Arthrosis of the hip joint without surgery. Is it possible to treat coxarthrosis without surgery? Alternative treatment of coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint belongs to the category of diseases in which destructive processes are observed in the body that can cause the patient's disability. In the absence of timely treatment, they can lead to complete immobilization of a person. Is it possible and how to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery worries each of the patient when making such a diagnosis.

It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, each of which has its own symptoms and the nature of the course of the disease. The earlier the pathology is detected, the more likely it is to stop the process of cartilage tissue destruction.

At the 1st degree of coxarthrosis, a person experiences discomfort in the pelvic area, which increases with intense exertion and physical activity, but disappears at rest. At 2, patients complain of constant pain that bothers them constantly and becomes the reason for the inability to perform daily activities.

Experts in terms of how coxarthrosis of the hip joint can be cured without surgery say that the success of treatment and rehabilitation largely depends on the desire and diligence of a person.

Therapy of pathological changes in the cartilage tissue involves an integrated approach and can improve the patient's condition without surgery.

Today, doctors can offer the patient a variety of treatment tools, each of which is aimed at stopping the destructive processes and their combination enhances the resulting effect. You can cure and get rid of pathology using a combination of the following tools:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massages;
  • diet;
  • traditional medicine recipes.

With coxarthrosis, the course of treatment often includes medications:

  • non-steroids - to relieve pain;
  • muscle relaxants - to relieve muscle spasms;
  • chondroprotectors - to start the process of tissue regeneration.

The first 2 groups of drugs relieve the symptoms of the disease and reduce pain, but they do not have a therapeutic effect, so it is impossible to cure the pathology with their help. The improvement in well-being as a result of taking them, the reviews of many patients are mistaken for the effect of recovery, which is erroneous. Intra-articular injections for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are rarely used, since it has a small cavity and a narrow gap. Periarticular injections of the thicket are used for exacerbation of the disease.

The operation of coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree of the hip joint is indicated in most cases, since it is impossible to cure the pathology with significant cartilage destruction. The patient's well-being at this stage deteriorates significantly, lameness is added to severe pain, and a shortening of the length of the limb can be observed.

In an attempt to reduce discomfort, a person tries to reduce physical activity, which leads to muscle dystrophy and worsens the situation even more. The methods used for the treatment of grades 1 and 2 of coxarthrosis at this stage become ineffective, drug treatment does not have a positive effect, and joint traction is not prescribed.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint: basic principles

The success of treatment and rehabilitation largely depends on how timely the patient seeks medical help after the first symptoms of coxarthrosis appear. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor makes a diagnosis and determines the tactics of therapy. The effectiveness and efficiency of it largely depends on the behavior and determination of the patient, his willingness to comply with the recommendations issued to him.

Treatment and rehabilitation after diagnosis involves the following points:

  • regularity of appointments;
  • strict adherence to nutritional rules;
  • methodicalness and desire to get results despite the pain;
  • readiness for long-term therapy;
  • using an integrated approach.

Normalization of the condition with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is possible only after undergoing long-term treatment, which can be 6 months or more. The mistake of many patients is that after receiving the first signs of improvement and reducing the level of pain, they stop and do not complete the course of treatment and rehabilitation. As a result, the disease progresses and it often becomes impossible to avoid surgery.

Features of treatment without surgery with the help of therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics acts as an effective treatment for coxarthrosis, in which destructive processes occur in the hip joint. At the first stages, complexes of special exercises can show amazing results, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews on how to cure coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery.

Today, there are methods of leading doctors in the field of orthopedics, such as Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko and a number of others, with which you can cure the first stages of the disease and achieve significant improvements even in the later ones.

A feature of gymnastics with joint damage is that only static exercises and exercises for soft muscle stretching are performed.

Classes for coxarthrosis should be performed on a regular basis, not allowing sudden and intense movements.

At first, you need to use the help of an instructor. Experts talk about the inadmissibility of performing through unbearable pain, at the initial stage it is enough to achieve several repetitions and the movements should not have a large amplitude.

The most popular exercises include the following movements:

  • alternate tilts of the body in a standing position forward to each of the legs;
  • successive swings of each of the legs forward, backward, to the side;
  • performing knee lifts in a standing position with support forward, backward, to the side;
  • swings from a lying position on your side to the top;
  • in the prone position, successively raise the legs bent at the knee;
  • sitting on the floor with legs apart, tilt the body forward;
  • walking in small steps with muscle tension in the buttocks.

It is enough to perform the complex for 10 minutes 3 times a day, starting with 1 repetition and bringing their number up to 5 times. Therapeutic gymnastics is effective as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent, and is often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after surgery. The complex justifies the inclusion of general strengthening exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the muscles of the neck, back, and legs.

Surgery for coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree of the hip joint often becomes the only way to normalize the patient's lifestyle, but therapeutic exercises can improve the patient's condition. To reduce the load on the joints, reduce pain and facilitate exercise can exercise in the water.

Massage treatments for treatment without surgery

Massage is considered an effective way to cure coxarthrosis without surgery. Attempts by the patient to reduce the load on the hip joint to reduce pain lead to muscle atrophy, resulting in a gradual loss of motor activity. To cure the disease in the course of the course is obtained due to the following effects:

  • increased blood circulation in the joint area;
  • better tissue nutrition;
  • reduction in pain levels;
  • return to the muscles of proper tone;
  • inhibition of the process of destruction of cartilage.

The effect of manual exposure is largely due to the fact that a significant part of the body's immune system is affected. The epidermis is responsible not only for the function of heat transfer, but also for the movement of blood. In the layers of the skin there is a huge number of nerve endings that transmit nerve impulses to the brain cells. Normalization of the process of their transmission contributes, depending on the purpose of the procedure, to activation or inhibition of tissue regeneration processes. The main concentration of movements falls on the following areas:

  • gluteal muscles;
  • small of the back;
  • hip joint.

The number of sessions and their duration is determined by the doctor based on the data of the examination. Patients' reviews indicate a positive effect after several procedures, but significant and stable changes occur only after a full course of complex treatment. Massage must be included in the recovery program for patients during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Joint Traction and Benefits of Manual Therapy

In the initial stages, for the treatment of coxarthrosis without surgery, sessions of hardware traction, that is, traction of the joint, can be prescribed. The procedure is carried out with the help of a special apparatus, with the help of which the bones are diluted and the load on the cartilage is reduced. The process lasts from 10-15 minutes and involves the passage of treatment courses, on average, their number varies from 10 to 12 sessions. In most cases, the patient is prescribed traction therapy no more than 2 times a year.

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Coxarthrosis or degeneration of the hip joint is a disease that limits the movement of a person and is often the cause of disability. But the disease can be cured with folk remedies without resorting to surgery. This is especially true in the early stages of coxarthrosis. This topic is devoted to how to quickly and effectively get rid of this disease. Important! Degeneration of the hip joint is a degenerative condition in which irreversible and progressive destruction of the articular cartilage and tissues that make up the hip joint occurs. As the body ages, the cartilage tissue loses its shock-absorbing properties, because of this, the friction of the bones that form the hip joint decreases. Exostoses (osteophytes) appear on the surface of the bone, limiting movement and accelerating further destruction of the joint.

Reasons for the development of coxarthrosis

Pathological changes in the articular zone can be primary or secondary. The causes of primary degeneration are still not fully understood. Presumably, they occur when the metabolism of the articular cartilage is disturbed or when the composition of the synovial fluid changes. In both situations, the cartilage suffers from nutritional deficiencies. Secondary causes of coxarthrosis include structural defects. Due to the incorrect structure of the bone, the head of the joint can pop out of the bone fossa. This causes her damage and severe pain. The following factors contribute to degenerative changes:

  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
  • microtraumas that occur due to a strong load on the hip joint (climbing stairs).

The main symptoms of the disease

The first symptom that appears with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a sharp pain in the thigh and groin. Pain occurs when walking and when a person tries to stand up. Often the pain goes down to the knee area. As the disease progresses, pain can also be observed in a state of complete rest. The area of ​​coxarthrosis becomes more and more immobile. The patient, in order to avoid severe pain, begins to limp. Due to the fact that coxarthrosis leads to a significant limitation of joint mobility, this condition is defined as joint stiffness.

Treatment of coxarthrosis

Having discovered the first symptoms of the disease, the patient should immediately reduce the load on the joint, for this you should:

  1. use a cane when walking;
  2. lose extra pounds;
  3. use of physiotherapy;
  4. regularly perform exercises that improve the mobility of the hip joint and strengthen the muscles surrounding it;
  5. apply cooling compresses and rubbing;
  6. take painkillers.

These measures will help to avoid joint replacement surgery. What can be done at home?

Daily exercise

With coxarthrosis of the hip joint, gymnastics gives an excellent effect. The only condition is that it must be performed regularly. A variety of physical exercises will help improve blood circulation in a diseased joint and develop it.

Note! Prolonged standing and gymnastics, requiring a strong breeding of the legs, are contraindicated in coxarthrosis!

Daily gymnastics should include the following exercises:

  1. 20 times from the "standing" position to pull up on tiptoe.
  2. The maximum number of times to do squats. This exercise allows you to pump the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. In the “lying on your back” position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and try to lift your pelvis up. The exercise should be repeated 15-20 times.
  4. Lying on your left side, you need to bend your right leg at the knee and perform circular movements with it. Do the same while lying on your right side.
  5. It is recommended to visit the swimming pool twice a week. The style of swimming must be chosen "frog" (breeding the legs and repulsing them from the water).
  6. For about half an hour a day, you need to lie on your side, and put a roller between your legs.


Treatment of the disease is not complete without classical massage. The procedure stimulates blood circulation in the affected area and enriches the cartilage tissue with useful elements. Since massage is also a treatment, this procedure should be trusted by an experienced massage therapist. Light massage can be done at home on your own. The damaged area is kneaded with hands, the movements should resemble dough kneading, the treatment will go quite successfully this way. The skin in the massaging area must be lubricated with special oil, camphor alcohol or ointment. Gymnastics in combination with daily massage is the key to success in the fight against the disease.

Warm bath treatment

For the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, it is recommended to take warm baths. The bath may be the most ordinary, but it will be better if you add to the water:

  • decoction of horsetail;
  • turpentine;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • bischofite.

This procedure can take 20-25 minutes. The temperature of the water should be high (as long as the body endures), but you can plunge into such water only up to the heart. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is good to use folk remedies. Water massage has a quite beneficial effect on the treatment of coxarthrosis. For this procedure, special equipment is installed in the sanatoriums. But some semblance of such a massage can be organized at home. To do this, you need a shower and hot water in it. It is necessary to set the pressure to the maximum and direct the beating jet to the sore spot. The movements should be circular and the water temperature tolerable. After such a water procedure, heat and bed rest are recommended for a while. This treatment should be carried out daily. The course is 2-3 weeks. During this period, the symptoms of the disease will subside. Coxarthrosis is afraid of treatment with mud. After such therapy, the disease will noticeably recede. Therapeutic mud can be prepared independently. To do this, dilute any medical ointment with water, heat the mixture in a water bath and rub it into the affected area. This area must be covered with plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm blanket or towel. The procedure must be repeated every other day for one month.

It is noteworthy that in this way it is possible to treat not only coxarthrosis, but also other joint diseases.

The use of other traditional medicine is also welcome.

Other types of treatment

As soon as a person notices the first signs of joint pathology, he should immediately go to the pharmacy and purchase paraffin. With the help of this substance, effective warming applications are made. Pre-paraffin should be heated in a water bath (45-50). A viscous mass is applied to the diseased area, and covered with foil or film on top. It is recommended to wrap the hips as well, so the application will retain heat longer. Paraffin should be on the body until completely cooled. This procedure must be repeated every 2 days (10 times in total). Treatment with gelatin Gelatin is often used to treat pathology of the hip joint. The substance nourishes the cartilage tissue and promotes its restoration. Adherents of traditional medicine advise steaming 4 teaspoons of gelatin in warm milk (200 ml), here you should add 1 tablespoon of honey. The composition must be infused for 30 minutes. Next, the mixture must be heated (do not bring to a boil) and diluted with the same amount of milk. Now everything should be mixed well and put in the refrigerator. It turned out a healing dessert, which is recommended to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. If you eat this composition daily, the disease will completely disappear. Gelatin can be dissolved in fruit juice following the same recipe as above.

The course of treatment should last at least a month, only then there will be a positive trend.

Therapeutic composition In hip coxarthrosis, the following mixture is used:

  1. White step grass - 200 g.
  2. Celery root - 500 g.
  3. Lemon - 6 pieces.
  4. Garlic - 200 g.

All four components must be passed through a meat grinder and put in an enamel or glass dish. Pour boiling water over the mass so that the water completely covers the mixture, and leave overnight. In the morning, the medicine should be filtered and poured into glass bottles. This medicine is stored in the refrigerator, and you need to take it in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons. The disease should completely recede. The disease can be treated with horseradish lotions. The product gives an analgesic, relaxing, warming effect. Horseradish is ground on a grater and mixed with vodka in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area, covered with oilcloth and wrapped in something warm. The compress should be on the body until a burning sensation. After removal, the skin should be wiped with water. This procedure is repeated every other day. Cabbage-honey compress With the pathology of the hip joint, honey and cabbage give an amazing effect. A cabbage leaf is washed with cold water, then it is beaten on one side with a hammer or rolling pin. The cabbage leaf will release juice. This side is smeared with honey and applied to the sore joint all night. Such a compress should be done every day, and the results can be observed very soon. The disease will either disappear completely, or significantly weaken its manifestations, and the operation can definitely be avoided.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint Coxarthrosis of the joints is a disease in which there is a gradual destruction of cartilage and deformation of the bone surfaces of the joint, which over time leads to limited joint mobility and impaired movement. Having heard the diagnosis of "coxarthrosis of the hip joint", the symptoms and treatment of which are largely due to the degree of development of the disease, first of all, you need to arm yourself with patience and the desire to defeat the disease. A successful result requires a comprehensive implementation of all therapeutic measures, the main role in which is given to therapeutic exercises.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, coxarthrosis of the joints is affected by people after forty years. The likelihood of developing the disease in men and women is almost the same, but women tolerate it more difficult. The disease develops gradually, causing at first only minor pain in the groin or affected hip. Over time, the pain intensifies, and the mobility of the joint is limited. Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint include:

  • pain in the thigh, inguinal region;
  • stiffness of the hip joint (it becomes very difficult to pull the knee to the stomach, take the leg to the side);
  • crunching in the joint while walking;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the diseased thigh;
  • lameness.

Symptoms of the disease Sometimes confused with symptoms of lower back injury. It should be remembered here: the pain caused by coxarthrosis of the joint does not reach the toes, as is the case with injuries of the lower back, but goes down to the knee, but more often to the middle of the thigh along its front or lateral surface. This is due to atrophy of the thigh muscles. Sometimes pain in the knee becomes more pronounced than pain in the groin or thigh. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, you should contact a rheumatologist or orthopedist for help, because only doctors can give a correct assessment of pain and its accompanying symptoms, and then make an accurate diagnosis.

The degree of development of the disease

There are three degrees of coxarthrosis of the joints: 1 degree. Pain in coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is periodic in nature and most often occurs after intense physical exertion, such as running or brisk walking, and disappears after rest. The mobility of the joint and muscle does not change. Small growths of the bone are already visible on the x-ray, although they do not yet go beyond the boundaries of the articular lip. 2 degree. Pain in the joint becomes more intense, begins to radiate to the groin and thigh, while physical activity no longer affects the onset of pain, since it can flare up spontaneously in a state of rest. When walking for a long time, limping is observed. The mobility of the joint is limited, it becomes especially difficult to raise the leg to the stomach or take it to the side. Weaken the muscles responsible for hip abduction/extension. An x-ray image shows clearly visible bone growths along both edges of the acetabulum. 3 degree. A person sick with coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree of pain is constantly tormented and even during a night's rest. Walking without a cane is very difficult. The mobility of the joints is severely limited, and the muscles of the thigh, buttocks and lower legs do not cope with the functions assigned to them and atrophy. The leg on the affected side is noticeably shortened. The radiograph shows significant bone growths from the roof of the acetabulum and the femoral head. The joint gap is even more narrowed.
The degree of development of the disease

Treatment of the disease

It is possible to defeat coxarthrosis of the hip joint, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the degree of its development, in non-surgical and surgical ways. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery is possible at the 1st and 2nd stages of the development of the disease and involves the implementation of a complex of therapeutic measures:

  • reduction of stress on the hip joint;
  • elimination of pain,
  • relieve muscle spasms
  • activation of the nutrition of articular cartilage and the production of joint fluid;
  • complete nutrition;
  • physiotherapy.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint If the coxarthrosis of the joints has reached the 3rd degree, then surgical intervention is inevitable, and treatment involves joint prosthetics and the constant use of medications aimed at stopping the development of pathological processes. How to treat coxarthrosis at home? If coxarthrosis of the joints is diagnosed in the initial stages, then the treatment of the disease can be performed at home, but only after examination by the attending physician in a medical institution. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint at home includes:

  • Taking non-steroidal drugs that stop inflammation in the joint, and as a result, reduce pain. These drugs do not cure the disease itself, but make it possible to carry out massage, gymnastics, stretching of the joints due to the reduction of pain. With prolonged use, they can cause side effects, so today doctors prefer selective anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, movalis), which are much better tolerated by the patient's body.

Taking non-steroidal drugs

  • Reception of chondroprotectors, which are designed to restore the cartilage tissue of the joint. They are indispensable in the treatment of coxarthosis in the initial stages of development. They act slowly, usually a positive result is achieved after six months or a year of their daily use.
  • Taking vasodilators and muscle relaxants, the task of which is to relieve muscle spasm in the joint area, which improves its blood supply. But these drugs should be taken in conjunction with chondroprotectors and joint traction, since by eliminating muscle spasm, you can increase pressure on the diseased joint, which will harm it even more.

Taking vasodilators

  • The use of therapeutic ointments and creams that can reduce pain, as well as increase blood flow around the diseased joint.
  • Performing therapeutic exercises, which is primarily aimed at strengthening muscles and activating blood flow in the area of ​​​​the diseased joint. Since gymnastics for coxarthrosis is a key therapeutic measure, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the exercises themselves and the features of their implementation.

Performing therapeutic exercises

  • Reducing the load on the injured joint (do not carry or lift weights, do not run, avoid long walking, use a cane when walking).
  • Compliance with a diet in which the volume of alkaline food should exceed the volume of acidic food by 2 times. But the most important thing is to try to reduce your weight, because the more weight, the greater the load on the diseased joint.
  • Proper fluid intake. For people who do not suffer from puffiness, the daily fluid intake is 2 liters. This will help prevent "drying" of the joint.

Compliance with proper fluid intake It is important to remember that the treatment of coxarthosis of the joints takes time and the complex application of all the above measures, subject to the recommendations prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis at the initial stages of development

Before you start doing gymnastic exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for their implementation, so as not to harm yourself even more:

  1. If severe pain is felt during the exercise, the exercise should be stopped immediately. Pain should be mild.
  2. All movements must be performed smoothly.
  3. Exercises for coxarthrosis should be done daily.
  4. During the exercise, you need to breathe evenly, without holding your breath.
  5. First, all exercises are performed 3-5 times, gradually increasing to 10 repetitions.

Therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis At the initial stage of development of coxarthrosis of the joint, the following set of exercises will be effective:

  1. Lying on your back, first bend the leg at the knee, and then align it.
  2. Lying on your back, the leg is clasped with both hands under the knee and pulled towards the stomach, while the other leg remains extended and pressed to the floor.
  3. Lying on your back, one leg is bent at the knee, and held in this position with the opposite hand.
  4. Lying on the stomach, the leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and lifted up.
  5. Lying on the stomach, the even leg is raised slightly up and held in this position for about 1-2 minutes, then slowly lowered.
  6. Lying on the stomach, the straight leg is slowly raised to a height of 20 cm from the floor, and then slowly lowered.
  7. Lying on your back, both legs bend at the knees, tighten the buttocks and raise the pelvis as far as possible.
  8. Sitting on a chair, the legs are pressed against each other, while at the knees and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet they are bent at a right angle. From this position, the heels begin to spread outward as much as possible.
  9. Sitting on a chair, the feet are pressed firmly to the floor, and the ball is fixed between the knees and squeezed.

The first six exercises are performed alternately for each leg. Take a short break between exercises.

Treatment of coxarthrosis according to the Bubnovsky method

One of the most popular methods for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the joints is the method proposed by Dr. Bubnovsky. Its fundamental principle is a good nutrition of the articular cartilage due to the full work of the nearby muscles and ligaments, which provide active blood circulation. But useful trace elements in the bones and cartilage get it with the blood! Therefore, the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint according to Bubnovsky consists in performing a special set of exercises on antigravity and decompression therapeutic simulators, which were developed according to the sketches of the doctor himself. When working on simulators, the axial load on diseased joints is removed, and as a result, blood microcirculation in weakened muscles is restored, the muscles themselves become stronger, pain disappears, and the joint regains its mobility. Treatment of coxarthrosis according to the method of Bubnovsky The method of Dr. Bubnovsky is successfully used not only in the early stages of the development of coxarthrosis, but also before a planned operation on the joints, since it allows you to strengthen the body, which contributes to the fastest recovery after the surgical procedure. As a rule, the treatment of coxarthrosis begins with an examination by an experienced doctor, who determines the degree of development of the disease and prescribes a rehabilitation exercise program in which the load, frequency and frequency of execution is calculated individually for each patient. Classes on simulators are carried out only under the supervision of a professional instructor, and a doctor monitors the patient's well-being. Success in the treatment of cocarthrosis depends on the systematic attendance of classes and strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists.

Traditional medicine in the fight against coxarthrosis

In addition to the drugs prescribed by the attending physician, you can use the experience of traditional medicine. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with folk remedies includes:

  • reception of infusions and mixtures;
  • taking baths with the addition of herbal decoctions;
  • applying compresses;
  • rubbing.

Consider the most effective folk recipes.

Recipe number 1. Lemon-celery remedy

  • 3 medium sized lemons
  • 250 g celery root,
  • 120 g of garlic.

All components are crushed with a knife, and then ground in a meat grinder. After mixing the mixture well, it is transferred to a 3-liter jar, poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid. Leave warm overnight.
Lemon-celery medicine The medicine is taken every morning 30 minutes before breakfast, 70 ml. The duration of the course is 3 months.

Recipe number 2. herbal infusion

To prepare the herbal mixture, use:

  • blueberry leaves, dandelion root, elderberry color, taken in 2 tbsp. spoon
  • flax seed, St. John's wort and knotweed, tansy color, hop seedlings, taken in 3 tbsp. spoon
  • succession grass (4 tablespoons).

From the resulting mixture take 2 tbsp. spoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, brew in a thermos overnight. Strained infusion is drunk throughout the next day in small portions. The duration of one course of treatment is up to 3 months. The second course can be repeated no earlier than 14 days after the previous one.
herbal infusion

Recipe number 3. herbal bath

It is good to grind the herbal collection from

  • wild rosemary herbs, tricolor violet herbs, currant leaves, taken in 3 tablespoons;
  • horsetail herb, thyme herb, burdock root, taken 4 tbsp. spoons.

10 st. tablespoons of the herbal mixture is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, kept on low heat for about 20 minutes. Strained broth is poured into a bath of warm water. The number of baths for one course of treatment is 12. The frequency of taking baths is every day or every other day. The number of courses of treatment - up to 3 times a year.
herbal bath

Recipe number 4. Herbal bath and gymnastics

A mixture of crushed calamus and astragalus roots, taken 200 g each, is boiled in 5 liters of water for about 5 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat, insisted for another 3 hours. Strained infusion is added to a warm bath, which is taken no more than 30 minutes. After taking a bath, do gymnastics:

  • In the supine position, do the “bicycle” exercise for about 2 minutes.
  • In the supine position, hands pull the leg, bent at the knee, to the chin. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 10.
  • In a standing position, one leg is placed on a chair and bends forward 5-10 times. Then the exercise is repeated for the other leg.
  • Using the table as a support, perform 5-15 squats, while trying to touch the buttocks of the heels.

Upon completion of gymnastic exercises, a therapeutic ointment can be applied to the joint area.

Recipe number 5. Potato horseradish compress

A potato-horseradish compress will help reduce pain in the joint. To prepare it, you need to grind the peeled potatoes in a meat grinder. Add the same volume of chopped horseradish to the potato mass, mix well. Before applying to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint, the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or any vegetable oil.
Potato-horseradish compress The procedure can be carried out every day or every other day.

Recipe number 6. Honey turnip rubbing

Mix chopped turnips with natural honey, taken in 150 g. Pour 75 ml of vodka, insist overnight. The resulting mixture every day rub the area over the diseased joint. Having learned about coxarthrosis, what it is and what stages of this disease exist, it is important to be examined by an experienced doctor as soon as possible if the first symptoms of the disease appear. After all, when the articular cartilage has not yet been destroyed, complex treatment is able to restore its slightly disturbed structure. And if you adhere to an active lifestyle, monitor your weight and eat right, then it is likely that coxarthrosis will not affect your joints at all!

The defeat of the hip joint, the most powerful in the human body, perhaps, can be put in first place in clinical terms among a number of dystrophic diseases of the joints.

Speaking about the age limits of coxarthrosis, it must be emphasized that this disease is actually "submissive to all ages", with the exception of early childhood.

Early signs (of course, non-specific) include the limitation of passive rotational movements in the hip joint.

Causes of coxarthrosis Classifying the dystrophic pathology of the hip joint, the following groups of coxarthrosis can be distinguished depending on the causative factors:

1) involutive;

2) dysplastic;

3) coxarthrosis developing after Perthes' disease;

4) coxarthrosis in adults due to lesions of the femoral head with aseptic necrosis, cystic restructuring;

5) post-traumatic coxarthrosis;

6) postinfectious coxarthrosis;

7) metabolic intoxication arthrosis;

8) dystrophic lesions of the hip joint of unknown origin (idiopathic).

Early signs (of course, non-specific) include the limitation of passive rotational movements in the hip joint. But neither noticeable swelling of the joint area, nor pronounced atrophy of soft tissues with initial arthrosis is usually found. Gradually, as arthrosis progresses, pain and limitation of mobility in the joint increase, lameness and flexion-adductor contracture appear. The patient is forced to resort to a stick, crutches, loses his ability to work. The X-ray picture of coxarthrosis is very variable, because the underlying factors (dysplasia, trauma, inflammation) leave their mark on the regular sequence of stages in the development of the dystrophic process in the joint.

In a schematic form, the typical process of development of coxarthrosis can be divided into three stages:

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 1st degree In stage I of the disease, a slight narrowing of the height of the x-ray joint space and small bone marginal growths (osteophytes) along the edges of the articular cavity are revealed radiographically. The coracoid character of these marginal growths is especially noticeable in the upper part of the acetabulum, which gives the impression of a progressive deepening of this cavity. In the presence of decentration of the head in the cavity, the narrowing of the joint space occurs unevenly, it occurs faster in the zone of load concentration, in the upper part of the cavity. Here, one can also notice the beginning sclerosis of the subchondral plate both in the zone of the cavity and in the zone of the articular head of the femur.

Marginal growths around the articular surface of the head in stage I of coxarthrosis are rare, much less common than marginal growths of the acetabulum.

With deforming arthrosis of stage I, which arose on the basis of some other pathological process, on the radiograph one can see layers of signs of the primary process that has ended or passed into a chronic or latent form, for example, inflammation, and signs of developing initial arthrosis, for example, narrowing of the joint space, marginal osteophytes in in combination with foci of destruction in the marginal or subchondral zone of the femoral head or in the area of ​​the acetabulum.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree

AT coxarthrosis 2 degrees, with an increase in the limitation of movements in the joint and increased pain, a distinct narrowing of the joint space is noted radiologically, the marginal growths of the acetabulum and the head of the bud increase, thus increasing the area of ​​the mutually articulating surfaces. Often, bone growths form in the region of the lower edge of the articular cavity, as if pushing the femoral head outwards and upwards, bringing it into a state of subluxation. As the femoral head dislocates outward and upward in the upper edge of the acetabulum, a kind of neoarthrosis is formed due to a predominantly bone osteophyte, merging into one with the roof of the acetabulum. The head of the femur in the lower quadrant begins to mushroom flatten. It is necessary to seek treatment for coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree in a timely manner.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree

In the 3rd degree of deforming arthrosis of the hip joint, when the clinical manifestations become maximally pronounced (contracture, flexion-adducting position of the hip, loss of the supporting function of the limb), destructive phenomena come to the fore in the x-ray image: the x-ray joint space gradually disappears in all areas, exposed and sclerosed the bone surfaces of the articulating ends are separated by a thin, sometimes broken gap, the articular cavity and the head of the femur lose their rounded shape and become disfigured. Their bone structure changes: in some places there are areas of coarse trabecular structure of bone tissue, cystic enlightenments, areas of spongy bone sclerosis, in particular, between cysts. The total mass of the bone tissue of the joint due to massive bone marginal growths significantly increases compared to the norm.

Coxarthrosis - treatment, diagnosis. In the clinical picture of coxarthrosis, pain comes to the fore and as the earliest symptom. Roughness on the surface of the articular cartilage, a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid in the joint, reactive processes in the synovial membrane, circulatory disorders in the joint, manifested by venous stasis, deterioration of microcirculation, contribute to the appearance of pain in the joint when moving in it. Patients begin to complain that the pain intensifies at the end of the day, after walking and prolonged exercise, it is even difficult for them to stand on a sore leg for a long time. Often in the morning, patients feel stiffness in the joint, they need to move, "disperse", after which it becomes easier. It is very important to know that due to the peculiarity of the innervation of the lower limb, pain is often initially felt in the area of ​​the knee joint on the same side.

Particularly severe is the lesion of both hip joints. For the 2nd and especially the 3rd degree of bilateral damage, the symptom of “bound legs” is characteristic: both lower limbs are sharply adducted, bent at the hip and knee joints at an obtuse angle, due to limited mobility in the hip joints, patients (this is more often women) move with difficulty, small steps, mainly due to the movements of the legs in the knee joints. The legs seem to be tied above the knees.

Differential diagnosis of coxarthrosis presents certain difficulties, usually in adolescence or young age, in the initial stages of the process. It is necessary to differentiate from chronic arthritis, protrusion arthrosis, in which the inflammatory reaction comes to the fore, although typical arthritic changes are evident. Signs of the development of true protrusion (deepening) of the acetabulum help to isolate protrusion arthrosis into a separate nosological form, which is important in determining treatment tactics. Dynamic monitoring of the patient allows you to ultimately determine the root cause, disease, secondary dystrophic arthrotic changes in the joint in cases where the root cause of the disease is difficult to determine in the initial stages of the disease.

In dysplastic arthrosis, which is based on maladaptation of loading due to a violation of biomechanical relationships in the joint, arthrotic changes can be clinically manifested very early, already in adolescence, especially often failure of adaptation is observed after pregnancy and childbirth.

Such dystrophic processes in the hip joint, as aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, cystic restructuring in the head and roof of the acetabulum, at first proceed, like true primary arthrosis, without a clear specific clinical picture (pain, limitation of movement in the joint). X-ray examination helps to differentiate these processes.

Conservative treatment. Its main goal is to eliminate or at least reduce pain, improve the trophism of joint tissues, especially articular cartilage. In the initial stages of the dystrophic process in the joint, when symptoms the diseases are not yet pronounced, the pain does not exhaust the patient, conservative therapy can lead to a more or less long-term remission, some slowdown in the development of subsequent stages of arthrosis. Conservative therapy should be based on means aimed at improving microcirculation, and means of stimulating metabolic processes and regeneration in articular cartilage. From non-pharmacological means treatment of coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree massage and remedial gymnastics have received the greatest popularity - this treatment should be carried out persistently, especially remedial gymnastics, which must be carried out daily constantly. You can also find information about the treatment of psoriasis and the treatment of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland.

The defeat of the hip joint, the most powerful in the human body, perhaps, can be put in first place in clinical terms among a number of dystrophic diseases of the joints. Contact our medical center for the treatment of coxarthrosis of 2 and 3 degrees without surgery

Coxarthrosis treatment

At treatment of coxarthrosis without surgery the following conditions must be met:

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree by methods of oriental medicine

Coxarthrosis - treatment with acupuncture

Massage and manual therapy for coxarthrosis

Hirudotherapy for coxarthrosis

Traditional Tibetan herbal medicine for coxarthrosis Sle.tres.bdun.thang (Letre 7 tan, Lide 7, Tinospora cordifolia, the seven decoctions, Lide 7)

Stone therapy for coxarthrosis The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of "gymnastics" for blood vessels. Massage with the use of stones is easier for the massage therapist and therefore longer in time. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones contributes to the toning of the Yang energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through the tissue, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Vacuum therapy for coxarthrosis Methods of active vacuum therapy (cupping massage) can further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, causes local vasodilation, has a positive effect on the condition of skin pores and the release of sebum.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

The methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, allow the painless formation of scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Su-Jok in coxarthrosis Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of "similarity", allows you to influence the diseased organ, part of the body, meridian, point and even chakra! It's kind of subspecies of reflexology, often allowing for a therapeutic effect without interrupting the patient from solving their own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently, a huge amount of literature has been published on the Su-Jok system for "non-medical people", where recommendations are given in a simple and accessible form for the treatment of a number of pathological conditions. Recommended source: books published by the Su-Jok Academy of Moscow (Twist for everyone, Thumb - head, Yoga of a smile, etc.).

Treatment of coxarthrosis without surgery in St. Petersburg Consultation on treatment with traditional oriental medicine (acupressure, manual therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Taoist psychotherapy and other non-drug methods of treatment) is carried out at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Lomonosov 14, K.1 (7-10 minutes walk from the metro station "Vladimirskaya / Dostoevskaya"), with 9.00 to 21.00, without lunch and days off.

It has long been known that the best effect in the treatment of diseases is achieved with the combined use of "Western" and "Eastern" approaches. Significantly reduce the duration of treatment, reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the disease. Since the "eastern" approach, in addition to techniques aimed at treating the underlying disease, pays great attention to the "cleansing" of blood, lymph, blood vessels, digestive tract, thoughts, etc. - often this is even a necessary condition.

The consultation is free of charge and does not obligate you to anything. On her highly desirable all the data of your laboratory and instrumental research methods over the last 3-5 years. After spending only 30-40 minutes of your time, you will learn about alternative methods of treatment, learn how to improve the effectiveness of already prescribed therapy and, most importantly, about how you can fight the disease yourself. You may be surprised - how everything will be logically built, and understanding the essence and causes - the first step to successful problem solving!

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a persistent change in the integrity of the articular surfaces, which are based on a violation of metabolic processes. As a rule, coxarthrosis is a slowly progressing disease that gradually affects the cartilage tissue, followed by bone deformity and impaired functionality of the articular system. Coxarthrosis is the most common disease among all degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, occurring at the age of 40 years.

  • Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint
  • Degrees of coxarthrosis of the hip joint
  • Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint
  • Nutrition for coxarthrosis of the hip joint
  • Prevention of coxarthrosis

Symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Symptoms at different stages of development of coxarthrosis differ slightly. However, there are a number of general signs by which one can determine the onset of the development of the disease and take all necessary measures to restore health. Often, patients turn to doctors already in the later stages of the pathology, which significantly reduces the chances of a full recovery. General symptoms:

    severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint is the main sign of joint damage; in the first stage, the pain manifests itself during movement, in the subsequent ones it is permanent;

    stiffness (restrictions in movement) - in the early stages, this condition is observed after awakening or heavy physical exertion;

    a change in the length of the legs is a sign of an advanced form of the disease accompanied by deformity of the pelvis;

    muscle atrophy is the most severe symptom that manifests itself in the later stages of coxarthrosis; in the early stages there is a slight weakening of the muscles;

    lameness, a clear change in gait - a sign of deformation of the skeletal system;

    a pronounced crunch in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, which may indicate a pathological lesion.

Causes of coxarthrosis of the hip joint

The reasons for the development of this disease can be very different, consider the most common:

    Violation of blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected joint. Due to a variety of reasons, a person experiences a malfunction of the circulatory system - a deterioration in venous outflow and arterial inflow. As a result of all these processes, metabolic products accumulate in the tissues surrounding the hip joint, which contribute to the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage.

    Injuries. The development of coxarthrosis is promoted by chronic microtraumas that contribute to the thinning and damage of the cartilage.

    Excessive stress on the joint. The development of degenerative processes is facilitated by constant heavy physical exertion, often in combination with predisposing factors.

    Obesity. A large body mass overloads the joint, thereby causing an inflammatory process, and subsequently the deformation of the joint itself.

    genetic predisposition. The disease is not directly inherited, the structural features of cartilage, bone tissue and joints are transmitted. Therefore, with a number of adverse factors, this cause can affect the development of coxarthrosis more than with others.

    Hormonal background. Frequent changes in hormone levels can affect the metabolic processes in the human body, thereby contributing to the development of inflammation of the joint tissues.

    A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for the development of pathologies of the hip joint.

    Other diseases (necrosis of the femoral head, severe infections). In the case of improper treatment or timely medical care not provided, a number of diseases can affect the development of coxarthrosis in the future, as a complication or concomitant disease.

    Congenital pathologies (dysplasia, congenital hip dislocation).

Degrees of coxarthrosis of the hip joint Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the first degree

Grade 1 is the mildest form of the disease, which may not bother the patient for a very long time, but if the disease is not orientated and treated in time, it will develop to more severe forms. At the first stage of the disease, there are periodic pains in the area of ​​the affected hip joint after prolonged and intense physical exertion. With bilateral joint damage, pain manifests itself in both joints, with unilateral damage in one. This stage is not characterized by the appearance of lameness and severe muscle rigidity. The pain syndrome disappears immediately after the end of physical activity and is not permanent. On the x-ray, you can see a slight narrowing of the gap located between the joints.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the second degree

Grade 2 is characterized by more significant damage to the joint - the destruction of cartilage. In this degree, all symptoms are aggravated. The pain syndrome in the second stage of the lesion intensifies, often there is irradiation of pain in the inguinal region and thigh. Pain occurs not only after physical exertion, but also at rest. In the absence of restorative measures, the normal mechanism of movements is disturbed - the patient begins to limp, the gait gradually changes. The strength of the muscles responsible for hip extension and abduction is reduced. Over time, morning stiffness syndrome develops.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the third degree

Grade 3 is one of the most severe forms of pathology, which is characterized by almost complete destruction of the articular cartilage. The x-ray shows a filiform narrowing of the joint space. The joint is severely deformed. The pain syndrome in this condition is permanent, it can be eliminated only temporarily with the help of medications. It is difficult for the patient to move without a cane or other assistive devices, since the joint is constrained, its movements are limited. Edema develops in the joint area, tissues atrophy.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the fourth degree

This is the last stage of the disease, the most severe. This condition is characterized by complete fusion of the bones of the hip joint with each other. Constant pain that prevents you from leading a normal life, severe swelling of the surrounding tissues. Complete lack of movement in the hip joint.

Diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

At the first stage, the diagnosis of coxarthrosis includes a survey, anamnesis of life and disease, patient complaints, joint examination and functional tests. In a clinical blood test with coxarthrosis, there is a slight increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - up to 30 mm / h and above. In a biochemical blood test, the level of inflammatory markers was significantly increased: c-reactive protein, globulins, immunoglobulins, and seromucoid. This analysis is of great help in the differential diagnosis of joint damage: arthritis or arthrosis? The basis of all diagnostic measures is instrumental methods. The main method for detecting joint damage is an x-ray, which notes:

    the presence of osteophytes - bone growths along the edges of the articular cartilage;

    narrowing of the gap between the joints;

    areas of ossification of articular cartilage;

    osteoporosis (bone thinning);

    compaction of bone tissue under the cartilage.

The downside in conducting an x-ray examination is that only the bones are visible, the soft tissues of the joint (cartilage, joint capsule) are not visible in the pictures. An equally informative diagnostic method is magnetic resonance or computed tomography, which allows you to recognize the disease at the earliest stages of its development.


Degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the hip is coxarthrosis, which is especially common in middle-aged and elderly people. Significant pain and limited mobility of the joint appear already at the 2nd degree of the disease, so therapy should begin as early as possible. Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint requires long-term and complex use of drugs for oral administration, intra-articular injections, ointments for external use, and if these methods do not help, then endoscopic surgery is used.

What is coxarthrosis of the hip joint

This is a complex orthopedic disease characterized by a change in the integrity of the joint. The main cause of coxarthrosis (deforming arthrosis) is considered to be a violation of metabolic processes in the body. The disease develops slowly, so it is very rarely detected immediately. First, the changes affect the cartilaginous tissue, and subsequently the joint itself is deformed, its functionality is disturbed. Factors that can provoke coxarthrosis of the hip joint:

  • violation of blood supply in the joint;
  • excessive body weight;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hip joint infections;
  • dysplasia and other congenital pathologies;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

At each stage of the disease, different therapy is used. The treatment of hip joints in pathology of the first degree, when the patient feels pain only after physical exertion, is the simplest: medication and physiotherapy. The second degree of coxarthrosis is characterized by discomfort in the groin and knees. The treatment regimen includes medication, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. At the third degree of the disease, muscle atrophy begins, joint deformity, pain symptoms become severe. Ointments, physiotherapy, surgery are prescribed.

Treatment of the hip joint without surgery

Conservative therapy includes an integrated approach, which in the early stages of the disease helps to stop the development of the inflammatory process. Non-surgical methods will not be able to completely cure the disease. Treatment of coxarthrosis without surgery will only stop the pathological process. Therapy begins with the use of medicines and topical ointments. Non-traditional methods help in the treatment: massage, gymnastics, traditional medicine, homeopathy, hirudotherapy. An essential condition for successful treatment of coxarthrosis is the transition to proper nutrition.


In order to relieve pain and restore the functionality of the joint, drug therapy is used. Drugs are prescribed for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, antispasmodic effect. Chondroprotectors are also prescribed - drugs that help preserve the integrity of the cartilage. The best among them are:

  1. Structum. Chondroprotective drug for oral use. Normalizes the viscosity of the synovial fluid in the joint, stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, removes muscle spasms. With coxarthrosis, 500 mg should be taken twice a day for 3-6 months. Contraindications include children under 15 years of age, hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Piascledin. Chondroprotector, created on a plant basis. It has an analgesic effect, restores the motor functions of the joint. Take 1 capsule/day for at least six months. Do not use tablets during pregnancy and lactation, with increased sensitivity to the components.

Muscle relaxants

Drugs that eliminate muscle spasm and improve blood circulation in the joint are called muscle relaxants. When coxarthrosis is more often used:

  1. Mydocalm. Muscle relaxant of central action. It has a local anesthetic, membrane stabilizing effect. Tablets are taken after meals, 50 mg 2-3 times / day. Gradually, the dosage increases to 150 mg 2-3 times / day. Children from 3 years of age are prescribed a daily dose of 5 mg / kg. The course of treatment is set by the doctor (average 10 days). In case of an overdose, side effects from the nervous and cardiovascular systems occur.
  2. Baclofen. Muscle relaxant drug of central action. Reduces the excitability of nerve fibers, inhibits intermediate neurons. In case of coxarthrosis, the minimum daily dose of 15 g is first prescribed, increasing it by 5 g every three days, but not more than 25 g / day. The average duration of treatment is 10 days. With an overdose, muscle hypotension, respiratory depression, confusion, coma appear.


Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint is carried out with the help of local anti-inflammatory drugs. They remove pain, relieve swelling. The most effective ointments are:

  1. Voltaren Emulgel. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. For the treatment of coxarthrosis, it should be applied to the skin 2 times / day, gently rubbing. A single dosage should not exceed 4 g. The duration of therapy depends on the indications, but not more than 14 days. Undesirable reactions of the body are characterized by moderate skin manifestations at the site of application: burning, itching, redness.
  2. Ortofen. Ointment belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has a decongestant, analgesic, regenerating effect. With hip coxarthrosis, it is applied up to 4 times / day to the painful area for no more than 14 days. Among the adverse reactions may be observed: photosensitivity, eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria.

Intra-articular injections in the hip joint

Injections for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are done if there is no other way to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Through injections, glucocorticoids and chondroprotectors are administered. The former belong to the category of hormonal medications that quickly neutralize pain and inflammation. Injections of chondroprotectors help to restore the joint and stop the destructive process in the cartilage. The best drugs in their group:

  1. Hydrocortisone. Glucocorticosteroid with anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory action. Designed for intramuscular or periarticular administration. In one day, it is allowed to enter no more than three joints. A repeat procedure is possible after a 3 week interval. The course of treatment is not more than 3 times / year. The drug can provoke many severe side effects, including suppression of adrenal function, steroid diabetes mellitus, and others.
  2. Alflutop. Normalizes the production of hyaluronic acid, has a chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. When cartilage is destroyed, 1-2 ml is injected into the joint cavity. The course of treatment is 5-6 injections in 3-6 days. The duration of therapy is 20 injections. After six months, the treatment must be repeated. In some cases, a skin reaction to the injection may occur: itching, burning, pain.

Nutrition for coxarthrosis

As already mentioned, diet is important in the complex therapy of coxarthrosis. Nutrition is aimed at reducing excess weight and restoring metabolic processes. Meals should be frequent and in small portions. Dishes are steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. Pickles, foods high in fat (meat, sour cream, mayonnaise, chocolate and others), white bread, pastries, canned food and smoked meats should be excluded from the diet. List of allowed products for coxarthrosis:

  • low-fat dairy products, goat's milk;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • cold, jelly, aspic jelly;
  • oats, buckwheat, rice;
  • seafood, offal;
  • honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits.


The doctor, after diagnosing the disease, writes out a referral to therapeutic exercises. A set of exercises is assigned by the instructor on an individual basis. After fixing the movements, the patient can perform them at home on their own. At the initial stage of hip coxarthrosis, gymnastics includes exercises that are done lying on the stomach:

  1. The straightened leg slowly rises 15 cm from the floor, and after a delay of a few seconds, returns back. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  2. Bent legs alternately rise as high as possible. After a short delay at the top, they return back.
  3. Both limbs rise up at the same time. After a short delay at the top point, they lower to their original position.


The development of hip coxarthrosis leads to impaired mobility. To prevent this, the patient is prescribed a course of therapeutic massage. The Thai technique is considered useful, which strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, relieves spasms in the muscles, eliminates stiffness of movements, removes the weakening of the ligaments, and accelerates the restoration of cartilage. Massage rules:

  • first, the back is massaged for 10 minutes with stroking and rubbing movements;
  • then manual therapy of the lower back is performed (extension of the hip joint);
  • then a lumbar massage is done, the spine is rubbed;
  • after that, the sacro-gluteal zone is massaged with strokes and indentations;
  • in conclusion, the diseased joint is rubbed with the palms in a circular motion.

Physiotherapy procedures

Among non-drug methods of treating coxarthrosis, physiotherapy procedures are considered effective. They not only relieve symptoms, but also normalize metabolic processes, trigger regeneration mechanisms, and restore the joint. The most progressive physiotherapy:

  1. laser therapy. Laser irradiation relieves excruciating pains, penetrates deeply into the joint and surrounding tissues, removes swelling, accelerates the course of various reactions in the body. The course is recommended 10-15 daily sessions for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Electrophoresis. The diseased joint is affected by galvanic currents, in which inorganic ions are formed. Differently charged ions have different effects on the body. Negative - stimulate the secretion of biologically active substances, and positive - soothe, relieve inflammation, remove puffiness. The course requires 20-30 procedures for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Magnetotherapy. With coxoporosis, coxarthrosis and other arthrosis, the effect of magnetic current on the diseased joint is actively used. It provides tissue heating, increases cellular immunity, improves limb mobility. For a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take a course of 10-20 sessions for 10-20 minutes.
  4. Shock wave therapy. The principle of operation is in the emission of sound waves with a frequency of 16 - 25 Hertz. For a healing effect, 3-5 sessions of 15-20 minutes are enough.

Surgical intervention

If medications and physiotherapy do not improve joint mobility, and there are risks of developing serious complications, then surgical intervention is prescribed. To replace the hip joint, healthy tissues of the patient, prepared components from a corpse, synthetic materials or artificially grown cartilage are used. Surgical methods used for this:

  1. Artodez. It implies the sawing of dead tissue, the connection of bare bones, which fuse over time. The articulation remains motionless, so the person will use the cane for the rest of his life when walking.
  2. Osteotomy. Separate sections from the articular head are sawn off, as a result of which the pressure angle changes and the pain subsides.
  3. Arthroplasty. The most efficient method to date.


The most extensive type of surgical treatment is called hip arthroplasty. During the operation, an artificial joint is installed, a piece of skin is replaced. The prosthesis can last up to 20 years, after which it is replaced with a new one. The advantages of the method include the reliability and durability of the artificial joint. Contraindications for the operation:

  • severe respiratory failure;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • foci of unsanitized chronic infection;
  • active inflammatory process in the hip joint.

Hip arthroplasty

The essence of the operation is to form and reduce the size of the joint spaces, which are surrounded by plastic material. A prerequisite for this surgical intervention is the good condition of the quadriceps of the thigh, extensors of the back, abdominals and gluteal stabilizing muscles. The advantages of the method include the formation of the correct form of articulation for its normal functioning. Contraindications for arthroplasty:

  • the presence of severe vascular diseases of the legs;
  • the absence of the patient's medullary canal of the femur;
  • immaturity of the skeleton;
  • infection of the hip joint;
  • the presence of cardiovascular disease;
  • bronchial asthma in the stage of decompensation.

Prevention of coxarthrosis

If a patient with coxarthrosis had a history of dysplasia, fractures or purulent processes, then preventive measures are especially important for him. Among them:

  • exclusion of prolonged loads on the legs, carrying heavy loads, jumping;
  • body weight control;
  • dosage of physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • compensation of diabetes mellitus and other diseases associated with metabolism. Discuss

    Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with medications and folk remedies, surgery and exercises

When the disease is just beginning, its manifestations are often ignored. Aching pain is felt in the thigh and groin, which is considered the result of exertion.

After rest, the discomfort disappears. There are three degrees of coxarthrosis, each of which has its own symptoms.

Depending on the number of joints affected by the disease, there is unilateral and bilateral coxarthrosis. Lack of therapy allows the disease to move to the next stage.

Prolonged rest does not eliminate pain. In addition, the motor activity of the leg is disturbed - the patient begins to limp.

This is how coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree is diagnosed.

The development of the third stage is accompanied by:

  • severe and persistent pain in the joint and leg;
  • problems due to pain with a good night's rest;
  • immobility of the affected joint;
  • displacement of the pelvis and shortening of the leg;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • lameness and inability to move without the use of a cane.

Coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree can be cured by various therapeutic methods. The disease is easier to treat in the early stages. Severe symptoms of the third degree indicate that there is little chance of saving the joint without surgery. Any joint problems are a signal for an immediate response.

Due to constant pain, impaired mobility and atrophy of the muscular system, the patient's gait becomes distorted. Illness makes a person disabled.

When you have to stand on your fingers, the torso begins to deviate to the side. Joints have to withstand a huge load.

Bone growths appear on the femoral head. The joint space becomes narrow.

Hondrocream is the perfect solution for joint problems

At the third stage, the hyaline cartilage is almost completely thinned, the amount of synovial fluid is greatly reduced. The pain becomes acute.

The treatment process will be effective if it is comprehensive and regular. It will take great efforts to stop the further development of coxarthrosis.

The main treatment consists of the use of medicines, physiotherapy and alternative medicine.

Treatment with folk remedies (ointments, lotions, rubdowns) is necessary in order to relieve pain and external swelling. It does not cure the disease, but only removes the symptoms.


Before you know how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joints, you need to diagnose it.

In the diagnosis of pathology, the assessment of symptoms is of great importance. A sick person comes to the doctor with the following complaints:

  • soreness at the site of the projection of the joint;
  • irradiation of pain in the groin area, on the surface of the thigh or in the knee;
  • change in gait due to stiffness of movements and stiffness;
  • lameness;
  • change in the length of the affected limb;
  • atrophic changes in the muscles.

Doctors, evaluating the symptoms, offer the patient to try to sit astride a chair. A symptom characteristic of coxarthrosis is the inability to fulfill the doctor's request or difficulty in performing movement. This is associated with a violation of the abduction movement in the damaged joint.

Coxarthrosis is divided into several stages, depending on the severity of the symptoms. In the first and second forms of the disease, it is possible to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery, only with the help of conservative treatment.

I stage

The first stage of the disease is characterized by periodic rather than constant pain. Complaints of pain appear after active physical activity, and disappear after a short rest.

Soreness during this period of the disease rarely radiates to the nearest structures, being limited only to the projection of the joint.

The first stage of the disease is not characterized by changes in gait, limited movement, or muscle atrophy.

II stage

In the second stage of the pathology, the symptoms are more pronounced. Pain worries the patient not only after exercise, but sometimes at rest, irradiation appears in the surrounding tissues.

If the patient has undergone active physical activity, temporary lameness may appear. Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree can be cured without surgery, the disease is characterized by complaints of limited mobility, first the ability to abduct the hip suffers.

III stage

The third stage of the disease is characterized by constant pain, which is recorded not only during the day, but also at night. There is irradiation.

The patient loses the ability to walk without the help of a cane, does not tolerate high physical exertion. Muscular dystrophy, accompanied by shortening of the limb, is detected by visual examination.

At the third stage, a characteristic sign of the disease is a change in gait associated with shortening of the limb. The patient, due to the shortening of the leg, is forced to tilt the body to the damaged side.

Due to the tilt, the center of gravity changes, and the damaged joint experiences large overloads, being damaged even more.

The first symptom of coxarthrosis of the hip joint is pain in the groin and thigh, which appears when trying to stand up or when walking. Often the pain reaches the knee area.

As the disease progresses, the joint may be painful even at rest. The bones in this area become less and less mobile, and the patient, trying to avoid severe pain, begins to limp.

Since the development of coxarthrosis leads to more and more limitation of joint mobility, doctors define this condition as joint stiffness.

Diagnostic methods

In the diagnosis of the disease, the leading place is occupied by radiography. An x-ray of the hip joint gives the doctor the opportunity to determine the degree of coxarthrosis, and in some cases the reasons that led to its development.

At the first stage, no strong changes in the joint are determined. You can see in the picture the narrowing of the joint gap, as well as small bone growths along the edges of the acetabulum. Pathological processes do not yet affect the femur.

The second stage is characterized by a decrease in the gap between the surfaces of the joint (more than half), a change in the shape of the articular surface of the femur (possibly with a slight upward shift), bone growths spreading along the inner edge of the cavity.

The third stage is characterized by a strong narrowing of the gap between the articular surfaces, massive bone growths and severe deformation of the surface of the femur.

In addition to x-rays, CT and MRI techniques are also used. CT allows you to understand how much bone structures are affected, and MRI gives an idea of ​​the involvement of soft tissues in the process.

Exercise Treatment

There are 3 stages of coxarthrosis, each of which has its own special features. At the initial stage, the disease is considered to be easily treatable, the process of cartilage degeneration is reversible, and the prognosis of regeneration is high.

Pain in the joint appears only during exercise. Treatment consists in taking non-hormonal inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy exercises and massage.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery at grade 2 is a longer process. In this case, there are clear signs of cartilage deformation, the formation of osteophytes begins, pain increases even when walking.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology, since degenerative changes affect the bone. The therapy is aimed at delaying or completely refusing the operation, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

The main method of treatment is to improve blood circulation, provide nutrition to blood vessels, expand the articular cavity, and get rid of bone friction.

Physiotherapy is added to medical and folk remedies.

At the third stage of coxarthrosis, an incomplete thin layer of cartilage tissue remains, the restoration of which is a complex and lengthy process. The full complex of treatment involves the use of all possible methods, including intra-articular blockade for pain relief.

In 80% of cases, at grade 3 coxarthrosis, experts recommend an operation in which joint prosthetics are performed. The remaining 20% ​​of patients manage to do without surgical intervention, directing all their efforts to nutrition and tissue regeneration.

Gymnastics for the development of mobility and traction of the joint in this case is categorically contraindicated.

The main methods of treating coxarthrosis of the hip joint without surgery are: medication, physiotherapy sessions, exercise therapy and various traditional medicine.

Medical therapy

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Patients with coxarthrosis are usually prescribed NSAIDs of the second group, which are weak antipyretics without negative effects, with minimal contraindications. These drugs include Movalis, Voltaren, Ibuprofen;
  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs. These drugs affect protein synthesis and inhibit the activity of inflammatory processes in the joint. The drugs increase the production of glucose in the liver, due to which the content of free amino acids increases, the cartilage receives a sufficient amount of high-energy substances to restore the synovial fluid in the joint. This group includes Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Fluocortolone;
  • Chondroprotectors. These drugs enhance the processes of regeneration and nutrition of cartilage tissue, relieve pain and stop destruction in the joint. Chondroprotectors for coxarthrosis of the joint are long-term medications, the mechanism of their work is a cumulative effect, so a positive effect on the joints begins three months after the start of therapy. At the stage of complete destruction of cartilage, these funds are not prescribed. Chondroprotectors include Artradol, Hondrolon, Teraflex;
  • Muscle relaxants. These drugs have a muscle-relaxing effect during spasms. Taking these drugs should be done with caution, since removing the protective tension, you can subject the joints to accelerated destruction. They are only suitable for complex treatment in combination with chondroprotectors. Muscle relaxants include Mydocalm, Baclofen.


  • laser therapy. The essence of this method is the impact on the diseased joint of a laser beam of a certain frequency. Laser treatment has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the recovery processes in the diseased joint;
  • Postisometric relaxation. This is a relatively new technique in the treatment of coxarthrosis. The mechanism lies in the interaction of a specialist and a patient: during manipulations, the patient must strain or relax the muscle group indicated by the doctor. At this moment, the doctor begins a smooth gentle stretching, which increases the elasticity of the ligaments, regulates the movement of blood in the vessels, creates a favorable environment for the release of synovial fluid in the joint;
  • Magnetotherapy. The method consists in exposing the diseased joint to a special magnetic field. As a result of this effect, inflammation in the joint decreases, pain is relieved, and joint mobility improves.


You can only exercise at stages 1 and 2 of coxarthrosis. Exercises are done in a lying or sitting position. They should be soft, gentle, without sharp jerks and heavy loads. Each exercise must be repeated 10-15 times.

  • Starting position - lying on your back, legs extended along the body. It is necessary to pull each knee to the pelvis in turn, without lifting the feet from the floor;
  • In the supine position, you need to grab your knee with your hands and gently press it to your chest. Fix the knee in this position for a few seconds, then repeat this exercise with the second leg;
  • In the supine position, bend the legs at the knees and raise the pelvis 10-20 cm from the floor several times;
  • Sitting on a chair, a small ball is fixed between the thighs, then squeezed and unclenched with little effort.

Folk remedies

At home, you can use a lot of folk recipes with ingredients that are always at hand. It is important to remember that coxarthrosis cannot be cured with such compounds, but they are very effective as an aid to conservative therapy and gymnastics:

  • An ointment of honey, alcohol and turnip helps to relieve swelling and relieve pain. All ingredients are mixed in 100 g each in a glass bowl and left for two weeks until ready. The agent is applied to a swab and applied to the diseased joint three times a day;
  • Poplar buds and lard are crushed into a mass, vodka is added, and allowed to brew for 5 days. Compresses are made from the medicine at night. The course of treatment is a month, after which a break is required;

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree of the hip joint without surgery with stem cells and blood cells is referred to as innovative and progressive methods.

In the first case, stem cells are isolated from the patient's bone marrow, which are then “relocated” to the destroyed joint. They have a huge regenerative potential, so they quickly stimulate tissue renewal.

As a result, new blood vessels grow, trophism improves, inflammation and pain disappear. Cartilage restores its shape and functional activity.

When using the plasmolifting technique, the patient's blood plasma, taken before the manipulation, is injected into the damaged joint. After its pre-treatment, the concentration of platelets increases significantly.

Since these elements contain a large number of growth factors, the introduction of autoplasma leads to a rapid recovery of damaged tissues.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of grade 3 coxarthrosis are mandatory.

IMPORTANT! Each of them has its own effect on tissues and contraindications, so the choice is up to the attending physician.

The main types of physiotherapy:

  • Cryotherapy. Relieves spasms of muscle tissue, reduces pain. It is convenient to use at home (after the prior consent of the doctor).
  • Laser therapy. Eliminates pain and swelling, promotes the removal of salts and harmful compounds, activates metabolic processes, enhances blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Ultrasound. Accelerates metabolism in tissues and improves the permeability of the epidermis for medicinal substances. Promotes relaxation of muscle tissue. Improves joint nutrition.
  • Electromyostimulation. Improves blood flow in the muscles, strengthening muscle fibers. Activates blood circulation and trophism.
  • Magnetotherapy. It has a therapeutic effect not only on the joint, but also on the muscles. Improves blood flow, speeds up metabolic processes.

In addition to the listed methods of physical therapy for coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree, the use of therapeutic mud (sulfide, peat and others) is effective. They are applied to the surface of the skin in the area of ​​the damaged joint for a certain time.

Due to the rich chemical composition, which includes, in addition to ions, biologically active substances, mud has a powerful anti-inflammatory and regeneration-stimulating effect.

Massage for coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree of the hip joint is also a necessary procedure. It performs the following functions:

  • prevents or eliminates atrophic processes in muscle tissue:
  • simulates blood circulation in muscles and joints;
  • enhances metabolic processes;
  • promotes the removal of harmful metabolic products and the intake of useful and medicinal compounds.

For the treatment of coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree, sparing techniques are used: stroking and rubbing. Manipulations are performed near the damaged area. There should be no pain during the procedure. Massage can be done up to 3 times a day, the duration of the session is about 10-15 minutes (according to the doctor's indications).

Another type of massage is water. It is done in specially equipped institutions, but can be performed at home.

To carry out such a procedure at home, it is enough to create a strong pressure of hot water (without burning yourself), and then perform circular movements over the damaged area for 10 minutes.

At the end of the session, you need to relax, wrapping the sore joint. Such a massage is allowed to be done for about a month every day, but it requires permission from a doctor.

Traction, or traction, as a therapeutic method is used only in special conditions. For this, devices are used that provide a certain level of stretching. Traction therapy sessions are supervised by a specialist.

Therapy for coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree involves the use of folk methods. Below are some of them.

Strong medications are prescribed precisely in the third stage. The goal of therapy is to eliminate inflammatory processes on the affected cartilage tissue.

The disease can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide, voltaren) or corticosteroids. The introduction is made in different ways - intramuscularly, orally and intraarticularly.

The next step is to implement strengthening measures. Treatment continues with the use of drugs that increase blood circulation and normalize material metabolism. After that, chondroprotectors are applied.

The dosage of drugs must be strictly observed in order to avoid a detrimental effect on the body's systems.

It is possible to engage in treatment with the development of coxarthrosis of the hip joint without an operative approach only in the initial stages. If it was possible to diagnose the problem at stages I-II, then the doctor will make a decision on how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

If coxarthrosis of the hip joint is diagnosed, treatment at home is possible only in the early stages and after consultation with a specialist.

Of the drugs, the following groups of drugs are mainly used:

  • funds from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group (make it possible to stop swelling and pain, but if you use them for a long time, the joint will stop recovering on its own);
  • vasodilators improve blood circulation and promote muscle relaxation;
  • muscle relaxants (treatment with drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a physician);
  • glucocorticosteroids, which help eliminate inflammation;
  • medicines that help restore cartilage.

Exercise therapy in the early stages of pathology improves blood circulation, gives the muscles a load, allowing them to strengthen. A set of exercises must be selected under the guidance of a doctor who can assess the allowable load.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with the help of traditional medicine is possible only in the early stages.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a pronounced positive effect on coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree. These include: ultrasound and laser therapy, phototherapy, magnetotherapy, UHF, inductometry.

In addition, stage 2 deforming arthrosis can be cured with the help of manual therapy, massage manipulations, and also thanks to a set of exercise therapy exercises.

Diagnosis - DOA of the hip joint of the 2nd degree requires a mandatory adjustment of body weight. For overweight people, the doctor without fail prescribes a diet aimed at bringing the level of body weight to normal limits.

Due to the constant load, the ligamentous apparatus wears out many times faster, therefore, at the first adverse symptoms from the connective tissue, it will be necessary to abandon any load.

Correction of the diet is also aimed at enriching the body with the nutrients necessary for the full regeneration of the tissues of the hip joint.

As chondroprotectors, food products rich in glucosamines, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin are used. In the daily diet, when arthrosis of the second degree is detected, it will be necessary to include foods containing vitamins that affect the metabolic processes of the ligamentous apparatus (silicon, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, C, E, B).

If you do not take all the necessary measures to treat coxarthrosis of the pelvic joints, then at the third stage of the pathology the prognosis will be disappointing. Most likely, surgery will be required to install an endoprosthesis in place of the affected joint.

Depending on the extent of destruction, unipolar or bipolar prostheses are used. The first option is to replace only the head of the femur.

And the second is intended to change both the femoral head and the acetabulum.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it would be wiser to take care of the health of the ligamentous apparatus even before it makes itself felt with unpleasant symptoms.

Because even if osteoarthritis does not develop due to any of the reasons mentioned above, the destruction of joint tissues is a natural process during the aging of the body.

But regardless of the fact that violations of the musculoskeletal and ligamentous apparatus are observed to some extent in almost all persons who have crossed the mark of 60 years. Still, some manage to maintain healthy joints until a very old age.

It is important to know!

The Russian doctor, doctor of medical sciences and professor declares that with his technique he will cure any joint diseases in a couple of months. Which will completely cure the ancient grandmother with the most advanced arthritis in 78 days. And joint pain, he says, with the right approach will go away in 4 days! And, over 48 years of activity, he confirms every statement with practice.

Immediately after the broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel (on the topic “how to maintain joints at any age”), he agreed to give an interview. Read interview...

Already at the first symptoms of coxarthrosis, the patient should immediately reduce the load on the joint area:

  • lose weight
  • start walking with a cane;
  • use of physiotherapy;
  • systematically do exercises that help improve the mobility of the hip joint and strengthen the surrounding muscles;
  • do rubbing and cooling compresses;
  • take medications to reduce pain.

Treatment with medication

Drug treatment for grade 3 coxarthrosis is indicated mainly during an exacerbation of the disease. In some cases, maintenance therapy is also prescribed during the period of remission, it depends on the condition of the joint. Medicines are designed to provide the following effects:

  • eliminate pain;
  • improve blood supply to the tissues of the joint;
  • ensure the improvement of trophic processes, the supply of oxygen to cells;
  • reduce pressure on damaged structures;
  • activate regenerative processes;
  • increase (restore) the size of the gap of the hip joint.

For therapy, different groups of drugs are used in different forms of release (tablets, injections, ointments, gels, etc.). Some examples are given in the table below.

External therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint involves the use of ointments and gels, lotions, applications, compresses containing one or another drug.

Since the accumulation of the necessary pharmacological compounds in the tissues with this method of treatment is slow, the treatment in this case is longer.

Often it is combined with oral medication, or prescribed as monotherapy during remission. Among the drugs can be distinguished: finalgon, voltaren, diclak in the form of gels and ointments.

Additionally, products based on turpentine, camphor, menthol, animal products and others are used.

Pharmaceutical drugs for dysplastic coxarthrosis have the fastest effect. But long-term use of most of them is unacceptable.

And for some people with special sensitivity, drugs obtained synthetically are completely contraindicated. In such a situation, it remains only to rely on the methods of traditional medicine, which, if used correctly, are in no way inferior to medications.

Pharmaceutical preparations prescribed for coxarthrosis for oral administration:

  1. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process and, as a result, the pain syndrome.
  2. Chondroprotectors are necessary for the regeneration of the connective material.
  3. Vasodilators are prescribed to relieve spasms of small blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the hip joint.
  4. It may be necessary to participate in muscle relaxants, which are used to relax muscles.
  5. To eliminate pain in severe stages, injections of drugs into the ligament containing hormones can be used.

A slight relief of symptoms in coxarthrosis can be achieved by using local medicines: ointments, creams, rubbing pharmacy or home production.

Such agents do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, but they are quite suitable as adjuvant therapy. The composition of local medicines usually includes warming, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and other useful components.

Those who were treated in this way systematically, received a tangible result.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs

This is a broad group of drugs that suppress inflammation and relieve pain. The most common drugs are Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Indomethacin, Otrofen. They are prescribed only for exacerbation of arthritis or arthrosis, they are not accepted in the chronic form.

It is worth remembering that anti-inflammatory drugs are strong and have limitations in use. They have a harmful effect on mucous tissues, can provoke gastritis or stomach ulcers.

There is evidence that long-term use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs inhibit the synthesis of proteoglycans, which leads to dehydration of cartilage tissue and its destruction.

Getting rid of coxarthrosis without surgery is carried out by injecting the drug into the cavity of the hip joint. Similarly, it is advisable to introduce hyaluronic acid preparations (Synvisk, Ostenil, Giastat, Dyuralan), which are an artificial analogue of joint fluid.

The introduction of the drug directly into the joint bag is effective in the treatment of coxarthrosis. The doctor must inject the medicine through the groin into the joint through a narrow gap. This can only be done by an experienced specialist, control is carried out using a tomograph or X-ray machine.

Therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics (LFK)

The value of gymnastics in coxarthorosis of the hip joint is great. Special exercises allow you to achieve a positive result from the treatment 2 times faster than without the use of exercise therapy.

The purpose of gymnastics is to strengthen the muscular apparatus and vascular system, to develop the motor activity of the hip joint.

Special exercises for joints with arthrosis are performed under the supervision of a doctor (at least at the beginning of treatment). They must be carried out strictly according to the instructions drawn up by a specialist in recreational physical education.

The result will appear only after a month, but it will be a tangible improvement, so the course cannot be interrupted.

Coxarthrosis or degeneration of the hip joint is a disease that limits the movement of a person and is often the cause of disability. But the disease can be cured with folk remedies without resorting to surgery. This is especially true in the early stages of coxarthrosis.

This topic is devoted to how to quickly and effectively get rid of this disease.

Important! Degeneration of the hip joint is a degenerative condition in which irreversible and progressive destruction of the articular cartilage and tissues that make up the hip joint occurs.

As the body ages, the cartilage tissue loses its shock-absorbing properties, because of this, the friction of the bones that form the hip joint decreases. Exostoses (osteophytes) appear on the surface of the bone, limiting movement and accelerating further destruction of the joint.

Pathological changes in the articular zone can be primary or secondary. The causes of primary degeneration are still not fully understood. Presumably, they occur when the metabolism of the articular cartilage is disturbed or when the composition of the synovial fluid changes. In both situations, the cartilage suffers from nutritional deficiencies.

Secondary causes of coxarthrosis include structural defects. Due to the incorrect structure of the bone, the head of the joint can pop out of the bone fossa. This causes her damage and severe pain. The following factors contribute to degenerative changes:

  • diabetes;
  • overweight;
  • high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol
  • microtraumas that occur due to a strong load on the hip joint (climbing stairs).

The main symptoms of the disease

The first symptom that appears with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a sharp pain in the thigh and groin. Pain occurs when walking and when a person tries to stand up. Often the pain goes down to the knee area.

As the disease progresses, pain can also be observed in a state of complete rest. The area of ​​coxarthrosis becomes more and more immobile. The patient, in order to avoid severe pain, begins to limp.

Due to the fact that coxarthrosis leads to a significant limitation of joint mobility, this condition is defined as joint stiffness.

Treatment of coxarthrosis

Having discovered the first symptoms of the disease, the patient should immediately reduce the load on the joint, for this you should:

  1. use a cane when walking;
  2. lose extra pounds;
  3. use of physiotherapy;
  4. regularly perform exercises that improve the mobility of the hip joint and strengthen the muscles surrounding it;
  5. apply cooling compresses and rubbing;
  6. take painkillers.

These measures will help to avoid joint replacement surgery. What can be done at home?

Daily exercise

With coxarthrosis of the hip joint, gymnastics gives an excellent effect. The only condition is that it must be performed regularly. A variety of physical exercises will help improve blood circulation in a diseased joint and develop it.

Note! Prolonged standing and gymnastics, requiring a strong breeding of the legs, are contraindicated in coxarthrosis!

Daily gymnastics should include the following exercises:

  1. 20 times from the "standing" position to pull up on tiptoe.
  2. The maximum number of times to do squats. This exercise allows you to pump the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. In the “lying on your back” position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and try to lift your pelvis up. The exercise should be repeated 15-20 times.
  4. Lying on your left side, you need to bend your right leg at the knee and perform circular movements with it. Do the same while lying on your right side.
  5. It is recommended to visit the swimming pool twice a week. The style of swimming must be chosen "frog" (breeding the legs and repulsing them from the water).
  6. For about half an hour a day, you need to lie on your side, and put a roller between your legs.


Treatment of the disease is not complete without classical massage. The procedure stimulates blood circulation in the affected area and enriches the cartilage tissue with useful elements.

Since massage is also a treatment, this procedure should be trusted by an experienced massage therapist. Light massage can be done at home on your own. The damaged area is kneaded with hands, the movements should resemble dough kneading, the treatment will go quite successfully this way.

The skin in the massaging area must be lubricated with special oil, camphor alcohol or ointment. Gymnastics in combination with daily massage is the key to success in the fight against the disease.

Warm bath treatment

For the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, it is recommended to take warm baths. The bath may be the most ordinary, but it will be better if you add to the water:

  • decoction of horsetail;
  • turpentine;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • bischofite.

This procedure can take 20-25 minutes. The temperature of the water should be high (as long as the body endures), but you can plunge into such water only up to the heart. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is good to use folk remedies.

Water massage has a quite beneficial effect on the treatment of coxarthrosis. For this procedure, special equipment is installed in the sanatoriums. But some semblance of such a massage can be organized at home.

To do this, you need a shower and hot water in it. It is necessary to set the pressure to the maximum and direct the beating jet to the sore spot. The movements should be circular and the water temperature tolerable. After such a water procedure, heat and bed rest are recommended for a while.

This treatment should be carried out daily. The course is 2-3 weeks. During this period, the symptoms of the disease will subside.

Coxarthrosis is afraid of treatment with mud. After such therapy, the disease will noticeably recede. Therapeutic mud can be prepared independently. To do this, dilute any medical ointment with water, heat the mixture in a water bath and rub it into the affected area.

This area must be covered with plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm blanket or towel. The procedure must be repeated every other day for one month.

It is noteworthy that in this way it is possible to treat not only coxarthrosis, but also other joint diseases.

The use of other traditional medicine is also welcome.

Other types of treatment

As soon as a person notices the first signs of joint pathology, he should immediately go to the pharmacy and purchase paraffin. With the help of this substance, effective warming applications are made.

Pre-paraffin should be heated in a water bath (45-50). A viscous mass is applied to the diseased area, and covered with foil or film on top. It is recommended to wrap the hips as well, so the application will retain heat longer. Paraffin should be on the body until completely cooled.

This procedure must be repeated every 2 days (10 times in total).

Treatment with gelatin

Gelatin is often used to treat pathology of the hip joint. The substance nourishes the cartilage tissue and promotes its restoration. Adherents of traditional medicine advise steaming 4 teaspoons of gelatin in warm milk (200 ml), here you should add 1 tablespoon of honey. The composition must be infused for 30 minutes.

Gelatin can be dissolved in fruit juice following the same recipe as above.

The course of treatment should last at least a month, only then there will be a positive trend.

Therapeutic composition

With hip coxarthrosis, the following mixture is used:

  1. White step grass - 200 g.
  2. Celery root - 500 g.
  3. Lemon - 6 pieces.
  4. Garlic - 200 g.

All four components must be passed through a meat grinder and put in an enamel or glass dish. Pour boiling water over the mass so that the water completely covers the mixture, and leave overnight. In the morning, the medicine should be filtered and poured into glass bottles.

This medicine is stored in the refrigerator, and you need to take it in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons. The disease should completely recede.

The disease can be treated with horseradish lotions. The product gives an analgesic, relaxing, warming effect. Horseradish is ground on a grater and mixed with vodka in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area, covered with oilcloth and wrapped in something warm.

The compress should be on the body until a burning sensation. After removal, the skin should be wiped with water. This procedure is repeated every other day.

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