The temperature is below 36.6 in a child. Why does a child have a low body temperature and what to do about it? Premature and underweight babies

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about what constitutes a low body temperature in a child. You will learn what physiological and pathological processes in the body can be during hyperthermia. You will know what to do about it.

Signs of hypothermia

Weakness and lack of appetite may indicate a low body temperature in a child.

If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can suspect a low body temperature in a baby by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the child's appetite is reduced or completely absent;
  • the baby looks lethargic, apathetic, there is increased drowsiness;
  • dramatically changes mood, behavior;
  • headaches may occur;
  • the little one can become too irritable.

Possible Factors

A decrease in temperature can be observed both against the background of the onset of a viral disease, and after an illness.

There are many reasons why a baby may develop hypothermia.

Low temperature body at baby may occur against the background of illness, be the result of overwork or hypothermia

  1. If the little one was premature, then the body temperature below 36 degrees is normal due to less development and low mobility.
  2. Viral disease. In this case, the child may not have characteristic symptoms, but there will be increased drowsiness and easy fatigue.
  3. Response to introduction. It is believed that it is better not to rush to give the little one an antipyretic immediately after vaccination, but to wait and look at his temperature, and act according to the situation.
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Drops from the common cold can also affect hypothermia, as they constrict blood vessels. The safest for peanuts are products based on sea ​​salt, in particular Aquamaris for children and Aqualor baby.
  6. The body temperature can keep from 35.8 to 36 degrees as a result of a breakdown after a long illness. Can be kept up to five days.

As the little one grows older, more and more attention should be paid to its low temperature, because the older the child, the more likely it is that this indicator indicates some kind of pathological condition.

How to determine the cause

When hypothermia observed cold extremities and pallor of the skin

Parents should be aware that hypothermia can be caused by a number of factors. When deciding how to act in a given situation, you need to consider what exactly provoked a decrease in temperature. Therefore, it is so important to know how to determine this or that state.

  1. Hypothermia and frostbite can be detected in the presence of a temperature below 35.9 degrees, hypotension, drowsiness, lethargy of the baby, pallor of the skin (they become cold). If a supercooled toddler gets into a warm room, his skin will turn red, swelling will appear, pain in the frostbite area.
  2. If the child's temperature is 35 degrees for several days, and shortly before that, he suffered a bacterial or viral disease, then such a reaction is a variant of the norm. It can also become evidence of the presence of complications in the body after an illness. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination, in particular, to make and pass general analysis blood.
  3. A temperature that fluctuates between 35.5 and 36 degrees can be observed after vaccination. This must be reported to the pediatrician without fail. If the baby has normal sleep, good appetite, no changes in behavior, this condition does not require medication.
  4. If poisoning with volatile toxic substances occurs, then a temperature of 35.7 and below may be accompanied by severe chills, dizziness, and pallor of the skin. Not without medical intervention.
  5. If the peanut has a common bad feeling, drowsiness, excessive lethargy, vomiting, fainting - these symptoms are alarming and require an emergency call for an ambulance.


If you go to a doctor to identify the cause of hypothermia, he will conduct a personal examination of the child, collect all complaints about the state of health, and send him for additional research. These may include:

  • general analysis of blood, urine;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • blood to determine the level of glucose;
  • hormone tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys, thyroid gland, abdominal cavity;
  • consultation of narrow specialists, depending on what is suspected in the child.

What to do

If there was hypothermia, then you need to drink warm tea to the baby

  1. If the reaction of the body is caused by long-term use of antipyretic drugs, then taking vitamins will help, Fresh air, the presence of positive emotions.
  2. If this is the result of the use of vasoconstrictors, the baby needs to be given an urgent drink, give him hot tea and call ambulance.
  3. If there is a viral disease, then you need to undergo a course of appropriate treatment.
  4. If there is a suspicion of pathology internal organs, then it is imperative to undergo an examination in order to identify the exact cause of the disease, to begin treatment aimed at a specific failure in the body.
  5. Make sure that the child does not overwork too much, reduce his load. Perhaps it is difficult for him to attend additional circles after school, then it is better to refuse them.
  6. Increase your baby's diet fresh vegetables and fruits and berries.
  7. If there are too many computers, tablets in a child's life, then you need to reduce their influence.
  8. If the baby has hypothermia, you need to ensure the warming of the legs. Roll the little one in a blanket, but do not overheat it too much. Give your baby a warm drink. Parents should be aware that if hypothermia is not due to hypothermia, then rewarming is not required.
  9. If a stressful situation is to blame, then care must be taken to create comfortable conditions for the baby. Parents should be aware that hypothermia can occur due to apathy and intense fear, increased anxiety. It is very important to try to find contact with the baby, to try to find out what are the reasons for his fears.
  10. You do not need to keep the baby warm for a long time, especially if the temperature has already returned to normal. It is better to return it to the usual activity.

Parents must understand that low temperature, which persists for a sufficiently long period of time, may be a symptom of a serious illness. Long-lasting hypothermia slows down the metabolic process, inhibits the functioning of systems and organs.

Once, when my son woke up to go to school, he was freezing. We measured the temperature - 35.9. I assumed that he was cold, because he woke up open, and the body was cold. That is why she dressed and wrapped him up, gave him warm tea to drink. The temperature returned to normal.

Precautionary measures

Healthy eating is important

  1. It is important to ensure that the child has a healthy sleep, balanced diet. You need to take care of the use of the full complex of vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
  2. Parents should ensure that the baby maintains a daily routine, active games replaced by rest.
  3. Do not forget about physical activity about daily walks in the fresh air.

Now you know if a child has a low temperature, what to do. In any case, you do not need to start to panic, but you should not pay attention to it either. If concomitant symptoms are present that indicate a deterioration in health, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

The process of sweating is a normal reaction of the body. Sweat is excess fluid in the body that is excreted through skin. Often a person sweats when he is hot, but there are other reasons for this phenomenon. Cold sweat in a child puts parents at a loss, so it is important to pay attention to the causes of this phenomenon.

The main causes of the manifestation of cold sweat

What is cold sweat? Most often, this phenomenon is detected by parents at a time when the child is sleeping. Cold sweat is released not only when the baby has a normal body temperature, but also reduced. The reasons for this phenomenon are due to natural physiological processes in the body. This manifestation can be hidden in the following types of diseases:

  • rickets or insufficient amount of vitamin D;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • colds that are viral in nature.

When a child's parents detect cold sweating along with coughing symptoms, you need to see a doctor. In this case, this may indicate that the body has got viral infection with which to fight.

It is important to know! If the baby's cold sweat proceeds without signs of deterioration in well-being, then parents should monitor the condition of their crumbs. In this case, there is no need to take measures to eliminate the symptoms of cold sweat or hyperhidrosis.

If the baby has a low temperature along with hyperhidrosis, vomiting and blanching, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. The causes of cold sweat are not only ailments of the body, but also factors such as too warm a bed or high room temperatures above 25 degrees. If, after eliminating these factors, the body temperature returns to normal, then parents should think about changing the microclimate in the room. If the baby's bed is very warm, then the crumbs will not only show signs of cold sweat, but he will also be prone to frequent diseases.

Cold sweat during illness

If the baby has symptoms of cold sweating, then the parents immediately begin to imagine the worst. Reduced temperature in children can be diagnosed with such diseases:

  • SARS;
  • Cold;
  • Pneumonia.

Initially, pneumonia should be ruled out, so at the slightest sign of hoarseness, the doctor sends the patient for an X-ray of the lungs. Often, pneumonia occurs with an increase in temperature up to 39 degrees, but an asymptomatic form of the disease is rare. When the baby is sick, then, together with the symptoms of significant sweating, the following signs are observed:

  • general malaise;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry cough;
  • pain in the chest;
  • labored breathing.

Asymptomatic pneumonia occurs against the background of poor immunity, whereby the body cannot cope with infections on its own. pathogenic microorganisms begin to spread throughout the body, which leads to disruption of the functioning of certain organs and systems. Children with asymptomatic pneumonia become lethargic, pale and inactive.

If a child has a cold sweat and a temperature below 36 degrees, which manifests itself at night without additional symptoms, then you should not panic. It is especially important to take into account the fact that if these signs are observed after an illness, then this is absolutely normal. With frequent knocking high temperature during an illness, its decrease can be observed, which manifests itself together with the release of cold sweat. A low temperature in a child can be diagnosed after the use of antibiotic drugs. If during treatment with antibiotics there is a significant decrease in body temperature, then you should consult a doctor.

It is important to know! Cold sweat may indicate that not all pathogenic bacteria have been neutralized during treatment.

Causes of cold sweat in children under one year old

Cold sweat, together with a low temperature in children under one year old, may indicate the presence of a number of different pathologies and ailments. If parents find that the baby often sweats, but the body temperature does not rise above 37 degrees, then you need to contact a pediatrician with similar signs. The pediatrician will refer you to an endocrinologist or neurologist to rule out serious pathological abnormalities in the child. A neurologist will need to visit in case of the following signs:

  1. Excessive sweating is detected at the time of sleep or rest.
  2. Startling of the child during sleep.
  3. The discharge from the baby looks like glued feces.

Violations nervous system appear in the form of periodic sweating on the head. In this case, you will need to contact a neurologist, endocrinologist and cardiac surgeon in order to exclude disorders of vital organs.

In infants, signs of low temperature may be detected after vaccinations. Most vaccines contribute to the development of adverse symptoms in children, so it is important to report the negative consequences to the local doctor. Adverse symptoms can be the consequences of allergic reactions, so it is important to eliminate such disorders in the body.

Actions of parents at a low temperature in a child

Often, cold sweat in a child occurs periodically during sleep, and does not pose a particular danger. If low temperature and signs of cold sweating are observed regularly, then measures should be taken to find the causes and eliminate them. What should parents do when they observe such signs in a child? Parents should do the following:

  1. Maintaining comfortable conditions in the room where the baby spends most of the time. The temperature in the room should be in the range of 18 to 22 degrees, and the humidity in the region of 65-70%. In addition, it is required to regularly ventilate the room, which will increase the protective function of the body.
  2. Do not give children "bad" foods.
  3. Dress your baby mainly according to the weather, but in no case wrap him up on hot summer days.
  4. Take walks outdoors.
  5. Cover the child not with warm woolen materials, but with light and breathable blankets.

In what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

If the child has a low temperature and sweating, then you should consult a doctor if these signs are diagnosed regularly together with the following manifestations:

  • cough and runny nose;
  • tearing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rashes on the skin.

The main symptoms, in the presence of which you need to contact an endocrinologist, are:

  1. Excessive sweating for no apparent reason.
  2. Bad smell of sweat.
  3. Startle of a child.
  4. Strong excitement.
  5. Sticky sweat.

It is important to know! It is forbidden to give a child medications without prior consultation with a doctor.

Many parents are often concerned about the low body temperature of their baby. There may be a low temperature in a child after an illness, as well as for other reasons. Hypothermia can be a temporary harmless phenomenon, however, it can also be a warning sign of a serious illness. If the measured body temperature is low for a long period of time, this can be a serious call for the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

Low Temperature Danger

If the baby's temperature measured with a thermometer is about 35.5 - this is already a pretty serious reason to contact a specialist. Such a difference between normal and fixed temperature suggests that the metabolism is disturbed, as well as important systems and organs.

The child will feel as worse as the temperature drops lower. For example, a temperature of 33 or 34 degrees Celsius can already lead to fainting or speech disorders. Outwardly, the child becomes lethargic, sweat can often appear on the forehead for no reason, and activity is significantly reduced.

Temperature detection

A low temperature in a baby can be detected through general state child. To make sure that the thermometer shows the correct temperature, you just need to watch the child:

  • A bad mood in a baby is often due to a low temperature;
  • If children have lethargy and apathy, this may indicate hypothermia;
  • The baby may have headaches;
  • Children may be too irritable;
  • Children with a low temperature often tend to sleep.

You should have several thermometers at once, just in case, in order to exclude an error and not to worry about an extra reason.

Causes of low temperature

Many children have a body temperature below normal for several reasons. Low temperature can be the norm only in rare cases. Some people live permanently with a low temperature, but they feel quite comfortable.

A low temperature is possible in children for the following reasons:

  1. A low temperature may indicate a disease that was treated with antipyretics. Therefore, this is a completely understandable phenomenon. The body of a child after an illness, tired of high temperature, and also weakened by viruses, recovers;
  2. Quite often, after SARS in children under 2 years old, the body temperature can be less than 35 degrees. It simply means that the body is not yet able to maintain a normal body temperature at that age;
  3. In some cases, hypothermia is present during sleep in both children and adults;
  4. Sometimes hypothermia can be caused by an overdose or drug poisoning. Even the usual use of vasoconstrictors, such as nasal drops, can lead to a decrease in the temperature of the baby.

In the event that a low temperature is observed without any understandable reasons for a long time and is accompanied by symptoms such as drowsiness, poor appetite chills, you should contact your doctor immediately. Since this reaction is possible in the presence of an infection in the child's body.

If a student often has a thermometer showing a low temperature, this is a serious reason for contacting an endocrinologist, since talking this factor maybe about thyroid dysfunction, or low blood glucose. All parents need to know this, because if adequate measures are not taken, this can lead to complications.

How to raise the temperature?

For the baby, it is recommended to create a normal external environment, which will have a beneficial effect on the temperature of the baby. It is necessary to put a heating pad in the legs of the baby and wrap it well, but you must not overdo it. In addition to this, the child should eat more warm food and drink.

A lowered temperature after recovery from any ailment should not cause concern, and in this case there is no need to take medicines. The baby just needs to have a good rest to restore the body that is not yet quite strong, and most importantly, sleep off. If the baby has a low temperature combined with reduced pressure, then he needs to give a small amount of strong tea, cocoa.

With such a disease, it is also often possible to detect a low temperature. Many children are diagnosed with this disease, especially during adolescence.

Many dads and moms should follow these tips:

There is no need to take the temperature if the child has just woken up or is still sleeping. In this case, the thermometer readings may not be objective.

Symptoms such as lack of appetite, as well as cold sweat, should alert parents. You should also immediately contact a specialist, or call him home. A small child does not need to be constantly rubbed, in the hope of curing him in this way. According to experts, too active methods"Physical" impacts can only bring harm, not benefit.

The child should not be wrapped up too much when going for a walk. Also, it is not recommended to keep the baby under the covers for a long time after the improvement of his condition. It will be more useful to return the baby to his natural gaming activity. If a child has a low body temperature after an illness for a long time, it is necessary to go with the child to a medical facility.

Video about the possible causes of low body temperature

In this video, Elena Malysheva will tell the most important points about the temperature you need to know:

An acceptable temperature is considered to be from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees. Anything below this value is a low temperature in a child. The minimum allowable point of thermometer values ​​is 36.0.

Children are often prone to various diseases and their body always drops signals when something is wrong with it. How to determine that a child is sick if there is general weakness, but no high temperature?

How to take your child's temperature correctly

The most important thing, at the initial stage, is to measure the temperature correctly. A thermometer is best for this. Whichever type of thermometer you prefer, use that one.
Someone trusts electronic, and someone mercury. There is not much difference in them, it is only important to measure the temperature correctly.

How to do it?

Take a thermometer and shake it several times if it is mercury. When the temperature on the thermometer is below 36, you can take a measurement.
First of all, wipe the child's armpit paper napkin or a towel so that the thermometer does not cool due to droplets of sweat.
Then place the thermometer so that its reservoir is in contact with the skin from all sides, and is not able to move to the side.
Firmly press the shoulder and elbow to the body and wait 7-10 minutes, then the thermometer can be removed.

What body temperature of a child is considered low?

An acceptable temperature is considered to be from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees. Anything below this value is a low temperature in a child. The minimum allowable point of thermometer values ​​is 36.0.

Symptoms of low body temperature in a child and the danger of very low body temperature

A temperature below 36.0 is unacceptable for a child! This indicator indicates hypothermia. Due to the low temperature in the child's body slow down metabolic processes and the functioning of all organs and systems is inhibited. And at a temperature of 32.0 degrees, the child may faint.

Most likely causes of low body temperature

A short-term drop in temperature can be caused by external factors, such as low indoor temperatures or a long stay outside. Also, low temperature is typical for adolescents, during the period of uneven development of organs and other body systems. These temperature drops are considered normal and do not require medical supervision. Parents in this case, nothing to worry about.

What can low body temperature indicate?

  • A decrease in temperature in children can occur with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is extremely important for a growing body to receive the necessary trace elements for normal development, so it is necessary to monitor their presence in food.
  • Failure of the immune system. Such a decrease in temperature is observed after a serious illness, vaccination, or with a pathology of the immune system.
  • Intoxication with various toxins also provokes a low body temperature.
  • Studying contributes to stress in a child, and many factors that lead to chronic fatigue can also influence this.

Do I need to raise the temperature and how to do it

If the child has simple hypothermia, then it is enough to wrap him in a blanket and give him a warm drink to drink, in no case should you put him in a hot bath, this can only damage the body. If the low temperature lasts from 2 days, then you should be alert and not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.
Remember, the health of children is in your hands and your duty is to notice the signals of a small organism in time and take the child to a specialist.

IN different ages children often have a fever. But sometimes a low temperature in a child causes no less unrest in mothers, since the condition sometimes has no other symptoms. Hypothermia is often a wake-up call of a severe illness, but sometimes a drop in temperature is just a temporary and minor characteristic.

Before the health of the baby worsens, it is better to try to determine the causes of the low temperature immediately.

  • Virus. The temperature drops as a result of infection in the body and stay up to 4 days. The baby is drowsy and lethargic, cold sweat periodically appears on the body.
  • Weakened immunity. After a recent cold, vaccinations are normal. Medicines for fever also weaken the immune system.
  • Lack of thermoregulation. Here, temperature is not a cause for concern, as transient hypothermia lasts only a few hours.
  • Poisoning. In some cases, intoxication leads to an unusual reaction of the body, including cooling of the body, chills and trembling.
  • Medicines for colds. An overdose of drops that constrict blood vessels can bring the child not only to hypothermia, but also to fainting.
  • Chronic diseases. A change in temperature for a long time for no apparent reason usually indicates problems with the respiratory tract, diseases of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, and signals a low level of hemoglobin. The condition is accompanied by additional symptoms - sweat and cooling of the extremities.
  • Hypothermia. The body will react by lowering the temperature to the long stay of the child in the cold outside without a hat, and simply in clothes that are not suitable for the weather. The same thing happens when the baby got wet or spent more than an hour in cool water in the summer.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of biologically active substances in the body leads to a prolonged drop in temperature. Most often, adolescents who are on a diet suffer from this condition.
  • congenital pathology. Chronic hypothermia does not occur often, but sometimes in babies from birth, the temperature remains in the region of 35.5 degrees. But the child is doing well. In premature babies, violation of thermoregulation is completely the norm.
  • Psychological factors. Stress and anxiety have a serious impact on the physiological system, so they can also cause a drop in temperature.

How to determine

Low body temperature in a child makes itself felt through the general condition of the baby. Watch it and make sure the thermometer reading is correct.

  • Temperature deviation from the norm often leads to a bad mood in children.
  • Hypothermia is also associated with lethargy and lethargy.
  • Appetite is very low, and often absent altogether.
  • The child has a headache.
  • The kid is overly irritable.
  • Finally, children often tend to sleep.

Just in case, it is worth buying two thermometers at once in order to eliminate errors in the readings of the device and avoid unnecessary worries.


There are no drugs that restore the normal temperature in a child. Nevertheless, there are a number of tips, following which you will alleviate the condition of the baby. To do this, do the following:

  • keep your baby warm. Lie down next to him, let him sleep with you until the condition stabilizes. This method is most effective in the case of hypothermia in infants;
  • in case of hypothermia on the street, the child must be changed into dry clothes, wrapped in a blanket and given more warm liquid;
  • if hypothermia is caused by a psychological condition, it is necessary to monitor the normalization of the child’s sleep and restrictions in mental and physical stress;
  • a child with a temperature caused by a decline blood pressure, allow some dark chocolate with strong tea;
  • It is easy to protect the body from cooling by putting on clothes for the season and keeping your feet warm. Do not delay winter walks;
  • hardening and physical activity strengthen the body and reduce the likelihood of temperature fluctuations;
  • in order to strengthen immunity and fight infection, it is worth including more fruits and vitamins in the diet, nutrition should be balanced and saturated with essential trace elements.

Summing up

  • When determining the causes of low temperature in children, pay attention to their psycho-emotional state and external signs.
  • Hypothermia is a harmless and even common occurrence in infants and older babies, in the absence of other symptoms and exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  • Any drugs should be given to the child according to the instructions and after consultation with a specialist. Temperature drop - frequent side effect many strong medicines.
  • Usually the temperature becomes low in babies due to an infection and weak immunity, and in case of hypothermia.
  • The easiest way to normalize the condition of children with a low temperature is to warm them. Mom's warmth and a thick blanket, combined with plenty of fluids, are enough.
  • Excellent thermoregulation in a child is a consequence not only of restoring health, but also of prevention. Sports and proper nutrition- the best helpers in maintaining a stable temperature of 36.6 degrees.
  • Do not check the child's temperature while sleeping or immediately after sleep. In such a case, the readings of the thermometer cannot be considered objective.
  • Symptoms such as cold sweat, lack of appetite, pain, vomiting and nausea should alert any mother, she should immediately call a doctor.
  • No need to do a lot of rubbing to a small child hoping for a speedy recovery. Excessive "physical" methods of influencing the body, according to experts, can do more harm than good.
  • When dressing a child in warm clothes, do not wrap him additionally. Do not keep a child with improvements under the covers for a long time. It is much more effective to bring the condition back to normal by returning the child to normal play activity.
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