Nyak - treatment with folk remedies: herbs, homeopathy, methods according to Naumov

The term "UC" hides a very dangerous disease of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), referred to as nonspecific ulcerative colitis. It is accompanied by intestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, fever, weight loss. If the treatment of NUC is started late, then the disease becomes chronic, which is difficult to cure.

Therefore, after an apparent improvement, an exacerbation often occurs. The severe form of the disease can cause complications such as intestinal ruptures and colon cancer. With such complications that threaten the life of the patient, surgical intervention is indicated. Since drug treatment of the disease brings only minor results, the treatment of NUC with folk remedies is literally the only type of therapy that brings results.

Causes of nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Unfortunately, the causes leading to this disease are still unknown. But experts identify several factors that can cause NUC:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • transferred infections;
  • imbalance of the immune system;
  • neuropsychological features and emotional instability;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bad ecological situation.

Disease begins with damage to the rectum and spreads throughout the healthy part of the colon, the submucosal and mucous layers are affected, the inner surface of the intestine is covered with ulcers of various sizes.

Nervous disorders contribute to the rapid spread of the disease and its severe course, so the treatment is also aimed at restoring psychological balance.

Forms and stages of UC

The severity of the disease indicates what kind of treatment the patient needs. But all its types are aimed at restoration of the mucous and submucosal membranes of the colon and rectum.

Therefore, in the treatment of NUC with folk remedies, herbs are chosen that have enveloping and wound-healing properties.

Stages of nonspecific ulcerative colitis

According to the course of the disease, NUC can be divided into stages:

  1. Chronic. The disease develops into a chronic disease if treatment is not started on time.
  2. acute. The appearance of the first signs and symptoms of the disease.
  3. Recurrent. An aggravation that occurs after an apparent improvement.

Forms of nonspecific ulcerative colitis

According to the severity of the disease can be divided into forms:

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium severity.
  3. Heavy.

With a mild form, the patient's condition is satisfactory, loose stools occur no more than 5 times a day, possibly with a slight admixture of blood. The severe form is accompanied by fever, loose stools from 8 times a day with an admixture of blood, pus and mucus. Severe forms of the disease are treated exclusively in the hospital.

Treatment of NUC with folk methods

Alleviate the course of the disease and cope with it in the future appropriate phytotherapy helps, that is, NUC is treated with herbs.

Phytotherapy sometimes remains the only treatment option when drugs are powerless against the disease, and it is too early to resort to surgical intervention.

Suitable medicinal herbs

Herbal infusions should have a mild effect, envelop damaged areas of the colon and rectum, have a wound healing effect, and stop bleeding.

Therefore, herbs used to treat UC should have all of these properties. Besides herbal infusions replenish fluid loss and restore the water-salt balance of the body. For the treatment of NUC, folk remedies use herbs and other plant components that have been proven for centuries:

  1. Leaves of raspberries, strawberries, currants: help the liver fight disease.
  2. Dried blueberries: cleanse the intestines of putrefactive substances and help fight cancer cells.
  3. Nettle: improves blood clotting, relieves inflammation, cleanses the intestines from decay products.
  4. Peppermint: helps to cope with emotional instability, diarrhea, relieves inflammation, spasms, has an antibacterial effect.
  5. Chamomile: powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial action, relieve spasms.
  6. yarrow: has bactericidal properties, cleansing the intestines from harmful microorganisms, stops diarrhea.
  7. snyt: has a wound healing effect, relieves inflammation, relieves pain, copes with constipation.
  8. Bloodroot: heals sores, stops diarrhea.
  9. pomegranate peel: infusions will stop diarrhea, cope with pathogens, relieve inflammation.
  10. Celandine. cope with nervous tension, fights harmful microorganisms, relieves inflammation, helps fight ulcers.
  11. Sagebrush: cleanse the intestines from destructive microorganisms.
  12. St. John's wort: restores intestinal motility, has anti-inflammatory, fights purulent impurities in the stool.
  13. Highlander bird: heals wounds, relieves spasms and inflammation.
  14. Alder: astringent and wound-healing effect, stop intestinal bleeding.

Medicinal infusions are prepared from these herbs. You can combine them into collections, as well as brew each separately. To prepare the fees, it is enough to take each of the necessary herbs in equal proportions. To increase a certain effect, increase the proportion of the desired herb. Glycerin can be added to decoctions.

Treatment of the chronic stage of UC

Chronic ulcerative colitis can be accompanied by both diarrhea and constipation. Therefore, the treatment of NUC with folk remedies should take into account these features:

  1. Treatment of colitis accompanied by diarrhea. Herbal preparations must necessarily include herbs with fixing properties, for example, yarrow. Take chamomile and yarrow herbs in a ratio of 5: 1, add one part of nettle, St. John's wort and rose hips to them. You will get a herbal collection, an infusion from which will have an increased antibacterial effect, stop diarrhea, cope with decay and stop bleeding. Brewed in a ratio of 1 tbsp. collection on a glass of water. The infusion should be put in a water bath, and then let it brew for several hours (you can put it in a thermos overnight). You need to drink a glass before meals.
  2. Treatment of colitis accompanied by constipation. Herbal preparations, which contain a laxative herb, for example, gout, will help restore motor skills. Take in equal parts chamomile, goutweed, nettle, mint, valerian root and blueberries. Pour three tablespoons of the collection into a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water, leave overnight. Drink one glass before meals. See others in a separate article.

Treatment of the acute stage of UC

Helps to treat the acute stage strongly brewed green tea because it has strong antimicrobial activity. But tea bags will not work, you need to purchase large-leaf tea.

plays an important role in the treatment of acute colitis chamomile. The infusion from it should also be strong: you need to take 4 tbsp for a glass of water. The infusion should be heated in a water bath for about 20 minutes, then strain. Take it half a cup after a meal.

St. John's wort able to stop diarrhea in an acute attack of colitis. Grass is taken at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Infuse for about half an hour and take a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Treatment of relapses

At this time, you need to take fees that increase blood circulation and contribute to the speedy healing of ulcers.

Also in the infusions should participate herbs that improve blood clotting: St. John's wort, nettle, nettle, pepper knotweed. These herbs are recommended to be added to other medicinal collections.

In all cases, the treatment of NUC with folk remedies is very effective. enemas with sea buckthorn oil. It promotes cell regeneration and the fastest healing of wounds and sores. In a small pear, collect 50 ml of oil and enter into the rectum in the supine position. Sea buckthorn enemas are recommended to be done at night. And in the morning you need to take 1-2 tablespoons. oils inside and always on an empty stomach.

NUC and homeopathy

Although homeopathic methods are no longer new methods of treatment, sooner or later there is a desire to give oneself into the hands of a homeopathic doctor. In this case, you need to choose an experienced, proven and qualified doctor.

The treatment of UC with homeopathy depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, therefore, only a conversation with a homeopathic doctor takes a lot of time, up to several hours. Based on described symptoms and other characteristics the doctor will select an individual treatment, which can start from conventional herbal medicine, and end with massage or acupuncture.

Bolotov-Naumov effect

Those who are trying to cope with the disease have probably heard of Dr. Naumov and the Bolotov-Naumov effect. Studies have led to the fact that the cause of ulcerative colitis is the malfunction of the muscular valve - the pylorus, which separates the stomach cavity from the duodenum.

With a low contractility, it remains open for a long time, and as a result of which the two environments (stomach and intestines) mix, which leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The contractility of the valve is disturbed due to the frequent use of alkaline foods. Help restore the pylorus Dr. Naumov's recommendations:

  1. In 30 minutes sucking salt after meals, preferably large.
  2. In the chronic course of the disease, he recommends cook cakes from vegetables.
  3. Enter into the diet in small portions: meat, mushrooms, fish, cottage cheese, kefir, pickled vegetables.
  4. Drink infusion of wormwood 1.5 hours after eating.
  5. Cook kvass from celandine on whey and drink it on a spoon every two hours.

With the right approach, the treatment of NUC according to Naumov brings tangible results. When eating acidic foods, the tone of the pylorus increases, which is called the Bolotov-Naumov effect.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a very dangerous disease that should not be left to chance and think that it will go away on its own. About 10% of cases are fatal. Therefore, regular treatment will help to weaken the disease and serve as a prevention of serious complications.

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