Main symptoms

Plantar fasciitis has such pronounced symptoms that in most cases, only if they are present, the disease can be diagnosed. The most common manifestation of the disease is pain in the heel area. They usually appear while walking after sitting for a long time. In addition, the pain is quite noticeable in the morning, when the patient gets up after sleep.

With prolonged walking throughout the day, after a long standing and climbing stairs, the pain increases significantly, and in the evening it bothers you quite strongly. When a heel spur occurs, the pain becomes so sharp that it can be compared to the sensations that a person feels when sharply pricked with sharp objects. Often, with plantar fasciitis, hyperthermia and edema may appear.

In this case, especially if the disease affected both legs at once, it is necessary to do an examination to identify a concomitant cause (for example, rheumatoid arthritis or gout). Other characteristic symptoms that accompany plantar fasciitis are tingling in the legs while walking, back pain, and in some cases swelling that occurs as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the ankle and heel area.

Treatment Methods

Plantar fasciitis, except for particularly difficult cases, is treated conservatively. Complex therapy is used, the main task of which is to eliminate the increased load on the feet. At the same time, it is very important to replace tight and uncomfortable shoes with comfortable ones. If there are pains in the heel, it is necessary to limit walking and give the legs a rest. In the presence of flat feet or pronation of the foot, orthopedic insoles and special heels with recesses in the center should be purchased.

Also, in the treatment of sole fasciitis, it is desirable to wear orthopedic shoes that firmly fix the heel and restrain the sole from falling inward. You can buy orthoses that are shaped like a boot. They are worn before bed because they hold the foot well at a special angle at which the plantar fascia is stretched, which helps it heal at night. The formation of strands and shortening of the fascia is eliminated with the help of massage procedures and special exercises.

Also, in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, it is very important to normalize weight, inflammation, eliminate diseases of the spine and joints, as well as all kinds of disorders in the circulatory system. Treatment of plantar fasciitis is successful when using physiotherapy, which consists in conducting warming procedures, laser therapy, and the use of ultrasound. With severe inflammation and significant pain, fasciitis is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs that contain corticosteroids, for example, Diprospan or Flosteron.

Orthopedist Anatoly Shcherbin:
"It is known that for the treatment of bones on the legs there are special insoles, correctors and operations that are prescribed by doctors. But we will not talk about them, and those medicines and ointments that are useless to use at home. Everything is much simpler ..."

With local treatment, the attending physician may recommend the use of Golden Mustache or Dolobene ointment or Fascit stop cream. In especially severe cases that cannot be cured with the help of conservative methods, surgical intervention is used, which consists in removing the bone outgrowth and irreparably altered tissues.

Popular folk remedies

There are a huge number of folk remedies and methods that eliminate the symptoms and treat this pathology of the feet quite effectively. However, before using any of them, you should definitely consult a doctor who will tell you which one can be used in a particular case.

Plantar fasciitis is treated with concentrated salt baths. To prepare them, you need to dilute salt in hot water (1 l) (2 full tablespoons). The procedure time is 30-40 minutes. After finishing it, you need to wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks.

A good way to treat fasciitis is to use birch buds. An alcohol tincture is prepared from them, which, in addition to the birch buds themselves (50 g), contains medical alcohol (100 g). The product must be infused for at least 3 hours. It is used to make compresses: a bandage soaked in it is applied to the sore heel twice a day (2 hours a day and 2 hours a day).

You can try to cure the disease with the help of a bath, which includes equal amounts of vinegar (9%), vodka and turpentine. All ingredients must be mixed and heated in a water bath. The sore heel should be in a container with such a solution until it cools completely. Then you need to heat it up again and do the procedure again.

Potatoes will help get rid of the signs of plantar fasciitis. It must be cut into small plates and applied to sore heels, securely fixed with a bandage and put on a woolen sock on top. Such a compress is usually done at night. If, after removing the bandage in the morning, it turns out that the plates have turned black, this means that the potato is fighting the disease. Gradually, the pain will begin to subside, and the potato plates will lighten. When treating plantar fasciitis with folk methods, it will take a lot of time and patience. However, perseverance helped many to overcome the disease.

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