Features of the treatment of plantar fasciitis with folk remedies

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Folk ways to treat the disease
    • foot bath treatment

Treatment of plantar fasciitis with folk remedies is very effective, but due to the severity of the disease, it is best to consult with your doctor. The plantar fascia - the place between the toes and the heel - acts as a kind of shock absorber and allows the foot to be in the correct position when walking.

The function of the fascia of the foot can be impaired by injury or inflammation, which can lead to a serious disease, the main symptom of which is severe pain, and then you can already forget about comfort during ordinary walks, and even more so do not think about sports or high heel shoes.

Plantar fasciitis, depending on the stage of neglect, can cause only slight discomfort or make walking completely unbearable. However, this ailment can be cured at home, guided by the advice of traditional medicine.

Few people are familiar with such a phrase as plantar or plantar fasciitis (fasciitis), as the people call this ailment a heel spur. The name is associated with the very nature of the disease: at the site of inflammation of the tendon, bone tissue grows, which outwardly begins to resemble a spur or spike. The larger the spur, the stronger and sharper the pain will be.

Doctors call fasciitis a disease of runners, since the main risk groups for this disease include people who lead an active lifestyle, including athletes. Plantar fasciitis is quite common among adults - about 10% of the total adult population. Most often, it affects the elderly, overweight, athletes, lovers of high heels and professionals whose work is related to being on their feet all day.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of fasciitis are:

  • pain and burning in the sole and heel at the beginning of walking (starting pain);
  • morning pain;
  • soreness in the muscles of the ankles;
  • swollen ankle.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor using magnetic resonance imaging.

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Folk ways to treat the disease

There are a huge number of folk ways to treat heel spurs or alleviate the symptoms of the disease: from simple and harmless to the most radical. In any treatment, consistency is important. If there is confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the chosen method, the procedures should be carried out regularly, according to the recommendations:

  1. Recipe 1 "Garlic and bacon." A couple of cloves of garlic must be finely grated, the resulting slurry applied to a thin piece of fat, and this kind of sandwich is pressed against the inflamed area. Folk practice shows that after such a compress lasting about 15 minutes, the pain usually disappears. The procedure must be repeated several times a day. In most cases, with regular repetition, the full course of treatment takes about a week. The effectiveness of this method is related to the ability of the combination of garlic and lard to soften the spur.
  2. Recipe 2 "Horseradish and laundry soap." According to the assurances of supporters of traditional medicine, the method is one of the most effective. To implement it, you need to grate horseradish, mix with shavings from ordinary laundry soap, spread the resulting mixture on a paper cloth and use it as a compress for the night. Treatment should be carried out within a few days. For a compress to enhance the effect, it is recommended to wear warm socks, cotton or wool.
  3. Recipe 3 "Birch buds". A fairly popular way of getting rid of a heel spur among the people involves the use of birch buds. In 50 g of birch buds, you need to add 100 ml of alcohol, let it brew for three hours and use the resulting solution to make a compress. Apply a compress for 2 hours three times during the day. In the evening before going to bed after the compress, you can additionally warm the heels in a dry way, such as an egg or sea salt. To do this, preheated salt is poured into a swab of gauze and cotton wool, applied to inflamed areas, and warm socks are put on top.
  4. Recipe 4 "Grass cinquefoil". The folk method of treating fasciitis using cinquefoil herb is quite popular. The root of this plant can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. The root of the cinquefoil is crushed to the state of gruel. A quarter cup of boiling water is added to two tablespoons and insisted for two hours. The resulting mixture is ground until smooth and a compress is made. The compress is fixed on the inflamed area with a bandage, wrapped with polyethylene, a warm sock is put on top. This method is also recommended to use before bedtime.
  5. Recipe 5 "Lilac Flowers". In ancient times, heel spurs were treated with an infusion of lilac flowers. To prepare the drug, they were poured with vodka or alcohol, insisted for several days and taken 30 drops orally, and also used externally, applied to the heel several times during the day. At the same time, the treatment was supplemented by applying fresh leaves of medicinal plants - burdock, plantain, cabbage, horseradish, potatoes, black radish, alternating such compresses several times during the day.

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foot bath treatment

There are a huge number of folk methods to alleviate the condition of the owner of fasciitis with warm foot baths.

  1. Bath with baking soda and salt. In warm water, you need to add laundry soap, soda and sea salt. If there is no sea salt, you can make a bath of ordinary table salt. About four tablespoons of salt are added per liter. Such baths are recommended to be done for at least 30-40 minutes.
  2. Bath with walnuts. To relieve the symptoms of fasciitis, you can make a foot bath with the addition of green walnut peel. The procedure should be done within 10-20 minutes.
  3. Bath with iodine. An iodine solution is also used to treat plantar fasciitis at home. To prepare it, 10 drops of iodine are added to 3 liters of hot water. You can modify this method by adding a tablespoon of baking soda to the water, which will soften the skin. Feet in such a bath are steamed for 10 minutes. Why is dried skin smeared with a 5% solution of iodine.
  4. contrast baths. One way to relieve the symptoms of heel spurs is to take baths with alternating cold and hot water. Water is changed up to 5 times. The procedure is carried out once a week.

It is most effective to do all types of foot baths immediately before going to bed, after which you immediately take a horizontal position and do not get up until the morning. It is better to sleep after the procedures in warm socks made of cotton or wool. It is recommended to repeat the treatment regularly.

In addition to compresses and baths, special gymnastics and massage will also help to get rid of the discomfort associated with the course of fasciitis, by improving the outflow of blood and lymph.

Alternative methods of treating plantar fasciitis are very effective and, at a minimum, will alleviate the suffering of the patient.

Therefore, when treating with folk remedies, it makes sense in parallel to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment, already at the first signs of the disease. This is worth doing even if the pain is gone after treatment at home, as fasciitis often goes into "sleep mode" and can progress without external manifestations.

But still, it must be remembered that this disease is very serious and, without proper treatment, can lead to disastrous consequences, up to disability.

But it is best not to treat the symptoms of the disease, but to prevent the appearance or return of heel spurs. For this it is recommended:

  • fight overweight, if any;
  • lead an active lifestyle, but avoid increased stress on the feet;
  • to carry out the prevention of flat feet, as it is a factor that increases the risk of fasciitis;
  • use orthopedic insoles and do not wear uncomfortable shoes.
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