Flux: where does it come from, symptoms, how to treat and prevention

Sometimes reluctance to visit the dentist's office, as well as carelessness for dental care gives the most unexpected and painful complications. One of these complications can be called flux ( periostitis). Its causes and how to cure it - you can learn all this from the article below.

Flux - reasons

Why does flux occur? Of course, from untreated teeth, wounds on the mucous membrane, sore throats, boils, or inflammation in the gaps of the gums and teeth. Flux is the entry of microbes and infections into the oral cavity. And since many people neglect to attend dental office, or they are simply afraid of doctors with drills, then this is exactly what is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that corrode the pulp. In this way they reach the periosteum.

It can also happen from the fact that a person who has visited a specialist once stops treatment. This may be a temporary filling with arsenic, which also corrodes the pulp, which will become a factor in the occurrence of edema and suppuration. Also, the source can be hypothermia, jaw injuries, problems after tooth extraction during.

Flux - symptoms

You have already familiarized yourself with the reasons, now it's time to find out the symptoms of this unpleasant sore. There are several stages of flux:

  • initial ;
  • acute;
  • chronic .

At the initial stage - this, of course, is of a aching nature. If you press on the tooth, or bite something on it, then the pain will become stronger. Also, the tooth may begin to pulsate. If a person does not turn to a specialist, but simply “scores” on pain, then a tumor develops further, and the gums begin, the pain does not stop.

If after this the patient does not starts treatment, then the face begins to swell, if a tooth hurts in the upper part - the cheek, upper lip swell, the temple can also swell and. If the tooth is from below, then the edema passes to the mobile jaw up to the chin, and the lymph nodes also swell. It becomes painful to swallow, move the head and jaw, may start to shoot, and rises to 38-38.5 degrees.

It happens that the abscess explodes by itself, a certain amount of pus flows out and the person becomes a little better. However, this does not mean that everything is over and over. On the contrary, the inflammatory process does not stop and a flux is formed again. Moreover, it can become much more painful, and instead of a closed cavity, with pus present in it, phlegmon occurs (when all surrounding tissues are saturated with pus). And this threatens with blood poisoning, besides, the development of suppuration can go to the membranes, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.

In chronic periostitis, all processes are very slow. The jawbone under the affected tooth begins to thicken. Despite the fact that it lasts quite a long time, the inflammatory action still proceeds.

Flux on gum

There are several types of flux, they all pass in different ways and they also need to be treated in different ways.

  • Ordinary is an acute disease, with it there is gingival hyperemia and infiltration of periosteal tissues.
  • Fibrous - chronic flux.
  • Odontogenic purulent - manifests itself when infections enter the injured gum, or against the background of purulent osteomyelitis.
  • Serous albuminous - there is an inflammatory nature and the occurrence of liquid exudate.
  • Ossifying form of flux - has a chronic form, occurs with constant irritation of the periosteum.

With disease, the gums begin to swell. The source can be caries, lack of treatment, or poor-quality treatment of pulpitis, as well as inflammation of the gums.

If caries occurs on the tooth enamel and it does not heal, then the infections move from the carious cavity to the pulp and begin to become inflamed there. With such a flux, there are usually aching and sharp pains, and inflammation goes beyond the dental pulp. The result is purulent inflammation near the tops of the roots. Pus comes out under the mucous membrane of the gums, forming a purulent sac.

Flux on the gum can also appear when incorrectly sealed root canals.

Flux - treatment doctor

When affected by flux, the tooth can be removed. But the decision must be made by an expert. If the sore has not developed so much and dragged on, then most likely the tooth will be saved. Given this, it becomes clear how important timely access to a doctor is.

Salt baths help to remove pus, and t also rinse with Chlorhexidine. Antibiotics are prescribed in injections or in tablets. Improvement can be expected within 13-16 hours after the intervention of specialists. However, after the operation, you must follow some rules: you can not apply a heating pad or warm compresses, do not take antibiotics and painkillers without the advice of a specialist, and at the same time aspirin to avoid increased bleeding. If after 10 hours after the procedure, the pain does not subside, then you need to contact the dentist again.

Flux in a child - what make

Unfortunately, periostitis happens not only in adults, but also in inflammation. Inflammation can occur not only on permanent teeth, but also on milk teeth. Previously, they were always removed, but in modern medicine, treatment is prescribed to avoid malocclusion after pulling teeth.

The affected tooth is removed only in case of complications. If you have a flux, then in no case should you touch the sore spot, apply something warm, give antibiotics or painkillers. Infusions of oak bark or sage will help to remove, you can also make a solution of salt and soda with a couple of drops of iodine. To stop the inflammation process, you can make an infusion of squeezed garlic (6-7 cloves) and warm water.

Next, you must immediately run to a specialist, in no case should you treat the child yourself. Dentist will inspect, prescribe treatment (or tooth extraction), open the focus of inflammation and clean it.

Children are given antibiotics anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapy procedures .

Flux - how to treat at home conditions

Flux is, unfortunately, not a sore that can be treated while at home. But, if there is no opportunity to immediately get to a specialist, then pain and swelling can be slightly reduced. Folk remedies are infusions from a variety of combine green tea with the same amount of sage and pour a liter of boiling water, adding a couple of tablespoons of salt. Rinse every couple of hours. Or just pour boiling water over the sage and rinse it.

  • Mix pepper, birch buds, small periwinkle, forest angelica (2-3 spoons each), pour 800 ml of vodka. Leave for a day, after which it is necessary to strain. Rinse your mouth with tincture every couple of hours.
  • To calm the pain, you can squeeze out of the onion, soak a cotton pad in it and apply to the gum.
  • It is permissible to rinse the oral cavity with a tablespoon of Chlorophyllipt, diluted in a glass of warm water. If the purulent sac has come out or has already burst, you should rinse your mouth with potassium permanganate.
  • Take half a glass warm, pour half a spoonful of table salt. After mixing thoroughly, take a little mixture into your mouth and hold for 5 minutes on the affected side. Repeat a couple more times. Salt water perfectly draws out pus from the deepest layers of the gums.
  • Before going to bed, you can apply propolis, beeswax or honey to the sore spot. They will perfectly relieve the painful sensation and draw out the pus.
  • You can also prepare alcohol tincture on calendula. To do this, pour a spoonful of dry calendula with a glass of vodka (alcohol). Rinse several times a day.
  • How to withdraw flux fast

    If a to you necessary very fast take off edema and downplay pain, then in this to you maybe help:

    • Rinsing infusions, decoctions (chamomile, calendula, sage).
    • Rinsing saline and soda solutions.
    • Rinsing furatsilin (pair tablets on the glass of water, rinse every couple hours, removes edema, renders antiseptic impact).
    • Rinsing alcoholic tincture Rotokan. L burnt tinctures dilute glass water.
    • Rinsing Malavit.
    • Reception H imesil, D iazolin, D iclofenac.
    • Also wonderful will help ointment Vishnevsky. She needs impose on the gauze napkin, attach to place pain and fix on the couple hours.
    • Levomekolapply his can also, as ointment Vishnevsky, a if opening abscess already happened, then ointment can impose on the gum.
    • with him can make compresses, spreading his water (1 :4 ) and wet them gauze napkin. After what attach to sick place on the couple hours. Make compresses should couple once in day.

    Prevention diseases

    To you not overtook flux - regularly spend prevention. Hnecessary clean teeth at least 2 times a day, choose high-quality toothpaste and keep your toothbrush clean and changed regularly. After food important rinse oral cavity with special compounds.

    Visit the dentist regularly and treat all diseased teeth on time. For prevention doctors recommend add in mine diet more fresh fruits and vegetables (apples and carrots), This helps strengthen teeth and gum. Also should consume fermented milk products.

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