Spikes. Treatment with folk remedies

Adhesions are internal scars that form as a result of inflammatory processes or after operations on internal organs. We will not delve into the process of their appearance in detail, but we will dwell on the problems that arise due to their presence in the body.

Pulmonary adhesions

If you have had pneumonia on your legs, adhesions may form between the pleura and lungs. They make breathing difficult by interfering with the normal movement of the lung during inhalation and exhalation. Pulmonary adhesions lend themselves well to resorption if folk remedies are used.

  • Prepare delicious and healthy tea from two tablespoons of lingonberries, four tablespoons of rose hips and two dry nettles. Pour into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. After three hours, the tea will be infused. Drink half a glass of it three times a day.
  • Take dried raspberries, black currants and rose hips in equal volumes. Pour two tablespoons of berries into a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water over it. Strain after two hours. Take twice a day for half a glass.
  • Make lotions from flaxseed for 30 days in the evenings and leave until the morning. Place the flaxseed in a gauze bag, tie it up and put it in boiling water. Leave until completely cool. Place on the kosh over the area of ​​adhesions, fasten and go to bed.

Adhesions in the intestines can be hazardous to health. In places of their occurrence, a cancerous tumor or other equally dangerous complications can develop. Therefore, their diagnosis and treatment should be done by a doctor! Folk remedies can only be used as an auxiliary treatment.

  • A decoction of St. John's wort is recommended by almost all folk healers for the treatment of intestinal adhesions. For a decoction, pour one spoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, put on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day.
  • A very good result in the resorption of intestinal adhesions is given by morinda, or, as it is popularly called, noni. You need to take its leaves, fruits and roots. Grind everything and mix well. Eat two tablespoons with each meal. After a month, there will be no trace of adhesions.

Adhesions in the pelvis

Adhesions in the pelvic area appear after operations and abortions, inflammations and genital infections. Symptoms of pelvic adhesions: pain, constipation, weakness, low blood pressure and fever. In addition, adhesions in the pelvis very often lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is fraught with ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

  • The most common remedy for pelvic adhesions is douching with a decoction of bergenia. Brew fifty grams of crushed dry bergenia in three hundred ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for eight hours. Strain, store in the refrigerator. For the procedure, pour half the broth into a liter of warm water. Douche for one month twice a day. A decoction of bergenia can be used for therapeutic tampons.

  • Within a month, be treated with a tincture of marya root. Fill fifty grams of the crushed plant with a bottle of vodka. Put in a dark cabinet for ten days. Before each meal, drink thirty drops of the product. After a ten-day break, repeat the monthly course of treatment.
  • The name of the plant "upland uterus" eloquently speaks of its ability to help with women's problems. Prepare an alcohol tincture from five tablespoons of chopped herbs and a bottle of vodka. For half a month, insist, shaking the contents from time to time. Take forty drops twice a day before meals.
  • A decoction of the upland uterus is often recommended for douching. Pour two tablespoons of grass with half a liter of hot water and hold in a steam bath for twenty minutes. Remove from heat and leave for two hours. Strain and use.

Douche treatment

Douching is an effective remedy for the treatment of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. For the procedure, it is best to buy an Esmarch mug. It allows you to adjust the flow of the healing agent to the affected area and simplifies the treatment process.

Recipes for decoctions for douching

  • Pour into a liter of boiling water a spoonful of chamomile, elderberry and flaxseed. Cover with a thick towel and leave for one hour. Apply strained, in the evening, before going to bed.
  • Make an herbal mixture of five spoons of highlander, one spoon of chamomile and three nettles. Mix thoroughly and brew two tablespoons of herbal tea in a liter of boiling water. Strain after two hours. Douching with this decoction should be done 2 times a day.
  • Once a day, douching is carried out with an infusion of one spoonful of iris rhizomes, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours.

  • Well, where without chamomile? Leave two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water for half an hour.

Universal Recipes

  • To prepare an infusion of aloe, you need to prepare it. First, the plant should not be younger than three years old. Do not water the aloe for a week. Pick the succulent leaves and put them in the refrigerator for three days. Then finely chop and measure the volume. Add six times the amount of aloe honey and ghee. Mix and put in a glass jar. Twice a day, take one spoon of the product, adding to a glass of hot milk. Treatment is carried out for two months.
  • Sweet clover, coltsfoot, centaury mix equally. Separate one spoon, pour into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours. Every day, for a month, prepare and drink a third cup of herbal infusion five times.
  • Boil one teaspoon of psyllium seed in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Thirty days, take three times a day for a spoonful of plantain broth.

  • A decoction of milk thistle seeds promotes the resorption of adhesions, if you drink daily, for a month, a glass of the remedy. Pour one spoonful of milk thistle seed with a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil a little. Cool slightly, strain and drink in a day, divided into three doses.
  • Tincture of cinquefoil will help get rid of adhesions. Cook it yourself. Infuse one spoonful of carefully crushed cinquefoil leaves in three hundred ml of vodka for twenty-one days. For forty-five days, drink two tablespoons of the tincture daily.
  • A wonderful remedy is an alcohol tincture of birch buds. To prepare it, take fifty grams of birch buds and fill them with a bottle of vodka. After three weeks, strain and begin treatment. Drink should be before meals for half an hour, one spoonful. By the way, this tincture helps with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as an analgesic, diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • Put separately for infusion in fifty ml of alcohol, ten grams of black root, nasturtium, black poplar and yarrow. After three weeks, strain and combine all the tinctures and add four hundred ml of vodka to them. For two weeks every day, take twenty drops three times a day shortly before meals. Stop taking it for a month, then repeat the course of treatment.
  • In the summer, if possible, wait for the appearance of young spikelets on rye, cut them off and leave them in the sun, let them dry slightly. Then finely chop them and prepare a strong broth. Drink as much as you like. Spikelets from the broth brew again, boiling for about twenty minutes. Repeated decoction will be even stronger.
  • Mix one hundred grams of wild carrot seed ground into flour and fifty grams of granulated sugar. Three times a day, eat a spoonful of the medicinal mixture.
  • Yarutka field will also help you in the treatment of adhesions. Insist one hour two tablespoons of grass in half a liter of boiling water. Drink three times a day for a third of a glass.
  • Eighteen-day course of treatment with a decoction of orchid roots. Take eight medium roots of the plant, cut them as small as possible. Pour into a liter of boiling water and boil for fifteen minutes. Remove, cool and strain. Drink half a glass three times a day shortly before meals.

  • Leeches are quite a folk remedy and are great for helping with adhesions. But we do not recommend installing them yourself. This should be done by a specialist hirudotherapist.
  • Tampons of honey and propolis, taken equally, put every other day. If the honey is too thick, gently warm it to a liquid state so that it can be combined with propolis. Make a honey-propolis mixture in a ratio of 1: 1, moisten tampons in it and insert it into the vagina before going to bed. The course of treatment is a week.

  • Honey-herbal balls have established themselves as a "magic" remedy for adhesions of the fallopian tubes. Dried raspberries, wild rose, wormwood and psyllium seeds, taken equally, grind to a powder and add honey so much that ten-gram balls can be rolled out of the resulting mass. Put them in a jar and eat three each day shortly before meals. Pregnancy will come very quickly.

Video - Intestinal adhesions

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