Failure to provide high-quality OSAGO repairs. Insurer and service station: specifics of work Car service station Rosgosstrakh

The specifics of the work of an insurance company with independent stations is that, unlike the services of official dealers, universal service stations are mainly engaged in repairs, and not all of them offer car sales services. “Independent” earn on technical service and related services, and therefore those stations that partner with insurance companies depend on the volume of the repair resource, the main “supplier” of which is precisely the insurers.

If we are talking about a company of the Rosgosstrakh level, then the closest attention is paid to the choice of stations that receive cars for repair in case of insurance claims. At the same time, several criteria are put at the forefront, which Sergey Vasilyevich Dukhanin, director of the "Office for working with partners" of the department for settling losses of the company "Rosgosstrakh", spoke about.

- Sergey Vasilyevich, tell us what criteria a service station must meet in order to become your partner?

– Rosgosstrakh has developed a list of 23 criteria that are decisive both in the initial selection of new car service stations and in the process of supporting their work. These criteria include: the availability of first-class service equipment, a spacious and properly organized repair shop, a client area, high quality repairs, compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of work, the absence of acts of disagreement in working with insurance companies.

I will also add that in the list of requirements, special emphasis is placed on the fact that the car service has a complete set of equipment and tools for plumbing and body work. There are no manufacturer-specific installation requirements. After all, it is not brands that are more important, but the result of work, quality and efficiency.

Requirements are also put forward for the technical personnel of the station. Of course, we cannot and are not obliged to check the professional level of each service station employee. We have one entry point: the management of the technical station. And it is from him that we ask the quality of work, which, in turn, directly depends on the professionalism of all service station employees, because, as you know, a low-skilled specialist will not be able to do the job efficiently.

I note that there are requirements for the software. To optimize our work, it is necessary that the station works on official software. Rosgosstrakh works on all programs that are common in the field of IT solutions for negotiating the repair of insured cars, there are also programs for carrying out inspections.

– What if the station does not meet the requirements at any stage of operation?

– At the initial stage of joint work, all stations meet our requirements. If any problems arise in the course of work, then this issue is resolved at the management level. Some time is given, during which the car service can correct the shortcomings without stopping its work. If, after this period, the shortcomings remain, we stop working with such a service station. However, for the entire very long period of my work at Rosgosstrakh, I can only recall a few such cases. At the regional level, the interests of Rosgosstrakh are represented by our branches, and we, the central office of the company, agree on repair prices, check the criteria for selecting a station, monitor work, and process information received in the form of feedback from our insurers. If a large number of complaints about a certain service station accumulate, we analyze this case and decide whether to continue working with it or not. In the latter case, the search for a new station is carried out by the regional branch.

I want to note that every time we make a balanced and considered decision. Obviously, starting to work with a new service station, both we and the station management need some time to establish a relationship and, as they say, “get used to it”. There is also such a nuance: within the framework of the insurance policy, the insured gets used to any station and, when the next insured event occurs, ask to send it to the usual service station. It is also important to take this into account when monitoring the operation of the station.

– How actively do the stations respond to your requirements?

“The independent stations that work with us are very receptive. After all, they largely depend on the insurer, which gives them a repair resource. That is why the heads of car services most often correct the errors and inaccuracies that an independent audit reveals. They seek to avoid disagreements, and we, in turn, welcome those who have reformed, because, as you know, "an old friend is better than two new ones." From the outside it may look like blackmail, but it's fair: if you are guilty, then correct yourself and continue to work with us. In addition, it is difficult and pointless to suspect Rosgosstrakh of intentional bias in working with independent service stations. Thanks to strict observance of our requirements, the car service is able not only to provide itself with a constant load, but also to improve the quality of its work, which, you see, is beneficial to any station. Let's remember the beginning of the 2000s, when the segment of independent technical services in Russia was represented mainly by handicraft stations and garages. With the advent of insurance companies, this sector of the market began to grow qualitatively. And Rosgosstrakh, which began working with stations in 2005, has been and is directly involved in the development of the market for independent service stations, in improving the quality of their work and raising the level of customer service.

In addition to directly working on insured events, what other points of interaction does the company have with independent service stations?

– We offer car services to place a point of sale of insurance policies on their territory. We are not forcing anyone to do this. But it is obvious that for the bus station this format of work with the insurer is also a contribution to its own development, an opportunity to increase its customer focus and offer customers the most complete offer of repair and insurance services.

- What is the meaning of the concept of high-quality "customer service"?

- Customer service in working with the station in Rosgosstrakh means high quality of service for policyholders, high-quality, timely repairs, transparency of the station in relation to the client and a friendly attitude. As often happens: an insured event occurs, the motorist calls the insurer, on whose shoulders the process of organizing repairs falls to some extent. At a certain stage of the settlement, the client "forgets" about the insurance company and interacts only with the service station. And we intervene in these relationships only if the motorist, dissatisfied with the quality of the repair or the timing of the repair work, again applies to the insurance company. This time with a complaint. Then we organize an on-the-spot check, involve an independent expert in such work, and with his help we find the perpetrators. We strive to improve customer service. And that is why in Rosgosstrakh there are no insurance payments in cash in the hands of the client. Compensation is carried out through repair work. Thus, we exclude the possibility of any fraud and guarantee that the insured will receive a repaired car.

- There is an opinion that insurance companies complicate the life of car services and at the same time they are less strict towards official dealers? Do you think these points of view are correct?

- The problems that arise between the insurance company and the service station must be considered in each specific case. Often such problems are generated by the insurer himself. And here the level of work of the company, the availability of financial resources for payments on invoices and its internal regulations, that is, the goals pursued by the insurer in working with car services, are of great importance. If the insurer, due to the shortage of funds that has arisen for him, is faced with the task of withholding payments on work orders, then the service station may also delay the repair work and the issuance of the car to the client. But often such insurance companies choose low-quality stations for themselves, which simply have nowhere to go and, in pursuit of volumes, they agree to obviously unfavorable working conditions.

The format of interaction with dealer car services is different. The dealer never works with one insurance company, he has several of them. Insurance companies compete and rarely can agree among themselves in order to speak with a dealer in a dialogue with a united front. That is why it is the dealers who most often influence the insurers individually and dictate their own rules to them. However, this is true to a greater extent in relation to second-tier companies; this does not work with status insurers. I note that Rosgosstrakh, competing with its colleagues from the auto insurance sector, is on good terms with them. We try to adhere to the established tariffs, enter into a dialogue with dealers to agree on the scope of work on insured events, and, of course, meet the needs of customers who want to have their car repaired at the car dealership where it was purchased.

Rosgosstrakh operates in Russia from 2,000 bus stations, in Moscow - about 50-60 independent service stations and over 200 car services of official dealers.

Rosgosstrakh is open for cooperation, but we must understand that we also have a limit: we cannot take on a large number of service stations as partners. Precisely because we care about the result and provide the station with full support and put the establishment of partnerships with it at the forefront.

We have an institute of curators whose tasks are to accompany the work with the village: maintaining a register of accounts, working with acts of disagreement, with complaints from insurers. Through the curator in the region, feedback is provided, and if an even more serious issue arises, it goes to the level of discussion with the leadership.

We answer the most frequently asked questions about receiving insurance payments (loss settlement).

CMTPL payments are not enough to repair the car. Explain how the calculation was carried out.

The calculation of the insurance payment is carried out in accordance with clause 4.15 of the OSAGO rules, according to which recovery costs are paid based on the average prices prevailing in the relevant region, except for cases when the victim receives compensation for the harm caused in kind.

In the event that the victims receive in-kind compensation for the damage caused, the recovery costs shall be paid by the insurer in accordance with the contract providing for the repair of the vehicles of the victims, concluded between the insurer and the vehicle service station to which the vehicle of the victim was sent for repair.

When determining the amount of restoration costs, the wear of parts, assemblies and assemblies is taken into account. The amount of expenses for spare parts is determined taking into account the wear and tear of components (parts, assemblies and assemblies) to be replaced during restoration repairs. Consequently, the lack of funds for the repair of the vehicle may be due to the fact that when repairing a damaged vehicle, new parts and assemblies were installed at the service station.

Which insurance company should I contact for OSAGO payment if I am not responsible for the accident?

In accordance with clause 14.1 of the Federal Law on OSAGO, for compensation for damage caused to property, you can apply to your OSAGO insurer if the following circumstances exist simultaneously:

  1. as a result of a traffic accident, damage was caused only to the vehicles specified in subparagraph b below);
  2. a traffic accident occurred as a result of interaction (collision) of two or more vehicles (accident since 09/25/2017) / two vehicles (accident before 09/25/2017) (including vehicles with trailers to them), civil liability whose owners are insured in accordance with the Federal Law on OSAGO.
How long to wait for OSAGO payment?

According to paragraph 21 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law on OSAGO The insurer considers the victim's application for insurance payment and the submitted documents within 20 calendar days, except for non-working holidays, from the date of their receipt. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the term for making a decision starts from the date of submission of the last document necessary for making an informed decision, provided for by the OSAGO rules.

I got into an accident. Appeal to OSAGO. I refused to provide the vehicle for inspection by the specialists of the insurance company and conducted an independent examination. Will I receive payment in this case?

In accordance with the Federal Law on OSAGO, the insurer may exercise its right to organize an independent technical expertise. Thus, the payment will be made on the basis of an independent technical examination carried out by the insurer.

Can I find out the amount of the payment before receiving it?

The insurance payment is based on the conclusion of an independent expert on the cost of restoration repairs, taking into account depreciation. However, the final decision on the amount of insurance payment is made by the Insurer based on the analysis of the full set of documents required for payment.

At the same time, we note that information on the amount of payment in the interests of the client and in accordance with Article No. 946 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is not disclosed by the contact phone number of the company.

I was found guilty of an accident, but I do not agree with the decision of the traffic police. What do I need to do to suspend payment on my OSAGO policy?
  • The decision to find guilty must be appealed within 10 days in a higher authority or in court. The applicant first submits an application to a higher official or higher authority, and only then goes to court.
  • In the event of an appeal to the court, the applicant loses the right to appeal to a higher authority.
  • In order to suspend payment by the Insurer until the final decision is made, the policyholder must notify the insurance company in writing of the suspension of payment to the victim.
Will I receive a CMTPL payment from my company if an unknown vehicle hit my car in my absence?

In this case, you cannot receive a payment, since it is insured under the OSAGO policy your civil liability to third parties (that is, the insurance company as a result of an accident through your fault can make a payment to the victims).

How is the amount of damage under OSAGO calculated?

The sum insured, within which the insurer, upon the occurrence of each insured event, must compensate the injured for the harm caused, is:

  • in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, 500,000 rubles *;
  • in terms of compensation for damage caused to the property of each victim, 400,000 rubles.

* The amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the life of the victim is:

  • 475,000 rubles - to persons entitled, in accordance with civil law, to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the breadwinner;
  • no more than 25,000 rubles for reimbursement of burial expenses - to persons who have incurred these expenses.

The amount of damages subject to compensation in case of damage to the property of the victim is determined by:

  • in case of complete loss of the property of the victim - in the amount of the actual value of the property on the day of the occurrence of the insured event. Total loss is understood as cases in which repair of the damaged property is impossible or the cost of repairing the damaged property is equal to its value or exceeds its value as of the date of occurrence of the insured event, minus the value of the salvageable remains;
  • in case of damage to the property of the victim - in the amount of expenses necessary to bring the property to the state in which it was before the occurrence of the insured event.
    These expenses also include expenses for materials and spare parts necessary for the restoration repair, expenses for payment for work related to such repair. The amount of expenses for materials and spare parts is determined taking into account the wear and tear of components (parts, assemblies and assemblies) to be replaced during restoration repairs.
How is the CASCO payment made?

Upon recognition of the fact of an insured event, the insurer compensates the insured for losses by making an insurance payment. The amount of the insurance payment may not exceed the amount of the sum insured established under the insurance contract.

The specific conditions and procedure for the payment of insurance compensation are defined in the Voluntary Insurance Rules, in accordance with which the voluntary insurance contract was concluded.

Where can I find the list of service stations for OSAGO repairs?

The list of service stations where OSAGO repairs are possible is posted. The possibility of servicing your car at the selected service station can be clarified at the loss settlement center of Rosgosstrakh when submitting an application for an insured event.

How is the amount of damage calculated in case of damage to the insured property?

In case of damage to the interior decoration and engineering equipment.

The calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, household and other property, civil liability of owners (owners) of property (standard (single)) No. 167 of 10/15/2007, based on the Inspection Certificate; death, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), household and / or other property, documents of the competent authorities and in accordance with the terms of the concluded Insurance Contract:

  • The amount of damage in the event of the death of the object is determined in the amount of the sum insured of the object of insurance
  • The amount of damage in case of damage to the interior finish and engineering equipment is determined based on the average market prices for building materials, taking into account wear and tear and prices for work in force at the time of the occurrence of the insured event, at the location of the object.

In case of damage (and/or loss) of household property.

The calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, home and other property, civil liability of owners (owners) of property (standard (uniform)) No. 167 of 10/15/2007. on the basis of the Inspection Report; death, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), household and / or other property, documents of the competent authorities and in accordance with the terms of the concluded Insurance Contract.

  • The amount of damage in case of loss of property is determined separately for each item of property recorded in the Act of loss, as the value of the item of property in a new condition minus the percentage of depreciation calculated at the time of the insured event.
  • The amount of the insurance indemnity is determined in accordance with the terms of the concluded insurance contract. The amount of damage in case of damage to property is determined separately for each item of property recorded in the Inspection Report, as the value of the item of property in a new condition minus the percentage of depreciation calculated at the time of the insured event, taking into account the percentage of depreciation.

The amount of the insurance indemnity is determined in accordance with the terms of the concluded insurance contract.

When a building is damaged.

The calculation of the amount of damage is made in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Rules for voluntary insurance of buildings, apartments, home and other property, civil liability of owners (owners) of property (standard (uniform)) No. 167 of 10/15/2007. on the basis of the Act on the death, damage or loss of buildings (apartments), home and / or other property, the competent authorities and the terms of the concluded Insurance Contract.

  • The amount of damage in case of loss of an object is determined in the amount of the sum insured of the object of insurance minus the value of the balances suitable for their intended use and sale, taking into account depreciation.
  • The amount of damage in case of damage to the insurance object is equal to the cost of its repair (restoration), taking into account depreciation and depreciation, to bring the value of the insured object to a state corresponding to its value at the moment immediately before the occurrence of the insured event.

Back in April 2016, the President of Russia instructed the Central Bank (it is he who regulates the OSAGO system in Russia) and the government to prepare their proposals regarding the restructuring of the current OSAGO system. In June 2016, the State Duma considered a bill on replacing payments under OSAGO policies with compensation for damages resulting from an accident with repairs.

Important changes in the OSAGO system

The new bill assumes that from the moment of its signing, insurance companies will be able to choose one of the following methods of compensation for damage:

  • – This compensation option remains unchanged. The insurance company evaluates the damage and gives money to repair the car to the victim.
  • Repair under OSAGO in 2020 at a service station owned by an insurance company. In this case, the insurer evaluates the damage and sends the car to a service station with which the insurer has signed an agreement.
  • Repair under OSAGO at an authorized dealer is possible when the car is not older than two years. The insurance company, at the request of the injured driver, must send the car to an authorized dealer for repairs. An appropriate contract must be concluded between the dealer and the insurance company.

In order for the insurance company to offer the owner of the OSAGO policy a repair instead of paying it, send the car to a service station, it is important to comply with certain conditions. So, the service station should be no more than 10 kilometers from the border of the city (numbering over 500,000 people) where the driver lives. Compensation for spare parts is paid taking into account their wear and tear. If the insurance company sends the car for repair, then the spare parts are paid without depreciation. The draft law does not regulate the issue of delivery of a damaged car to the service station.

At the moment, the bill allows insurance companies to send the car to "their" service stations. This can be done only after agreement with the owner of the damaged car.

Car repairs after claiming a refund

When submitting an application for damages to an insurance company, the injured party will be able to receive funds for repair and restoration work or receive a referral for repairs under OSAGO to a dealer center or service station. Repair is possible only in cases where it is still possible to carry out restoration work. If the car cannot be restored, then it is sent for recycling. The driver receives compensation for all damages.

To get the maximum amount for restoring a car or sending it to a service station, the driver needs to contact the insurance company with a corresponding application. The driver should do the following:

  1. inform the insurance company about the accident;
  2. draw up and submit to the insurer a written application for compensation for damage within the period specified in the OSAGO policy;
  3. attach documents confirming the fact of the accident to the finished application.

After submitting the application, the driver has to wait for the decision of the insurance company. Before that, a company specialist with the appropriate qualifications will assess and indicate the amount necessary to repair the damaged car. If the driver agrees with the indicated amount, then he will be able to receive monetary compensation and repair with someone else's help or on his own. The maximum payment for OSAGO that a driver can receive from an insurance company under an OSAGO policy is 400 thousand rubles. This option of indemnification under the OSAGO policy has been known to drivers since the first days of the existence of the OSAGO system. According to the new bill, after the assessment of damage to the car, the insurance company will offer the driver three options for solving the problem:

  1. The driver agrees with the amount of damages set by the expert and receives the money to his account for further work on restoring the car.
  2. The driver agrees to repair the car under OSAGO, which the insurance company offers to carry out in “his” service station and receives a referral for repair work. The amount needed to repair the car is transferred to the car service account.
  3. The driver himself chooses one of the options to resolve the problem and informs the insurance company about it, which is not entitled to refuse to repair under OSAGO.

Direction for free repair

If the driver chooses a free repair under OSAGO, then the insurance company issues a referral to a partner car repair shop. Insurers have several such workshops, so the driver will be able to choose the most suitable option from the list.

When the owner of the car agrees to repair instead of money under OSAGO, an agreement is concluded between the car repair shop, the owner and the insurance company. It must contain the following items:

  1. the period for which the car will be repaired at the service station;
  2. calculation of the cost of all work that will need to be done;
  3. a list of work on the repair and restoration of a damaged car.

If the driver, when taking the repaired car to the service station, notices that the work was done poorly, then he should not sign the vehicle acceptance certificate until the repair work has been carried out in a quality manner.

Repair under OSAGO RESO, to which the driver agreed by signing an agreement with an insurance company, is carried out absolutely free of charge.

If you have any questions about the topic, you can ask them in the comments

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