How to choose water. Download you - do not pump. How to choose a water pump. Centrifugal pump - universal equipment

Living in the private sector, having your own house or cottage, the issue of water supply is fundamental. Frequent water cuts, interruptions in its supply, low pressure and low pressure in the water supply system - this is not a complete list of the problems that the owner of a private house may face. The way out of such situations could be the installation of an autonomous pumping station, which would be able to provide water to a separate residential building, regardless of centralized system water supply. What should you know about water pumps? How to choose a water pump taking into account important parameters? We will talk about all this in more detail.

Today, the purchase of a pump is not problematic, since there is a wide range of pumps on the market designed for different purposes.

Pump types

There are a huge variety of pumps, but they all fall into 2 broad categories: domestic and professional. Since our article is designed for a simple consumer, therefore, we will focus on the first category, namely household pumps.
If in an apartment the issue with hot water can be solved by installing a suitable volume, as well as one or two-circuit, then in private houses the most effective would be to install a household pump.
According to their purpose, pumps can be divided into devices for water supply, drainage and circulation. Each of these types of devices has its own operational features, based on which, you can choose the most suitable option.
According to the principle of operation, pumps can be: borehole, well, manual and self-priming.
According to the method of water intake and the installation site, pumps can be divided into submersible, external and injection pumps. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Submersible pumps

Submersible pumps - are used when taking water from wells, wells. This type of device is immersed directly in water, therefore it does not need to install dry-running protection. The advantage of this type of pump is that there is never a problem with air locks and filling the system.

Outdoor pumps

This type of pumps is used for water intake from pools, wells, water supply systems, open reservoirs. In this case, water is sucked through a pipe, the end of which must be in the water. It should be noted that a non-return valve and a filter must be installed at the end of the intake pipe. Starting such pumps is a rather troublesome task, since for the normal operation of the station it is necessary that the intake pipe and the working area of ​​the pump be filled with water. The power of the device determines the depth from which it is able to suck up water, the height to which it is able to raise a column of water, and the productivity (number of liters per minute). The average figures for pumps of this type are as follows: suction depth 4-7 m, water column 10-15 m, productivity 10-20 l / min. External pumps are divided into vortex and centrifugal. Centrifugal pumps allow you to pump water from fairly deep wells or wells. Peripheral pumps are ideal for extracting water from shallow wells, while they provide a stronger water pressure. In terms of cost, peripheral pumps are much cheaper than centrifugal pumps, while providing greater performance than the latter.

injection pumps

Sometimes it becomes necessary to suck water from depths of more than 10 m. In this situation, install pumping station with injection pump. Its main difference is that the number of suction pipes is not one, but two - one of a larger diameter, the other of a smaller one. Both pipes end with a special nozzle - an injector. It is he who allows the pump to suck up water from a great depth. On each product, its parameters are indicated, which will be decisive in the choice. It should be borne in mind that the pump will most likely not work under ideal conditions, so it is advisable to make a correction of 10-15% for the worse on the pump parameters. Next, consider the main specifications which must be taken into account when water pump selection.

Performance and water pressure

These are the basic characteristics by which one can judge the effectiveness of a particular model. water pumps. Capacity is the total volume of water that can be pumped by the pump. Always indicated as l/min. or m³/h.

The water pressure is a measure of the height to which the equipment can supply the volume of water. The performance and pressure of water directly depend on the pressure that can be provided specific model pump. The definition of important characteristics is made taking into account the size of the site where it is planned to be installed, the quality of groundwater, domestic needs, and so on.

Note: for domestic needs of a family of 3-5 people, a pump with a capacity of 3-4 m³ / h is suitable. For earthworks and construction - a pump with a capacity of 1-2 m³ / h.

Water supply parameters

This indicator is no less important, since it is necessary to calculate the efficiency of the entire water supply system for a private house. It is especially relevant for houses with 2-3 floors. The main parameters of the water pipeline are: the diameter of the water supply, material, length, fittings (swivel, tee parts and valves).

idle control

This is an important function of any pump, which allows you to automatically stop the pump completely in the absence of water. This helps protect the device from premature wear and tear.

Automation system

For more efficient operation, most pump models are equipped with such basic elements as: a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch. The hydraulic accumulator allows you to control the working pressure inside the water supply system, preventing possible shutdowns of the pump due to overload, thereby increasing the operational life of the equipment.
The pressure switch provides control over all main operating modes, taking into account the pressure in the system. These elements allow you to assemble a complete pumping station.

Basic equipment of the pumping station

  1. The pump itself is a unit that provides suction of water from a reservoir, raises water to the desired height.
  2. Automation - ensures that the pump is turned on and off exactly when it is needed.
  3. Expansion tank - provides a smooth supply of water to the system, prevents water hammer.
  4. Dry run protection - automatically turns off the pump, at the moment when the pump starts to run idle (without water), thereby protecting it from overheating and breakdown.

Expendable materials

Before buy water pump, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the consumables that the equipment is equipped with. These can be: replaceable filters, auxiliary equipment - hoses, metal-plastic pipes, adapters, taps, electronic control systems, cables, cables, hydraulic accumulators.

And finally, which will last more than one decade? When buying equipment, you should definitely find out the provision of warranty obligations and the possibility of obtaining high-quality after-sales service.
Enjoy the shopping! Be careful in your choice and good luck!

Each owner of a summer house or a personal plot with a well must have equipment that will allow pumping water out of it. Especially such devices are needed if water from a well is used as drinking water. The best and only way to get water is with a pump. The choice of pumps for wells is an important task for someone who owns a piece of land. It is necessary to choose the equipment correctly, otherwise the pump will supply water intermittently, there will be poor pressure, or the device itself will eventually suffer a serious breakdown.

What are the options to choose from? pumping systems? It mainly depends on what well parameters(well).

well depth

The very first parameter that needs to be measured is the total depth of the well. In order to find out this question, it is enough to make simple measurements. A load is hung on the thread and this structure is lowered into the well until it reaches the bottom. You can also look at documents that set out engineering calculations, often the depth of the well can be indicated there.

Another indicator that you need to know is the water column. It is measured from the bottom of the well to the water surface.

Not the last criterion in the choice is such a parameter as the level of contamination and purity of water. The fact is that water supply systems are divided into several types, some of them cannot be operated under conditions of a certain level of pollution. To avoid damage to some types of pumps, you should only use them if your well has clean or slightly polluted water.

If a well serves as a source of water in a personal or summer cottage, then it is also necessary to take into account its diameter when choosing a water system in order to choose the right dimensions. If you are dealing with a well, then this indicator is not important here, since you can use devices with any dimensions.

In order to correctly select a pumping system, it is necessary to take into account not only the parameters of the well on your site, but also the parameters of the unit itself, based on which it can be concluded how high-quality and efficient the purchased water supply device of the site will be.

The two most important indicators on which the choice of a pump will directly depend are its performance and pressure which he is able to provide.

The pressure of the device is indicated in its data sheet. You need to choose this figure slightly larger than the one that is needed. This is due to the fact that over time, the mechanism that pumps water will wear out and the unit will work worse.

How to find out which pump head to choose specifically for your well?

For this, there is a special formula by which it is necessary to calculate. To calculate what pump pressure is needed in a particular area, you need to know exact distance from the well to the house and from the ground surface of the well to the immersion level of the unit.

How to choose the right device performance?

Productivity is the amount of water that the pump is able to pump over a certain period of time. How to calculate this indicator? It's actually quite easy. It all depends on how many devices that need water supply are located on the site. Each of them consumes approximately 500 liters of water in one hour. That is, if there are, say, three devices that need water supply, then each of them needs 500 liters of water per hour, in general, 1500 liters are obtained in one hour.

Which is better to choose a pump - submersible or surface?

They differ from each other in that the first type can be buried more than 8 meters into the water, while the second type is not intended to work at such a depth, due to the fact that its body is leaking.

Surface pumps have a number of disadvantages that will affect the quality of water supply in the house and on the site.

  1. They have a reduced efficiency of approximately 10%, since the hose of such a pump is raised to a height of one meter.
  2. The design of such a unit is unstable to temperature extremes and does not differ in frost resistance.
  3. This type of system is different high level noise during operation.
  4. Large loads act on this type of device in a negative way and ultimately lead to premature failure of the unit.
  5. Pumps of this type are not suitable for wells.

Submersible pumps do not have these disadvantages. They are carry out their work silently. They can be submerged in water to great depths. They have a very high performance rating. They are ideal for absolutely any wells, even very deep ones. Another advantage of this type is that liquid flows through their body, which allows the apparatus's electric motor to cool.

Well and borehole pumps

There is also a division of these devices into borehole and well. Downholes are preferably used only for pumping water from a well. Well pumps are more versatile, they are ideal for for wells of all sizes, and are also suitable for pumping water from a well. Therefore, when choosing, of course, you need to consider why you are purchasing the unit.

Advantages of well pumps

Pump manufacturers

The market offers site owners a large selection of pumps from various manufacturers.

The most popular of them:

  • Karcher Company. This is one of the world's most famous manufacturers of water supply systems and other units. Contacting repair shops with devices from this company is quite rare. Users of pumps of this brand confirm the high quality of the devices.
  • ZDS company. It is popular due to the fact that its pumps provide a high degree of protection for all equipment. Stainless filters. And also the pumps of this manufacturer are capable of pumping rather polluted water, and provide a large pressure.
  • Grundfos brand. This manufacturer creates devices that provide the user with comfort in operation. Pumps of this company are reliable and durable.
  • Firm "Vodomet" is the most popular of domestic manufacturers. Pumps of this brand do an excellent job with dirty water and are ideal for wells.
  • Pedrollo company. This is Italian manufacturer. A distinctive feature of the brand is a large selection, the availability of pumps suitable for any need, original ideas, non-standard approach and various design of devices.

To provide high efficiency operation of pumps, it is important not only to make right choice apparatus, it is also necessary comply with the rules of operation.

By following all the rules for the selection and operation of pumping systems, you will ensure quality water supply your backyard or suburban area, as well as all the buildings on it.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

When buying bottled water, it is sometimes difficult to decide which one to take. In particular, this applies to people who do not understand the marketing terminology on the labels or the bottles themselves. Many bottled water companies advertise their products as a more natural, healthier, or better quality alternative to tap water. However, with a little research, you no longer have to think about which bottled water to choose from a huge variety of options. It is enough to have only basic knowledge to choose the brand or type of water that suits you best.


Part 1

Buying bottled water

    Buy water from natural sources. Companies distribute a wide range of water, but you can choose water that has been extracted from a natural source: from a spring or an artesian well. Try the following options:

    Avoid bottled water from public sources. Some companies sell bottled tap water or from a public water supply. If you want natural or artesian water, don't buy bottled tap water.

    Read the labels on the packaging. At the bottom of the bottle or on its reverse side there should be a sign indicating the type of plastic from which the bottle was made. Most water bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This type plastic is used to make plastic containers of various kinds and has been officially recognized as safe.

    Calculate an approximate budget for bottled water. Some brands are quite expensive, especially if they are specially packaged or advertised as artesian water.

    • When planning the purchase of bottled water, you need to consider how many bottles of water you consume or plan to consume daily. This way you can determine how many bottles you need to buy to last you a week.
    • You may be able to save money by buying bottles in bulk. Many stores offer discounts for bulk buyers.
    • Consider home delivery of bottled water. Some companies deliver huge bottles of water for coolers to your home, so you can refill the bottles yourself.
  1. Properly store bottled water. To maintain product quality and shelf life, bottled water, like most foods and beverages, must be stored properly.

    Pay attention to water bottles - how they were stocked and stored. You may want to rinse the bottle cap, especially if it is not covered with a protective film. Improper handling may have left bacteria or other harmful substances on the lid.

    Part 2

    Finding Other Water Sources
    1. Buy a water purification system for your home. Purchasing a water treatment system is more cost effective in the long run and saves you from having to dispose of a huge amount of water. plastic bottles. There are two types of purification systems: for the whole house (they filter all the water that enters the house and are expensive) and at the point of use (they filter water at the point of use, for example, for a shower head or sink faucet). Most people prefer to use local cleaning systems as they are cheaper. These systems include:

      Buy refillable bottles that are BPA-free. If you choose to use or drink tap water, or have access to a purified water cooler, consider getting a refillable bottle to do your part to protect the environment.

      • Using a reusable bottle will allow you to reduce the amount of plastic bottles and garbage thrown away.
    2. Drink tap water. Although tap or municipal water is not as good as some bottled water, it is still a healthy and inexpensive alternative to bottled water. Quite often, tap water is quite suitable for drinking. When in doubt, buy a filter jug ​​and put it in the refrigerator to improve the quality of the filtration.

    Article Information

    This article was co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD. Claudia Carberry is a nutritionist at the Medical University of Arkansas. She received her master's degree in dietetics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2010.

The time has long passed when most of our country lived quite comfortably in the countryside, in their own homes, away from the dirty city air and the constant noise of a large metropolis. Completely different times have come, and a large part of the population moved in pursuit of "big money" to large cities and metropolitan areas. And the beds, flowers, weeding and watering garden plots are now for the most part a kind of weekend recreation. And although sometimes you have to get to your favorite dacha by almost two electric trains, plus an hour of shaking in a loose PAZik, Russian people does not grumble. Where else to blow off steam, remembering the "kind word" of the authorities and imagining it in place of the weeds in the garden with dill.

But be that as it may, but the townspeople are still accustomed to comfort and convenience. And what amenities can there be in the country? The main ones are in the yard, in a booth with a window, and the water is usually only in a stream that flows near the village. And if a booth with a window still suits the city dweller, then every time running to the river with a yoke and buckets is a rather dull idea. So families arrange trips to construction hypermarkets in order to buy home household water pump. But, like any task, when choosing a pump, there are some tricks and features. And it is advisable to know about them in advance, so that later going to the store also does not turn into a kind of hobby.

Types of water pumps according to the principle of operation

Basically, water pumps are divided into three large groups by predisposition to work.

Water pump

Its purpose is to download clean water from one container (that is, the river), into a barrel located in the courtyard of the house. And that's all, no unnecessary water filtration, removal of silt and dirt, and so on and so forth.

Drainage pump

This building is already more impressive. Will help in remove melt water with the remnants of sand and small pebbles, or empty the basement if it is flooded during seasonal rain.

Fecal pump

The name speaks almost for itself. One of the most powerful types of pumps, it will cope with pumping and cleaning any wastewater, whether it is a ditch around the corner, or a booth with a window in the garden.

Of course, you can not choose too much and immediately purchase a fecal pump - and the garden will be fertilized with purified impurities, and the water in the house will be clean, and the beds will be watered. However, one should take into account simple logic - the more functional the pump, the more expensive it will cost the owner of the cottage.

In addition, pumps are distinguished by the type of immersion. This also needs to be determined. Submersible pump - one name already confirms that it should be immersed in water. And that's exactly how it will work. If part of the pump is in the air, and not in the water, the owner runs the risk of being left without a pump, because after a while there will be a slight unpleasant “boom” - and the pump will simply burn out without cooling.

What is good: a submersible pump can operate at a depth of more than 30 meters, which is important if you have a well in your country house.

What is bad: Such a pump is difficult to disassemble, and at least sometimes it will be necessary to disassemble it for lubrication and replacement of worn parts.

When installing a submersible pump in his backyard, the owner must foresee all the possible difficulties associated with the work. Basically, this is the descent and raising of the pump itself. Submersible pumps are often produced in the form of narrow rounded cylinders, which are quite heavy. Therefore, when descending submersible pump You need to make sure that the rope is strong. Otherwise, several descents and ascents will lead to chafing of part of the cable, and after a sad “gurgle” you will have to go to the supermarket for a new pump.

Surface pump - by itself works on the surface. Most often, it is installed next to the necessary work object (river, ditch, well, or cellar), and connected to the workplace using a hose of the required length.

What's good: it assembles very quickly and is ready for long-term work in just a few minutes.

What's bad: it can only be used in cases where water is literally next to the earth's surface. If you have a well dug in your country house, then you don’t even have to think about a surface pump. He will not be able to cope with such a task, because he will be able to supply water at least for some length, but to suck in vital moisture from the depth - there will not be enough strength here.

Another question that a potential buyer of the pump may have. Which one to take - ours, Russian, or imported?

I would like to clarify, at the moment, both of them work in principle in the same way. And both the imported pump and ours can burn out if they are not properly cared for. The only rule that should work when choosing a pump is the correct ratio of its capabilities to the needs of the owner.

Well-chosen and true installed pump will please the owner of the cottage and his family for a long time with a large amount of clean and very tasty water.

Centralized water supply to country houses and dachas do not always work the way they wanted: interruptions, shutdowns, weak pressure. Therefore, many homeowners prefer to install an autonomous pumping station on their site. In order not to have problems with water supply in the future, you will have to think in advance how to choose water pumps and how to install them.

There are many models on the market, which are divided into two main groups: professional and household. The former are capable of transferring up to 3-4 tons of water per minute, while the productivity of the latter is about 60 l / min. For a small private house, a household pump is more suitable, but which one?

According to the principle of work, they are:

  • self-priming - the most common;
  • manual - do not require electricity and other sources of energy, only physical strength is needed;
  • wells and wells.

According to the place of installation and the method of water intake, the pumps are divided:

  • external - take liquid from open reservoirs;
  • submersible - pumped from wells or wells;
  • injection - capable of sucking water from a depth of ten meters or more due to special nozzles.

According to the purpose of use, the units are:

  • drainage - pump media with solid suspensions;
  • circulating - used for the heating and air conditioning system in the house;
  • water devices.

The choice of this or that pump determines its purpose and the source of water. To pump out liquid from a nearby reservoir, natural or artificial, and send it to water the garden, you need a submersible drainage pump. They also drain flooded cellars or trenches.

To deliver drinking water to the house, you will need a borehole installation with a filter or a submersible well. If the source is relatively clean, then you can download it with a surface apparatus. It does not need to be lowered into the reservoir and make sure that it is always drowned - the pump takes water with a hose.

A powerful circulation pump will operate in the plumbing and heating system.

most main characteristic pump will be its performance, that is, the ability to pump a certain volume of water per unit time. For a family of 4–5 people, a device with a capacity of 30–40 liters per minute is sufficient for living.

The next significant indicator that requires attention is the pressure or height to which the installation can raise water. Average figures for household pumps: suction depth - 4-7 m, water column - 10-15 m. These parameters are important, because sometimes you have to not only pump liquid from the depth, but also deliver it to the second or even third floor while maintaining pressure. Moreover, external pumps for wells are vortex and centrifugal. The former are more suitable for shallow wells and create good pressure in the pipeline. In addition, their price level is somewhat lower. Centrifugal machines are intended for very deep mines.

The pressure in the plumbing system depends on these two characteristics. The generated pressure differs for pumps of different models. And the value you need is calculated depending on the size of the site, the way groundwater occurs and your needs.

What else to look for when buying a device?

When buying a particular brand of pump, you must consider:

  1. Plumbing quality. Its material, diameter and fittings are important: valves, tees, turn signals.
  2. Idling controller that stops the pump if there is no water in the system and thus prevents it from breaking.
  3. The pressure switch monitors the pressure in the pipeline and allows the unit to operate in different modes.
  4. The hydraulic accumulator controls the operating pressure and prevents overload.
  5. High-quality electrical insulation guarantees the safe use of the pump.
  6. Source of power. There are electric and petrol machines.
  7. Electric motor cooling system. It comes in water or oil. The latter is considered more reliable, but such a model also costs more.
  8. The number of phases of the electrical network. Particularly powerful pumps are powered by a three-phase network, the installation of which requires a separate permit, and this possibility is not available everywhere.
  9. Pump housing. Cast iron heavy, but well dampens noise and vibration during operation. A stainless steel or metal-plastic shell is noisier, although lighter.

When choosing a submersible pump, it is important that it matches the cross section of the well. Its maximum overall dimension must be at least 10 mm smaller.

Some parts of the water pump are considered consumables, such as replacement filters and hoses. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace switches or control units. Hydraulic accumulators can also fail and have to be replaced sooner or later.

Pay attention to the possibility of servicing your installation and the proximity of repair centers. Warranty obligations of different manufacturers sometimes differ greatly among themselves.


We offer you to watch an informational video about the types of pumps.

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