Calculate the best day to get pregnant. How to determine the most favorable days for conception. most auspicious days

You are planning a long-awaited baby and want to effectively calculate the day of conception or use a calendar method of contraception. In both cases, it is important to know your own cyclical features and periods when the likelihood of becoming pregnant is especially high. What proven methods exist for this, you will find out in the article.

Features of the woman's menstrual cycle

By nature itself, the female body has the ability to produce sex cells, and after their fertilization, to bear and give birth to a new little man. In scientific terms, the menstrual cycle (from the Latin menstruus - "lunar cycle") - periodic changes in the body of a healthy woman of reproductive age, making it possible to conceive a child. The duration of the cycle is purely individual, averaging 28 days (lunar month) ± 7 days.

Regular cycles are an indicator of a woman's health. Every time the female body thus prepares for pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is usually divided into the following phases:

A woman's menstrual cycle has three phases.

It is interesting! Did you know that the ovum, being the largest cell in the human body, about 600 times greater than the sperm - the smallest? A unique symbiosis of cells of maximum and minimum size born in 9 months!

So, regular menstruation and ovulation are an indicator reproductive health women. However, there are variants of the norm that everyone can face. We are talking about anovulation, or the absence of ovulation at certain periods of life. Such a menstrual cycle is characterized by the absence of ovulation and the luteal phase. Anovulation can occur against the background of stress and serious energy losses, and is also often observed in adolescents and women in a state of premenopause. Chronic absence of ovulation occurs in 15% of women, even against the background of hormonal balance. This dysfunction of the reproductive system requires a visit to a gynecologist, but is not always a cause for concern: during the year, each woman may have several cycles of anovulatory.

Video: what is the cycle of menstruation

When is the most likely time to get pregnant?

There are many myths about favorable periods for conception. The most common:

  1. You can not get pregnant before menstruation.
  2. Sex during your period is safe.
  3. In the days immediately following the menstruation, conception is impossible.

It is impossible to count on a 100% guarantee of these statements, you need to understand the features of the cycle. Following this infographic, you are least likely to conceive at the very end of your cycle.
Which days of the cycle are the most favorable for conception, and which are the least?

What is the situation in reality and what options may be - we understand together.

Is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation?

The calendar method of contraception is the safest for a woman's body, but does not give guarantees. Sometimes girls who regularly monitor their cycle and are absolutely sure that it is impossible to get pregnant before menstruation find two strips on the test. Doctors do not give a specific answer, how high is the likelihood of pregnancy in last days cycle. This does not happen often, but it is quite possible under certain conditions.

The less time has passed between unprotected sexual intercourse and the onset of menstruation, the more the chance of conception decreases. At the same time, in exceptional cases, successful fertilization of the egg occurred a few days before the start of a new cycle. The explanation for this is physiological features organism. The main factors causing the failure of the reproductive system:

  • diseases of a viral and infectious nature;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hormonal changes;
  • difficult climatic conditions or a sharp change in climatic zones;
  • stress.

These factors can delay the maturation of the egg for a sufficiently long period or prevent it altogether. AT similar situation a woman will not be able to correctly calculate the day of ovulation. There are several reasons that affect the fact that conception can occur a few days before the onset of menstruation:

  1. Menses delay. For girls who are accustomed to irregular periods, delayed ovulation is also quite common. In this case, ovulation can begin both earlier and later than the middle of the menstrual cycle, so the possibility of becoming pregnant increases.
  2. Maturation of several eggs at the same time. Similar malfunctions in the functioning of the ovaries can happen to any woman. This is not a pathology, but it can lead to conception before menstruation. With double ovulation, two eggs mature at once: the first, as expected, in the middle of the cycle, and the second - in the subsequent time.
  3. Reception of hormonal OK. Oral contraceptives containing hormones (HOCs) reduce the formation of eggs in the ovaries, thereby changing the intensity and abundance of menstrual bleeding. If you stop taking HOC, a hormonal storm begins in the body, and more than 2 eggs can mature at the same time. Therefore, after a course of contraceptives, this probability increases dramatically.

The phenomenon of double ovulation is more typical for the fair sex, who do not have regular sexual intercourse, as their body tries to improve the chances of pregnancy. When a second ovulation occurs in a cycle, when hormone production is already decreasing, and the endometrial covers are preparing to exfoliate, even if the egg is fertilized and implanted, it is likely to be rejected. In such rare cases, the pregnancy is unlikely to last, the zygote (fertilized sex cell) will leave the uterus with bleeding.

Another important factor is a constant sexual partner. If a woman has one partner for a long time, then the chances of conceiving grow at any time, including before the start of menstruation. This is possible because sperm, having entered the female body for the first time, is perceived by the immune system as an enemy object. Defender cells successfully attack spermatozoa, many die immediately. However, when the partner is permanent, the woman's immunity ceases to perceive his sperm as a foreign body. Spermatozoa may be in active state up to a week in the genitals of a woman, thus regular intimate relationship with one partner increase.

Possibility of pregnancy during menstruation

Many girls are convinced that the period of menstruation is a 100% guarantee safe sex. Indeed, the possibility of getting pregnant is extremely small, but it cannot be completely ruled out.

Indeed, in the first days of menstruation, when the upper layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and the production of progesterone decreases, it is impossible to get pregnant. The new egg has not yet matured, and in conditions of bleeding, sperm cannot penetrate the uterine tubes. But by the end of the bleeding period, the opportunity to conceive increases, especially with prolonged bleeding or cycle failure.

Factors that increase the likelihood of getting pregnant are similar to the above:

  1. double ovulation.
  2. irregular cycle.
  3. Lack of a permanent partner.
  4. Short menstrual cycle.
  5. Sperm activity up to 7 days after intercourse.
  6. Violation of the rules for taking oral contraceptives (missing a pill, a combination of OK with antibiotics, self-administration of contraception).

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation

It is impossible to answer this question with a categorical “no”, since there is still some chance of getting pregnant after the end of menstruation, which is associated with already familiar reasons:

  • short menstrual cycle (21 days) - ovulation is likely in the coming days after the end of menstruation;
  • prolonged menstruation - more than a week;
  • lack of regular menstruation;
  • the presence of bleeding that is not periodic; it may occur due to trauma to the cervix during intercourse;
  • spontaneous ovulation of the second egg.

Video: the ability to get pregnant at different periods of the cycle

The female body is mysterious by nature and unpredictable. The beautiful half has the opportunity to become pregnant on any day of the cycle, since there are enough factors that knock down the menstrual cycle schedule. On the other hand, even a clear tracking of ovulation and sex on this day does not always lead to the desired meeting of the egg and sperm. How to accurately calculate the day of ovulation?

Determination of the most favorable days for conception

It is a well-known fact that conception occurs as a result of the fertilization of an egg by a sperm. However, not everyone knows that the largest cell in the human body lives for about 24 hours. If there is no meeting with the male germ cell, it dies, and pregnancy does not occur.

The optimal period for conception is ovulation - the moment the egg is released from the ovary. There are several ways to calculate these cherished days:

  • measurements basal body temperature;
  • ovulation tests;
  • calendar method;
  • according to your own feelings;
  • ultrasound procedure.

We measure basal temperature correctly

Basal rates (core temperature) are measured in three ways:

  • rectally;
  • intravaginally;
  • orally.

The internal body temperature is higher than the measurements in the armpit and more informatively reflects the physiological changes in the body. To calculate favorable days for conception, rectal temperature is most often used.

This metric method is based on the fact that in the first days of the cycle, the rectal temperature is quite low, on the eve of ovulation it reaches the lowest possible values. After ovulation, when the corpus luteum begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone, which is a pyrogen, the temperature rises.

Pyrogens are special substances in the human body that affect the rise in temperature.

The difference between the temperature indicators is individual, on average it ranges from 05 to 0.8 ° C. If you make a graph of temperature drops, you can calculate the day of ovulation, as well as fertile (favorable for conception) and sterile days of the cycle.

To correctly calculate the day of release of a mature egg, regular measurements of the internal temperature are necessary, requiring strict compliance with the following conditions:

  1. The temperature is measured immediately after waking up. In this case, you can not move, talk, and even more so get up. Even a mercury thermometer needs to be shaken the day before going to bed.
  2. Before measurement, normal uninterrupted sleep is required - at least 5 hours.
  3. Measurements of basal temperature are carried out in the period from 6 to 7 in the morning at one fixed time.
  4. It is necessary to decide on the method of measurement (oral, vaginal, rectal) and carry it out for 5-10 minutes.
  5. The thermometer is not recommended to be changed. If for some reason this happened, the day of replacement is marked on the graph.
  6. Information obtained while taking oral contraceptives, drinking alcohol or being sick is not informative.
  7. Changes in the situation, climate must be noted on the graph.
  8. Information analysis can be carried out on the basis of at least 3 months of regular measurements.

All data is recorded in a special chart of basal temperatures. The cycle is clearly divided into two phases: first, the graph curve goes down with a drop in temperature, then two jumps occur - the temperature reaches a minimum, and then rises sharply to a level of 37.0 ° C and above. At this level, the indicators are kept until the onset of menstruation, after which they begin to decline again.
The basal temperature measurement chart clearly captures all temperature changes in the female body during the menstrual cycle.

Deviations from the standard type of schedule (there are no two phases or sharp fluctuations) indicates a deviation in the functioning of the reproductive system: a violation of the development of follicles or anovulation. However, this may also show the unfair implementation of all the rules for measuring basal temperature.

Video: measuring basal temperature when planning pregnancy

calendar method

You can calculate ovulation using the calendar method yourself or using various online calculators. These calculations are based on the fact that the day of the release of the egg for any cycle duration occurs 14 days before the next menstruation. The formula is simple: ovulation day = next period date - 14 days. With an ideal cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day.

For example, this month, menstruation began on the 2nd day, therefore, the day of ovulation falls on the 16th. 2 + 28 \u003d 30 - the beginning of the next menstruation, 30–14 \u003d 16 - the date of ovulation. If the cycle is longer or shorter, the scheme is the same: add your cycle duration to the date of the onset of menstruation.

For example, the cycle is 21 days, the date of the first day of menstruation is also the 2nd number: 2+21=23; 23–14=9 - the date of the expected ovulation.

With a cycle of 35 days: 2 + 35 = 37 - depending on the length of the month, this is the 6-7th day, if we are talking about February, then the 9th day. 37–14=23 is the day of ovulation.

If the cycle is irregular, then the calculation method is as follows:

  1. An analysis of all menstrual cycles per year is made.
  2. The longest and shortest of them are selected.
  3. From the number of days of the shortest, the number 19 (the first day of fertility) is subtracted, the longest - 10 (the last day of fertility).

For example, the shortest cycle was 24 days, the longest - 29. We calculate: 24–19=5; 29–10=19. Hence it follows that better days cycle for conception from 5 to 19. Below is a table in which you can see the most favorable period.

Table: the number of days favorable for conception, depending on the cycle

I use the calendar method almost from the first menstruation. At first it was a notebook where I made a calendar and marked the beginning and end of menstruation with circles. Then I got a more universal women's calendar from the antenatal clinic. Now, in the age of technology and smartphones, even women's calendar convenient to conduct with the help of applications. I use Flo, I immediately liked the interface, it's very convenient to use. The application itself calculates fertile days and the date of ovulation based on the analysis of previous menstrual cycles. It makes life easier, but I cannot rely on the calendar method one hundred percent and do not advise others.

Every girl should keep a menstrual cycle calendar from the moment the first menstruation appears, so that when planning a conception, she clearly understands how her reproductive system functions and when ovulation occurs. However, this method is not considered effective enough because various factors shift the date of ovulation.

How to use ovulation tests correctly

A reliable way is the use of special ovulation tests. Their action is similar to pregnancy tests: the indicator shows a second strip if the level of luteinizing hormone is high, which indicates impending ovulation.

Manufacturers offer different variations of ovulation tests.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of tests, ranging from simple test strips to digital gadgets.

How to recognize ovulation by your own feelings

Girls who regularly monitor their own menstrual cycle note that during the period of ovulation there are accompanying sensations:

  1. Vaginal discharge takes on a slightly different character. Cervical mucus is produced to ensure the fertilization of the egg, "holding" the sperm with its ductility. During the period of fertility, the discharge becomes cloudy at first, then more transparent. The consistency is sticky.
  2. Increased sexual appetite.
  3. The chest may swell.
  4. Edema is likely.
  5. Headaches and stomach aches from time to time.
  6. There is increased irritability.
  7. The sense organs are heightened.

These signs may accompany the fertile period, but they do not give a 100% guarantee of determining ovulation.

One of the most accurate ways to determine ovulation

Folliculometry (or ultrasound) allows you to accurately determine the date of ovulation, as well as whether this cycle was ovulatory. This version of ultrasound is similar to other gynecological ones, the study is carried out using an ultrasound scanner and sensor. It is recommended for those women who have serious menstrual disorders or do not become pregnant within a year with regular sexual activity.

Pregnancy is a long-awaited and happy time for most women. Having come to a common decision to have a child, many couples expect that conception will occur very soon. However, sometimes you have to wait several months, and often much longer. If both potential parents are healthy, then pregnancy most often does not occur due to improper planning of the time of conception. It is possible strictly at a certain moment. Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? Or conception occurs before their onset? To answer these questions, you need to figure out how a new life begins to appear in a woman's body.

Ovum development

When can you get pregnant after menstruation? On the first day, if by this time the egg has already matured. Even during their intrauterine life, each female fetus begins to form ovaries, containing several thousand eggs. They are located in small formations - follicles. The eggs during this period are immature. The girl is born, grows and reaches puberty. From this moment, the regular maturation of eggs begins, which, after fertilization by spermatozoa, will give rise to a new life. This process is regulated by the pituitary gland by increasing the concentration of certain hormones in the woman's blood at the time of egg maturation.

The follicle, located on the surface of the ovary, begins to grow, acquires signs of a cystic formation up to 20 mm in size. Inside it, the ovum matures under the action of hormones. At the same time, the growth of the follicle causes an increase in the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother. Under its action, the growth of other ovarian follicles stops. accompanied by a change in the endometrium - the inner layer of the uterus. During the previous menstruation, it almost completely disappeared, and a favorable environment is needed for the development of the fetus from a fertilized egg. Therefore, the endometrium is updated.


How many days can you get pregnant after your period? It depends on when you ovulate. This is the process of disintegration of the follicle and the release of the egg that has matured in it. Ovulation is the defining moment in the process of pregnancy. The egg travels through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If during this period she meets with a viable sperm, then her fertilization occurs. At the same time, in place of the follicle that burst during the release of the egg, a corpus luteum appears. If conception occurs, it will produce the hormone progesterone, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy. Ovulation occurs most often 14 days before the onset of menstruation. If a woman's cycle is stable and has 28 days, the egg matures in its middle. This allows you to determine exactly the period when the conception of a child is most likely. If the menstrual cycle is less than or exceeds 28 days, then the duration of its first phase changes. The next phase (the time after the release of the egg and before the onset of menstruation) is also about 14 days (12-16).

Symptoms of ovulation

Some women at the time of ovulation feel pulling or cutting pains on the side where the ovary is located, on the surface of which the egg has matured. It is believed that this is due to damage to the mucous membrane of its surface. Such pains are usually short-lived, only in a small number of women they last more than a day and cause significant inconvenience. If this situation persists during the next cycle, it is better to consult a doctor. He will determine the cause of the ailment and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Ways to determine the moment of ovulation

What is the chance of getting pregnant after menstruation? Find out this will help ovulation. Since this procedure is the first step towards a long-awaited conception, several special methods can be used. They allow you to quite accurately find out when the egg will be released. There are two most popular ways.

1. Basal temperature

Determination of basal temperature - its measurement in the rectum. It is better to produce it with a conventional mercury thermometer, since an electronic device can give significant errors. The measurement is taken in the morning, at the same time every day. It is best to carry it out immediately after sleep, while in bed.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the same temperature is observed every day - about 37 degrees. Then, a day before the onset of ovulation, it decreases slightly, then there is a jump of 0.5 degrees. This means that the egg has been released. If the thermometer readings do not change throughout the cycle, most likely, ovulation has not occurred.

It is worth remembering that this method cannot be completely reliable. Basal temperature can be affected by the woman's drinking, smoking immediately before the measurement, or sexual intercourse shortly before the procedure. Stress or an infectious disease also distorts the indicators.

To most accurately predict the onset of ovulation and find out how to quickly get pregnant after menstruation, it is worth measuring the temperature in the rectum for 3 months. In doing so, you need to make a schedule. If there are any factors affecting the measurement result, such as a cold, these should also be noted. According to the results of all measurements, it will be possible to assume on which day of the next cycle ovulation will occur.

2. Determining the day of ovulation using specially designed tests

Using this method, it is easy to find out how many days you can get pregnant after menstruation. These tests can be easily purchased not only at the pharmacy, but also in many stores selling a variety of goods. The action of these tests is based on determining the concentration in the urine of the hormone that synthesizes. If, after the measurement, the test showed one band, then there is still a lot of time left before the onset of ovulation. If there are two stripes, then ovulation is already close. The moment of its onset is determined by the color intensity of the second band that appears. As soon as its color coincides with the shade of the control, the moment of release of the egg has come. This method is quite accurate, however, you need to purchase more than one test. Measurements are recommended to start taking 6 days before the expected date of ovulation. So the girl is able to find out when you can get pregnant after menstruation.

The structure of spermatozoa

Spermatozoa, unlike eggs, are constantly updated in the body of a man. They are formed in the testicles constantly, not cyclically. As a result of the process of ejaculation, millions of spermatozoa enter the external environment.

A spermatozoon is a single-celled organism that carries a certain set of genes. There are three components in its structure.

  1. Head. It contains genetic material - 23 chromosomes. The head also contains a special component that can dissolve the wall of the egg in order to penetrate inside the cell.
  2. Neck. This is the link between the head of the spermatozoon and its tail.
  3. Tail. This part of the spermatozoon plays an important role - it ensures its mobility. The tail contains mitochondria, which release energy and allow the sperm to move.

Sperm viability

The viability of spermatozoa and, accordingly, their ability to fertilize an egg are determined by the coordinated functioning of the male genital organs of the secretory function. Sperm must have a certain composition of organic substances that are dissolved in it, the necessary acidity and viscosity. If all indicators are normal, then the spermatozoa are able to move quickly, remain in the fallopian tube for the required amount of time, and after fertilization lead to the appearance of a healthy fetus.

fertilization process

Spermatozoa, once in the vagina, begin their movement along an ascending trajectory into the fallopian tubes. It is there that they can meet with the egg moving towards them. There is an opinion that the sperm that first approaches it fertilizes it. Most often this is not the case. Spermatozoa are viable for 24-72 hours after the fact of ejaculation. To fertilize an egg, you need not only to get to it (it takes a long time), but also to penetrate into its inner layer. This happens by splitting the wall of the egg with a special substance located in the head. So, those spermatozoa that get to it at the moment of splitting the last layer of the wall are more likely to fertilize the egg.

After the sperm enters the egg, their genetic material is combined, then its cells begin to rapidly divide. A zygote is formed. Cell division occurs while moving through the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity. There, the zygote is introduced into the endometrium, which, in the process of egg maturation, acquires a structure favorable for the development of the embryo. The hormonal changes that accompany this whole process prevent the onset of the next menstruation.

Factors affecting the occurrence of conception

Various factors can affect the possible fertilization of the egg. Under their influence, conception can occur at the most unpredictable moment, when, according to all calculations, it should not occur. And, on the contrary, even the most accurate calculation of the time of ovulation may not give a positive result and not lead to the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. When planning the conception of a child, it is necessary to take into account the following features.

  1. The normal lifespan of a spermatozoon is one to three days. However, sometimes it happens that they can last for a week. In medical practice, even cases of egg fertilization have been recorded a couple of weeks after the fact of sexual contact. You can also get pregnant right after your period. Of course, this is a rarity, but when planning a pregnancy, it is worth remembering the characteristics of the human body.
  2. In the same menstrual cycle, in rare cases, two eggs can mature. They exit the ovary at different times. A woman can calculate the ovulation of one egg by calculation, but not assume that the second is already maturing. So there is a high probability of getting pregnant after menstruation.
  3. The menstrual cycle, even in healthy young women, in whom it has long been established and every month is clearly on schedule, can in some cases shift. This can be caused by stress, physical exercise, past illnesses. In older women, disruptions may occur due to hormonal changes in the body. For example, after the end of menstruation, you can get pregnant quite often, although at this time the woman does not expect ovulation.

Pregnancy and menstruation

It is believed that pregnancy cannot occur before, during or immediately after menstruation. Most often this is true. However, the characteristics of the female body, external factors, as well as the viability of sperm can make conception possible even during this period. So how many days can you get pregnant after menstruation?

Pregnancy is less likely to occur in the first days after the onset of menstruation. At this time, a particularly unfavorable environment for the life of spermatozoa is created. Even if untimely ovulation occurs due to a shift in the cycle, they are unlikely to be able to fertilize the egg and die quickly.

The time before the onset of menstruation, at their completion, and immediately after the end cannot be considered completely impossible for conception. A failure in the ovulation schedule, the release of two eggs at once during the cycle, as well as spermatozoa that persist for a long time, can lead to fertilization. As you can see, you can get pregnant right after your period. You need to be ready for everything.

Pregnancy planning by calculating the time of ovulation

How many days can you get pregnant after your period? Calculating the time of ovulation can be very helpful for those women who want to get pregnant as soon as possible. Determining the moment of release of the egg not only makes fertilization possible, but also allows the expectant mother to assume the onset of pregnancy. A woman is more attentive to her health, trying not to allow any actions that could harm the health of the unborn baby.

Can a girl get pregnant after her period? Let's try to figure it out. If a woman is healthy, has and is not under stress, it can be assumed that she will ovulate on the 14th day for a 28-day cycle, and on the 16th for a 30-day cycle. Since sperm can last for about three days, and an egg for up to 48 hours, sexual contact is most likely to lead to conception about three days before and after ovulation. This time starts from the 11th day of the cycle and reaches the 16th day. So, you can get pregnant a week after your period.

When choosing a method of contraception, you should not completely rely on the calendar method based on determining the time of ovulation. After all, it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation, before they begin, and even at the end of menstruation. It is better to consult a gynecologist who will select more reliable contraceptives.

Almost every couple sooner or later thinks about the birth of a child. This is not such a simple process as it seems at first glance. Some even for decades. And so this issue is taken very seriously. How long does it take to get pregnant? We will try to understand this issue further. Consider situations in which the parents are healthy. This is the simplest scenario, it will save the couple from going to the doctors, long treatment and numerous tests.

How long does it take to get pregnant? Unfortunately, this process is not always easy to predict. The duration of planning a baby depends on many factors. And the health of parents is not always a guarantee of a quick pregnancy.

First, let's find out how conception generally occurs. This process occurs when an egg is fertilized by male sperm.

In the body of a woman after puberty, cyclic processes begin. They are "separated" by critical days. With their arrival in the body, the egg begins to mature. It develops in the follicle even after the end of menstrual bleeding. Approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle, the follicle ruptures, and an egg ready for fertilization breaks out of it.

The female cell moves through the body to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. At this point, she may encounter sperm. The fastest sperm enters the egg cavity. This leads to conception. A fertilized egg is formed, which is attached to the uterine cavity.

If during its "walking" the egg was not fertilized, reaching the uterus, it begins to die. This process lasts up to 2 days - during this period, conception is still possible, but less likely. After the death of the egg, the body begins to prepare for menstruation and the cultivation of a new female cell. The next cycle begins with menstruation.

How long does it take to get pregnant? This is a rather difficult process. And then consider possible options development of events.

Some statistics

The point is that in modern world Increasingly, people are facing problems when conceiving a baby. They occur both in healthy couples and in patients. No one is immune from failure, because many factors influence the process being studied.

According to statistics, 30% of women get pregnant on their first attempt. More than half of couples experience success within 3 cycles - about 56%.

How long does it take to get pregnant? The longer a couple plans a baby, the higher the chances of success. About 80% of women experience pregnancy within six months.

As practice shows, healthy couples become pregnant within a year. But it is not always the case. 91-92% of citizens encounter an interesting situation within three years of active planning and 95% within 48 cycles. It's about 4 years old.

How long does it take to get pregnant? The statistics brought to our attention is not a 100% guarantee of success. Predicting the success of conception is problematic. And there are reasons for that.

When to go to the doctor

How long does it take to get pregnant with healthy body? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on the particular couple and its individual characteristics.

Doctors assure that with prolonged failures in planning a baby, infertility should be suspected. In modern medicine, a similar conclusion is made after a year of unsuccessful attempts at conception.

Important: failures are not always justified by infertility.

Time to conceive

Often the main reason for unsuccessful and long-term planning of a child is the wrong time for unprotected intercourse. It is enough to change it so that the chances of conception increase.

When is the best time to have unprotected sex? Doctors say that the most favorable period for conception is ovulation. It occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To determine the day "X", you can do an ultrasound or do a home test.

It follows that the chances of conception will be highest approximately a day or two before ovulation and on day X. Then the woman can become pregnant immediately. Especially if you follow some recommendations. But more about them later.

Important: spermatozoa are able to maintain viability in the girl's body for about a week. Unprotected sex in the 7 days before ovulation can lead to unexpected pregnancy. Especially if male sperm differ in their speed and activity.

After birth control

How long does it take to get pregnant after birth control? There is no single answer to this question either.

Pregnancy can come from the first time. Especially if you have unprotected sex immediately after you stop taking oral contraceptives. Thanks to them, a woman can control ovulation.

Most often, after one or two cycles, the girl becomes pregnant. In particular, if she and her partner are healthy. If it didn't work out, don't despair. As we have already said, the normal period for planning a child in Russia is 1 year.


How long does it take to get pregnant a second time? And the third and subsequent?

Some believe that the success of conception depends on the number of times a woman becomes pregnant. This is not entirely true. Usually, a second pregnancy occurs immediately after its proper planning or within a year.

Important: it is recommended to start active work on the next pregnancy 2-3 years after the birth. But often, some start planning a baby after six months. It is problematic to predict how quickly an interesting situation will come.

From the foregoing, it follows that pregnancy can occur at any time after the abolition of contraception during sexual intercourse. Couples who have intercourse during ovulation are most likely to become parents.

There are a number of tips to help you get pregnant. Among them are the following recommendations:

  1. Calculate ovulation. Either a gynecologist, or an ultrasound scan, or a home ovulation test will help to do this. It is recommended to conduct appropriate studies on the 10-14th day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. During sexual intercourse, do not forget about the force of attraction. It is recommended to choose positions in which the woman will be from below.
  3. After intercourse, do not rush to wash yourself. Better lie down for a while.
  4. Avoid stress, anxiety and overwork during pregnancy planning. All this negatively affects conception. It is for these reasons that ideally healthy couples often experience difficulty conceiving.
  5. News healthy lifestyle life and give up bad habits. Alcohol, drugs and tobacco not only lead to various diseases, but also adversely affect the health of future babies.
  6. Before planning a baby, undergo a complete medical examination. Special attention devote to gynecological examinations. If any diseases or inflammations are revealed, it is better to treat them.

Perhaps that's all. By following these tips, couples can become parents pretty quickly.

What affects fertility

How long does it take to lie down to get pregnant? It is recommended not to get out of bed for 10-15 minutes after unprotected intercourse. It is not necessary to make a "birch" in this case.

As already mentioned, fertility is influenced by various factors. For example:

  • heredity;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • bad habits;
  • diet;
  • chronic diseases;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • previous abortions and gynecological pathologies;
  • increased physical activity.

In some cases, men are prescribed a variety of biological food supplements to improve sperm quality. Women are encouraged to drink folic acid.


How long does it take on average to get pregnant? About a year. It is recommended to focus on this indicator when planning a baby.

As practice shows, the more people get hung up on conception, the later they get pregnant. This is due to the so-called psychological infertility. Good rest and abstraction from the situation will help you become parents faster.

Wanting to have a baby or, conversely, avoid conception, a woman needs to take a closer look at her own body. The menstrual cycle will allow you to calculate the best days for pregnancy and for safe sex.

With regular sex life with one partner, many couples refuse contraceptives of any kind. However, pregnancy is still not always desirable. And in order to have sex and not get pregnant, you need to know on what days of the cycle this can be done without fear.

The safest days are those in which there is no living egg in the woman's body. This is from 10 to 15 days, of which only 5-9 are considered the safest.

  1. First of all, these are the days of menstruation. Despite the fact that many couples are against intercourse during menstruation (which, as a rule, is associated only with the aesthetic side of the issue), sex during menstruation is considered one of the safest. Since the egg had already died by that time, and the corpus luteum no longer maintains the level of hormones important for conception in the blood;
  2. The first 3-5 days after menstruation, when there is still about a week left until the follicle fully matures. Spermatozoa that enter the woman's body during this period are likely to die long before the egg is released into the uterus.

But if a completely healthy woman leads an irregular sexual life, the risk of pregnancy for her is high on any day of the cycle. Because in such cases, very often the body reacts to sex with unscheduled ovulation.

Menstrual periods and the possibility of conception

The menstrual cycle of a woman includes several phases:

  1. follicle maturation phase. During this period, which begins the day after the last day of menstruation, the dominant follicle begins its maturation. It grows and increases in size from 2mm to 24mm in 11-15 days. On day 5 of growth, it already has about 6 mm in diameter, and on day 10 it is twice as large and can already be seen on ultrasound. After another couple of days, the fully grown follicle breaks down and the next phase begins;
  2. The ovulation period begins with the release of the egg from the follicle. In this case, the egg enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes and stays inside it for some time, where it dies after a few days;
  3. The corpus luteum phase (aka luteal) begins almost at the same time as ovulation. During this period, the corpus luteum, formed at the site of the released egg, by its existence supports the production of hormones in the woman's body that are important for conception. The period lasts up to 14 days;
  4. If the egg has not been fertilized, then after the end of the luteal phase, menstruation begins, which lasts from 3 to 6 days.

The average length of each period varies depending on the length of the entire cycle. Usually the cycle is from 21 to 35 days. If its period lasts longer or less - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The maximum risk of pregnancy occurs at ovulation. However, this does not mean that you cannot conceive a child on any other day. But still, having regular sex during certain periods of pregnancy can be successfully avoided.

What days of the cycle can you get pregnant: table

If you know the average duration of the menstrual cycle in a woman, then you can always approximately determine the most favorable days for conception.

How to calculate without errors what days you can get pregnant

Today, there are four ways to determine the fertile phase of the female cycle. There are only seven of them - this is five days before the release of the egg from the follicle and one or two days after, when the egg is still viable and can be fertilized by a sperm.

Calendar calculations

The easiest way to calculate this is to compare dates on a calendar. But for accurate calculation, you need to keep such a calendar in advance. It is better if a girl marks the days of menstruation and their nature for at least six months. Then she sees with what interruptions menstruation happens, how long it lasts and how much everything changes from nervous tension or climate change.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the periods of the shortest and longest menstrual cycles.
  2. Subtract 18 days from the start date of the shortest. The resulting day will be the day the fertile phase begins.
  3. And then subtract 11 days from the start date of the longest cycle. It will turn out the day the ovulation phase ends.

That is, with the shortest cycle of 27 days, subtracting the number 18, we get day 9 - the beginning of the phase. Subtracting the number 11 from the longest of 30 days, we get day 19 - the end of ovulation. This means that the most favorable period for conception is from 9 to 19 days of the cycle.

With irregular cycles, this method does not work and you need to consult a doctor to determine ovulation.

Measurement of basal temperature

To more accurately identify the day of ovulation, you can use the method in which a woman every morning, immediately after waking up, measures her basal temperature. And she does this for at least three months.

According to this method, a woman should carefully measure the temperature in her rectum in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements. And you need to do this daily and using the same thermometer. This will reduce the risk of error.

The result must be recorded in a special schedule. In the first days after menstruation, the temperature is normally from 37 to 36.6 degrees. Moreover, the lowest peak occurs the day before ovulation. And after - the temperature rises sharply by a full degree to 37.6 and gradually decreases to 37 during the phase of the corpus luteum and menstruation.

The method itself is not accurate, because due to poor sleep, drinking alcohol or an antibiotic the day before, as well as due to sexual intercourse that took place in less than 6 hours, the basal temperature will be higher.

And in women with polycystic ovaries and other diseases that cause deviations in the hormonal background, the temperature after ovulation changes very little. Therefore, it is impossible to determine their optimal day for conception.

Using Tests

The most modern and convenient way to determine the days of ovulation are special daily tests that work on the principle of pregnancy tests. The only difference between these tests is the substance to which the indicator reacts.

During ovulation, the main thing to determine is the luteinizing hormone. An increase in its content in the urine occurs only a day or two before the release of the egg. Then the test positively shows two strips.

Ultrasound diagnostics

This is the most expensive way to measure fertile days. It is usually prescribed to women with suspected infertility.

Starting from the tenth day after the end of menstruation, a woman should be examined daily. At the same time, doctors monitor the dominant follicle, which during this period can be distinguished among others, due to the changed diameter - on day 10 it reaches up to 15 mm, and during ovulation the size is about 24 mm.

After that, the follicle bursts and the egg, ready for fertilization, begins its journey to the uterus. Ultrasound shows the presence of a corpus luteum without a follicle.

Day of the cycle and gender of the child

Many couples want to know the gender of their future baby in advance. This is especially true for those families in which there is already one child each and young parents are planning a second opposite sex. And here, too, an accurate knowledge of the woman's cycle can help them.

It has been scientifically proven that sperm with a male set of chromosomes move much more actively than with a female set. But they also live less.

Therefore, in order to conceive a child of the desired gender, a couple needs to have sex at the correct time of the cycle. To have a boy, sexual intercourse must take place the day before or on the day of ovulation. The chances of getting pregnant with a girl increase if intercourse took place 2-3 days before.

Of course, this scheme is designed for ideal conditions - if both parents are absolutely healthy. If a woman has changes in secretion or a violation of the acid-base balance in the genital tract, then the spermatozoa will die much earlier. Also, their survival rate is greatly reduced if the man has severe fatigue or even exhaustion.

What days are you most likely to get pregnant?

So, on what days is it easiest for a woman to get pregnant? Most often, this is from the 14th to the 17th day of the cycle.

That is, during that period of the fertile phase, when the egg has already entered the uterus and the sperm does not have to wait long.

But, most importantly, during this period, the entire female body is preparing for a possible conception. Even the composition is changing. female secret. It becomes more viscous and slippery. In addition, its acidity is reduced. Therefore, on the days of ovulation, the spermatozoa that enter the body of a woman live longer and get to the egg much faster.

And in conclusion - an informative video on the topic of the article.

Couples who are not yet ready to have a baby try to calculate on which days they can not get pregnant. The rest of the time they avoid sexual contact or use barrier methods of contraception. But this method doesn't always work.

Why not every day of the cycle is suitable for conception

Conception occurs when an egg connects with a male reproductive cell and forms a fertilized egg. Then the zygote is implanted in the uterus, where it begins full development. But not on all days of the cycle, the probability of connecting two germ cells is high enough.

All days of the menstrual cycle are divided into three phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, follicle-stimulating hormone activates the growth of the dominant follicle in the ovary. The process begins from the first day of menstruation. The level of estrogen rises, the egg matures for about two weeks and leaves the follicle.

On the day the egg is released from the ovary, the concentration of luteinizing hormone increases sharply, and estrogen levels are at their peak. The egg travels through the fallopian tubes and out to the uterus. If a spermatozoon joins with it, fertilization will occur in the absence of other interfering factors.

In the luteal phase, the corpus luteum is actively working, the level of progesterone rises, the concentration of luteinizing hormone is at a minimum. The growth of the mucous membranes of the uterus is stimulated, which exfoliate with the onset of menstruation.

Methods for determining safe days are based precisely on the calculation of the phase of the cycle. The first phase for conception is less suitable, since the egg necessary for this has not yet matured. In the third phase, the probability is higher, the less time has passed since ovulation.

Formula for calculating the most "dangerous" days

To determine dangerous days, calculate the period of ovulation. If the cycle is stable, it's easier to do it. Stable is when the duration for at least 6 months changes by no more than 2 days.

  • calculate the duration of the cycle;
  • subtract 12-15 days from this value;
  • in the resulting interval - a high probability of pregnancy.

For example, the cycle lasts 28 days. Subtract 15, it turns out the 13th day of the cycle. Subtract 12, it turns out 16 days. As a result, ovulation occurs from the 13th to the 16th day. The starting point is menstruation (the first day of bleeding).

The number of safe days also depends on the length of the cycle, since the range of 21-35 days is considered the norm. The shortest and longest cycles will have different safety times. If the cycle lasts 21 days, a woman can become pregnant as early as 7 days from the start of menstruation. In the case when menstruation begins every 35 days, the first two weeks are safe for sexual contact.

You can calculate such a period for any cycle, since the second phase always lasts the same, regardless of the individual characteristics of the woman's body. But the follicular phase lasts differently and it is this period that is safe for sexual contact.

When is the chance of getting pregnant the least?

The period of maturation of the dominant follicle is the safest. At the same level, the last days of the luteal phase, when you can not get pregnant.

Just before menstruation

This is not to say that during this period it is definitely impossible to get pregnant. But the probability is minimal, since the endometrium is already preparing for detachment, and implantation may not occur. The hormonal background also becomes less suitable for the successful introduction of the ovum - the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases before menstruation.

By the beginning of menstruation, the egg already dies without being fertilized, and later comes out along with menstruation. Therefore, the chance of pregnancy is minimal.

During menstruation

An unfavorable day for conception is the first day of the cycle - the beginning of menstruation. The egg is just beginning to mature, the level of progesterone and estrogen is minimal. These hormones are necessary for the onset of pregnancy, as they perform a number of functions:

  • prepare the uterus for conception;
  • reduce the immune response to prevent rejection of the embryo;
  • influence the synthesis of aldosterone, corticosteroids.

When their concentrations are reduced, it is theoretically impossible to get pregnant, since the reproductive system is simply not ready for this. But in order to determine safe days for conception, you need to start from a constant cycle, otherwise the calculation will be incorrect.

Immediately after menstruation

During this period, the likelihood of becoming pregnant becomes higher. The egg has been maturing for some time from the beginning of the cycle and is preparing to be released, the level of estrogen rises. You can get pregnant after menstruation if the cycle is about three weeks.

Then ovulation occurs within the first 7-10 days from the onset of menstruation. Unprotected intercourse can cause the male germ cells to remain viable at the time of ovulation. The egg is released and fertilization occurs.

If the cycle is longer than three weeks, the probability is less. Between the onset of menstruation and ovulation, a woman has 7 to 14 safe days when pregnancy does not occur, since the egg has not yet matured. Therefore, the probability of fertilization immediately after menstruation directly depends on how constant and long the woman's menstrual cycle is.

Why the method of determining safe days often misfires

It is not always advisable to use this method so as not to get pregnant. The fact is that such calculations are valid only with a constant cycle duration for an absolutely healthy woman.

But even in this case, it is possible to get pregnant on safe days. This is due to the sensitivity of the female body and hormonal levels to external factors. In one of the cycles, ovulation occurs earlier or later as a result of:

  • sleep disturbances, insomnia or lack of sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • severe stress;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • transferred influenza or SARS.

All this affects the hormonal background, and it provokes a slow growth of the egg, a delay in ovulation or its complete absence. This is an anovulatory cycle, which is considered the norm even in healthy women if not repeated too often.

Therefore, even a stable cycle is not a guarantee that fertilization will not occur during safe days.

Such a calculated method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is not effective enough, so women track ovulation by basal temperature, pharmacy tests and subjective feelings.

Determination of basal temperature is more often for women who are planning a pregnancy. The temperature is measured in the ovulatory phase and recorded on the calendar 3-4 months in a row to determine on which day of the cycle this period begins. Among the subjective sensations during ovulation:

  • the nature of the discharge changes;
  • mammary glands swell;
  • increased libido;
  • increased appetite;
  • irritability appears;
  • marked lethargy, decreased performance.

These symptoms may not accompany ovulation in an individual case, therefore they are also insufficient confirmation that the egg has really left the follicle.

Interrupting sex with a partner is also ineffective, since spermatozoa can also be contained in the lubricant and enter the vagina when intercourse is interrupted. This is enough for fertilization if the male germ cells remain viable for several days.

To accurately prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor who will help you choose a method of contraception. Medical methods are effective by 95-98%. Help reduce the chance of pregnancy:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • condoms;
  • spermicidal lubricants, suppositories;
  • uterine spirals.

The gynecologist, after examination and laboratory diagnostics, will select a safe method of contraception. It is impossible to buy such drugs on your own, so as not to harm the reproductive function.

The method of determining safe days does not always work even with a stable cycle and the absence of any pathologies. Therefore, this method cannot be called effective in terms of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The calculation of safe days is suitable as an auxiliary measure when using contraceptives selected by a doctor.

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