It happens that a new desired and long-awaited job does not live up to expectations. There can be many reasons for this. They seem to lie on the surface and are very simple. For example, the unfortunate location of the company or the feeling that employees can cope without a new colleague. Few people think that the roots are much deeper.

As a rule, newcomers face difficulties if the adaptation of personnel in the organization is not carried out. Having got a job in a firm of any size, the employee experiences stiffness, is lost, and is in a tense state. Over time, he becomes one of the team, and the company only benefits from his work. But before this moment, it may take more than one year. Or it may turn out that a person continues to feel superfluous and prefers to quit.

Concept of adaptation

First of all, you should know that the adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee faces new tasks, work methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to the new conditions. The process of adaptation of personnel in the organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it, and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to enter the position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully designed to avoid the costs associated with the dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel.

Types of adaptation

As a rule, the process of adapting an employee to new conditions can be of two types:

  • Primary adaptation - at the initial employment in the company. In this case, the employee has no idea about work, about duties, etc.
  • Secondary adaptation - with an increase (decrease) within the company. In such a situation, the employee needs time and knowledge to enter a new position and work at the same level.

In both cases, the adaptation of personnel in the organization is necessary and develops according to the same principles.

Basic forms

The organization of work on the adaptation of personnel should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social - adaptation of the employee to the environment, the values ​​of the team.
  2. Professional - mastering the process of work and its nuances. Development of professional qualities and skills.
  3. Production - acquaintance with the norms of labor activity at the enterprise.
  4. Organizational - familiarity with the structure of the organization, its departments and communications.
  5. Economic - information about wages and forms of material incentives.
  6. Non-production - corporate holidays or sporting events that allow you to improve relations between employees and rally the team.

A well-built system of adaptation of personnel in an organization affects all of the above forms, and at the end of the process, the employee feels one with the company. Such an employee does not have dissatisfaction with work, his role in the company and thoughts of dismissal. As a result, the company's staff turnover decreases.

Since controlled adaptation in Russia is a fairly new direction, when speaking about methods of adapting to new conditions, the focus is primarily on foreign firms and their experience.

The most popular are the following methods:

  1. Personnel training - the company cooperates with educational institutions and with their help prepares employees for their own needs.
  2. Advanced training - updating knowledge in accordance with the latest developments in various fields. The method is suitable for those people who, for whatever reason, are not satisfied with their previous profession.
  3. Retraining of personnel is an opportunity to obtain a new specialty or knowledge necessary to work in a particular position. Ideal for those who have had a break in work and need to update their knowledge (young mothers).
  4. Cases and situational tasks - this method is aimed at team building and learning to work in a team. Most of the team members take part in the discussion, which makes it possible to find the right solution.
  5. Business games are situations related to professional activities. The application of this method teaches employees to think outside the box and make decisions quickly.
  6. Briefings - perhaps a very superficial method of adaptation, but suitable for such employees who find it easier to adhere to a certain algorithm in any actions in the workplace.
  7. Budding (budding) - facilitating the infusion into the team through a friendly relationship with a colleague. Providing feedback and being able to ask for help at any time is most effective in the first weeks of work in a new company.

We will go into more detail about methods such as rotation, shadowing, mentoring and immersion. They are interesting in that employees gain more knowledge and skills when using them.

Personnel rotation

This is a type of professional development. Rotation involves the temporary movement of personnel to positions within the organization, which allows employees to stay in different roles and try their hand at a new field. It is equally useful to see your work from the outside in this way. An employee in such a situation can realize mistakes and increase productivity. The method is quite effective, as it gives a certain shake-up to employees.


The name speaks for itself. An employee becomes a "shadow" of another employee or department head. At the same time, it is clearly visible how official duties are performed. The mentor and his "shadow" are on an equal footing. It is worth noting that an inexperienced employee does not receive any payment, but has the opportunity to choose any workplace and position for such research.

This method can be developed in three directions:

The trainee has no experience and observes the work of an experienced employee.

The student has work experience and can participate in discussions and work.

The student has high professional skills and works independently. In this case, the “shadow” is an experienced employee who oversees the work and makes adjustments as needed.

Mentoring Institute

This method is based on the allocation of experienced workers mentor. This role can be performed by both a line employee with sufficient qualifications and a department head. He can set tasks for the beginner (from simple to more complex) and control their implementation. Also, based on his experience, the mentor explains all the working moments and gives recommendations on improving work and avoiding mistakes.

A new employee may be older than his mentor or occupy the same position as him. But in any case, in this method, the mentor plays a dominant role over his ward.

When using the institute of mentoring, the work of the employee is paid. And the mentor needs to keep a record of how the adaptation process goes and how ready the employee is for independent work.

Immersion method

This option is suitable for higher level positions. In this case, the new leader immediately actively joins the work. When fulfilling obligations, he does not have time for doubts. Positive relations with the team are also being established, which is facilitated by the fulfillment by the head of his duties on his own, and not by delegating authority to subordinates.

Experience in Russia

The methods of adaptation of personnel in organizations in Russia are very limited and most often expressed only by mentoring. This option is good in its own way if the mentor is experienced and does not do his job “for show”. There are also firms in which all adaptation programs are carried out only on paper. Methods from the training group are more common in recruitment agencies and labor exchanges. These organizations help people acquire the knowledge needed for certain positions. Combining different methods of adaptation of personnel in the organization, you can achieve a return on new employees several times faster.

Responsible persons

Personnel adaptation management in the organization falls on the shoulders of the following employees:

  • company management;
  • department head;
  • personnel manager;
  • new employee mentor.

At the same time, the roles of each are quite transparent. The personnel manager is the employee whose forces and knowledge develop the system of personnel adaptation in the organization. In this case, employees of other departments, for example, psychologists (if they are provided for in the company), may be involved.

The heads of the organization and department hire an employee, and it is they who decide at the interview whether this person is suitable for the position and whether he will cope with the duties. And these same people are responsible for coordinating the adaptation system and putting it into operation.

Another important person is the mentor. This is an employee with great experience in this organization. Someone who knows all the nuances of working and communicating with the team. It is he who will have to train the employee so that the number of errors is minimal.

The benefits of innovation

Improving the adaptation of personnel in an organization is something that every company should strive for. Stable work of the team, minimal staff turnover, as well as reducing the cost of finding and training new employees is the key to the success and development of the company.

Professional adaptation of personnel in an organization should be carried out regardless of its size and form of ownership. Programs for inexperienced workers may be less costly because they do not need to be retrained in a new way.

(selection of articles )

After the applicant for the position has passed the ordeal of interviews, tests, business games, he finally finds himself on the staff of the organization. There comes a difficult period of adaptation in the new team, which must confirm or refute the correctness of personnel selection. Since the firm has spent money and time looking for an employee and has already made a choice, it is in the interest of the employee not to quit within the next three months.

Statistics show that the largest number of hired employees leave at this time. The main reasons are the discrepancy between expectations and reality, as well as the complexity of the adaptation process.

The employee needs an adequate assessment of work in the form of salary and bonuses; social security (paid holidays, sick leave, and so on); guarantees of growth and development; an agreed area of ​​work with certain rights and obligations; comfortable working conditions; creative interaction with other employees. The hierarchy of expectations depends on the individual characteristics of the individual, the specific situation.

In turn, the firm expects from the newly accepted qualified work, the manifestation of personal and business qualities that correspond to the goals of the organization; effective interaction with the team to solve production problems; exact execution of instructions of the manual; compliance with labor discipline and internal regulations; taking responsibility for their actions.

There are four types of adaptation:

  • Negation. The employee expresses active disagreement with the values ​​of the company, his expectations are in irreconcilable contradiction with reality. He usually leaves within the first few months. Conformism. Full acceptance of the values ​​and norms of the organization, willingness to obey the rules of the game. Such employees make up the bulk of the team.
  • Mimicry. Compliance with secondary norms while rejecting the main ones is typical for a potential risk group, whose members are ready to leave the company at any time.
  • adaptive individualism. It is characterized by agreement with the basic norms and values ​​of the organization while rejecting secondary ones. The employee retains a certain individuality, but in his own way works well in a team.

The task of personnel officers is to integrate a newcomer according to the second or fourth type, to calculate employees who hide their rejection of the basic norms of the organization while demonstrating external loyalty. The first option arises as a result of an error in the personnel department at the selection stage and should be corrected as soon as possible.

Adaptation begins with a general orientation, including information about the organization as a whole and the structural unit where the newcomer will work. As a result, the employee gets acquainted with the history of the company, the nature of activities, the management structure, learns the names of managers, internal regulations. The general orientation can be carried out by the personnel service with the participation of the immediate head of the unit, using both traditional conversations and demonstrations, as well as special videos, brochures and computer capabilities.

There are four aspects of the employee adaptation process: professional, psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational.

Professional adaptation I consists in mastering professional skills, understanding the specifics of work. Each newcomer goes through an apprenticeship stage, the form of which depends on the nature of the organization and previous work experience. Mentoring is practiced at manufacturing enterprises, when an experienced worker transfers knowledge and skills to a young worker in the process of business communication in the workplace. Briefing is very common - a clear demonstration of the techniques and skills of work. Often, assistant managers learn from a senior friend the technique of sales, the manner of communicating with a client; assistant accountants study the mechanisms of financial transactions, constantly consulting with a colleague. Of course, if the newcomer already has experience in a particular job, then mentoring and coaching takes the form of an exchange of professional knowledge in order to develop the skills most suitable for achieving the goals of the organization. In modern large corporations, such a form of on-the-job training as rotation is used. It consists in the short-term work of a new employee in different positions in different departments. This allows you to relatively quickly study the work of the team as a whole and acquire a multilateral qualification.

Psychophysiological adaptation- adaptation of the employee to the conditions of work and rest. This form of adaptation is most important for industrial enterprises and organizations where complex technology is used and there is a risk of industrial injuries. Working conditions in offices and trading companies are usually standard, but a beginner needs some time to adjust to the rhythm of work, the intensity of psychophysical stress. Everyone tries to arrange the workplace in their own way. Necessary tools, papers are laid out so that it is convenient to work with them, posters and calendars are attached to the walls, toilet items and dishes are put into lockers. Psychophysiological adaptation takes place quickly and painlessly and is determined mainly by the state of health and the proper organization of the work and rest regimen in accordance with accepted sanitary and hygienic standards.

Socio-psychological adaptation involves the establishment of interpersonal and business relationships with colleagues, the development of values ​​and group norms of behavior. The newcomer gets acquainted with the balance of power in the unit, finds out the significance of this or that employee, is included in the composition of formal and informal groups. Social and psychological adaptation can be difficult and long-term. The team meets the newcomer with caution, examines "under the microscope" his every step. Therefore, you need to be patient (the arrival of a new employee can occupy everyone's attention for no more than a few weeks), be sociable, friendly, and demonstrate a willingness to listen to advice.

Psychologists note that a person adapting to a new team consciously and unconsciously uses some techniques with which he analyzes the group.

Reception first- Evaluation of an employee in terms of appearance, demeanor, style of clothing. Of course, all of the above carries information about a person, but it does not allow us to draw a conclusion about personal and business qualities.

Reception second- social stratification. With its help, the team is divided into hierarchical groups according to the level of material well-being, social status, formal and informal leaders, outcasts, social activists, jokers, first beauties, smart people are determined. Based on social stratification, a new employee builds his behavior in relation to different members of the team. Mistakes in stratification lead to conflicts, awkward situations and ultimately complicate adaptation in the team.

Third reception- group identification. It consists in referring oneself to one of the groups. At the same time, a person perceives the rules of behavior, rights and obligations, the status of the group. The worker feels community and security, which gives him confidence, relieves him of the lonely opposition to the majority. The fourth technique is closely related to the third, it is called intergroup discrimination. The latter presupposes the exaltation of one's own group and a critically condescending attitude towards others. Managers, programmers, accountants, drivers, security guards and loaders consider their groups to be the most necessary, responsible, independent, and therefore they are acutely aware of the criticism of their superiors against one of their colleagues. Regular criticism, infringement of rights, low earnings can cause serious damage to the self-esteem of the group, which will negatively affect its motivation to work. However, intergroup discrimination generates a desire for superiority, creates competition and is an incentive to increase labor productivity.

Organizational adaptation involves familiarization with the structure of the organization, the definition of its own role in it. Recently, they began to talk not only about the adaptation of the worker, but also about the adaptation of work to the person. Here we can mention the creation of an appropriate workplace, the correction of the schedule for the individual characteristics of the individual, the individualization of the system of rewards and punishments. So, more and more companies practice fines for being late and smoking, provide employees with flexible work schedules, and reward them based on a rating system.

Special mention should be made of the adaptation of new leaders. All of the above can be attributed to them, but the specifics of leadership positions impose their own characteristics. If the new boss is significantly superior to the managed in terms of thinking, the problem of misunderstanding the ideas and plans of the new leader arises. If he turns out to be incompetent, the team begins to claim part of the authority. Adaptation becomes more difficult if his predecessor continues to work in the same company, then constant comparisons begin, a party of keepers of the tradition is formed.

In many enterprises, managers are not invited from outside, but are appointed from among their employees. The advantages of internal recruitment are obvious: a person's professional and personal qualities are known, he is familiar with the company's strategy and will not make "revolutions". But there is a problem of getting used to a new high position: you have to rebuild the stereotype of behavior in accordance with the performance of other tasks. It is difficult to manage yesterday's equal colleagues who are offended by the appearance of bossy intonations and an orderly form of communication.

In order to smooth out the problems of adaptation, modern companies develop and apply methods aimed at the fastest and most effective inclusion of a new employee in the business life of the company. Structural units responsible for adaptation processes are created, usually this function is performed by staff training units. Experienced workers are paid extra for helping to introduce newcomers to the secrets of professional excellence. Seminars and trainings are held, aimed at removing psychological and organizational barriers that prevent full participation in the work of the team. Beginners receive informal assignments that involve them in interpersonal contact.

Human resources departments are given the task to find out and analyze the reasons for layoffs, because it is possible that the adaptation of a new employee will be hampered by some real problems of this team. Through the personnel assessment system, personnel officers control the course of adaptation processes.

Increased attention to the adaptation of personnel is explained by the desire of companies to increase competitiveness by creating teams of like-minded people, united by the values ​​of the organization and corporate ethics. Neglecting the adaptation of new employees automatically leads to staff turnover and waste of funds.

Natalia KARKULENKO, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation 2006

  • rookie positions; - type of activity;
  • professions;
  • qualifications;
  • work experience;
  • personalities of your subordinates.

First: professional adaptation.

Second: socio-psychological adaptation. Professional adaptation is expressed in a certain level of mastery of professional skills, abilities and knowledge. Such adaptation plays a big role in the situation of entry into the organization of a young specialist, when there is mainly theoretical knowledge and ideas about how the work process works. Socio-psychological adaptation consists in mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of the company, positive interaction and cooperation with its team. Adaptation of this kind acquires an important role when a professional practitioner comes to a new place. In addition to professional experience, such a specialist has experience of working and growing in other companies. Perhaps they cultivated other systems of values, rewards and other corporate relations. Here socio-psychological adaptation is more important than professional. A person has to break the already existing stereotypes of relationships in the team and personal self-esteem.

  • Develop personal attitudes towards friendly, long-term relationships with colleagues and long-term work in a team.
  • Take part in the informal life of the team and its public affairs.

Use of leadership abilities. How to convince employees of their existence? A beginner should not show awkwardness in their actions or uncertainty in making decisions. He must show that leadership for him is an absolutely normal and natural day-to-day work. . Appointment in itself is not a guarantee of a successful career. Mistakes are unavoidable, especially in the beginning. It is well known that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. If a problem arises, and the newcomer feels that there is some fault in it, then the leadership style needs to be analyzed. It is necessary to take an interest in the opinion of subordinates and the immediate superior. Their opinions will help determine the cause of failure. The fact that a beginner does not try to "silence" the problem, but openly solves it, speaks of his confidence in himself and that he will be able to cope with it. The ability to admit one's mistakes is one of the main qualities of a successful manager.

When analyzing the problem being solved, try to be objective. Try to separate the professional and personal qualities of subordinates. If the subordinate did not complete the task, solve a simple question: "The employee cannot or does not want to complete the task assigned to him?". The answer to the question will immediately determine that this is a lack of competence or a behavioral problem.

Organize your priorities in team leadership. The ability to identify the main goal and draw up a plan to achieve it is the way to turn a beginner into a leader.


Adaptation to a new job

The article is devoted to the issues of adaptation at a new place of work.

The one who wants - does more than the one who can. He who always does what he wants rarely does what he must.

Adaptation to a new job, a new workplace, the psychological climate of the team, the establishment of working and human contacts with it can be called adaptation. The need for such adaptation arises: after moving or transferring, after moving to a new job. Naturally, a person experiences uncertainty to one degree or another.

In companies with a modern level of personnel management, there are special adaptation procedures that can help eliminate many problems. A newcomer is an employee of the company who has just started work. For some time, for objective reasons, it cannot work at full capacity, in other words, bring the company the benefit and profit that it is potentially capable of. In such companies, it is considered important to help a person during the adaptation period because:

  • The shorter the adaptation period, the less losses the company will have.
  • The way newcomers get accustomed to the company quickly becomes known in the competitive market. Negative information ultimately hurts the corporate image.
  • Work on the adaptation of newcomers to the company activates the creative potential of already working employees.
  • If you do not take care of the "pain" points of a professional, then he will quickly quit, and the money spent on his selection will be wasted.
  • A serious and well-thought-out adaptation program for newcomers is a significant competitive advantage for the company in the market.
  • The adaptation system helps the professional to reveal his previously unrealized potential in a new friendly atmosphere. For successful adaptation in the team in socio-psychological terms, the first impression is important.

Unfortunately, not all companies pay due attention to the adaptation program.

In many companies, there is simply a “young fighter course”. Every professional should realize what difficulties he can expect in connection with getting used to a new team. It is not necessary to hope that someone will ease his difficulties in adapting to new working conditions in such a company. He himself must determine the range of problems, the solution of which will reduce the period of adaptation. Its duration depends on a number of reasons:

  • character traits of a beginner and personality traits;
  • rookie positions;
  • type of activity;
  • professions;
  • qualifications;
  • work experience;
  • traditions and characteristics of the team;
  • socio-psychological climate of the team;
  • missions and development strategies of the company;
  • management model adopted by the company;
  • personality of the immediate superior;
  • personalities of your subordinates.

These reasons can be divided into two groups.

First: professional adaptation.

Second: socio-psychological adaptation. Professional adaptation is expressed in a certain level of mastery of professional skills, abilities and knowledge. Such adaptation plays a big role in the situation of entry into the organization of a young specialist, when there is mainly theoretical knowledge and ideas about how the work process works. Socio-psychological adaptation consists in mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of the company, positive interaction and cooperation with its team. Adaptation of this kind acquires an important role when a professional practitioner comes to a new place. In addition to professional experience, such a specialist has experience of working and growing in other companies. Perhaps they cultivated other systems of values, rewards and other corporate relations. Here socio-psychological adaptation is more important than professional. A person has to break the already existing stereotypes of relationships in the team and personal self-esteem.

A person's addiction to a new working environment is manifested in his real behavior, in labor efficiency, in the growth of professional activity, and in satisfaction with various aspects of labor activity.

The adaptation period can last from several weeks, months to 1-2 years. The most important stage of adaptation can be called a period of one to three months. As a rule, it coincides with the probationary period in the company. Each employer, accepting a new person for a position, stipulates and emphasizes the period of probation. According to the existing labor legislation, the probationary period cannot be more than three months. At this time, the beginner masters a new activity, gets acquainted with the team. He has a psychological readiness to master the necessary skills, to be at the level of the professional requirements. Success at this stage requires from a beginner: sociability, curiosity, responsibility, diligence, perseverance and patience. A beginner can draw up a personal adaptation plan, which conditionally may contain the most general actions and principles:

  • Get acquainted with the history of the company, its traditions and mentality.
  • To study the final products of the company: assortment, goods or services. Pay attention to their market competitive advantages.
  • Acquaintance with the management of the company, subordinates, key employees of the company
  • To study the plans and prospects for the development of the company as a whole and the separate division where the newcomer works.
  • Acquaintance with the geographical "area of ​​responsibility" where the newcomer's workplace is located.
  • Pay special attention to the socio-psychological characteristics of the personalities of the neighbors in the office or other workplace.
  • To study the system of payment, bonuses and other social benefits adopted by the company.
  • Carefully study the job description so that there are no "white spots" left.
  • Optimally organize your workplace and working hours in accordance with the corporate culture of the company.
  • To study to the required level, depending on the position, the features of the technologies used in the company.
  • Try not to oppose yourself to the corporate level and habits accepted in the company.
  • Develop personal attitudes towards friendly, long-term relationships with colleagues and long-term work in a team. Take part in the informal life of the team and its public affairs.

If a new workplace for a beginner is the position of a leader, manager, then the adaptation process is a separate conversation. Maybe the newcomer worked for a long time and purposefully to achieve his goal, or maybe the choice fell on him by chance. Maybe he invested a lot of money to get additional qualifications that allowed him to make the desired career leap. Maybe he was just able to show his best qualities who convinced the employer that he was the most suitable candidate for this position. It is not very important which of the above ways he achieved this. The important thing is that his professional life has changed radically. What is important in this new life?:

It is necessary to learn about the previous atmosphere in the managed division of the company. Given this information, be able to painlessly submit your own leadership style for the team. This is important for successful work in the future - to try to immediately win over people, win their trust.

Use of leadership abilities. How to convince employees of their existence? A beginner should not show awkwardness in their actions or uncertainty in making decisions. He must show that leadership for him is an absolutely normal and natural day-to-day work.

Appointment in itself is not a guarantee of a successful career. Mistakes are unavoidable, especially in the beginning. It is well known that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. If a problem arises, and the newcomer feels that there is some fault in it, then the leadership style needs to be analyzed. It is necessary to take an interest in the opinion of subordinates and the immediate superior. Their opinions will help determine the cause of failure. The fact that a beginner does not try to "silence" the problem, but openly solves it, speaks of his confidence in himself and that he will be able to cope with it. The ability to admit one's mistakes is one of the main qualities of a successful manager.

Express your opinions clearly, concisely, logically, intelligibly and consistently. In the event of a situation of ambiguity, clarify with the interlocutor, "Do I understand correctly that ...".

When analyzing the problem being solved, try to be objective. Try to separate the professional and personal qualities of subordinates. If the subordinate did not complete the task, solve a simple question: \"The employee cannot or does not want to complete the task assigned to him?\". The answer to the question will immediately determine that this is a lack of competence or a behavioral problem.

Organize your priorities in team leadership. The ability to identify the main goal and make a plan to achieve it is the way to turn a beginner into a leader.

Alexander Chepusov, Director of the Sputnik Recruiting Agency. If you have questions for the author, you can send them to him by e-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.) or by mail: 400040, Volgograd, PO Box 2628 .

When an employer hires a new employee, they are both filled with hope. The employee hopes that he will like it in a new place, and the employer expects immediately one hundred percent productivity of the employee's work. But before the work gets better, both the employee and the employer, and the workforce will have to go through a not always simple stage called “adaptation of a new employee”.

Significance of the adaptation period

Adaptation of a new employee- this is a type of socio-psychological adaptation, representing the process of active entry of a newcomer into a position through interaction with a new working environment.

The success of adaptation in a new place - responsibility not only the employee himself, but also his new management. No matter how responsible, sociable, stress-resistant, courageous and experienced the employee is, he finds himself in a new environment for himself, and therefore in stressful situation, in a situation of need to adapt, adapt, change.

A competent and wise employer makes sure that the adaptation of new employees takes place organized He doesn't let her take her course.

Companies that do not care about helping a newcomer to get used to the team, get used to a new workplace, understand their duties and responsibilities, feel comfortable, doom themselves to a constant staff turnover.

A new employee is in the adaptation period decides for himself, he will work in this organization further or not. According to statistics 90% people who quit their jobs before having worked there even for a year, made the decision to leave already in the first days-weeks, and the rest of the time they just endured and waited for the right moment or the “last drop”!

If an employee does not like his new position, he has two options: quit or endure. People, not being able to leave their unloved work or simply out of fear of doing so, endure unbearable conditions for them for years! And the organization suffers losses.

There are many reasons why a new team member may leave work soon after employment, but unsuccessful adaptation or not at all maladaptation in the workplace is one of the leading causes!

Employer Mistakes

A common recruiting mistake is looking for a "ready-made" ideal candidate. But the ideal employee can only be “grown” in your organization. When a new employee comes to work, he is more or less suitable for the position, he cannot immediately be a perfect fit! To become an ideal employee, he needs to get comfortable, integrate into the organization and work in it for some time.

In addition, the candidate for the position is a living person, he personality and cannot consist of merit alone. Treating a person as a machine or a robot that should neither get sick, nor have a personal life, nor argue or complain is a big mistake.

Often employers put themselves higher workers and applicants, raise the requirements for the latter to the skies, while forgetting to also meet the high requirements.

For example, an unsuccessful self-important entrepreneur “weeds out” candidates for a position who can become excellent employees only because they have no work experience or hires them, but disrespectful completely without worrying about their psychological comfort . At the same time, such an employer does not understand that his organization is not the one in which experienced specialists would go to work and that existing candidates should be valued.

Non-assignment of a probationary period - also a common mistake employers make . A trial period is necessary to understand whether the candidate is suitable for the position and whether he likes it. This is the time when not only the new employee is trying to please the management, but the management should also try to please the newcomer.

Successful onboarding of new employees is defined as important goal employers who understand that a hardworking, motivated, working as management expects from him, an employee is an employee who helped adapt and taught work exactly as it is required to work in his position.

Stages of adaptation of a new employee

From the success of the adaptation of employees depends the efficiency of the company. An employee who has been helped by the team and management to successfully adapt to a new place will certainly respond with gratitude and high labor productivity.

On average, the adaptation of a new employee lasts six months and is divided into stages:

  • the history of the formation and development of the company,
  • goals and direction of the company,
  • internal rules and regulations,
  • general requirements for personnel,
  • personnel performance evaluation system,
  • wage system, etc.
    • Introductory conversation with company employees. The team in which the new employee will work is informed of his arrival in order to create a favorable atmosphere, a positive attitude towards the newcomer and reduce the stress caused by the need to accept him into an established team.
    • Interview with immediate supervisor. During this conversation, a new employee will learn from his immediate supervisor the labor goals and objectives, areas of responsibility, functional duties and other specific components of his work.
    • Company tour. The new employee is guided throughout the organization, remembering the location of various departments and such important areas as the dining room, toilets, and so on. At the same stage, the employee should see his workplace.
    • Getting to know the team. The employee introduces himself to the team in which he will directly work, and to all the staff of the company.
    • Preparation of documents and familiarization with the documentation. At this stage, an employment contract is drawn up between the employee and the employer and all other documents necessary for employment. For familiarization, the employee is provided with the internal labor regulations, job description and other important company documentation.

The final, successful completion of the adaptation period is evidenced by the feeling confidence and comfort new employee in the workplace.

Employee adapts successfully when he changes his behavior and compares it with the requirements of the company, when these requirements and his personal goals become compatible.

So, adaptation of a new employee- the process is mutual: the employee must want and try to work, and the organization must help him in this in every possible way (train and support).

If an employee who was suitable for a position quit of his own free will before the end of the probationary period, it means that the management made mistakes or paid insufficient attention to adaptation.

A person can adapt to any conditions, even very difficult and psychologically difficult ones. But will he do this when he does not find support, understanding, respect from the management and the team, but at the same time he understands that there is an opportunity to find another job? Unlikely.

If you want to study the topic of adaptation of a new employee in more detail, we recommend reading the books by A. Ya. Kibanov “Personnel Management: Theory and Practice. Organization of career guidance and adaptation of personnel "and" Personnel management of the organization: current technologies for recruitment, adaptation and certification "

Choosing the best candidate for a position is not a success and a guaranteed victory for the HR department. On the way to the implementation of its task, the successful staffing, there is an important stage - the adaptation of personnel. What is the role of this stage of the organization's business process, what is its essence and how to succeed in this business, we will describe further.

Why do you need

The process of finding, hiring and replacing an employee involves a fairly large investment of time and financial resources of the organization. Often the owner spends a lot of money on the selection of a highly specialized specialist necessary for the company, which is required by the enterprise to achieve a specific strategic goal. But absolutely every new employee has a period of adaptation to a new workplace.

Adaptation is a mutual process of perception, evaluation and adaptation of both a new employee to an employer and an enterprise to an employee. This stage takes place in different companies in different ways, much depends on the individuality of the employee. Its term varies from 2 weeks to one and a half months. During this period, the work is carried out under the supervision of the HR department. One of its functions is career guidance of the candidate at the very beginning of his activity and the correct determination of his abilities and capabilities.

Adaptation is a mutual process of perception, evaluation and adaptation of both a new employee to an employer and an enterprise to an employee.

The goals of adaptation are:

  1. Reducing costs. While a new employee is difficult and long to understand how the enterprise works, he works inefficiently and does not give the result that is necessary for the growth of the company's profits. The labor activity of any employee must be productive.
  2. Reducing the level of uncertainty of the newcomer in the workplace.
  3. . If a new employee feels uncomfortable and insecure, they are more likely to quit within a short time.
  4. Growth of loyalty of the company-employer in the HR-sphere, among potential employees and within the company.
  5. Saving valuable time of the immediate supervisor of the new employee and other employees of the department. The need to spend time on an insecure and doubting employee who has not adapted to a new place does not allow working in correct mode. Thus, the schedule is lost and the efficiency of the entire department is reduced.

Complexities of the adaptation process

The main enemy of a new employee in a company (especially without work experience) are doubts and fears, which sometimes do not allow them to show their best side and become the reason for an early exit from work.

Among the "phobias" of new employees during adaptation:

  • Lose your position in the company.
  • Not coping with responsibilities, violating project deadlines.
  • Not finding a common language with colleagues, communication problems.
  • Detect professional shortcomings or a gap in the knowledge required for the job.
  • To be incompetent in the eyes of management and colleagues.
  • Don't get along with the new leader.

The need for proper adaptation is also undeniable for the reason that most layoffs are for employees who have worked in the company for less than a month. In addition, quite often at the enterprise, accidents at work occur precisely during the first time a new specialist works.

The need for proper adaptation is also undeniable for the reason that most layoffs are for employees who have worked in the company for less than a month.

The tasks and basics of the work of the personnel department for managing the adaptation process:

  1. The program of trainings and educational events for the new employee. This tool will help to understand the essence of his work, to obtain the necessary information regarding the activities of the enterprise; theoretical knowledge and practical skills activate self-confidence and increase the effectiveness of work.
  2. Control of individual communication between the manager and the employee. Both formal and informal communication methods are suitable (for example, after work or joint leisure of employees on weekends or holidays).
  3. Organization of short-term courses and trainings for top managers entering this position. Learning the basics of leadership is the key to effective and long-term leadership.
  4. Development of a system of methods for the gradual complication of tasks for a new employee.
  5. Application of the method of public assignments for closer contact with the team.
  6. organization or special role playing to unite the team and the new employee.

Forms of adaptation of a new employee

Social adaptation is the process of adapting a new person to a team, a new social environment for him and accelerating its transformation into the sphere of his labor activity. Stages and content by points:

  • Smooth entry into the environment.
  • Acquaintance with the norms and values ​​of the department/team.
  • Motivation to gain a foothold in the team and work effectively, satisfying personal professional needs.

Industrial adaptation is the labor process of introducing an employee into a new professional activity for him, an accelerated course in understanding the tasks and specifics of the activity. This goal is served by courses, trainings, a positive attitude to work.

Psychophysiological adaptation means that a new employee can cope with both physical and psychological stresses that are inevitable at the beginning of work in a new place.

Socio-psychological adaptation is practically equal to working conditions, when an employee enters into the process of professional communication with the team and his professional activity is important and interesting to him.

Organizational adaptation is that the newcomer gets acquainted with the nuances of the organizational aspects of the company: place of work, features of the business process, interaction with other employees and departments, their role in the organization.

Organizational adaptation is that the newcomer gets acquainted with the nuances of the organizational aspects of the company.

Economic adaptation involves identifying salary growth prospects.

Types of adaptation

The main types are divided into two types:

  • Primary adaptation is the period of introduction of a new employee who does not have work experience and communication experience in the work team. Most often, these are young employees, graduates of educational institutions of various levels, young mothers who have just come out of maternity leave. It is more difficult for these candidates to adapt in a team and quickly start working effectively.
  • Secondary adaptation is the process of introducing a new employee who already has work experience. He knows how communications take place in an organization, what a work team is, what stages must be passed at the beginning of activities at a new workplace. They endure this process more easily than beginners. Candidates who change position in the company sometimes move to another city. This is also a specific kind of adaptation.

Adaptation methods

An important role in the work of a new employee is played by properly selected methods of adaptation of personnel. They are of two types: non-productive and economic.

The essence of economic methods lies in the material motivation of the employee. After all, the main criterion for choosing a job is wages. Non-production methods consist in the fact that the employer chooses his own scheme for carrying out measures for the adaptation of new employees.

Let's give an example of non-production methods: team building, corporate PR, new employees, corporate groups and websites, conducting conversations and briefings within the team. Any of the above methods is quite effective in the period of adaptation of the employee, as well as for team building.

Modern technologies make it possible to improve business processes in the enterprise and work on the team spirit of all employees, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their work and the prosperity of the company.

Onboarding is an important business process in any organization and should not be overlooked. It is important to carefully work out the scheme of this project and fix it as a corporate and regulatory provision on the adaptation of the personnel of a particular company.

This position should be controlled by responsible employees. Only if it really works, new employees will be able to quickly get into the work, avoid fears and self-doubt, and become an effective part of the team in a short time. To draw up such a document, you can use a sample provision on staff adaptation, prescribing in it the points, methods and tools that will be used in the process of work.

For many, the first days, weeks at a new job are the most stressful. New team, different requirements, different business relationships, tons of unknown information. At the same time, you need to try not to make stupid mistakes and show your best side. It is advisable to prepare for such a brainstorming session in advance. Therefore, we will consider the concept of "adaptation in the workplace" from several angles.

What is adaptation

Adaptation to a new workplace is the period of familiarization of an employee with a hitherto unknown activity, organization, team, regulation of his behavior according to unusual requirements.

According to statistics, the majority of newly hired employees leave their place of work at this particular time. Reasons: the complexity of the adaptation process, the discrepancy between the real situation and their expectations.

For a new employee onboarding to be successful and painless, it must be a two-way process. The personnel department, management, colleagues should in every possible way contribute to the “infusion” of a newcomer into their organization, team. Depending on the support, assistance provided, adaptation at the workplace can proceed in various ways:

  1. Preservation of individualism - the new employee does not deny the main values ​​of the company, but ignores the secondary ones (for example, corporate traditions, holidays), tries to keep a little apart.
  2. Mimicry - the employee, on the contrary, supports secondary values, and denies the main ones, hiding this from the team. Such newcomers often leave their new job.
  3. Denial - the employee does not hide his dislike for the existing routines in the company. He will call them the reason for his early dismissal.
  4. Conformity - the employee sincerely accepts new rules, values, duties, safely becomes a "cog in the system".

Stages of adaptation

Let's figure out what stages of adaptation at a new workplace an employee goes through:

  1. external reorientation. On it, it is difficult for a person to accept new values ​​and routines, he painfully perceives what he is not used to, with which he does not agree. However, it seeks to hide these negative emotions.
  2. Gradual mutual recognition of the employee by the team and vice versa.
  3. Perception of team values ​​without incorporating them into your value system.
  4. Gradual acceptance of new rights and obligations, corporate culture, as well as the restructuring of one's personality and behavior under new conditions.
  5. Harmonious fusion of the individual with the team.

Failure at any of these stages often becomes a reason for dismissal of one's own free will.

Parts of adaptation

Adaptation in the workplace is divided into two parts: primary and secondary. The first is the appearance of a new employee in the team. Her goals:

  • prompt infusion of a newcomer into work;
  • redistribution of work responsibilities;
  • full replacement of the departed employee;
  • socialization in the team;
  • professional orientation.

Secondary adaptation in the workplace overtakes the employee during promotion, retraining, transfer to another department, workshop, etc. The goals of this period:

  • stabilization of the collective climate;
  • achieving full compliance with the requirements for a new position;
  • adaptation to the new status;
  • changing their role in the team.

Techniques of an adaptable person

Speaking about the ways of adaptation in the workplace, one cannot fail to mention the unconscious tricks that psychologists reveal in a person who gets used to a new team:

  1. "Meet by clothes." The first thing a beginner pays attention to is the appearance, clothing, and behavior of future colleagues. Such a superficial assessment at the initial stage helps to build an idea of ​​the personality and business qualities of each member of the new team.
  2. Stratification. The new employee divides colleagues into mini-groups: careerists, assistants, informal leaders, eccentrics, comedians, first ladies, outcasts, etc. He begins to evaluate their well-being, ability to behave in a team, build relationships with superiors, the degree of disposition towards himself . Based on this, the new member begins to build appropriate communication with each.
  3. Group identification. At this stage, the employee chooses for himself one of the strategies determined by him and begins to build his behavior according to his status. Belonging to a certain group creates a sense of security, a person begins to gradually feel at home in a new team.
  4. Intergroup discrimination. The employee exalts "his" group over others, treats others condescendingly, always finds the pluses of his choice.

Types of adaptation in the workplace

The entire adaptation process is divided into four groups:

  • psychophysiological;
  • professional (acquaintance with the profession);
  • socio-psychological (acquaintance with the team);
  • organizational (familiarization with the company itself).

A more detailed breakdown of them:

  1. Organizational adaptation. Successful activity in a new workplace is possible only when a person thoroughly knows everything about his company: history, tasks, goals, development prospects, its achievements and unpleasant moments in history. It is important to have an idea about its structure, managers, answers to vital questions: "Where is the personnel department, canteen, service parking?", "Where can I get a tabulagram?", "Who should I contact with questions about work?" etc. The duty of the employer is to convey to the newcomer all this information in a concise and structured form, and the latter to try to "digest" it in a short time.
  2. Socio-psychological adaptation of personnel in the workplace. Close acquaintance with the team, the norms of corporate culture, the establishment of interpersonal and business communication, infusion into informal groups. The newcomer not only gets acquainted with the new norms of behavior, he must already begin to follow them, while the team is wary of him, evaluates him, forms an opinion. Therefore, for most, this adaptation is the most difficult.
  3. Professional adaptation in the workplace. Filling gaps in knowledge, retraining, familiarization with new standards of work, its specifics. To facilitate this type of addiction, many organizations practice rotations, mentoring, briefings, and a "student" period.
  4. Psychophysical adaptation of employees in the workplace. This is a restructuring of your body, habits for a new mode of work and rest - a shift work schedule, business trips, irregular working hours, a "home office". This also includes adapting to a new workplace, rest and hygiene rooms, and an unusual route to work.

The duration of the adaptation period

The adaptation period at the workplace does not have any clearly defined boundaries: someone manages to harmoniously integrate into the team in a couple of weeks, someone needs a few months or even a couple of years. In this case, three months are considered the optimal period - the duration of the probationary period.

The following employee characteristics indicate the end of the adaptation period:

  • copes with all the work tasks assigned to him, including non-standard ones;
  • is responsible for his actions;
  • knows the structure of the company well, orients itself in the environment of managers and colleagues, is in a non-conflict relationship with them;
  • successfully mastered the types of equipment, equipment, computer programs, etc. necessary for work;
  • knows the system of punishments and rewards of the company;
  • observes the norms of corporate culture;
  • is part of one of the informal groups of the collective.

Job introduction

As already mentioned, the adaptation of an employee to a new workplace is a two-way process. In a successful and developing company, a newcomer will not be satisfied with a "course of a young fighter", but will do everything possible for his smooth and painless entry into the team, getting used to the workplace. Usually, an induction program is drawn up for this. It varies depending on the following conditions:

  • features of the work of a beginner;
  • its status and level of responsibility;
  • the team where he gets;
  • personal characteristics of the future employee, identified at the interview.

The following persons participate in the program:

  • immediate supervisors;
  • colleagues who can become direct mentors;
  • employees from other departments with whom the newcomer's activities will be closely related;
  • personnel department.

The program includes three major phases.

Before the worker arrives

In order for the adaptation to the new workplace to be quick and successful, before the first working day:

  1. The relevance of the job description is checked.
  2. An unofficial "patron" of the newcomer is appointed.
  3. His workplace is being prepared.
  4. The future team is notified of the addition to the composition.
  5. All necessary information files, passes, administrative documents are formed.
  6. A call is made to a future employee - to find out about his readiness to go to work.

First work day

During this period, the program invites the team to do the following:

  1. Discuss with the newcomer his job responsibilities.
  2. To acquaint him in detail with the internal labor schedule.
  3. Tell about corporate traditions, rules, private moments.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the organization.
  5. Conduct the necessary briefings: safety, first aid, fire safety, etc.
  6. Provide a list of all possible communications, contacts that he may need.
  7. Presentation of dress code rules.
  8. Acquaintance of a beginner with immediate supervisors, colleagues.
  9. Tour of the place of work: show canteens, latrines, rest areas, etc.

The rest of the adaptation period

At this time, procedures such as:

  1. Familiarization with reporting rules.
  2. Demonstration of requirements for labor, its results.
  3. Acquaintance with the administrative and economic system of the organization.
  4. Development of an individual system for retraining a new employee.
  5. Acquaintance with the specifics of his work, the nuances that he needs to know.

Methods for Successful Adaptation

In order for the adaptation in the workplace of a beginner to take place in accelerated pace, many corporations use the following methods:

  1. Informal accompaniment - assigning a mentor, a "patron" to a new employee.
  2. Holding events - in honor of the arrival of a new employee, a corporate party is organized, where in a relaxed atmosphere he is introduced to the norms, rules, etiquette in the organization.
  3. Corporate PR - a universal guide is being developed that contains answers to all questions of newcomers.
  4. Team training - the event is held if the employee fails to join the team. It expresses the views of both sides, claims; trying to establish a dialogue.
  5. Briefing - the employee gets acquainted with the new requirements under the strict guidance of colleagues who answer all his questions.
  6. Personal account, personal mail - letters-instructions come to these addresses for a beginner, helping him to gradually understand the environment.

Facilitating adaptation

Many successful corporations today pay great attention to the adaptation of a new employee in their team. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the shorter the adaptation period, the greater the return on the employee's work;
  • negative feedback from former employees who left due to a number of difficulties during the adaptation period is a serious blow to the company's image;
  • mentoring helps boost the creativity of long-term employees;
  • when an employee is fired and a replacement is sought, the company will again spend funds on recruitment and training;
  • a detailed and effective adaptation program is a plus in the fight against competitors;
  • the friendly attitude of the new team is one of the main reasons for revealing the potential of a newcomer.

Adaptation to a new workplace is the most difficult and important in labor activity. At this stage, it is important for an employee to quickly and successfully get used to an unfamiliar team, in a new workplace, and the company should do everything to promote this, and not hinder it.

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