Treatment according to the lunar calendar. The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar. Daily-seasonal biorhythm of activity


The month of May is a wonderful time last month of spring, which in the southern regions is already very warm and sunny. This month brings us to such a long-awaited summer. In May, we usually do not think so much about illnesses, our mood is much better than in the colder season, and we rejoice at the awakening of nature.

May 2016 rich in days when the moon will be almost the whole day without a course, especially in the first half of the month: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 26 May 2016. This means that May 2016 is more suitable for relaxation than for any serious undertakings. The moon without a course is an unfavorable time to start treatment and operations, if these are not repeated operations or one of the multi-stage operations.

We also do not recommend going under the knife, if possible, on the following days in May 2016: 6, 7-21 (this is the time of the growing moon), May 29. It is also better to exclude the days when the Moon is affected by pests. Mars and Saturn: 2, 7, 8, 21, 22, 28 and 29 May 2016.

Thus, the most auspicious days for operations in May 2016 remain the following : 4, 23-25, 27, 30 and 31 May 2016.

If you need emergency or emergency surgery but cannot find the best time for it lunar calendar then get ready for some complications that may arise. However, remember that the most important thing is still a personal horoscope, the indicators of which may be excellent at the time of the operation, even though this is an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar. Then the operation will be successful.

If possible, do not do plastic surgeries, especially complex ones, due to the fact that this month they will be retrograde Mars and Mercury. Exceptions are repeated operations.

Risk poisoning and allergic reactions rises on the following days: 2, 3, 6-8, 10, 11, 14, 19-22, 29, 30 May 2016.

Sports should not be too exhausting, or should be rest from training on the following days of the month: 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 18, 21, 25, 29 May 2016.

Risk various injuries due to piercing and cutting objects, moving mechanisms and fire increases: May 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2016.


Moon without course until 17:33

Calm and easy day, today Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter- big holiday. Try not to overexert yourself today, rest and relax more. Almost all the time the Moon will be without a course, so this day is not suitable for any undertakings. Operations are also not recommended.


: fats. Your diet today should contain foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil, which are rich in healthy fats.

This day cannot be called auspicious. It is better not to start complex medical procedures and undergo surgery. Allergy sufferers can now especially manifest adverse reactions on flowering plants or food.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. When shopping for food, pay attention to the ingredients. Be careful with the choice, as the risk of poisoning and allergies is increased.

Moon without course until 20:04

Today, take medicines with special care, and if possible, refuse them, as the body is very sensitive. The day is unfortunate for operations, although Lukna does not make unfavorable aspects. At the very least, you should not do the first operation if you have others coming up, as the Moon will be all day without a course.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today you can eat as usual, but choose only fresh and high-quality products. Avoid fast food and processed foods like sausages and smoked meats.

This day is suitable for surgical intervention, especially in the area invulnerable organs: kidneys, bladder, lumbar region. Operations in the area heads best not to, this is also a bad day for going to the dentist, as the Moon is in the sign of Aries. You can begin treatment of invulnerable organs.


Best absorbed today : squirrels. Protein food will be digested very well today, so even if you prefer vegetarian food , pay attention to proteins of plant origin: beans, tofu, pumpkin seeds, chocolate.

Moon without a course until 20:10

The day is not suitable for undertakings: again the Moon is without a course. Today, rest and relax more. But it's better if it is leisure: sports, outdoor activities, cycling etc. It is better to postpone a visit to the dentist. Also on this day, plastic surgery in the area is extremely unfavorable. heads and faces.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw.

Best absorbed today : squirrels. Today there are no special nutritional recommendations, but do not forget to include in your diet protein food.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations

NEW MOON at 22:30

Bad day. Try not to plan important things for today, it is especially not recommended to do operations: the result of them turn out to be unfavorable. In the evening after 11 good to dream. The risk of colds increases. Try not to drink too cold liquids and stay out of drafts.

Nutrition : post. Today it is better to exclude products of animal origin.


Moon without a course until 19:35

The moon begins to rise, and in the coming two weeks try to refrain from operations. At least the planned ones and those that can be postponed. The day will pass under Moon without a course, which means that it is not recommended to start new business. Today, the risk of poisoning is increased, since the body is quite sensitive to food.

: salt. Today we do not recommend overloading stomach but don't go hungry today. Can be included in the diet pickles home cooking .

Not the most auspicious day of the month. You may be haunted dissatisfaction and feelings of loneliness, despite the fact that now the May warm days. If possible, go away from the city, to fresh air. Today it is contraindicated to stay in dusty and smoky rooms for a long time, as the lungs are too vulnerable. There may be exacerbations asthma and other problems related to vulnerable organs.


Best absorbed today : fats. Nutrition today should be moderate, exclude foods rich in spenders.

Moon without course until 20:24

Today is a holiday, a day off that you probably want to spend with your family. Don't start no new cases, which are related to your health, since the moon will be all day without a course. Today it is useful to spend more time outdoors, communicate and collect information that interests you.

Vulnerable: lungs, hands, fingers and nails, shoulders, forearm.

Best absorbed today : fats. Today we do not recommend overloading the stomach with fatty foods. For holiday table we advise you to choose light snacks, salads without fatty sauces and dressings. Include in your diet olive oil and avocado.

Today and tomorrow are quite calm days that are best spent with family and close relatives. On this day, we do not recommend taking powerful drugs, since the body is very sensitive and unwanted side effects can quickly develop.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today you should choose your food carefully. Do not overload the stomach with heavy foods, if possible, eat proteins and carbohydrates separately. Now it's good to replenish vitamin deficiencies that you have. Thanks to the appearance of a large number of young vegetables, this problem will be solved faster.

Moon off course from 10:34

All important things should start until 10:30, until the moon had time to go into "idle". Postpone operations until the days of the waning moon ( after May 22). Today they respond well to treatment. knees, joints, tendons. Plan all new procedures for the first half of the day. It is good to treat metabolic diseases.

Vulnerable: stomach, chest, gallbladder, upper liver, ribs, chest.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today you may significant increase in appetite, but be careful: these days it is easy to gain extra pounds. Choose the right foods today, exclude alcohol, as the body is very sensitive. Drink more today purified and mineral water.

Today we advise to exclude any physical activity if you have problems with heart. Walking in the fresh air, on the contrary, will be especially useful for you. Some heart problems may worsen. It is especially dangerous for you to overexert yourself today. In general, the day promises to be quite favorable and sunny. spend more time with kids, play your favorite games or do some creative work.


Best absorbed today : squirrels. Today we advise you to include in the diet citrus, seafood, dill, parsley, lettuce, eggs. Do not overload the circulatory system with heavy foods, such as fried pork or beef, puff pastry with margarine etc.

Lunar calendar of operations 2016

The second phase of the moon from 20:03

Moon without a course from 20:04

bad day: day of the change of the lunar phase. Try not to overload yourself on this day, rest and relax more. It is better not to visit saunas or solariums. Today, the accumulation of stress is possible, however, it will be easy to get rid of them by engaging in some kind of creative activity that you like.

Vulnerable: heart, diaphragm, blood vessels, back, thoracic spine.

Nutrition : post. Today, protein is well absorbed, so we recommend including plant-based proteins in the diet. Eliminate meat, fish, dairy products.

Moon off course until 08:52

Criticality and increased irritability may interfere with your implementation of your plans on this day. There may be discomfort in area digestive organs, therefore, be especially careful when choosing food. You can visit a doctor. Will respond well to treatment skin diseases. Try not to show aggression today, hold back negative emotions and do not accumulate stress.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today will be easy stick to a diet, it is better to choose low-fat and healthy meals that contribute to good work stomach and intestines. Eliminate any foods that cause bloating and gas.

The first half of the day is not the best. Try to schedule all the important things on time, after 13:30 including going to the doctor. Today you can visit any doctors whose consultations you need. You can take the necessary tests. It is more likely that your case will be taken very seriously and diagnosed carefully and correctly.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Best absorbed today : salt. Vulnerable intestines, so today include more fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as bran, beets, broccoli, carrots. Also include in your diet today kefir, curdled milk.

Moon without a course from 12:20 to 20:33

After noon The moon will go into "idle", which means you should not start new business, start treatment or do surgery at this time. You can make an appointment with the doctor in the first half of the day, take tests. There is a risk of constipation or indigestion. Operations in the region are contraindicated today abdominal cavity , especially on intestines.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Best absorbed today : salt. salty foods today they will be well absorbed, you should not exclude salt from the diet completely, but remember the sense of proportion. Still useful kefir, curdled milk, bran.

This day is quite favorable for various procedures aimed at eye, nose, ear treatment. Also today, various cosmetic procedures, but without surgery, as the moon is still growing. Today is a good day to visit saunas and massages.


Best absorbed today : fats. Today you can’t overeat so that there is no load on liver and pancreas. Consume moderate amount of fat, give up unhealthy fats, especially if you are struggling with excess weight.

Moon without a course from 18:23

Today is still unfavorable operation especially on vulnerable organs. The day can be quite stressful due to the defeat of the Moon by Uranus: nervous breakdowns, unexpected bouts of chronic diseases, discomfort in the stomach. Try not to give yourself this day heavy physical activity as the risk of injury is quite high.

Vulnerable: bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, sensory nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. It is dangerous to overeat and put a load on the kidneys, so exclude alcoholic beverages today.

Moon off course until 09:30

In the early morning, we do not recommend scheduling the start of important matters: the moon will be in "idle". This day does not promise to be stressful, however pregnant women should be especially careful: you can not strain, walk for a long time, lift weights. Operations today are unfavorable, especially in the area genitals.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today, your diet should consist mainly of vegetables, fruits and healthy grains. Protein foods today will not be as well absorbed as carbohydrate foods.

High risk today colds. If it's cold outside, try to dress warmly. It is contraindicated to sit in the cold: there is a high risk of catching a cold of the genitourinary system. Today, any excesses are dangerous: in nutrition, in intimate life, in sports, etc.

Vulnerable : genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today, try to eat less fat, it is good to include foods such as rose hips, eggs, carrots, pumpkin seeds. Better to avoid alcohol.

Moon without a course from 14:39 to 21:48

Dangerous and unfavorable day: today we do not recommend plan important things because their success is doubtful. It is especially not recommended to plan the start of important business on afternoon when the moon is off course. The day can be full of stress, so in the evening try to get rid of them properly with a hot bath or shower, aromatherapy, pleasant music. Increased chance burns, fires, car accidents. Also on this day there is a high risk of infection venereal diseases.

Vulnerable : genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Nutrition : post. Alcohol today can be dangerous for you, so try to avoid it. Food is the best choice lean so as not to overload the body.

Lunar health calendar 2016


FULL MOON at 00:16

Unlucky day. Today just after midnight there will be a full moon, and the Moon will begin to wane, but on this day it is better not to plan the beginning of treatment, operations and complex medical procedures due to the approach of an unfavorable aspect with Saturn. Toward evening, stress accumulates, which should be properly disposed of, for example, with the help of a good movie, book or pleasant music. Try to stress as little as possible on this day, and if possible, spend the day the way you want: in a pleasant company, on a walk or alone.


Best absorbed today : squirrels. Today, be moderate in your diet: do not eat too fatty, smoked or fried foods. take care liver: Avoid alcohol.

Moon off course from 18:37

Today and in next few days, you can do operations, but it is better to avoid operations on vulnerable organs. This is one of most successful days for lung surgery and upper limbs. Today it is useful to heal the body in various ways. However, it is better not to clean liver because she is quite vulnerable.

Vulnerable: liver, blood, thighs, veins, gallbladder, pelvis, hip joints, coccyx, buttocks.

Best absorbed today : squirrels. Today it is useful to choose foods that are good for the liver: cabbage, carrots, apples, beets, dried fruits. It is also good to include proteins in the diet: fish and seafood. It is good to drink tea with wild rose.

Moon off course until 08:34

With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Capricorn, seriousness, responsibility and efficiency increase. Try in the coming days don't overexert yourself, but also do not shirk from work in order to properly use the energy of these days. Today it is possible to perform operations, with the exception of operations on vulnerable organs. It is best to schedule an operation after 08:30 when the Moon moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn.


Best absorbed today : salt. Homemade pickles will come in handy today. It's also a good day to eat. more curd and other dairy products that are rich in calcium.

Effective treatment stomach and others digestive organs. Also on this day it is good to do operations on chest. Today, those who have chronic diseases. There is a risk of injuries and bone fractures, so today we advise you to take precautions. Can be treated sick skin.

Vulnerable: knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gallbladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today eliminate from the diet all foods that have negative effect on the skin. In order for the skin of the face to be clean and healthy, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude from the diet all foods with preservatives, smoked foods, alcohol, spicy and strong coffee. This is especially true for those who already have skin problems.

Moon without course until 17:27

Almost the entire day the Moon will be without a course, so today, if possible, exclude operations, especially on vulnerable organs, if these are not multi-stage, but one-step operations. Strong exposure is not recommended. skin, as it is quite vulnerable today. In the evening we recommend visiting bath or sauna to do a massage.

Vulnerable: knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gallbladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today you can afford some sweets in the morning, try not to eat carbohydrates after 18:00, in the evening it is useful to add a little to the diet vegetable fats.

Today are welcome any water procedures : saunas, baths, swimming pools, aqua aerobics, etc. Good for nervous system make a soothing and relaxing massage, use aromatherapy. The nervous system can be overloaded on this day, so try not to accumulate stress get rid of them properly.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, shins, nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. Healthy fats that you can add to your diet today are found in avocado, pine nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts. Try to eliminate bad fats: margarine, industrial mayonnaise, sausage.

On this day, do not overload nervous system , which is quite vulnerable. Moreover, the negative aspect Moons with Mars contributes to increased aggressiveness, nervousness, conflict. If heated disputes or quarrels arise with relatives or colleagues, try to do everything to quickly end the conflict, because resentment and grief on this day can especially quickly negatively affect your health.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, shins, nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. Food on this day should be moderate: avoid alcohol, smoked meats, spicy dishes, too hot food. This is especially true for those who have stomach problems.

The fourth phase of the moon from 15:13

Unfavorable day: change of the lunar phase. Increased risk allergic reactions, as well as poisoning, so be careful with the choice of food. Today it is very likely that your mood will be unfavorable in the morning. However, due to the fact that today is a day off, you have the opportunity to spend this day the way you want. Be alone, take a hot bath, light up aroma lamp with your favorite relaxing scent.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Nutrition : post. The best thing to do today is a fasting day, or at least give up meat. Contraindicated alcohol.

Today the body is quite sensitive, but operations are allowed especially in the abdominal cavities, on the digestive organs. It is better not to do general anesthesia today, if it is permissible. In general, the day promises to be quite positive. However, those who are prone to depression should be especially careful: do what you love, communicate more, engage in creative activities, take a relaxing bath in the evening. Be careful with medicines today, especially strong ones.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. In order not to give the body an extra load, we advise you to exclude today alcohol, any products that can lead to allergies. Keep a close eye on expiration date products.

Energy today beats over the edge I want to move more, be active. Do not hold back your intentions, go for a run or do morning exercises. On this last day of spring this year, spend more time outdoors, go on a trip. The day is suitable for operations. With the exception of plastic (on the face) and any operations in the head area. The kidneys and bladder respond well to treatment.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw.

Best absorbed today : squirrels. Today in your diet should be more protein food, try not to mix proteins and carbohydrates in one meal.

When to do the operation according to the lunar calendar?

Organs, body parts, body systems: not vulnerable Vulnerable
Teeth 10, 11, 17, 18 4, 5, 24-26, 31
Head (eyes, nose, ears) 17, 18 4, 5, 31
Throat, vocal cords and neck 19-21 6, 7
Thyroid 19-21 6, 7
Lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract 22, 23 8, 9
Breast 24-26 10, 11
Arms, shoulders, hands 22, 23 8, 9
Stomach, pancreas: 24-26 10, 11
Liver 8, 9 22, 23
gallbladder 8-11 22-26
lymphatic system 14-16 2, 3, 29, 30
Heart, blood, circulatory system 1, 27, 28 12, 13
Back, diaphragm 1, 27, 28 12, 13
Nervous system 12, 13 1, 27, 28
Intestine, digestive system 2, 3, 29, 30 14-16
Abdomen 2, 3, 29, 30 14-16
Bladder and kidneys 4, 5, 31 17, 18
Leather 10, 11 24-26
Sex organs 6, 7 19-21
Hips 8, 9 22, 23
Knees, joints, tendons 10, 11 24-26
Bones, spine 10, 11 24-26
shins 12, 13 1, 27, 28
Feet, toes 14-16 2, 3, 29, 30
Unfavorable days for any complex procedures and operations: 1-3, 5-9, 13, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29
The most successful days for any complex procedures and operations: 4, 23-25, 27, 30, 31

Moon Influence:

Rule 1: How the Moon influences health and disease treatment. Treatment of diseases taking into account biorhythms. When can surgery be performed? The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of diseases. General lunar calendar.

It is undesirable to carry out operations on days when the Moon occupies the sign of the zodiac corresponding to the organ.
Even the founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates (approx. 460-370 BC) wrote: "Do not touch with iron a part of the body controlled by the sign that the Moon is now passing through." The influence of the Moon on health and the treatment of diseases is enormous.
He warned that no doctor should operate on that part of the body, which is controlled by the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon will be at the time of the proposed operation.

The influence of the moon on health, the treatment of diseases, and operations can be determined by the lunar calendar. At the same time, operations are an exception to the basic rule, which says:
"Everything that is done for the benefit of the region of the body and organs ruled by the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located is doubly beneficial."

That is, it is possible to treat (therapeutically) one or another organ on the right day, but it is impossible to operate.
For this, there is a lunar calendar for the treatment of diseases. Regarding the rules of surgical intervention in certain parts of the body, the following can be said: the transition from the influence of one sign of the Zodiac to the influence of another is carried out gently, the change of forces does not occur in one minute or even an hour.

For example, if in the lunar calendar two days in a row are marked with the sign of Taurus, then on the first day the influence of Aries is still felt, and in the evening of the second day the sign of Gemini begins to influence. Therefore, when choosing the day of the operation, see if the neighboring sign can have a negative impact.

Rule 2:

It is better to do operations on the waning moon.
Experience shows: complications and infections are more common with a young moon, the healing process is delayed. During the full moon, heavy bleeding is not ruled out. Scarring of wounds with a young moon is more problematic, the danger of ugly scars increases.

General lunar calendar and health. Therefore, the main rule remains: if possible, the operation should be carried out with a defective Moon.

The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases. Moon calendar. Rule 3:

It is advisable to avoid operations when the transiting Moon is in mutable signs.

Mutable signs include: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

You can find out what sign of the zodiac the Moon will be in in almost any tear-off calendar (there is usually a lunar calendar there), as well as on the Internet (there are a lot of services of this kind - you just need to enter the phrase "lunar calendar" in the search engine)

Lunar calendar and health. The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases Rule 4:

It is advisable to avoid operations when the Moon is off course. You will not find this data in tear-off calendars. They meet online.

Treatment of diseases when the moon is without a course according to the lunar calendar.

The moon without a course (other terms: "idle moon", "idle moon") is such a state of the moon when it does not form any aspect to the planets until it leaves the zodiac sign and moves into the next.
This happens approximately every 2 to 3 days.
The period of the Moon "without a course" can last from a few seconds to 2 days.

During periods when the Moon is off course, people's attention decreases, mistakes become more frequent. Therefore, among other things, during such periods, it is better to refrain from serious matters, and in particular from surgical ones, if possible.

Try not to fall under the surgeon's knife on the days of lunar and solar eclipses. Also, do not have surgery on your birthday, the day before and after it.

Perhaps this is all that you can take into account on your own. Without knowing the basics of astrology and not having astrological programs, you cannot do more yourself.

Often this data is enough to avoid falling into extremely unfavorable periods for operations and not to harm yourself. It is clear that it is not always possible to choose a day for the operation (there are also urgent cases), but if such an opportunity does appear, use it.

On the influence of the moon on human health
when in the signs of the zodiac

Moon in Aries
affects the head
It is good to carry out medical procedures.
Treatment of diseases according to the lunar calendar Head surgery is not recommended. It is not recommended to visit the dentist.
Moon in Taurus
Affects the neck and throat
The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases and the health of the neck and throat.
Surgery in the neck and throat is not recommended.
Moon in Gemini
Affects arms, shoulder girdle, lungs
Treatment of diseases according to the lunar calendar.
Surgical operations in the area are not recommended.
Moon in Cancer
Affects the stomach and digestive system in general
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgical operations on the digestive organs are not recommended.
Moon in Leo
Affects the cardiovascular system
The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgery of the cardiovascular system is not recommended.
Moon in Virgo
Affects the hips
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Hip surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Libra
Affects the spine and kidneys
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area
Surgical operations and hard manual therapy are not recommended.
Moon in Scorpio
Affects the excretory system and reproductive organs
The influence of the moon on the treatment of diseases of the excretory system. It is good to carry out medical procedures in these areas.
Moon in Sagittarius
Affects the liver and gallbladder
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Capricorn
Affects the skeletal system, legs
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Aquarius
Affects metabolism, lymphatic system
The influence of the moon on health and the treatment of metabolic diseases. Treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system according to the lunar calendar. It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.
Moon in Pisces
Affects the lower leg (lower leg, foot)
It is good to carry out medical procedures in this area.
Surgery is not recommended.

Daily-seasonal biorhythm of activity

Energy meridians and their organs

All systems and internal organs The human body has its own biorhythms, so it is necessary to treat diseases depending on the time of day and night, at the moments of maximum activity of the diseased organ.

From 1 am to 3 am, the medicines will give the greatest effect in the treatment of the liver.

From 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock you should take medicine for asthmatics, for diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock the period of activity of the colon, it's time to cleanse and heal it.

In the period between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning, not only is it best to treat stomach diseases, but also to diagnose and prevent stomach diseases, such as stomach ulcers. At this time, ailments especially strongly signal themselves with intense pain.

From 9 to 11 am is the time to raise the immune system, treat the spleen.

Between 13 and 15 hours, after dinner, the duodenum and small intestine should be treated.

Between 15:00 and 17:00, the time of bladder activity comes, this best time for the treatment of cystitis and bladder anomalies.

From 17:00 to 19:00, treatment of back and kidney diseases.

In the period between 19 and 21 hours, it is most effective to be treated for impotence and frigidity.

The period from 9 pm to 11 pm is exceptionally good for dealing with

Hello readers of my blog. I am starting a series of posts about cleansing the body on lunar days for everyone who is interested in how to cleanse the body at home.
The moon causes tidal waves to form in all fluids on earth. Millions of cubic meters of the world's oceans move, and micron droplets of liquid media inside every cell of the body. It turns out that it can be used to treat humans. Our task is to use the knowledge of the laws of physics to cleanse and improve the body. I will try not only to give a methodology, but also to explain in detail the essence and mechanisms of these influences. For what? You are modern rational person who does not believe in mysticism, esotericism; skeptical about "auras and charms" ... As he said, in one of his roles, Mashkov: "Well, that's fine." Healthy skepticism and caution have never hurt anyone. Most of us find it hard to believe that the moon can heal if - and here is the key phrase - if you do not understand the mechanisms influence of the moon on the body. And I will explain these mechanisms, describe in detail the influence of the moon. For what? To boost your motivation? No. The motivation you have is health problems. Then what for? In order to increase the level of confidence in the method, the level of acceptance. In the future, this knowledge will help you not only use the Moon for healing, but also for planting in the garden, for making important decisions in life, for moving up the career ladder and, in general, in life.

(This is your "submissive" on the first channel with his course and books))

Purification by the Moon

Before starting the course, to provide you with the necessary tools - procedures and exercises, I want to give you the most important tool - UNDERSTANDING. Understanding those processes that are enhanced in the body under the influence of tidal waves. In any new subject, it is necessary, first of all, to define the terms. What are tidal waves?
- ............ - , your answer is supposed to be here. I agree with him to some extent. And I ask:
- And in short?
- ............ - , here you continue to answer with interjections, and I come to the rescue:
- Can we say that all this is, ultimately, a change in gravity?
- Well, yes, you sigh with relief.

If the first paragraph of my first article on the blog did not cause you any significant discomfort, feelings of contradiction, indignation and indignation, then continue to read, master the material, use all the secrets and discoveries that await you. But, if already now, from the first lines, and, after my first maxim, you have a desire to argue, discuss, be smart, then this blog is not for you. You can close it and find something more specific about cleansing - a list of emetics, laxatives, rinses and enemas ... feel free to close this page - my blog and open another one - the next one in the search engine. If you want to let off steam at parting, be smart in the comments.

We continue with those who remain. Gravity is a universal cosmic force. Due to gravity, the Earth is tied (on a long leash) to the Sun. Due to gravity, we are tied to the Earth on a short leash and to the Sun on a long leash. The sun causes a flow of biological fields in our body in its direction. Everything living on Earth experiences this force. The force of attraction to the Sun can be conditionally called anti-gravity.
- Why - you ask.
- Because it is opposite to the main gravity that pulls us to the surface of the Earth.
- How strong is she? -, you ask.
- Strong enough. All living things on Earth experience this force. Thanks to her, the juices in plants move from the roots up - to the Sun. Juices are liquids, minerals, vitamins, humus microparticles from the earth move up and build the body of the plant. From the leaves down to the roots go some other healing juices and trace elements that help build the roots. This is how trees and grasses grow. In the same way, the fluids inside a person - blood and nutrients move from the bottom up - this is how a person grows. And from top to bottom, slags are squeezed out - this is how a person is cleansed. So, the power of antigravity - helps us grow, develop. The force of gravity helps us cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

With age, when the plant can no longer overcome gravity, its growth ends. The microtubules that feed the plant - the longitudinal channels in plants - become clogged and dry out. The plant does not have enough anti-gravity forces to deliver nutrition to each leaf... The plant turns yellow, ages and dies. Similarly, a person - in his youth, internal energy potentials - driving forces - easily overcome gravity and he is easy-going, easy to walk, easy to run ... Blood comes to every organ, to every cell in sufficient volume. With age, the anti-gravity potential is less and less. Vessels and energy channels become clogged, slagged - a person is aging; He gets sick for a long time and then dies. Diseases are just developmental stages - they increase the rate of dying. If diseases are treated, then energy increases and the rate of dying decreases. If you learn to increase the anti-gravity forces in the body, you can treat diseases and extend life expectancy.

The simplest and good example this is given again by plants. If you take two seeds from one fruit and grow one in the Moscow region (even better in the subtropics)), and the second in the tundra, then two different plants will grow - one large and strong, the second small and crooked. Remember what birch and dwarf birch look like. So are people. The average life expectancy in a favorable climate is higher than in the tundra. In the 70s of the last century Soviet authority ordered the Siberian branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences to study the validity of the northern allowance. The results were horrendous: from the very first months of the move, people who came “for a long ruble” experienced a catastrophic deterioration in the vitality of all organs and systems. You can easily find these works. The dissertations themselves were closed with the stamp “for official use”, but some of the materials were published in the open press by Kaznacheev V.P. - President of the SO AMS of the USSR.

Clever people knew this even without experiments: A person should not live where grapes do not grow!

And why did you write this for so long? And what about the North? -, you ask. I answer:
- The farther from the equator to the poles, the higher the gravity and the weaker the anti-gravity. This is obvious - remember the shape of the globe.
- And here is the cleansing on lunar days - you ask.
- The moon affects the change in gravity and anti-gravity. This can be used to cleanse the main channels of a person and increase his activity.

The moon is tied to the earth by the gravity of the earth. And revolves around her. But the Moon, in itself, is a rather heavy cosmic body. Do you remember this? As a very heavy cosmic body, it (like the Sun) attracts masses of water in the global ocean of planet Earth (Newton called it tidal waves) and fluid flows in plants and any living organisms. Moreover, even stronger than the Sun.
- Why? -, you ask - because the Sun is heavier than the Moon!
- Did you forget about the square of the distance? How far is the sun from us than the moon. The total gravitational force of the Moon on terrestrial objects is 2.2 times greater than the influence of the Sun.

If the forces of gravity and anti-gravity from the Sun remain almost constant, then the ratio of the amount of gravity and anti-gravity from the Moon changes in very high ranges, as it rotates around the Earth. This happens constantly, regularly, most importantly CYCLICALLY. Lunar cycles give fluctuation - a change in the potentials of gravity and antigravity. You can adapt to them, you can select complexes of methods, draw up programs for adjusting to them in order to carry out [C]purification on lunar days, and set up recovery in the body according to lunar cycles.

Every day we will analyze the change in these influences and select a set of methods not only for cleansing the body of toxins at home, but also for cleansing energy channels, general healing, rejuvenation and strengthening of the body. To prolong a full healthy life.

How to plan the beginning of a course of treatment according to the lunar calendar? The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, so astrologers advise you to check the Lunar health calendar even before you go to the doctor.

Choosing a good date is quite simple, because there are many days in the lunar cycle that are suitable for starting a course of taking medications, vitamin preparations and conducting medical procedures. It is enough to know the basic rules that are based on the change in the phases of the moon, as well as to exclude unfavorable lunar days.

Unfavorable days of the lunar cycle for starting treatment

You have probably heard about the unfavorable, so-called "satanic" days in the lunar calendar. For the most part, these days are at the junction of the changing phases of the moon and are considered emotionally difficult due to the unusually powerful flow of energy from the Earth's satellite. Not all people can cope with it, hence - conflict situations, moments in which "everything falls out of hand." Astrologers recommend not to forget that doctors are people too, and they advise to postpone the start of the course of treatment to another date.

So, unfavorable days for treatment: 9, 19, 29 lunar days.

The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable days

Having excluded the unfavorable lunar days, let's move on to choosing the most successful date. And here the main rule of the lunar phases works. All undertakings are best planned for growing moon, which, in the course of its own growth, contributes to the growth and development of all life on Earth. The most positive period of the lunar cycle to start taking medications and vitamin preparations, as well as a course of medical procedures, is second lunar quarter. Namely: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 lunar days.

Our physical health and emotional state are largely dependent on the lunar influence, which changes in accordance with the change of lunar cycles.

Lunar health calendar for the year will help you understand these relationships, as well as tell you what to avoid on a given day, which organs to pay special attention to, and how to plan wellness treatments.

In each of its phases, the Moon has a different effect on our body, at the beginning of its cycle it contributes to the accumulation of strength and energy reserves, in the middle it helps us feel as active as possible, this better days for good health. Closer to the full moon, our emotional overstrain increases, nervous breakdowns are possible, against which health complications can be observed, rather unfavorable days for health come.

When the moon is waning, then we also feel some loss of strength, a slight malaise. Lunar health calendar for 2019 will help you navigate these processes so that you can most effectively engage in wellness procedures and not expose your body to excessive stress.

For example, at the beginning of the lunar cycle, it is desirable to engage in cleansing procedures, spend fasting days and therapeutic fasting, visit a sauna. When the phase of active growth of the moon comes, this publication recommends more thorough procedures for healing and strengthening the body, actively engaging in sports exercises. And on the waning moon, it is best to do meditative practices, relaxation, phyto- and aromatherapy.

But these are only general guidelines, you should use the detailed information for each day. She not only talks about what health procedures you need to do, but even advises when it is better to visit a dental office or schedule a surgical operation so that it brings only benefits and the body recovers as quickly as possible.

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