Causes of intrapersonal conflict and its solution. Intrapersonal conflict Write possible causes and manifestations of intrapersonal conflicts.

To resolve intrapersonal conflicts, it is important to establish its very fact, determine the causes, and choose appropriate methods of resolution.

Intrapersonal conflict does not arise spontaneously. Man is a biosocial being. On the one hand, his life activity is carried out in a social environment. In addition to the fact that the human psyche itself is a rather contradictory phenomenon. Man is involved in various social relations. In terms of content, the social environment and social relations are rather contradictory and affect the individual in different directions and with different signs. Only in society can a person satisfy his needs, assert himself and fulfill himself. The individual becomes a person in society. He must, is obliged, forced to comply with the norms and rules of behavior that have developed in his social environment, both official (legally fixed) and unofficial. It is impossible to live in society and be free from it. On the other hand, a person strives for freedom, the preservation of his individuality, originality.

Thus, the relationship of a person with the social environment is of a contradictory nature, which also determines the inconsistency of the internal structure of the personality. According to Alexei Leontiev, “the diverse relationships that a person enters into are objectively contradictory; these contradictions give rise to conflicts, which, under certain conditions, are fixed and enter the structure of the personality.

When identifying the causes of intrapersonal conflict, it must be taken into account that the authors of each of the concepts distinguish their own groups. But the main reason that unites different approaches is the presence of contradictions. There are two groups of contradictions leading to the emergence of intrapersonal conflict.

Groups intrapersonal conflicts:
1st group: the transition of external contradictions, in relation to a person, into his inner world (adaptive, moral, etc.);
2nd group: contradictions of the inner world of the individual, reflecting his attitude to the social environment.

Along with groups of contradictions, their levels are distinguished:

  1. Psychological balance of the inner world;
  2. Intrapersonal conflict;
  3. Life crisis.

The psychological balance of the inner world is characterized by the background level of the internal conflict situation, the ability of the individual to optimally resolve it.

The level of intrapersonal conflict is characterized by a violation of mental balance, complication, difficulty in the main activities, the transfer of mental discomfort to professional activities, and interaction with the social environment.

The level of life crisis is characterized by the impossibility of implementing life plans and programs, even performing basic life functions until the contradiction is resolved.

The resolution of the contradiction is possible at any of these levels. This is primarily due to the ratio of the level of claims and the possibility of their satisfaction or the ability to reduce their level, or even refuse.

But for the transition from the first level to the next, it is necessary to have both personal and situational conditions.

Personal Conditions:

  • Complex inner world, actualization;
  • The ability of the individual to introspection.

Situational conditions:

  • Internal;
  • External.

According to V. Merlin, external conditions are associated with the satisfaction of any deep and active motives, needs and relationships of the individual (the struggle with nature, the satisfaction of some needs gives rise to others, more complex, still unsatisfied, social restriction of ways to satisfy motives and needs).

Internal conditions- contradictions between different sides of the personality. According to Kurt Lewin, these contradictions should be significant, approximately equal, and the person should be aware of the high level of difficulty in resolving the situation. Some authors, when considering the socio-psychological causes of intrapersonal conflict, distinguish three groups:

  • Internal causes rooted in the contradiction of the personality psyche;
  • External causes due to the position of the individual in the social group;
  • External causes due to the position of the individual in society.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that all types of causes of the conflict are interconnected and interdependent, and their differentiation is rather conditional. In fact, we are talking about single, special and general causes, between which there is a corresponding dialectical relationship and interdependence. Concretizing the internal and external causes, it should be noted that they predetermine the type (kind) of intrapersonal conflict.

Internal causes rooted in the inconsistency of the personality psyche:

  • Contradiction between need and social norm;
  • Contradiction of social statuses and roles;
  • Contradiction of social norms and values;
  • Contradiction of motives of interests and needs.

A common symptom of the external causes of intrapersonal conflict, due to the position of the individual in the group, is the impossibility of satisfying the fundamental needs and motives that have a deep inner meaning and significance for the individual in this situation.

External causes, due to the position of the individual in the social group:

  • Physical barriers that prevent the satisfaction of needs;
  • Physiological restrictions that prevent the satisfaction of needs;
  • The absence of an object necessary to satisfy the need;
  • Social conditions that impede the satisfaction of needs.

Among the causes of intrapersonal conflict, due to the position of the individual in the group, it is necessary to single out a group of causes at the level of social organization (institution). At this level, the external causes of this conflict include:

  • Mismatch of responsibility and rights;
  • Non-compliance of working conditions with the requirements for its result;
  • Inconsistency of personal norms and values ​​with organizational ones;
  • Mismatch between social status and role;
  • Lack of opportunities for self-realization, creativity;
  • Mutually exclusive requirements, tasks.

In a market economy, the contradiction between the desire for profit and moral standards is singled out as the cause of intrapersonal conflict. However, in our opinion, this is more characteristic of the transitional stage of market relations, the stage of initial accumulation of capital.

The external causes of intrapersonal conflict, due to the position of the individual in society, are associated with contradictions that arise at the level of the social macrosystem and are rooted in the nature of the social system, the social structure of society, its political structure and economic life.

A significant contribution to the development of problems related to the causes of intrapersonal conflict in the conditions of market economic relations was made by Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, and others. In her works, Karen Horney identified a number of contradictions in market culture that underlie typical intrapersonal conflicts, leading even to neuroses.

In her opinion, in the conditions of competition inherent in market relations, a person is forced to constantly compete with his own kind, under these conditions, constant hostility to the social environment develops under certain conditions into hostility towards oneself, which ultimately leads to the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict. On the one hand, market relations require an appropriate level of aggressiveness from the individual, and on the other hand, society requires a certain altruism and philanthropy from business, considering them as appropriate social virtues. These circumstances act as an objective social basis for intrapersonal conflict under the dominance of market relations.

Causes intrapersonal conflict (K. Horney):

  • Rivalry and success;
  • Stimulation of needs;
  • Proclaimed freedom and equality;
  • Brotherly love and humanity;
  • Obstacles to their achievement;
  • their actual limitation.

Erich Fromm, studying the influence of market relations on intrapersonal conflict, calls modern society a “sick society”, the main disease of which is general competition and alienation, where there is a struggle for power, prestige and status. Alienation affects the very inner structure of the personality - there is a self-alienation of a person from his essence. There is a conflict between the essence and existence of the individual.

An individual in a marketplace feels that his self-respect depends on market conditions over which he has no control. He feels that his value does not depend on his human qualities, but on success in a competitive market. Both the losers and the wealthy live in fear and anxiety about the future. Therefore, they are forced to constantly fight for success, and any obstacle on this path poses a serious threat to the internal state and gives rise to an intrapersonal conflict.

It should be emphasized that in the conditions of a market culture, in combination with other factors of reforming social life, the likelihood of any kind of intrapersonal conflict turning into a neurotic form increases significantly. The risk group includes not only those who live at the subsistence level and below, but also representatives of the wealthy segments of the population, for whom business is a matter of life. In the event of a collapse of plans, bankruptcy, a person experiences severe stress. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the very way of life of such people is an existence in a stressful situation: a constant state of anxiety, care, overwork.

Thus, the personality is constantly under the influence of external and internal factors that cause confrontation and disagreement within it, and it depends only on the personality itself what consequences they will lead to.

Intrapersonal conflict in its consequences can be both constructive (functional, productive) and destructive.

The most severe destructive consequences of a timely unresolved intrapersonal conflict is that it can develop into a state of stress, frustration, neurosis, and lead to suicide.

It should be borne in mind that stress is very common in an intrapersonal conflict if it has gone far enough and the personality has not resolved it in time and constructively. At the same time, stress itself often provokes further development of the conflict or gives rise to a new one.

Frustration is also one of the forms of intrapersonal conflict. It is usually accompanied by pronounced negative emotions: anger, irritation, guilt, etc. The depth of frustration is the greater the stronger the intrapersonal conflict. The level of frustration tolerance is individual, on the basis of this, everyone has certain strengths to overcome the frustration reaction to an intrapersonal conflict.

At the heart of neuroses lies an unproductively resolved contradiction between the personality and the actual factors that are significant for it. The main reason for their occurrence is a deep intrapersonal conflict, which the person is not able to resolve positively and rationally. The impossibility of resolving the conflict is accompanied by the emergence of painful and painful experiences of failures, unsatisfied needs of the unattainability of life goals, loss of the meaning of life, etc. The appearance of neuroses indicates the transition of intrapersonal conflict to a new level - a neurotic conflict.

Neurotic conflict as the highest stage in the development of intrapersonal conflict can occur at any age. There are three forms of neurosis: neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Neurasthenia, as a rule, is characterized by increased irritability, fatigue, loss of the ability to prolonged mental and physical stress.

Hysteria most often occurs in individuals with great suggestibility and autosuggestibility. It is characterized by a disorder of the musculoskeletal system, paralysis, impaired coordination, speech disorders, etc.

obsessive-compulsive disorder- painful thoughts, ideas, memories, fears and urges to act, unexpectedly arising in a person against his will, irresistibly chaining all his "I".

A prolonged stay in a neurotic state leads to the formation of a neurotic type of personality, a personality characterized by internally contradictory tendencies that it is unable to resolve or reconcile.

A characteristic feature of the neurotic personality in relations with the social environment is the constant desire for rivalry in all situations. K. Horney identified a number of features of neurotic rivalry that distinguish it from the usual.

Features of neurotic rivalry:

  • Hidden hostility;
  • Striving to be unique and exceptional in everything;
  • Constantly comparing yourself to others.

The negative consequences of an intrapersonal conflict concern not only the state of the personality itself, its internal structure, but also its interaction with the social environment.

An intrapersonal conflict can carry not only a negative charge, but also a positive one, i.e. perform a positive (constructive) function, positively influence the structure, dynamics and final result of mental processes, states and personality traits. It is one of the most important sources of self-improvement and self-affirmation of the personality. In this case, the conflict situation is resolved without the predominance of negative consequences, the general result of their resolution is the development of the personality.

Based on this, most theorists and researchers of intrapersonal conflict consider positive intrapersonal conflict as one of the main ways of personality development. It is through the struggle, resolution and overcoming of intrapersonal contradictions that the will is formed, the knowledge of the surrounding reality, the formation of character, in fact, all the main structural components of the personality psyche are formed and developed.

Design features intrapersonal conflict:

  • Mobilization of the internal resources of the individual;
  • Development of structural components of the personality psyche;
  • A way of bringing together the "I" of the ideal and the "I" of the real;
  • Activation of the processes of self-knowledge and self-esteem;
  • A way of self-actualization, self-realization of the personality.

Thus, a positive intrapersonal conflict, on the one hand, complicates the mental life of a person, but on the other hand, it contributes to the transition to a new level of functioning, allows you to realize yourself as a full-fledged, strong personality, get satisfaction from defeating your weaknesses.

Along with the causes and functions of intrapersonal conflict, it is necessary to determine its main forms. One of them, the most destructive and dangerous, we have considered, describing the negative functions of the conflict. But, along with it, there are other forms.

Rationalism- self-justification, inventing artificial justifying reasons for one's actions, actions to ensure a state of mental comfort. A protective mechanism for the subject to hide from his consciousness the reasons for his actions, actions in order to maintain self-esteem, the integrity of his Self, to prevent unwanted mental states (feelings of guilt, decline, etc.). Rationalism is aimed at hiding socially, personally unacceptable motives and needs.

Euphoria- a mental state characterized by an unreasonable, joyful, blissful mood, carelessness, serenity, which does not correspond to the objective position of a person.

Regression- a return to more primitive, often childish, types of behavior, a form of psychological defense, a return to that stage of personality development in which a feeling of pleasure was experienced.

Projection- the process and result of the comprehension and generation of meanings, which consists in the conscious or unconscious transfer by the subject of his own properties, states, experiences to external objects, other people (an unconscious attempt in a critical situation to find a "scapegoat"; interpretation of situations, events with giving them their own feelings, own experience; unconscious attribution to other people of their own morally disapproved, unwanted thoughts, feelings, actions, first expressed by 3igmundt Freud). In addition to comprehending and generating new meanings, the projection also performs the function of removing excessive internal moral conflicts from the personality by blaming others.

Nomadism- frequent change of place of residence, place of work, marital status.

Having determined the main causes, functions and forms of intrapersonal conflict, one should determine such categories as their prevention (prevention) and resolution (overcoming). It should be borne in mind that it is always easier to prevent a conflict than to resolve it.

Prevention of destructive intrapersonal conflict - the creation of appropriate prerequisites and conditions that prevent the emergence of acute forms of intrapersonal contradictions.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict, according to A.Ya. Antsupova, is the restoration of the coherence of the inner world of the individual, the establishment of the unity of consciousness, the reduction of the sharpness of the contradictions of life relations, the achievement of a new quality of life.

Ways and conditions for overcoming intrapersonal conflict:

  • General (general social);
  • Personal.

General, or general social, conditions and methods for preventing intrapersonal conflict are associated with the establishment of a progressive social structure of society, civil society, the rule of law and relate to changes taking place at the macro level of the social system.

General social conditions lesser degree depend on the particular individual. Therefore, we will consider in more detail the personal methods and conditions for overcoming an intrapersonal conflict.

There are a number of main ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict:

  • Compromise - make a choice in favor of a particular option and proceed to implement it.;
  • Care - refusal to solve the problem caused by intrapersonal contradictions;
  • Reorientation - a change in claims in relation to the object that caused the internal problem;
  • Idealization - dreams, fantasies, escape from reality, from intrapersonal contradictions .;
  • Repression is a process, as a result of which thoughts and experiences that are not acceptable to the individual are transferred from the conscious sphere to the unconscious;
  • Correction is a change in the self-concept in the direction of achieving an adequate self-image.

It should be emphasized that all of the above methods of resolving this type of conflict are quite effective and lead to a constructive resolution of the conflict.

A number of factors influence the effectiveness of an individual's activity in the constructive resolution of an intrapersonal conflict.

Along with the methods of resolution, there are also mechanisms for resolving intrapersonal conflicts (mechanisms of mental protection).

Mental protection- an unconscious, spontaneous regulatory mechanism for eliminating anxiety, unpleasant, traumatic experiences, emotions, any mental discomfort associated with the awareness of the conflict.

The function of mental protection is " fencing» spheres of consciousness from negative, traumatic experiences. As a rule, it leads to a specific change in the content of consciousness as a result of the functioning of a number of defense mechanisms.

The mechanism of psychological protection of the individual is a special regulatory system for stabilizing the psyche of the individual, aimed at eliminating or minimizing the feeling of anxiety or fear that accompanies intrapersonal conflict.

Attention should be paid to the fact that a number of psychic defense mechanisms are simultaneously its form.

  • Denial is the substitution of making a decision for ignoring it.
  • Substitution is a protective mechanism against the threat of destruction, the integrity of the "I" of the individual, from mental overstrain, which consists in a spontaneous change in the object of the actualized need. For example, aggression, irritability towards the boss can be vented on family members. Or in modification, transformation of the need itself. For example, the motives for entering a technical university may be replaced after failure by the motives for entering a liberal arts university or for refusing to receive higher education in general. Substitution as a mechanism of psychic defense can manifest itself in the change of feelings, motives, attitudes of the individual to the opposite (unrequited love can turn into hatred; unsatisfied sexual need into aggression, etc.). During the operation of the substitution mechanism, transformation occurs, the transfer of activity, energy from one type of activity to another, accompanied by catharsis. Catharsis is the liberation of a person from traumatic emotions through a story, recollection.
  • Suppression - containment of fear by forgetting its source, as well as the circumstances associated with it.
  • Isolation is the perception or recollection of a traumatic situation without a sense of anxiety.
  • Introjection is the appropriation of values ​​or character traits of other people in order to prevent a threat from them.
  • Intellectualization is a way of analyzing the problems facing a person, which is characterized by the absolutization of the role of the mental component while completely ignoring its sensual elements. When using this protective mechanism, even very important events for the individual are considered neutrally, without the participation of emotions, which surprises ordinary people. For example, with intellectualization, a person who is hopelessly ill with cancer can calmly count how many days he has left, or enthusiastically engage in some business, not thinking at all about the impending death.
  • Cancellation - behavior, thoughts that contribute to the symbolic nullification of the previous act or thought that caused great anxiety, guilt.
  • Sublimation is a mechanism for substitution (switching) from a conflict situation to another
  • Reactive formation - the development of the opposite installation.
  • Compensation - hiding by a defect, through an exaggerated manifestation and development of other qualities.
  • Identification
  • fixture
  • Isolation
  • Imagination (fantasy).

The formation of a stable inner world is based on taking into account one's positive and negative life experiences.

Orientation to success, as a rule, implies that a person should be guided by a realistic assessment of his chances of achieving a goal and therefore should set feasible, although perhaps moderate, goals and objectives.

Principle in relation to oneself, not only in big things, but also in small things, reliably prevents the emergence of serious internal contradictions.

A morally mature person who asserts high ethical standards by his behavior will never find himself in a situation for which he will have to worry, feel guilty and remorse.

In order to adequately assess and rationally resolve intrapersonal conflict, it is necessary to observe a number of general principles.

Thus, intrapersonal conflict is a rather complex, diverse, multifunctional, both positive and negative phenomenon. Knowledge of its essence and content, main types, causes, principles, methods and techniques of its resolution, the operation of psychological defense mechanisms allows us to constructively approach this unique socio-psychological phenomenon, one of the main ways of developing the psyche and self-affirmation of the individual.

Intrapersonal conflict is a contradiction that arises in a person for a number of reasons. The conflict is perceived as a serious emotional problem. Intrapersonal conflict requires special attention, strength to resolve it, enhanced internal work.

Causes of internal conflicts:

  • applying old strategies in a new situation in which they will not work;
  • inability to make responsible decisions;
  • lack of information necessary to control the situation;
  • dissatisfaction with one's own place in life;
  • lack of full communication;
  • problems with self-esteem;
  • big obligations;
  • inability to change the situation.

In order to accurately analyze an intrapersonal conflict and find a way to resolve it, it must be remembered that the main reason is the pressure of the social environment on the individual.

The whole group of intrapersonal conflicts can be divided into two subgroups:

  1. appearing due to objective contradictions that affect the inner world of the individual (this includes moral conflicts, adaptation, etc.)
  2. appearing due to the discrepancy between the inner world of the individual and the world around him (conflicts related to self-esteem or motivation).

The resolution of an intrapersonal conflict is associated with the acquisition of new qualities. A person must harmonize his own inner world with environment, society. She must develop the habit of not being so acutely aware of contradictions. There are two options for overcoming intrapersonal conflict - constructive and destructive. The constructive option allows you to get a new quality of life, to achieve harmony and peace of mind, to understand life deeper and more accurately. Overcoming an internal conflict can be understood by reducing negative socio-psychological factors, by the absence of painful sensations that previously arose due to the conflict, by improving the condition and increasing efficiency.

All people deal with their intrapersonal conflicts differently. It depends on their individual qualities and temperament. The latter affects the speed and stability of experiences, their intensity. It also depends on temperament whether the conflict is directed inward or outward. Every person experiences intrapersonal conflict differently.

Ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts:

  • Changing the chosen strategy

Many people are often unable to change the way they perceive and think in a new situation. We adhere to similar behavior, trying to deceive ourselves that the situation does not require drastic changes. It is necessary not only to learn to analyze the facts, but also to be aware of your own attitude to the problem. Each time, ask yourself if the chosen strategy of behavior is relevant for a particular case. If a change in approach is required, action must be taken. Then the internal conflict of the personality will be resolved constructively.

  • Ability to deal with tension

When realizing the conflict, the inability to follow the requirements of a particular situation, a minor mental trauma may occur. It will become a trigger mechanism capable of radically changing the approach to solving the problem and the attitude towards it. A person begins to show hypertrophied qualities. If earlier he was mobile, now he will behave fussy and chaotic. If earlier he was irritable, now his temper will become the main feature. Mild anxiety can turn into fear. Circumstances force a person to behave aggressively. Often, with an intrapersonal conflict, complexes appear. A person begins to invent reasons for his own failure and withdraws into himself.

To find a constructive way to get rid of internal conflict, you need to be aware of your own problems. Everyone has difficulties, but only those who understand the existence of problems can deal with them. It is necessary to achieve harmony between the spiritual and physical state, communication and imagination. The stability of the mental state is positively affected by physical relaxation. To normalize the work of the psyche, you need to perform simple actions.

Margaret Thatcher wrote about them. She said that after have a hard day at home, all the problems seemed to pile on her, brought to tears. She relieved spiritual tension with simple housework - ironing or putting dishes in the closet. This made it possible to bring the psyche back to normal, to relax.

  • Finding the best moment to act

With a lack of information that does not allow action, it is worth waiting a bit. However, this expectation turns out to be too tedious. In this case, you should give yourself the installation to wait for the right moment. This setting will relieve constant anxiety, make it easier to endure waiting. Often, waiting literally eats up choleric people who are incapable of long inactivity. But people of other temperaments can break loose and start acting in inappropriate conditions. This is how errors appear. Remember the rule - if you do not know what to do, then it is better to do nothing. This will save you from mistakes. Later, you will receive the necessary information and determine the optimal moment for taking action.

  • Waiting for the result

Not everyone is able to wait not only for a good moment, but also for the result of their actions. Impatience makes you come up with something so that he appears sooner. This is due to the uncertainty that all actions to achieve the desired result were completed on time. In this case, you need to give yourself the installation that the result will come by itself. So you can relieve tension from uncertainty, better adapt to the conditions of expectation.

  • Praise yourself in difficult situations

Troubles and problems are faithful companions of any business. Nothing can go smoothly. When trouble arises, do not blame yourself or be upset. You need to understand what will be better after. This creates an interval of calm. If a person understands that soon all difficulties will go away, he will have additional strength. This is necessary if your activity requires a long time to get the desired result. Pay attention not only to the end result, but also to intermediate successes. The passage of each stage deserves encouragement. In difficult situations, humor often saves. You can get rid of sad thoughts, look at the situation from a different angle.

  • Learn to enjoy the feeling of isolation to good use.

Communication is not only communication with other people, but also communication with oneself. If a person has a feeling of isolation, then he must analyze it, understand the reasons. There may be several reasons. If this is a decrease in self-esteem, then you need to remember your past achievements, then self-confidence will appear. If this is a deterioration in relations with colleagues or friends, then you need to restore intimacy, even if this requires concessions on your part or an apology.

Is it possible to constructively resolve internal conflict caused by the compulsion of the situation? We are all distinguished by love of freedom, but its scope depends on the individual and the characteristics of her character. It must be realized that social life is impossible in isolation from society itself. After that, you should compare concessions with life attitudes. If the concessions do not violate the integrity of the basic values ​​of life, then the conflict is unjustified. But the answer to this question is individual for everyone.

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Total depression and regular, never-ending depression and lack of desire for self-development are symptoms characteristic of people with self-doubt. Turning to a psychologist with similar problems, a professional will not be surprised and will offer various options for ways out of the situation. Less often, patients who cannot understand their own thoughts are on the specialist's couch. People who do not realize the extent of the disagreements that have arisen run the risk of becoming regulars in psychiatric hospitals.

The internal conflict of a personality is a complex of contradictions that arise in a person at a subconscious level. Such a state is perceived as an insoluble emotional problem. Some people cannot cope with oppressive circumstances on their own, succumbing to depression. and lack rational thinking- another symptom of a person having an intrapersonal conflict, a severe form of which leads to neurotic diseases. If you do not find a disagreement in time, then you can say goodbye to forever. What to do in this situation? What techniques will help? How to understand your own thoughts?

Classification and extent of intrapersonal conflicts

Once in a similar situation, it is important to initially familiarize yourself with the terminology, because a classic session with a psychotherapist can only help in the early stages. People turn for help, as a rule, already with a full-fledged problem, thoroughly "settled" in the patient's subconscious. In the 21st century, two groups of intrapersonal conflicts have been identified, which differ in the prerequisites for the appearance of spiritual disagreements:

The discrepancy between the internal sensations of a person with the foundations and rules of the surrounding world.
Disagreements with society or the presence of irritating factors that negatively affect a “vulnerable” person.

Along with the options for the occurrence of intrapersonal misunderstandings, the scales of disagreements that have appeared in the human subconscious are distinguished:

The initial stage of a neurotic illness, during which a person encounters 1-2 disagreements within his own consciousness. If you do not find answers to the questions that have arisen in time, then you can significantly aggravate the current situation. Misunderstandings develop into depression and a stressful state, which gradually “absorbs” a self-sufficient person.

Apathy for life; long term crisis.

Constant failures in professional activities and lack of career growth, troubles in communicating with friends and discord in the family - there are many reasons for the emergence of such a stage of intrapersonal conflict. In a person susceptible to such a disease, lesions are observed on all "fronts". Due to regular losses, self-esteem of the individual gradually decreases, faith in one's own strength decreases. Over time, the patient stops thinking about positive "things", complaining about the injustice of life.

The patient has a diagnosis of multiple personalities.

A striking example of this phenomenon is the story of Billy Milligan, a convict from the United States of America. The young man who got into the courtroom did not realize what was happening. Different people, differing in voices, habits and dialects, spoke to the jury in the face of a young man. The accused could gracefully express his own thoughts, flirting with the authorities. After a second, his timbre became rough, he lit a cigarette and switched to the prison lexicon.

Numerous studies that were carried out in innovative laboratories of the 20th century confirmed that the young man had a diagnosis of “Multiple Personalities”. Twenty-four full-fledged people simultaneously coexisted in the mind of the guy - young children and adult women, atheists and believers, former prisoners and politicians. This phenomenon is considered the extreme stage of intrapersonal disagreements and misunderstandings.

Causes of intrapersonal misunderstanding

Having become acquainted with the possible options for the development of a mental illness, it is important to correctly diagnose the problem by determining the cause of the occurrence of mental disagreements. In modern society, people often turn to professionals for help for the following reasons:

Applying favorite behavioral strategies in an unfamiliar situation. The method used does not work, and uncertainty settles in the mind of a person. On the one hand, this method has already helped him, but on the other hand, it turned out to be invalid.
Inability to make fundamental and responsible decisions in time that will affect the outcome of events.
The lack of the proper amount of information that helps to "soberly" assess the current situation. At such a moment, a million options appear on the subconscious of the person, which the person begins to sort out.
Systematic "defeat" or dissatisfaction with one's own way of life. The patient does not understand why he is haunted by failures, because he is a talented, educated and interesting person.
Closeness and lack of communication with real people- the most common reasons for the appearance of fictitious friends in the subconscious, with whom you can argue and talk.
Childish grievances or self-esteem problems that arise in people who are unsure of their own abilities.
Unbearable obligations that appeared on the "shoulders" of a person. In trying to solve a problem that is beyond the control of the individual, there is invariably a moment of frustration.
Hopelessness is the main reason for a person to make "friends" at a subconscious level. If the patient cannot influence the result, then he tries to project it in his own head, enlisting the support of newly made "comrades".

If from the above reasons you have not found a similar option, then only a practicing psychologist can help in this situation. Only a professional who has already had experience working with people suffering from intrapersonal disagreements can diagnose the prerequisites. Do not think that the absence of your dilemma among the listed reasons is a reason to calm down. Out of idle interest, people will not read this article.

The positive impact of intrapersonal conflict on the future of a person

Despite the danger of a person developing a severe form of a neurotic disease, an intrapersonal conflict is a great opportunity to rethink values ​​by adjusting their own worldview. Practitioners working with such patients identify the following positive changes in the psyche of people who have coped with disagreements:

Forced mobilization of the hidden resources of the individual, with the help of which it is possible to solve the problem that has arisen.
A "sober" look from the outside at the desired and actual, haunting the patient's inner world.
, after all, a person copes with a serious mental disorder by overcoming a number of fears.
The emergence of rational thinking in the patient, which helps him make decisions in controversial and especially difficult situations.
Knowledge of one's own "I", improving the attitude of a person to society.
In the process of finding a solution to the problem, brilliant thoughts appear and effective ways to realize the hidden potential are found.

The main thing is to contact a psychologist in time, who will be able to correctly diagnose the cause of internal disagreements. It is extremely rare for people who are prone to a neurotic disease to solve such a problem on their own. Too many subconscious "interlocutors" are present in the patient's head, directing the true personality along the wrong path.

Effective ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict

If a person who has mental disorders refuses to visit a specialist’s office, then you can try to change the course of events on your own. However, without the help of close relatives, spouse or friends, it will not work. It becomes possible to resolve the dispute that has arisen if you use the useful recommendations of psychologists in time:

The choice of a compromise solution involving the elimination of internal disagreements. Where to go: football or basketball? Feel free to choose volleyball without creating a seed of doubt in your mind.
Change your own attitude towards the object of disputes. What to buy for dinner: sausage or cheese? In this situation, prefer sandwiches with sausage and cheese, taking a small amount of both products from the counter.
Consciously refuse to solve the problem that has arisen, closing your “eyes” to internal contradictions. Leave the choice to fate, which is not characterized by prolonged confusion.
Force unacceptable thoughts out of your mind by refusing to implement them (in this way, William Stanley Milligan was cured).
Adjust your own worldview to achieve the desired result. Adjust to the circumstances, but do not take such a strategy as a rule.

Some psychologists suggest that patients idealize the problem, succumb to fantasies and abandon reality. The illusory world is beautiful, which means you will gain. However, most professionals question the effectiveness of such a technique.
Make it a rule to repeat on a subconscious level during difficult periods of life the following phrase - "There are no hopeless situations."

Learn to make choices on your own, without arguing for a long time about the possible outcomes in the current situation. Guided by the above tips and with the support of loved ones, you can change the usual course of events. The main thing is to really want to get rid of internal disagreements, showing willpower and fortitude.

Awareness of the scope of the conflict is a first step on the road to recovery, and one to be proud of. Identification of the true cause is the second stage, which helps to determine the source of "ignition. Finding a solution and getting rid of internal disagreements is the third step, which is especially difficult to climb. However, at the end of the energy-intensive journey, a pleasant reward awaits you - peace of mind.

February 3, 2014, 12:36

A person always communicates not only with other people, but also with himself.

This happens when thinking about some ideas, imagining conversations with someone, discussing topics that are of great concern to him, and so on.

Intrapersonal conflict, examples of which are found all the time, with such dialogues with oneself is a very serious phenomenon..


Causes that provoke intrapersonal conflicts, can be viewed from three angles:

  • from the side of internal contradictions of the person himself;
  • from the external position occupied by him in a particular social group;
  • from his external position in society as a whole.


If an individual can't find harmony within himself, then contradictions between the elements of the structure of his personality are possible.

Internal conflict depends on the level of development. The higher the level of self-criticism and the tendency to evaluate their own actions, the higher the likelihood of internal conflicts.

At the same time, it is important that the strength of the influence of several factors on a person be the same, otherwise the choice will be made in favor of the fact that does not provoke conflict.


These reasons are related to the role occupied by a person in a particular group. Due to certain factors, it is impossible to perform an action that is significant for the individual.

The position of a person in the general macrosystem (social, economic situation), which may not match its internal settings.

Forms of manifestation

Internal conflict can manifest itself in the following forms:

How internal conflict leads to illness:

Species and types

The classification of intrapersonal conflicts is conditional, since in their pure form none of them is present inside the individual.

In accordance with the value-motivational sphere of personality:

Classification according to social and consumer characteristics:

  • conflict of needs;
  • conflict between social norms and needs;
  • conflict of social norms.

A conflict that has dragged on for a long time and provokes tension in the psyche and nerves is called neurotic. It is characterized by a long duration and intensity.

Intrapersonal conflict is also divides inheriting types:

  • hysterical (a dilemma between "I can" and "I want");
  • neurasthenic (discrepancy between “can” and “should”;
  • obsessive-psychasthenic (contradiction between “I want” and “should”.

The conflict associated with the choice between two equally unattractive objects is called vital.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts in this video:

Basic psychological concepts

Different specialists considered intrapersonal conflicts in different ways.

Consider the basic psychological concepts:


intrapersonal conflict has the following features:

  • a person may not be aware of the presence of it in himself, compensating for this at a subconscious level with increased activity or euphoria;
  • strangers in this case absent - a person comes into conflict with himself;
  • confrontation can be accompanied by stress, fears, depression and other negative experiences.

Resolution methods

How to resolve internal conflict? Although intrapersonal conflicts are resolved individually, there are typical general principles and methods for their resolution, and, given the individual specifics, they can be used by everyone.

The most important among them are the following:

How to resolve internal conflict? Find out from the video:

Examples from literature, from life

The simplest example of intrapersonal conflict is choice of profession.

Parents demand from the child that he enroll in a specific specialty, in their opinion, prestigious.

He respects their choice and does not want to disappoint, but wants to enter a completely different specialty. Or even go to work.

And then within himself he will painfully decide what to do to submit to the will of the parents, but find a profession that he does not like, or make the choice that he wants, but ruin relations with loved ones.

In the literature, the classic example is Raskolnikov. Before committing a crime, the main conflict in it occurs between conscience and the idea of ​​committing it. It was a constant internal struggle waged by all means of consciousness.

After committing the crime, self-loathing reached incredible proportions, and consciousness chose a way to get rid of it by projecting it onto the outside world, and disgust for its objects is distributed unevenly.

In the future, another conflict appears in which the developed disgust for loved ones contradicts love for them.

Hate prevents love and expression of this love, love prevents the expression of hatred. The way out is alienation, which does not involve the expression of either one or the other.

The intrapersonal conflict of a person can be no less complex than. However, it must be understood that it belongs to everyone.

The result will depend on the person personally, because sooner or later he will need make a decision. Each of these decisions shapes further events, so you need to take your internal contradictions responsibly.

What is internal conflict? How to find internal conflict? Should I look for it? Expert opinion:

We considered it necessary to devote the final lesson of our training on conflictology to the topic of intrapersonal conflict. We decided to do this for the reason that intrapersonal conflict is not only one of the most complex psychological phenomena, but also affects the inner world of a person. In past lessons, we talked about what are the ways to influence conflicts between people, but today you will learn how to behave in case a person has a conflict with himself. It’s worth starting with a definition of what intrapersonal conflict is.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

An intrapersonal conflict is an aggravated negative experience caused by a protracted confrontation between various structures of a person’s inner world, reflecting his conflicting connections with the outside world and preventing decision-making. Also, intrapersonal conflict is characterized by the fact that it overcomes any person, and overcomes him systematically.

Intrapersonal conflict can be both constructive and destructive. In the first case, it is an integral part of personal development, and in the second case, it is a danger to a person, because. causes stress and hard feelings, and in some cases even cases of suicide. It is for this reason that any person should know what an intrapersonal conflict is, how to define it, and also be able to resolve it.

In order to recognize an intrapersonal conflict, it is necessary to learn how to identify its main indicators (symptoms), which can manifest themselves in various areas of personal manifestation.

How does personality conflict manifest itself?

There are four main types of indicators of intrapersonal conflict. They relate to the emotional sphere, the cognitive sphere, the behavioral sphere, and the fourth type is integral indicators.

emotional sphere. In the emotional sphere, intrapersonal conflict manifests itself through serious negative experiences and psycho-emotional stress.

EXAMPLE: Depression, stress, apathy, loss of interest in life, etc.

Cognitive sphere. In the cognitive sphere, intrapersonal conflict manifests itself through disturbances in a person's perception of himself.

EXAMPLE: Decrease in self-esteem, difficulties in choosing and making decisions, doubts about one's motives, aspirations and principles, inconsistency of one's own image, etc.

behavioral area. In the behavioral sphere, intrapersonal conflict manifests itself through negative changes in human behavior.

EXAMPLE: Negative background of communication, decrease in productivity and quality of activity, dissatisfaction with one's own activity, etc.

Integrated indicators. Complex disorders in the human psyche.

EXAMPLE: Increased emotional and psychological stress, disturbances in the adaptation mechanism, long-term disturbances in a person's ability to adapt to circumstances, etc.

But, in addition to the fact that intrapersonal conflict is capable of manifesting itself in different areas(and even in several at once), it itself is also divided into several types, which greatly complicate both its definition and the development of ways to resolve it. Let's look at them in more detail.

Types of intrapersonal conflict

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the main types of intrapersonal conflict, it should be noted that in general, most of the theoretical concepts represent several of their varieties. For example, it considers conflicts between human drives and social norms established in society, as well as between human needs. And interactionism analyzes mainly role factors. However, in real life the matter is not limited to these approaches alone.

In fact, the situation is such that in life there is a huge number of intrapersonal conflicts. Therefore, in order to bring their entire typology to a common denominator, it is necessary to find some basis that can serve as a center around which a system of intrapersonal conflicts can be built. And such a center is the value-motivational sphere of the personality, because it is with it that the internal conflict of a person is connected, and it is she who is able to adequately reflect all kinds of relationships and connections of a person with the surrounding reality.

Taking this as the main postulate, we can distinguish several basic structures of the human inner world that come into conflict:

  • Self-esteem, in other words, the value of a person for himself, a person's assessment of his potential and place among the people around him;
  • Values ​​that embody social norms;
  • Motives that reflect the orientation of the individual and all kinds of aspirations (inclinations, desires, interests, needs, etc.).

Depending on which parties within a person's personality come into conflict, six main types of intrapersonal conflict can be distinguished: adaptive, role-playing, moral, motivational, the conflict of unfulfilled desire and the conflict of inadequate self-esteem.

Adaptation conflict

An adaptation conflict is understood as a violation of the balance between a person and the surrounding reality, as well as a violation of the process of professional or social adaptation. Such a conflict arises between the capabilities of a person and the requirements of various kinds (psychological, physical, professional) imposed on him by reality. This discrepancy can manifest itself either as a temporary unavailability, or as a complete inability to meet the requirements.

EXAMPLE: The inability of an employee of the organization to properly perform their functions; the inability of the recruit to adapt to the new regime in the army; the impossibility of transferring the physical load when climbing to the top of the mountain, etc.

Role conflict

Role conflict is both the inability of a person to simultaneously realize several roles, and a different understanding of the requirements that a person himself makes to perform a specific role.

EXAMPLE: A woman may experience difficulties in behavior, being both the mother of her son and his teacher at school; a police officer can be "torn" between doing his duty and being friendly to his comrade, if he suddenly needs to detain him, etc.

moral conflict

Moral conflict is a conflict between duty and desire, personal attachments and moral principles.

EXAMPLE: A man may feel inner conflict being a husband, but having the opportunity to enter into a relationship with a woman for whom he feels sympathy and attraction; a person may experience internal conflict when he finds himself in a situation in which it is required to take actions that are at odds with his principles, for example, a supporter of peace and pacifism needs to stand up for himself or protect a loved one using harsh methods.

Motivational conflict

A motivational conflict is one of the most common intrapersonal conflicts and can be expressed in the struggle of a person’s unconscious aspirations, the desire to possess security considerations, and the clash of various motives.

EXAMPLE: A guy may have difficulty choosing between meeting up with old friends and going out with his girlfriend; a young person may want to take up boxing, but is afraid of being hurt, etc.

The conflict of unfulfilled desire

Along with the conflict of unfulfilled desire, an inferiority complex is also considered. This type of conflict is manifested in the opposition of desires and reality, blocking their satisfaction.

EXAMPLE: A person may want to be like his idol, but in reality he is completely different; a person may want to live richly, but the actual state of affairs is different, and so on.

Conflict of inadequate self-esteem

The conflict of inadequate self-esteem is a confrontation between a person's claims and his real potential.

EXAMPLE: Low or high self-esteem; the desire to become better in order to achieve more and the desire to leave everything as it is, so as not to leave the “comfort zone”, etc.

Among other types, there is also a neurotic conflict, which is the result of a “normal” intrapersonal conflict that persists for a long time.

As it is easy to see, the subjective experiences of a person are the basis of any kind of intrapersonal conflict. they cause the suffering he experiences. And the issue of experiences, based on this, should be given special attention.

The basis of intrapersonal conflict is experience

The field of action of intrapersonal conflicts is any internal experiences of a person: variability, complexity of desires and aspirations, ambiguity of personality, awareness of the impossibility of realizing one's own potential, fluctuations in self-esteem, etc. However, not a single intrapersonal conflict can appear without the impact on the person of the surrounding reality, i.e. arise simply due to any internal factors, he is simply not capable. And, taking into account the nature of the contradictions underlying the internal conflict of a person, intrapersonal conflicts can be divided into two subgroups:

Intrapersonal conflicts that arise due to internal contradictions of a person, reflecting his subjective attitude to the world around him;

EXAMPLE: These include the conflicts of inadequate self-esteem and motivational conflicts discussed above.

Intrapersonal conflicts, which are the result of the transition of objective contradictions external to the personality into his inner world;

EXAMPLE: Such conflicts include adaptation, moral and other conflicts.

Well-known researchers of intrapersonal conflicts Elena Andreevna Donchenko and Tatyana Mikhailovna Titarenko distinguish, among other things, three levels of development of psychological contradictions:

  1. The impossibility to implement the planned plans and programs and to fulfill one's vital functions until the contradiction is resolved;
  2. Imbalance, difficulty and complication of the main activity, projection of psychological discomfort on the external components of life: communication with others, doing work, etc.;
  3. Psychological balance of the inner world of man.

At any of these levels, contradictions can be eliminated, and for the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict, the situation must correspond to certain personal and situational conditions.

Personal conditions include:

  • The ability of a person to self-reflection and introspection, a complexly organized and developmental cognitive structure;
  • High level of development of values ​​and feelings;
  • Developed and complex hierarchy of motives and needs;
  • A complex inner world and the increased significance of this complexity.

The situational conditions that activate the intrapersonal conflict are divided, in turn, into external and internal:

  • essence external conditions in the fact that a person cannot satisfy his deepest motives and attitudes, or the process of their satisfaction is under threat: the satisfaction of some motives becomes the cause of the emergence of new ones; on the way to satisfaction of motives there are obstacles associated with the struggle of man with his nature; restrictions on various motives are imposed by social norms;
  • Internal conditions are the result of external The meaning of internal conditions lies in the contradictions between the various aspects of the personality, which have approximately equal importance. A person, on the other hand, must be aware of the conflict nature of the situation and understand that he cannot influence it, which results in an acute experience of a situation of difficult choice.

It is important to say that a person's experience of intrapersonal conflict is different from any other experience. It is characterized by the presence of psycho-emotional stress, as well as such phenomena as awareness of the complexity of the situation, the presence of a difficult choice, struggle and doubt. The experience of intrapersonal conflict reflects the restructuring of the entire value-motivational system of a person.

Another important feature of intrapersonal conflict can be called the fact that it can be characterized by both positive and negative consequences, i.e. conflict itself can be constructive or destructive.

Constructive intrapersonal conflict

Constructive, i.e. an optimal or productive intrapersonal conflict is a conflict in which the conflicting parties develop, and the personal costs of resolving it are minimal. Such a conflict is a mechanism for harmonizing the personality, because a person in the process of its resolution is aware of himself as a person.

One of the characteristics of a personality is that it correlates with each other certain life relationships, which give rise to internal struggle. In some cases, this struggle can take place in forms that do not manifest outwardly and do not have a destructive effect on a person's personality. If a person is harmonious, this does not at all mean that he is not subject to internal struggle. Moreover, this struggle can become the basis of the whole appearance of a person.

A constructive internal conflict is able to temper character, form decisiveness and psychological stability, independence; is able to establish a clear orientation of the personality, create new character traits, promote adequate self-esteem, and self-knowledge.

EXAMPLE: Fighting ; development ; work on oneself, despite reluctance and laziness; the ability to put one's own desires in the background for the benefit of another person or even one's own, etc.

Destructive intrapersonal conflict

Destructive intrapersonal conflict, i.e. destroying personal structures is a conflict that exacerbates the duality of personality. He is able to develop into a severe life crisis, and develop neurotic reactions.

A prolonged destructive conflict can negatively affect a person’s activities, contribute to the inhibition of personality development, form insecurity and psychological instability, inability to. In a deeper sense, such a conflict can cause a person to not develop the qualities that a mature person should have. If a destructive intrapersonal conflict occurs frequently, this can lead to the formation of an inferiority complex, loss of self-confidence and one's strengths, or even a loss of the meaning of life.

EXAMPLE: Prolonged dissatisfaction of a person with the quality of his life; the conviction of the child that he is inferior, not like everyone else; a requirement from a person in the same situation to behave differently, etc.

But, despite the fact that intrapersonal conflicts can be constructive, destructive ones are much more common in real life. And if the former can be safely called even desirable, then the latter should be learned to recognize and prevent.

Prevention of intrapersonal conflicts

Our life is arranged in such a way that there is always a high probability of occurrence of circumstances dangerous for the destruction of a harmonious development process and a negative impact on the inner world. And it is very bad if we are not ready for such situations. It is necessary to make every effort to avoid the development of destructive intrapersonal conflicts, and if they appear, then resolve them as soon as possible. Knowing how and why internal conflicts arise, one can also determine the conditions necessary to prevent them.

To prevent the occurrence of intrapersonal conflict, you need to follow the following recommendations in your life:

  • In order to preserve the integrity of his inner world, a person must learn, first of all, to perceive life's difficulties as an integral part of his life, because. such an approach can encourage him to work on himself and activate his creative potential;
  • Of great importance is also the formation by a person of his life principles, and following them in all actions and deeds. Life principles can protect a person from many situations associated with the emergence of intrapersonal conflicts;
  • Often, well-established life principles reflect a certain rigidity of a person, an inability to be flexible, which can also cause internal conflict. And if a person is able to change his habitual image of being (in the event that he is insolvent or ineffective), then this will be another great way to avoid conflict with himself. Life often requires us to be alert, adaptive, flexible, able to adapt to any situation. In those cases when it is required to reduce one's claims and give in to trifles, this should be done. However, this should not become a system, because lack of stability also leads to conflict within the personality;
  • You should always hope for a positive outcome. Optimism, supported by inner aspirations and work on oneself, will become the key to a positive attitude to life and mental health;
  • It is necessary to stop indulging your weaknesses, adequately and your ability to realize your own needs and desires;
  • It is important to learn to control your manifestations and your psyche. Moreover, to a greater extent, this skill should be attributed to the management of one's emotional states;
  • The development of volitional qualities and skills greatly contributes to the prevention of intrapersonal conflicts. it is the will that is a reflection of self-regulation and involves the ability to make the right decisions;
  • You need to learn to correctly structure the hierarchy of roles performed for yourself, because the desire to realize the maximum of functions arising from each role, as well as to justify the expectations of the people around you will certainly cause an internal conflict;
  • In many ways, the development of a sufficient level of personal maturity of a person contributes to the prevention of internal conflicts. Here it is supposed to go beyond the boundaries of purely role-playing behavior, and the rejection of template reactions, and the steady adherence to decisions. It is also important not only to blindly comply with generally accepted moral norms, but also to strive for individual moral creativity;
  • An important condition is an adequate self-esteem. Overestimated or underestimated self-esteem may be due to the fact that a person cannot or is afraid to honestly admit something to himself, and also to the fact that he strives for others to perceive him in a certain way, even if he himself perceives himself in accordance with the real state of affairs.

If we try to bring the ways of preventing intrapersonal conflict to a single algorithm, then briefly it can be reflected as follows:

  • Focus on your highest priority motives and needs. First of all, implement them and do not try to embrace the immensity;
  • Do not accumulate your problems and difficulties. Solve problems as they come, preventing their accumulation, without waiting for the moment when it becomes very difficult to “understand yourself”;
  • Work on yourself, learn to control your emotions, states and manifestations. Correct your behavior and be able to pull yourself together;
  • Pay attention to how others react to you and your actions, and also evaluate their behavior yourself. This can become a pointer to work on yourself;
  • Be honest with yourself and with other people. Don't lie to yourself and don't live in illusions;
  • Strive for and thoughts, make yourself stronger physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually.

These are recommendations for the prevention of intrapersonal conflicts. Regular and timely implementation of them can serve you well and save you from unnecessary problems. However, there is no 100% guarantee that an internal conflict will not arise, of course. And in the event of its occurrence, you need to be able to properly influence it.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflicts

The resolution of intrapersonal conflicts is a process of restoring the consistency of the inner world of a person, harmonizing his consciousness, reducing the intensity of conflicting life attitudes and achieving a new quality of being. It helps a person to achieve peace of mind, a deeper understanding of life, to form new values.

The resolution of the intrapersonal conflict is realized through the neutralization of the painful conditions associated with the conflict, the decrease in the socio-psychological and psychological factors of the conflict, the increase in the productivity of activity, etc.

Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, he can perceive his internal contradictions in different ways, as well as choose the most suitable behavior strategies for him. One person may immerse himself in thoughts, another immediately begins to take action, the third succumb to emotions. There is no one correct attitude to intrapersonal conflict. It is important here that each person be able to be aware of their own personal characteristics, and, already on this basis, determine the style of resolving their internal contradictions.

Simply put, this is what the resolution of intrapersonal conflict depends on:

  • Worldview attitudes of a person
  • The ability of a person to overcome himself and his experience in this area
  • Volitional qualities
  • Human temperament - to a greater extent affects dynamic indicators, such as the speed and stability of experiences, the rhythm in which they proceed. Orientation, intensity, etc.
  • Gender and age features

The resolution of an intrapersonal conflict is achieved by activating the psychological defense mechanisms that are necessary to control emotions, internal states and external manifestations.

What should be resorted to if it is necessary to resolve an intrapersonal conflict:

  • Assess the situation, try to take it under control. Identify your internal contradictions and realize what led you to negative feelings;
  • Conduct a deep analysis of the situation. Determine how important the conflict is to you, what role you play in it, and what role it plays in your life. Predict the possible consequences of the conflict;
  • Determine the exact cause of the conflict, localize the "center". Strive to reveal the essence of the problem, casting aside everything secondary;
  • Be honest with yourself: do not give yourself concessions, do not put off the decision for later. Analyze the conflict again and try to understand what it tells you: what you need to change in yourself, what actions to take, why the problem hurts you so much;
  • Sublimate negative emotions into activities: you can do physical exercises or immerse yourself in creativity; watch a good movie or read an interesting book;
  • Use relaxation techniques. Currently, there are many effective ways to relax, from meditation to psychological training;
  • If the internal conflict is related to the activity, try to change something in it: change the conditions, bring something new to the work; you can even change the occupation altogether;
  • Adjust the level of your claims: compare your desires and needs with your capabilities; look honestly at yourself - what are you capable of, and what are you not?
  • Learn to forgive. Moreover, it is important to be able to forgive not only others, but also yourself: do not engage in self-criticism, self-reproach, self-flagellation, etc.
  • If you feel very bad, retire and cry. There is nothing shameful in this. In addition, even scientific studies (in particular, studies by the American biochemist William Frey) have shown that tears contain a special substance that has the property of calming, and if you want to cry, then the brain needs a discharge.

And the last thing: learn to accept yourself as you are, and your life as a given, with all the successes and failures, ups and downs, white and black stripes. We will always face difficulties and troubles, feel pressure and experience stress, achieve success, win and lose - all this is what we call our life. We need to learn to get along with ourselves, the people with whom we interact and the reality around us. Harmony and the right balance is the basis of happiness, success, prosperity and health in all its manifestations.

We, in turn, sincerely hope that our conflict management training will be useful for you and will make you and your life, at least a little, but better. Learn, strive for knowledge and remember that no theory can replace your practice. Therefore, take into account the information received - and good luck!

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Good mood to you and no conflicts!

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