Why plastic is harmful to nature. Plastic and plastic: harmful and dangerous. Harm of plastic bottles for the body

MOSCOW, November 10 - RIA Novosti. Valery Spiridonov, the first candidate for a head transplant, talks about how the land and oceans of the Earth are rapidly "overgrown" with plastic debris, how it affects the functioning of ecosystems and how it can be combated.

The era of plastic

Often, the modern benefits of civilization create not only convenience for people, but also cause irreparable damage to nature. In the last 10 years alone, more plastic products have been produced worldwide than in the previous century.

Disposable tableware, bags, packaging, bottles and various containers are the most common types of plastic waste that we "produce" every day. Only five percent of its volume is ultimately recycled and reused in everyday life and life.

Plastic causes serious damage to the environment, from its production to disposal. Factories producing plastic products emit up to 400 million tons into the atmosphere carbon dioxide per year and approximately 800 animal species are now threatened with extinction due to eating and plastic poisoning.

Disposable bags clog city sewer systems and create flood threats, plastic debris litter beaches and recreational areas, hurting the tourism industry.

The soil

Scientists: Stomachs of 90% of seabirds were filled with plasticOceanologists conducted a large-scale study of the diet of seabirds, which unexpectedly showed that the stomachs of 90% of sea birds contain particles of plastic, which indicates a greater scale of plastic pollution in the sea than previously thought.

It is known that plastic decomposes for about two hundred years. Once in the ground, plastics break down into small particles and begin to be thrown into the environment. chemical substances added to them during production. It can be chlorine, various chemicals, such as toxic or carcinogenic flame retardants.

Microgranules of plastic and its chemicals seep through the groundwater to the nearest water sources, which often leads to the mass death of animals.


According to UN environmentalists, about 13 million tons of plastic waste enters the ocean every year.

Attempts to stop the catastrophic trend have been going on since the middle of the 20th century. Even then, environmentalists sounded the alarm about the growing "Great Garbage Patch", which currently, according to various estimates, covers up to one percent of the Pacific Ocean.

According to forecasts by the British Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by 2025 for every three kilograms of fish in the world's oceans there will be a kilogram of garbage, and by 2050 the mass of waste will be higher than the combined weight of all fish on Earth.

Plastic makes up 80 percent of all debris in the world's oceans. Under the influence of sunlight, it breaks down into small particles. Plastic microgranules accumulate persistent toxic substances on their surface.

Undecomposed plastic bags end up in the stomachs of marine mammals and birds. Ecologists have calculated that tens of thousands of birds, whales, seals, and turtles die from this every year. Animals die of suffocation, or indigestible debris accumulates in their stomachs and interferes with their work.

The result is that the same waste that we throw away is returned to us back on the dining table along with food or water.

Salt is no longer

Recent studies by scientists confirm that these fears are well founded. For example, NYU professor Sherry Mason argues that plastic is already everywhere: "In the air, in the water, in the seafood, in the beer we drink, in the salt we use."

In his work, the scientist examined 12 different types of salt from grocery stores. different countries peace. The found particles of plastic indicate that people constantly consume it in food. The calculation showed that Americans eat over 660 plastic particles a year, with an average recommended salt intake of 2.3 grams per day. The consequences of plastic consumption for human health are still little studied, but it is undoubted that it has a negative impact, as it does on any living organism.

Spanish ecologists have also found microplastics in two dozen samples of table salt. Most often, they found in them polyethylene terephthalate, a polymer used in the production of plastic bottles. Another international team of scientists has found other types of plastic in salt, such as polyethylene and polypropylene.

Sources of pollution

According to environmentalists today, China is the leader in pollution of the world's oceans. It is followed by other Asian countries - Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The inhabitants of the sea coast in these states do not always care about its cleanliness and all the garbage here, as a rule, ends up in the ocean.

The total number of daily discarded plastic products in the US, EU, Norway and China reaches 37 thousand tons, in Russia - no more than 10 thousand tons. Existing plastic recycling technologies can only partially solve the environmental problem.

Legislative regulation

Proposals are being put forward for a consolidated international action plan to address the problem of plastic waste.

Experts from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) acknowledge that the problem has been exacerbated by prolonged inaction. Under the auspices of UNEP, the World Campaign to Combat Marine Litter has been launched.

An illustrative example is the Italian city of Capannori with a population of 46,700 people. In 2007, a zero waste strategy was introduced here. In ten years, the volume of garbage has been reduced by 40 percent. At the same time, only 18 percent of waste ends up in landfills.

It is worth noting that such a strategy requires certain investments and should include mechanisms for financing the fight against garbage. Alternatively, there is the "polluter pays" principle. For an industry with $750 billion in annual revenue, it could be quite effective.

More than 40 countries have established legal restrictions and bans on the use of plastic bags in their territories.

© AP Photo / Eric Risberg

© AP Photo / Eric Risberg

There are no such laws in Russia yet. According to current estimates by environmentalists and economists, Russian industrial enterprises produce approximately 26.5 billion plastic bags. If all of them were collected, then it would be possible to cover an area three times the size of Moscow.

In this regard, Greenpeace Russia launched the campaign "Package? - Thank you, no!" The purpose of the campaign is to call on the largest supermarket chains to abandon plastic bags. Anyone can support the program by sending a letter of appeal to retailers on the organization's website.

Personal culture of consumption

Every day we have an alternative: buy mineral water in a glass or plastic bottle, take disposable paper utensils or plastic plates for a picnic, use reusable shopping bags or shopping bags. Environmental concern or personal convenience? The choice determines the level of a person's self-consciousness.

Of course, such a culture in society is instilled over the years. The less each of us starts using plastic in Everyday life, the faster manufacturers will reduce its production volumes. You should not choose "disposable" plastic solely because of its low price - often many plastic items can be replaced with reusable products made from more environmentally friendly materials.

For example, calculations by British analysts show that the reuse of plastic packaging will save up to 120 billion dollars every year. Decreasing plastic production, it seems to me, can increase the demand for more environmentally friendly reusable products from other raw materials and make them cheaper by increasing their mass production.

It is quite likely that we will be able to turn the tide in a few years and stop or at least slow down the environmental catastrophe.

There are other futuristic views on pollution problems. According to some scientists, irreversible changes are already taking place on our planet, we are threatened with a shortage drinking water, global warming and other things that will make the Earth unsuitable for human life.

Some of them suggest not to look for new ways to save the Earth, but to focus on finding new planets that are most suitable for the resettlement of mankind. Even leaving aside questions of ethics and morality, it seems to me that such a path is not reasonable from a strategic point of view. It’s easier to put your “beautiful and well-equipped house” in order by cleaning it than to build and settle in a new one.

All plastics are safe when used correctly. It would seem that difficult? But there are still subtleties, and most often they seem unimportant. How not to use plastic to your detriment, explains Elena Yurkevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences and Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Preventive and Environmental Toxicology at the National Research Center for Hygiene.

Toxic plastic components can get into products

Plastic utensils, food storage in bags and containers for "bags" - hygienists do not welcome such devotion to polymers. There are too many situations where the harmless ceases to be harmless.

Before getting into mass production or the distribution network, packaging and raw materials for them undergo a strict hygienic assessment. They are investigated, tested for the migration of harmful chemicals, for toxicity, including on microorganisms and animals.

But in general, plastic dishes should be used only in exceptional cases, when there is no porcelain, glass, metal, or wood. After all, polymers "age".

“Over time, the toxic components of their monomers can pass into the content, that is, into food product, especially if an aggressive liquid is poured into the container: an alcoholic or carbonated drink, sour juice, yogurt, vegetable oil, "- tells Elena Yurkevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences and Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Preventive and Ecological Toxicology, Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene.

For example, long-used polyvinyl chloride releases carcinogenic formaldehyde, phthalates (phthalic acid esters), and allergenic vinyl chloride; polystyrene - formaldehyde, phthalates and styrene; polyethylene - formaldehyde and methanol; polyethylene terephthalate - formaldehyde and phthalates.

Polyvinyl chloride and other names here are terms indicating the origin of the polymer. They are used in a professional environment. In everyday life, more often, substances are simply called "plastic" or "plastic".

Plastics should not be washed with a brush

In order not to harm yourself, you just need to know the simple rules.

When washing with hard brushes and brushes, plastic can be damaged. Then it is better to throw it away, even if it is just scratched. For the same reason, plastic dishes should not be washed in the dishwasher and water in plastic bottles should not be frozen.

Polymer package becomes unsafe for good health at drops temperatures, repeated freezing, warming up in a microwave oven (unless specifically designed for this). For polycarbonate or other plastic packaging, the likelihood of harmful bisphenol A release when heated increases tenfold.

Another source is canned food and packaged drinks. And it's best to avoid high-fat canned foods, as they accumulate phthalic acid esters and BPA.

Vacuum packed - not for storage

Give up the habit of storing bread and bakery products in plastic packaging. It is desirable to place them in natural materials - cotton, linen, paper or in a wooden or metal bread box.

The same should be done with fruits, vegetables, and some other products. For long-term storage, including in the refrigerator, only those polymeric materials that have been specially tested for this purpose are intended.

If you bought meat, fish, vegetables, cheese or other product in a vacuum package, you must remember: air is removed from the package and / or filled with an inert gas. And after opening in the presence of oxygen, mold, yeast and other microorganisms, “dormant” in an oxygen-free environment, begin to actively grow. It is better to transfer the unused product to a glass, porcelain or ceramic container.

Reusable disposable cups are harmful

And if you want to understand the types of plastics, then the following tips will also be useful.

Based materials polyethylene low pressure (HDPE) not suitable for packaging fat-containing products: the unbound components present in HDPE migrate to the latter and accelerate the oxidation process - the fat goes rancid.

Polystyrene products(certain types of disposable tableware) cannot be used for alcohol, hot drinks, acidic liquids. As the temperature rises, the risk of release of toxic styrene derivatives increases, which can accumulate in the liver and kidneys. Unfortunately, polystyrene cups still “give out” some coffee machines.

And in general, any disposable polymer container cannot be reused. Observe terms and conditions of operation specific polymer containers or packaging.

Marking: it is better to refuse plastics "7", "3" and "6"

In addition to all of the above, it is worth tracking the label on the container. "Snowflakes" indicate that the container is suitable for freezing food, "Stove with waves"- that you can heat food in the microwave in it, and "plates under the shower" indicate that it is allowed to put the container in the dishwasher. Icon "glass and fork" indicates that the dishes are suitable for contact with food.

Special attention - recycling signs(a triangle of arrows) and tips on what type of plastic the dishes are made of. The species is indicated by numbers from 1 to 19, located inside the triangle. Discard "7" (other), "3" (polyvinyl chloride) and "6" (polystyrene).

But the unit denotes the most environmentally friendly polymer, polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Bottles for non-alcoholic water and juices, disposable cups, boxes are made from it.

However, doctors do not recommend using these products again: firstly, it is difficult to wash such containers well in everyday life, microorganisms remain and multiply in it; secondly, over time, PET materials lose their protective properties and begin to release toxic substances.

It is better for children to eat from glassware or specially labeled plastic.

And for children in general it is better to take glassware. Why?

“In the manufacture of polymer products, phthalates (phthalic acid esters) and bisphenol A are added to give elasticity and a number of other properties, Elena says. - When food is heated and stored for a long time, these substances can pass into the product. For pregnant women, fetuses and newborns, this chemistry is dangerous even in small quantities.».

In the human body, bisphenol A increases the level of estrogen - increases the risk of developing cancer of the prostate, testicles, and mammary glands; impairs the quality of sperm; reduces brain activity; provokes cardiovascular diseases, allergies, delayed brain development.

“It is no coincidence that in 2010 the United States officially recognized this substance as a health hazard,”- adds a specialist.

If you still need something made of polymer for a child, the compromise is plastic labeled "5" (polypropylene) and products labeled "DPAfree", "BPA free" or "BPA free".

Try to refrain from purchasing polycarbonate products marked with a triangle, inside which are the letters PC, the numbers 7 (07) or the inscription "OTHER" on the bottom.

Plastic has taken over quickly modern man. Now plastic products are all around us. This synthetic material is widely used for the storage and consumption of food and water. Let's learn more about the composition of plastic bottles.

What's wrong with plastic utensils?

We will not escalate the situation: just read and draw conclusions.

The human body is under chemical attack from all sides, but the worst thing is that we do not even notice it. But then we are surprised, it is not clear where the illnesses and ailments come from.

And all because we are accustomed to unconditionally trust the opinion of the crowd. A typical manifestation of the herd instinct. In the system, it is considered right to be like everyone else and to accept without fail what is given, and not to think, and even more so not to be aware.

« Don't think, just consume! ' is the motto of our time. The system does not care about our health, the system is only busy with self-preservation and absorption of everything that it can reach.

Now is the time when the health of the buyer for the manufacturer means nothing. Just business, nothing personal. Profit comes first, nothing else matters. It doesn't matter if the buyer dies a couple of decades earlier, and irreparable damage will be done to the environment. The main thing is to have time to weld now, and after, as they say, at least a flood. This is the true face of capitalism, when money comes first.

If in the Stone Age people had to protect themselves from animal predators, now we are forced to fight against the same predators in the face of corporations with animal habits. The purpose of which is simple and understandable - the satisfaction of the lower instincts, that is, money, money, money, and everything else does not matter.

Yes, it's not easy to keep your health in modern world! Even such trifles as plastic dishes and bottles also contribute to the destruction of human health. Let's find out the details about the harm of plastic and, of course, figure out how to avoid this harm.

Harm of plastic bottles

Why are plastic bottles dangerous?

It turns out that the composition of such containers may contain the chemical bisphenol-A.

It is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone.

And this harmful substance from the plastic of the bottle is able to penetrate into water or liquid, and then into the human body.

If you drink water from plastic bottles, then you increase the content of bisphenol in the body. A high concentration of this substance greatly harms a person. Let's find out exactly what the danger is.

  • Bisphenol has a harmful effect on boys and young men. Even a slight increase in the concentration of this substance can lead to a malfunction of the hormonal glands. Due to the poisoning of the body with bisphenol-A, upon reaching puberty, there is a high probability of a violation of the process of creating spermatozoa.
  • For men, water from plastic bottles is no less harmful. First, an increased concentration of bisphenol increases the likelihood of prostate cancer. Secondly, bisphenol has a negative effect on man's health because the hormonal background is disturbed.
  • Girls and women are also susceptible to the negative effects of BPA. This harmful chemical contributes to early puberty in girls and can also trigger the development of breast cancer in women. Women's reproductive functions also suffer.
  • It is generally contraindicated for pregnant women to drink water from plastic bottles, since due to bisphenol poisoning, a child may be born with birth defects, for example, with impaired work of cardio-vascular system. Hormonal problems are no less likely. Scientists suggest that bisphenol-A can even have a negative effect on the structure of DNA.

So, the harm of plastic bottles lies in the contamination of the human body with a foreign chemical substance - bisphenol-A. Which, in turn, leads to general intoxication of the body and the consequences listed above.

« But after all, everyone drinks water from plastic and nothing ... "- you say. Let's figure out in which case plastic bottles are dangerous.

1⃣ Firstly, it all depends on the regularity of drinking water from plastic bottles. Scientists at Harvard University conducted a study and found that drinking cold plastic liquids for just one week increased the level of bisphenol in the urine by 69%.

2⃣ Secondly, the release of bisphenol depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the more active the contamination of water with bisphenol from plastic. That is, the usual summer heat can increase the concentration of a harmful substance in water tenfold. Well, if you fill it with hot liquid or specially heat plastic bottles, then the release of bisphenol will increase up to 55 times! This fact should be known to parents who warm milk in plastic bottles for their children.

What to do? It is necessary to reduce the intake of bisphenol in the body. This means less use of plastic bottles. Replacing them, for example, with glass ones, will positively affect your health.

You can also look for BPA-free plastic bottles: some manufacturers, sensing increased demand and, accordingly, the smell of money, began to produce safer containers for liquids. This is indicated on the packaging. Of course, in addition to bisphenol, there may be other harmful substances there, but at least you will get rid of the most harmful. That is, all we need is to show a little more awareness in everyday life.

Disposable plastic utensils have become equally widespread over the past decades. There are several types of plastic utensils depending on the composition, and each material has certain disadvantages. The composition of the plastic is indicated on the dishes themselves in the form of a triangle with a number, so you can always find out what yours is made of. plastic tableware.

1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) . These are disposable cups, plates, jars, boxes, bottles. Dangerous if reused or heated. Even ordinary heat (28°C) increases the rate of release of harmful substances into water or food stored in pet dishes by 10 times.

2. High density polyethylene (HDPE). Bags, mugs, jars, bottles are made from this material. Do not expose to high temperatures. Otherwise, a carcinogen, formaldehyde, is released from such plastic dishes, which is very harmful to the human body.

3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Plastic bottles and cling film are made from polyvinyl chloride. If the operating conditions are not observed, harmful toxic substances are released - phthalates, dioxide, bisphenol-A, heavy metals and vinyl chloride. Attention! Do not heat, cool (including in the refrigerator), contact with fatty foods is prohibited.

4. Low pressure polyethylene (LDPE). It is used for the manufacture of flexible plastic packaging, bottles (for vegetable oil), bags, containers for storing detergents. When heated, it releases a carcinogenic poison - formaldehyde. Please note: often in fast food establishments they microwave food directly in plastic bags. You can't do that!

5. Polypropylene (PP). It is used in the manufacture of food packaging film, yogurt cups, plates, spoons, forks, caps, baby bottles, hot food containers. Withstands temperatures up to 100°C. However, alcohol should not be drunk from this plastic, and fatty foods should not be eaten. Well, it is not recommended to heat above 100 ° Celsius. If polypropylene is used incorrectly, then a crushing blow to the kidneys and vision can be dealt.

6. Polystyrene (PS). These are trays and containers for storing food, spoons and forks, glasses. Do not heat polystyrene dishes, including drinking hot drinks from them. Do not use polystyrene for storing / drinking alcohol. The utensils are intended exclusively for cold food. In case of violation of operating conditions, it releases styrene into food or water, which is a carcinogen and chemical estrogen that adversely affects reproductive functions.

7. A mixture of different plastics (OTHER). This is a plastic dish various materials. The composition can be different: for example, water coolers, common in offices, are most often made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate, with prolonged use or heating, releases the toxic element bisphenol-a, which disrupts the physiological processes in the body and leads to hormonal imbalance.

So, we have considered all the materials from which plastic dishes are made. The conclusion is simple - any plastic utensils are harmful in one way or another.

How often do you look at what plastic is made of? Probably not much. But after all, it’s not a hunt to be poisoned ... Therefore, you either need to carefully look at the composition of the plastic and use it without violating the rules of operation. Or (which is preferable) try to limit the use of plastic utensils in everyday life as much as possible. So you definitely save yourself from the harm of plastic utensils. And you don’t have to remember whether or not this material can be used in certain conditions.


Plastic is everywhere. By reducing its use, you will free up the resources of your body. Previously, these resources were used mainly to eliminate the effects of permanent synthetic intoxication. Now you can direct the released forces to something really necessary!

Yes, giving up plastic dishes and bottles is not so easy. The system is to blame for everything - it is beneficial for you to be in constant employment, snack on synthetic fast food on the go and work, work, work. No free energy, no self-improvement. Your body should only more or less function for the benefit of the system. You must be obedient to the cogs in the mechanism, for everything else you should not have the strength and energy left. Your resources should only be enough to crawl home and hang in front of a TV or computer.

Plastic dishes play a role in our enslavement - being in constant intoxication, we will never go out of order. For all the forces will be spent on the most important thing - cleansing the body and maintaining life.

Perhaps I exaggerated a little. But just to convey one simple idea: only you can take care of your health, no one else needs it.

It is worth paying more attention to the operating conditions of each plastic product. And if you have the opportunity to completely eliminate plastic utensils from your diet or just use them less often, then do it, and your body will definitely accept such changes with gratitude.

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Plastic and plastic are man-made synthetic materials necessary for industrial production and have a fairly low cost. In the modern world, their use is widespread, and the negative impact of plastics on health is not taken seriously, despite the fact that most adults and children are in close contact with the products.

Harm of plastic bottles for the body

Many oncologists say that such popular plastic dishes pose a danger to human health, since when heated, the container intensively produces carcinogenic substances, in particular, bisphenol-A.

Foreign scientists expressed this opinion many years ago. Statistics show that one of the main etiological factors in the occurrence of breast cancer is the use of water from plastic bottles. The harm increases several tens of times if you drink water from such a container left in the sun for a long time.

Doctors recommend drinking water from glass bottles, but plastic is much cheaper, and, therefore, drinks in plastic containers will also have an acceptable price. But in countries where drinks in plastic have been sold for many years, the incidence of oncology is much higher.

Other factors also contribute to the occurrence of cancer - for example, poor ecology, heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, consumption of products with GMOs, etc. However, scientists from Australia conducted an experiment among people who regularly consume drinks from plastic bottles, and the carcinogen bisphenol-A was found in their urine, which increases the risk of developing not only cancer, but also arthritis, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.

Harm of plastic utensils

Disposable tableware is in high demand in last years. It is divided into several types depending on the composition and hazard class.

It is strictly forbidden to heat up in the microwave (which itself, in principle, can) drinks and foods in plastic utensils and plastic bags.

The composition of the plastic is indicated in the form of a special marking, so you can find out what the dishes are made of:

  1. Polyethylene terephthalate. It is used to make cups, bottles, disposable plates. It is extremely harmful and dangerous to heat and reuse this container. Heat above 25 degrees increases the rate of release of carcinogens tenfold.
  2. Polyethylene. It is used to produce bags, bottles, jars with cups. It is also forbidden to expose it to high temperatures due to the intensive release of formaldehyde, a powerful carcinogen.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride. Plastic bottles and cling film are made from it. Do not heat or cool it to avoid the production of phthalates, dioxide and vinyl chloride, which can cause many diseases. It is recommended to avoid contact of such dishes with fatty foods.
  4. Low-pressure polyethylene. Widely used in the production of flexible packaging, oil bottles. When heated, formaldehyde is released.
  5. Polypropylene. It is often used to make cling film, yogurt cups, disposable plates, forks, spoons, lids, bottles for baby food and hot food containers. Such dishes can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C, but you can’t drink alcohol from it and eat fatty foods. This type is the safest for health.
  6. Polystyrene. These are trays, lunch boxes for food, glasses and other disposable tableware. It is forbidden to warm it, drink hot drinks and alcohol from it. The utensils are used exclusively for chilled food. Styrene produced when heated is one of the aggressive chemicals and leads to the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system.
  7. A mixture of many plastics. Usually, several materials are used for the production of coolers, etc.

Thus, any plastic utensils are harmful to health to one degree or another, so it is best to reduce their use as much as possible.

Harm to the environment and ecology

Due to the pollution of the planet with plastics and plastics, natural and ecological problems. The negative impact extends to animals, the earth's surface, oceans, seas and rivers:

  1. Plastic is capable of releasing chemicals into the soil, which ends up in groundwater and other water sources. The so-called biodegradable plastic emits methane and tritan, which have a negative impact on global warming.
  2. One of the main components of garbage in the sea is plastic, which decomposes for many years, releasing the carcinogens bisphenol-A and polystyrene. In the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans there are huge garbage patches, sometimes growing to the size of islands.

Researchers have estimated that there are about 300,000 tons of plastic in the oceans.

Plastic pollution poisons and kills animals: they either accidentally eat the plastic or become entangled in it and die. Every year, about 500,000 mammals in the ocean die for this reason, and this figure is growing rapidly.

How to protect yourself from harmful substances

It is worth paying attention to the fact that on any plastic container there is a special code indicating the type of plastic. For example, 2, 4 and 5 indicate its harmlessness. It is commonly used in the production of dairy products, toys, glasses and bottles for children.

It is impossible to completely protect yourself and prevent chemicals from entering the body, but you can try to minimize the harm. For this you should:

  • limit the use of dishes with dangerous coding;
  • do not heat drinks and food in plastic containers;
  • do not reuse plastic utensils;
  • do not store drinks and food in containers for a long time;
  • if possible, drink and eat from glassware;
  • comply with the rules for the operation of plastic;
  • do not buy disposable products with a bright color and a pungent odor;
  • for children, use only environmentally friendly or glassware.

In countries such as Australia, Bangladesh, Ireland and China, the use of plastic bottles is strictly prohibited.

Plastic bottles, containers and utensils have firmly entered our everyday life. But simultaneously with “plasticization”, there are more and more reports about the danger that this material is fraught with: under certain conditions, it releases toxic compounds that, when they enter the human body, gradually undermine his health.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of the "plastic" substances found in the human body get there from building and finishing materials, in particular, from such popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all - from dishes: from food plastic, all kinds of compounds pass into food. Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe. True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose.

The most common polymer materials (or plastics) are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, and polycarbonate. They produce both technical and food plastics. The polymers themselves are inert, non-toxic and do not "migrate" into food. But here are intermediate substances, processing aids, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products that can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans.

This process can occur during storage of products or when they are heated. In addition, polymeric materials are subject to change (aging), as a result of which degradation products are released from them. And different kinds plastics become toxic under various conditions - some cannot be heated, others cannot be washed, etc.

Dangerous fragility of plastic

Polyvinyl chloride is a chlorine-based polymer. It is distributed all over the world because it is extremely cheap. It is used to make bottles for drinks, boxes for cosmetics, containers for household chemicals, disposable tableware. Over time, PVC begins to release a harmful substance - vinyl chloride. Naturally, from the bottle it gets into soda, from the plate - into food, and from there - directly into the human body. And vinyl chloride is a carcinogen. Highlight it dangerous substance The PVC bottle starts one week after the contents have been poured into it. A month later in mineral water a few milligrams of vinyl chloride accumulate. From the point of view of oncologists, this is a lot.

Often plastic bottles are reused, tea or fruit drinks and even alcoholic drinks are poured into them. Markets sell milk and butter in plastic bottles. Five-liter bottles replaced buckets and canisters for summer residents, and advocates healthy lifestyle lives go with them to the springs for "living" water and store in them for a year baptismal water. Experts are unanimous: nothing but water can be refilled into water bottles. And even then not in all. Only PET bottles can be reused. PVC bottles release toxic PVC.

However, many experts are sure that any bottled plastic remains neutral only in the absence of oxygen, that is, as long as the water retains its original chemical composition. As soon as the bottle is opened, the water quickly changes its properties, after which the plastic inevitably changes its properties. As for the "living" and holy water, then its healing properties can only be preserved in glass containers.

How to distinguish hazardous PVC products from safe plastic? You need to look at the bottom. Conscientious manufacturers put an icon at the bottom of dangerous bottles - a three in a triangle. Or they write PVC - this is how PVC is designated in English. But there are few such bottles with honest inscriptions. Harmful capacity can also be recognized by the influx on the bottom. It happens in the form of a line or a spear with two ends. But the surest way is to press the bottle with your fingernail. If the container is dangerous, a whitish scar forms on it. The "correct" bottle remains smooth.

Disposable cups can only be used for water. It is better not to drink sour juices, sodas, hot and strong drinks from them! Hot foods are not recommended to be placed in polystyrene plates.

Convenient, practical, but risky

The time for picnics is approaching, and in order to minimize household inconveniences, we stock up on plastic plates. Pour tea from a thermos or alcoholic drinks into plastic cups. Cheap, practical, but not safe.

Disposable plastic utensils cost a penny. But plastic is a delicate material. Cracks in the world. Melts from the heat. For strength, stabilizers are added to it. Plastic is getting stronger and... more toxic.

Polystyrene (indicated by the letters PS) is indifferent to cold liquids. But it's worth pouring hot or alcoholic drink, as a harmless cup begins to release a toxic compound called styrene. Plates made of polystyrene are often used in summer cafes for barbecue. And the client, in addition to hot meat and ketchup, also receives a dose of toxins.

Tin Can Mystery

Any polymeric material ages under the influence of light, heat, heating and contact with various substances. Then it becomes cloudy, absorbs odors and ingredients from the contents and releases toxic substances. Food manufacturers indicate that the shelf life applies not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging. This is especially true for canned goods. For example, they can detect a toxic substance - biphenol. A plastic film containing biphenol is lined with the inner surface cans so that the metal does not come into contact with food. From here, biphenol can pass into the contents. So:
  • ditch canned food in favor of fresh and frozen foods.
  • transfer food from opened cans to glass, even if it is a short-term storage (under the influence of oxygen, the corrosion of cans increases dramatically and the content of lead and tin in food begins to increase rapidly).

Follow the label

At one time, to simplify the sorting of plastic, a special international marking was developed - triangles formed by arrows with a number inside. The number indicates the type of plastic. Instead of a number or under a triangle at the same time as the number, you can find the letter code of the plastic:

  • PET
    Polyethylene terphthalate: bottles for carbonated drinks, water, juice, dairy products, vegetable oils, cosmetic products, etc.
  • HDP
    High density polyethylene: packaging bags, garbage bags
  • PVC
    Polyvinyl chloride: building and finishing materials, furniture, shoes, medical products, water bottles, food packaging film
  • LDP
    Low density polyethylene: detergent bottles, toys, pipes
  • PP
    Polypropylene: medical products, hot dishes, food packaging film
  • PS
    Polystyrene: disposable tableware, cups for dairy products, yogurt, electrical insulation film
  • Other types of plastic: multi-layer packaging or composite plastic

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Tarakanova, technologist at Bytplast
The plastic used for the production of products that come into contact with food and children's assortment is subject to mandatory examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and is certified. And if the manufacturer declares, for example, that the product is intended for drinking water, then it is checked as a container for drinking water. The manufacturer is required to label his products. Food plastic has a generally accepted label - "glass and fork." It may be written that it is intended for cold, bulk or hot products, for use in microwave oven or for freezing, sometimes a temperature range is indicated. “Snowflakes” indicate that the container is suitable for freezing food, “wave oven” indicates that the dishes can be heated in the microwave, and “shower plates” indicate that the containers can be washed in the dishwasher. This marking is also used by some Russian manufacturers, including us.

Polypropylene glass (marking - PP) can withstand temperatures up to +100°C. But it does not tolerate a chemical attack - it emits formaldehyde or phenol. If you drink vodka from such a glass, not only the kidneys suffer, but also the eyesight. Formaldehyde is also considered a carcinogen.

Disposable packaging - one time only

Buy food, plastic utensils and cling film only from well-known manufacturers and only in reliable stores.

In order for plastic utensils to be safe, they must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Food plastic of different brands has different properties. One brand of this polymer raw material is intended for the production of water bottles, the other is for bottles with carbonated drinks. Yogurt cups are made of plastic of a grade that makes it possible to produce a light and cheap container by casting, while being neutral with respect to milk fat, and pudding cups must resist sugar.

Therefore, experts insist: in no case should plastic packaging be used as food storage containers, and disposable tableware should not be used repeatedly. How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, what compounds can be formed in this case, no one has investigated. Especially insidious are fats and acids, which can draw free toxic compounds out of plastic.

There is one more important point. The plastic container must be washed before reuse. The disposable packaging was not intended for washing, so the result is unpredictable.

The release of all kinds of compounds from plastic is greatly enhanced by heating. Therefore, only special containers can be used in the microwave oven.

  • Store food in glass and ceramic containers.
  • Try to avoid plastic-packed products as much as possible, give preference to products by weight.
  • Cut off the top layer from food stored in plastic packaging.
  • At home, immediately remove the packaging film from the products.
  • Buy drinks only in PET bottles and do not reuse them.
  • Buy baby food only in glass or cardboard.
  • Do not use plastic utensils for baby food.
  • Do not microwave food in plastic containers.
  • Do not keep water in pitcher filters for a long time. In the morning and evening, replace the remaining water with fresh water.
  • A cloudy water pitcher should be thrown away.

Flexible packaging

Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces, seasonings, juices, jams, as well as ready-made soups and cereals that require heating, are sold in packages - regular or "standing". Such bags are made from multilayer combined films. The choice of film depends on the properties of the product, the period and conditions of its storage. Soups, cereals, main courses are packed in bags of films with a high melting point. Dishes in such packaging can be heated in the microwave or boiled directly in the bag. But physiologists advise eating them less often: the less chemistry in life, the better.

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