How to treat left ventricular hypertrophy

Or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in medicine they call the thickening of the walls of this organ, which is usually asymmetrical. Pathology already includes an increase of up to 1.5 cm. Such a disease is also life-threatening because in about 40% of cases it can, which means that the time necessary for stopping the disease will simply be missed, without which everything can be lethal. Often, hypertrophy is detected absolutely by chance - with a cardiogram of the heart, so it is important to check the condition of this organ annually.

Left ventricular hypertrophy can occur even at a young age and cause sudden death, stroke or heart attack. She also happens to. The most common complaint may be high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness, unstable pressure, chest pain, feeling unwell, general weakness, poor sleep, arrhythmia, fainting. Often these resemble ischemic and in any case require attention. If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms in your health, contact a cardiologist immediately and get a referral for the necessary examinations.

It is believed that hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is just a symptom of a certain disease of the cardiovascular system, such as congenital heart disease or hypertension. Thickening of the walls of the left ventricle can also occur as a result of obesity, which gives additional stress to the heart. One of the causes is also considered sleep apnea, associated with stopping breathing during sleep from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. In any case, it is important to initially establish the underlying cause of the development of such a serious symptom. You may need not only medication, but also surgery.

Complete all examinations recommended by your doctor. These include ultrasound, ECG, echocardiography, blood tests, blood pressure monitoring. Based on the examinations carried out, the cardiologist will prescribe treatment. The main prescriptions are inhibitors that promote vasodilation and lower blood pressure, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), beta-blockers that decrease the heart rate, and calcium channel blockers. To normalize the functioning of the kidneys, whose activity directly affects blood pressure, it is recommended to take thiazide diuretics. Treatment is often carried out in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In addition to the main therapy, follow the daily routine, diet, give up bad habits. Alcohol while taking beta-blockers is strictly contraindicated. Get rid of nicotine addiction, do not drink caffeinated drinks, move more.

Reduce weight as much as possible, especially if you are obese, and the amount of salt in your diet. Eat in moderation and small portions. The diet should contain lean meats, seafood, dairy and sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables. Try to eat more foods that contain vitamins, magnesium, calcium, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - they have a positive effect on metabolism and strengthen the myocardial wall.

Reduce the consumption of animal fats, sweets, baked goods, baked goods, smoked meats and pickles. Forget about fried foods, try to cook everything by steaming or in the oven. Also refuse pure sugar - it is enough if you get it from natural products, for example, fruits. But they can only be eaten if the doctor allows, given the general state of your health.

Control the condition of the intestines, as the absorption of all nutrients by the body, as well as general immunity, depends on this. Enter into the diet more of the beneficial fiber necessary for the functioning of the intestines. And if you experience problems with the stool, be sure to tell the specialist who is watching you about it.

If one of the reasons for the development of hypertrophy is a sedentary lifestyle, the doctor may advise you to go in for swimming, aerobics, running, and physiotherapy exercises. Without the normalization of nutrition and habits, it is useless to take serious steps to combat such a disease, because everything can return to normal, and the disease will only progress. Naturally, do not forget that physical activity should be moderate and depend solely on the state of your body. Even just long walks in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on health.

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