What does it mean that it did not pass the test in the PCA. Issuance of the error "No confirmation received from the centralized PCA systems" causes. Registration fails

Recently, vehicle owners can take out insurance in the form of a paper document or digital record, called e-OSAGO.

Let's take a look at the implementation of these initiatives in practice and consider all the problems that an insurer who purchases a policy online can face. First, we should name a few points on which the e-OSAGO electronic policy provides a clear advantage in comparison with its traditional counterpart.

Completing an electronic OSAGO has the following advantages:

  • providing drivers with the opportunity to take out insurance without leaving their computer;
  • solving problems of queues in the offices of insurers;
  • elimination of difficulties with artificially created "deficit" of policy forms;
  • combating the unscrupulous policy of insurers to impose additional services;
  • reducing the cost of printing forms with various degrees of protection;
  • ensuring that companies save on employees (automation allows you to reduce staff);
  • providing an opportunity for insurers to refuse to maintain part of the offices, the demand for which should decrease.

As with many other innovations, a number of problems have arisen with electronic policies. They are related to both technical and commercial reasons.

  1. Problems with the registration of the document through the site. The number of motorists who wished to obtain a policy in this way exceeded the capabilities of the technical infrastructure. The problem is connected not only with the overload of the servers of the insurance companies themselves, but also with the inability to serve such a large number of requests coming to the database RSA - Russian Union of Motor Insurers(information about each insured person is kept by this association).
  2. Lack of vehicle registration information in the database. One of the significant problems is the difficulty in exchanging data between the traffic police and the RSA. If the transmission of updated data occurred with errors, then information about the existence of the client's vehicle may simply not be available.
  3. No inspection data. One of the conditions for issuing a policy is a valid diagnostic card. Data about it may also not be available on the PCA server and the system will not allow you to issue OSAGO.
  4. Inability to apply a reduction factor for accident-free driving. If the policyholder does not become the culprit of the accident, then he is given a discount that accumulates every year. It can reach half the cost of the policy. For some reason, the coefficient cannot be applied.
  5. Regional restrictions. Insurers provide the opportunity to purchase a digital policy only to residents of certain cities. They attribute this to the “toxicity” of a number of regions. Under it, companies understand the prevalence of "fraudulent schemes" and the unprofitability of activities in such territories.
  6. Problems for foreigners. These difficulties are related to regional restrictions. If a citizen lives in the capital, but is registered in another city, it will not be possible to obtain a policy. In some cases, an absurd “verification” of the client is provided, lasting up to 30 days.

Some actions of insurers specifically encourage customers to refuse to issue an electronic OSAGO:

  • a reference to a certain limit regarding the number of issued digital policies per day or month;
  • generation of passwords containing characters in Cyrillic and Latin at the same time;
  • intentionally limiting the methods of payment for the policy;
  • charging commissions for the transfer of funds.

All of the above is intended to force the user to come to the office, where he will be forced to purchase insurance along with imposed services. Insurance companies are trying in every possible way to increase the margin of insurance in this way, which is simply unprofitable in terms of OSAGO in some regions of the country due to the activities of auto lawyers. It will not be possible to condition the possibility of issuing an electronic policy by purchasing other products of the company on the site.

Such a policy violates the law, and the corresponding requirements on the company's portal will become irrefutable proof of its guilt. Such actions of insurers are often forced to file complaints against them in Rospotrebnadzor and Bank of Russia .

Important: Feel free to complain to insurance companies. The attitude towards the client after receiving money in practice is so unpleasant for most of them that you need to have proper restraint and be able to correctly and reasonably file a complaint.

Step-by-step instructions for issuing e-OSAGO

Different insurers have their own policy requirements. Without going into them, a number of general stages can be distinguished.

Create an account for a personal account. To access e-insurance, you will have to create an account on the company's website. To do this, you need to fill out the proposed form, entering the following personal data into it:

  • full name;
  • passport details;
  • information about the date and place of birth;
  • registration address;
  • Telephone number;
  • email address.

Checking the entered information. Information about the driver is checked against the data of the centralized database of the PCA. If the information about the policyholder is entered into it, then the user will be sent the account access parameters (password and login) to the email address or mobile number.

Filling out an application. In the form on the site you will need to enter information about:

  • the policyholder (personal data specified above);
  • car (the requested data is transferred from the registration certificate);
  • characteristics of the future policy (validity period, periods of use of the car and date of commencement of validity);
  • citizens who will use the machine.

Checking the entered information. All information will be compared with the contents of the PCA database. If the information is really listed in it, then the user will receive a notification with the calculation of the cost of insurance, the procedure for its payment (bank cards and / or electronic money), as well as the address to which the electronic document will be sent. When the application does not pass the review, the company will indicate the reason for the refusal of registration and offer to correct the request.

Payment and insurance. After transferring the money, the company will send the policy itself to the client's email address.

The document can be printed and taken with you. Its paper version will be a confirmation of registration of OSAGO electronically.

Mistakes when issuing e-OSAGO and their consequences

When filling out an application, there is a risk of making a mistake. Examples are:

  • incorrect indication of the car model;
  • misprints in the full name of the owner, insured and authorized drivers;
  • errors in the room;
  • inaccuracies in specifying details of registration documents;
  • errors in the series or number of the driver's license;
  • indication of the insured as the owner of the car (if these are different persons).

Let's look at the consequences of such errors.

If the insured driver gets into an accident, the company does not have the right to refuse to pay the victim, since the policy has been issued. This does not mean that the driver can ignore the inaccuracy. Problems may arise with the traffic police officer. He is very likely to take a formal approach and fine the driver for not having insurance. Checking the policy is carried out not only in the event of an accident, but also at any stop.

Regardless of the nature of the inaccuracy in the document, the driver is advised to take care of how to correct the error in the CMTPL electronic policy.

According to the changes in the law on OSAGO in 2014, direct compensation for losses from your insurer is now provided. An accident victim has the right to contact his insurance company. You can read about it

A number of unscrupulous citizens deliberately distort information about themselves. This is due to the desire to minimize the insurance premium. Examples are:

  • underestimation of the amount of horsepower;
  • false information about the registration of the insured in the countryside (the lowest territorial coefficient is provided for such owners);
  • overstated driving experience.

All of these options will not work if insurance has already been taken out in connection with the ownership of this car. When the car is new, this possibility exists. In this case, the fraud will be revealed the next time you contact the company (to change the parameters of insurance or due to its extension).

If fraud is detected, the insurer will require additional payment. If an intentional error is established after an accident, the company has the right to file a claim for reimbursement of payments made by the injured to an unscrupulous client.

Important: All information about the vehicle and the driver for registration of E-OSAGO is accumulated in the RSA database. Thus, before receiving the first electronic OSAGO, it is mandatory to issue your first paper policy.

How to make changes to the electronic OSAGO

One of the necessary services for electronic servicing of policyholders is the ability to comfortably make adjustments to an already issued document. Let's figure out what to do if an error is found in the electronic OSAGO, and in other situations when you need to enter new information or parameters.

The grounds for correcting an electronic document are the same as for a paper version:

  • introduction of new drivers;
  • changing the details of a driver’s license in connection with its replacement (although there is no obligation to redo insurance, there is a risk of becoming a victim of an unscrupulous traffic police officer who “does not notice” the mark on a previously valid document);
  • obtaining a new passport;
  • change of residential address.

Unlike the procedure for selling a policy, the law has not worked out the issues of introducing new information into it. This means that the only legal mechanism for changing data in OSAGO insurance is a personal appearance at the insurance company. At the same time, specialists print out a paper version of the document and the policy ceases to be digital. The validity period and other terms of the contract remain the same.

There is a possibility of being rejected by the office staff. This may be due to the fact that the premises are not occupied by the company itself, but by its brokers - agents who have the right to conclude new OSAGO contracts on behalf of the insurer. Another reason is often the desire of employees to impose an additional policy. They associate the possibility of reissuing a document with the purchase of another service. Such actions are illegal and you can complain about company representatives to higher management or to regulatory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, a territorial division of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the financial ombudsman).

A number of insurers provide customers with the opportunity to adjust some document parameters through their personal account. With the growing popularity of digital insurance, there is a high probability of providing a full service that provides for changes to the electronic OSAGO policy.

Extension of the OSAGO policy and replacement of the insurer

When using a digital policy, there is a problem of its renewal. A year after registration (in some cases even earlier), the client will have to receive a new document. Its details depend on the specific insurer. The procedure will include a number of general steps.

  1. Passing inspection. A prerequisite for extending insurance is the availability of an up-to-date diagnostic card. If it is not available, it will have to be obtained at any service station providing such services.
  2. Filling in the data in the personal account. You must go to the website of the insurer and enter the username and password of the account. Many companies provide the possibility of a simplified extension of OSAGO. It is enough to follow the appropriate link and enter data on the number and date of registration of the diagnostic card.
  3. Data validation. If the information is confirmed, the system will offer to proceed to the payment of the document.
  4. Payment and receipt of the policy. After the transfer of money, a new document will be sent to the email address, as in the case of the initial registration.

Important: In subsequent years, the renewal of the policy will be done via the Internet. Some insurers provide a paper-based insurance renewal service in electronic form. To do this, you need to register on the site and enter the details of the expired policy.

Another important point is the transition from one insurance company to another. The most pressing issue is the maintenance of the discount provided for accident-free driving. The functionality of the personal account does not provide for the possibility to issue a bonus-malus coefficient.

To issue it, you will have to provide the insurer with a previously issued policy. The fact of driving without an accident for the previous year will be established upon request to the previous client company.

On the latest amendments to the OSAGO law of 2017, which provided for the implementation of OSAGO payments in "kind form", i.e. in the form of repairs at authorized service stations, you can read

With the recent emergence of the digital policy, there are many gaps and problems that significantly degrade the service provided. Over time, they will be eliminated and the popularity of electronic OSAGO will become significantly higher.

Checking the PCA in CMTPL electronic policies is a mandatory procedure. You enter information about your car, yourself (passport data) and the drivers who will be allowed to drive. The insurance company sends this information in encrypted form to the PCA database.

The check on the PCA database is carried out automatically. Its main purpose is to check whether you had policies before, what is the insurance history on them (number of accidents) and correctly calculate the cost of the policy.

When does verification take place

The PCA database check is launched after you have filled out an application for insurance for an electronic OSAGO policy in your personal account on the website of the insurance company.

Without a positive verification, you will not be able to proceed to pay for the policy.

Why does the PCA test fail?

Verification is not always successful. Often, the insurer's system cannot fulfill it.

The reasons for failure are different. A technical failure, lack of information about you and your car in the database are the most common of them.

Sometimes there is an intentional blocking of the results of the check. Unscrupulous companies are thus trying to regulate the flow of customers and weed out unprofitable ones from “toxic” regions and with losses in previous years. Such actions are prohibited and can lead to painful sanctions for insurers from the PCA and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

What to do if the PCA test fails

When applying for an electronic OSAGO policy on the website of the insurance company, you may be informed that the automatic PCA check has not passed.

For example, in Rosgosstrakh it looks like this:

To remedy the situation, you will be prompted to upload electronic copies of the following documents to the site:

  • policyholder's passport - the main page and the page with registration;
  • vehicle passport - both sides;
  • diagnostic card;
  • driver's license - both sides.

Is it safe? Quite. Access to the personal account for registration of E-OSAGO occurs via the secure https protocol (just in case, check this in the address bar of the browser). Information according to the documents will only go to the insurance company, which does not have the right to transfer it to third parties.

The insurer's specialists will manually check your data on documents in the PCA database. And within 30 minutes, further instructions will be sent by e-mail. From company to company, the time varies, but on average, you won’t have to wait longer than half an hour.

The result of a manual check in the company

The result of a manual check of documents by employees of the insurance company will be a letter.

For example, from Rosgosstrakh, a letter arrives with the following content.

In the letter, you will be informed that everything is in order according to the documents, and you have correctly filled out everything in the application for E-OSAGO.

For the convenience of customers, all data entered in the personal account is saved. Including information on the insured, car and drivers.

All that remains is to go to the payment section and pay for the policy with a bank card.

INSURERS from REGIONS! On you at insurers there are filters! Changing ip won't help...

I can’t issue an electronic OSAGO policy, you can poke buttons for days trying to issue a policy. Enter information over and over again, morning, afternoon and evening, you can get up even at night, but You WILL NOT APPLY electronic OSAGO! And do not even hope.

Since 01/01/2017, the registration of an electronic OSAGO policy has been made mandatory for insurance companies. Until that time, they have taken all possible steps to squeeze out as much money from the insured as possible.

You may not believe it, but it's 2019, and in fact, nothing has changed. Problems with OSAGO online continue.

I found a list of insurance organizations that carry out contracts in the form of electronic documents from the PCA, but I can’t buy an OSAGO policy from them online either.

Updated list of insurers— 51 companies.

None of these companies sells electronic OSAGO. Renew, yes it is possible, buy - no!

For example:

VSK website

It’s not possible to issue an OSAGO policy online at VSK, if you are lucky you will pass the check on the PCA database, but this is for the “chosen ones”, most will see

And IT will spin for an hour, and two, and a day.


They even have a whole problem to start a personal account, I managed it a day later.

But even if you go further, fill in all the fields by entering the data, calculate the cost, you will be given a calculation number, you will need to save the calculation, when saving you will receive an error in the form of an expired session, you will need to refresh the page and here you will get the real reason.

This error says the form is not configured to work with the database. It's all FABULOUS. And you can trust me as a technician.

Rosgosstrakh website

Electronic OSAGO Rosgosstrakh does not work. Here you will get an unexpected error and that's it!

You can pass all insurance companies from the list, but the result will be 0.

I ended up with a happy ending, as they say. I bought a policy, but not online, but at the office of the insurer. And then, as they say, just lucky.

I have tried many ways to apply for OSAGO online!

I tried to apply through acquaintances, but even through them it was necessary to issue additional services + a certain amount “for anxiety” on top. And I just tried to renew the policy in the same company that I bought. NONSENSE.

If you just draw up a policy without acquaintances and blat (I don’t believe I’m writing this myself), you can spend days and weeks with daily roll calls. A working person DOES NOT HAVE THAT MUCH TIME. And this fully explains in full essence why it is impossible to issue OSAGO online.

This is complete chaos, the regulatory authorities do not do shit. The prosecutor's office generally "scored" on everything. Earlier they wrote that "the Prosecutor's office is conducting a large-scale inspection of insurers" and so what? Never mind! Empty! Bagel hole!

All their verification is to fax to the insurance company a request “They say you sell OSAGO with additional services”, to which they also receive an answer by fax Yes, how could you think that! It is the insurers who are begging for additional services from us.” Funny! To tears! But this is how it actually happens.

If everything had been different, they would have made a test purchase, and each insurer would have helped them in this and fined the insurers hundreds of thousands, or even millions of rubles, each.

I would like to say in conclusion.

PEOPLE DON'T TRUST ANYONE! Free it is IMPOSSIBLE to issue an OSAGO policy online in 2019! The only place where you can apply for OSAGO online is Moscow and St. Petersburg, since the policies there are the most expensive and insurers from the regions send them there.

INSURERS from REGIONS! Insurers have filters on you! Neither changing the ip nor using a proxy will help, the filters are configured according to the place of registration.

Insurers do not just mock us, they do it with sadistic pleasure. To do this, they disabled the ability to save the entered data in the form. If you refresh the page you will lose all entered data. That is, you sit for half an hour enter the numbers of rights, titles, etc., at the end you get an error, refresh the page and here is a clean form in front of you. Your data has disappeared.

Only on the website of INGOSSTRAKH, after the calculation, it was written that "you can issue an OSAGO policy at the nearest office." Take advantage of the advice, do not waste time, effort and nerves trying to apply for a policy online. At the moment, you can buy an OSAGO policy only at the office of the insurer.

P.S. Do not forget to check the purchased OSAGO policy on the PCA database, regardless of where you bought it, in the office or online. To our address there have been numerous complaints about the sale of false policies by insurance brokers.

The main problem that motorists face when trying to issue an OSAGO online on the website of an insurance company is an error that occurs that information “ did not pass the test in the AIS RSA”(she is also -“ No acknowledgment received from centralized PCA systems”). This means that the data entered somewhere (at least in some comma, at least in one digit) differs from what is recorded in the database of the Union of Insurers.

There can be three reasons:

  • You just made a mistake somewhere, check all the fields again for typos. The websites of some insurance companies (for example, Rosgosstrakh) highlight in yellow those fields that have not passed the test, or directly list where the errors are (for example, HOSKA). Others (for example, RESO) do not specify what exactly the system did not like.

By the way, that is why it is better to first “catch” errors on such a site, even if you plan to buy OSAGO not from this company, and then register it on your insurance company’s website. Just because the CGS website is made more convenient and highlights errors (on some monitors, a low-contrast yellow backlight is poorly visible, in this case, try looking at the screen “from below”, so the colors will be more contrast and you will see where the error is):

  • Perhaps there are discrepancies in the spelling of the model, or your address, or some other parameter in reality and in the TCP. Therefore, be sure to check the data with the PTS and COP (Certificate of Registration - a card that you carry with you).

And it is even better to check all the fields according to last year's policy - it is these data that "lie" in the AIS RSA. Please note that if there is a choice between the TCP number and the COP number, you must write what was indicated to you in the last OSAGO policy in clause 2

  • The mistake could have been made not by you, but by an agent or an employee of the insurance company when you last issued an OSAGO. You can’t do anything here, you need to find out exactly where the discrepancy is and what it consists of. If you have the time and desire to issue OSAGO via the Internet, then write to the technical support of one (or rather several) insurance companies on the site you are trying to buy OSAGO. Usually, they respond within 1-2 days with a specification of the error.

Also, the problem may not be in the data on the machine itself, but in third-party documents:

  • that the diagnostic inspection card issued to you is entered into the EAISTO, check the data with this database.
  • Check your registration address. In this case, if the number of the new registration certificate does not pass, try to indicate the TCP (and vice versa).
  • new! Thanks to the comments and user reviews on the site, I discovered another common cause of the “PTS / Certificate” error. It is not uncommon for the database in the TCP field to contain the certificate number or vice versa, that is, the type of document is confused. Therefore, try to select the document “certificate of registration of the vehicle”, but dial the number of the vehicle. And vice versa. Helps a lot!
  • new! More and more companies are starting to offer eOSAGO, but most of the “newcomers” do it only in the renewal mode. That is, you can only prolong their last year's policy, but not become a new client of this insurance. If your insurance last year was concluded in one of the companies, then first of all try to renew with them, because only on their website you can automatically download last year's data and thereby eliminate the root of the “PCA problem”.

Where does this error even come from? The fact is that when buying a policy through an agent, the agent is allowed to enter any information into the database. It is believed that he is a qualified employee. And when the question arose of selling insurance online, no one can give drivers the opportunity to indicate horsepower and other important characteristics themselves - otherwise everyone will immediately have 99 hp! Therefore, we made this check - its meaning is that the entered data coincide with the latest data from the AIS SAR database. In other words, they must be the same as they were entered by the agent when you purchased the previous policy.

But agents are not always perfect, besides, a small inaccuracy in the policy did not really matter before. Some agent, for example, wrote by default 99 hp for all small cars, instead of the exact 95, 85 or 91 - anyway, the price is the same. Or another example - in one insurance company in their internal program it was customary to write Hyundai, and in another - Hyundai. Some rounded numbers, others did not. And now the driver will have to “guess” how all the data was recorded in the last insurance.

What else can be done?

  1. If you understand that the error is in the PCA database and “guessed” the error, then you can enter again the data with an error or a typo “as in the database”. This is the case when the online filling service allows you to enter arbitrary data, and not choose from the proposed list (try different insurance companies, everyone has different “interfaces”). Formally, in this way you concluded an insurance contract with incorrect data, but most insurance companies treat this with understanding, even if an insured event occurs (at least I clarified this issue with a representative of HOSKA SG and I was assured that they recognize such an agreement, but they will ask you to come to the office and renew the contract for up-to-date data). But in order to be 100% sure of the legitimacy of the policy, at any time after purchasing e-OSAGO you can contact the office of your insurance company and ask to update the data. The opportunity to change the data on the concluded electronic OSAGO during a personal visit to the sales office was confirmed to me by representatives of Rosgosstrakh, adding that it is planned in the near future (in 2016?) to implement the ability to change the data of the OSAGO e-policy via the Internet. In general, the method is not 100% correct, but in practice there will most likely be no problems.
  2. If your current OSAGO insurance has not ended yet, then you can contact the company where you are currently insured and ask to update the information by changing the data to the correct ones. If possible, check to the letter everything that the office manager will enter into the computer. After that, we wait a couple of days until the data in the PCA database is updated and try again! In addition, some insurance companies are ready to double-check the data even by phone, it is not very clear how they identify the client. But, for example, a reader of the site, Vadim from Samara, said that he simply managed to update the data in the PCA over the phone at the ZHASO insurance company, in which he was insured. This is a much more correct way, however, and it does not always work. An example is in the review of Vitaly from the city of Volzhsky, which he sent to me by mail:

I started punching a month before the end of the policy, errors appeared, then a street with grammatical errors, then the letters in the name of the car are not correct (I have a Suzuki SX4 according to the documents, but SX-4 was entered in the database). I went to the central office in Volgograd, corrected everything, but I still could not get eOSAGO, because. the site gave an error MarkModelCarRsaCode before paying. This mistake is the problem of the notorious “-” in the brand of the car, but as it turned out, it is SX4 that passes through all the bases of all insurers, and only Zetta Insurance LLC (I personally saw it on the monitor) selects only SX-4. So in a month I was not able to solve all the problems, but after adjusting my data by visiting the office (except for the brand of the car), I sort of prepared for the next insurance in a year.

Tips will be updated.

I would love to hear your opinion in the comments.

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