Fatty hepatosis: what to do to avoid it?

Unfortunately, for the time being, it is human nature not to pay attention to one's health until the danger becomes obvious. Such a danger is fatty hepatosis of the liver.

A lot of gastronomic temptations push people to the wrong way of life. Fast food, sweets, smoked foods, overcooked dishes - all this is very tasty and familiar, but extremely harmful to the body. If gastronomic delights are also washed down with a large amount of alcohol, the body cannot stand it and begins to sound the alarm, responding to food attacks with diseases.

There are symptoms of fatty hepatosis. Based on these symptoms and medical studies, an accurate diagnosis is established - fatty liver hepatosis, usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. However, in some cases, metabolic disorders or uncontrolled medication can lead to it. The danger of a fatty liver is that it does not manifest itself for a long time, and when the disease is identified, it is not immediately clear what to do.

What is fatty liver disease?

When a person after research learns about the disease, feels its symptoms, the question - what is "fatty hepatosis" - becomes very relevant. The disease is well studied, it is clear to specialists.

We can safely say that the basis of the disease is the destruction of hepatocytes (liver cells) and their replacement with lipocytes (fat cells). This process is pathological, but reversible up to a certain point. Over time, lipocytes are also subject to destruction, which leads to liver disease such as fibrosis.

Fatty hepatosis is a disease that does not have a definite clinical picture, in some cases it is asymptomatic. The disease is common today, its causes, symptoms, prognosis for recovery, etc. are known.

Acute fatty hepatosis of pregnant women is an extremely dangerous disease for expectant mothers, leading to high mortality - both for a woman and her child. needs urgent treatment. In modern gynecology, a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures is used to exclude acute fatty hepatosis, however, cases of diseases occur in medical practice.

Stages of fatty liver disease

echo signs

There are several echo signs (forms) of fatty liver hepatosis - these are:

  • local (general);
  • diffuse (some parts are affected);
  • peripheral.

The focal form of fatty hepatosis is also known. All forms have some differences, consisting in the severity of liver changes. gives only a slight increase in the size of the gland, the shape remains the same. Ultrasound examination indicates a decrease in its sound conductivity. Deep segments and the diaphragm, as well as the venous pattern, are hardly visible.

With local spread of fatty hepatosis, both affected segments and absolutely healthy ones are present (the parenchyma is not changed). The last segments on ultrasound show a low sound reflection against the background of a decrease in the sound conductivity of the parenchyma. Focal fatty hepatosis of the liver is manifested by a general increase in sound reflection, hyperechoic, voluminous: the diagnosis in this case gives clear results. It is for this reason that patients with identified local and focal lesions are sent additionally for computed tomography.

Causes of the disease

The diagnosis of fatty hepatosis of the liver is established, it is necessary to know the reasons that cause it.

  1. Alcohol addiction leads to.
  2. Diabetes. Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) and insulin resistance (increased plasma insulin) that accompany it lead to an increase in the concentration of fatty acids in the blood and the formation of fat on the liver.
  3. Obesity, more precisely, its concomitant factor - insulin resistance. Studies have shown that the number of fat cells depends on the amount of insulin detected in the blood on an empty stomach and leads to hepatic fatty hepatosis.
  4. Diseases caused by metabolic disorders: pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), myxedema, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease) also lead to significant accumulations of fat in the liver.
  5. Wrong lifestyle - absorption in large quantities of hydrogenated and deodorized fats, carbonated drinks, sweets, a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity in general.

Fat metabolism in the liver


Does the liver hurt with fatty liver? The disease is most often asymptomatic. Fatty hepatosis of the 1st degree is practically not felt by a person, as well as the 2nd degree. Changes during this period can be detected only on ultrasound studies, and the study of micropreparations will also help. Only at the 3rd, last stage, the patient begins to clearly feel the symptoms. They are also clearly manifested in acute fatty hepatosis. The main symptoms include:

  • fatigue, fatigue;
  • frequent nausea and vomiting;
  • skin fading, skin rashes and other skin problems;
  • feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • deterioration in attention and memory.

Acute pain is not felt, except in severe cases. Fatty hepatosis is characterized by hepatomegaly (enlargement of the gland in size).


When it becomes clear what fatty hepatosis of the liver is, you need to decide on the methods of treatment. Diet therapy is in the first place: it is able to save the patient from fatty degeneration of the liver. Treatment is carried out mainly at home.

It provides for the restriction of heavy food, dosed intake of proteins, trace elements and vitamins in the body. Alcohol and fast food are completely excluded.

Smooth weight loss contributes to a quick recovery (no more than 500 g per day). Sharp weight loss, on the contrary, can give a complication of the disease.

Medicines for liver diseases, in particular for fatty hepatosis, have an auxiliary effect. Appoint:

  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • folic and lipoic acids;
  • Essentiale.

Lipid-lowering statins could theoretically reduce liver fat, but their strong hepatotropy often precludes the use of these drugs in hepatosis. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed without fear, they have a beneficial effect on the parenchyma.

Disease risk, prognosis

The liver is able to repel the attacks of harmful substances and toxins. However, its possibilities are not unlimited. If a person does not follow the diet for a long time, this gland gradually begins to deform and ceases to perform its functions, fatty hepatosis appears with an increase in the liver.

Already by the age of 40, a person leading an unhealthy lifestyle can be diagnosed with fatty deposits in the liver. The dangers of fatty liver disease are as follows:

  • suffers from the pancreas, gallbladder, digestive system as a whole;
  • food is not digested well enough;
  • there is a deficiency of nutrients - vitamins and trace elements, this causes problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • excess deposits provoke a metabolic disorder, which can lead to the formation of tumors in the female organs;
  • the formation of stones in the gallbladder begins.

The prognosis for a complete cure for fatty liver is good, especially when it is clear what it is. The liver is able to recover if irreversible processes have not begun.

The only guarantee against the deposition of fat in the liver can be an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. Medicines can only supplement the healing process.

Useful video

For more information about fatty liver disease, see the following video:


  1. Fatty liver disease - what is it? The disease appeared as a result of a person consuming a large amount of food with a high content of sugar and trans fats.
  2. Alcohol and diseases caused by metabolic disorders also brought their destructive effect. Against the background of these factors, fatty degeneration of the liver occurs.
  3. It is possible to recover from fatty liver hepatosis, for this you need to know the causes and its consequences, and also lead a correct lifestyle in all respects.
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