GOST symbols. Symbols of elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures. Do not waste time searching for publications on the portal






(EN 12792:2003, NEQ)

Official edition


GOST 21.205-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DESIGNED joint stock company"Center for Technical and Estimated Rationing in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol* dated August 31, 2016 No. 90-P)

4 Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated November 2, 2016 Ns 1567-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.205-2016 was put into effect for adoption as a national standard Russian Federation from April 1, 2017

5 This standard corresponds to the European standard and the US national standard:

EN 12792:2003 Ventilation in buildings. Terms and graphical symbols "(" Ventilation for buildings. Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols ". NEQ) e parts of the symbols of the elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams:

ANSI / ISA-5.1-2009 "Instrumentation Symbols and Identification". NEO) regarding the symbols of valves for the type of actuator and valve control


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and the Internet ()

© Stamdartinform. 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 21.205-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................one

3 Conventional graphic designations of system elements ..............................................1

4 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines....................................................15

GOST 21.205-2016


System project documentation for construction



System of design documents for construction.

Symbots of elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures

Introduction date - 2017-04-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic graphic symbols for elements of engineering and technical support systems (water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply), thermal mechanical and other pipeline systems, as well as alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems in drawings and diagrams when designing buildings and structures for various purposes.

8 of this standard, normative references to the following interstate standards are used:

GOST 2.782-96 Unified system for design documentation. Conditional graphic designations. Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

GOST 21.206-2012 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols of pipelines

GOST 21.208-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Automation of technological processes. Conventional designations of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Symbols for system elements

3.1 Pipelines and their elements in the drawings and diagrams are indicated by conventional graphic symbols and simplified images in accordance with GOST 21.206.

3.2 The dimensions of the conventional graphic symbols of the elements of the systems in the drawings and diagrams are taken without respect to scale.

The graphical conventions do not show the actual construction of the elements.

3.3 8 schemes performed in axonometric projection, the elements of the systems may be depicted in a simplified way in the form of contour outlines.

Official edition

GOST 21.205-2016

3.4 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines, as well as letter designations of measured quantities and functional features of devices in diagrams, are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.208.

3.5 Symbols of general-purpose pipeline elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 1.

Table 1



2 Heater

3 Cooler

4 Cooler and heater (thermostat)

5 Heat exchanger

6 Air dryer

7 Humidifier

8 Steam trap (steam pot)

9 Choice device "for the installation of a control and measuring device

* The designation is shown on the pipeline.

Note - The symbols given in paragraphs 1-8 of Table 1 are not used in the diagrams of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

3.6 Symbols for tanks and pumps in the diagrams are given in Table 2.

table 2

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 2

3.7 Conditional graphic designations of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems are given in table 3.

Table 3

GOST 21.205-2016

Table 3 continued


Conditionally" notation

on top views and not plans

in frontal views and sbosu. on cuts and diagrams

8 foot bath

9 shower tray

12 Floor bowl

13 Oiccyap wall

14 Outdoor urinal

15 Hospital drain

17 Funnel drain

1B Internal drain funnel

19 Shower net

20 drinking fountain

21 Soda machine

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 3

3.8 Symbols of pipelines and their elements are given in Table 4.

Table 4



1 Section of pipeline isolated

2 Piping in a pipe (case)

3 Piping in the stuffing box

4 Siphon (water seal)*

5 Compensator*:

a) general designation

b) U-shaped

c) Z-shaped

d) bellows

e) stuffing box (telescopic)

6 Insert":

a) depreciation

b) soundproof

c) electrically insulating

7 Place of resistance in the pipeline (throttle washer, flow meter orifice)

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 4

3.9 Symbols for the direction of flow of liquid, gas, control, drive elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 5.

Table 5

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 5

3.10 Symbols of the main pipeline fittings (devices) are given in Table 6.

Table b

GOST 21.205-2016

Table 6 continued

Best regards


5 Check valve: a) straight

6) angular

NOTE The flow of fluid through the valve must be from the white triangle to the black one.

6 Safety valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

7 Throttle valve

8 Pressure reducing valve

Note - The top of the triangle should be directed towards the increased pressure.

9 Thermoregulation valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) mixing

10 Valve (general designation)

11 Pinch valve

12 Butterfly valve

13 Plug valve: a) through passage

b) corner

14 Three-way plug valve

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 6



15 Four-way valve

16 ball valve

17 Three-way ball valve

18 Automatic air vent

19 Air vent manual radiator

Xk> nx>

20 Water tap

21 Lissuer crane

22 Crane (valve) fire

23 Watering faucet

24 Double adjustment valve

25 Mixer:

a) general designation

b) with swivel filling

c) with a shower net

d) for a bidet

26 Water meter (water meter)

27 Flow meter, general designation

GOST 21.205-2016

3.11 Additional symbols of fittings according to the type of drive and regulation are given in table 7.

Table 7

3.12 Additional symbols of fittings by type of action in the event of a power failure* are given in Table 8.

table in

GOST 21.205-2016

3.13 Conventional graphic designations of elements of heating systems are given in Table 9.

Table 9

* In the designation on the views, sections and diagrams indicate graphically the actual number of pipes. "Conditional graphic designation is used only in diagrams.

3.14 Conditional graphic designations of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams are given in tables 10-13. Symbols given in tables 10-12. basically correspond to (1].

Table 10 - Symbols for air distribution devices

Table 11 - Symbols of air ducts and their elements

GOST 21.205-2016

Table 11 continued



3 Sheet air duct with acoustic insulation:

a) outdoor

b) internal


4 Flexible duct

5 Elbow (outlet) 90*. 45". 135* etc.

6 Branch, flow split

7 Transition abrupt

8 Smooth transition

9 Damper (valve)

10 Airtight damper

11 Flow switch

12 check valve

13 Pressure relief valve

14 Smoke damper

15 Fire damper

16 Fire and smoke damper

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 11



17 Control valve with constant flow

18 Variable flow control valve

20 Fan (general designation)

21 Radial fan

22 Axial fan

23 Air filter

24 Louver damper

25 Grille (blinds)

26 Flow rectifier

27 Silencer

28 Gate valve (gate)

29 Hatch for measuring air parameters and "or cleaning air ducts

30 Deflector

GOST 21.205-2016

Table 12 - Symbols of devices for cleaning (preparation) of air

Table 13 - Simplified images of ducts and channels

GOST 21.205-2016

4 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines

4.1 The alphanumeric designation of the pipeline consists of a capital letter characterizing the type of engineering system (network) and numbers characterizing the purpose of the pipeline and / or its parameters.

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines in the drawings and diagrams are applied in accordance with GOST 21.206.

Letter designations of internal engineering systems of buildings and structures and external engineering networks included in the alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems and networks are taken according to table 14.

Table 14

4.2 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal water supply systems are given in table 15.

Table 15


Bukeino-ifeoo designation

1 Domestic and drinking water supply

2 Fire water pipeline

3 Industrial plumbing:

General designation

Recycled water supply

Recycled water, reverse

Softened water

Water from surface sources (river, lake, etc.)

Clarified water from surface sources"

underground water

sea ​​water


1 For pipelines of water supply systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are accepted:

From В11 to В19 for the pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From B21 to B29 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From B31 to B39 for pipelines specified in point 3.

For pipelines of water supply systems not provided for in Table 15. take designations from B41 to B99.

2 In the case when the domestic drinking or industrial water supply is at the same time fire-fighting, it is assigned the designation of the domestic drinking or industrial water supply. and the purpose is explained in the drawings or diagrams.

GOST 21.205-2016

4.3 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal sewerage systems are given in table 16.

Table 16


Alphanumeric designation

1 Sewerage household

2 Rain sewer

3 Industrial sewerage:

General designation

Mechanically contaminated water

Chemically polluted water

acidic waters

Alkaline Vedas

Acid-alkaline waters


1 For sewerage (water disposal) systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are used:

From K11 to K19 for pipelines of sewage systems specified in paragraph 2:

From K21 to K29 for pipelines of sewage systems specified in paragraph 3:

For pipelines of sewerage systems not provided for in Table 16, designations from K41 to K99 are accepted.

2 If it is required to show that the section of the sewerage network is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H". for example K31N.

4.4 Alphanumeric designations of heat pipelines (pipelines of hot water, steam and other heat carriers) are given in Table 17.

Table 17

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 17


Buyaoenio-digital designation

Steam pipeline (steam pipeline)

Condensate pipeline (kochdensatolrovod)



1 For heat pipelines with different parameters of the coolant, the following designations are used:

From T11 to T19 and from T21 to T29 for pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From T31 to T39 and from T41 to T49 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From T51 to T59 and from T61 to T69 for pipelines specified in paragraph 3;

From T71 to T79 for pipelines specified in paragraph 4;

From T81 to T89 for pipelines specified in paragraph 5.

2 For heat pipelines not provided for in Table 17, designations from T91 to T99 are accepted, regardless of the type of medium being transported and its parameters.

3 If it is required to show that the section of the condensate pipeline is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H", for example, T8H.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations of refrigeration pipelines in air conditioning systems are given in Table 18.

Table 18

4.6 Alphanumeric designations of air ducts are given in Table 19.

Table 19

4.7 Alphanumeric designations of gas pipelines (natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases) are given in Table 20.

Table 20

GOST 21.205-2016

End of table 20

4.8 If there are several pipelines of the same name (of the same type) in the drawings, each of which needs to be distinguished, they are assigned designations consisting of an alphanumeric designation. given in tables 2-7. with the addition of the serial number of the pipeline, separated by a dot.

Example -B31.1:B31.2

GOST 21.205-2016

(1] EN 12792:2003


ventilation for buildings. Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols. ("Ventilation in buildings. Terms and symbols")

GOST 21.205-2016

UDC 691:002:006.354 MKS 01.100.30

Key words: symbols: elements of pipeline systems: external and internal systems of water supply and sewerage; heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, gas supply; pipeline accessories; heat carriers; air ducts; tanks: pumps; fans; valves; alphanumeric designations of pipelines

Editor N.V. Terentyeva Technical editor V.I. Prusakova Proofreader S.I. Firsova Computer layout E.E. Krugova

Handed over to the set 11/17/2016. Signed for publication on 12/16/2016. Format 60 "84" / j. Ariel typeface. Successful print. sheet 2.76. Account-ed. sheet. 2.S2. Circulation S7 copy. Order. 3160 Prepared on the basis of the epe"three version provided to the developer!! .

Published and printed by FSUE STANDARTINFORM. 12396S Moscow. Garnet lane.. 4.


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updates and cancellations

About the standard

1 developed by the Joint Stock Company "Center for Technical and Estimated Rationing in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of August 31, 2016 N 90-P)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia State Standard of the Republic of Belarus



1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the main conventional graphic symbols for elements of engineering and technical support systems (water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply), thermal mechanical and other pipeline systems, as well as alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems in drawings and diagrams when designing buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

3.2 The dimensions of the conventional graphic symbols of the elements of the systems in the drawings and diagrams are taken without respect to scale.

The graphical conventions do not show the actual construction of the elements.

3.3 In schemes performed in axonometric projection, elements of systems may be depicted in a simplified way in the form of contour outlines.

3.4 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines, as well as letter designations of measured quantities and functional features of devices in diagrams, are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.208.

3.5 Symbols of general-purpose pipeline elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 1.

Table 1



2 Heater

3 Cooler

4 Cooler and heater (thermostat)

5 Heat exchanger

6 Air dryer

7 Humidifier

8 Steam trap (steam pot)

a) general designation

b) U-shaped

c) Z-shaped

d) bellows

e) stuffing box (telescopic)

a) depreciation

b) soundproof

c) electrically insulating

7 Place of resistance in the pipeline (throttle washer, flow meter orifice)

8 Support (suspension) of the pipeline:

a) motionless

b) mobile

9 Pipe hanger:

a) motionless

b) guide

10 Expansion pipe

11 Revision

* Designations of elements are allowed to be depicted in accordance with their actual configuration.

3.9 Symbols for the direction of flow of liquid, gas, regulation, drive elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 5.

Table 5



3 Regulation

Note - The direction of the arrow is taken in accordance with GOST 21.208 (table 1).

4 Actuator (drive):

a) general designation

b) manual

c) electromagnetic

d) electric machine

e) single-acting membrane

f) single-acting diaphragm with positioner

g) drive with side manual override

i) double-acting membrane

j) bellows

l) float

m) spring or lever-weight regulating safety valve

3.10 Symbols of the main pipeline fittings (devices) are given in Table 6.

Table 6



1 Stop valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

2 Three-way valve

3 Diaphragm valve (diaphragm)

4 Control valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

c) triple

5 Check valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

NOTE The flow of fluid through the valve must be from the white triangle to the black one.

6 Safety valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

7 Throttle valve

8 Pressure reducing valve

Note - The top of the triangle should be directed towards the increased pressure.

9 Thermostatic valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) mixing

10 Valve (general designation)

11 Pinch valve

12 Butterfly valve

13 Plug tap:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

14 Three-way plug valve

15 Four-way valve

16 ball valve

17 Three-way ball valve

18 Automatic air vent

19 Manual radiator air vent

20 Water tap

21 Urinal tap

22 Crane (valve) fire

23 Watering faucet

24 Double adjustment valve

25 Mixer:

a) general designation

b) with swivel spout

c) with a shower net

d) for a bidet

26 Water meter (water meter)

27 Flow meter, general designation

3.11 Additional symbols of valves by type of drive and regulation are given in Table 7.

Table 7



1 Pressure regulator "up to yourself". External pressure take-off

2 Pressure regulator "up to yourself". Internal pressure tap

3 Downstream pressure regulator. External pressure take-off

4 Downstream pressure regulator. Internal pressure tap

5 Differential pressure regulator (differential). External pressure taps

6 Differential pressure regulator (differential). Internal pressure taps

7 Level control

3.12 Additional symbols for fittings by type of action in the event of a power outage are given in Table 8.

Table 8



1 Valve normally open (NO valve)

2 Valve normally closed (NC valve)

3 Valve with a drive or actuator that, in the absence or interruption of the supply of energy that creates the adjustment force, locks the locking or adjusting element in the last position

3.13 Conventional graphic designations of elements of heating systems are given in Table 9.

Table 9



top view and plans

in front or side views, in sections and in diagrams

1 Smooth heating pipe, register of smooth pipes

2 Ribbed heating pipe, ribbed register, heating convector

3 Heating convector built into the floor

4 Heating radiator

5 Ceiling heating device for radiant heating

6 Air heating unit

7 Electric heating device

* In the designation on the views, sections and diagrams indicate graphically the actual number of pipes.

** Conditional graphic designation is used only in diagrams.

3.14 The conventional graphic designations of the elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams are given in tables 10 - 13. The symbols given in tables 10 - 12 basically correspond.

Table 10 - Symbols for air distribution devices



1 Supply air distributor

2 Air release device

Table 11 - Symbols of air ducts and their elements



1 Rigid duct:

a) oval

b) round

c) rectangular

2 Rigid air duct with thermal insulation

a) outdoor

b) internal

3 Rigid air duct with acoustic insulation:

a) outdoor

b) internal

4 Flexible duct

5 Elbow (elbow) 90°, 45°, 135°, etc.

6 Branch, flow split

7 Transition abrupt

8 Smooth transition

9 Damper (valve)

10 Airtight damper

11 Flow switch

12 check valve

13 Pressure relief valve

14 Smoke damper

15 Fire damper

16 Fire and smoke damper

17 Control valve with constant flow

18 Variable flow control valve

20 Fan (general designation)

21 Radial fan

22 Axial fan

23 Air filter

24 Louvre multi-leaf damper

25 Grille (blinds)

26 Flow rectifier

27 Silencer

28 Gate valve (gate)

29 Door for measuring air parameters and/or cleaning air ducts

30 Deflector

Table 12 - Symbols of devices for cleaning (preparation) of air



1 Air mixer with constant flow (flow)

2 Air mixer with adjustable flow (flow)

3 Air heater

4 Air cooler

5 Humidifier

6 Mixing chamber

7 Fancoil

8 Ejection closer

Table 13 - Simplified images of ducts and channels


Simplified image

on plans and views

in section

1 Air duct (with simplified graphic image two lines):

a) round.

Note - For round air ducts with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive, it is allowed not to indicate the center line on the system drawings;

b) rectangular section

2 Underground channel

4 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines

4.1 The alphanumeric designation of the pipeline consists of a capital letter characterizing the type of engineering system (network) and numbers characterizing the purpose of the pipeline and / or its parameters.

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines in the drawings and diagrams are applied in accordance with GOST 21.206.

Letter designations of internal engineering systems of buildings and structures and external engineering networks included in the alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems and networks are taken according to table 14.

Table 14


Letter designation

1 Internal systems and external water supply networks

2 Internal systems and external sewerage networks (water disposal)

3 Internal heating and hot water supply systems, heating networks

4 Refrigeration systems

5 Air supply systems, vacuum networks

6 Gas distribution and consumption networks

* If necessary, the use of the Latin letter "G" in the alphanumeric designation of gas pipelines is allowed.

4.2 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal water supply systems are given in table 15.

Table 15


Alphanumeric designation

1 Domestic and drinking water supply

2 Fire water pipeline

3 Industrial plumbing

General designation

Recycled water supply

Recycled water, reverse

Softened water

Water from surface sources (river, lake, etc.)

Clarified water from surface sources

underground water

sea ​​water


1 For pipelines of water supply systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are accepted:

From B11 to B19 for pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From B21 to B29 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From B31 to B39 for pipelines specified in point 3.

For pipelines of water supply systems not provided for in Table 15, designations from B41 to B99 are accepted.

2 In the case when the domestic drinking or industrial water supply is at the same time fire-fighting, it is assigned the designation of the domestic drinking or industrial water supply, and the purpose is explained in the drawings or diagrams.

4.3 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal sewerage systems are given in table 16.

Table 16


Alphanumeric designation

1 Sewerage household

2 Rain sewer

3 Industrial sewerage:

General designation

Mechanically contaminated water

Chemically polluted water

acidic waters

alkaline water

Acid-alkaline waters


1 For sewerage (water disposal) systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are used:

From K11 to K19 for pipelines of sewage systems specified in paragraph 2;

From K21 to K29 for pipelines of sewerage systems specified in paragraph 3;

For pipelines of sewerage systems not provided for in Table 16, designations from K41 to K99 are accepted.

2 If it is required to show that the section of the sewerage network is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H", for example, K31H.

4.4 Alphanumeric designations of heat pipelines (pipelines of hot water, steam and other heat carriers) are given in Table 17.

Table 17


Alphanumeric designation

1 Hot water pipeline for heating and ventilation (including air conditioning), as well as common for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological processes:



2 Hot water pipeline for hot water supply:



3 Hot water pipeline for technological processes:



4 Steam pipeline (steam pipeline)

5 Condensate pipeline (condensate pipeline)


1 For heat pipelines with different parameters of the coolant, the following designations are used:

From T11 to T19 and from T21 to T29 for the pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From T31 to T39 and from T41 to T49 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From T51 to T59 and from T61 to T69 for pipelines specified in paragraph 3;

From T71 to T79 for pipelines specified in paragraph 4;

From T81 to T89 for pipelines specified in paragraph 5.

2 For heat pipelines not provided for in Table 17, designations from T91 to T99 are accepted, regardless of the type of medium being transported and its parameters.

3 If it is required to show that the section of the condensate pipeline is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H", for example, T8H.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations of refrigeration pipelines in air conditioning systems are given in Table 18.

Table 18


Alphanumeric designation

1 Coolant supply pipe

2 Coolant return pipe

3 Liquid piping

4 Refrigerant gas piping (hot gas)

5 Gas piping (cold gas)

Note - For pipelines not provided for in Table 18, designations with serial numbering should be adopted in continuation of those indicated in this table.

4.6 Alphanumeric designations of air ducts are given in Table 19.

Table 19


Alphanumeric designation

1 Air intake pipe

2 Compressed air line

3 Vacuum network pipeline (vacuum pipeline)

Note - For air ducts not provided for in Table 19, designations with serial numbering should be adopted in continuation of those indicated in this table.

4.7 Alphanumeric designations of gas pipelines (natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases) are given in Table 20.

Table 20


Alphanumeric designation

1 Gas pipeline:

Low pressure up to 0.1 MPa

Medium pressure St. 0.1 to 0.3 MPa incl.

High pressure St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa incl.

High pressure St. 0.6 MPa

2 Purge gas pipeline

3 Vacuum pipeline

4 Gas pipeline (pipeline) safety

Note - For gas pipelines not provided for in Table 20, designations with serial numbering should be adopted in continuation of those indicated in this table.

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(EN 12792:2003, NEQ)

Official edition

Moscow Standartimform 201 in


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption. updates and cancellations

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Joint Stock Company "Center for Technical and Estimated Rationing in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of August 31, 2016 No. 90-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 2, 2016 No. 1567-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.205-2016 was put into effect for use as the national standard of the Russian Federation from April 1, 2017.

5 This standard corresponds to the European standard and the US national standard:

EN 12792:2003 Ventilation in buildings. Terms and graphic symbols "(" Ventilation for buildings. Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols ". NEQ) in terms of the symbols of the elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams:

ANSI / ISA-5.1-2009 "Instrumentation Symbols and Identification". NEQ in terms of symbols for valves of the type of actuator and valve control

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". standards." Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

© Standartinform. 2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Table 6 continued



5 Check valve a) straight

b) corner

Note - The flow of the working medium through the valve must be directed from the white triangle to the black one.

6 Safety valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

С^З- or -£^|-

7 Throttle valve

8 Pressure reducing valve

Note - The top of the triangle should be directed towards the increased pressure.

9 Thermostatic valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) mixing

10 Valve (general designation)

11 Pinch valve

12 Butterfly valve

13 Plug valve

b) corner

14 Three-way plug valve



15 Four-way valve

16 ball valve

17 Three-way ball valve

18 Automatic air vent

19 Manual radiator air vent

XH> or -X>

20 Water tap

21 Urinal tap

22 Crane (valve) fire

23 Watering faucet

24 Double adjustment valve

25 Mixer

a) general designation

b) with swivel spout

c) with a shower net

d) for a bidet

26 Water meter (water meter)

27 Flow meter, general designation

3.11 Additional symbols of valves by type of drive and regulation are given in Table 7.

Table 7

3.12 Additional symbols of fittings by type of action in the event of a power outage are given in table 8

3.13 Conventional graphic designations of elements of heating systems are given in table 9

Table 9



top view and plans

1 Smooth heating pipe, register of smooth pipes*

2 Ribbed heating pipe, ribbed register, heating convector*

3 Heating convector built into the floor

4 Heating radiator

5 Ceiling heating device for radiant heating

6 Air-heating unit**

7 Electric heating appliance**

* In the designation on the views, sections and diagrams indicate graphically the actual number of pipes ** Conventional graphic designation is used only in diagrams

3.14 Conditional graphic designations of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams are given in tables 10-13. The conventions given in tables 10-12 basically correspond to .



3 Rigid air duct with acoustic insulation

a) outdoor

b) internal

4 Flexible duct

5 Elbow (bend) 90’. 45'. 135° etc.

6 Branch, flow split

7 Transition abrupt

8 Smooth transition

9 Damper (valve)

10 Airtight damper

11 Flow switch

12 check valve

13 Pressure relief valve

14 Smoke damper

15 Fire damper

16 Fire and smoke damper



17 Control valve with constant flow

18 Variable flow control valve

20 Fan (general designation)

21 Radial fan

22 Axial fan

23 Air filter

24 Louvre multi-leaf damper

25 Grille (blinds)

26 Flow rectifier

27 Silencer

28 Gate valve (gate)

29 Door for measuring air parameters and/or cleaning air ducts

30 Deflector

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................one

3 Conventional graphic designations of system elements ..............................................1

4 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines....................................................15


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction Symbols of elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures

Introduction date - 2017-414-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic graphic symbols for elements of engineering and technical support systems (water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply), thermal mechanical and other pipeline systems, as well as alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems in drawings and diagrams when designing buildings and structures for various purposes.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

3.2 The dimensions of the conventional graphic symbols of the elements of the systems in the drawings and diagrams are taken without respect to scale.

The graphical conventions do not show the actual construction of the elements.

3.3 In schemes performed in axonometric projection, elements of systems may be depicted in a simplified way in the form of contour outlines.

Official edition

3.4 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines, as well as letter designations of measured quantities and functional features of devices in diagrams, are adopted in accordance with GOST 21 208.

3.5 Symbols of general-purpose pipeline elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 1.

Table 1



2 Heater

3 Cooler

4 Cooler and heater (thermostat)

5 Heat exchanger

6 Air dryer

7 Humidifier

8 Steam trap (steam pot)

9 Selective device* for installation of control and measuring device

* Designation shown on the pipeline

Note - The symbols given in paragraphs 1-8 of table 1 are not used in the diagrams of ventilation and air conditioning systems

3.6 Symbols of tanks and pumps in the diagrams are given in Table 2 Table 2



a) open to atmospheric pressure

b) closed with pressure above atmospheric

c) closed with pressure below atmospheric

Table 3

3.7 Symbols of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems are given in table 3



top view and plans

in front or side views, in sections and in diagrams

1 sink

3 Washbasin

4 Corner washbasin

5 Group washbasin

Note - The number of characters in the designation must correspond to the actual number of cranes

6 Washbasin group round

3.8 Symbols of pipelines and their elements are given in Table 4 Table 4



1 Section of pipeline isolated

2 Piping in a pipe (case)

3 Piping in the stuffing box

4 Siphon (water seal)*

5 Compensator*

a) general designation

b) U-shaped

c) Z-shaped

d) bellows

e) stuffing box (telescopic)

6 Insert*:

a) depreciation

b) soundproof

c) electrically insulating

7 Place of resistance in the pipeline (throttle washer, flow meter orifice)

3.9 Symbols for the direction of flow of liquid, gas, regulation, drive elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 5.

Table 5



3 Regulation

Note - The direction of the arrow is taken in accordance with GOST 21 208 (table 1).

4 Actuator (drive): a) general designation

c) electromagnetic

d) electric machine

e) single-acting membrane

Table 6

3.10 Symbols of the main pipeline fittings (devices) are given in table 6

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Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms (abbreviated as SanPiN) mean measures aimed at protecting a person and his environment from infections, harmful substances, contamination, as well as controlling the activities of various enterprises and the compliance of their products with guaranteed high quality.

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Akron Group is one of the leading vertically integrated producers of mineral fertilizers in Russia and worldwide.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 2, 2016 N 1567-st

Interstate standard GOST 21.205-2016


System of design documents for construction. Symbols of elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures

Introduced to replace GOST 21.205-93


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updates and cancellations

About the standard

1 developed by the Joint Stock Company "Center for Technical and Estimated Rationing in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of August 31, 2016 N 90-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 2, 2016 N 1567-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.205-2016 was put into effect for use as the national standard of the Russian Federation from April 1, 2017.

5 This standard corresponds to the European standard and the US national standard:

EN 12792:2003 "Ventilation for buildings. Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols", NEQ) in terms of symbols for elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in diagrams;

ANSI / ISA-5.1-2009 "Instrumentation Symbols and Identification", NEQ, regarding the symbols of valves for the type of actuator and valve control

6 Introduced to replace GOST 21.205-93

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the main conventional graphic symbols for elements of engineering and technical support systems (water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply), thermal mechanical and other pipeline systems, as well as alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems in drawings and diagrams when designing buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.782-96 Unified system for design documentation. Conditional graphic designations. Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

GOST 21.206-2012 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols of pipelines

GOST 21.208-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Automation of technological processes. Conventional designations of devices and automation equipment in diagrams

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Symbols for system elements

3.1 Pipelines and their elements in the drawings and diagrams are indicated by conventional graphic symbols and simplified images in accordance with GOST 21.206.

3.2 The dimensions of the conventional graphic symbols of the elements of the systems in the drawings and diagrams are taken without respect to scale.

The graphical conventions do not show the actual construction of the elements.

3.3 In schemes performed in axonometric projection, elements of systems may be depicted in a simplified way in the form of contour outlines.

3.4 Symbols of devices, automation equipment and communication lines, as well as letter designations of measured quantities and functional features of devices in diagrams, are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.208.

3.5 Symbols of general-purpose pipeline elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 1.

Table 1



2 Heater

3 Cooler

4 Cooler and heater (thermostat)

5 Heat exchanger

6 Air dryer

7 Humidifier

8 Steam trap (steam pot)

9 Selective device* for installation of control and measuring device

* The designation is shown on the pipeline.

Note - The symbols given in paragraphs 1 - 8 of Table 1 are not used in the diagrams of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

3.6 Symbols for tanks and pumps in the diagrams are given in Table 2.

table 2



a) open to atmospheric pressure

b) closed with pressure above atmospheric

c) closed with pressure below atmospheric

2 Nozzle

3 Pump (general designation)

a) out of control

b) adjustable

Note - If it is necessary to reflect the principle of operation of the pump, then the designations given in paragraphs 4 - 6 or in GOST 2.782 (table 2) are used.

4 Manual pump

5 Centrifugal pump

6 Jet pump (ejector, injector, elevator)

3.7 Symbols of elements of internal water supply and sewerage systems are given in table 3.

Table 3



top view and plans

1 sink

3 Washbasin

4 Corner washbasin

5 Group washbasin

Note - The number of "+" signs in the designation must correspond to the actual number of taps.

6 Washbasin group round

8 foot bath

9 shower tray

12 Floor bowl

13 Wall-mounted urinal

14 Outdoor urinal

15 Hospital drain

17 Funnel drain

18 Funnel internal drain

19 Shower net

20 drinking fountain

21 Soda machine

22 Electric instantaneous water heater

23 Electric storage water heater

3.8 Symbols of pipelines and their elements are given in Table 4.

Table 4



1 Section of pipeline isolated

2 Piping in a pipe (case)

3 Piping in the stuffing box

4 Siphon (water seal)*

5 Compensator:*

a) general designation

b) U-shaped

c) Z-shaped

d) bellows

e) stuffing box (telescopic)

6 Insert:*

a) depreciation

b) soundproof

c) electrically insulating

7 Place of resistance in the pipeline (throttle washer, flow meter orifice)

8 Support (suspension) of the pipeline:

a) motionless

b) mobile

9 Pipe hanger:

a) motionless

b) guide

10 Expansion pipe

11 Revision

* Designations of elements are allowed to be depicted in accordance with their actual configuration.

3.9 Symbols for the direction of flow of liquid, gas, regulation, drive elements used in the diagrams are given in Table 5.

Table 5



3 Regulation

Note - The direction of the arrow is taken in accordance with GOST 21.208 (table 1).

4 Actuator (drive):

a) general designation

b) manual

c) electromagnetic

d) electric machine

e) single-acting membrane

f) single-acting diaphragm with positioner

g) drive with side manual override

i) double-acting membrane

j) bellows

l) float

m) spring or lever-weight regulating safety valve

3.10 Symbols of the main pipeline fittings (devices) are given in Table 6.

Table 6



1 Stop valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

2 Three-way valve

3 Diaphragm valve (diaphragm)

4 Control valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

c) triple

5 Check valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

NOTE The flow of fluid through the valve must be from the white triangle to the black one.

6 Safety valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

7 Throttle valve

8 Pressure reducing valve

Note - The top of the triangle should be directed towards the increased pressure.

9 Thermostatic valve:

a) a checkpoint

b) mixing

10 Valve (general designation)

11 Pinch valve

12 Butterfly valve

13 Plug tap:

a) a checkpoint

b) corner

14 Three-way plug valve

15 Four-way valve

16 ball valve

17 Three-way ball valve

18 Automatic air vent

19 Manual radiator air vent

20 Water tap

21 Urinal tap

22 Crane (valve) fire

23 Watering faucet

24 Double adjustment valve

25 Mixer:

a) general designation

b) with swivel spout

c) with a shower net

d) for a bidet

26 Water meter (water meter)

27 Flow meter, general designation

3.11 Additional symbols of valves by type of drive and regulation are given in Table 7.

Table 7



1 Pressure regulator "up to yourself". External pressure take-off

2 Pressure regulator "up to yourself". Internal pressure tap

3 Downstream pressure regulator. External pressure take-off

4 Downstream pressure regulator. Internal pressure tap

5 Differential pressure regulator (differential). External pressure taps

6 Differential pressure regulator (differential). Internal pressure taps

7 Level control

3.12 Additional symbols for fittings by type of action in the event of a power outage are given in Table 8.

Table 8



1 Valve normally open (NO valve)

2 Valve normally closed (NC valve)

3 Valve with a drive or actuator that, in the absence or interruption of the supply of energy that creates the adjustment force, locks the locking or adjusting element in the last position

3.13 Conventional graphic designations of elements of heating systems are given in Table 9.

Table 9



top view and plans

in front or side views, in sections and in diagrams

1 Smooth heating pipe, register of smooth pipes*

2 Ribbed heating pipe, ribbed register, heating convector*

3 Heating convector built into the floor

4 Heating radiator

5 Ceiling heating device for radiant heating

6 Air-heating unit**

7 Electric heating appliance**

* In the designation on the views, sections and diagrams indicate graphically the actual number of pipes.

** Conditional graphic designation is used only in diagrams.

3.14 The conventional graphic designations of the elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems used in the diagrams are given in tables 10 - 13. The symbols given in tables 10 - 12 basically correspond.

Table 10 - Symbols for air distribution devices

Table 11 - Symbols of air ducts and their elements



1 Rigid duct:

a) oval

b) round

c) rectangular

2 Rigid air duct with thermal insulation

a) outdoor

b) internal

3 Rigid air duct with acoustic insulation:

a) outdoor

b) internal

4 Flexible duct

5 Elbow (elbow) 90°, 45°, 135°, etc.

6 Branch, flow split

7 Transition abrupt

8 Smooth transition

9 Damper (valve)

10 Airtight damper

11 Flow switch

12 check valve

13 Pressure relief valve

14 Smoke damper

15 Fire damper

16 Fire and smoke damper

17 Control valve with constant flow

18 Variable flow control valve

20 Fan (general designation)

21 Radial fan

22 Axial fan

23 Air filter

24 Louvre multi-leaf damper

25 Grille (blinds)

26 Flow rectifier

27 Silencer

28 Gate valve (gate)

29 Door for measuring air parameters and/or cleaning air ducts

30 Deflector

Table 12 - Symbols of devices for cleaning (preparation) of air



1 Air mixer with constant flow (flow)

2 Air mixer with adjustable flow (flow)

3 Air heater

4 Air cooler

5 Humidifier

6 Mixing chamber

7 Fancoil

8 Ejection closer

Table 13 - Simplified images of ducts and channels


Simplified image

on plans and views

in section

1 Air duct (with a simplified graphic representation of two lines):

a) round.

Note - For round air ducts with a diameter of up to 500 mm inclusive, it is allowed not to indicate the center line on the system drawings;

b) rectangular section

2 Underground channel

4 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines

4.1 The alphanumeric designation of the pipeline consists of a capital letter characterizing the type of engineering system (network) and numbers characterizing the purpose of the pipeline and / or its parameters.

Alphanumeric designations of pipelines in the drawings and diagrams are applied in accordance with GOST 21.206.

Letter designations of internal engineering systems of buildings and structures and external engineering networks included in the alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems and networks are taken according to table 14.

Table 14


Letter designation

1 Internal systems and external water supply networks

2 Internal systems and external sewerage networks (water disposal)

3 Internal heating and hot water supply systems, heating networks

4 Refrigeration systems

5 Air supply systems, vacuum networks

6 Gas distribution and consumption networks

* If necessary, the use of the Latin letter "G" in the alphanumeric designation of gas pipelines is allowed.

4.2 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal water supply systems are given in table 15.

Table 15


Alphanumeric designation

1 Domestic and drinking water supply

2 Fire water pipeline

3 Industrial plumbing

General designation

Recycled water supply

Recycled water, reverse

Softened water

Water from surface sources (river, lake, etc.)

Clarified water from surface sources

underground water

sea ​​water


1 For pipelines of water supply systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are accepted:

From B11 to B19 for pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From B21 to B29 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From B31 to B39 for pipelines specified in point 3.

For pipelines of water supply systems not provided for in Table 15, designations from B41 to B99 are accepted.

2 In the case when the domestic drinking or industrial water supply is at the same time fire-fighting, it is assigned the designation of the domestic drinking or industrial water supply, and the purpose is explained in the drawings or diagrams.

4.3 Alphanumeric designations of pipelines of external networks and internal sewerage systems are given in table 16.

Table 16


Alphanumeric designation

1 Sewerage household

2 Rain sewer

3 Industrial sewerage:

General designation

Mechanically contaminated water

Chemically polluted water

acidic waters

alkaline water

Acid-alkaline waters


1 For sewerage (water disposal) systems with different parameters and properties of water, the following designations are used:

From K11 to K19 for pipelines of sewage systems specified in paragraph 2;

From K21 to K29 for pipelines of sewerage systems specified in paragraph 3;

For pipelines of sewerage systems not provided for in Table 16, designations from K41 to K99 are accepted.

2 If it is required to show that the section of the sewerage network is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H", for example, K31H.

4.4 Alphanumeric designations of heat pipelines (pipelines of hot water, steam and other heat carriers) are given in Table 17.

Table 17


Alphanumeric designation

1 Hot water pipeline for heating and ventilation (including air conditioning), as well as common for heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological processes:



2 Hot water pipeline for hot water supply:



3 Hot water pipeline for technological processes:



4 Steam pipeline (steam pipeline)

5 Condensate pipeline (condensate pipeline)


1 For heat pipelines with different parameters of the coolant, the following designations are used:

From T11 to T19 and from T21 to T29 for the pipelines specified in paragraph 1;

From T31 to T39 and from T41 to T49 for pipelines specified in paragraph 2;

From T51 to T59 and from T61 to T69 for pipelines specified in paragraph 3;

From T71 to T79 for pipelines specified in paragraph 4;

From T81 to T89 for pipelines specified in paragraph 5.

2 For heat pipelines not provided for in Table 17, designations from T91 to T99 are accepted, regardless of the type of medium being transported and its parameters.

3 If it is required to show that the section of the condensate pipeline is pressure, then the alphanumeric designation is supplemented with a capital letter "H", for example, T8H.

4.5 Alphanumeric designations of refrigeration pipelines in air conditioning systems are given in Table 18.

Table 18


Alphanumeric designation

1 Coolant supply pipe

2 Coolant return pipe

3 Liquid piping

4 Refrigerant gas piping (hot gas)

5 Gas piping (cold gas)

Note - For pipelines not provided for in Table 18, designations with serial numbering should be adopted in continuation of those indicated in this table.

4.6 Alphanumeric designations of air ducts are given in Table 19.

Table 19

4.7 Alphanumeric designations of gas pipelines (natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases) are given in Table 20.

Table 20


Alphanumeric designation

1 Gas pipeline:

Low pressure up to 0.1MPa

Medium pressure St. 0.1 to 0.3 MPa incl.

High pressure St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa incl.

High pressure St. 0.6MPa

2 Purge gas pipeline

3 Vacuum pipeline

4 Gas pipeline (pipeline) safety

Note - For gas pipelines not provided for in Table 20, designations with serial numbering should be adopted in continuation of those indicated in this table.

4.8 If there are several pipelines of the same name (of the same type) in the drawings, each of which needs to be distinguished, they are assigned designations consisting of an alphanumeric designation given in tables 2 - 7, with the addition of a serial number of the pipeline, separated by a dot.

Example - B31.1; B31.2


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