Consequences of drug addiction: the effect of drugs on the human body

Federal Service for Drug Control, more than 7 million people use drugs, while 3 million use actively. About 5,000 people die every month from drug addiction in Russia. At the same time, the incidence rate is steadily increasing every year. People who embark on this slippery slope, in pursuit of euphoria, rarely think about the consequences. But one thing is known for certain: drugs are poison and it is impossible to avoid its poisonous effect on the body.

Table of contents:

The effect of drugs on orginism

The danger of drugs is that they have a destructive effect on the body after some time, when the addiction has formed and it is no longer possible to stop using drugs on your own. It can be said with absolute certainty that psychoactive substances affect all systems of the body without exception.

Effect on the cardiac system

The cardiovascular system suffers with the use of any drug. Reception opiates leads to oppression of the cardiovascular center located in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the vessels dilate, blood pressure drops sharply, and the heartbeat slows down. The heart barely pumps blood, because of this, the internal organs do not receive oxygen in full, oxygen starvation develops. Under conditions of hypoxia, the metabolism of the heart muscle is disturbed, it develops. In a short period of time, the heart of a young drug addict becomes like the heart of an elderly, sick person.

Psychostimulants act somewhat differently, on the contrary, they stimulate the work of the cardiovascular center. As a result, the pressure rises, the heartbeat quickens. There is a vasospasm, because of which the processes of thermoregulation are disturbed and the person is thrown into a fever, the temperature rises. With such an extreme load, and often occur.

Drug use inevitably leads to "wear and tear" of the heart muscle. And if the addict does not die from an overdose or infection, then after three to four years it will certainly happen from.

Influence on the respiratory system

Opiate drugs depress the respiratory and cough centers, which are also located in the medulla oblongata. This provokes a violation of the cough reflex, due to which various microorganisms linger in the respiratory tract, which will further lead to development. Violation of the breathing process entails oxygen starvation of the body. Under conditions of hypoxia, the brain and heart muscle are primarily affected. An overdose of opiate drugs completely leads to paralysis of the respiratory center, because of which the addict dies from respiratory arrest.

Use marijuana and smoking mixtures also has a detrimental effect. Chronic in such people develops several times more often than in people with tobacco. Against the background of a chronic inflammatory process in the lungs, infectious processes easily occur - pneumonia, which is one of the common causes of death among drug addicts.

Effect on the digestive system

Drug addicts inevitably lose their appetite. Under the influence of narcotic substances, the production of digestive enzymes deteriorates, which worsens the digestion of food. In fact, despite the use of food, the addict has chronic starvation. Such people lose weight, look emaciated and sick. They are tortured endlessly. Fecal masses that linger for several days in the body simply begin to decompose, releasing toxins. Toxins are absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body. Because of this, an unpleasant smell emanates from drug addicts, and the skin acquires a gray, unhealthy color.

It also suffers, because a large load falls on this organ - to free the body from poison. It develops quite quickly. No less formidable condition is acute pancreatic necrosis. This is a violation in the work of the pancreas, when its own enzymes begin to corrode the tissue of the pancreas. The pancreas dies, toxins go off scale in the blood, and a person dies from endogenous intoxication.

Effect on the skeletal system

Synthetic drugs, such as desomorphine, cause purulent destruction of bone tissue. Against the background of a deterioration in the blood supply to the bone tissue, as well as a decrease, osteomyelitis develops. Often affects the jaw bones. The affected bone is simply gradually destroyed. So, in such patients, facial asymmetry is observed due to swelling of the affected area. Fistulas are found at the base of the jaw, through which pus flows. In the oral cavity, a bare gray bone is visible, because the mucous membrane is atrophied. An unpleasant, putrid odor emanates from the mouth. A purulent infection can spread with the formation of abscesses in the face. The bones are destroyed irreversibly and the face remains deformed and disfigured for life. As a result of drug use, bones become brittle and teeth fall out.

Effect on the nervous system

Drugs cause serious damage to the nervous system. Against the background of drug use, as well as during withdrawal, drug addicts are overtaken when they fall and get many injuries. Substance use leads to tremors, gait and coordination problems.

Inevitably, the human psyche suffers. Drug addicts use psychoactive substances for the sake of achieving short-term euphoria, but the truth is that with each time this euphoria is getting weaker and weaker. But after its termination, a person is overtaken by depressing feelings: anxiety, fear, longing, anger. There is a high percentage of drug addicts.

Drug use is accompanied by hallucinations, which can be frightening. In this state, a person is able to harm not only himself, but also others. Drug addiction leads to profound disorders in the nervous system. Often, such people develop psychosis, serious.

Encephalopathy inevitably develops, personality degradation occurs. A person loses interest in healthy activities, concentration, performance.

Drug addiction and infections

Traditional infections of injection drug addicts are also parenteral hepatitis. And if there are state programs that provide medicines for HIV patients, then there are no such programs for hepatitis. is an infection that affects the liver. The course of treatment is very expensive, and several such courses are required. And even the passed treatment does not guarantee a cure. HIV infection leads to the development of immunodeficiency. In this condition, any microorganism is capable of causing a severe infection. In particular, one of the most common causes of death among drug addicts is pneumonia. Also, with intravenous drug administration, a person can bring into the body - and, which leads to severe.

Impact on the social sphere

It is fair to say that the addict is destroying his own life with his own hands. Drug addicts drop out of social life. Relationships with family and friends deteriorate, conflicts constantly occur. Parents worry about their patient, pull them out of trouble and do not notice how they are rapidly aging, earning diseases. As addiction develops, drug addicts lose their jobs, cease to bring any benefit to society.

Drug addicts have impaired potency. Many people already at a young age become. It turns out that they deprive themselves of sexual pleasure. Women who use drugs give birth to children with serious developmental defects and doom them to lifelong torment. Drug addicts will never be able to experience the joys of family, parental life, because all this is already becoming impossible for them.

Being intoxicated, a person runs the risk of getting into unforeseen situations that can end tragically. In an altered state of the psyche, a person does not give an account of his actions. Therefore, drug addicts often fall under the wheels of a car, freeze on the streets, or even go out of windows, breaking to death. Drug addicts flirt with death. There is such a thing as "tolerance change" when, in order to achieve an addictive effect, the addict significantly increases the dose of the substance, because the usual dose no longer causes the expected effect. But the insidiousness lies in the fact that such a dose is not commensurate with life and the person dies.

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