German Gref expressed the secret doctrine of the Russian elite. Power to the people? Never! Gref Gref on the management of the people

The President of Sberbank, the former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, German GREF, at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, forgot that there was a live broadcast and delivered a shocking lecture on the structure of power. Relying on the authority of BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS and MARX, he tried to prove that the people should be purposefully stupefied and in no case be allowed to enter the mechanisms of state administration. The main thing in society is strata: hierarchically built groups, the top of which is allowed everything, the bottom - nothing. The “truth serum” for Gref was an innocent question about the future of democracy in Russia and self-government. - I want to tell you that you say terrible things, actually. From what you say, I get scared, - said the head of Sberbank. - You propose to transfer power in fact to the hands of the population. But you know, for many thousands of years this problem has been a key one in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads thought about this topic. What happened next is popularly called "Put out the light, or Ostap suffered." For some reason, the Catholic Gref began with Buddhism. - At one time, Buddhism was born in this way: the great heir to one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how badly the people live, and tried to help him. He tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make people happier. He did not find an answer, and as a result, Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid down is the rejection of desire. He did not see a way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, and there is no way to realize all desires, - the banker explained to the assembled officials and oligarchs the reason for human misfortunes. Without letting them come to their senses, he moved on to Karl Marx. - The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore it is necessary to work, and it is not a fact that everyone will get this job, and it is not a fact that everyone will receive the desired wage, and it is not a fact that they will be satisfied with this. And at the same time, if each person can participate directly in management, what will we manage? The words that not everyone will get a job, and even if they do, then you should not count on a decent salary, from the mouth of the former Minister of Economic Development sound quite menacing. Well, then the logic is clear. People with low wages should not be allowed into power. They need to go to the barracks. - The great Minister of Justice of China, Confucius, started out as a great democrat, and ended up as a man who came up with a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers like Lao Tzu came up with their theories of Tao, ciphering them, afraid to convey to a simple people, because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their "I", self-identify, manage, that is, manipulate them, it will be extremely difficult, - Gref sighed. It turns out that we do not have and cannot have any right to free information - because otherwise it will be difficult for us to manage, that is, to manipulate. But there is a catch. "People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge," the official admitted ruefully. - In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient. There is only one way out: to deceive - to manipulate - a person is much easier if you deprive him of the opportunity to gain knowledge. Our ministers of education know this better than Gref. It is not for nothing that the former minister Andrei Fursenko introduced the Unified State Examination, and Dmitry Livanov, who replaced him, announced the uselessness of higher education. - Any mass management implies an element of manipulation, - Herman Oskarovich does not get tired of repeating. - How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered on their heads, the media, which are, as it were, independent, but on in fact, we understand that all the media are still busy building, maintaining strata. Willingly or not, but Gref shared the vision of the development of society with Dr. Goebbels, who put it somewhat shorter: "Give me the media, and I will make a herd of pigs out of any nation." We remember the further development of events. Undoubtedly, the liberal Gref also considers himself a swineherd. But he seems to have forgotten that he is not dealing with pigs after all. At least for now. Gref's income In 2013, he entered the top 5 of the Forbes list (1st place) of the most expensive managers in Russia with an income of $ 15 million. The share of Sberbank of Russia shares owned by G. O. Gref: 0.003096% (package price - $ 27.19 million). In 2014, he again appeared in a similar Forbes rating in 4th place with an income of $ 26 million. In 2015, in the list of the most expensive company executives of the same publication, he took 6th place with $ 13.5 million, according to the results of 2016 - third place with $11 million in revenue.

The banker believes that the people should be manipulated and not allowed to power

The President of Sberbank, the former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, German GREF delivered a shocking lecture on the structure of power at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. Relying on the authority of BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS and MARX, he tried to prove that the people should be purposefully stupefied and in no case be allowed to enter the mechanisms of state administration. The main thing in society is strata: hierarchically built groups, the top of which is allowed everything, the bottom - nothing.

The “truth serum” for Gref was an innocent question about the future of democracy in Russia and self-government.
- I want to tell you that you say terrible things, actually. From what you say, I get scared, - said the head of Sberbank. - You propose to transfer power in fact to the hands of the population. But you know, for many thousands of years this problem has been a key one in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads thought about this topic.
What happened next is popularly called "Put out the light, or Ostap suffered."
For some reason, the Catholic Gref began with Buddhism.

- At one time, Buddhism was born in this way: the great heir to one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how badly the people live, and tried to help him. He tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make people happier. He did not find an answer, and as a result, Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid down is the rejection of desire. He did not see a way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, and there is no way to realize all desires, - the banker explained to the assembled officials and oligarchs the reason for human misfortunes. Without letting them come to their senses, he moved on to Karl Marx.
- The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore it is necessary to work, and it is not a fact that everyone will get this job, and it is not a fact that everyone will receive the desired wage, and it is not a fact that they will be satisfied with this. And at the same time, if each person can participate directly in management, what will we manage?
The words that not everyone will get a job, and even if they do, then you should not count on a decent salary, from the mouth of the former Minister of Economic Development sound quite menacing. Well, then the logic is clear. People with low wages should not be allowed into power. They need to go to the barracks.
- Grand Minister of Justice of China Confucius started out as a great democrat, and ended up as a man who came up with a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers such as Lao Tzu, came up with their theories of Tao, encrypting them, being afraid to convey to the common people, because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their “I”, they self-identify, manage, that is, manipulate them, it will be extremely difficult, - Gref sighed.
It turns out that we do not have and cannot have any right to free information - because otherwise it will be difficult for us to manage, that is, to manipulate. But there is a catch.
"People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge," the official admitted ruefully. - In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient.
There is only one way out: to deceive - to manipulate - a person is much easier if you deprive him of the opportunity to gain knowledge. Our ministers of education know this better than Gref. No wonder the former minister Andrey Fursenko introduced the Unified State Examination, and the new Dmitry Livanov declared the uselessness of higher education.
- Any mass management implies an element of manipulation, - Herman Oskarovich does not get tired of repeating. - How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered on their heads, the media, which are, as it were, independent, but on in fact, we understand that all the media are still busy building, maintaining strata.
Willingly or not, but Gref shared the vision of the development of society with Dr. Goebbels, who put it somewhat shorter: "Give me the media, and I will make a herd of pigs out of any nation." We remember the further development of events.
Undoubtedly, the liberal Gref also considers himself a swineherd. But he seems to have forgotten that he is not dealing with pigs after all. At least for now.

At a recent Gaidar skhodnyak forum, the president of Sberbank spoke very frankly about Russia:

“We lost the competition and ended up in the camp of countries that are losing, downshifting countries. The countries and people who managed to adapt in time and invest in it are the winners. Those who did not have time will lose very much »

and called for the sale of its strategic assets to solve the country's economic problems. The State Duma was indignant at the words of the president, for a moment, the state bank of the country and called for his resignation:

"... The head of Sberbank, German Gref, can no longer lead it after saying that Russia is a downshifter country. This opinion was expressed by State Duma Vice Speaker Nikolai Levichev, representing the Just Russia faction."

"- Hearing this derogatory statement about our country from the so-called liberal economists of the 90s is not surprising - they never believed in their own country and sought to sell everything as soon as possible, - TASS quoted him as saying.

I am against persecution for views, various “auto-da-fe”, but I think that after such statements, the head of the largest state-owned bank should have left his post - voluntarily resign, he concluded.

Well, this vice-speaker got excited. I think STILL HOW he can! Indeed, according to the data of 2000, he was reportedly a defendant in at least four criminal cases. This is covered in some detail here:

As for proposals to privatize everything and everything, and of course in favor of one's own pocket, this is the favorite method of all liberal miracle economists, starting from the blessed times of the "great privatizer". I don't even need to give a name - everyone will understand who we are talking about. Yes, and the followers of this economic model gathered, it was at the forum named after their idol of the nineties.

So in 2007, German Gref, who at that time was by the way the "Minister of Economic Development", stated that "... everything that is not related to the performance of the state's direct functions should be privatized. For example, Aeroflot, since transportation is not included in the functions states."

What cannot be taken away is the fact that German Gref is very hardworking. Here is an example of that:

Gref, quite by chance, of course, combines his work at Sberbank with work at the American bank J.P. Morgan Chase.

"The head of Sberbank was elected to the international council of the financial corporation, where he replaced the general director of Rosnano Anatoly Chubais "

By the way, in this American bank, they spoke very well about the work of Anatoly Chubais in it:

"“We are very fortunate that a person with such unique experience as Anatoly Borisovich will share his views and assessments with our firm as we invest in the growth of our business in Russia and other countries of Central Europe” -CEO James Dimon.

After all, our people do not appreciate Anatoly Borisovich and his work, unlike American bankers. Question: maybe his diligence in his work was directed specifically to the American banking system?

Let us return, however, to German Gref ...

"...Despite the fact that Ukraine, under its current government, has actually become a state unfriendly to Russia, which is conducting a punitive operation against pro-Russian southeastern regions, branches of the Russian Sberbank continue to operate in Kyiv and other large Ukrainian cities. The business of the banking structure, headed by the domestic ultra-liberal German Gref, not only did not fall into decay under the conditions of the junta, but, on the contrary, is successfully developing.

Thus, according to the Izvestia publication, all seven Ukrainian branches of the Savings Bank of Russia show an enviable profit. And this is against the background of losses of local credit institutions, including the largest Privatbank and Oschadbank.

As it turned out, the secret of German Gref's success in Nezalezhnaya is to a large extent connected with large credit projects. It turns out that the Russian Sberbank has opened a credit line to Ukrainian government structures to modernize the Ukrainian military-industrial complex and re-equip the army.

There is no doubt: lending to the mobilization economy of a howling state is a super-profitable business ... "

An interesting video of German Gref’s thoughts, where he essentially confirms the existence of a slave system in our country, concealment of facts, deceit and manipulation of public opinion, the mission of the media is to serve the authorities ... well, and something else ... We look - we draw conclusions :)

“You say terrible things. You are proposing to transfer power in fact to the hands of the population,” Gref frightened the participants in the discussion. - Once simple people understand the basis of their self, self-identify, manage, i.e. it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them.”

People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge, he stated.

At the same time, the head of Sberbank referred to great thinkers, "such as Lao-Tzu", who came up with their theories, "encrypting them, being afraid to convey to the common people." He also recalled Confucius, who started as a democrat and then created the doctrine of the division of society into strata.

In Jewish culture, Gref noted, Kabbalah provided the science of life and was a secret teaching for three thousand years, "because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions, to make them self-sufficient."

“How to manage them? Any mass management implies an element of manipulation,” Gref explained.

The head of Sberbank is particularly concerned about a society where "everyone has equal access to information."

“How to live, how to manage such a society, where everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information, not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the mass media, which are sort of independent, but in fact, we understand that is all the media busy preserving the strata?” Graf said.

Russian bloggers reacted sharply to such statements by the head of Sberbank, expressing concern that this was the opinion of a certain "intellectual stratum of the elite."

“If this shameless dropout is really the Russian elite…”, the scholar doubted.

“Gref is afraid of a thinking people, it will be difficult to rob him ...” - other ZhZhists stated.

The botic-yellow blogger suggested that the businessman voiced a conflicting and taboo idea in modern society, where it is customary to “pour out tons of words about democracy and equality for everyone and everything.”

“Through Gref, the elite admitted that freedom of speech and the press, public policy, parliamentarism, and so on, are nothing more than a beautiful and convenient form that covers manipulation,” ZhZhist is convinced.

According to rumata87, the people for such an elite are "cattle, which must continue to be stupefied, brought into line with their youthful dreams of nobles, serfs, and so on."

“It’s so cool to manage a stupid herd, fool him with the help of manual media, degraded education, reduce him to the level of a man of the 18-19th century by a regressing social environment, all these “Houses”, stupid serials and other things,” ZhZhist said.

The cynical revelations of German Gref, who, as they joke in Runet, were "injected with truth serum", shocked the public. The head of Sberbank at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum said that he would be scared if power was in the hands of the people.
“You say terrible things. You are proposing to transfer power in fact to the hands of the population,” Gref frightened the participants in the discussion. - As soon as ordinary people understand the basis of their self, they self-identify, manage, i.e. it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them.”
People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge, he stated.
At the same time, the head of Sberbank referred to great thinkers, "such as Lao-Tzu", who came up with their theories, "encrypting them, being afraid to convey to the common people." He also recalled Confucius, who started as a democrat and then created the doctrine of the division of society into strata.
In Jewish culture, Gref noted, Kabbalah provided the science of life and was a secret teaching for three thousand years, "because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions, to make them self-sufficient."
“How to manage them? Any mass management implies an element of manipulation,” Gref explained.
The head of Sberbank is particularly concerned about a society where "everyone has equal access to information."
“How to live, how to manage such a society, where everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information, not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the mass media, which are sort of independent, but in fact, we understand that is all the media busy preserving the strata?” Graf said.
Russian bloggers reacted sharply to such statements by the head of Sberbank, expressing concern that this was the opinion of a certain "intellectual stratum of the elite."
“If this shameless half-educated person is really the Russian elite...”, the scholar doubted.
“Gref is afraid of a thinking people, it will be difficult to rob him ...” - other ZhZhists stated.
The botic-yellow blogger suggested that the businessman voiced a conflicting and taboo idea in modern society, where it is customary to “pour out tons of words about democracy and equality for everyone and everything.”
“Through Gref, the elite admitted that freedom of speech and the press, public policy, parliamentarism, and so on, are nothing more than a beautiful and convenient form that covers manipulation,” ZhZhist is convinced.
According to rumata87, the people for such an elite are "cattle, which must continue to be stupefied, brought into line with their youthful dreams of nobles, serfs, and so on."
“It’s so cool to manage a stupid herd, fool him with the help of manual media, degraded education, reduce him to the level of a man of the 18-19th century by a regressing social environment, all these “Houses”, stupid serials and other things,” ZhZhist said.
He drew attention to the fact that our officials are frank on the air, "not bothering at all about what someone will hear." The blogger considers this "a sign of contempt for ordinary people", the confidence that "we are disorganized, disunited and unable to give an adequate response to a delicious spit in the face."

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