Where you can invest money - analysis of the effectiveness of different types of investments. Deposit or investment account: where is it more profitable to invest money

No one argues that there is no extra money. But it happens that free funds appear. It can be a pleasantly fallen inheritance, a large award, a well-functioning project. For some, this will be a reason to spend them with pleasure, while others will think about how to save this money, but rather increase it. Let's try to think about where to invest money in 2019 in order to earn. To correctly answer this question, let's get acquainted with the concept of "investment".

Basic terms

Investments are understood as material and intellectual means aimed at making a profit using various financial instruments or commercial activities. Investments can be:

  • direct - when the investor directly chooses the objects of investment and participates in the process of activities that bring profit;
  • indirect - with this type of investor's funds are transferred to the management of special structures or institutions whose activities are aimed at making a profit.

In terms of time, investments can be:

  • short-term;
  • medium-term;
  • long-term.

An investment portfolio is a set of all types of investments in various instruments that make up an investor's assets. For example, investments in deposits, bonds, real estate, business.

Types of investments

The problem with choosing investments for individuals is not that there are few offers. Everything is just the opposite, there are a lot of offers for investing money, even if we ignore not quite legal and fraudulent options when they offer to increase the amount by several times in a short period. But there are options that are under the control of the state, which guarantees compliance with laws and not using money in criminal schemes.

Such options can be conditionally divided into risky investments and investments with low risk. By the level of risk, you can immediately judge the profitability, they are directly dependent. If you want more profit, you have to take more risks. Consider some well-known and popular types of investments.

Investing in your education

This is the only type of investment without risk. At the same time, it is deservedly considered a highly profitable type of investment. And most importantly, it is best to start any other investments with gaining knowledge on investment issues in general and deeper knowledge on selected types. This may not always be the case if you engage in self-education, but you can also choose educational trainings, courses, consultations.


A familiar, understandable, calm investment option. When all the work comes down to choosing a reliable bank with decent interest. It refers to investments with low risk, but the profit received will at most cover the level of official inflation. The average rate will be about 6% per annum. In addition, the deposit will have to be limited to 1.4 million rubles in order to receive money from the insurance fund in the event of the bank's liquidation.

The property

Another seemingly reliable type of investment. The good thing is that the risk of a complete loss of property is very low, but it does not guarantee the impossibility of a partial loss of funds. Investments in real estate for profit can be the following:

  1. Purchase of residential real estate in the stage of construction in progress for subsequent resale in finished form.
  2. Acquisition of residential and commercial real estate for rent.
  3. Long-term lease for subsequent sub-lease for short periods.
  4. Acquisition of land plots for their sale in parts or for the construction of facilities with subsequent sale.

The main disadvantage of this type of investment is the high level of initial investment. Additional difficulties are delivered by the unstable market, the difficulty of selling, and competition in leasing. Currently, the purchase of foreign real estate, apartments in resort regions for renting out during the tourist season is gaining popularity.

For example, currently in Bulgaria you can buy an inexpensive studio on the sea or in a ski resort for a very low price, starting from 10,000 euros. The cost of renting such a studio in the season starts from 20 euros per day.


Making a profit from buying bonds is another way to invest money with low risk. At their core, bonds are securities issued by companies that act as IOUs. Bond borrowers can be private companies or public companies.

In terms of reliability, such investments are inferior to bank deposits only in that they are not insured by the state. The profit generated can be on average 10%, but it is not guaranteed. Sometimes the bonds of some companies bring very high profits up to 100%, but such investments are highly risky.


Investing in shares of large and small companies has been practiced in Western countries for many years, being the most popular type of investment. Shares are understood as securities that fix the owner's right to receive a share of profits and participate in the management of a joint-stock company in accordance with the existing block of shares.

There are two ways to profit from shares:

  1. At the expense of dividends paid on existing securities.
  2. In the form of profit from buying and selling shares in the stock markets.

Investing in stocks carries a high risk, especially when trading the stock markets. For such operations, it is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge and experience, as well as resistance to stress loads. At the same time, investing in stocks can also bring high returns.

Currency market

The Forex currency market is a very risky investment. They earn on it by changing the exchange rate when buying and selling. Ideally, if the purchase price is lower than the sale price. But course changes can be so unpredictable and rapid that the lack of knowledge and experience leads to a quick loss of invested funds.


If it is possible to get a quick and big profit with Forex, only the cryptocurrency market can argue, where profits sometimes amount to several hundred, or even thousands of percent. Accordingly, the risks here are higher than in other markets. The work with cryptocurrencies is becoming more complicated and the fact that the status of this financial instrument remains a controversial issue all over the world. Emerging scandals and bans have a very strong impact on the already unstable rate of cryptocurrencies, turning the market around and depreciating existing assets.

Management companies

Options for investing in stocks, the foreign exchange market and cryptocurrencies are very risky. It is possible to work in such markets if you have the appropriate training, experience, and a stable nervous system. Therefore, before doing this on your own, you can transfer money to trust management. Different types of such services are offered by special management companies.

Here you can choose one or more personal brokers, specify your investment portfolio, including certain types of stocks, currency pairs, precious metals, etc. The degree of risk and the level of acceptable losses are also stipulated. The minimum threshold for investing in such management companies is very low, starting at $10. This amount allows the investor himself, if desired, to try his hand at. The average profit from such investments can be in the range of 2-10% per month.

mutual fund

Equity investment funds specialize in professional work with stock markets. For people who are willing to take risks, but do not have experience in exchange trading, mutual funds are a good alternative to brokers. Here you can buy small shares, but it is better to distribute the money invested into several shares, in which case the risk will noticeably decrease. The cost of shares is available to almost everyone, because it starts from 1000 rubles. Such a contribution will not bring a lot of money, but it will allow you to get not very expensive experience.

Such investment belongs to the category of trust management, since the investor does not influence the process and the choice of instruments for making a profit. Investments in mutual funds do not guarantee profit, but, on average, with low risk, they can bring up to 30% profit. The fact that the activities of such funds are under the control of the state gives reason not to be afraid of fraudulent schemes.


Individual investment accounts, created in 2015, have become an indicator of the state's interest in enhancing the investment activity of the population. Opening such an account for a period of three years allows you to receive tax benefits of 13% for up to 400,000 rubles. That is, simply opening such an account allows you to receive 52,000 rubles in three years due to savings on tax deductions.

You can open only one account for one person, only rubles are accepted for crediting. Otherwise, such an account is similar to other trust management options. Accounts are not insured, although some management companies can use part of the money to open a deposit, but the funds on such a deposit will not be insured.

Venture funds

Already in their name, these investment funds speak of risk. The English word "venture" is translated as "risk venture". The activities of such funds are based on the financing of innovative projects. Moreover, it starts at an early stage, then projects are developed for several years. The performance is not very high, usually 20-30% of developed projects are successful. But even these percentages are enough to pay off all costs and get high profits.

In Russia, at the moment, venture capital investment is still at the stage of development. To enter such projects, quite high amounts are required: from 100,000 in rubles, from 500,000 in dollars. Potential profit starts from 40% and can exceed 1000%. But, of course, the loss of invested funds is not excluded.


A great way to invest money, sometimes very little to increase it, open your own business or become a business partner. There are many possibilities for this. There is still a demand for people who can do something better than others. Opening workshops for repairing equipment, tailoring, selling handmade goods, with the right approach, can be the beginning of a successful business. Nobody argues that starting a business will require more time and effort than opening a deposit, but the return will be more significant.

Great opportunities in our time to open a business and attract investment in it gives the Internet, where the number of potential customers and buyers is not limited. You can open online stores, advertise services, engage in wholesale trade. Franchising is a good option for starting a business. When you can buy the right to organize an already operating business, while all the stages of its creation and the requirements for the quality of products or services are stipulated. In this case, the risks are reduced, and the opportunity to receive the necessary assistance allows you to make a profit in a fairly short time.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles

If we talk about an example with a specific amount, then we get the following options where you can invest money in 2019:

  1. Bank deposit with guaranteed low income.
  2. Investing in real estate of such an amount is possible only for the option of renting an apartment with its subsequent sublease.
  3. Buying bonds.
  4. Transfer to trust management in a management company on the terms of a personal broker, the purchase of mutual funds or the creation of an IIS.
  5. Opening an account with a management company for independent work in the stock or currency markets.
  6. Investment in venture funds.
  7. Starting your own business on your own or in partnership.

Overview of management and investment companies

The choice of management companies is one of the main components of successful investments. To select, it is most convenient to navigate by the rating of operating companies. They can be compiled according to different indicators. To determine the reliability of the company should be based on the size of its assets. The yield rating of the proposed financial instruments gives a reason to decide how profitable such investments are.

At the moment, the leader in terms of assets is Sberbank Management Company, whose assets account for 30% of the entire market. The top three includes Alfa Capital and VTB Capital. If you look at the ratings on the yield of mutual funds, then the leader for the last month is URALSIB with a mutual fund yield of 3.66%.

Investment companies are evaluated by their international rating and the financial instruments they offer. For example, the company "FINAM" has a high rating and offers its clients a wide range of investment options, including those with guaranteed returns, mutual funds, IIA. And with another leader among investment companies, LLC QBEF, you can open bond portfolios, weighted average portfolios, structured products with maximum protection.

That is, if you wish, you can find one or more companies where you will select the most suitable conditions for investing money. Almost all leading organizations have their own websites and offer the opportunity to invest on the Internet.

Ways to reduce losses

No one is insured against the risk of losing part or all of the money invested in most investment methods. You have to be ready for this. Therefore, the most important thing for an investor should be that the money invested is exactly free. They can be used in a variety of ways without lowering the investor's standard of living.

When deciding where it is profitable to invest money, it is better to follow certain rules:

  1. Collect detailed information on interested types of investments. Assess how much the amount of investment is able to bring profit and how the resulting profit correlates with possible risks.
  2. Do not look for options for making big profits in a short period, most likely this is a scam.
  3. Do not start investing with large amounts.
  4. Check the availability of licenses from investment companies, especially when opening an IIS.
  5. Try to distribute the amount of investment into several options, among which there should be investments with varying degrees of risk: low, medium, high.
  6. In the case of opening a business, do not rely on the fact that it will work without your participation. Find opportunities to improve your educational level to improve the operation of an open business.
  7. Trust money only to professionals, analyze the activities of management companies based on the results of their work and feedback on working with these companies.
  8. When making a profit, look for opportunities to invest it in new options in order to expand the scope of investment.
  9. Consider long-term and short-term investment options. For example, buying shares in order to receive dividends is suitable for a long investment period.

In contact with

From the beginning of the development of capitalism as an economic system, it becomes possible and necessary to invest money. Moreover, not only large investors and businessmen should deal with investments, but absolutely every person who wants to call himself financially literate. But where can you invest money if there are not so many of them?

If you think that there are no such options, then you are mistaken, and the United States is a vivid example of the refutation of this judgment. The citizens of this country, regardless of the standard of living, wealth and wages, are mostly engaged in investment activities. They buy stocks, bonds, promissory notes ... however, where you can invest capital will be discussed further.

Asset Theory!

I spoke about this in previous articles and I will say it again: in the life of every person there should be two types of money - assets and liabilities. If you have capital that you hid for a rainy day, then you need to get rid of it, this is the essence of the capitalist system. As a rule, it is advisable to invest such money in assets. In fact, your capital will remain in the same amount, but it will begin to bring you profit. Moreover, this income will be passive, i.e. you don't have to put in any effort. Work where you used to work, while getting a good salary increase.

Where can you invest money to earn money?

1. The asset that most people create is bank deposits. You give a certain amount to the bank, for which you receive an annual interest. As a rule, the yield of this instrument is from 10 to 15% per year, which, in my opinion, is too low. And given the fact that in the post-Soviet countries the inflation rate sometimes reaches all 50%, then such an asset is unprofitable, you need to look for other options. However, it's better to have money in a bank than in a toilet bowl or under a mattress.

2. A more profitable option is the shares of large companies. By investing in them, you will receive dividends, and if the contribution was large enough, then you will get the opportunity to manage the company's activities through the board of directors. Moreover, the shares are not subject to inflation, so you can not worry about your investments.
To buy this type of securities, you need to register on the website of a financial broker, fund your account and make a purchase. You can also use the Moscow Stock Exchange directly or find a shareholder-seller yourself via the Internet. You can also sell shares on the stock exchange.

3. Another option for investing in securities is bonds. In fact, these are the same bank deposits, only in growth you give money not to a bank, but to a large organization that issued bonds. At the same time, your income on them is much higher than on deposits in the most profitable bank. As a rule, you receive more than 25% per year on a bond. It is worth mentioning here that banks also invest money in these securities, insure themselves against inflation and earn the difference between the interest on the deposit and the interest on the bond.

4. For lovers of "investment extreme" investments in PAMM accounts and mutual funds are recommended. In this case, you give money neither to a bank nor to a large company, but to an investment firm or a private trader. Your capital goes to the financial exchange, where the manager, who knows how to predict the exchange rate or shares, is trying to increase it.
If he trades for profit, then part of this profit (50% or more) is received by you, and the rest goes as a reward investment company. Moreover, if a trader trades at a loss, then the money is not returned to you, you take all the risks. It often happens that the manager loses all the money, and you do not get a penny. The risks, of course, are high, but the profit can reach up to 100% of the invested funds per month.

5. How many times have you been asked for a loan? I think a lot, because people always need money. You can use this and give private loans at a certain percentage. At the same time, the borrower must draw up a receipt so that you have a document with which you can go to court and demand payment of the debt. Give loans better people reliable, who have a permanent job and a good income. In general, look at how banks work and do the same.

6. Investing in your own education is also an asset, because the knowledge gained will later bring you money. If you don’t know where to spend the accumulated funds, you can pay for a contract at a prestigious university or sign up for a series of trainings from a private person. In any case, this knowledge will definitely not be superfluous to you, and thanks to it you will earn even more money.

7. The most profitable investment option has been and remains your own business. If you feel entrepreneurial in yourself and think that you can become a successful entrepreneur, and besides, you have the start-up capital for the business, then what are you waiting for? Draw up a business plan immediately, take the money and start building a beautiful life, because there will be no other chance.

When Liabilities Become Assets!

There are people whose liabilities can become assets. The fact is that when you spend money on yourself and increase your standard of living, your motivation to work increases. You understand that you can earn even more, and strive to reach new heights. Of course, this attitude is not characteristic of everyone, some reach a certain level and stop there. And if you are one of those people who can simultaneously increase their needs along with opportunities, then believe me, you will reach great heights, and business is your destiny.

Where without diversification!

If you want to insure your investments, you can apply diversification. In this case, you will not buy one investment product, but several at once. For example, it can be shares of several companies, a couple of bonds, a bank account and a deposit in an investment company. In this case, if one of your assets "burns out", you will not be left without money and will be able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to other investments.

Scams, pyramids, divorces!

If you enter the phrase “Where you can invest money to earn big money” in a search engine, then in addition to the normal options described above, you will see a lot of pyramid sites or outright scams. The main sign of a scam is fabulous money with minimal investment and skills. If you find another such “mega-option”, you can safely close the page, because apart from the lost funds and time, nothing awaits you there.


Money must work, and that says it all. If you do not have a single asset, then you will not be able to call yourself a fully successful person. After all, assets are both a source of income, and a means of insurance in case of dismissal, and a good reserve that can be quickly cashed out. You now know where you can invest money, you just have to pull yourself together and start your path to success and financial independence.

Mutual investment fund: concept, 5 reasons to trust a mutual fund, 5 steps to acquiring a share and 3 types of expenses for depositors + TOP-10 best mutual funds of 2016! Pure investment is passive income!

The first most popular and most commonplace type of investment is in banks. I do not consider it at all as a type of investment due to the very small income. For me, a bank is just a store for money, which is a little better than keeping money "under the pillow" at home - the bank is more reliable and brings at least some pennies.

I keep money in the bank only as a financial cushion with the amount of funds for life for no more than the next 6 months. For all other funds, the bank is used as a transshipment point, after which the money goes to other financial instruments.

Nevertheless, if you decide to use the bank as an investment tool, then you must remember that it is better to distribute funds among banks in such a way that each contains an amount of no more than 1,400,000 rubles, because. insurance covers only this amount of funds. Naturally, you need to choose a bank according to reliability and popularity - this can be seen in all ratings and work with the top ten banks. If you really want reliability, then it is better to choose banks where the state is a partial owner - it is unlikely that the state will stop the activities of its bank. These are such banks as Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB, etc.

I use 4 banks: Moscow Credit Bank, Tinkoff Credit Systems, Sberbank, VTB.

2. Investing in real estate

Popular form of investment. Usually, if you ask a person “what to invest in”, then real estate will come to mind for most.
Many first of all remember real estate because of the banal point of view that if there is free money, then for fear of losing it, it is better to invest it in real estate, and there it will definitely remain. Many simply do not consider real estate as an investment tool specifically for creating money, but they approach it from the position of saving money. But if real estate is considered precisely as an investment instrument, then it is far from being so simple, it requires knowledge, experience, it freezes money for a long time and the profitability is not always stable and high, and also requires a large initial capital. If you invest borrowed money, then you generally need a lot of experience, which is clearly not suitable for everyone.

If real estate is considered as an investment tool, then I would recommend considering buildings at the “excavation” stage, because. they can give the maximum profit. Especially if it is an investment in luxury housing. At the stage of "pitting" it can cost 10-15-20 million (in Moscow), and after construction, all 30-40-50 million - there are such examples.

If you plan to continue to receive income from renting out, then it is better to buy a lot of one-room apartments (next to the metro - this increases the cost of rent).

Be sure to study the infrastructure of the area and its future for the next 3-5 years. It is the infrastructure that greatly affects the possible profit in this type of investment. .

3. Investing money in MFIs (microfinance institutions)

An excellent way to invest for those who want to receive reliable passive income, but are dissatisfied with a very small percentage in banks.

Advantages and disadvantages:
+ high annual percentage: 12-30%
- a fairly high entry threshold for individuals (this threshold is regulated by the state), i.e. with small amounts, you simply do not have the opportunity to try this method;
- you need to carefully choose an organization, because no state deposit insurance; but here the principle applies: the larger and older the organization, the more reliable, but you must also remember that a reliable organization will not give you a very high annual percentage.

4. Investing in mutual funds

You invest in a fund where it is professionally managed by a company. In my opinion, the instrument has a very average profitability, but in principle it is stable. The main thing is that there are no serious fluctuations in the securities market (if you have chosen a mutual fund with securities that are the most popular). If you look at the statistics, then after the 2008 crisis, mutual funds returned the lost money to investors somewhere only by 2011-12, i.e. if you invested money before the crisis, then you returned the invested amount without loss (and, of course, without income) only after 3-4 years.

From my experience - I invested in a mutual fund of Telecommunications from TroikaDialog and in a year and a half it gave + 44%. Then the fund was transferred to Sberbank Asset Management, then I withdrew the money from the fund.

Very detailed about mutual funds in my articles:

5. Binary options

Binary options are options that either provide a fixed amount of income or not, depending on the fulfillment of a specified condition at a certain time. Here I recommend Binarium. They turned out to have excellent service and an interface that was clear to me, but I will make a reservation that I am not a professional on the topic of trading. With the help of this service, you can really earn fast money, but you can also lose it :-) For professionals in the field of exchange rates, there is an opportunity to earn money here, and for non-professionals, quickly “play” and also earn money.

Screenshot to get started:

Screenshot after an hour of work (look at the balance):

6. Invest in business

Of course, I understand that a business is not just an investment in the form of "invest, forget and get a profit." This is possible, but it applies more to foreign countries. If we take Russia, then, in my experience, you cannot completely rely on people and, nevertheless, you must yourself take part in the main decisions for the effective development of business.

Of all the tools, business is the most highly profitable. The main risks are at the very beginning. Then, if the business grows, then the income increases, and the riskiness of this instrument decreases. Plus, this is a very exciting and interesting tool - hundreds of thousands of books about business have been written for a reason.

If you have nothing to start your investments with, then the business should become your first tool and income generator, which can then be distributed to other financial instruments.

1) the main thing - do not be afraid to start;
2) choose an existing market for work, the probability of creating a new market is very small;
3) choose a working business model that you saw somewhere - inventing a new one is extremely risky. To implement a ready-made business model, only a little better than others - much easier than "building a new bike";
4) choose non-mass markets with high competition - you need to start with something small, but when you listen to someone, you often hear that if someone wants an online store, then immediately equipment, phones, etc. , and people do not understand that the margin there, God forbid, is 10%, and in order to earn money, you must have very good turnover;
5) if there is no money at all, start with a service business, and not with a goods business - it is less costly and less risky at the initial stage, but then it will be harder to scale it up and improve the quality of the services provided, especially if the service is complex, multi-stage, etc.

In short, business must be mandatory :) This is the main financial instrument.

As John Rockefeller said: “If you have little money, you need to do business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently! Right now!"

7. Investing in securities

The use of this tool requires certain professionalism and skills. Of course, there are many examples when the shares of some companies in a short period of time (for example, 5 years) grew in price by 5-10-50 times or more - and it seems that this investment tool is very promising. This, of course, is true, but we must remember that this needs to be well understood and such examples of growth are rare, and no one advertises hundreds of other companies that have gone bankrupt. In my opinion, it is more profitable to trust a professional manager with a good history of profitability.

I myself use a Tinkoff bank brokerage account. I sometimes buy shares. I invest very conservatively.

For the last year as of June 20, 2018, the income is 13.98%. This is almost 2.5 times more than the income of a bank deposit in state-owned banks.

8. Investing in precious metals

Investing in precious metals - such as gold (), silver, platinum, palladium.

You can go several ways:

1) Purchase of bullion in banks. Remember that if you sell them, you will have to pay a tax of 13%.
2) Purchase of precious coins. The main supplier of this kind of coins is Sberbank.
3) Acquisition of securities backed by gold through stock exchanges.
4) Opening an impersonal metal account. This is an account in which metals act as currency. At the same time, in reality, you don’t have any metals on your hands. Everything is conditional. Making a profit is possible in the event of an increase in metal prices.

I myself participated in a typical hype - MMM, when there was a resuscitation of this system after the 90s. I decided in the end, but nevertheless remained in the black: + 150,000 rubles - this is what I withdrew as a profit, and another 40,000 should have been, but not paid. In short, I remained in the black, but such an extremely risky type of income is not for me. They can be played with small amounts, like invested $200 and got lucky - got $400, or got nothing :) It seems to me that playing in a casino is more interesting and faster :)

12. Investing in cryptocurrencies

Who hasn't heard about cryptocurrencies now? Even the lazy one heard. The topic, of course, is interesting, but very volatile and highly prone to panic.

I have my own crypto portfolio. I entered the market after bitcoin began to cost 4-5 thousand dollars. This was sometime in September 2017. Then I invested in various altcoins, tried to study information, drew conclusions, read analytics, listened to YouTube “experts” :-) There were ups and downs. Redistributed the portfolio. I bought information in all sorts of closed services about what will grow and what will not, etc. Invested in one ICO.

In short, there were a million actions and nerves, and the result is this:

At the time of entry, I bought almost 2 bitcoins. Now I have about one bitcoin :-) The money is about the same or even losses from the moment of entry. At the peak, I had about $33,000, which I did not convert into money, then I unsuccessfully repurchased a couple of times, etc. Now there are about 7 thousand dollars left :-)

In general, the topic did not go well for me or I did everything at the wrong time. But there is a portfolio, maybe it will shoot in a few years :-) or I will lose it ... :-)

13. Investing in sites of various types

Investing in websites is also one of my favorite topics because:

1) no large investments are required;
2) high rate of return on investment;
3) high profit;
4) the ability to do everything "by someone else's hands" without serious risks of "hands-on" on the part of the performers, and therefore a good opportunity to scale the process.

But the downside is that you need to understand this and be “in the subject”. You can’t just take and earn on the site without understanding the principles and methods of monetization. Or you can, but ridiculous $20-50 per month.

14. Investing in sites under CPA (Cost Per Action) affiliate programs

You are paid a reward for a certain action by the user, for example, for the purchase of goods, for registering in an online game, for a completed tour, for an application or issued a credit card, and many, many other options.

The essence of the method is simple - a website is created, thematic traffic is pursued, an affiliate program is placed and money is earned. For example, create a landing page for credit cards, where you describe 3-5 offers and give affiliate links. If the bank approves the application submitted by the user of your site, you will receive a reward of 400-1200 rubles per application (the price depends on the conditions of each bank). Another thing to drive this financial traffic is worth some effort.

In any case, such partnerships are very profitable. The main thing is to be able to choose the right affiliate program, niche, and, well, to catch up with traffic.

15. Investing in MFA Sites (Made For Adsense)

In short, these are sites designed to earn money from contextual advertising. It is impossible to make a normal profit on this, i.e. alternative ways of earning will bring more. But there is a plus for this type of earnings - this is the ability to install an ad unit on the site immediately (this applies to Adsense) from the moment of creation, there are more requirements in YAN. Thus, the site will immediately begin to bring something. From my experience, there is really little money (depending, of course, on the subject), but medical traffic close to me gives approximately the following result - every 1,000 people a day bring about 1,500 rubles a month (provided that contextual advertising costs adequately, and not on half the screen after the page loads).

16. Investing in Linked Sites

A mega popular type of income is the sale of links from the site, both rental and "eternal". Investments in this type of earnings used to be very, very popular, and there was a high return. I myself made a lot of money on this: for example, I will give a screenshot of the income of some of my sites (I started to take a screenshot - I saw that one site was banned - eh ...):

In general, the number of sites matters here. At this stage in the development of search engines, my income from this type of earnings has seriously dipped. Now I don't bet on it. Here is a screenshot of the income dynamics over the years of one site. It's basically the same for all sites.

Another disadvantage of such earnings is that after such monetization, the site can be thrown into a landfill. And while it is monetized in this way, you won’t see a lot of traffic for other ways of earning. Therefore, this method of monetization is suitable when it is impossible to earn in another “cleaner” way.

At the time of 2019, I sold almost all of my sites due to low income. We can say that this type of earnings no longer works.

17. Invest in phone apps (Android, iOS)

In principle, a normal topic, if you know how you can make money. The easiest way to make money on simple applications that can somehow help in life. Or apps that aggregate useful information in one place on a specific topic, or free apps that upsell something while you use it. This freelancing can be collected for 30,000-50,000 rubles. In companies, of course, more expensive. In this type of earnings, the idea of ​​​​this application is important. God forbid you try to repeat the success, some Angry Birds (by the way, the company that made this game released several hundred! Unpopular games before that) - this, firstly, costs a lot, a lot of money, and, secondly, if the idea is a failure, then you will lose a lot.

18. Investing money in various publics in social networks

My experience in this area has been unsuccessful so far, i.е. more money was spent on the development of the public than it brought in. Naturally, I outsourced everything, and did not touch it myself. In principle, you can make money from publics very well, but you need ideological active performers (in the case of outsourcing), if you are one, then this type of income can become very promising for you. It does not require large investments - basically only at the initial stage, then you can catch up with subscribers by exchanges. The quality of the public content is very important.

If you choose a public theme, then the most popular ones for a wide audience are better - then you will have the maximum number of advertisers who want to advertise with you. The most monetized and popular publics are about success, psychology, relationships, money. By the way, based on a popular public, you can establish a good sales channel for your business, but only if your product is for the masses and with a low average check (for example, phone cases, T-shirts, small jewelry, inexpensive children's clothing, etc.) .

19. Invest in your own development

Left the most important for last. Investing in yourself is the most, most super important decision in your life, with which you can always earn. Develop, read, attend seminars, buy information products, go to trainings, and most importantly, then try, try, try to implement what you were taught there - of course, effective things are not taught everywhere - your task is to weed out nonsense and build effective skills into yourself in one area or another. You will develop skills that will always be yours, no one can take them away.

This is the most risk-free investment and the most profitable - just an investor's dream, which is low cost and accessible to everyone.

Without investing money in your development, everything else is practically meaningless. Investing in yourself is like a powerful catalyst in a chemical reaction (I hope you remember some chemistry).

I will be glad to comments on the article :) Good luck to you!

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Real estate, business.

Bank deposits (deposits)

This is the easiest, most elementary and reliable way to invest. You give yours to the bank under certain percentage. Bankers "scroll" this money by investing in other financial instruments. For which you receive a predetermined percentage of profit.

For example, you invested money in a bank for a year at 10% per annum. Bankers immediately give this money to another client in the form of a loan, but already at 20% per annum. As a result, the bank in a year returns your funds to you with accrued interest, and pockets the remaining difference.

The advantage of investing in a bank is that you know exactly how much money you can receive after a certain period of time, while other financial instruments cannot boast of this. You can calculate the profitability of a particular deposit using a deposit calculator, and if you need to calculate the amount of overpayment on a particular loan, then use a loan calculator.

On the topic of bank deposits, read:

Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

This is the second most popular way to invest. In short, mutual funds are a collective financial instrument, when investors' money is invested in one big pot and then professional managers multiply this one big amount of funds by various methods.

Shareholders' funds (as those who have invested their money in mutual funds are called) are usually invested in stocks, bonds, gold, currency, etc. More precisely, they are not just invested, but they are managed. Any fool can just buy shares. The task of professional managers is to find such stocks that have fallen in price at the time of purchase and there is a possibility of their further growth.

In order to determine this probability, technical and fundamental analysis is used, the economic situation is studied both in the world and in a particular region, news is monitored, as well as many other parameters that are too complicated for a simple layman.

This is the essence of mutual funds, to save people ignorant of these issues from all these difficulties. If you have free funds and you do not have the opportunity to trade on the stock exchange from morning to evening, then it is easier to transfer this money to those people who have plunged into the topic of investing with their heads and have a lot of experience behind them. At least at the initial stage.

Further, as your experience in financial matters grows, you can start buying stocks, bonds and other investment instruments on your own. More on this later, but for now let's get back to mutual funds.

Compared to other financial instruments, investing in shares is more profitable in the long run, but at the same time very risky.

Here you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, monitor the situation in the markets, so as to prevent the loss of capital in a strong fall in financial markets that occur during all kinds of crises.

To more clearly understand what profit can be made on shares, watch the video “How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares”.

Video: How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares


This financial instrument is designed for people who are not inclined to risk. It is very difficult to get a big profit on it. Typically, the return on bonds is no higher than the return on bank deposits. Therefore, this financial instrument can hardly be called a profitable investment.

However, this does not mean that bonds should not be invested. The fact is that it is not recommended to “keep all your eggs in one basket”. Experienced and successful investors always spread their funds in several different instruments in order to reduce their risks.

Imagine that you have invested all your money in stocks, but after a while there was a crisis in the market and their prices fell. Along with this, the amount of your capital will decrease. To prevent this from happening, you need to invest part of the money in deposits, part of the money in bonds, gold, and so on.

In this case, you will lose on one instrument, but you will win on other instruments. But back to bonds:

A bond is a debt issuance security that confirms the right of its owner to receive a certain amount of money from the issuer.

And in order to understand how to properly distribute funds between various financial instruments in order to reduce risks and increase the profitability of your investments, read these articles:


Forex (Forex, sometimes FX, from English.FOReign EXchange- foreign currency exchange) is a market of interbank currency exchange at free prices.

The essence of Forex is speculation with the currencies of various countries. For example, you bought 100 euros for 90 dollars. And after some time they sold these 100 euros for 120 dollars. Thus, earning $ 30 on this transaction.

In Forex, trading always takes place in currency pairs, as in the example above. Changes in the value of currencies occur constantly and depend on many factors. For example, in Greece the economy is not developing, the state does not receive profits, but the country needs to be supported somehow. Since Greece is part of the European Union (EU), everything in this country is sold and bought in euros.

Thus, the instability of the economy of one state influenced the attitude of investors towards the entire EU. Investors felt a threat to their capital and urgently began to get rid of the euro. All this led to a fall in the value of the euro against the currencies of other states. It is on such movements that money is earned in Forex.

This method of investing can be called profitable only if you yourself trade on Forex, when you already have extensive experience, your own strategy for entering and exiting the market, as well as an iron will.

There are only a few people who have made a fortune in forex. But those who tried to get rich on this and went bankrupt - millions. Draw your own conclusions.

Cumulative life insurance

This way of investing can hardly be called profitable. As the name implies, this is insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Its difference from conventional insurance is that it is a combination of human life and health insurance with a program to accumulate, preserve and increase your capital.

If ordinary insurance simply pays you a certain amount in the event of an insured event, then in this case with you, if nothing happened during the entire period of the contract, then you will be able to receive either the entire amount accumulated over the years, or receive a monthly payment until the end of your life.


OFBU stands for Banking Management General Funds. In fact, these are the same mutual funds, but with broader investment functions. On the one hand, this is a plus, since by investing in OFBU you have the opportunity to increase profits through wider investment combinations. On the other hand, it is more risky.

There were cases when OFBU showed a yield of 600% per annum. However, the main problem lies in the fact that the activities of OFBUs are not regulated by legislation, which is why they are less subject to control, unlike the same mutual funds.

There are also cases when the short-sighted activities of managers led to the complete collapse of the OFBU.

You can read more about the activities of general funds of banking management here:. On my own behalf, I will add that at the moment it is best to invest in OFBU such an amount of funds that you will not be sorry to lose if something happens.

hedge funds

I must say right away that in our country this is a relatively new and not sufficiently developed financial instrument, which is available only to wealthy clients.

The minimum entry amount here starts from a few hundred dollars to a million. In the West, hedge funds are very popular.

Hedge funds do not have a clear regulatory framework, which allows them to freely choose enrichment strategies and use a wide range of financial instruments when investing money in various markets. The result of the work of hedge funds can be both super profits and huge losses.

One of the most striking examples of hedge funds is the Quantum fund, founded by the notorious , who was able to make a profit equal to $ 1 billion in a day!

Structural (structured) products

A structured (structured) financial product is a complex financial instrument, which is issued, as a rule, by commercial and investment banks and is created to meet the specific needs of clients.

This financial instrument became especially popular during the crisis. After all, when you invest in a growing market and constantly receive good profits, this is one thing, but when the situation on the markets is not stable, especially during crises, many investors are trying to find reliable ways to invest funds that will give them greater profits than banking deposits.

The essence of the structural product is simple - part of the funds, usually 80-90% is invested in bank deposits or bonds, but the remaining 10-20% is invested in futures and options.

All this allows, in the worst case scenario, to stay with your money and not lose anything, at best, make a profit of about 20-30%. This is not very much, but it is higher than the yield on bank deposits.

But again, nothing to compare it to. For example, the most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett, has been providing his clients with about 24% per annum over the past 35 years. 24% per annum does not seem to be much, but only Buffett and no one else can receive such a profit consistently for many years.

Gold and precious metals

For many people, wealth is associated with a mountain of gold. Since ancient times, this metal has been a symbol of wealth and power, so it has become the cause of quarrels, robberies, murders and even wars.

Gold should not be considered as the most profitable way to invest, despite the fact that in recent years it has risen in price a lot. The fact is that most often gold acts as a refuge for investors in difficult times.

When crises dominate the world, in order to wait them out, investors withdraw their savings from stocks, bonds and other financial products, and then invest in gold.

As soon as the crisis recedes, investors immediately look for more profitable ways to invest. This is the reason for the rise in the price of gold in difficult times. But then, the price of precious metals inevitably falls.

The property

Real estate has always been a profitable way to invest. Not only that, real estate itself does not depreciate and, as a rule, it only rises in price from year to year. But real estate also allows you to receive passive income from renting it out.

True, there is one serious “but” here, which is the high cost of real estate. In fact, this is an investment for wealthy people. Because of what, this method of investing should be considered not at the initial stage, but when you already have big capital and you have the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments.

True, there are exceptions. For example, you can profitable to invest in real estate at the stage of its construction. At this time, as a rule, there is no need to pay the full cost of housing and you can pay a certain monthly part.

Thus, if you have the opportunity to deposit the required amount and this will not affect the quality of your life, then you can safely look for suitable options. The fact is that at the construction stage, a square meter of housing costs much less than later, when the construction is completed.


Each of the above financial tools, has a certain degree of risk (reliability). Depending on this, the range of possible profit changes. The riskier the financial instrument, the higher the return it can bring. However, so is the loss.

Each of these financial instruments has its own advantages and disadvantages. And under various life circumstances, it is worth choosing the best ways to invest. But, personally for myself, I have already determined the most profitable way To invest money is a business!

Why? Because business is unlimited dividends! And they will depend only on you. From your efficiency, imagination, diligence, ingenuity.

Any other financial instruments do not depend on you. They depend, for example, on the current market situation, on the conditions determined by other people, on the financial results of a particular company, on the actions of speculators, on marketers developing certain financial products.

Building your own business is entirely up to you.

This is where you set the rules by which you will play. Here you decide how much income you will receive. Of course, business also largely depends on various external circumstances. But, in any case, the last word is yours, even if you decide to sell it.

In 2007, I opened my own business for the first time. It was a small tanning studio. More precisely, it was a small room in one of the hairdressers, in which I installed a solarium, all the necessary accessories, planted an administrator and began to earn money.

This business has many advantages. I will talk about them in future releases. For now, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that this business has brought me good dividends. For the year I received more than 100% per annum.

It was a great test, during which I was able to show many of my talents. Organizational skills, managerial skills, design talents, tested his advertising vision.

I regularly conducted various marketing researches, collected analytical data, negotiated, looked for suitable premises - this is just an incomplete list of those areas in which I applied my knowledge and experience, or mastered new horizons.

When you are employed, you don't have as much responsibility as you do in your own business. These are very different measures. Hired labor is someone else's. Your own business is yours. You are your own boss. You decide how and when you work and not work. You don't have to report to anyone. This is a fantastic state.

Creating your business, you feel like a creator, artist, a poet. You create your own product or service. And only you are responsible for its quality. It was a very interesting period of my life, when I had to worry a lot, rejoice, worry, strain, enjoy what I did.

Building your own business is very strengthened my faith in myself. If before this event, I had a lot of complexes, fears, worries, doubts, prejudices, then after I organized my business, they melted away like smoke. I am strong. I got stronger. I grew up.

Why am I saying this?

In order to convey to you the idea that by investing in your own business, you receive not only material benefits in unlimited quantities, but also develop in many areas of life including personal and professional growth.

It is unlikely that you will achieve similar results by investing in deposits, shares, mutual funds. Therefore, if you have Free money and you are looking for where to invest then think about starting a business.

If you don’t have free money yet, then urgently start leading in order to collect initial capital. On this topic, I have, which will help you in the near future to accumulate initial capital to create your own business.

Personally, I did not take any loans from banks, did not borrow money from friends and acquaintances. Everything I invested in my own business was the result of my effective management of the family budget.

Now, I am developing several businesses. It's very interesting and exciting. These projects bring me much more profit than when I was employed. These businesses bring me more money than bank deposits or any other financial instruments.

At the same time, I am completely “purple” for crises and everything that happens in the world.

It does not affect my income in any way. This does not mean that I do not work with other financial instruments. Some of my funds lie in bank deposits, some of the funds are invested in shares of various companies, and I regularly buy additional assets of interest to me. Also, there are investments in mutual funds and pamm accounts.

I regularly monitor what is happening in the financial markets and, depending on the situation, make decisions to buy or sell certain products. Investments are a very interesting and big topic, in which there are no limits to perfection.

Don't be afraid to take risks, choose what works best for you, accumulate funds and financial freedom and independence will not be long in coming.

P.S. In conclusion, I suggest you relax a bit and watch a breathtaking video. You have never seen such amazing beauty.

Dessert Video: World's #1 Extreme Video

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    • 1. Put money on deposit
    • 2. Investment in real estate
    • 3. Investing in mutual funds
    • 4. P2P lending
    • 5. Investing in someone else's business
    • 6. Invest in your own business
    • 7. Investment in precious metals
    • 8. How Art Investment Works
    • 9. Investing in venture funds
    • 10. Invest in cryptocurrency
    • 11. Invest in phone apps (iOS, Android)
    • 12. Investing in groups, publics in social networks
    • 15. Purchase of a payment terminal
    • 16. Invest in yourself
    • Method number 1. Acquisition of shares
    • Method number 2. Microcredit in Webmoney
    • Method number 3. Investment in web projects (websites, portals, services, etc.)
    • Method number 4. Investing in PAMM accounts
    • Method number 5. Earnings in dachas and summer cottages (editor's choice)
    • Expert Tip #1. Deposit in a commercial bank
    • Expert Tip #2. The attachment Money in real estate
    • Expert Tip #3. Currency investments
    • Expert Tip #4. Investing in your own online business
    • Expert Tip #5
  • 4. Where it is better not to invest money - recommendations
  • 5. Conclusion

Economists' forecasts for 2019 (the 20th, most likely, too) are becoming less and less comforting. The catastrophic collapse of the ruble, the irrational jumps in lending rates in banks, the tense atmosphere in the stock market - all this sad news leads to serious reflections of every Russian.

Everyone thinks about the same thing: how to avoid annoying financial losses, what and where to invest your money in order to earn, save, or at least not lose, in order to receive monthly income and so that the wave of financial cataclysm does not completely absorb the money, and also what purchases should be refrained from today, etc.?

But first you need to recharge optimism . Just think about the fact that, unlike millions of other people, you have free capital today. It means that you did everything right before and you have a chance to get out of this situation. The main thing– choose the most justified investment instruments.

What if you want to invest money and earn money, but you don’t have money. For this, we wrote an article - in the same place we described what to do if banks and microloans refuse to give you money.

About ways to invest money in order to save and increase, read below. There you will also find expert advice on where to invest during and after the crisis.

1. Where to invest money so as not to lose - 15 ways to save capital

Each of the following ways of investing is characterized by a greater or lesser share of risks. And at the same time, under favorable conditions, each of them is able to provide liquidity and profitability to your capital.

Let's take a closer look at financial instruments and their capabilities, where you can invest money today in order to consistently receive monthly income.

1. Put money on deposit

This method is hardly more profitable than saving money at home "under the pillow." It is hardly worth considering it for a serious investor. It is reasonable to use a bank deposit only as a "transit" point on the way of capital movement into more solid financial instruments.

1.1 Bank deposit

Investing in a bank deposit is not the best way to increase capital, it can rather be attributed to a way to save your money.

Any economist will express doubts about the reliability of " airbags » bank deposit. After all, in the case of an urgent withdrawal of money, you can lose all the accrued interest. It is generally difficult for banks to part with dollar deposits.

If you want to temporarily entrust money to a financial and credit organization, then the best solution would be to distribute 1,400,000 rubles to various banks. Such a volume of deposits will allow you to reliably insure your capital in the event of the ruin of any of your chosen financial institutions.

In which banks is it better to invest money at interest?

When deciding which bank to invest in and where to open a deposit account, get to know TOP 10 leading banks in the country, pay attention to their reliability rating. It is good if the co-owner of the financial institution is the state. It is unlikely that it is interested in terminating the activities of its own banks. Among them belong, For example, such "bison" of the Russian financial market as Rosselkhozbank, Sberbank, VTB and some others.

We present the TOP 5 banks in which you can safely invest your money at interest

  1. Bank "Sberbank"
  2. Bank Rosselkhozbank
  3. Bank VTB24
  4. Bank "Gazprombank"
  5. Alfa Bank

1.2 Deposit on an individual investment account

A much more profitable investment tool is federal loan bonds, there are two options, the first is a deposit at 13% excluding inflation, or at 2%, but compensated for inflation. I talk about this tool in more detail in my author's online passive income marathon. Now you can watch it for free by simply registering here.

2. Real estate investment

There is a misconception that in order to start making money in real estate, you need to have a large start-up capital. In fact, there are several options to get all the benefits of investing in real estate with a small amount of 200 to 1 million rubles at your disposal:

  1. Using the principle of leverage and good debt
  2. Participating in a co-investment project, when a group of investors pools up to buy some tasty asset

One of the principles of investing that Kiyosaki talks about all the time is using good debt and leverage. The bottom line is that you use only part of your money for the purchase, and take the rest from the bank at a certain percentage.

For example, you have 1 million rubles that you are ready to invest in real estate, consider two options:

You purchase for cash a small studio apartment in a new building in a provincial town. When a new building is commissioned (about 1.5 years after the excavation), it usually rises in price by about 20-30%, that is, in fact, you will receive a yield of about 1.5 - 2 times higher than the bank.

Option number 2 - you take 1 million rubles and purchase 3 apartments using leverage (mortgage). For each apartment you make a down payment of 10% and the bank pays the rest. While the new building is being built, you pay interest on the mortgage - about 10,000 - 15,000 for each apartment or 30 - 45,000 per month on a loan, then exit the transaction at the final stage - with such a scheme, the yield increases to 60 - 100 per annum.

Real case on profitable real estate:

Acquisition of real estate at the stage of closed sales

A real example of one of our investors Nikolay Mrochkovsky - he bought an apartment in a new building in the city of Gorodets in the Nizhny Novgorod region at an early stage at closed sales for 975,000 rubles, after 6 months he sold it also at an intermediate stage through a developer company for 1.3 million) profit amounted to 325 thousand rubles for 6 months of investment or 33% in just 6 months.

But such projects do not usually appear in open access, it is better to look for them at closed meetings and in investor clubs.

Investing in real estate with maternity capital

Investing in real estate in 2019

During the collapse of the ruble, square meters become much more affordable. However, this investment tool requires a professional approach.

In 2019, we recommend considering real estate investment strategies that are focused on getting a stable cash flow, and not rely on the growth in property value. There is a high probability that the price tag for sale will be low for quite a many new buildings are at risk of becoming - unfinished

Investing in real estate will almost always save your investment, and with a competent approach to investing in real estate, it will increase your investment.

Real estate investment options with stable rental income

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If you are going in the future make a profit by renting out housing, then it is most rational to purchase several apartments now in a new building of a single building or an apartment building. The cost of rent will be increased by such factors as the location of housing near the metro or railway station, the developed infrastructure of the area, the presence of large enterprises, airports, etc.

By investing in real estate for rent, you can consistently receive a monthly income. (This can include both commercial real estate (renting a room, warehouse, office, etc.) and residential (cottage (house), apartment, room, etc.))

It is advisable to carry out investment activities with real estate at the peak of the crisis. To determine the moment when the recession reaches the bottom, only a true pro can. Therefore, enlist the support of such an expert. It will give you the best deal.

3. Investing in mutual funds

The essence of this contribution is as follows: you entrust your capital to the fund, where it is managed by a team of professionals. You pay for the activities of those who manage your money and you yourself are responsible for it. But for all that, it is a fairly stable source of average income.

It is important to choose a mutual fund with the most popular securities and hope that the market does not “storm” from strong fluctuations. According to statistics, after the previous crisis, solid mutual funds managed to return money to investors only after 4-5 years. The most persistent of them were able to accumulate up to 40 % arrived. (What is a mutual fund, as well as about other ways to invest money in order to make a profit)

A significant advantage of this method of investment is the ability to withdraw your capital or its share at any time.

4. P2P lending

We are talking about the so-called social loan, when ordinary citizens act as lenders and borrowers. The monthly yield of such peer-to-peer lending can reach 50 % . Your clients will be ready to enter into insured transactions with you at one and a half percent per day.

True, the system that provides a platform for such microloans takes half of each of your percentages. However, you will have your 0.70% per day stably. And after some time, having withdrawn your deposit, you can already earn on profit.

5. Investing in someone else's business

Investing in someone else's business is always a risk, especially in times of crisis. After all, it’s not just, as some people think, “invested and forgot”, but the interest itself “drips”. To be profitable, you must be 100 % confident in the people you trust with your savings.

In Russia, such "numbers" are rarely held. Any business we have requires personal participation. If you still decide to invest in someone else's company, do not part with all your money at once - limit yourself to some part.

6. Invest in your own business

Small-scale business is the surest tool for increasing investment in times of crisis. Of course, at the very beginning, one cannot avoid meeting with risks. However, having stepped over the starting line, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

It is clear that it is hardly worth counting on something grand against the backdrop of a fading banking activity and wage arrears. However, passion for an interesting business and overcoming difficulties on the way to success guarantee moral satisfaction. (you will find business ideas with minimal investment, what kind of business you can open at home, etc.)

Investing in a business is an excellent investment in order to generate monthly income. Recommendations on how to start opening a business, see the picture

Well established business is a reliable financial instrument where you can now invest money in order to receive monthly income, since it is the business that will not only generate income stably, but over time it will provide funds for investing in other financial instruments.

  1. Try to find your niche in the market with a minimum number of competitors. Do not rush into the "whirlpool", inhabited by "foreign devils."
  2. Follow the beaten paths: use ready-made models and business schemes - you will fill fewer cones.
  3. It is best to start with the sale of services, especially if there is not enough money to purchase goods.
  4. Try to avoid bank loans.
  5. Do not be afraid to start: not the gods of the company open.

7. Investment in precious metals

This is a proven way to save and multiply your savings. Precious metals are considered to be used in the manufacture of jewelry. Such valuable raw materials include palladium, platinum, silver, gold . They are too tough for inflation, so they are always in favor with far-sighted people.

There are several ways to acquire precious metals:

  • Buying bullion in banks ( keep in mind that you will have to pay a 13% tax if they are sold (after 3 years, the tax on the sale of property (gold) is not charged)).
  • Buying coins from these metals (you can use the services of Sberbank, the main supplier of such products). Unfortunately, the value of the coins is initially very high in relation to the value of the precious metals from which it is made.
  • Acquisition of art objects and antiques from precious metals.
  • Buying securities backed by gold on stock exchanges.
  • Creation of a metal depersonalized account. On such an account, metals act as a currency. At the same time, a person who opened a metal account does not actually have any metals on his hands. There is a huge plus in this conventionality: no need to store valuables. Income from a virtual product is possible when metal prices begin to rise.

The profitability of this method of investing money is also not very high. In fact, no one will give you gold in your hands

8. How Art Investment Works

This reliable type of investment is far from being liquid for everyone. First of all, you should be well versed in art. Then the profit from these investments can simply go off scale. One masterpiece of painting or one marble figurine can bring hundreds of percent of income.

It is clear that the cost of ingenious creations is not threatened by any financial cataclysms. However, finding their true connoisseurs is oh so difficult. Practice shows that by buying a true work of art, you can absolutely save money in troubled times. But usually only 4 masterpieces out of 10 manages to come true.

9. Investing in venture funds

Investing in startups- innovative projects or enterprises are a business, both profitable and risky. We are talking about the introduction into production of previously unused technical know-how. Statistics show that only 2 % enterprises justify such investments. But the profit from them, as a rule, overlaps the rest. 7-8 % unsuccessful investments.

A deposit can be made not only with real money, but also with promised amounts (commitments). Profit should be expected in 3-7 years, until the financially protected companies are on their feet. The most chances in this business are small enterprises created in high-tech production areas.

10. Invest in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a new electronic means of payment that has come into practice on the threshold of a new millennium. Is different high level protection. Bitcoin became the pioneer, followed by the other 150 of its “clones”.

Today, cryptocurrencies are becoming real competitors to conventional money and have a significant impact on the global economy. eBay and Amazon are already working with cryptocurrencies.

Of course, like any innovation, cryptocurrencies do not yet have a large scope of distribution. However, many experts believe that they are the future. Their main argument is the complete impossibility of inflation of a new type of money.

11. Investing in phone apps (iOS, Android)

The most profitable business– profiting from applications that can provide real help. It is no less profitable to invest in applications that aggregate useful information on a specific topic.

Noteworthy are also free applications, the hallmark of which is the sale of something.

12. Investing in groups, publics in social networks

Publics in social networks - one of the most common online messages of our days. Some try to make money in public, although this is a rather risky business - since there are a lot of scammers and schoolchildren in this field who have come for easy money

The main thing is to be a mega-active performer. If you are one of those, you are guaranteed success. This activity does not require special investments. It is enough just to fork out a little at the initial stage. And in the future, the number of subscribers can be increased through exchanges.

A large role in this matter is given to the content of the public, or rather, its quality. You need to be able to choose a topic that is interesting for a wide audience. The relevance of the topic will attract a lot of advertisers. The most popular and most monetized are publics that touch on the problems of money, success, gender relationships.

On the basis of such a popular public, it is quite possible to establish a profitable sales channel. The main thing is that the products sold are not very expensive and are intended for the mass user.

15. Purchase of a payment terminal

Payment terminals currently serve millions of people. The range of options for these software packages is constantly expanding. Using them involves a fairly high commission. Having bought several such devices, you will burden yourself with only one concern - to take money from them on time.

16. Invest in yourself

Finally, let's talk about the main thing - investing in your own development. It's not just important. This is the starting point of any business success.

Spare no money on the "smart" books, useful seminars, practical trainings, valuable information products especially courses on investing and earning . They will become your guides in the ocean of money flows and investment whirlpools. They will teach you how to avoid pitfalls and avoid shallows. With their help, you can quickly filter out unnecessary, inefficient methods of earning.

The capital acquired in this way will always be with you. No one, under any circumstances, can take it away from you. He is not threatened by any force majeure, any crises. This is the lowest cost and at the same time the most profitable type of investment. After all, it is not just risk-free - it is anti-risk. Any investor can only dream of such a combination.

Without self-development, building an investment business is doomed to failure. Investing in yourself is a powerful idea generator and a unique catalyst for success.

Before you decide where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee, you need to understand what an investment is - this is a difficult task, since a guarantee implies low risks when investing. The activity itself (investing) is a risky business, therefore, in any case, where high yield (high percentages) present and high risks.

2. Where can you invest money to earn money - 4 ways to invest money profitably

A fatal mistake is an unforgivable luxury for an investor. Especially in times of crisis. Therefore, experienced financiers know that a reasonable investment has nothing to do with what is popularly called "flogging a fever."

And one more investor taboo: he never reacts to the revelations of some unknown "trader-investor" Vasya Pupkin accidentally found on the Internet.

Basic rules for break-even investing

  1. Until you have experience, use only free funds for deposits. They do not include money borrowed from someone, bank loans. Investing always comes with risks. Don't deprive yourself of the last penny.
  2. Don't invest with your last money
  3. Take care of passive income by regularly saving part of your salary.
  4. Keep in mind "easy" money (won or inherited) tends to just as easily leave: they are not a pity, they are not earned. With them, you will need to be especially restrained.
  5. Stick to your investment plan.
  6. Carefully study each niche of your investments, relying on the advice of competent people who have achieved real results and sincerely wish you success.
  7. Start learning investing right now, just like you did when you studied art or physics in school, most people remain poor only because knowledge determines success in any business - especially in investing.

Consider the main ways where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee.

Investment - is a risky investment of capital with the aim of generating income. Therefore, no one will ever give a guarantee that you will receive a return on investment. Each type of investment has its own risks, some risks are greater, others less.

Method number 1. Acquisition of shares

Buying securities can be a source of stable income. After all, becoming a shareholder of a reputable company, you can count on regular dividends. But this investment tool needs to be mastered thoroughly. You can’t just rely on luck, although there have certainly been cases in the history of the stock market when the price of shares “flyed up” dozens of times in a few years.

However, more often there are unadvertised stories with the loss of all investments. In order not to go broke, it makes sense to entrust the management of your savings to a professional trader with a credible history of profitability.

Method number 2. Microcredit in Webmoney

This payment service provides an excellent opportunity to earn on microloans. You can determine the amount of the borrowed amount and interest on your own. But it will not be easy to return a loan from an Internet fraudster.

So the risks of such online investment are quite high. Experts recommend getting a large clientele and giving out small amounts. And you can check the absence of claims against a virtual borrower by his account.

Method number 3. Investment in web projects (websites, portals, services, etc.)

The advantages of online investment include the following:

  • the admissibility of their small volume;
  • return speed;
  • high level of profitability;
  • the ability to scale the business without the threat of serious risks.

Now consider the features of various types of investment in sites:

1. Investing money for CPA affiliates

The essence of this method is that you receive your reward for a certain action on the site, namely: game registration, product acquisition, application for a tour, credit card processing. Such affiliate programs are necessary for the promotion of any selling resource. At the same time, each affiliate solves its own specific problem.

For example, you are tasked with creating a landing page for bank cards. You describe several offers, after which you give affiliate links. If the application of the user of your page is approved by the bank, you are entitled to a reward, say, 1500 rubles (payment for each application is determined by the conditions of work in a particular bank).

There is only one difficulty here - to catch up with traffic. However, if your efforts have had an effect, such affiliate programs can be very profitable.

2. Invest in MFA sites

This time we are talking about resources aimed at generating income from contextual advertising. You can hardly wait for an extra-large profit from this type of earnings. However, it has one very big advantage - the ability to install an ad unit on the site almost immediately. (For example, Adsense blocks or YAN blocks (Yandex advertising network))

And this means that the site will start making money almost from the first day of its existence. The level of profitability is largely determined by the theme of the site.

For example, a popular medical portal can generate from 15,000 rubles of monthly income (with an average attendance of 1,500 users per day).

It all depends on the ability to monetize traffic on the site. The most profitable sites for payments in contextual advertising are sites for financial, construction, etc. theme.

for example, the average financial "trust" site can generate income every month in the amount of 10 - 30 thousand rubles selling links.

True, at the current stage of development of search engine robots, the income from this type of investment has dipped significantly for many. Some even stopped betting on it after analyzing the unprofitable dynamics of income.

The main disadvantage of such monetization - after it, the site can be confidently written off as scrap, since search engines can impose sanctions on web resources and then the project's traffic will fall, and, accordingly, the income from selling links too. If the site makes money with such an "unclean" method, you will not see a large amount of traffic for "clean" ways of income (contextual, banner advertising, etc.).

Method number 4. Investing in PAMM accounts

This type of investment in Forex is becoming more and more attractive today. The amount of the deposit can be limited to just 500 rubles, which contributes to the growing popularity of PAMM. The mechanism of this method of investing is to transfer cash savings to the management of a professional trader. This virtually eliminates non-trading risks. (We recommend reading in - How to trade on the Forex market, where to start playing on the Forex exchange)

A guarantee of the security of the interests of the depositor is the presence on the PAMM account of the capital of the manager himself. The latter is only allowed to make transactions on the account without withdrawing the principal's money from it. The depositor can always follow the progress of transactions online or view the history of their completion.

Big plus PAMM investment is an opportunity for the contributor take full control of your funds , entering and withdrawing them at your own discretion. An investor can also diversify his money by placing different traders on PAMM accounts. You can also make trading operations yourself by copying the transactions of experienced traders.

Method number 5. Earnings in dachas and summer cottages (editor's choice)

Dachas are one of the most undervalued markets today and here's why:

  1. Now it has again become fashionable and profitable to relax in Russia
  2. You can now register at the dachas
  3. You can live in dachas all year round and connect all the necessary communications
  4. Transport accessibility in big cities has increased significantly
  5. The dacha market has not yet won back the new conditions and there is practically no competition on it, while there are more and more people who want to buy a house for the weekend or for vacation.

Watch a lesson from our expert - Anton Murygin, who just specializes in this special type of real estate:

3. Where to invest money to receive monthly income - 5 expert tips on where to invest money

The 2020s in Russia promise to be testing years for all citizens, including investors. So that it does not become ruinous for you, experts unanimously urge not to keep savings at home. In a year, they can depreciate by 10-15 % , or even higher.

You should also follow the forecasts of specialists and the advice of experts in various sectors of the economy and, of course, rely on your sixth sense.

Where is the best place to invest now? What investment recommendations do experts give in 2019? In what areas of investment now, in their opinion, are there minimal risks for investing funds? Where to invest to get monthly income?

Expert Tip #1. Deposit in a commercial bank

This financial instrument, popular with our compatriots, is recommended to be used, first of all, for those who seek not to increase their capital, but only to protect it from depreciation.

It is expected that in the 2020s, the inflation rate in the country will reach 13% - 15% (The Ministry of Economic Development predicts inflation at the level of 5-7%, but it all depends on the state of the economy and we can safely assume that inflation will reach the aforementioned 13-15 percent) . Meanwhile, the interest on deposits in the national currency averages 10-13%. Thus, interest payments in banks should cover the depreciation of money.

However, when depositing your savings with banks, you need to take into account two important points:

1 . When choosing a deposit program, give preference to the most reputable and stable financial and credit organizations. Today, the first positions in the reliability rating are occupied by such large financial institutions as Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, FC Otkritie and Rosselkhozbank.

2 . Before opening a deposit in a financial institution, you need to clarify whether it is a participant state deposit insurance programs. Upon receipt of an affirmative answer, you can open an account without fear, depositing up to 1,400,000 rubles : such a deposit is considered to be insured, and, in case the bank loses the license, it will be guaranteed to be returned.

Expert Tip #2. Investing money in real estate

Experts rightly believe that investments in residential buildings in 2019 are long-term investments. Now many industries have already begun to win back sharp jumps in the exchange rate and prices have risen, real estate is still holding on, and many developers and private traders give good discounts.

But if you know how to wait, then such a use of your money will be optimal. In a couple of years, prices will rise again, and you will become the owner of a decent profit.

Regarding the choice of investment objects, experts give the following instructions:

  • Don't invest now (buy) commercial real estate.
  • It is advisable to purchase housing in small, but promising cities: it is they who will become the "first swallows" in terms of rapid development in the post-crisis period.
  • The ideal option is to acquire one- and two-room apartments: they are easy to rent out even in times of crisis; moreover, they are considered the most liquid type of real estate.
  • To successfully sell a house after a crisis is over, it is often necessary to carry out repairs, worry about finishing work, which will give the room an imposing and respectable look.
  • Solid investors can consider offers in foreign real estate markets. Today there is an increase in prices in the markets PRC, Thailand, Morocco, Brazil, Malaysia. And the cost of housing in these countries is not much higher than in the Russian market.
  • If you do not feel confident enough in this area, hire a pro and pay him well. The financial assistant will warn you against many risks and will provide you with valuable information about promising construction projects located in residential areas convenient for living. You won't go wrong with this advisor.

Expert Tip #3. Currency investments

This type of investment is considered a worldwide recognized way of income in a crisis economy. Experienced investors can get a good income in a few weeks by transferring money from one currency to another. (We recommend reading -)

However, currency investors should take note of the following information:

  1. Those who are willing to take risks can make traditional deposits in dollars and euros: the value of these currencies will change depending on price fluctuations in the oil market and the balance of the world political arena. The main thing is when concluding contracts, keep track of forecasts.
  2. A more conservative group of contributors it is necessary to give preference to more stable currencies - the Swiss franc, the Chinese yuan or the pound sterling.
  3. Looking to buy now euro and dollars with a view to selling them next year, when the increase in market value is expected.

Expert Tip #4. Investing in your own online business

The most profitable business in the context of current economic problems is conquest of virtual space . The production of goods, as well as the provision of services, are extremely risky ventures in today's real market. Therefore, experts advise to invest (invest) money in Internet projects.

Your own Internet project can be created in various ways:

  • in the form of an online store selling consumer goods;
  • in the shape of personal blog or a forum providing paid services or advice to users;
  • in the form of an information portal that allows you to place ads and advertising banners of third-party organizations and persons for a fee.

It is best to order a website and its promotion to IT specialists, and then constantly fill it with high-quality content and relevant offers. Unrestricted network activity by territorial and time frames is the best prerequisite for its profitability.

Quite a profitable option is to invest in profitable cars.

Other options for smart investments in 2019, according to experts, are:

  • investments in PAMM accounts;
  • own foreign exchange reserves
  • investments in blue chip stocks and bonds;
  • but we emphasize that real estate remains the most stable and interesting

These are typical pyramids like the infamous MMM. Crazy profits - up to 3% of profits - only their creators shine here. The lifespan of such a pyramid is from a year to a couple of months.

Another big adventure is online casino. No one has yet managed to win big money in it, but it is quite possible to drain all the capital. The fraudulent scheme of an online game is built on the inability of a gambler to stop in time.

If you do not own yourself, it is better not to have any business with either real or virtual rogues. Don't be tempted by "free cheese": chasing him always ends with the click of the mousetrap door.

All or Nothing - Binary Options

This is sometimes called binary options. This investment tool either gives a fixed amount of profit, or gives nothing. It all depends on the fulfillment by its participant of a certain condition at a certain time. Here you can acquire a huge capital, and you can lose it.

If you do not understand the marketing topic, then fortune is unlikely to smile at you here. Like a fish in water on a binary option, only the “aces” of the currency sphere, who are able to predetermine the potential risks of the transaction, feel. What are binary options and how to make money on them read in.

Binary options are a high-risk financial instrument, but where there is high risk, there is high profit.

If you still want to try your hand at binary options trading, we recommend choosing a reliable broker that has been providing its services for many years. For example, this could include a company IQoption.

5. Conclusion

So, you have learned about the most popular ways of investing during the crisis and got acquainted with the opinions of reputable experts on this matter. Now it's up to you. After all, it is up to you and only you to decide where to invest money (your acquired capital). You also bear the burden of responsibility for the decision you make.

What can be done right now:

  • and find out How to purchase an apartment building with bank money and receive a stable cash flow from it from 100,000 to 300,000 per month
  • Join a three-day online marathon- Learn to create passive income and generate profitable ideas
  • Read the article by Andrey Merkulov -
  • Read the article - How to earn money for an apartment in Moscow in 2 months
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