The most effective express diets for weight loss reviews. Express weight loss at home. What is Express Diet

Losing weight is a complex process and most often quite lengthy, as it takes a long time to change eating behavior and get rid of the tendency to overeat. But it also happens that you need to lose a few extra pounds as quickly as possible (for example, before an important date or other significant event).

Time in such situations is usually very short, so you have to act quickly and decisively. What to do for those who need to lose 3-4 kilograms in a short time?

Now the market is literally packed with all kinds of drugs that promise the loss of hated centimeters in a very short period of time. Most of them are dietary supplements (biologically active food additives), the effect of which is based on a diuretic and laxative effect.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the products are completely safe, such products have an impressive list of contraindications (for example, pathologies in the kidneys), and their uncontrolled use can lead to serious health problems. Yes, and the weight when using such drugs goes mainly due to water, which is easily replenished in the body.

There are other drugs that are related to medicines and are sold exclusively by prescription (for example, Reduxin, Xenical, etc.). It is impossible to achieve a quick effect from their intake, but it is very easy to spoil your health.

Therefore, the best choice for those who want to get rid of a few kilograms in a short time is an express diet.

Which express diet is more effective?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, since a lot depends on the individual characteristics in each case: the amount of excess weight, metabolic rate and other factors.

Express diet is a specially adjusted diet

An express diet is a specially adjusted diet designed to reduce the daily calorie content of the diet in order to lose weight, which lasts no longer than a week. There are various variations of fast diets, which differ in both the composition of the products and the duration. The most popular are express diets designed for 1, 3 or 7 days.

The average weight loss per week is from 3 to 5 kg - this is an average figure that can increase or decrease depending on the initial data (the more excess weight, the easier it will go away).

How to choose an express diet?

To make weight loss as comfortable and effective as possible, you should adhere to the following rules when choosing a method for weight loss:

  1. The diet should be composed only of healthy foods with low energy value.
  2. With increased appetite, it is recommended to choose a diet lasting 7 days, since it is very difficult for such people to maintain mono-diets due to the constant feeling of hunger.
  3. If you need to lose only 1-2 kilograms, then it is quite possible to get by with a mono-option, which is perfect for these purposes.
  4. When compiling a diet, it is imperative to take into account existing diseases (for example, people with iron deficiency anemia or anemia, in no case should meat be excluded from the menu).

Express diet for one day (fasting days)

A fasting day is one of the options for an express diet. Weight loss is usually 1-1.5 kg per day, but it must be understood that most of this weight is water. Therefore, this method will only help in cases where the stomach is full after a heavy feast and does not allow the zipper on the jeans to be fastened - a longer diet will be required for a better result.

Delivery day options :

Unloading day optionDescription and composition
AppleIt is allowed to eat 1-1.5 kg of fresh apples per day, mostly green varieties, but in principle you can use any. From drinks green tea or compotes without sugar are allowed
KefirFor knocks you can drink 1.5 liters of kefir. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, it is allowed to add a handful of berries. Drink clean drinking water
MeatHalf a kilo of lean meat (lean beef, turkey, chicken) boil without using salt. Eat throughout the day with vegetables or in pure form. You can drink tea without added sugar, compote, rosehip broth
Curd and berryThe daily diet consists of 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 250-300 g of fresh or frozen berries. It is allowed to add a glass of natural yogurt without additives
Fruit1.5 kg of any fruit (with the exception of persimmons, grapes and bananas) should be divided into 5-6 doses. It is allowed to drink only pure water without gas (you can use mineral water)

Express diet for 3 days

As a rule, such diets are a combination of various fasting days, to which you can add a small amount of other low-calorie foods. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of problems with the skin and hair, as well as to prevent beriberi.

1 day: cottage cheese (200 g), kefir (1 liter), berries and fruits.

2 day : boiled meat (300 g), vegetables, one egg. From drinks, you can use tea, compote, rosehip broth, fruit drink (all drinks are prepared without the use of sugar).

3 day: oatmeal porridge on water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey (1 serving), nuts (3-5 pieces), fruits and berries, cottage cheese (150-200 g).

Apple - cottage cheese diet

This diet is also known as the "Three Food Diet". As the name implies, you can eat only three certain foods for three days: cottage cheese, apples, oatmeal. Groats should be prepared without the use of sugar (it is allowed to add a little salt).

Products can be eaten at any time of the day and in unlimited quantities, which provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness and makes it easy to maintain this diet.

Express diet for 7 days

The most preferred option for those who need to get rid of 4-5 kilograms, and there is only a week left.

The method of nutrition, according to which more than 10 thousand people around the world have already lost weight. The diet provides for the alternation of mono-days, during which only one type of food is allowed (the sequence cannot be changed):

  • fish day (fish of all kinds, some vegetables);
  • vegetable day (any kind of vegetables, vegetable oil for dressing);
  • chicken day (chicken meat, chicken broth);
  • cereal day (cereals, muesli, whole grain breads);
  • milk day (any dairy and sour-milk products with a low fat content);
  • fruit day (any fruits and compotes, fruit jelly without sugar);
  • still mineral water.

With proper observance, weight loss per week averages 5-6 kg.

In pursuit of a thin waist, do not forget about regular walks, which enrich the blood with oxygen, as well as the physical activity necessary to burn fat cells.

This is the only way to get rid of extra pounds, while maintaining health and good mood!

Video - Express weight loss: testing five ways

Many women and girls do not want to spend a lot of time on losing weight, but to get a quick and, most importantly, noticeable result. There are still cases when you urgently need to lose weight by 3-5 kilograms, and there are only a few days left. In this case, various express diets for weight loss will come to the rescue in record time. There are a large number of such express diets with a wide variety of menus. They have one thing in common - they guarantee a noticeable result in the shortest possible time and at the same time require strict restrictions in the diet, up to starvation.

Express diets are good because they last no more than 7 days, this is the maximum, and the average duration is 3-5 days. During this time, you can endure all restrictions, it is suitable for those who are not able or do not like to limit themselves for a long time. But at the same time, it must be remembered that such an express diet is a kind of stress for the body, and therefore, before proceeding with the choice of the right one, it is necessary to take into account all the features of express diets, study all the contraindications and other nuances. Otherwise, you can harm your health, or provoke an exacerbation of various diseases. You also need to remember that express diets help to achieve the desired effect of losing weight in a short time, but you will have to maintain the result yourself.

Regardless of what foods will be included in the diet of a particular express diet, as well as its duration, they all have several common features:

  • it can be used no more than 2-3 times during the year, and you need to sit on it for a strictly specified number of days. You can not increase the period and frequency of the express diet on your own, this can lead to a persistent health disorder and metabolic disorders in the body;
  • weight loss with express diets occurs due to the removal of fluid, and not the breakdown of body fat, so if you do not follow the diet after it ends, excess weight will return very quickly and it may even increase compared to the previous figure;
  • almost all express diets are distinguished by strict restrictions, therefore, before using them, you need to set yourself up for the fact that during this period the feeling of hunger will become constant, and accordingly your mood and well-being may worsen;
  • when choosing an express diet menu for weight loss, you need to think about whether there is an allergy or intolerance by the body to the products that are part of the diet, and also correlate them with various diseases, mainly the digestive system, because it is she who will first of all undergo an increased negative impact;
  • keep in mind that when losing weight, along with kilograms, volume can also be lost muscle tissue, which is not always desirable and may not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • since the menu for express diets is very meager, we must not forget about taking vitamins so that the body does not feel a lack of them;
  • no matter what foods are included in the diet when losing weight, you need to drink plenty of clean and non-carbonated water. It is desirable that the daily rate is at least 1.5 liters of plain water, not counting various drinks, tea and coffee.

In addition, it must be remembered that the exit from any express diet should be gradual. The rule applies here - the stronger the restrictions were, the more smoothly you need to switch to a regular diet, so if weight loss is planned before the holiday, you need to take into account the period so as to give the body time to rest and get used to normal food intake;

Attention! If during any express diet you feel very unwell, stomach pains, severe dizziness or fainting begin, you should immediately stop it and, if possible, consult a doctor. This may be a signal of the presence of a serious illness or malfunction in the body.

To achieve maximum weight loss with express diets, one must not forget about moderate physical exertion on the body, as well as carrying out various cosmetic measures aimed at the flow of oxygen and blood to problem areas. This includes various peels, massages, body wraps, etc.

Contraindications for express diets

A contraindication for using an express diet for weight loss in the first place is the presence of the following diseases:

  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis in the acute stage;
  • anorexia in history.

Any dietary restriction can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and even endanger human health.

Also, do not apply this type of weight loss to the following people:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children and the elderly;
  • people who have a food allergy to a product included in the express diet diet, in this case, you should try to find another one;
  • people suffering from abnormal weight, that is, those who are obese or underweight.

You should not take contraindications lightly, and go on an express diet knowing in advance that it can adversely affect your well-being. In any case, if you have any chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor before losing weight using various express diets.

Exit from the express diet

Since in a few days of the express diet the stomach and the body as a whole begin to get used to the meager menu, after the weight loss is over, you cannot immediately switch to the usual diet.

Note! With a gradual exit from express diets, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: in the first days after completion, do not eat fried and fatty foods, and first of all, you must give up fast food.

Following this rule, you need to exit the express diet after losing weight gradually, in several stages.

  • 1 day after the express diet: you need to add a small amount of vegetables and fruits to the diet menu;
  • Day 2 after the express diet: various porridges boiled in water are added;
  • Day 3 after the express diet: you can enter protein foods such as boiled meat and fish;
  • 4-5 days after the express diet: gradual return to the previous diet.

Otherwise, problems with the digestive tract may arise, the stomach simply cannot cope with a large amount of food after several days of restriction.

The most popular express diets

Below are five of the most popular express diets that allow you to lose weight in a short period.

Protein-carbohydrate express diet for 3 days

This express diet for fast weight loss is designed to lose weight in 3 days, each of which includes 3 meals.

Days of the week / Meals Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 1 banana or small bunch of grapes fat-free drinking yogurt, preferably without additives;

a slice of whole grain bread with green tea or coffee without sugar

A small portion of beans boiled in slightly salted water;

soft-boiled egg;

green tea without sugar

A small amount of pasta, always from durum wheat;

boiled veal; green salad;

Herb tea

Tuesday 1 green apple; a glass of low-fat milk;

black bread with green tea

Fat-free cottage cheese with fresh tomato;

green tea without sugar

Vegetables, steamed or in a slow cooker; a small piece of chicken breast;

a glass of warm water with the juice of one lemon

Wednesday Soft-boiled egg;

coffee with whole grain bread

Skim cheese;

boiled chicken breast and 1 fresh vegetable, tomato or cucumber

Stewed beans with tomatoes and zucchini;

a glass of mineral water without gas

Buckwheat diet

It is designed for weight loss in a week, the basis of the diet is buckwheat, which is not boiled, but poured with boiling water and insisted for 10-12 hours. The basic rule of the buckwheat express diet is that you can eat as much as you like, but no more than 5 tablespoons at one meal. It can be diversified with fermented milk products or citrus fruits.

Sample menu for the day

It is not necessary to alternate sour-milk and citrus products, you can choose one type for all 7 days.

Express - diet models (protein)

This diet is one of the fastest and is designed for 2-3 days.

Kefir diet according to the method of Larisa Dolina

This is an effective express diet for weight loss in a week, during this period you can only use kefir with a small addition of other products.

Express diet on pineapples

Pineapple, like kiwi with grapefruit, is one of the fruits, the consumption of which burns fats in the body, thereby contributing to weight loss, but you should not follow this diet for more than 3 days, since this tropical fruit contains a large amount of acid.

Judging by the reviews, this diet is very effective and allows you to lose weight up to 5 kg. Express diets as a method for losing weight should not be used without special need, since they are a kind of stress for the body, and in no case should you independently increase the duration of the diet, especially if it belongs to mono-diets, that is, during the entire period of weight loss you need eat one type of food.

Express weight loss is a way out for those who want to get rid of a few extra pounds, for example, before a trip to the sea or an important event. Of course, losing a significant amount of weight in a couple of days is unlikely to succeed, but 2-4 kg is quite possible. most often it implies a sharp restriction of the caloric content of the diet - up to 500-700 kcal per day, along with drinking plenty of water and taking vitamins to maintain immunity.

If there are three days left before an important event...

You may well use one of the above methods. Lettuce brush will help to get rid of the tummy and extra volumes at the waist. Mix in equal proportions chopped cabbage and fresh carrots, add spices to taste (except salt) and season with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. This vitamin salad is extremely low in calories, so you can eat any amount of it throughout the day. Do not forget to drink the prescribed 8 glasses of water a day, black or green tea without sugar: they will help remove excess water from the body, and the salad itself will cleanse the intestines. During the day, it is also allowed to eat a couple of apples, green vegetables and a small piece of boiled lean meat without salt. Such express weight loss in 3 days will help you get rid of 2-4 kilograms (the end result depends on your initial weight), cleanse the body and reduce swelling.

You can try one of the liquid diets, for example, this one: drink a protein shake for breakfast and dinner - it can also be made from a ready-made powder, in this case, mix a couple of spoons of protein with low-fat milk, or cook it yourself. Take 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese and the same amount of milk, add half a glass of water and for taste - a tablespoon of cocoa, or your favorite berries, then beat the ingredients in a blender. And for lunch, you can afford a salad of green vegetables with a dressing of lemon juice or vinegar, as well as a piece of fish or meat, boiled or steamed. Applying such express weight loss at home, you can lose the same 2-4 kg in just three days. The only thing, do not forget to drink the required one and a half liters of pure water per day.

If you have a week at your disposal...

You can, again by restricting the caloric content of the diet, get rid of 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight. Many diets offer a different menu with certain products, but the essence of most of them comes down to eating enough fresh vegetables and fruits, protein. For example, for breakfast you can eat a boiled chicken egg, a slice of black bread and drink coffee without sugar. For lunch - a vegetarian soup, a piece of lean meat or fish with a side dish of fresh vegetables, and for dinner, drink a glass of kefir, yogurt, or eat a couple of apples. According to those who are losing weight, the famous bonn soup helps to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight in a week. It can be cooked from white cabbage - you will need 1 medium fork, also take 6 onions, a couple of tomatoes and bell peppers and a bunch of green celery. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the cabbage, and then cook soup from them, which you need to eat for 5-7 days, diluting the rather boring diet with non-starchy fruits and green vegetables. Such express weight loss in 7 days will help you get rid of several kilograms of excess weight, besides, you can eat soup in any quantity, so you will not experience an excruciating feeling of hunger during the diet. The main thing to remember is that a sharp reduction in the caloric content of the diet - big stress for the body, so throughout the diet, take multivitamins, drink clean water and follow the daily routine.

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Before corporate holidays or a trip to the sea, women begin to puzzle over how to quickly get rid of extra pounds and get in shape. Salvation in such a situation will be express weight loss in a week.

It can be carried out different ways: by adjusting the diet, taking various medications or actively burning fat with the help of special exercises.

Despite the fact that express methods really help to achieve results, in most cases the effect of them lasts only a few days, after which the lost kilograms return.

Doctors warn that rapid weight loss is not always safe for the body and in most cases it is completely ineffective, since the effect is achieved by removing excess water from the body. However, most women annually resort to the help of such methods of weight correction.

The most popular are express diets for quick weight loss. Such a diet implies a reduction in daily calories by 30-50%, which leads to rapid weight loss.

Regardless of the type of diet, the basis of the diet should be products that activate the urinary system and stimulate the intestines. Such diets are of several types:

  • two days and three days. This group includes mono-diets. Depending on the type, only 1 product will need to be eaten for 2 or 3 days. The most common are apple, cucumber and cottage cheese mono-diets;
  • three-day;
  • five-day. It can be both mono and protein diets;
  • seven-day. Their only difference from five-day diets is their long duration.

The most effective and less dangerous is an express diet for a week, which is why it is recommended to give preference to this method of losing weight.

Alternatively, you can also resort to other methods of weight correction:

  • taking pharmaceuticals and. In most cases, they also need to be taken along with a diet. for express weight loss have a complex effect: they suppress appetite, promote the removal of excess fluid and improve digestion. Their only disadvantage is that they often negatively affect the work of the central nervous system;
  • express training. Active exercise will also help you shed those extra pounds. But you need to understand that, compared with other express methods of losing weight, the effect of them will not appear so quickly. To achieve at least some visible result, it will take at least 2 weeks of active training;
  • express wraps. It will also help to reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks. If you carry out this procedure for 3 days in a row and combine it with a diet, you can lose up to 2.5 kilograms. Clay wrapping is considered the best. To prepare the composition, you will need blue, black, white, pink and green (one tablespoon each). The powder is mixed with 3 tablespoons of warm water, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the thighs and wrapped around cling film. The exposure time of the composition is 40 minutes.

To achieve the best result in the shortest possible time, it is recommended to combine all these methods of figure correction at once.

The best express diets

As you know, reducing incoming calories is the best way to deal with excess weight. To achieve the result in the shortest possible time, you can use any of the following diets:

Important! Each of the express diets has contraindications, therefore, before following the chosen weight loss method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Weight Loss Exercises

As mentioned above, there are no express exercises to fight extra pounds, since no workout will help you lose a few pounds in 2-5 days.

When playing sports, the process of burning fat is rather slow and is not activated immediately. If you want to resort to this particular method of losing weight, it is best to contact an instructor in advance who will draw up an individual program.

Most often, express workouts include running, gymnastics and cardio loads. To achieve a result, they will have to be performed daily.

Medical weight loss

You can quickly get rid of extra pounds with the help of pharmaceuticals. The most popular among the fair sex is the express tool.

This dietary supplement contains active ingredients that have an effect on the work of the whole organism and promise weight loss in 3 days. One blister contains white, pink and blue capsules (3 pcs.).

Each of them is designed to be taken at a certain time of the day. Before buying and taking the drug, you must carefully read the instructions and contraindications.

In some cases, a person needs to perform a quick weight loss, it is impossible to stretch this process for several weeks, so express diets will be an effective option. This method of weight loss has pluses and minuses, which should be considered before starting one of the weight loss programs.

What is Express Diet

Sometimes a person (and more often girls) needs to urgently reduce weight, for example, before going on vacation, an important event. For these purposes, diets for quick weight loss were created, which are considered the toughest, but also the most effective. Such programs last, as a rule, from 2 to 14 days; sticking to such a diet for longer is dangerous to health. This principle of weight loss is based on a sharp decrease in the number of calories. Each person consumes about 2000 kcal per day, with an express diet this figure drops to 1000. There are such rules:

  1. It is impossible to stick to a diet for a long time, because such programs, as a rule, are not balanced, some of the nutrients do not enter the body, which prevents the systems from functioning fully. This leads to metabolic disorders, which will greatly slow down the process of losing weight, and health problems will appear. It is allowed to go on a diet according to the express method no more than 3 times a year.
  2. Keep in mind that in a few days you will be able to quickly get rid of only water in the body, body fat will remain (only a small part of them will disappear). Do not give up sports, keep exercising so that the kilograms do not return.
  3. An acceptable result will fluctuate within 3-5 kg ​​in 2-3 days, you should not count on more.
  4. Almost all express programs are strict diets, the feeling of hunger will be constantly present, so you should mentally prepare for this. For the same reason, excessive irritability, increased fatigue may develop.
  5. You can not use such diets if there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver.
  6. Along with water, muscle mass can be reduced.

Diets for fast weight loss

Such programs are based on a sharp decrease in the intake of calories in the body. Fast and effective weight loss diets can include both one main product (monodiets) and a set of dishes. Each option is designed for a certain period of time, for example, there is an express diet for 2 days, there is a “6 petals” diet, which is scheduled for 6 days. At the moment, the most popular options are:

  • diet from Malysheva;
  • bride's diet
  • kefir;
  • orange;
  • buckwheat;
  • egg;
  • protein.

Express diet for 2 days

According to the reviews of the girls, such a quick diet for weight loss is perfect if you need to put your body in order in a short period of time. It is much easier to move two days of restriction than several weeks of calorie reduction. Express diet for 2 days does not require special financial costs, reducing the consumption of unhealthy foods will benefit the body.

  • irritability;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • contraindications are problems with the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

Diet express for 2 days


One boiled chicken egg, 200 g of oatmeal in the water.

Oatmeal on the water with bran, 3 tangerines.

2 potatoes baked in the oven, raw grated carrots, low-fat cottage cheese 100 g, 1 orange.

Unsalted salmon 50 g, 200 g fresh cabbage salad. several whole grain breads with a glass of kefir.

Salad of one whole beetroot baked in the oven, buckwheat porridge 200 g, a piece of boiled lean meat. Several tangerines.

2-3 potatoes baked in the oven, 100 g of a piece of baked veal. 1 orange, a glass of low-fat kefir.

For 4 days

This food ration is divided into those foods that should be eaten. Express diet for 4 days helps to achieve quick results, during this time the weight will be minus 4 kg. The diet belongs to super-diets, which will provide a sharp weight loss due to getting rid of fluid in the body. Express ration looks like this:

  1. These cleansing days, you can use freshly squeezed juices of any fruits and vegetables in any quantity. Do not add sugar to them, drink green tea throughout the day.
  2. This is kefir-curd day. During the day, you can eat fat-free cottage cheese (up to 500 g) and low-fat kefir (up to 1.5 l). The total amount of food will have to be divided into 5 meals, the interval between them should be about 3 hours. 30 minutes before this, you should drink green tea or a glass of still water.
  3. Vegetable or salad day. It is necessary to cook and eat 1.5 kg of salad (any green leafy vegetables).
  4. The last day repeats the first (freshly squeezed juices and tea again).

For 3 days

This is a popular option for an express program to lose weight. Effective Diet for 3 days does not last long enough to cause any ailments on the part of the body, but it is enough to get rid of 3 kg. The three-day meal plan looks like this:

For 5 days

In this express program, all five days are divided into specific products. You will have a vegetable, meat, curd-water, cereal and fruit day. If you mix products during the course, the effect will decrease. Fast diet for 5 days consists of five different mono-diets that will give your body all the substances and elements it needs. Below is a diet for this express weight loss.

You can not salt it, it is allowed to use dry spices, spices. If you stick to a vegetarian menu, then you can eat legumes throughout the day. tofu and low-fat cottage cheese. The meat express mono-diet is as follows:

  1. For breakfast, steam or boil beef, 150-200 g.
  2. For lunch: steamed or boiled chicken, 100 g.
  3. In the evening, you can stew a turkey, 200 g.
  1. Morning salad of radishes, cucumbers.
  2. During the day, make a salad of stewed garlic, eggplant, season with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. In the evening, cook 200 g of boiled kohlrabi cabbage.
  1. For breakfast, a little honey, avocado.
  2. Eat four tangerines for lunch.
  3. In the evening, you can have a whole bunch of dark grapes.

  1. In the morning, prepare 2 tbsp. l. pine nuts, boiled brown rice 100 g.
  2. Almonds, brown rice (150 g) cook for lunch.
  3. Dinner: 3 walnuts, 100 g brown boiled rice.

cottage cheese, water

  1. Eat 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese in the morning, and after half an hour drink a glass of mineral water without gas.
  2. In the afternoon 150 g of cottage cheese, then 3 glasses of water without gas.
  3. For dinner, 2 glasses of water and 100 g of cottage cheese.

In this express program, it is very important to follow the sequence of days. Each of them performs its role and for maximum efficiency they must go specifically in this sequence. Each time you receive specific trace elements, substances that nourish the body, preventing it from being deficient, disrupting metabolism. Only if this important condition is met will you be able to achieve weight loss.

For 7 days

It will be more difficult to withstand a whole week than 2-3 days. Express diet for 7 days involves taking vitamin complexes so that the body receives the necessary minerals and elements. This diet is similar to the 5-day option, it also consists of mono-diets that last for 24 hours. According to the reviews of girls, you can lose weight by 3-6 kg. Approximate diet as follows:

  1. Fish all day. You can cook an ear from any variety, bake or boil. There should be no more than 1.2 kg of fish per day, divide prima by 200-300 g.
  2. Vegetable day, you can do anything except green peas, potatoes. Freshly squeezed juices should be included in the drinking regimen. Sugar. salt or dyes with preservatives should not be. For a day you will need 1.5 kg.
  3. Hen. The meat can be steamed, boiled, grilled or baked. mild seasonings, chicken broth are allowed for taste. You should eat 1 kg of meat per day.
  4. Kashi. Any whole grains except corn, semolina, which have a high glycemic index, increase appetite. During the day you need to eat cereals, cooking from 1 glass of cereals.
  5. Yogurt, cottage cheese. Unloading day for the intestines in the express diet. For a day you need 1.2 liters of yogurt, 0.8 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Fruits. Not sweet, fresh, 1 kg of each type.
  7. Unloading. You can use only non-carbonated mineral water.

Express weight loss in 2 weeks

This type of nutrition refers to espress weight loss using the salt-free method. It is not as easy to endure two weeks as several days, but the result will be noticeable and tangible. Express weight loss in 2 weeks will help you lose kg, which will not return to you for a long time. The menu looks like this:

Black coffee without sugar.

Soft-boiled egg (1 pc.), 2 tomatoes, boiled Brussels sprouts.

Stewed or boiled tuna (200 g)

Toast, unsweetened coffee.

Tomato juice, cauliflower salad, boiled salmon.

Stewed/boiled mackerel.

Toast, unsweetened black coffee.

Make a stew from a large zucchini.

2 eggs, 200 g of boiled veal, Beijing salad dressed with olive oil.

Coffee (unsweetened, black).

Boiled egg, low-fat cheese, dill stew and 3 carrots.

Pear, banana, apple.

Seasoned with lemon juice, raw grated carrots.

A glass of tomato juice, boiled halibut.

Pear, banana, apple.

Fresh grated carrot salad, 200 g chicken (boiled).

A glass of apple juice, 2 boiled eggs.

Green tea).

Braised/boiled beef (200 g), avocado.

Dinner any day (except the 3rd).

White cabbage salad, 300 g of boiled chicken.

Grated carrot, 2 boiled eggs.

Seasoned with lemon juice, carrot salad (raw).

Tomato juice, boiled hake (200 g).

Watermelon, pear, melon.

Raw egg, stewed carrots in vegetable oil with cheese.

Dried fruits, such as dates.

Tea (green) with toast.

Stew in vegetable oil from 1 zucchini.

Stewed/boiled beef, Beijing salad dressed with lemon juice.

Toast and coffee.

Fried/boiled salmon, tomato and cucumber salad.

A glass of kefir, 100 g of beef.

Green tea.

Tomato juice, Brussels sprout salad dressed with olive oil, 2 boiled eggs.

Fried/boiled fish (Lyuba).

Salad of two boiled eggs and white cabbage, tomato juice.

A glass of yogurt / kefir, boiled beef (150 g).

Fast diets for weight loss by 5 kg

You can conditionally divide express weight loss methods by type of product or by the desired result. For example, there are quick diets for losing weight by 5 kg, they can include different types of foods and the duration of the diet itself. Below we will consider an option called “raw food”, because it consists only of fresh vegetables and fruits. Express weight loss is carried out according to this method according to the following rules:

  1. This diet option is well suited for late summer or early autumn, when there are many fresh and inexpensive fruits / vegetables.
  2. Weight loss is carried out according to the principle of a mono-diet, one fruit is selected for each day, which becomes a main dish. For example, you can eat only cucumbers all day, then only watermelon, the third - pears.
  3. It is impossible to adhere to an express mono-diet for more than three days, because the body also needs other nutrients for full functioning.
  4. Such a diet helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, which positively affects the acceleration of metabolism. You can cleanse the skin, remove toxins from the body.
  5. It is impossible to carry out such express cleanings more often than once in 3 weeks.

Diet for fast weight loss by 15 kg

In order not to cause damage to the human body, it is recommended to lose weight by 5-7 kg per month. In some cases, people need to quickly lose weight, so a diet was developed to quickly lose 15 kg. This is a tough program that puts the human body under serious stress, so such express weight loss should be carried out only after consulting a doctor. The diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, liver. One example of such a super diet is described below.

  1. This option is one of the toughest and most intense ways to lose weight.
  2. For 2 weeks, your diet will consist only of vegetable broth, boiling water, oatmeal broth without salt, a glass of juice.
  3. The most difficult stage of express weight loss is the first 2 days. The body will get used to such a diet and it will be easier to continue to stick to the diet.
  4. You need to properly get out of such a diet, you need to gradually add 1 familiar dish during the week so as not to overload the intestines. Otherwise, intoxication, constipation, intestinal arrest are likely.
  5. With express weight loss, be sure to drink plenty of water.
  6. Buy multivitamin complexes to maintain the required level in the body of minerals, substances to maintain all systems in the body.

How to quickly lose 10 kg in a week

Another example of an intensive diet at home. It is important to cook food without salt, sugar. You need to eat only healthy food, you can’t pepper or fry, spices will also harm. You can repeat this diet no more than 1 time in three months. Below is a way to quickly lose 10 kg per week, the specified amount of food should be evenly distributed throughout the day.

  1. 5 pieces. potatoes in uniform, 1.5 liters of kefir.
  2. Boiled chicken (100 g), 1.5 l of kefir.
  3. One and a half liters of kefir, 100 g of boiled veal / beef meat.
  4. boiled fish of low-fat varieties (100 g), one and a half liters. kefir.
  5. Any fresh vegetables except banana, grapes, kefir 1.5 l.
  6. Only kefir (2 liters).
  7. All day mineral water without gas (in any quantity).

Video: Dukan Express Diet

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