Why Diet Doesn't Work. Why Diets Don't Help You Lose Weight Herbal weight loss

  • You didn't like the foods that the diet prescribed.
  • Diets didn't allow you to eat what you love.
  • You have felt hungry too often.
  • The diets didn't fit your lifestyle.
  • They were far from real life, so even if you followed them literally, you still didn't succeed.
  • They did not provide for the development of a nutrition program that you could stick to after the course - so you soon gained weight again.
  • After several failures, they convinced you that you will never succeed.
    The only thing you've failed at is your diet, but you're not a nutritionist. healthy eating, so how were you to know which one was correct?

Have you been fooled by newspaper ads promising to lose weight in two weeks without dieting? Have you bought pills, plasters, slimming potions, some kind of “magic” earrings for the right point in your ear, special cassettes that should be played at night when you sleep? And they didn't help you either?

All products that promise you to lose weight without losing calories are just a scam, and diets that do not meet the needs of your body will never help you. So stop blaming yourself and believing that you are doomed to be fat. You can lose weight and maintain your new weight just like anyone else. All you have to do is make a promise to yourself never again to try to lose weight by going on "brutal" diets or buying diet pills and other products of this kind.

Change your views on diet and weight loss

To properly relate to the process of losing weight, you need to realize three things:

  1. Weight loss involves changing the number of calories consumed, the level physical activity and the type of food you eat.
  2. These changes should not be drastic and certainly not unpleasant.
  3. Many people take time to change their habits.

Don't think of losing weight like dieting. For the diet to work, you don't have to wake up in the morning with the depressing thought: "Oh God, another day on the diet!"

Yes, there are many people who decide to lose weight, go on a diet, lose weight, and then continue to lead their old lifestyle. In your case, there is no need to feel obligated to lose a certain number of kilograms in a certain period of time.

To overcome the "diet mentality" you need to:

  • Start gently, so as not to get up in the morning with a dreary feeling, characteristic of people who torture themselves with brutal diets.
  • Determine the pace of your weight loss yourself and do not pay attention to what your friends who are on diets say.
  • Limit the amount of fat in your diet gradually, but do not remain hungry. Eating your fill is one of the conditions that allows you to constantly control your weight. Latest Research conducted in England showed that people who consume 1600 calories a day lose more weight as a result than those who try to survive on 1000 calories a day. The reason is that people who consume 1,000 calories a day cannot sustain such a regimen for long.
  • As long as the consumption of calories exceeds their consumption, even if not by much, a person loses weight.
  • Set reasonable goals for yourself. If you need to lose a lot of excess weight, then it is better to set several intermediate goals for yourself, for example, first lose weight by 6 or 3 kg). There is no need to limit yourself to a certain time frame. Sooner or later, you will still reach your final goal. Making promises to yourself is easy. But then, when you find out that you have lost only 400 g, you will inevitably feel disappointed and decide that you have failed again. In this case, the likelihood that you will abandon your venture altogether is very high.

Do you want to try the next novelty of the diet world? Or are you already on a diet? Then this article is just for you. I will tell, Why Diet Doesn't Help You Lose Weight.

No one knows exactly how many people are on diets. But looking at all this abundance of the dietary world, we can safely conclude that about every day there is another "superfood" cool diet, on which you can definitely lose weight, once and for all.

But the truth is that diets will never help you lose weight! And if you are still thinking about whether to try a new star diet or not, I have prepared 4 reasons that will make you abandon this idea.

Why Diet Doesn't Help You Lose Weight?

1. "Lose weight in 2 weeks"

Many diets promise incredible quick result and radical changes in just a few weeks. This is the first reason why the diet does not help to lose weight. It's all about speed.

Such diets involve too radical changes in habits and lifestyle in general. And it really works... For a while, until your habits overpower and everything returns to normal, along with extra pounds (and sometimes they come back with reinforcements).

Alternative - gradual introduction of healthy habits into your lifestyle, of course it will take longer than 2 weeks, but the result will not disappear after a couple of weeks after the diet!

2. Fat is bad

Another myth of the diet world. Indeed, there is fat that negatively affects our body. These are the so-called trans fats, which are found in abundance in fast food, convenience foods, etc. These are the so-called artificially synthesized oils. It is better to refuse them!

In addition, there are also saturated fat (for example: margarine, animal fats, butter, etc.), they are also not very useful for the body, and it is better to minimize their consumption.

Well, now we come to the most interesting. For another reason why diets will never help you lose weight, and her name is monounsaturated fatty acids(omega-3 and omega-6).

Omega-3s are the most important because they promote brain health, have anti-inflammatory properties, have beneficial effects on heart and liver function, and improve vascular elasticity. By consuming omega-3 and omega-6 with food, we stay satiated longer, thereby eating less throughout the day!

In addition, monounsaturated fatty acids prevent muscle breakdown by preventing it from developing into excess deposits.

If you have ever sat on low fat diets, you probably noticed how often do you feel hungry. This happens because the body is not getting enough useful elements and trace elements found in omega-3 and omega-6.

The sources of these useful substances are fish, flax seeds (or linseed oil), avocados and nuts. There are also various dietary supplements containing omega-3 and omega-6, but their digestibility is worse than that of natural products.

Well, with this reason why the diet does not help to lose weight, we figured it out, let's move on!

3. Diets destroy muscle

Different diets involve the rejection of various foods, more often we sacrifice carbohydrates, almost always fats, sometimes proteins, and sometimes we sit on fiber alone.

For example, if you do not eat enough protein, damage to the intestinal walls occurs, as a result of which it begins to absorb food worse. And this, in turn, leads to malabsorption, which reduces the metabolic rate and destroys muscles.

Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - necessary condition high metabolism, which contributes to effective weight loss.

But we digress a little. So, another reason why diets will never help you lose weight is muscle.

Lack of protein is not the only cause of your muscle breakdown, another is a general lack of calories. In connection with fashion trend low-calorie diets, this reason is now very relevant.

If you are restricting your calorie intake so much that you start to lose weight quickly, then I have bad news for you, perhaps you lose muscle instead of fat.

Since muscle weighs more than fat, the arrow on the scale can make you very happy. That's just, the muscles are difficult to return back, in addition, the muscles are a powerful calorie burner, even when you are resting.

This is one of the reasons for the so-called plateau- at first you quickly lose "extra" kilograms, and then this process slows down or stops altogether. As I said, the less muscle, the worse fat is burned.

That is why it is so important to correctly plan a meal and do not forget about training. This will protect you from muscle loss and you will start burning excess fat!

4. Diets lead to depression

And they, in turn, increase the production of the stress hormone - cortisol which slows down the process of losing weight! What can I say, this is one of the main reasons why the diet does not help to lose weight.

Negative thoughts, stress and depression lead to an increase in blood sugar, and this contributes to the accumulation of excess fat. The thing is that because of stress, the whole body suffers, including the adrenal glands, which are responsible for regulating the level of cortisol in the body.

Stress can be caused by lack of energy(due to wrong balanced nutrition, insufficient calories, etc.). All this can lead to sleep disturbance, bad mood, lethargy, apathy, decreased performance, etc.

The brain urgently needs energy, and the best source of it (according to the brain) is that piece of cake or pastry, as they contain a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates, which are necessary for a quick burst of energy. But, it will also lead to a sharp jump in blood sugar, which will lower your chances of successful weight loss.

That is why diets will never help you lose weight.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, in fact, there are a lot of reasons why the diet does not help to lose weight, but these, in my opinion, are the main ones. The worst thing is that a huge number of new "superfood" diets reach the point of utter absurdity, not only do they not work at all, but also frankly harm health!

Of course, whether to go on a diet or not is up to you. But be prepared for the fact that the diet will not help you lose weight!

People who have an understanding of the Internet are well aware that one of the most visited sites are resources dedicated to all kinds of diets and healthy eating. The topic of diets is inexhaustible and very much in demand.

After all, there is hardly a single woman who has never resorted to some kind of diet. Starvation, Atkins diet, raw food diet, separate meals, Hemocode… the list of diets is endless. They spring up like mushrooms after rain, forcing millions of women to adjust their lives to one type of diet or another. Many people go on diets periodically, while for others it has become a permanent lifestyle.

Of course, there is no universal diet that would help everyone without exception. Women sort through various options before they find the most acceptable and functional for themselves. And many do find it! But for some reason some people are unlucky. They tried this and that, but there was no result. It seems to have lost a little weight, and a month later again plus 3 kilograms. What is it? Features of the body or something else?

Why Diets Sometimes Don't Help Let's try to answer this question with the help of two real stories.

Story one

Valentina (27 years old) weighed 20 kilograms more than normal. She suffered a lot from this: it’s hard to walk a lot, and you suffocate, and the pressure jumps. Not to mention the fact that Valentina was simply unhappy with her appearance: her stomach weighs, it’s scary to look at cellulite, putting on a swimsuit is a test for the psyche. There was no talk of meeting young people: “Who needs such a fat woman?” And Valentina so wanted to get married, start a family, love and be loved! But ... the thought of being overweight did not at all give her self-confidence, and the girl diligently avoided all young people ("so as not to disgrace!"). At some point, Valentina firmly decided to lose weight. Having tried a bunch of diets, she soon fell into depression: nothing helped. At first, the result seemed to be small, but after a while everything returned to normal. The nutritionist shrugged his shoulders: the reason for the failure was incomprehensible. Valentina did not break the diet, regularly fulfilling all the doctor's prescriptions. Why was there no effect?

Obviously, there are physiological causes of excess weight, when the source of occurrence lies in human physiology. For example, being overweight can result from hormonal disorder. But at present, a lot of attention is paid to psychological reasons, when the source of the problem lies in. For example, being overweight can be a symptom of a psychological problem. Therefore, in the case of Valentina, the doctor, not finding any problems in the work of the body itself, recommended that she consult a psychotherapist.

In the process of communicating with a psychotherapist, it turned out that, despite the fact that Valentina seems to openly declare her desire to marry and have children, on an unconscious level she was very afraid to have sexual relations with men. The reason for the fear lay in one unpleasant incident that happened to Valentina when she was 7 years old. Once, returning from school, Valya did not notice how an unfamiliar man entered the entrance after her. Roughly grabbing the girl, he dragged her to the basement door. When Valya tried to scream, the man began to beat her on the head.

The girl was saved by a neighbor who suddenly appeared on the landing. Gradually the story was forgotten. But he was not forgotten and remained ... the fear of men. This fear stubbornly inspired Valentina that men should be afraid, that only evil and violence comes from them. But all this existed on an unconscious level. On a conscious level, Valentina was very worried that all her friends of her age had already married, had children, and she alone was left to walk in old maids. Yes, and Valya's mother constantly complained that she was already desperate to babysit her grandchildren in her old age.

What happened? Some part of Valentina was terribly afraid of men, and some was afraid of being different from everyone else and not giving birth to grandchildren to her mother. One part of Valentina told her that time was running out, and indeed “all women at this age get married and have children,” while the other whispered that men were dangerous. Two subpersonalities fought stubbornly in Valentina: one obsessed with fear, and the other obsessed with a sense of duty. How to find a compromise between the two sides? There is only one answer: organize your life in such a way that it can satisfy the two "camps". And Valentina unconsciously found a way out. She was saved ... overweight. And indeed, if you are fat, then for many (and, above all, for yourself) this will become a logical explanation for why you cannot meet a man (“Of course, I would marry, but no one takes me”) . Thus, the sense of duty is satisfied, and fear subsides - after all, nothing happens!

Story two

Polina (20 years old) came to a psychotherapist when her weight exceeded the norm by 15 kilograms. Polina began to get fat at the age of fourteen, although before that age she was a completely normal, even thin child. She didn’t understand at all what was happening: she didn’t seem to eat so much, she tried repeatedly, but there was no result. And the weight went on and on. At first, Polina thought that she was sick with something, but the specialists did not reveal any abnormalities in her. A friend advised me to see a psychologist. Polina put off this visit for a long time, but at one of the moments of complete despair and misunderstanding of what was happening to her body, she nevertheless came to the reception.

The conversation with the psychologist turned to Polina's childhood. It turned out that Polina grew up as a sickly child. Until the age of 11, Polina spent half the time in hospitals, and in the summer she was taken to the so-called "forest schools", something like children's sanatoriums combined with study. How she hated those hospitals and schools that separated her from the dearest person - her mother! Polina was terribly thin, but when she managed to recover, her mother, laughing with happiness, hugged her and said: “You see, daughter, you have recovered, how I love you so pretty!” And when Polina lost weight, her mother was sad: “You upset me, daughter. But why are you eating so badly? Do you want me to get sick on nerves? You do not love me. Look, I won’t love you then either!”

Polina really did not want her mother to get sick, and wanted to be loved, so she forcibly forced herself to eat hated butter sandwiches and cereals. Polina grew up, her health improved, and her mother was no longer so worried. And she even found herself a new husband, from whom she gave birth to a baby, little Sasha. Of course, mom did not stop loving Polina, but she absolutely did not have enough time for her daughter. Polina again faced the danger of losing her mother's love ...

What happened next? Then Polina began to rapidly gain weight - she “knew” well how to please her mother and win her favor and love again! For a small, sick, thin girl who continued to "live" in the already grown-up Polina, the intensity of her mother's love was unequivocally associated with the number of kilograms gained. And then, on an unconscious level, Polina “decided”: in order for my mother to love me again, I need to get fat. And once the decision was made, then it was not possible to lose weight - what if my mother stops loving me, thin?

These two stories perfectly illustrate the fact that excess weight is often a kind of buffer in the resolution of one or another intrapersonal conflict . Is it possible to lose weight if there is such a conflict? It's like cutting the branch you're sitting on. After all, this buffer does not allow us to experience the strongest mental pain ...

What to do if there is one and it is the cause of excess weight? Recognize it. This is the first step. Once the cause of the problem becomes apparent, it is important to find ways to resolve it. For example, having found out that fear does not give weight loss, start getting rid of it. As soon as a person gets rid of the psychological cause, the psyche no longer needs to program the body for excess weight! As a result, weight loss occurs by itself!

Of course, a reasonable question may arise here: can the human psyche really control various, including physiological, processes in a person? Well: if the psyche needs it, the person will lose weight, if not, it won't? The answer is unequivocal: yes. The human psyche is capable of doing miracles: it can cure a person of a serious illness or make him fall ill in order to derive some benefit; she can make him fat, protecting him from severe internal contradictions, or shed extra pounds as soon as a person is psychologically ready for this.

Therefore, returning to diets, you need to understand very well: if for some unknown reason we cannot lose weight, if diets do not help, then probably we ourselves, or rather, our unconscious, do not let us lose weight. For some reason, it is beneficial for him, the unconscious, that we be fat, walk with shortness of breath and be embarrassed by our appearance. Probably some very deep meaning lies in the fact that we remain as we are.

It turns out - our enemy? Not at all. The unconscious is our friend, because it, like a computer, calculates what is "better" for us to be at the moment, choosing, as they say, "the lesser of two evils." Perhaps for Valentina, being fat was the lesser evil due to intolerance. internal conflict, and for Polina it was more important to live with the feeling that her mother still loves her.

Summing up these stories, I will say that significant changes in the appearance of Valentina occurred only after she dealt with her childhood fears and ceased to be afraid of men. Polina also lost weight, freeing herself from the fear of being an unloved daughter and becoming a more self-confident person. Having got rid of psychological problems, our heroines could already afford to be thin ...

There are probably millions of people in the world at the same time" are on diets". They all have the same goal - to lose kilograms like this ... But the percentage of obese people is steadily creeping up. What kind of paradox is this? And everything is very simple. Meticulous Americans calculated that out of 200 people going on a diet, only 10 manage to lose as much as they intended, and of these 10, only one manages to maintain the desired weight.The percentage of failure is 99.5%.It is naive to count on the fact that you will be this lucky person out of 200 people. with the remaining 99.5%? And they, either having broken or "successfully completed" their diet, return to their usual diet. And, the weight that was before the diet is steadily returning and even with a profit. And where does this "profit" come from? We have already noted that with calorie restriction, our body perceives this as hunger (it doesn’t know that you just need it by summer) and responds by slowing down metabolism, i.e., as if falling into hibernation, preserving vital functions and "limiting" secondary.At the end of the diet, you already You haven't gone back to "normal" eating, and your metabolism is slow to do so. And it returns to its original state with a significant delay in time, for which everything is made up. Not enough of this. "Frightened" by a hunger strike, our wise organism also stores for the future in case of subsequent hunger strikes. That is why most people (99.5%) gain weight while on weight loss diets. Diets are the best way to gain weight of all open! And dieters are a reserve, constantly replenishing the army of obese people. For what they fought, for that and ...

Get fat from malnutrition

People who are constantly on various diets develop a dietary mentality. This is a constant fear of eating something wrong or not then, constant thoughts about food and even dreams. This gives good soil for the development of various phobias and mental illness (anorexia). Their life begins to look like a winless struggle with themselves. And indeed. After the next "weight loss session", it becomes more and more difficult to maintain weight. And during the diet itself, you need to be stricter and stricter - any slight deviation on the weekend is "punished" by the return of 2-3 kilograms, dropped with such difficulty in a month. Many people find themselves in this dead end. They sit on 1000-1200 kcal per day, which is below the metabolic rate required simply to keep the body alive. And they begin to instantly gain weight at any slightest excess of their "norm", which they imputed to themselves, bringing their metabolism to shock. These poor fellows no longer know what to do and whom to turn to. They have already tried dozens of different diets and a bunch of all kinds of miracle cures, stuffing the pockets of unscrupulous businessmen.

Don't trust a nutritionist

Don't trust a nutritionist who needs a nutritionist himself. Indeed, only those who have gone through all this and understood everything will be able to convey true knowledge. And nutritionists need only a temporary result. Many of them put their patients on hyperprotein diets combined with "no eating after 6 o'clock". That does not correspond to the principles of healthy adequate nutrition. But the kilograms are dropped - the money is paid. Everyone gets up from their seats. Tears of joy in the eyes. Everyone is happy. The curtain. This play would have such a happy ending if... If diets worked. Even official dietetics in their textbooks indicates that unloading diet therapy (RTD): a measure that does not lead to sustainable weight loss in the treatment of obese patients. Those. Weight usually always comes back, but health, unfortunately, not always.

Diets won't help.

All these worthless diets and lotions like "glass cold water before meals" or "do not eat after..." and other "tricks" - all this is a declaration of our helplessness before nature. We are trying to outwit our body, but we just need not to interfere with it. After all, it has animal reactions formed by millions of years of evolution "Have you seen any animal artificially limiting itself or not eating after six? Is it funny? But it (the animal) is not in danger of being overweight. With our brains, we turn off food intuition. Which still manifests itself in children and pregnant women. We don't even want make the choice of food, leaving it to the manufacturer to do it for us. And as a result, we have what we have. Is there a way out? Of course. Healthy Adequate Nutrition, subject to mandatory fitness. All slender people do this. They don’t sit on eternal diets, they train for pleasure Don't skip meals. Do what they do, not "nutritionists" advise. Spend more, don't consume less. That's the golden rule. Take our word for it. If it were different, we wouldn't to hide this.

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Every year, by the start of the summer season, most women join in a massive fight called "Lose Weight for the Beach Season." Why not everyone manages to lose extra pounds?

Svetlana Derbeneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. Department of the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition":

Golden Rule dietetics says “Any diet helps to lose weight” - due to the fact that a person begins to monitor what he eats and think about the amount of food consumed.

However, you need to remember that even if you need to fit into any jeans in a week, tight restrictions can play a cruel joke. Severe dietary restrictions can cause thyroid disorders. Too intense a diet slows down the metabolism and puts the body into an "energy-saving mode", in which the body begins to create "reserves". Therefore, each recklessly eaten bun is deposited on the hips and waist. And if a “breakdown” occurs, the lost weight returns in excess.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to stick to a diet for life, it is better not to start it.

Despite all the warnings of nutritionists, there are classic diets that every woman has tried at least once in her life. Let's talk about their pros and cons.

mono diet

The bottom line - the diet consists of products of the same type (fruits, vegetables, kefir, porridge - usually buckwheat, etc.)

Expected result: minus 1-3 kg in 1-3 days. People with a little overweight (1-3 kg) manage to achieve the goal. Monodiet refers to express diets, which assume fast weight loss by a certain date. The diet is easily tolerated (especially when a protein product is chosen - cottage cheese, fish, meat) - then the body removes excess fluid and loses weight more actively.

low fat diet

The bottom line is the consumption of low-fat, low-calorie foods.

Expected result: with short-term use - 2-3 kg per week. With a long - weight gain.

Such a diet is fraught with a violation of fat metabolism. Long-term restriction of fats in the diet reduces the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood and increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Fat-free foods are not satiating. Due to the fact that a person constantly feels a feeling of hunger, he overeats and often on such a diet, weight gain occurs faster.

Protein free diet

The bottom line is that any protein-rich foods (cottage cheese, fish, meat, etc.) are excluded.

Expected result: minus 1-2 kg per week.

Short-term (for 2-3 days) exclusion of protein slows down protein metabolism, reduces the amount of toxic substances released and improves digestion. Low protein diets are indicated for many diseases. But with prolonged protein starvation, the work of the pancreas and stomach worsens.

Protein diet (Atkins diet, Kremlin, Hollywood).

The bottom line is the consumption of large amounts of protein (primarily meat), the restriction of vegetables and fruits.

Expected result: minus 5 kg in 5-10 days

A highly effective diet that allows you to quickly lose weight. It is easily tolerated (protein gives full saturation). Eating protein foods speeds up metabolic processes and fat reserves burn faster.

However, such a diet is shown only to young and perfectly healthy people. Even they are advised to stick to such a diet for no more than 2 weeks. Excess protein increases blood clotting and increases the risk of thrombosis, increases the burden on the kidneys and liver. Excess mthionine and cysteine ​​(obtained from protein breakdown) can lead to genetic "breakdowns" and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


The bottom line is a complete rejection of food.

The expected result is 2 kg in 1 day.

The most dangerous diet, the harm of which is comparable to a serious illness. With complete starvation, the body primarily consumes proteins, so the constant companions of a hunger strike are flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles, and weakness. Against the background of protein deficiency, anemia, immunodeficiency develop, blood pressure decreases, and the heart rhythm is disturbed. You can fast only in the clinic under the supervision of doctors.

Refusal of dinner

The bottom line - the last meal - no later than 15-16 hours.

Expected result: 3-4 kg per week.

The body perceives a 12-14-hour break in food as a hunger strike. The level of glucose in the blood drops, a hormonal rebellion begins in the body, which negatively affects well-being, mood and appearance. For breakfast after such a break, you can eat an "elephant". Therefore, nutritionists recommend not to skip dinner, but to share it - not necessarily with enemies. The best foods for dinner are low-fat, easily digestible, low-calorie (sour-milk and seafood, fruits, boiled vegetables).

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