How to lower the temperature in the room. Hellish hell: what to do if the apartment is too hot in winter How to lower the temperature in the apartment in the heat

Already at the end of May, the inhabitants of Russia felt that hot days were on their way. In the morning we started waking up earlier, but not because we had gone to bed earlier, but because of the hot sun rays that heated our rooms, from the sweat flowing in hail ... In general, everything speaks of the approach of summer and the heat that everyone was waiting for and from which soon we will all be so desperate to save ourselves.

The best remedy for heat is air conditioning. More and more Russian apartments can boast of this boon of civilization. But what if there is no air conditioning in the apartment? How to save yourself from the heat? Do not surrender to her mercy.

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of options. studied them and selected the four most effective ways that will help you survive without air conditioning, even in the most intense heat.

We close the windows

The heat that enters our apartments mainly comes to us through the windows. From there, the sun's rays enter the room, from which we begin to feel as if in a microwave oven. From there, hot air also enters the houses, which then cannot be expelled from the apartment in any way.

How to deal with it? Everything ingenious is simple - you need to close all the windows as much as possible. And this applies not only to the usual meaning of this word for us - to close the doors. In general, it is necessary to block any communication between the apartment and the street through the windows.

Thick curtains are best suited for this, which will not allow the sun's rays to penetrate into the apartment. If you close them in the evening, then in the morning you can feel the difference compared to the previous day - the apartment will become noticeably cooler.

There is another option. It is ideal if you do not want to live all summer like moles in their hole without sunlight. We are talking about a mirror film, which many people glue on windows. It lets in some light and allows you to look out the window, but it reflects most of the sun's rays, preventing the heat from penetrating into the room.

And of course, you should not follow the advice to open windows in the heat. If you do not have the opportunity to arrange a draft, this will only allow hot summer air to enter the apartment, and even with dust and smells from the street.

Get hydrated

Moisture also helps keep the heat out. And there are a lot of possibilities to use water for cooling rooms.

You can start, perhaps, with a spray gun. Periodically spraying moisture from it in the apartment, you can reduce the temperature inside. You should not overdo it with this matter either, if you do not want to turn the room into a steam room. It will be enough to spray water once an hour - an hour and a half.

An automatic humidifier can replace the fuss with a spray bottle. It will do all the work for you. To additionally cool the apartment, we can advise you to add ordinary ice to the container with water that will be sprayed in the apartment.

The next method is as old as the world - soak towels in cold water and hang them around the apartment. It will look at least strange, but it will still help to lower the temperature in the room - it has been tested by the generations of our ancestors.

Moisture can be used not only to cool the apartment, but also to save yourself from the heat. This can be either the usual wetting of the head in cool water, or the periodic adoption of a full-fledged cool shower. This will not make the apartment colder, but you can forget about the heat for a certain time.

As a last resort, you can combine the last two ways to combat the heat - hang a damp, cold towel around your neck, as athletes do.

Turning off everything

It is no secret that all household appliances emit heat during operation. Even the same refrigerator, which is supposed to cool, does this only inside itself. Outside, it gives off a huge amount of heat that remains in your apartment. Turning off the refrigerator, of course, is an extreme measure, but you can think about minimizing the use of all kinds of vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, curling irons, irons, computers and even TVs.

This advice especially applies to the kitchen, in which, as a rule, the air temperature is several degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. In the heat, it is worth cooking less on fire - this greatly affects the ambient temperature.

You can turn off something else in your apartment. There is a heated towel rail in the bathroom. As a rule, it is connected to a pipe with hot water and, in addition to its main function, it also serves to heat the bathroom. But with the central heating turned off, it does not turn off and continues to work throughout the year. It can usually be turned off by shutting off the two valves leading from the riser to the heated towel rail. If there are no such valves in your case, you can try to wrap it with foil. This should prevent the penetration of heat from the heated towel rail into the apartment.

DIY air conditioner

If you do not have an air conditioner in your apartment and for some reason you cannot install it yourself, nothing prevents us from making a primitive air conditioner with our own hands. All we need is a bowl of cold water, some ice and an electric fan.

One fan will not be enough to cool the air in the apartment. It will only create the illusion of coolness by increasing the movement of air so that the sweat from your body evaporates faster. It helps a little, but does not save in a serious heat.

To correct the situation, it is enough just to put a bowl of water and ice in the way of the air from the fan. Cold evaporation from the basin will mix with air currents and spread throughout the apartment. This will immediately humidify the air and lower the temperature.

If there is no fan, then a bowl of ice and water will also be useful. By simply placing it close to you, you can make your stay in a hot apartment a little more comfortable.

What do we usually complain about to city utilities when winter comes into its own? That's right, most of the complaints relate to heating. It often gets too cold in apartments, and we start asking utilities to do something to make the batteries even a little hotter.

But in the winter of 2016, many regions of Russia experienced a surprisingly warm winter. At times, the average temperature outside the window exceeded the norm by ten degrees at once. And utilities do not always have time to quickly respond to such changes.

As a result, many residents of Russia for the first time faced such a problem as "overheating". This word refers to the situation when employees of heating networks work too hard, as a result of which the temperature inside the apartments exceeds all established standards, causing discomfort to citizens. By the way, the normal temperature in the apartment is 22-24 degrees above zero on the Celsius scale. Fluctuations of plus or minus two degrees are considered acceptable. If the temperature for a sufficiently long time does not meet these standards, you can make a noise with a clear conscience.

The situation, to put it mildly, is atypical for Russia, and therefore few people know what can be done in such cases. And there can be several exits at once. Which one to choose will depend on the specific situation.

The easy way

The easiest way to cope with the increased temperature in the room is for those who have a radiator system installed in the apartment with adjustable hot water supply. It is enough just to cover or completely shut off the water supply to the radiator, and the thermometer in your apartment will crawl down before your eyes.

The balancing valve can also be installed on the heating riser. As a result of its complete or partial overlap, the temperature in the dwelling will decrease. Having found the best option, you can easily bring the home climate to the required rate.

This, of course, will solve the problem with an elevated temperature in your apartment. However, this is only the suppression of symptoms, when you can pay attention to the cause of the problem. There is another unpleasant aspect of overheating - every extra degree by which our radiators heat up is the money that we overpay for heating.

We complain in all instances

In order not to pay extra money for heating, you need to draw the attention of public utilities to the problem of too hot radiators in the apartments of your house.

To begin with, it is worth trying to influence the situation through your management company. Formally, the residents of the house are not directly connected with the employees of the heating network of the city, therefore, it is not the apartment owners who should communicate with them, but the management of the management company, which is responsible for a particular house.

If a complaint was written to the management company, but this did not bring any result, you can contact the higher authorities, which are the housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. It is important to draw the attention of officials to the fact that it is hot in the house, and the appeal to the management company did not lead to any results. Not the fact that even such measures will be able to quickly solve the problem. Rather, it will have to be resolved due to natural conditions or a planned decrease in temperature in the network. But by doing this, you will show the management company that you do not intend to put up with their dishonest work, guaranteeing careful consideration of your future applications.

There is one nuance in this solution to the problem. It is important that you are not the only one who applies to the management company, and later to higher authorities. You need to make sure that the rest of the residents of your house are also facing the problem of overheating. After all, there are often cases when it is too hot in the apartments on the first floors of the house, and the residents of the upper floors complain about the cold, which makes the public utilities work harder. And so it turns out the overflow.

In this case, simply adjusting the heating intensity will not solve the problem - the management company will have to carry out work to balance the heating system in the house so that the temperature in the apartments on the upper floors is the same as on the first floors of the house.

Extreme measures

But it often happens that there are no control valves either on the risers or on the radiators in the apartment, and there is no urine to wait for the actions of the management company and answers from housing inspections and Rospotrebnadzor - it's too hot.

In such cases, you will have to act by "folk" methods. The most popular way to regulate the temperature in an apartment is to open windows. You can try to find the optimal solution using this move. This will be much easier to do if you have modern plastic windows with a micro-ventilation mode installed in your home. Such windows leave only a small gap through which cool fresh air enters the apartment. This will prevent the apartment from cooling down and dropping the temperature too much.

There is another case - blankets. It is believed that by covering radiators with blankets, you can lower the average temperature in your apartment. The logic is simple: the material from which the blanket is made has a minimum heat transfer coefficient. It will take heat from the radiator without "giving it away" to the atmosphere in the apartment. The way out, to put it mildly, is not the most reliable, but, as they say, without fish ...

Summer often comes suddenly. It would seem that only yesterday we wrapped ourselves in jackets, and today the air temperature has exceeded thirty. The season of heat, sweat and suffering has begun. Why suffer? Our tips will help make it easier to stay in a room where for some reason there is no air conditioning. ICE
If you have a fan, you can quickly get rid of the heat by placing two plastic bottles of frozen water in front of it. Point the blades at them - and after 5-10 minutes the room will become much cooler. In the absence of a fan, place several open ice containers around the room. This will help reduce the air temperature by a few degrees - though not as quickly as in the first case.
This method has a short-term effect, but can bring a sense of relief when summer temperatures are already starting to go through the roof. Fill a spray bottle with very cold water and spray it periodically in the room you want to cool.
Attention: do not overdo it with moisture, so that you do not have to deal with mold later!
A similar effect can be achieved using an automatic humidifier or a cold vapor nebulizer.

Thick curtains that block out light will help close the room from direct sunlight and prevent the room from overheating. And if they are also wetted with cold water, they will give a feeling of freshness and coolness in a stuffy room.
If you literally "melt" from the heat, use a little trick that will make you feel better. Lightly stroke the skin on your hands with your fingertips, causing goosebumps. Do you feel a wave of cold run through you?
What can cool the air better than cold-producing technology? Of course, you can’t keep the refrigerator open for a long time, but it is he who will help you escape in a hot kitchen (especially if you decide to cook something). TEXTILE
Freeze sheets or bath towels in the refrigerator and hang around the apartment. You will be able to keep the apartment cool all day long, changing the “warmed up” textiles to cool ones.

In the hot season, carry out wet cleaning as often as possible. Wipe the floors, window sills, shelves, doors - you'll see, it will become much easier to breathe.
Try tricking your body with essential oils that give you a feeling of coolness and freshness. Place containers of water around the room with 2-3 drops of peppermint, lavender, jasmine, or orange blossom oil.
You have no idea how much working equipment heats up the air in the room! In the hot summer months, try to disconnect unnecessary equipment from the network - the temperature in the apartment will become much more comfortable.

Replace conventional light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Incandescent lamps get very hot, giving off 95% of their heat, which means that in an hour of operation, a 100-watt light bulb can raise the air temperature in a small room by more than 1 degree.
Disperse the stagnant hot air in the apartment with a draft by opening as many windows as possible. And if you install two fans in a room, pointing them at each other, the air temperature in the room will drop by several degrees in a matter of seconds.

At high temperature and humidity, the room becomes stuffy and uncomfortable. If you have an air conditioner, all you have to do is turn on the device and wait for the temperature to drop, but not every home has air conditioning systems, which will cost a lot of money to keep running in very hot weather. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to cool a room without an air conditioner.


How to reduce exposure to heat sources

    Close blinds and curtains. About 30 percent of unwanted heat enters a room through windows. Use thick curtains to keep direct sunlight from raising the temperature in the room. If the windows have not yet installed blinds or curtains, hurry to correct the situation, especially in rooms with windows facing south and west. Such protective equipment will help you reduce the room temperature by 10 degrees.

    • On the sunniest days, do not open the shutters and curtains from morning until evening.
    • If the temperature in the room is always high, buy blackout curtains with thermal insulation.
  1. Turn off unnecessary heat generating devices, appliances and fixtures. Each switched on electrical appliance contributes to the increase in the temperature in the room. Turn off any unused devices. Computers and TVs generate a lot of heat, as do incandescent bulbs. Always turn off unnecessary lighting.

  2. Put things in order. Mountains of clothes and other things absorb heat and do not allow it to leave the room. The less clutter in the room, the more space for heat to dissipate and the faster the temperature drops. Clutter also restricts air circulation and makes the room feel even hotter. Put all your clothes in the closet and close the door.

    • Quickly review the remaining things and put the maximum order in the room.
  3. Open the window and close the doors to other rooms. If it is warmer indoors than outdoors, then the walls have probably absorbed a lot of the sun's heat during the day. The accumulated heat should be released to the street by opening the windows in the room. Close the doors to other rooms that are not currently in use. So the temperature will drop much faster.

    • Don't forget to close the windows when the room gets cooler.

Air conditioners are not only expensive, but also harmful to health (dries the air, it collects a lot of dust and bacteria). In addition, air conditioners consume a lot of energy, which negatively affects the environment as a whole. It turns out that you can live without air conditioners (our parents and grandparents lived without them). 40 tips on how to escape the heat at home, at work and in the car.

How to save yourself from the heat at home?

    Hang curtains or blinds on windows. If light enters the room, it raises the temperature of the dwelling by 3-10 degrees, while also creating a greenhouse effect.

    Windows can be sealed with reflective film, and removed in the fall. Such a film is inexpensive, but the effect gives. Alternatively, the film can be sewn to the curtains from the side of the window.

    Buy a fan (it is several times cheaper than an air conditioner). Place several bottles of frozen water or a plate of ice under or in front of the fan. So you will create the effect of an air conditioner (cold air will blow). The disadvantage of the fan is that it consumes a lot of electricity.

    During the day, close the windows of the premises, and early in the morning or in the evenings, arrange a draft. This is how you cool the room. Sleep at night with an open balcony or wide open windows.

    Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED. They emit 80% less heat than incandescent bulbs.

    The easiest way to cool down is to drink drinks with ice (you can use water from the refrigerator). Drink in small portions, this way you will avoid not only hypothermia of the throat, but also excessive sweating.

    If possible, regularly take cool or warm showers. A cool shower will lower your body temperature, while a warm one will give you the illusion that the temperature in the room is lower than it actually is. In addition, the shower will moisturize the skin, which is very important in the heat.

    During the hottest part of the day, wrap a wet towel around your head or neck.

    Avoid using the stove and oven. In the heat, as a rule, you do not want to eat, this is a natural reaction. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits or snack on cold snacks.

    Take an example from pets, they are inactive in the heat. Try and you reduce your activity in the hot time of the day, get up earlier or do things in the evening.

    If the heat makes it difficult to fall asleep, a couple of hours before bedtime, fold bedding in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, of course, the bed will warm up, but falling asleep will be much more pleasant. In addition, bedding and pillows should be made from light and natural fabrics.

    Keep a bottle of cold water by your bed so you can moisten your throat and wipe your face at night without getting out of bed.

How to escape the heat at work?

    Dress wisely - in summer, it is easiest to endure the heat in light-coloured loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics, ideally cotton.

    If you travel far to work, stock up on cold water by putting a bottle of water in the freezer overnight. The water will slowly freeze, and you will be able to drink cold water for a long time, and then cool water, however, in a sip.

    It is not superfluous to carry a fan and a handkerchief with you in the heat. A handkerchief can be moistened with water and wipe your face and hands in stuffy transport. Well, with a breeze from a fan, you will please both yourself and your neighbor.

    In the summer, try to avoid makeup, creams, and antiperspirants. Your skin is already having a hard time breathing.

    Put a small aquarium on your desktop, not necessarily with fish. The water will evaporate and cool the air a little.

    Keep a small spray bottle near you and periodically spray your face, hands, and the area around you.

    Drink green tea, it regulates heat exchange well.

    In the office it is good to have plants with large leaves (begonia or ficus), irrigating them with water, you will enjoy the moisture around you for a long time.

    At lunchtime, try to eat less heavy food (meat, cakes), limit yourself to a salad or fruit.

    Try to do all the important things in the morning, while the sun is still not so hot.

    Alternatively, you can put a small fan under the table, it will blow on the legs, thereby cooling the whole body, and there is almost no noise from it.

How to save yourself from the heat in the car?

    Hang sunshades on suction cups on all car windows. They will help reduce the temperature in the cabin by 5-7 degrees.

    Get a refrigerator for your car and keep ice cubes and water in it at all times. With a cube, you can easily wipe your face and neck, and take cold water with you to the office.

    Install the "mirror" screen on the windshield (clamp the edges with doors). If you install the screen inside (as many do), then the heat and sunlight reflected by it remain in the cabin.

    The cleaner your car, the better it reflects sunlight. Wash and polish your car frequently.

    Put a bag with plastic bottles of frozen water or rubber ice packs in the back seat of the car, the air in the car will be cooler.

    In the car interior, use the essential oil of coniferous trees. Gives a refreshing effect when inhaled.

    Walk barefoot on the ground, grass and houses.

    Replace water with vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon). They will not only quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

    Persimmons or bananas, as well as green and white fruits and vegetables, have a cooling effect.

    Try to spend more time near the water. But remember, at high temperatures it is not recommended to dive into the water, because. Due to the temperature difference, there may be a spasm of the vessels of the heart.

    In the heat, give up alcohol, including beer (it dehydrates) and coffee - this is an extra load on the blood vessels. Lemonade is highly undesirable, because. it has a lot of sugar and it increases blood pressure, which is undesirable in the heat.

    In the heat, it is better to drink water with lemon, mineral water, fresh juices, compotes.

    If possible, go outside before 11 o'clock or after 17 o'clock in the afternoon.

    In summer, the level of ultraviolet radiation is always high. Wear a head covering such as a wide-brimmed hat, sun glasses, and sunscreen on exposed areas.

    When taking a shower, try not to use detergents, they dry the skin. The shower will wash away the sweat and cleanse the skin.

    Try not to turn on the computer and other energy-consuming devices during the day. This will help keep you cool in the room.

    Any heat is easier to bear outside the city. If possible, go to the village to relax, eat natural vegetables and fruits.

    Adapt. After all, people have lived without air conditioners for hundreds of years, and many still continue to live. Lead a healthy lifestyle, keep fit, and in any weather you will feel comfortable.

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