How Ramzan Kadyrov Became an Academician. Kadyrov told how he became an academician without scientific works Kadyrov is an academician of what sciences

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that he received the title of honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) "for success in restoring peace and stability" in the republic

At home in Instagram he wrote that 10 years ago, when he was the first vice-premier of Chechnya, the public organization RANS decided to award him the title of "honorary academician." Kadyrov assures that he did not agree with this for several months, but close friends persuaded him, citing the fact that it was unethical to refuse.

"The leadership of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences has never stated that this title is for scientific work. President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Oleg Kuznetsov said that the title was awarded "for everyday work to save the lives of servicemen and residents of Chechnya," Kadyrov added.

Recall that on January 14, Krasnoyarsk deputy Konstantin Senchenko called Kadyrov "a disgrace to Russia."

"Ramzan, you are a disgrace to Russia. You have discredited everything that is possible. You have discredited the title of Academician, because having a 3-grade education, you bear the title that the greatest minds of Russia wore. You put yourself on a par with Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Landau and other great I have 3 higher educations, and I got these diplomas with great difficulty and I am ashamed when we have such Academicians. You have discredited the title of Hero of Russia," he wrote on his Facebook page.

However, the very next day, Senchenko said that he was "personally convinced of the authority" of Ramzan Kadyrov after a call from "a very famous person in Russia", whose name he did not name.

On January 22, in the capital of Chechnya, the city of Grozny, a rally was held in support of Ramzan Kadyrov and against the Russian non-systemic opposition.

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. Date: June 3, 2019. Reading time 4 min.

Ramzan Kadyrov received his secondary education in his native village of Tsentaroy. The head of the Chechen Republic has a higher legal and managerial education, is a doctor of economic sciences and an honorary academician, professor. In the field of construction economics, the politician, relying on his own experience, defended 3 dissertations.

As head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov was able to restore the region destroyed during the military conflict. Based on personal experience, the statesman defended several dissertations. The attitude of society to the scientific merits of a politician is not unambiguous. But it is impossible to deny that his contribution was highly appreciated by several scientific and educational institutions, which would not have been possible without Kadyrov's appropriate education and his personal qualities.

Study at school

The future leader of Chechnya received primary and secondary education at a regular school in his native village.

Opponents often appeal that the level of teaching in the mountain villages was below average, and most of the children were engaged not in mastering the school curriculum, but in teaching national arts.

Let's start with the fact that the settlement of Tsentaroi, where Ramzan Akhmatovich was born and raised, can hardly be called a standard village. Today, more than 9,000 people live in it, the infrastructure is developed.

Reference! The village of Tsentaroy, at the initiative of the local community, will be renamed Akhmat-Yurt in honor of Akhmat Kadyrov, the father of Ramzan and the first president of the republic.

Indeed, Chechen boys mastered in school years riding, possession of hot and cold weapons, but this was required by tribal traditions. Such training was useful to Ramzan Kadyrov in the future, when he had to defend the independence of the region and fight the militants, head the security service.

Adhering to national traditions, the future politician was engaged to his future wife, fellow villager Medni Aidamirova, while still in his school years as a teenager. The wedding was played in their native village according to Chechen customs.

Higher education

After graduating from school, the guy could not immediately continue. Together with his father, he supported the separatists and fought during the first Chechen campaign on the side of the militants.

In 1999, they changed their position, speaking out against the growing Wahhabism. It was after going over to the side of the federal authorities that Ramzan entered the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala. Here Kadyrov studied to be a lawyer with a degree in jurisprudence. He received higher education in absentia, since during his student years he was employed as the head of the security service of Akhmat-Khadzhi Abdulkhamidovich, the head of the provisional administration of the young republic, and later the president of Chechnya.

However, in 2004, in an interview with Anna Politkovskaya, the politician himself said that he studied in Gudermes at the law faculty of a branch of the Moscow Institute of Business and could not remember the title of his thesis, citing workload.

He graduated from the university in 2004, after which he immediately entered the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Managerial education also came in handy for the young Kadyrov. In May of the same year, his father tragically died during the celebration of May 9, and Ramzan was appointed first deputy chairman of the government of the republic.

He could not take the presidency not because of lack of experience and knowledge, but because of his young age. At that time, the politician was only 28 years old. Ramzan Akhmatovich officially headed the Chechen Republic in 2007.

Scientific works and titles

The second head of Chechnya devoted most of his activity to restoring peace and the region itself. It was personal experience that became the basis for writing scientific papers. He defended 3 dissertations and received the degree of candidate and doctor of economic sciences. All works are devoted to the problems of the construction industry.

Table 1. Dissertations by Ramzan Kadyrov

Protection date educational institution Work theme Academic degree
06/24/2006 Dagestan State Technical University Optimal management of contractual relations between the main participants in the construction industry PhD in Economics
24.09.2011 Management of the restoration and development of the construction industry in the Chechen Republic: theory, methodology, practice PhD in Economics
25.12.2015 Organization and management of the investment and construction sector and the restoration of the construction industry in a region with a destroyed economy Doctor of Economic Sciences

Analysts noticed that in the Russian segment of the Web, users launched a real information campaign, directed against the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. In particular, he was accused of allegedly unfairly receiving the title of academician. To avoid further gossip, the Chechen leader decided to clarify.

"Dear friends! I am surprised by the ability of individual authors to distort reality and mislead thousands of readers. At first they they themselves run blatant lies, then, quoting themselves, based on their own fake, draw conclusions, give assessments, shamelessly vilify people," he wrote on his Instagram page.

“For a very long time I tried not to react to cynical talk that Ramzan Kadyrov is an academician without scientific work. Excuse me, but who, when and where said that I was accepted into the ranks of academicians for some great discoveries? I never needed titles, awards, promotions because I dedicated my life to Almighty Allah, I worked, I fought, I live for the sake of the people and the Fatherland - Russia," the politician stressed.

“As for the academician, ten years ago, when I worked as First Deputy Prime Minister, I was informed that the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, which is a public organization, decided to award me the title of Honorary Academician. For several months I did not agree to accept a badge and a diploma, but close friends persuaded, referring to the fact that it is unethical to refuse", - said the head of Chechnya.

"In January 2006, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Alexander Lagutkin came to Gudermes. He noted that the title is awarded for success in restoring peace and stability in the Chechen Republic. Thus, the leadership of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences has never stated that this title is for scientific work. President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Oleg Kuznetsov said that the title was awarded for everyday work to save the lives of servicemen and residents of Chechnya," he added.

"I also inform anyone who is interested that the honorary members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences are Prince of Wales Charles, former UN Secretary General Boutros Ghali and many others which have absolutely nothing to do with discoveries and inventions,” Kadyrov recalled. “I know that all this is well known to those who have made lies their trade. Moreover, they know that the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences has nothing to do with the Russian Academy of Sciences. They know that this is the most ordinary public organization. In conclusion, I want to emphasize that for me the best doctoral dissertation is a restored and rebuilt Chechnya, and the highest honor is the trust and recognition of the people!" the Chechen leader concluded.

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