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An effective cure for rotavirus and proper nutrition for the disease
2022-01-26 05:51:58 Rotavirus or intestinal flu is a common illness among children, but can also occur in adults. When ingested, the virus infects the small intestine and stomach. The disease begins with symptoms, and is further manifested by diarrhea and vomiting. how
- Exercises, folk remedies, drugs
2022-01-25 18:19:09
- Exercises, folk remedies, drugs
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Nyak - treatment with folk remedies: herbs, homeopathy, methods according to Naumov

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How to quickly get rid of dry corns on the legs

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Editor's Choice
Many pharmaceuticals are prohibited during pregnancy or used with caution. Women are trying to find a safe...

The perspiration that precedes a dry cough can be caused by many reasons. For example, it can be associated with low humidity...

Often as a result of difficult delivery, complicated abortions, infertility, miscarriage, various ...

In the last article, I talked about a very interesting medicinal plant called, today another root is next in line - red ....
Gynecologists around the world note that recently the most common disease among the female population is adnexitis or ...
Hello dear readers! You know that many products in the modern world have lost their popularity (this can be said about ...
Thrush or candidiasis occurs with increased reproduction of a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Traditional healers recommend treating ...
Greetings to regular and new readers of my blog! The frantic pace of modern life contributes to the fact that we brush aside some ...
The appearance of various corns or calluses on the legs is called hyperkeratosis by physicians. Anyone who has ever experienced this problem...
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