Normative documents for the bakery. How to open a mini-bakery at home? Description of the market

My name is Krasovsky Stas, I'm from the city of Tomsk. Six years ago I decided to open my own business and ordered a mini-bakery business project. According to the results of calculations, the direction turned out to be very profitable. And now, for five years now, my Vkus bakery has been operating on the market.

My business features are:

  • own transformer substation with a capacity of 160 kVA, which feeds the bakery building. For emergency power, a diesel generator is provided;
  • a two-story building with two production workshops on the ground floor;
  • three warehouses;
  • offices of the director, accountant and a room for employees;
  • there is internet and all the necessary equipment;
  • has its own transport (two auto-pickup, several gazelles);
  • number of employees - 24 people;
  • productivity - about 3 thousand bread products;
  • contracts with more than a hundred stores;
  • initial investment at the time of starting a business - from two million rubles;
  • monthly income at the moment - from a million rubles.

How to open a mini bakery?

In this type of business, the main thing is to understand the specifics of making bread and take a responsible approach to your work. Still, we are talking about the manufacture of products for daily consumption.

Let's figure out what it takes to open a bakery:

1. Decide on the assortment of the future bakery. Here the choice is wide. You can produce ordinary bread that is popular with most people (sliced ​​loaves, rye rolls, wheat bread, and so on), non-traditional varieties (for example, French rolls with various additives), confectionery and others. Create

It depends on your decision what equipment will be needed, how much money will be needed to rent the premises, what output volumes should be, and so on.

In your calculation, you must take into account:

  • production volumes. For example, mini-bakeries are capable of making up to 700 tons of products per day, ordinary bakeries - up to 3 thousand tons, and the largest ones - from 3 thousand tons or more;
  • room area - from 50 to 100 square meters;
  • product prices;
  • sales features and so on.

2. Analyze if opening a bakery is profitable in your area, how intense the competition is. If your city already has several private bread-making establishments, plus large bakeries, then you should think about starting a business in another locality.

3. To open a bakery cafe or any other business, will have to register. For a bakery, there are two main options - a sole trader (simple, cheap and affordable) or an LLC.

The first option is good at the initial stage, when there is no time to collect a large amount of papers and you want to start as soon as possible.

The LLC option is for serious business.

Resolve your tax issue.

To open a bakery, an excellent and most profitable option is UTII.

If it is not possible to issue it, then as an alternative, you can take the simplified tax system with 6 or 15%.

These types of taxation are available to all companies whose income does not exceed 60 million rubles.

As soon as you have registered, immediately apply for the transition to "simplified".

4. Before opening a bakery (bakery) you must take care of the choice of premises. Please note that not only the production of bakery products, but also their partial sale will take place in the selected building.

If the business is small (for example, a mini-bakery), then you can choose a place near business centers or the metro. The main requirement is high permeability.

For the first time, it is enough to arrange a lease, but with a further right to purchase. Otherwise, the constant relocation of the business will take a lot of time and bring considerable losses.

According to reviews, a bakery as a business should occupy at least 140-160 square meters. This place should be enough for the convenient location of all equipment and the organization of the technological process.

The average cost of renting such a room is from 70 thousand rubles. Additional costs must be added to the cost of repairs.

You can study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

When choosing and repairing a room, be guided by the requirements of the SES:

  • the bakery must have water (cold and hot), ventilation and sewerage;
  • it is forbidden to use the basement (semi-basement) premises;
  • it is obligatory to have a toilet, a warehouse, utility rooms, rooms where staff will be located;
  • the walls must be tiled (up to a height of 1.75 meters is mandatory), and the ceilings must be whitewashed;
  • the floor covering must be waterproof.

5. Equipment is one of the main items of expenditure. Of the basic equipment, you will need a baking trolley, a flour sifter, an oven, a dough sheeter, a proofer and a text mixer.

For the first time, one piece of each equipment is enough. Over time, production can be expanded.

In addition, you will need an oven, a heat showcase, a freezer, a cash register, a money box, cabinets (they will store ready-made bread) and so on. As a rule, the total costs are from 500 thousand rubles.

An additional item of expenditure is household goods, furniture, and so on. But here the investments will be lower - from 30-40 thousand rubles.

6. Recruit qualified personnel. When opening a mini-bakery, you will need at least three to four people, including the main baker, his assistant, a technician, and a cleaner.

As for the functions of an accountant and manager, at first these responsibilities can be taken over.

With an increase in production, staff will have to be recruited. In this case, one shift should be at least 6-7 people. You will also need a driver and an accountant.

Please note that one of the main workers is a baker-technologist. It is on him that the quality of the prepared bread and the reputation of the institution depend. Try to find someone with experience and deep knowledge in this area.

7. After solving organizational issues, it is important to take care of obtaining all permissions:

  • conclusion from the SES. It can be issued in Rospotrebnadzor. As a rule, registration is free of charge, but the main requirement is the provision of the results of examinations;
  • conclusion from firefighters on the compliance of the building with all fire safety standards;
  • product conformity certificate;
  • hygiene certificate and quality certificate.

8. As soon as all the documents are ready and the workers are in the ranks, production can begin. At the same time, run ads to attract new customers.

You can organize outdoor advertising, appoint a person to distribute leaflets, place an ad in the local newspaper, and so on. The more people who know about the new bakery, the better. The average cost of an advertising company is from 40 thousand rubles.

What should be the business plan for a bakery with calculations?

One of the most important points- business expenses. You must understand how much you need to invest in starting your own business, and what the potential profit can be.

Before you open a mini-bakery and a store, you need to make a small calculation of future costs:

  • rent of premises - from 70,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase of equipment - from 500,000 rubles (one-time costs);
  • repair of the premises in accordance with the required standards - from 80,000 rubles (paid once);
  • payment of utilities - from 100,000 rubles per month;
  • payment of wages - from 300,000 rubles per month;
  • advertising - from 40,000 rubles.

Considering that your bakery manages to process about a ton of flour per day, and the price of one unit of production is about 40-50 rubles, then the business indicators will be as follows:

  • turnover - from 10 million rubles a year;
  • total income - from 2 million rubles;
  • net income - from 800,000 rubles.

The average payback of such a business is about a year.

Table number 1. Consumer potential of bakeries in Russia

So how much does it cost to open a bakery?

The total cost largely depends on the size of your business. For example, 1-2 million rubles may be enough to open a small mini-bakery. When creating a larger business with volumes of 3 thousand tons or more, the costs will be higher - from 10 million rubles.

How to open a bakery franchise?

For many people, the issue of costs is very painful. On the one hand, I want to open my own business, and on the other hand, money is running out. Another problem is fierce competition, which is difficult to fight. In such a situation, you can work on a franchise of an already well-known brand.

There are several positives here:

  • there is a chance to work under a well-known brand, which will reduce advertising costs;
  • consulting support is provided at all stages of doing business;
  • assistance in doing business is provided all the time. No one will leave to the mercy of fate, because the overall profit of the company also depends on the success of the "branch";
  • problems with the supply of raw materials and equipment go away.

All that is required is to choose a company that will offer the most profitable terms and agree to work in your city.

Table number 2. Key production indicators

What are the reviews about the mini-bakery business?

With a competent business organization and the availability of the necessary amount, a new business will certainly bring income. The main thing is to responsibly approach the execution of permits and organizational processes of the business.

On average, mini-bakeries pay for themselves in 1-2 years (sometimes earlier). Reviews of already experienced managers testify to the great prospects of the business. I count myself among them.

That's all. Now you know how much it costs to open a mini-bakery, and what is required for this. It remains only a little - to begin to act.

Opening a mini-bakery without experience in this area is a bold decision. This business attracts with profitability and stability at all times, but to start a business, you need to solve a lot of issues. In this case, it is best to learn from experience, but not your own, but someone else's. We will tell you how we opened the Sdobushka mini-bakery, what issues we encountered, how we solved them and created a successful business. This information will help you make a decision and better understand how to start a bakery business.

How the Sdobushka bakery was opened in the apartment

It was decided to open a new bakery in a two-room apartment on the ground floor. To do this, it was necessary to redo it a little: organize a separate entrance, arrange it, change the layout. Since it was supposed to make a bakery shop, a place was immediately planned for the placement of production and commercial equipment.

The necessary minimum, selected by a professional technologist, was chosen as equipment. Main set:

  • Convection oven PK-10 with a capacity of 50 loaves of bread up to 600 g with a baking time of 40 minutes;
  • Proofer ShR-41;
  • Testomes MTM-65M;
  • For confectionery, additionally installed:
  • Mixer for biscuit and sand dough V-30V;
  • Planetary mixer for V-5 filling.

One of the most important conditions for the assignment to technologists was to place the bakery in a small area, so the optimal ratio of compactness and productivity was selected. As a result, the convection oven is installed on a proofing cabinet, which, in addition to saving space, ensures ease of use. Thus, in a small two-room apartment, a bakery shop is easily located, the assortment of which includes both classic bread and a variety of sweet pastries.

How profitable is a mini-bakery?

One of the main advantages of the bread business is its stability. People eat bread in any economic situation, and in times of crisis they begin to consume it even more, thus compensating for the inability to buy expensive products.

Equipment for a mini-bakery requires relatively low costs, which quickly pay off. This is easy to verify if you compare the cost of raw materials and the cost of finished products. So a 100-gram cabbage pie costs 4 rubles 54 kopecks, and the price in stores is at least 20, a French baguette costs 4 rubles, and is sold for 30, loaf 600 gr. It requires raw materials for 7.5 rubles, and is put up for sale for at least 35. (For calculations, the average purchase prices are taken: 19.5 rubles for flour, 58 rubles for margarine and 36 for cabbage).

What to look for:

A mini-bakery is a fairly new business format, but practice has already shown the nuances of such an enterprise:

  • Production + point of sale is the most profitable solution, as it reduces transport costs and looks more attractive to buyers.
  • As an assortment, it is better to choose more expensive varieties of bread. Standard "bricks" can be bought everywhere, and the price for them is fixed. People are happy to pay more when purchasing whole grain bread, pastries with seeds, original (for example, national) pastries, because these are simple and useful way diversify your daily diet.
  • The optimal location of such a bakery is sleeping areas, or near markets, shopping centers and large bus stops. People do not buy bread in the city center, but do it closer to home or on their way home from work.
  • Having promoted one store, you can safely open a network, delighting residents of other areas with delicious fresh bread near the house.

How not to burn out by making a mistake in the equipment?

Modern manufacturers offer many options for each node of the bakery. At the same time, they are important not only individually - it is necessary to understand how it will work in combination. Therefore, the best option is to equip the bakery with the help of an experienced technologist who understands theoretical issues and sees in practice how the process proceeds with different equipment.

Of the many options, it is better to choose equipment that has various settings, and in addition can be supplemented at little cost and reoriented to a wider range over time.


The easiest way to determine the demand for certain bakery products is to analyze the business of competitors. See what types of bread sell out the fastest, find types that are not represented in the city at all or are baked, but not enough. At the same time, you can start with relatively standard options, and then gradually expand the range.


As you can see, opening a mini-bakery is not a difficult task, although it involves solving many issues. Careful step-by-step work necessarily leads to success. In order not to make a mistake in the main resource of the bakery - equipment - it is important to choose a reliable supplier.

The Khleb Oborudovanie company is engaged not only in the supply of equipment, but also solves the complex tasks of equipping mini-bakeries, providing comprehensive support to the new business. When professionals get down to business, you can be sure that the technical part will not cause trouble, so you can focus on other issues. Make an application on the Khleb Equipment website or call the company, and managers will present options for finished projects with a calculated cost and help you decide what is right for your business!

Mini-bakery as a business

Most Russians are sure that starting their own business, including a bakery, is costly and out of reach for small players in this market segment. But this is an erroneous opinion, since a mini-bakery is a small business that does not require significant financial investments.

The bakery can function both independently and as part of supermarkets and other similar establishments. Moreover, over time, you can afford to expand your business and create a whole bakery network. After all, this business is profitable, since bakery products have been in demand before, and remain so to this day.

If you are interested in such a prospect, then we will help you sort out this issue and tell you how to open a mini-bakery and where to start your business.

How to open a mini-bakery

There are a number of steps you need to take to start your own bakery business. In particular:

However, the main step is to register as an individual entrepreneur or create an LLC if there are one or more founders (see: How to open an individual entrepreneur). If you already are, then you will need to make additions in the form of a code for the activity that you are going to do. At the same time, you also need to add a retail code, since you probably want to independently sell your products through your own outlets.

For those who plan to open a bakery in the form of an LLC, we recommend that you read the article " Rights and obligations of LLC participants".

How to open a bakery-confectionery from scratch

An entrepreneur can open not just a bakery that only bakes bakery products, but also combine it with a confectionery. In this case, one should not forget that sweets in the form of cakes, pastries, cookies, gingerbread and other delicacies are a specific product, and for some of their types, the sale period is very limited.

This means that high incomes in a short time cannot be expected. Yes, and professionals should produce such products more high level than ordinary bakers, since success depends not only on the assortment, but also on the ability to decorate the product beautifully (and the technological process is quite laborious and costly).

Also, even before making an appropriate decision to open a bakery and confectionery, it is worth consulting with a specialist in logistics matters.

Don't know your rights?

How much does it cost to open a bakery

The story of how to open a bakery will be incomplete if you ignore the financial side. How much Money need to be available to expand at least a small bakery production? Let's make an approximate calculation of costs, focusing on prices in large cities.

  1. Equipment. If we are talking directly about a mini-bakery, then it will not require so much equipment (it is quite possible to meet the amount within a million rubles):
    • baking ovens;
    • flour sifter;
    • mixer;
    • proofing cabinets;
    • dough sheeter;
    • molds for baking bread;
    • bottom sheets.

    Additionally, you need to acquire washing baths (one- and two-section), refrigerated cabinets, wall tables, racks and trolleys for finished products, scales, etc.

    With small volumes, you can purchase a minimum set of baking equipment worth about 500 thousand rubles. It is quite suitable for a mini-bakery, the daily output of which will be about 400 kg. You can also purchase a ready-made European-made mini-bakery: the cost of such complexes is different, the price range starts from 750 thousand rubles. In order to save money, you can even buy used equipment.

  2. Payment for utilities may require from 100 to 200 thousand rubles per month (depending on the volume of manufactured products, maybe less).
  3. The salary of the staff, which, in the presence of 10 people in the state and an average salary of 40 thousand rubles. will amount to more than 0.5 million per month, together with mandatory deductions.
  4. Buying a room will be expensive, so it's better to find a suitable one and rent it. Its cost will be negotiable, but usually varies between 30 - 150 dollars per square meter.
  5. Bringing the premises to the desired state, in accordance with the requirements, is another 100 thousand.
  6. Permits will cost approximately 65 thousand rubles.

What are the requirements for a bakery

To organize a small production, a room of 70 - 150 squares is enough. However, it must meet a number of requirements, for example:

  1. The legislation prohibits placing such production in semi-basement or basement-type premises.
  2. The room must be equipped with ventilation, plumbing and sewerage systems.
  3. As for the walls, they should be whitewashed and painted in light colors or lined with ceramic tiles. The same can be said for the ceiling.
  4. Floors must be made of materials that are water resistant.

In addition to the listed requirements, the premises must have areas for accommodating a working hall, a warehouse for the main and auxiliary raw materials, a locker room for bakery workers, a sink, a shower room and a toilet.

A package of documents for opening a bakery

Before starting your own business, it is important to draw up a business plan. However, it is clearly not enough, because we are talking about food production, so it is necessary to collect permits.

It's about:

Bakery workers are allowed to work only if they have medical books designed in accordance with all requirements. The document form itself is inexpensive, about 200 rubles, but passing a medical commission can cost around 2,000 rubles. (the specific cost is established by the healthcare institution or its founder).

Time to start

So, we figured out how to open your own bakery from scratch, what else should not be forgotten? You have prepared the premises, purchased the equipment, selected the staff, all the documentation has been prepared in full - it would seem that you can start...

Download certificate form

However, we suggest not to miss the opportunity to increase the chances of success. Advertising, which, as you know, is the engine of trade, will help to achieve it to one degree or another. Of course, on a full scale advertising campaign serious financial investments are required, but they can be significantly reduced, for example, by attracting promoters, since their services are inexpensive. It also does not hurt to place advertisements on bulletin boards located in crowded places and on virtual sites.

The organization of a bakery with an incomplete cycle and a limited range of products at the first stage will also save money.

Now you know how to open a bakery from scratch. Good luck, believe in yourself and everything will work out for you.

Bakery products remain one of the most sought after food products on the market. Although over the past decades, for a number of reasons, the share of bakery products has slightly decreased. Nevertheless, bakeries will not disappear anywhere in the near future, and the demand for their products can be predicted to be stable.

Before you open a mini-bakery, it is advisable to pre-calculate and draw up a business plan. The choice of one or another concept depends on the specifics of the situation. Predominantly, the business is profitable, as it primarily refers to the consumables business. Consider the main features of the industry.


The existing features of this area are associated with a change in the product line, a change in the need for these products, directly with the production and distribution of products.

Product line

AT recent times the range of food products has grown significantly. This could not but affect the decrease in the share of bakery products. In addition, there is a steady trend towards a healthy lifestyle, which also contributed to the reduction in bread consumption. According to statistics, the level of consumption of bakery products from 2011 to 2013 decreased by 5%.

Along with this, new products appear on the market: combined products, products with various additives. Because of this, the product line is expanding significantly.

Download a ready-made bakery business plan, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.


The share of large producers of bakery products in the market in such a situation will gradually decrease. Already at the moment, the capacities of large manufacturers are loaded by 30-50%.

There are several reasons for this:

  • less flexible process, designed for large volumes;
  • distribution of mini-bakeries, the cost of producing small batches in which is much lower;
  • organization by large grocery chains of their own production of medium capacity;
  • the emergence of by-products and home-made equipment.

All this leads to the fact that large manufacturers increase costs and the total cost of production increases. They are forced to apply various measures, one of them is additives to products in order to extend their shelf life. Such measures also do not contribute to the promotion of goods on the market. Positive feedback loop. Demand decreases - quality is forced to decrease - demand decreases.

Based on such an analysis, it can be assumed that in the future the competitiveness of mini-producers with greater flexibility will increase.


In connection with the above, it is necessary to initially work out the issue of competitiveness. A business plan for a bakery with calculations in almost any case will show the profitability of opening an enterprise. The whole task in the success of the enterprise is to find a sales niche. So before drawing up a business plan in this area, it is enough to work out points of sale. When such points are found, it makes sense to work out other aspects.

Competition in the market for the production of bakery products is traditionally high:

  • large manufacturers;
  • own production of trade shops;
  • mini-bakery;
  • semi-finished products are substitutes for finished products.

There are several ways to solve the problem of promotion in the market:

  1. Sales agreement. The easiest and most reliable way. When finding customers for a certain volume and set of products, the calculation of other indicators is quite simple;
  2. Finding a free niche. Those. By analyzing the product market, it is possible to detect its insufficient filling with certain types of products. There is a risk of error - the products may simply not be in demand in this market. Either marketing flaws;
  3. Marketing policy. Creation of conditions, products better than those of competitors. Generally requires a sufficiently large financial airbag;
  4. Creating demand for products. The most difficult path. Requires an understanding of sociology and psychology, or the involvement of relevant specialists;
  5. Online store. A point of sale that is gaining more and more popularity. It needs to be calculated. As delivery of plain bread is likely to be unprofitable, and various confectionery products and additionally accompanying food products are well worth considering.

Types of mini bakeries

Depending on the specialization, organization of production, the following mini-bakeries can be distinguished:

  • universal;
  • specialized (confectionery, bread from the oven, national bread, expensive bread boutique, etc.);
  • bakeries-shops (direct sale of products is carried out right there).

The organization of this or that type of bakery is somewhat different. Specialized ones require special equipment. For a bakery shop, the organization of a trading floor, or, as an option, the preparation of an order directly in front of the client. Universal bakeries are equipped with standard bakery equipment. This will also be reflected in business plans, for example, the business plan of a confectionery bakery will differ significantly from the business plan of a bakery shop.


The location of the mini-bakery significantly affects only if it is a mini-bakery-shop. In this case, the requirements for its location are similar to the requirements for the location of grocery stores, taking into account the presence of competitors in the immediate environment: residential areas of cities, shopping centers, train stations, airports, crowded places, etc.

There are no special requirements for the location of other bakeries. General recommendations - reduce production costs. Those. finding the best option in terms of logistics costs and the cost of maintaining the premises.

Requirements for the bakery itself:

  • not allowed to be placed in basements and semi-basements;
  • waterproof floor;
  • walls up to 1.75 meters must be tiled or painted with light paint, the rest and the ceiling must be whitewashed;
  • availability of cold and hot water;
  • the presence of sewerage;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • separate rooms: warehouse, shower, wardrobe, sink, toilet.

Besides it is undesirable to place a bakery in a multi-storey residential building. Although there are no direct prohibitions on such placement. But in case of disturbance to other residents (noise, smells, etc.), serious problems can arise, up to a stop in production, or additional costs for equipment (noise insulation, smell absorbers, etc.).

In terms of area, it all depends on the chosen format and production volume. For the smallest industries, premises from 50 square meters are suitable, in some exceptional cases even less.


Equipment for a bakery also depends on the format, type, volume and range of products planned for release.

In general, you will need:

  • furnaces;
  • dough kneading equipment;
  • proofing cabinet;
  • flour sifter;
  • tables for working with dough;
  • fridge;
  • sheets and forms;
  • washing equipment.

In addition to the basic equipment, special equipment may be required for the preparation of specialized products. Also, the equipment may have to include freight transport.

Part of the equipment is quite used (tables, sheets, forms), part is convenient to purchase under leasing schemes. Also it makes sense to pay attention to Russian-made equipment. Even before the start of the crisis, the difference in cost reached 3 times, after the start of the crisis it only increased. Quality, service life and reliability at the same time do not differ at times. But the repair of domestic equipment will again be cheaper and faster.


The activity does not require licensing. But a number of regulatory documents are required:

  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production";
  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products";
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission of ecological expertise;
  • certificate of conformity federal agency metrology and technical regulation.

The organizational and legal form is chosen according to convenience, the benefits of taxation, documentation and contractual activities. In the vast majority of cases, IP is sufficient.


  • a package of constituent documents (depending on the legal form);
  • certificates and permits;
  • a package of external documentation (lease, supply, sales, agency agreements etc.);
  • a package of internal documentation (documents of analytical, synthetic accounting, accounting documents, personnel documents, etc.).


In the bakery business, the most important specialist is the technologist. This will be especially true if a specialized bakery is planned. Compliance with technology and the ability to produce high-quality, tasty products that meet customer needs are the second basis of this business after points of sale.

There are no special requirements for the rest of the staff. The number of employees is calculated based on the volume of production and the format of the enterprise.

May be required:

  • baker;
  • sellers;
  • loaders;
  • drivers;
  • cleaners.

Part of the work can be organized on a piece-work basis, or under outsourcing agreements (delivery of products, accounting services, etc.).


A ready-made business plan for a mini bakery includes a standard marketing plan. There are no special marketing and advertising moves here. The business is mostly traditional and conservative, over-creativity is more likely to lead to negative consequences. It is unlikely that performance buns will find a wide response in an inert social environment. But, having earned a bad reputation on an unsuccessful performance, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

  • advertising and hidden advertising (word of mouth methods “spreading rumors about a quality product”);
  • discounts and bonus systems for regular customers;
  • carrying out various actions and presentations at various national festivals.

Approximate costing

For an indicative example, consider the calculation of a small mini-bakery.

The room for placing the equipment is about 50 square meters. We produce 5-10 items of products. Personnel: technologist, baker, auxiliary worker.

The average price of products is 50 - 60 rubles / kg. The average daily sale is 100 - 200 kg. Those. revenue per day: 5 - 12 tr., which will give a month: 150 - 360 tr. Or net profit: 30 - 150 tr. Payback will be from 2 to 5 years. If the premises are rented, the payback period for the equipment will be somewhat lower: from 0.5 to 3 years.

How much does the equipment cost and how to choose it - analytics from the company "Khleb Oborudovanie"

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixer, but everything else will have to be done by hand. And, nevertheless, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Under the conditions of the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only for a small settlement, but also for the work of two or three people. But the imperfection of technology in one bakery cannot guarantee a stable quality of baking. If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of Khleb Oborudovanie is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the major cities of Kazakhstan. The maximum desire of the owner is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it took about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - pan bread, loaves, baguette, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, the order of specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry - will be ordered.

When choosing equipment, the “first price” factor has long been the main argument for mini-bakery customers. The cost of entering the market is extremely important, especially for "small chains". Often this equipment is of very low quality, with a low resource and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, which reduces the already low resource of equipment. Mini-bakeries built on the principle of “one-man business” are formed in a completely different way. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment in 15-20 years, while operating costs fully covered by the benefit of depreciation of equipment.

“The truth, as a rule, is somewhere in the middle,” Leonid Rabchuk comments on this idea. “If you imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” As in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it long life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantee success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the “survivability” of electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle ovens. Today, no more than 10-15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, Irtysh from Russia. High-quality dough science is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer those who wish to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixers with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are the clear leaders, but their quality varies greatly. The price cannot be a marker of reliability either, there are examples of highly overvalued equipment. “We are able to supply almost any equipment for dough making,” Khleb Oborudovanie says, “but we give preference to several companies with which we have dealer agreements, these are Italian MacPan and Sunmix. Here we can offer the client not only very competitive prices, but also high-quality support and service. In the segment of small dough-cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic equipment is even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market, this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The catalog of the Perm company Khleb Oborudovanie includes several middle-class manufacturers - a large selection of Italian MacPan equipment: dividers, rounders, seamers, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those who wish to purchase more serious equipment can be offered equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. Not without reason, many technological solutions of this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.”

“For more than 15 years we have been painstakingly forming our catalog, some companies are added, some leave the market, but the main set remains practically unchanged,” says Alexey Savitsky. – We know all the pros and cons of this technique and are able to extend its service life. The main difference between the companies we represent is the passion for the business they do, the passion for bread. This is in tune with us. We operate in the most competitive and yet most human market, because bread is the main food of mankind.”

More details about the turnkey mini-bakery projects can be found on the website //

  • Capital investments: 1 123 100 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 535,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 57,318 rubles,
  • Payback: 23 months.

A feasibility study for opening a business in the field of food production - a mini-bakery, which can be used as a sample for writing a business plan, as well as an example for calculation economic feasibility start of activity.

Target: Justification of the feasibility and effectiveness of organizing a business for baking bakery products.

Project Description

Project idea: mini-bakery

The idea is to open a mini-bakery specializing in baking bakery products in the city of "N" (population 270 thousand people).


Planned range:

  • Butter buns (8 types)
  • cupcakes
  • Bagel products
  • Bagels
  • cottage cheese


Currently, in the city of "N" there are 2 bakeries and 3 mini-bakeries, all of which specialize in the production of bread products (bread).

In this regard, the mini-bakery to be opened will specialize in the production of bakery products (100% assortment). The main competitive advantage is the sale of only fresh baked goods.

Organizational form and system of taxation.

Organizational and legal form of doing business: "individual entrepreneur". Form of taxation: Simplified taxation system, income minus expenses, 15%. Accounting: At the initial stage, tax and accounting will be outsourced to a specialized accounting firm. After organizing all production processes, debugging sales, the owner of the business will keep records independently using the My Business online service.

Working mode:

The bakery will be open daily.

From 00:00 to 10:00 for employees (baker, assistant) directly involved in baking bakery products. This category of employees will work in shifts, two after two.

From 7:30 to 16:30 for employees (manager, sales representative) who are engaged in the sale and sale of finished products. This category of employees will work for a 5-day work week, and the weekends will come out alternately.

General staffing:

Required equipment.

To organize a business, the following set of equipment for a packer is required:

Name Qty. Price
Baking oven HPE-500 1 34794 rub.
Proofer ShRE 2.1 1 19760 rub.
Flour sifter PVG-600M 1 21708 rub.
Dough mixer MTM-65MNA 1 51110 rub.
Hearth LEAF for HPE 700x460 20 584 rub.
Umbrella 10x8 1 7695 rub.
Single-section washing bath 1 2836 rub.
Two-section washing bath VM 2/4 e 1 5744 rub.
Refrigerated CABINET R700M 1 24420 rub.
Confectionery table SP-311/2008 1 13790 rub.
Wall food table SPP 15/6 1 3905 rub.
Portion scales CAS SW-1-5 1 2466 rub.
Portion scales CAS SW-1-20 1 2474 rub.
Rack SK 1 6706 rub.
Cart hairpin to HPE TS-R-16 1 17195 rub.
Total expenses for the purchase of bakery equipment: 226283 rubles

Sales channels

Main distribution channel: small retail stores located in the city of "N" and nearby communities. Sales through network (regional and federal) grocery stores in 2013 are not planned.

Project Implementation Plan

Calendar plan

According to the calendar business plan of the mini bakery, the company's launch period is 2 months. All stages associated with the opening of activities are in the area of ​​responsibility of the business owner.

Stage name Mar.13
1 decade 2nd decade 3rd decade 1 decade 2nd decade 3rd decade 1 decade
1 Registration of activities in the Federal Tax Service, print order
2 Opening a current account
3 Conclusion of a lease agreement for the production workshop
4 Payment for equipment (baking line, car, inventory)
5 Repair of the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES for food production, connection to the power grid, other expenses
6 Coordination with SES shop premises
7 Line installation, installation supervision, commissioning, trial baking
8 Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor of recipes, specifications and instructions for manufactured products.
9 Recruitment
10 Conclusion of an agreement with suppliers and buyers
11 Getting Started

The total cost estimate for the implementation of the project:

Item of expensesAmount of expenses, rub.Note
Registration of activities in the IFTS 15 000 State duty, printing order, opening a bank account, other
Cosmetic repairs of the premises, bringing the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES 100 000 -
Acquisition of equipment for baking bakery products 223 104 -
Purchase of vehicles 450 000 Bread van for 128 trays on the base, car GAZ-3302, 2010
Acquisition of tableware 30 000 -
Recruitment (advertising) 5 000 -
Create inventory 50 000 -
Working capital (financing activities before reaching payback) 150 000 -
other expenses 100 000 Connection to power grids, approval of technical specifications and technical specifications for products
Total 1 123 104

According to the calculations, investments in the amount of 1.1 million rubles are required to open a business.

Planned financial performance indicators.

Planned revenue and profit for 2013-2014.

According to the organizational plan, the start of the company's activities is scheduled for March 2013, and self-sufficiency is expected in May 2013.

The company's activity is seasonal, the peak of sales falls on the period of September-November and March-April, in the remaining months there is a seasonal decrease in revenue.

Expenditure part.

The cost part of the bakery activity includes the following expenses:

  • The cost of manufacturing products. This line includes the cost of purchasing flour, yeast, margarine, sugar and other ingredients.
  • Variable expenses. Wages of employees based on output (12% of revenue)
  • General expenses: This group of expenses includes expenses for wages of employees (a fixed part), social contributions, rent for the shop premises, fuel and lubricants, machine repairs, utility bills, administrative expenses, accounting expenses, as well as other expenses.

Planned distribution structure of funds received from buyers for 2013-2014


The cost of manufacturing products

The salary of employees is a variable part (depends on output)

fixed costs

Profit before tax

Calculation of return on investment.

  • Project start: January 2013
  • Start of operation: March 2013
  • Reaching operational break-even: May 2013
  • Achievement of forecast revenue: June 2013
  • Payback date of the project: November 2014
  • Payback period of the project: 23 months.

Opening risk analysis

The process of implementation and further operation of the project may be complicated by a number of risks and negative factors, which are given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for the operation of a mini-bakery. To determine the degree of influence of these risks and their danger to business, we will conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative indicators are determined by an expert assessment of the likelihood of a threat. Quantitative analysis shows the degree of impact of risks in actual terms.

Qualitative project risk analysis

The entire risk zone is divided into external, where the impact of the general economic situation and events not related to the business management process is especially noticeable, and internal, which directly depends on the effectiveness of the organization of management and business implementation.

Table 1. The main external risks of the project

Name of riskRisk assessmentRisk Characterization and Responses

Raw material cost increase

The risk will lead to an increase in the cost of production and a decrease in the marginal part of the income. Risk compensation occurs by increasing the selling price of products or by revising the weight requirements. To level the risk, it is necessary to constantly monitor the supplier market and conclude long-term contracts.

Opening N direct competitors in the city

When direct competitors appear, the existing market capacity is proportionally divided into participants, which leads to a decrease in sales. To overcome the risk at the organizational stage, it is necessary to conduct a policy of detuning from competitors, maintain consumer loyalty.

Seasonal decline in sales

The risk entails a decrease in average annual sales figures, increases the cost of maintaining staff, and leads to fluctuations in the intensity of use of production equipment. The risk is leveled by a competent advertising and organizational policy.

Change at the state level of regulatory requirements for bakery products

The risk may lead to a revision of the production flow charts and assortment base.

All external risks can be mitigated by developing a crisis management strategy at the organizational stage of the business, maintaining competent positioning and constant contact with the buyer.

Table 2. Main internal risks of the project

Quantitative risk analysis of the project

All external and internal risks have a single negative consequence - a decrease in profits. The reasons for the decrease in profits can be:

  • an increase in the raw material cost of production due to an increase in prices for materials, raw materials, labor;
  • opening direct competitors who will be able to win their own market share;
  • decrease in consumer demand due to unsatisfactory quality and service, as well as seasonal.

A quantitative analysis of investment risks can be carried out using the sensitivity analysis method, using the internal rate of return (NPV) as the main parameter. However, having experience data specific to a particular market (city N with a population of 270,000 people), we use the method of practical calculation.

The degree of impact of the increase in raw materials cost and increase in selling price

Calculated by calculating the elasticity of demand. With an average cost of production ( sweet buns(8 types), muffins, lamb products, bagels, cottage cheese) within the range of 19-23 rubles, the increase in the final price will have the following indicators:

Thus, we see that with a low average cost of production, a rise in price may lead to a slight increase in demand (due to consumer expectations), and a rise in price by 20-25% (a significant increase in commodity prices that do not fit into the framework of annual inflation) will lead to loss of an average of 4.5% of buyers. The risk has a low quantitative value.

The degree of influence of the competitive environment

To calculate the degree of influence of competition, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the competitive environment and calculate the market share of each operator. The emergence of a new player always entails a redistribution of shares, at the first stage this happens at the expense of the weakest representatives of the industry. In our case, the project involves the use of counterparties (distribution channels - small retail stores located in the city of "N" and nearby settlements), which protects against direct competitor exposure under long-term and strict contractual conditions (exclusive partnership).

With a total market share of 6%, the degree of influence of a new competitor has a relative share of 1.2% - this is how much a mini-bakery can lose when opening a similar enterprise in the sales area.

Degree of influence of seasonality and level of service

Taking into account the average seasonal decline in the sale of bakery products in the summer within 10-15%, and the main requirements of buyers for products,

Project Risk Ranking

The most probable are the marketing and seasonal risks of a decrease in demand, which may be initiated by an increase in the cost of raw materials and the opening of direct competitors. These are the most critical threats, which should be anticipated at the stage of organizing and implementing a business idea.

The relevance of the mini-bakery business plan

General trends

To date, the bakery market in Russia has not yet been established due to the revaluation of values ​​​​and the general trend of environmentally friendly and healthy food. Over the past ten years, traditional varieties of bread and bakery products have significantly given way to recipes borrowed from the West: croissants, baguettes, croutons, ciabatta, cereal bread and much more. Habitual tin bread, capital loaf, rye and Darnitsa, Moscow, bran and Borodino, as well as other varieties produced by municipal bakeries, have lost their top positions, and now the distribution of consumer attention falls in equal shares on traditional offers and borrowed ones (52% to 48%):

Dynamics of growth in consumption of bread varieties

i.e., if back in 1970 Western trends had little influence on the choice of buyers who preferred Soviet-made products, then since the 1990s there has been an increase in the influence of Western technologies and the emerging commercial competition, which has significantly expanded the range of bakery products. By the 2000s, traditional breads had lost more than half of the market. This is largely due to the transition of post-Soviet industries into private hands, which picked up the trend and began to produce fashionable and sought-after products.

1970 1995 2000 2010 2013

Traditional varieties


By 2010, the growth dynamics had slowed down, the consumer began to lose interest in foreign formulations. In addition, the state policy to support national values ​​also influenced the formation of a relative balance: now there is an equality of assortment choice between tradition (familiar varieties) and borrowing. As for the bakery group, the trends here are similar.

The main trend of the market of bread and bakery products in the current period is healthy eating, freshness, naturalness. Own bakeries at supermarkets have gained great popularity, where aroma marketing works perfectly: the smell of fresh baked goods ensures high sales. Traditional factory bakeries are popular with the older generation due to their habitual mode of operation and assortment.

According to the Information and Information Center Informkonditer, Russians most often buy bakery products at specialized outlets (branded bakery stores, bakeries) and as related products in supermarkets.
Since 2010, there has been a positive growth trend in the production of confectionery products in Russia, which are internal competition for bakeries, displacing them from store shelves.

The level of competition and foreign manufacturers

Domestic and foreign goods are represented on the Russian bakery market. The share of imports is no more than 22%. The main suppliers are Finland and Lithuania. In total, according to statistics, about 28 thousand enterprises are engaged in the production of bakery products on the territory of the state - for the most part these are representatives of medium and small businesses.
If we consider the structure of production, then the bulk of bakery products falls on factories:

The structure of the production of bakery products

About 75% of all traditional bread production is occupied by a “social” product. The regular segmentation of bakery products from large manufacturers is the ranking by category:

  • Core of production (up to 80%) bread- the traditional assortment includes up to 25 positions;
  • Minor production: baguettes and loaves - about 5 items;
  • Additional production:
    • non-traditional and borrowed varieties of bread, lavash, crispbread, etc. - up to 10 positions;
      bakery products and pastries - about 25 items.

Despite the intense competition in the industry, the niche of bakery and fancy products remains unfilled, which appeared due to the redistribution of zones of influence between manufacturers:

  • large factories are focused on the production of bread and do not pay due attention to the bakery assortment. They do not have a wide enough distribution network for rolls. This is due to high logistics costs and competition with supermarkets, which are more profitable to sell their own baked goods;
  • bakeries in supermarkets, in turn, cannot compete in all consumer segments, and sell bakery products as secondary spontaneous purchases. Those. they do not allow the production of factories (in full), but also do not satisfy the demand with their volumes.

Due to this, the main competition in the production and sale of the bakery assortment takes place among private bakeries. The main tools for successful competition in such an environment are an understanding of the buyer's values ​​and a competent sales system.

Consumer motives and values

According to the results of the analysis conducted by the Institute of Agricultural Marketing, the main selection criteria for the purchase of bakery products (in descending order):

  • freshness;
  • appearance;
  • price;
  • package;
  • manufacturer.

The choice of the place of purchase of bakery products and muffins occurs according to the principle of one-time (all products in one place) or passing: proximity to the place of consumption - home, work, educational institution.

In cities with over 100 thousand people, there are already formats that have their own mini-bakeries. This has increased the influence of retailers on the market structure, since such private production of retailers withstands the basic requirements of freshness and low prices. But among the most successful formats for promoting bakery products, experts call regional grocery stores, discounters and supermarkets.

But it should be borne in mind that the products of bakeries will not displace the products of large manufacturers, since the latter offer a “social” assortment of traditional products. Competition can take place in the format of a segmented approach (children's series, women's low-calorie, environmentally friendly, saturated with useful elements, etc.).


Due to the redistribution of values, non-traditional recipes for bakery products (borrowed, new, etc.) are very popular today - this enables new market operators to conquer their own segment due to the original assortment.

Competition and forced cooperation between bakeries and hypermarkets has led to the fact that the niche of bakery products is not filled and cannot yet satisfy the existing demand.

The production of bakery products for a mini-bakery can be profitable and successful if the marketing system is properly developed and focused on the expectations and values ​​​​of the consumer.

It is better to sell your own products through district stores (deli format near the house / school / university) or discounters.

Potential competition for bakery products can be made by confectionery products, the output growth of which has been observed for the fourth year already. To mitigate the risk, strategic planning should take into account the possibility of expanding the range of confectionery products.

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