Plantar fasciitis: photos, symptoms and treatment

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the connective tissue begins to be affected. As a rule, the focus of inflammation is located near the heel and closer to the phalanges of the fingers. When the sole is regularly and severely injured, inflammation of the ascetic type appears. The described form of fasciitis begins to develop. The article will describe the causes in more detail, as well as the symptoms, treatment and prevention measures.


The causes of plantar fasciitis include a high load on the foot. As a rule, the greatest indicator of pressure is fixed near the heel. Symptoms appear in the older generation of people. Already by the age of forty, a large number of chronic diseases associated with the spine and joints occur. Because of this, all departments of the musculoskeletal system suffer greatly from the slightest load.

Plantar fasciitis develops, the photo of which is presented in the article, due to arthrosis, arthritis, excess weight, osteochondrosis, problems with blood vessels. It also affects flat feet, a prolonged load on the feet (for example, if the patient constantly stands during the day), and also a high arch.

Provoking factors should be noted tight and uncomfortable shoes. Especially if it is worn down from one end. This indicates possible problems with the sole. If a person constantly receives microtrauma of the feet, then degenerative and inflammatory processes occur. Spurs and osteophytes may also form.


It hurts the patient to step on the heel after he has been sitting for a long time. In the evening, the unpleasant effect will only intensify. Then pains appear and in the mornings. With constant walking up the stairs, as well as staying in a standing position, severe discomfort occurs.

If there is no treatment or it is incorrect, then additional symptoms of plantar fasciitis may appear. The pain begins to spread to the ankle, as well as the arch of the foot. On the x-ray, you can see that the bone tissue began to grow near the heel. The foot swells and masses may appear.

It should be noted that in the presence of fasciitis, osteophytes occur. These are solid formations that bring excruciating pain. The protrusion of the bone tissue does not allow the patient to stand on the foot normally. Because of it, movement without support is simply impossible. If the disease is started, then the patient will have to constantly use crutches.


The question of how to treat plantar fasciitis is quite relevant. It should immediately be noted that you need to consult a doctor immediately. The diagnosis can be made depending on the initial examination, as well as on x-rays. This will clarify any existing complications.

If the patient puts off going to the doctor, then he has degenerative and destructive processes that can lead to fatal consequences.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to apply complex therapy. Be sure to use tablets, ointments, and also limit the load that is placed on the diseased limb. You need to pay attention to your diet. If there is excess weight, you should get rid of it. This is what can make the problem worse.

Therapy will be aimed at reducing the load on the foot and eliminating inflammation. With proper and timely treatment of plantar fasciitis, complete healing can be achieved. If we are talking about a neglected case, then osteophytes can appear. Accordingly, the patient will have excruciating pain. If the heel spur is broken (one of the complications), then the likelihood that a person will remain disabled is quite high.


Thanks to the performance of special exercises, it is possible to achieve the elasticity of the aponeurosis. Gymnastics, which the patient does regularly, can lengthen the fascia and reduce the risk of injury. Thanks to it, connective tissue can be strengthened. Also, many doctors recommend doing gymnastics as a preventive measure, as it allows you to protect yourself from the development of plantar fasciitis. Exercise therapy should be done every morning. First you need to knead the joints, and then perform the exercises that are prescribed by a specialist.

All instructions must be followed exactly. Do not try to choose your own set of activities. Otherwise, you can make mistakes and achieve the opposite results. During the exercise, there should not be severe pain. If the discomfort becomes unbearable, it is necessary to reduce the load, as well as reduce the number of repetitions of exercises.

After performing gymnastic exercises, you should use a special tape or an elastic bandage. It will support the aponeurosis and fix the arch of the foot. The material should be well stretched.

Use of orthotics

In order to fix the foot at an angle of 90 degrees, you can use orthoses or brace. They are advised to wear at night. In the daytime, it is better to use orthopedic shoes or special insoles. Orthoses are an effective tool. They allow you to maintain elasticity and prevent shortening of the aponeurosis. This technique makes it possible to carry out the most successful treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Treatment Methods

In addition to the above means, the patient should be prescribed other types of influence on the problem. How the pathology should be treated depends on the results of the diagnosis. The orthopedic surgeon must choose the necessary methods of therapy himself.

If a person has problems with weight, then a nutritionist is connected. He will create a menu that will have a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Of course, the diet should be within the optimal number of calories consumed. The patient needs to consume more of those products that will be useful for tissues, cartilage, ligaments, and so on.

To achieve effective treatment, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. Massage is performed, mud applications are made. Baths made from chamomile, pine needles, as well as sea salt are excellent. Applying cold works well. Ointments and gels should be applied to the sore spot, which have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to take painkillers if necessary. For mild pain, doctors recommend Aspirin, and for severe pain, Naproxen. It is desirable to treat the foot with anti-inflammatory drugs that have a local effect.

If the patient has an advanced case of plantar fasciitis, then the doctor may prescribe additional treatment measures. It can be laser, shock wave and ultrasound therapy. Sometimes injections of analgesics and glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

Illiterately selected therapy can provoke the development of osteophytes and increased pain. The described disease also reduces a person's mobility. He will have to use crutches. If the case is too long and severe, then surgery can be performed. It is necessary to remove bone growths and other affected areas of the foot.

Description of the medical devices used

Ointments should be applied only to those places where pain is felt. So you can reduce it. Only those drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used. Many doctors call Voltaren the most effective remedy.

Patches that are impregnated with flurbiprofen are also used to prevent pain. They help with severe or chronic discomfort.

Oral agents act systemically and are able to anesthetize. Ibuprofen is recommended. It is often combined with the above ointments and patches. So you can enhance the effect and quickly get rid of the pain.

Intramuscular drugs are administered through a syringe. As such, drugs are used that relieve inflammation. “Cortisone” and so on can be similar. Hyaluronic acid is often used. It allows you to restore tissue and save the patient from inflammation.

Alternative treatment

Treating plantar fasciitis at home requires discussion with your doctor. It is imperative to consult with a specialist so as not to harm yourself.

Night compresses are recommended. It should be used It should be poured into a thermos, and then poured with boiling water. For a couple of hours, the broth should be removed in any warm place. Next, rub the root to the consistency of gruel and apply to the affected area. The compress should be kept all night, after bandaging the leg with a napkin and cellophane.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis with folk remedies brings results. Patients are advised to use serum. It is necessary to apply about 700 ml. The liquid must be boiled, and then poured into the basin. After the serum has cooled, you should steam the feet.


Alternative treatment of plantar fasciitis is also carried out using homemade ointments. One of the most effective is the one made from horseradish. You need to take its rhizome, and then grind it with a grater. An additional 20 grams of soap should be used. This ointment is applied at night. It is necessary to bandage the leg with cellophane.

Preventive measures

In order to protect your foot from the development of fasciitis, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures. The risk of this pathology will decrease several times if you follow some rules.

Only comfortable shoes should be worn. It must have the correct block, and also be created from quality material. If there are any problems with the foot, special orthopedic models should be worn and insoles should not be abandoned. It is necessary to control the load that is carried out on the aponeurosis. If a person has a sedentary job, then he should do exercises from time to time. Activity is an important condition for the proper functioning of the body. Weight should be normal, you also need to follow the diet as much as possible. It should be understood that extra pounds are one of the most common factors that provoke pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. If the arch of the foot is constantly under heavy load, then the likelihood of fasciitis will increase. You should always check the condition of your spine and joints. If there are suspicions of problems with the musculoskeletal system, then you should immediately consult a doctor and start therapy.

When to contact a specialist?

An orthopedic traumatologist should be contacted immediately as soon as pain, swelling or any discomfort appears in the heel area. If you go to a specialist in time, you can quickly recognize fasciitis and stop inflammation at an early stage. With complex treatment, it will be possible to achieve healing without complications. In advanced cases, only surgery will help.

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