How to germinate pumpkin seeds for food. Pumpkin sprouts for seedlings and food at home: how to germinate pumpkin seeds and keep them for a long time. Watering and fertilizing pumpkin seedlings

Many gardeners have pumpkins along with traditional vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes. On the territory of our country, its various varieties are grown. In the southern regions, nutmeg is most often planted. Sometimes you can find gourd gourd. Growing such a vegetable in open ground is not a difficult task.

Even if you are a beginner gardener, you can easily achieve good results when growing this vegetable. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations of experienced gardeners. In this case, you will be successful.

What does a pumpkin love?

In cultivation there are certain features, about which you should learn even before planting this crop in your garden:

  • it is a thermophilic plant. Cold with dampness affects it negatively, leading to the death of plants;
  • Most often, pumpkins are grown from seeds. In order for their germination to occur, it is necessary to provide a temperature of up to + 30 C. If it is lower, then the seeds will germinate, but at a slow pace. If the temperature regime does not exceed 10 C, then the seeds may not sprout at all. The optimal temperature regime for this crop is 25 C. If this condition is met, then the vegetable grows well, the fruits grow large with orange pulp, which has a good density, while being quite juicy;
  • This vegetable is very fond of moisture. When it is not enough, you can not count on getting large fruits at the end of the growing season. If a drought occurs during the flowering period of a pumpkin, this can lead to abscission of flowers. Ties are not formed. This plant is among the light-loving. The best place to grow a vegetable is in areas that receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, while little wind blows.

To get a good pumpkin crop in your growing area, you can use seed method of sowing. However, it is necessary to pre-prepare the seed material in order not to fail in this matter.

First you need to choose the right seeds. Only large seeds of good quality should be selected. If they are thin, dryish, then they must be discarded. When the seed material is calibrated, you can proceed to sowing.

Seed preparation

To prepare the seeds for sowing, sprouting should be used. This process lasts until the moment when the seeds hatch. In order for them to germinate, they must be immersed in water with a temperature of + 40 C. The seeds must be in this state for 3 hours. After that, it is necessary to wrap the swollen seed in a moistened cloth and leave it to germinate at room temperature. The gardener should regularly check and ensure that the cloth is always damp. If this is not controlled, then the drying of the tissue will cause the seeds to also dry out and not sprout.

Since the pumpkin is a plant that loves heat very much, in the middle climatic zone, before sowing seeds in the ground, it is necessary to increase the cold resistance of the seed material. To do this, the seeds after hatching should be kept in a damp cloth in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Growing pumpkin seedlings

Gardeners are engaged in growing pumpkin seedlings:

  • in order to get a large and early harvest of this vegetable;
  • in order to avoid the death of hatched seeds from the cold, if sowing into the soil was carried out during a period when cold snaps are still possible.

To grow seedlings, it is not necessary to do this at home. You can easily arrange a nursery on your site or create a mini-greenhouse. However, the best conditions are provided when seedlings are grown in an apartment. A pot of seeds can be placed on the windowsill. Usually in city apartments the temperature is at around 30 C. It is optimal for growing pumpkins. The conditions in the apartment for growing pumpkins are more comfortable than those prevailing in the greenhouse. Growing pumpkin seedlings in an apartment, it will grow faster and after a short time you will have seedlings ready for planting in the ground.

To grow pumpkin seedlings, it is necessary to purchase peat-mush or ordinary pots 10x10 cm in size. The number of pots purchased should be half the size of the seeds that you plan to sow. You should not try to get a "pumpkin" forest when growing seedlings. It is necessary to remember the food area of ​​​​40 square meters. m, which is covered by a pumpkin. Two plants that receive enough heat and nutrition are able to produce more fruit than more pumpkin seedlings located in the same area.

Soil for seedlings

Sowing pumpkin seeds takes place in seedlings which consists of peat and sand. No additional additives are required. If the choice was made in favor of peat pots for growing pumpkin seedlings, then it is enough just to fill them with soil. When using plastic containers for growing seedlings, you can pour a layer of sawdust 3 cm thick on the bottom.

Sowing seeds

Seeds that have been germinated in the manner described above are sown in pairs in a pot. Later, the weak seedling is removed. To do this, just pinch the stem. Planting pumpkin seeds to a depth of 2 cm. From above they are covered with peat. Before immersing the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to irrigate the holes. After sowing, during the first days, it is necessary to provide the sown seeds with a temperature of 25-30 C.

Seedling Care

Already on the 4th day from the moment of planting, the first shoots should appear. When did it happen, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18-25 C which should be kept for a week. After seven days, it is necessary to lower the temperature regime again to 15-18 C. This is necessary in order to prevent the seedlings from stretching. If the recommendations are followed, the seedlings will grow strong and squat.

When the seeds have sprouted, then watering is carried out regularly, while it should not be excessive. The state of stagnant water in pots should be avoided. With ideal soil moisture and air humidity, pumpkin plants will form, which will be hardy and, growing in open ground, will bear fruit well.

Two weeks after germination need to feed them. To do this, dilute the mullein in a ratio of 1:10 and then pour a fertilizer solution into each pot. Each plant should have 100 ml of solution. Fertilizer should be applied after watering. If you do not have mullein, then you can feed using nitrophoska. When applying top dressing, follow the instructions of the fertilizer manufacturer contained in the instructions.

Landing in open ground

Planting pumpkin seedlings in open ground takes place on the 22nd day. After transplanting, the seedlings are covered with a temporary film shelter. Before planting the plants in the holes, it is necessary to water them with hot water. If the seedling is located in peat-muck container, then it should be removed with extreme caution so as not to destroy the walls and bottom of the pot. After planting pumpkin seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to water the young plants with warm water, and then protect them with a film cover until warm weather sets in.

pumpkin care

Pumpkin is a plant that does not require any special care. However, there are certain activities that should not be neglected if you want to get a big harvest at the end of the growing season.


When growing pumpkins watering is the main event. Pumpkin can be called a kind of pump. During growth, it pumps out all the moisture from the ground, which then evaporates through the leaves. As a result, the roots and stems get very little moisture. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure constant soil moisture. It is worth noting that especially intensive watering of the pumpkin must be ensured at the moment when it begins mass flowering and fruit formation. This crop should be watered with water, in which the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. Do not water plants with cold water in the heat. This can lead to their death.

After moistening the soil under the seedlings, it is necessary to immediately start loosening the soil. As they grow, it is necessary to remove all emerging weeds from the beds. In the event that the summer turned out to be dry, then before flowering, it is necessary to water the pumpkin noticeably more often.

top dressing

Growing pumpkins, every gardener wants to get a big harvest. To do this, you must not forget about feeding. The first fertilization must be carried out when 5 leaves have formed on the stems. The second is carried out when lashes appear. Then every two weeks it is necessary to feed the plants. As a fertilizer for feeding pumpkins, you can use nitrophoska.

The initial dose of the mineral composition should be 10 g. With each new top dressing, the dosage should be increased by 5 g. You can add dry granules of nitrophoska or prepare a solution for watering plants. When the pumpkin enters the fruiting period, then in addition to the main top dressing, a glass of ash should be added under the plants. Throughout the entire growing season, feeding pumpkins with a solution of mullein is allowed.


When growing pumpkins for big fruit we must not forget about the use of powder lashes. When the pumpkin lashes reach a meter size, they should be untangled with gentle movements, and then laid in the right direction and sprinkled with earth in two places. Such a manipulation is performed so that a strong wind does not break the loops and leaves, breaking off the ovary. In addition, additional roots appear in the internodes pressed to the ground, which will provide nutrition to the plant, due to which the number of fruits will increase.

For novice gardeners who decide to start growing pumpkins, experts give the following Growing tips for this vegetable:


A variety of vegetables are grown by gardeners on their plots. Many people like pumpkin dishes, so they arrange beds with this vegetable on their site. To get a big harvest growing pumpkin is best through seedlings. Seeds must be carefully selected, and then placed in a damp cloth so that they hatch. Only after that they are transplanted into pots with seedling soil. When seedlings from pots are transplanted into open ground, they need regular watering. In addition to this, seedlings need to be fed regularly. By following all the rules of agricultural technology of this crop, you can get a good pumpkin harvest.

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We are talking about germinated pumpkin seeds. They contain up to 27% of the most valuable natural protein and almost 45% of fat and tender.

Pumpkin seeds contain almost the entire periodic table, and when germinated, the benefits of seeds and their healing effect are enhanced tenfold.

Sprouted seeds will help in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension, improve brain function and will simply be very useful for everyone.

Germination of pumpkin seeds is very similar to. For germination, take a glass of pumpkin seeds in the shell, rinse well and spread in an even layer on a plate. Fill them with water so that it covers the seeds, cover with gauze and put in a dark place.

Every 12 hours, it is advisable to wash the seeds and fill them with fresh water. After two days, sprouts should appear. The most useful are sprouts up to 2 mm long.

Germinated pumpkin seeds are eaten without shells, chewing thoroughly to the state of gruel. Sprouted seeds are eaten with any dish without heat treatment and the addition of honey.

Heat treatment eliminates all the healing properties of germinated pumpkin seeds.

Store germinated seeds in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days and rinse daily with cold water.

It is best to eat sprouts as a separate food and on an empty stomach or add to salads.

Sprouts improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the secretion of bile. They also promote blood formation, activate the work of the heart and lower cholesterol levels.

Regular consumption of germinated pumpkin seeds helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces fatigue and normalizes sleep.

Strong drugs and antibiotics require parallel intake of vitamins and auxiliary medications to restore the body and reduce the negative effects of drugs.

It is enough to eat a tablespoon of germinated pumpkin seeds per day to maintain health at a high level and easily.

Germinated pumpkin seeds are a universal medicine, do not require prescriptions and any auxiliary means.

Through unpretentiousness in care and a significant amount of nutrients in the pulp, as well as tasty and healthy seeds, every summer resident tries to allocate at least a small area for a pumpkin. When growing this garden crop, special attention should be paid to the germination of seed material, which will speed up germination.

Experts recommend starting the seed germination procedure a few days from the expected planting date. At the preparatory stage, the grains must be kept under the influence of high temperatures for two or three hours. In this case, the vegetable seeds are placed in a thermos with water heated to 50 degrees.

At the end of this process, it is necessary to drain the liquid, cool and slightly dry the seed material. After that, proceed to germination. To do this, take a shallow plate or tea saucer and put a bandage or gauze folded several times or a damp cloth on its bottom. The fabric is soaked with water, and then a layer of seeds is laid. Next, cover the seed with another layer of gauze and moisten again.

To preserve moisture, cover the container with plastic wrap and transfer it to a warm place where the temperature is + 25 ... + 30 degrees. Caring for the seeds during the germination period consists in airing and additional moisture, if necessary.

Seed spitting is observed after about three days from the start of germination. When the roots of the plants reach a centimeter length, they begin to plant the seeds on the prepared bed. The germination technique itself makes it possible to determine the germination of seed material, and also allows you to choose the most developed ones for planting.

Keeping the seeds in special solutions based on growth simulators will help to increase the immunity of the plant. A similar preparation can be made on wood ash. To do this, a tablespoon with the top of ash is placed in a liter jar of heated water. After daily infusion, the solution is filtered through several layers of gauze, and then pumpkin seeds are soaked in it for 5-6 hours. A good effect can be achieved by soaking the seeds in such store-bought preparations as Epin or Kornevin, but here you need to act in accordance with the requirements of the instructions.

At the moment when the soaking of pumpkin seeds occurs, you can prepare the soil for planting this crop. According to experienced gardeners, legumes, as well as tomatoes, cabbage and onions are considered the best predecessors of pumpkins. The ideal option would be a sunny place with light-textured soil.

Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground is carried out at the end of May, when the earth warms up to a mark of 15 degrees. The site is dug up on a shovel bayonet with the simultaneous addition of humus or manure. Then you need to level the bed with a metal rake, remove the remains of weeds and make several holes keeping a distance of one meter. Sprouted seeds are carefully placed in each hole and sprinkled with earth.

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