Swelling of the legs in heart failure - treatment and prevention

Greetings to regular and new readers of my blog!

The frantic pace of modern life contributes to the fact that we brush aside some minor ailments.

You can always buy a suitable and inexpensive remedy for a runny nose or sore throat at the nearest pharmacy. But there are some symptoms that you need to pay attention to. It's leg swelling.

The cause of their occurrence may be a violation of the activity of the main muscle and problems in the work of the entire circulatory system.

As you know, such a disease cannot be ignored. How to prevent exacerbation, what are the effective methods of therapy that will help get rid of puffiness?

Briefly about the causes and symptoms of the disease

Problems begin due to disturbances in the work of the main muscle, when it cannot pump blood in the required volume.

Stagnation occurs, each cell of the body does not receive the necessary valuable substances and oxygen. Deficiency, depending on the origin, is classified according to two main indicators:

  1. Acute (attack) and chronic (develops and proceeds for many years);
  2. Left ventricular and right ventricular;

This ailment has pronounced symptoms. Swelling of the legs is the most important of them and most often occurs in older people. They start from the feet and rise gradually higher.

If you press your finger on such areas, then clearly visible depressions remain from them, the skin does not come into tone for some time. Such edema first appears in the evening, and disappears by morning, but over time they do not disappear even in the daytime.

If you do not take up treatment, then trophic ulcers form on the skin, and it is rather long and difficult to cope with them.

In addition, the patient experiences shortness of breath, increased heart rate, constant coughing, performance decreases sharply, and a person feels fatigue even after a minimum of work done.

If you find excess moisture in the tissues or other manifestations on your legs, then do not hesitate, but immediately contact a cardiologist for an appointment.

Effective Treatments

If you have swelling of the legs with heart failure, treatment is prescribed by a cardiologist, after examination and all necessary studies.

It is important to start a course of therapy already at this stage in order to prevent tissue damage by trophic ulcers and support the heart muscle. The doctor prescribes medications individually, but there are certain rules and methods on how to remove swelling at home.

The first thing to do in this situation is to change your daily diet so that it does not harm health, but benefits.

A diet for edema includes a restriction on salt intake - up to 1 gram per day. Mandatory control over water consumption - no more than one liter, while in the evening try not to drink at all.

Take one sip - it irrigates the oral cavity and relieves the feeling of thirst. By all means, the menu should contain foods rich in potassium: rose hips, dried apricots, raisins. Eat at least one banana every day - it contains trace elements necessary for the heart muscle.

Do not eat ready-made meals with dyes, baking powder and other "chemistry". The bulk of your daily diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Choose low-fat meat and dairy products. Do not forget about the harm of alcohol and tobacco - they are unacceptable.

During pregnancy also, almost everyone has stagnation in the tissues. Sometimes even hands swell. Here, as with legs, baths with sea salt help to get rid of this well.

Dissolve a handful of salt in a bowl of warm water. Lower your legs or arms for 15 to 20 minutes. Then immerse them in a bowl of very cold water for a couple of minutes and massage well.

After wiping dry, you can use some kind of cream and again, applying the cream, massage the surface of the problem areas well. This activates blood circulation and lymph outflow.

For many women, a serious problem every morning is that excess moisture affects the face and eyes. Do not despair - modern cosmetology allows you to quickly get rid of all the shortcomings.

There is a wonderful cream Instantly Ageless with a rejuvenating effect, which will not only relieve swelling, but also remove wrinkles, give a fresh and healthy tone to the skin, tone it.

Here are the most effective folk recipes for treating swelling:

  • Take in equal doses (50 grams each) hawthorn, fruits and flowers. Pour half a liter of boiling water, and leave for 2 hours, strain. The dose of a single dose is 70 - 80 ml. half an hour before meals 3 times a day. This portion will last you 2 days.
  • Flax seeds (100 gr.) Fill with one liter of boiling water and boil a little. When it settles, strain and take in the morning, every 2 hours, 100 ml.
  • A monthly course of this remedy not only helps with excess fluid in the tissues, but also supports the heart. 50 gr. mash the viburnum in a mortar so that the fruits “give” juice. Add a glass of boiling water. When cool - add 50 gr. honey.

This drink should be left to infuse for a couple of hours. This is the daily dose. Divide in half, along with fruits, and take 30 minutes before meals. A monthly course is required.

Prevention and lifestyle

It is necessary to normalize the work of the heart muscle, because this is the primary cause of all troubles. In order not to aggravate the situation, to prevent the appearance of trophic ulcers, make sure that the legs rest several times a day.

To do this, take a position so that the limbs are elevated in relation to the body. You can't stand for long. You should not sit in a “leg on foot” position - this is how the veins are compressed. Try to move more, and best of all - in the park area, in the fresh air.

Avoid traumatic situations of a moral and psychological nature: if you get a little nervous, you can get a complication. A good night's rest is required: go to bed earlier.

With such a disease, you must undergo annual maintenance therapy - this will allow you to control the situation, support the overall tone.

"Monastery Tea" has established itself as a very effective, and even at the same time natural and safe remedy.

So, by applying the whole range of necessary measures, you can prevent the progression of the disease, normalize the situation and get rid of all manifestations of the disease. Leave these tips on the wall in the social. networks - your loved ones can come in handy.

And be sure to subscribe to updates.

And I wish all readers excellent health and well-being in everything!

I suggest watching the video

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